4 Frequency See notes 5 Type Original 6 Units Per cent 7 8 9 Source RBA 10 Publication date 02-Mar-2015 11 Series ID FIRMMTN6 492 Jun-2009 3.13 493 Jul-2009 3.02 494 Aug-2009 3.44 495 Sep-2009 3.52 496 Oct-2009 3.86 497 Nov-2009 498 Dec-2009 499 Jan-2010 500 Feb-2010 501 Mar-2010 502 Apr-2010 503 May-2010 4.60 504 Jun-2010 4.61 505 Jul-2010 4.61 506 Aug-2010 507 Sep-2010 508 Oct-2010 509 Nov-2010 4.94 510 Dec-2010 511 Jan-2011 512 Feb-2011 513 Mar-2011 4.72 514 Apr-2011 515 May-2011 516 Jun-2011 517 Jul-2011 518 Aug-2011 519 Sep-2011 520 Oct-2011 521 Nov-2011 522 Dec-2011 523 Jan-2012 524 Feb-2012 525 Mar-2012 526 Apr-2012 527 May-2012 528 Jun-2012 529 Jul-2012 530 Aug-2012 531 Sep-2012 532 Oct-2012 533 Nov-2012 534 Dec-2012 535 Jan-2013 536 Feb-2013 537 Mar-2013 538 Apr-2013 539 May-2013 F1.1 INTEREST RATES AND YIELDS – MONEY MARKET Interest rates and yields are representative. They are the midpoint of predominant bid and offer quotations in each market as identified by the RBA. The 'Target cash rate' is set by the Reserve Bank's Board at each Board meeting. From January 1990 the Bank commenced announcing an explicit target to the market. ‘Interbank rate’ is a weighted average of the interest rates at which banks have borrowed and lent exchange settlement funds overnight. The 11am call rate is used prior to July 1998.
‘Bank accepted bills’ are estimated end of day bank bill rates sourced from AFMA. Prior to March 1995 estimated midday yields are shown.
‘Overnight indexed swaps’ are closing market rates.
Treasury notes' are closing yields based on a survey of the market which ceased on 20 May 2013. There were no Treasury note yields between May 2002 and March 2009. All monthly figures are an average of daily figures for the month.