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Page 54

**Translation into the Easiest English:**

*From the Post-War Time to the Reunification*

**The Potsdam Conference**

To decide on the new order of Europe and the future of Germany, the four victorious powers met
in the summer of 1945 at Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam. At the negotiation table sat Josef
Stalin (Soviet Union), Harry S. Truman (USA), and Winston S. Churchill (Great Britain). In the
so-called Potsdam Agreement, they decided on things like democratization, demilitarization, and
denazification. The four victorious powers—the USA, Soviet Union, Great Britain, and
France—took over the government power in Germany.

The Control Council, made up of the four Allies, decided on all questions that concerned
Germany as a whole. The German Reich was divided into four occupation zones of different
sizes, and Berlin was divided into four sectors. Austria was also occupied by the Allies after the
war. It only became a free and independent state again with the State Treaty in 1955.


**Questions and Answers in German with English Translation:**

**1. Frage:** Wer traf sich im Sommer 1945 im Potsdamer Schloss Cecilienhof?
**1. Question:** Who met in the summer of 1945 at Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam?

**Antwort:** Die vier Siegermächte, nämlich Josef Stalin (Sowjetunion), Harry S. Truman (USA)
und Winston S. Churchill (Großbritannien), trafen sich.
**Answer:** The four victorious powers, namely Josef Stalin (Soviet Union), Harry S. Truman
(USA), and Winston S. Churchill (Great Britain), met.

**2. Frage:** Was wurde im Potsdamer Abkommen festgelegt?
**2. Question:** What was decided in the Potsdam Agreement?

**Antwort:** Es wurde die Demokratisierung, Entmilitarisierung und Entnazifizierung festgelegt.

**Answer:** Democratization, demilitarization, and denazification were decided.


**3. Frage:** Welche Länder übernahmen die Regierungsgewalt in Deutschland nach dem
**3. Question:** Which countries took over the government power in Germany after the war?

**Antwort:** Die vier Siegermächte USA, Sowjetunion, Großbritannien und Frankreich

übernahmen die Regierungsgewalt in Deutschland.
**Answer:** The four victorious powers—the USA, Soviet Union, Great Britain, and
France—took over the government power in Germany.


**4. Frage:** Wie wurde das Deutsche Reich nach dem Krieg aufgeteilt?
**4. Question:** How was the German Reich divided after the war?

**Antwort:** Es wurde in vier unterschiedlich große Besatzungszonen und Berlin in vier

Sektoren aufgeteilt.
**Answer:** It was divided into four occupation zones of different sizes, and Berlin was divided
into four sectors.


**5. Frage:** Wann wurde Österreich wieder ein freier und unabhängiger Staat?
**5. Question:** When did Austria become a free and independent state again?

**Antwort:** Österreich wurde durch den Staatsvertrag 1955 wieder ein freier und unabhängiger
**Answer:** Austria became a free and independent state again with the State Treaty in 1955.

Page 55

**Translation into the Easiest English:**

*The Cold War, the Berlin Blockade, and the Uprising of June 17*

- The Cold War between the East and the West breaks apart the Anti-Hitler Coalition. This has
direct effects on the policies of the occupying powers in Germany. The three Western powers
and the Soviet Union each go their own ways in their occupation zones, which in 1949 leads to
the creation of two German states.

- The currency reform carried out in June 1948 in the Western sectors of Berlin is the reason for
the Berlin Blockade by the Soviet Union. The goal of starving the West Berlin population is to
prevent the formation of a West German state. This attempt fails. For nine months, the city is
supplied by the Allied airlift. In 1949, the Soviets lift the blockade. At the same time, the Federal
Republic of Germany (FRG) is created from the three Western occupation zones. The German
Democratic Republic (GDR) is formed from the Eastern zone on October 7, 1949.

- Work difficulties, price increases, and a lack of food cause an increase in refugees fleeing to
the West. On the morning of June 17, 1953, thousands of GDR citizens stop working. Violence
breaks out against the Soviet presence. Russian tanks appear in Berlin. The uprising is crushed
by the violence of the Russian military.


**Questions and Answers for Each Sentence in German with English Translation:**

1. **Frage:** Was passiert durch den Kalten Krieg zwischen Ost und West?
**Question:** What happens because of the Cold War between the East and the West?

**Antwort:** Die Anti-Hitler-Koalition zerbricht, was unmittelbare Auswirkungen auf die Politik
der Besatzungsmächte in Deutschland hat.
**Answer:** The Anti-Hitler Coalition breaks apart, which has direct effects on the policies of
the occupying powers in Germany.


