Citation Assignment - LAWI 2024
Citation Assignment - LAWI 2024
Citation Assignment - LAWI 2024
Use The Bluebook to properly cite the following sources. Assume the citations will appear in a
legal memorandum (as opposed to an academic publication), so use The Bluepages (B1-21 and BT1 & 2)
as your starting point. Remember: “Where the Bluepages … are silent regarding the citation of a
particular document, you may use the other rules in The Bluebook, referred to as the ‘Whitepages’ to
supplement the Bluepages.” THE BLUEBOOK: A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF CITATION 3 (Columbia L. Rev.
Ass’n et al. eds., 21st ed. 2020). Don’t hesitate to use the Index when you get stuck!
I. Cases: Case Name + Volume # + Reporter + Page # + Court Abbreviation + Year of Decision
Start with B10 and refer to the Whitepages when directed. Do not worry about parallel sources.
N.B.: Make sure you pay attention to the abbreviations in T6 and T10. Check out the reporter
abbreviations by jurisdiction in T1.
1 State of Ohio against Carrie Lymanstall, Ohio v. Lymanstall, 520 U.S. 891 (1996) (per
decided per curiam by the U.S. Supreme curiam)
Court on January 6, 1996, appearing on page
891 in volume 520 of the official United
States Reports.
3 Dwayne Hawkins versus Superior Motors, Hawkins v. Superior Motors, Inc., 999 S.W.2d
Incorporated, a Supreme Court of Tennessee 769 (Tenn. 2012
case issued on May 5, 2012 and reported in
volume 999, page 769 of Southwestern
Reporter, Second Series.
4 Dr. Jessica Bonus versus Columbus Insurance Bonus v. Columbus Ins. Corp, 623 Ohio St. 3d
Corporation, decided by the Ohio Supreme 536 (Ohio 1997)
Court on March 3, 1997, in volume 623 at
page 536 of the Ohio State Reports Third.
5 Conrad O’Brien versus James Leno, III, O’Brien v. Leno, 164 N.E.2d (Ohio Ct. App.
decided by Ohio Court of Appeals on 1974)
September 12, 1974, appearing on page 592
of volume 164 of the North Eastern Reporter
6 Page 745 of Ford Automobile Company Ford Auto. Co. v. Auto. Club of Cal., 74 P.2d
versus Automobile Club of California, 739, 745 (Cal. 1961)
decided by California Supreme Court on May
4, 1961, in volume 74 of Pacific Reporter 2nd Short Form: Ford Auto Co., 74 P.2d at 745
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at page 739
10 Page 7 of decision, West Publishing West Publ'g Co. v. Law Sch. Dirs., No. 98-cv-
Company, Incorporated versus Law School 454, 1998 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 7785, at *7 (N.D.
Directors, decided by the U.S. District Court Ohio Apr. 1, 1998) (unpublished)
for the Northern District of Ohio on April 1,
1998, case number 98-cv-454, unpublished, Short Form: West Publ’g Co., 1998 U.S. Dist.
but available on Lexis at 1998 U.S. District LEXIS 7785, at *7
LEXIS 7785
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Abbreviation of US Constitution (U.S. Const),
amendment (amend.), and section (as §)
2 Title 30, sections 704 to 712 of the United 30 U.S.C. §§ 704–712 (2018).
States Code passed in 1983 and still valid and
appearing in the Code’s latest edition
5 Title 63, section 112, subsections a-h Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 63, § 112(a)-(h)
appearing in the 2020 edition of Maine’s (2020).
Revised Statutes Annotated
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Hint: Review B21 and R21.4
1 An article in the Ohio State Law Journal It All Started with L.A. Law, 54 Ohio St.
entitled “It All Started with L.A. Law,” L.J. 1165 (1993).
appearing in volume 54 (number 4) on page
1165 and published in July 1993
2 Christopher Drahozal and Samantha Zyontz’s Christopher R. Drahozal & Samantha Zyontz,
article entitled “An Empirical Study of AAA An Empirical Study of AAA Consumer
Consumer Arbitrations,” appearing in the 25th Arbitrations, 25 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol.
volume of the Ohio State Journal on Dispute 843 (2010).
Resolution at page 843 and published in 2010.
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