Dpco QB
Dpco QB
Dpco QB
5 A Prove the following using Demorgan’ theorem [(X+Y)’+(X+Y)’]’= X+Y CO1 Apply 2
51 B Design a 4-bit gray to binary code converter using gates. CO2 Apply 16
52 B Design a code convertor that converts 8421 to EXCESS-3 code. CO2 Analysis 16
57 B Design a Binary to gray code converter using gates. CO2 Apply 16
59 B How would you design full adder using two half adder? CO2 Apply 16
Implement the Boolean function. F (A, B, C, D) = Σ (0, 1, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14)
50 B CO2 Analysis
with a 8 x 1 multiplexer.
79 A State synchronous counter?And mention designing steps? CO3 Remember 2
80 A what is the problem encountered in JK flio flop? CO3 Remember 2
81 A Draw the truth table for JK flip flop CO3 Understand 2
85 A Draw the logic circuit of a clocked jk flip-flop CO3 Understand 2
86 A compare coimbinational circuit and sequential circuits CO3 Analysis 2
87 A what is the drawback of SR flip flop? CO3 Remember 2
88 A Compare the logics of synchronous and aynchrnous counter CO3 Analysis 2
89 A list some examples of the applications of flip flop CO3 Remember 2
90 A write the Excitation Table for T Flip flop CO3 Apply 2
94 A what is an excitation table? CO3 Remember 2
95 A define shift register? CO3 Remember 2
96 A Mention the different types of shift registers? CO3 Apply 2
84 B Explain the working of D-Flip flop. CO3 Understand 6
Draw the logic diagram of JK flip flop and give its characteristic table
82 B CO3 Understand 8
and exciatation table.
83 B Explain the working of three bit synchronous binary up counter CO3 Understand 8
92 B Design and explain any of shift register in details. CO3 Analysis 8
Design a Synchronous counter using JK flip flop to count the following
93 B CO3 Analysis 10
sequence 7,4,3,1,5,0,7…
91 B Design A synchronous counter wit states 0,1,2,3,0,1 using JK flip flop CO3 Apply 16
97 B Explain the different types of shift registers with neat diagram CO3 Understand 16
98 B Design a synchronous MOD-10 counter using D Flip flop CO3 Apply 16
S.No Q.Part Questions Cos
1 A State Associative law CO1
19 A Why NAND and NOR gates are called Universal gates? CO1
Understand 2
Remember 2
Understand 2
Apply 2
Analysis 2
Understand 2
Understand 2
Understand 2
Remember 2
Analysis 2
Remember 2
Remember 2
Remember 2
Remember 2
Remember 2
Understand 2
Understand 2
Remember 2
Remember 2
Remember 2
Understand 2
Apply 2
Evaluate 2
Analysis 4
Remember 6
Analysis 8
Understand 8
Remember 8
Apply 8
Apply 10
Apply 10
Analysis 12
Apply 16
Apply 16
Apply 16
Apply 16
Analysis 16
DPCO Unit 2 QB
S.No Q.Part Questions Cos BLT
A Write about the design procedure for combinational circuits. CO2 Apply
A What is BCD adder? CO2 Remember
A Define Full adder and mention its types. CO2 Understand
A Construct full adder circuit using two half adder CO2 Apply
A Convert BCD code 1001 into its Excess-3 equivalent. CO2 Understand
A Sketch the logic diagram for Full adder circuit. CO2 Apply
A Draw the logic circuit of Half subtractor. CO2 Analysis
A Write down the limitations of Half adder CO2 Apply
A Difference between encoder and decoder CO2 Understand
A Distinguish between demultiplexer and decoder CO2 Analysis
A Define Combinational logic circuits? Give examples CO2 Understand
Develop the following function using suitable multiplexer F=
A CO2 Apply
12 Σm(0,2,5,7).
B How would you design a 3:8 decoder using basic gates? CO2 Analysis
Formulate the following Boolean function using 4 x 1
B CO2 Analysis
29 multiplexers. F(A, B,C, D) = Σm(1,2,3,6,7,8,11,12,14).
With necessary diagrams, explain in detail about the working of
B a 4-bit carry look ahead adder. Also mention its advantages over CO2 Understand
30 conventional adder.
B Draw and explain the working of 2 x 4 decoder circuit. CO2 Understand
B Design a Excess - 3 to BCD code convertor using logic gates. CO2 Analysis
B Design a BCD to Excess – 3 code converter using logic gates CO2 Analysis
Design a full Adder and derive the expressions for sum and
B CO2 Analysis
34 carry. Realize using gates.
Draw the truth table of a full subtractor. Minimize the expression
of difference and borrow and implement them by using AND, OR
B CO2 Apply
35 and NOT gates. Obtain the equivalent circuit with NAND gates
B Design a 4-bit gray to binary code converter using gates. CO2 Apply
B Design a code convertor that converts 8421 to EXCESS-3 code. CO2 Analysis
B Design a Binary to gray code converter using gates. CO2 Apply
B How would you design full adder using two half adder? CO2 Apply
Implement the Boolean function. F (A, B, C, D) = Σ (0, 1, 5, 7, 8,
B CO2 Analysis
40 13, 14) with a 8 x 1 multiplexer.
DPCO Unit 3 QB
S.No Q.Part Questions Cos
Draw the logic diagram of JK flip flop and give its characteristic
4 B CO3
table and exciatation table.
19 B Explain the different types of shift registers with neat diagram CO3
Remember 2
Remember 2
Understand 2
Understand 2
Analysis 2
Remember 2
Analysis 2
Remember 2
Apply 2
Remember 2
Remember 2
Apply 2
Understand 6
Understand 8
Understand 8
Analysis 8
Analysis 10
Apply 16
Understand 16
Apply 16