2. **Frage:** Was passiert mit den Besatzungszonen der drei Westmächte und der
**Question:** What happens with the occupation zones of the three Western powers and the
Soviet Union?

**Antwort:** Die drei Westmächte und die Sowjetunion gehen in ihren Besatzungszonen
eigene Wege, was 1949 zur Gründung zweier deutscher Staaten führt.
**Answer:** The three Western powers and the Soviet Union each go their own ways in their
occupation zones, which in 1949 leads to the creation of two German states.


3. **Frage:** Was war der Anlass für die Berlin-Blockade durch die Sowjetunion?
**Question:** What was the reason for the Berlin Blockade by the Soviet Union?

**Antwort:** Die im Juni 1948 durchgeführte Währungsreform in den Westsektoren von Berlin
war der Anlass für die Berlin-Blockade.
**Answer:** The currency reform carried out in June 1948 in the Western sectors of Berlin was
the reason for the Berlin Blockade.


4. **Frage:** Was wollte die Sowjetunion mit der Berlin-Blockade verhindern?

**Question:** What did the Soviet Union want to prevent with the Berlin Blockade?

**Antwort:** Die Sowjetunion wollte die Bildung eines westdeutschen Teilstaates verhindern.
**Answer:** The Soviet Union wanted to prevent the formation of a West German state.

5. **Frage:** Was passiert während der Berlin-Blockade?
**Question:** What happens during the Berlin Blockade?

**Antwort:** Die Stadt wird neun Monate lang durch die Luftbrücke der Alliierten versorgt.
**Answer:** The city is supplied by the Allied airlift for nine months.


6. **Frage:** Wann heben die Sowjets die Blockade wieder auf?

**Question:** When do the Soviets lift the blockade?

**Antwort:** 1949 heben die Sowjets die Blockade wieder auf.

**Answer:** In 1949, the Soviets lift the blockade.


7. **Frage:** Was entsteht zur selben Zeit aus den drei westlichen Besatzungszonen?
**Question:** What is created at the same time from the three Western occupation zones?

**Antwort:** Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD) entsteht aus den drei westlichen
**Answer:** The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is created from the three Western
occupation zones.


8. **Frage:** Was passiert am 7. Oktober 1949 in der Ostzone?

**Question:** What happens on October 7, 1949, in the Eastern zone?

**Antwort:** Aus der Ostzone wird die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) gegründet.
**Answer:** The German Democratic Republic (GDR) is formed from the Eastern zone.

9. **Frage:** Was verursachen Arbeitsschwierigkeiten, Preiserhöhungen und Mangel an
**Question:** What do work difficulties, price increases, and a lack of food cause?

**Antwort:** Sie verursachen eine Zunahme von Westflüchtlingen.

**Answer:** They cause an increase in refugees fleeing to the West.


10. **Frage:** Was passiert am Morgen des 17. Juni 1953?

**Question:** What happens on the morning of June 17, 1953?

**Antwort:** Tausende von DDR-Bürgern legen ihre Arbeit nieder.

**Answer:** Thousands of GDR citizens stop working.


11. **Frage:** Was passiert nach dem Arbeitsstreik der DDR-Bürger?

**Question:** What happens after the work strike by GDR citizens?

**Antwort:** Es kommt zu Gewaltaktionen gegen die sowjetische Präsenz.

**Answer:** Violence breaks out against the Soviet presence.


12. **Frage:** Was tun die russischen Militärs, um den Aufstand niederzuschlagen?
**Question:** What do the Russian military do to crush the uprising?

**Antwort:** Russische Panzer fahren in Berlin auf, und der Aufstand wird durch die Gewalt
der russischen Militärs zusammengebrochen.
**Answer:** Russian tanks appear in Berlin, and the uprising is crushed by the violence of the
Russian military.
Page 57

**Translation into the Easiest English:**

*The Berlin Wall*

After the failed Hungarian uprising in 1956, the East German (GDR) government tightened the
border barriers to prevent people from fleeing to the West: before the Berlin Wall was built,
almost 3 million people had left East Germany. In July 1961 alone, over 30,000 people had fled.
The construction of the Berlin Wall began on August 13, 1961. With its complete sealing, the
GDR wanted to stop the ever-growing flow of refugees to the West. This barrier completed the
division of Europe into two political blocs: the Warsaw Pact in the East and NATO in the West.
As part of efforts to ease tensions in Germany, U.S. President Kennedy made a historic visit to
Berlin in March 1963.


