Sanju RW
Sanju RW
Sanju RW
Preference (SWR)
Personal Details
Present Address
Community Details
Community ST (Scheduled Tribe)
Certificate No RD0038332169301
Issuing Authority Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar
Issuing State KARNATAKA
Date of issue 12/12/2004
Do you wish to avail free rail travel pass for the exam ? Yes
Payment Details
Payment ONLINE Merchant 28107276407 Payment 04/02/2024 Transaction TRX200124402202400384105 Transaction 250
Mode PAY Reference Date ID Amount
Bank name STATE BANK OF INDIA A/C Holder Name SanjuS Account Number 41501585257 IFSC Code SBIN0005624
PwBD Details
I hereby declare that I have gone through the eligibility criteria for the post(s) applied for and that I meet the requisite eligibility conditions.I understand that in case any
information submitted by me is incorrect or concealed, I shall be liable for immediate disqualification or any other action as per extant rules. I also declare that I have
never been dismissed from any Government service (excluding the Defence services under the Union of India).
Date : 04/02/2024