Assignment 7
Assignment 7
Assignment 7
Date of performance:-17/10/23
AIM: To assemble variety of clipper and clamper circuits on the breadboard using
Clipper and clamping circuits are applications of diode as a switching device. Input
to these circuits must be of alternating nature with different shapes like sinusoidal, square,
triangular etc. Clippers circuit clips off a particular portion of the input signal without
distorting the remaining part of the input waveform. It increases the average value of the
input signal by clipping (removing) a particular portion of the wave. Often DC source is
also used to change the average level. A clipping circuit requires at least two fundamental
components, a diode and a resistor. A dc battery, however, is also used in biased clippers.
The output waveform can be clipped at different levels simply by interchanging the
position of the various elements and changing the magnitude of the dc battery. Generally,
ideal diodes are considered and the complete analysis can be based on non-ideal diodes
with specific V-I characteristic.
Clippers can be series or parallel type, based on the position of diode w.r.t. load. Further
these are classified as positive and negative clippers depending on the portion of half cycle
it clips off.
The clamping circuit clamps a signal to different D.C. Levels. The circuit must have a
capacitor a diode and a resistive element, and an independent DC supply to introduce an
additional shift. The magnitude of R&C must be chosen that the time constant t= RC is
large enough to ensure that the voltage across the capacitor does not discharge significantly
during the interval the diode is non-conducting. Clampers circuits can be classified as
positive and negative clampers. Those who shift positive part of waveform are positive
clampers, else negative clampers.
Bread Board
Diode (Si ) - IN001
Resistance - 1K
Capacitor - 1uF
Power supply - 0 – 10V DC
Connectors - 06
CRO and Function Generator
Paste tinkercad ckt here
Full circuit:-
Make connections as shown in the figures for Clamper circuits on the bread board.
A pply on input signal of 1KHz & 20V using function generator & check the input on CRO.
Plot the output waveform for each circuit.
Measure the voltage across capacitor & observe the output waveform on CRO.
Vary the input and observe the output on CRO.
1. Before switch ON the power supply, make sure connections are proper:
2. No loose connections
3. Do not rotate the knobs of course and fine in power supply frequently.
4. Handle the electronic devices and equipments delicately