**Questions and Answers for Each Sentence in German with English Translation:**

1. **Frage:** Was passiert nach dem gescheiterten Ungarn-Aufstand 1956?

**Question:** What happens after the failed Hungarian uprising in 1956?

**Antwort:** Die DDR-Regierung verschärft die Sperranlagen, um die Flucht nach dem
Westen zu verhindern.
**Answer:** The East German government tightened the border barriers to prevent people
from fleeing to the West.


2. **Frage:** Wie viele Menschen hatten die DDR vor dem Bau der Berliner Mauer verlassen?
**Question:** How many people had left East Germany before the Berlin Wall was built?

**Antwort:** Fast 3 Millionen Menschen hatten die DDR verlassen.

**Answer:** Almost 3 million people had left East Germany.

3. **Frage:** Wie viele Menschen flüchteten im Juli 1961?

**Question:** How many people fled in July 1961?

**Antwort:** Über 30.000 Menschen waren im Juli 1961 geflüchtet.

**Answer:** Over 30,000 people fled in July 1961.


4. **Frage:** Wann wurde mit dem Bau der Berliner Mauer begonnen?
**Question:** When did the construction of the Berlin Wall begin?

**Antwort:** Der Bau der Berliner Mauer wurde am 13. August 1961 begonnen.
**Answer:** The construction of the Berlin Wall began on August 13, 1961.


5. **Frage:** Was wollte die DDR mit der Abriegelung erreichen?

**Question:** What did East Germany want to achieve with the sealing?

**Antwort:** Die DDR wollte den immer größeren Strom von Flüchtlingen in den Westen
**Answer:** East Germany wanted to stop the ever-growing flow of refugees to the West.


6. **Frage:** Was vollendete die Sperre?

**Question:** What did the barrier complete?

**Antwort:** Die Sperre vollendete die Spaltung Europas in zwei politische Blöcke: den
Warschauer Pakt im Osten und die NATO im Westen.
**Answer:** The barrier completed the division of Europe into two political blocs: the Warsaw
Pact in the East and NATO in the West.


7. **Frage:** Was passierte im Rahmen der Bemühungen um einen Entspannungsprozess in

**Question:** What happened as part of efforts to ease tensions in Germany?

**Antwort:** Im März 1963 fand der historische Besuch des amerikanischen Präsidenten
Kennedy in Berlin statt.
**Answer:** In March 1963, U.S. President Kennedy made a historic visit to Berlin.

Pg 58

**Translation into the Easiest English:**

*The Fall of the Wall*

In October 1989, more and more people in East Germany (GDR) protested for political reforms
after many had fled to the West during the summer through socialist-friendly countries like
Czechoslovakia and Hungary. On November 4, 1989, the largest mass demonstration in the
history of the GDR took place: around one million citizens gathered at Alexanderplatz in Berlin.
On the evening of November 9, the unexpected announcement of the immediate opening of the
wall was made. The news spread quickly. An incredible number of people from East and West
Berlin gathered at the wall. In December 1989, more and more demonstrators demanded
German unity. The original slogan "We are the people!" increasingly became "We are one
people!" However, there were also critical voices warning against reunification and arguing for
the independence of East Germany. The majority of the population, however, hoped for a quick
reunification. In March 1990, the first free elections took place in East Germany, and on October
3, 1990, the former GDR joined the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). Since then, October
3rd has been celebrated as the Day of German Unity.

**Questions and Answers for Each Sentence in German with English Translation:**

1. **Frage:** Was passierte im Oktober 1989 in der DDR?

**Question:** What happened in October 1989 in East Germany?

**Antwort:** Immer mehr Menschen demonstrierten für politische Reformen.

**Answer:** More and more people protested for political reforms.


2. **Frage:** Wohin flüchteten viele Menschen im Sommer 1989?

**Question:** Where did many people flee in the summer of 1989?

**Antwort:** Sie flüchteten über die Tschechoslowakei und Ungarn in den Westen.
**Answer:** They fled to the West through Czechoslovakia and Hungary.


3. **Frage:** Was geschah am 4. November 1989?

**Question:** What happened on November 4, 1989?

**Antwort:** Die größte Massendemonstration in der Geschichte der DDR fand statt.
**Answer:** The largest mass demonstration in the history of East Germany took place.


4. **Frage:** Was wurde am Abend des 9. November 1989 verkündet?

**Question:** What was announced on the evening of November 9, 1989?

**Antwort:** Die sofortige Öffnung der Mauer wurde verkündet.

**Answer:** The immediate opening of the wall was announced.

5. **Frage:** Wie reagierten die Menschen auf die Nachricht von der Maueröffnung?
**Question:** How did people react to the news of the wall opening?

**Antwort:** Eine unglaubliche Menschenzahl aus Ost- und West-Berlin versammelte sich an
der Mauer.
**Answer:** An incredible number of people from East and West Berlin gathered at the wall.


6. **Frage:** Was forderten immer mehr Demonstranten im Dezember 1989?

**Question:** What did more and more demonstrators demand in December 1989?

**Antwort:** Sie forderten die Deutsche Einheit.

**Answer:** They demanded German unity.


7. **Frage:** Wie änderte sich die Parole „Wir sind das Volk!"?
**Question:** How did the slogan "We are the people!" change?

**Antwort:** Es wurde immer häufiger „Wir sind ein Volk!"

**Answer:** It increasingly became "We are one people!"


8. **Frage:** Welche kritischen Stimmen gab es bezüglich der Wiedervereinigung?

**Question:** What critical voices were there regarding reunification?

**Antwort:** Einige warnten vor der Wiedervereinigung und plädierten für die Unabhängigkeit
der DDR.
**Answer:** Some warned against reunification and argued for the independence of East

9. **Frage:** Wann fanden die ersten freien Wahlen in der DDR statt?
**Question:** When did the first free elections take place in East Germany?

**Antwort:** Im März 1990 fanden die ersten freien Wahlen statt.

**Answer:** The first free elections took place in March 1990.


10. **Frage:** Wann trat die ehemalige DDR der BRD bei?
**Question:** When did the former East Germany join West Germany?

**Antwort:** Am 3. Oktober 1990 trat die ehemalige DDR der BRD bei.
**Answer:** On October 3, 1990, the former East Germany joined West Germany.


11. **Frage:** Was wird seit dem 3. Oktober 1990 gefeiert?

**Question:** What has been celebrated since October 3, 1990?

**Antwort:** Der Tag der deutschen Einheit wird seitdem gefeiert.

**Answer:** The Day of German Unity has been celebrated since then.

Pg 77

**Translation into Easiest English:**

*German Landscapes: Wadden Sea, Forest, and the Wartburg*

**Pure Nature: The Wadden Sea**

*What is the Wadden Sea?*

The Wadden Sea is a unique ecosystem in the world, stretching from the Netherlands to
Denmark along a coastline of about 500 km and up to 15 km wide.

*Why does this landscape exist on this coast?*

The sea floor is shallow, only up to ten meters deep.

The Wadden Sea is shaped by the rise and fall of the sea level: for six hours, the water rises to
the dikes, and for six hours, it retreats. The difference between high and low water, meaning
between high tide and low tide, is about 3.5 meters.

There are small islands off the coast, called Halligen, that act as natural wave breakers.

*What else is part of the Wadden Sea?*

The Wadden Sea also includes the salt marshes in front of the dikes as well as the dunes and
beaches of the islands.

*What creatures can live there?*

A specific type of plant and animal life has developed here. In the mudflats, which are
crisscrossed by tidal channels, countless tiny creatures like bacteria and algae live, which filter
pollutants out of the seawater so that after the tide, clean water can flow from the Wadden Sea
back into the North Sea. These small creatures are also food for mussels, worms, and other
bottom-dwelling animals, which in turn are eaten by fish and birds. The salt marshes have
allowed a particularly large variety of insects and birds to thrive.

*What threatens the Wadden Sea?*

The sensitive ecosystem is threatened by pollution, overfishing, hunting, agriculture, and

*What can be done to save the Wadden Sea?*

In 1985, the regions of Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein declared large parts of the
Wadden Sea as a national park. In an area of 240,000 hectares, strict rules for visitors, limited
agricultural use, and bans on hunting and fishing have been in place since then. Soon, the first
successes were seen, so that the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea was recognized by UNESCO as
a biosphere reserve in 1993.

**Questions and Answers for Each Sentence in German with English Translation:**

1. **Frage:** Was ist das Wattenmeer?

**Question:** What is the Wadden Sea?

**Antwort:** Das Wattenmeer ist ein weltweit einzigartiges Ökosystem.

**Answer:** The Wadden Sea is a unique ecosystem in the world.


2. **Frage:** Wie lang und breit ist das Wattenmeer?

**Question:** How long and wide is the Wadden Sea?

**Antwort:** Es erstreckt sich auf einer Küstenlänge von etwa 500 km und einer Breite von bis
zu 15 km.
**Answer:** It stretches along a coastline of about 500 km and up to 15 km wide.


3. **Frage:** Warum gibt es diese Landschaft an der Küste?

**Question:** Why does this landscape exist on the coast?

**Antwort:** Der Meeresboden ist flach, nur bis zu zehn Meter tief.
**Answer:** The sea floor is shallow, only up to ten meters deep.


4. **Frage:** Wie wird das Wattenmeer geprägt?

**Question:** How is the Wadden Sea shaped?

**Antwort:** Es wird vom Auf und Ab des Meeresspiegels geprägt.

**Answer:** It is shaped by the rise and fall of the sea level.


5. **Frage:** Was passiert alle sechs Stunden im Wattenmeer?

**Question:** What happens every six hours in the Wadden Sea?

**Antwort:** Das Wasser steigt bis an die Deiche und zieht sich dann zurück.
**Answer:** The water rises to the dikes and then retreats.


6. **Frage:** Wie hoch ist der Unterschied zwischen Hoch- und Niedrigwasser?
**Question:** How high is the difference between high and low water?

**Antwort:** Der Unterschied beträgt circa 3,5 Meter.

**Answer:** The difference is about 3.5 meters.


7. **Frage:** Welche Rolle spielen die Halligen?

**Question:** What role do the Halligen play?

**Antwort:** Sie wirken als natürliche Wellenbrecher.

**Answer:** They act as natural wave breakers.


8. **Frage:** Was gehört noch zum Wattenmeer?

**Question:** What else is part of the Wadden Sea?

**Antwort:** Die Salzwiesen, Dünen und Strände der Inseln gehören auch dazu.
**Answer:** The salt marshes, dunes, and beaches of the islands are also part of it.

9. **Frage:** Welche Lebewesen leben im Watt?

**Question:** What creatures live in the mudflats?

**Antwort:** Zahllose kleinste Lebewesen wie Bakterien und Algen leben dort.
**Answer:** Countless tiny creatures like bacteria and algae live there.


10. **Frage:** Was machen die Bakterien und Algen im Meerwasser?

**Question:** What do the bacteria and algae do in the seawater?

**Antwort:** Sie filtern Schadstoffe heraus, damit sauberes Wasser in die Nordsee strömen
**Answer:** They filter pollutants so that clean water can flow into the North Sea.


11. **Frage:** Welche Tiere ernähren sich von den Kleinlebewesen?

**Question:** Which animals feed on the small creatures?

**Antwort:** Muscheln, Würmer und andere Bodentiere ernähren sich von ihnen.
**Answer:** Mussels, worms, and other bottom-dwelling animals feed on them.


12. **Frage:** Was bedroht das Wattenmeer?

**Question:** What threatens the Wadden Sea?

**Antwort:** Verschmutzung, Überfischung, Jagd, Landwirtschaft und Tourismus bedrohen

**Answer:** Pollution, overfishing, hunting, agriculture, and tourism threaten it.

13. **Frage:** Was wurde 1985 zum Schutz des Wattenmeers unternommen?
**Question:** What was done in 1985 to protect the Wadden Sea?

**Antwort:** Große Teile des Wattenmeers wurden zum Nationalpark erklärt.

**Answer:** Large parts of the Wadden Sea were declared a national park.


14. **Frage:** Welche Bestimmungen gelten im Nationalpark Wattenmeer?

**Question:** What rules apply in the Wadden Sea National Park?

**Antwort:** Es gelten strenge Bestimmungen für Besucher, Landwirtschaft, Jagd und

**Answer:** There are strict rules for visitors, agriculture, hunting, and fishing.


15. **Frage:** Wann wurde das Niedersächsische Wattenmeer als Biosphärenreservat

**Question:** When was the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea recognized as a biosphere reserve?

**Antwort:** Es wurde 1993 von der UNESCO als Biosphärenreservat anerkannt.

**Answer:** It was recognized as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 1993..

Page 79


**Between Fairy Tales and Forestry: The German Forest**

Perhaps Grimms' fairy tales have caused people to believe that the area between the Alps, the
North, and the Baltic Seas was always densely forested. This isn't entirely wrong: toward the
end of the last Ice Age, the whole of northern Europe was covered with forests. However, at the
beginning of the early Middle Ages, the landscape changed significantly. The population grew,
villages were founded, and more and more forest disappeared. In the damp and cool central
Europe, firewood and construction timber were necessary for survival, and dense forests were
turned into heathland in many places.

By the end of the 18th century, the nobility, who had been tending small forests with tall trees
since the late Middle Ages for hunting purposes, discovered that these forests, as they were
called, could also bring in money. But how could profits be made from wood? Expertise was
needed, and thus forestry science was born. Foresters decisively changed the German
landscape. Most of the trees were planted in strict rows and monocultures. Socially, foresters
had high prestige: they dedicated themselves to a cause that soon became national pride.

The forest in the entire German-speaking area has not only an economic but also an ecological
function. In the 1980s, environmentalists warned of the dangers of acid rain. The word "forest
dieback" became a term in European foreign languages. However, thanks to better
environmental protection, there are still forests in Germany today. The panic is over, and people
can once again relax on outings into the green.


**Q&A with Translation:**

**Q1:** Was glaubt man aufgrund der Grimmschen Märchen über den deutschen Wald?
**A1:** Man glaubt, dass das Gebiet zwischen Alpen, Nordsee und Ostsee stets dicht bewaldet

**Translation Q1:** What do people believe about the German forest because of Grimms' fairy
**Translation A1:** They believe that the area between the Alps, the North Sea, and the Baltic
Sea was always densely forested.

**Q2:** Wie sah Nordeuropa am Ende der Eiszeit aus?
**A2:** Am Ende der Eiszeit war ganz Nordeuropa von Wald bedeckt.

**Translation Q2:** What did northern Europe look like at the end of the Ice Age?
**Translation A2:** At the end of the Ice Age, all of northern Europe was covered with forest.


**Q3:** Was geschah im frühen Mittelalter mit den Wäldern?

**A3:** Die Bevölkerung wuchs, Dörfer wurden gegründet, und immer mehr Wald verschwand.

**Translation Q3:** What happened to the forests in the early Middle Ages?
**Translation A3:** The population grew, villages were founded, and more and more forest


**Q4:** Warum wurde im feucht-kühlen Mitteleuropa Holz benötigt?

**A4:** Holz wurde zum Überleben als Brenn- und Bauholz benötigt.

**Translation Q4:** Why was wood needed in damp and cool central Europe?
**Translation A4:** Wood was needed for survival as firewood and construction timber.


**Q5:** Was entdeckte der Adel im 18. Jahrhundert über die Wälder?
**A5:** Der Adel entdeckte, dass die Wälder auch Geld einbringen konnten.

**Translation Q5:** What did the nobility discover about the forests in the 18th century?
**Translation A5:** The nobility discovered that the forests could also bring in money.


**Q6:** Was führte zur Entstehung der Forstwissenschaft?

**A6:** Die Notwendigkeit, Gewinne aus Holz zu erzielen, führte zur Entstehung der

**Translation Q6:** What led to the development of forestry science?

**Translation A6:** The need to make profits from wood led to the development of forestry


**Q7:** Welche Bedeutung hatten Förster in der Gesellschaft?

**A7:** Förster hatten hohes Ansehen und widmeten sich einer Aufgabe, die bald nationales
Ansehen erlangte.

**Translation Q7:** What importance did foresters have in society?

**Translation A7:** Foresters had high prestige and dedicated themselves to a task that soon
gained national recognition.


**Q8:** Welche ökologische Funktion hatte der Wald in den 1980er Jahren?
**A8:** Der Wald hatte eine ökologische Funktion, und Umweltschützer warnten vor saurem

**Translation Q8:** What ecological function did the forest have in the 1980s?
**Translation A8:** The forest had an ecological function, and environmentalists warned of acid


**Q9:** Was bewirkte der bessere Umweltschutz in Deutschland?

**A9:** Der bessere Umweltschutz führte dazu, dass es in Deutschland noch Wälder gibt.

**Translation Q9:** What did better environmental protection achieve in Germany?

**Translation A9:** Better environmental protection ensured that there are still forests in


**Q10:** Wie entspannen sich die Menschen heutzutage in Deutschland?

**A10:** Die Menschen entspannen sich bei Ausflügen ins Grüne.

**Translation Q10:** How do people in Germany relax nowadays?

**Translation A10:** People relax by going on outings into the green.

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