Evergreen Auto-Print Options
Evergreen Auto-Print Options
Evergreen Auto-Print Options
NOTE: This document does not cover the process to auto-print in Hatch, (a Chrome-specific service
that can be used to store local settings and auto-print slips, receipts, etc directly to your printers.); for
those instructions, see the document How to Use and Install Hatch.
The purpose of this document is to offer an alternative for auto-printing for those not using Hatch,
whether that be by choice or necessity. Hatch requires 3 programs to work in conjunction, and there
have been reports of the service not working as expected on some computers, (i.e. unable to get past
the WSOD during set up).
Before you dive in further, note that the built-in auto-print options do not give you much control once
they are initially set and work best when only printing to a single printer, (i.e. receipt printer). Hatch will
still give you more control over multi-printer setups and printer-specific settings.
Table of Contents:
Autoprint in Google Chrome 2
Determine How You’d Like Auto-Print Enabled 2
Set Up the Chrome Shortcut for Use with Auto-Print 2
Tips for Auto-Printing in Chrome 5
Using multiple printers 5
Adjusting taskbar icons 5
Removing auto-print 5
You will have to decide if you want all print jobs from Google Chrome automatically sent to a specified
printer or if you need a little more control. This is important because the auto-print feature cannot be
adjusted by URL/webpage.
If you plan on using Google Chrome for multiple workflows, (i.e. everyday browsing vs Evergreen use), it
is highly recommended that you first create, (or use an existing), Google Chrome Profile for
auto-printing. Having a Chrome profile will allow you to auto-print using one profile while having the
other profile set to print with a dialog box.
TIP: If you’ve already created a Chrome profile for Evergreen, you may want to turn on auto-print
just for that profile.
○ If you have profiles set up, the shortcut may look a little different. For example, here is a
Google Chrome profile I have set up on my computer:
NOTE: If you do not have a desktop shortcut for Chrome, go to Chrome’s install folder: (for
example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application), right click on chrome.exe and choose
Create Shortcut.
CW MARS: Auto-Print Options in Chrome and Firefox July 09, 2018
2. Next, double-click the shortcut to open up Chrome. From any page, hit CTRL+P on the keyboard.
This will bring up the Print Dialog box.
CW MARS: Auto-Print Options in Chrome and Firefox July 09, 2018
6. Now on the desktop, right-click the shortcut you plan on using with auto-print and choose
properties. (Note that someone with Administrative rights for the computer may be needed for
this step).
7. Go to the Shortcut tab.
8. Add the term --kiosk-printing to the end of the Target box.
○ For example, if you are not using a profile, the target box may be similar to this after:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --kiosk-printing
○ If using kiosk-printing with a profile, the target box may be similar to this after:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 2"
9. Click Apply then OK to save the changes and exit.
You are now all set. The next time you print something using the adjusted shortcut, you will see a very
quick flash of the print dialog screen, and the job will be automatically sent to the printer chosen in the
steps above.
CW MARS: Auto-Print Options in Chrome and Firefox July 09, 2018
Removing auto-print
To remove auto-print, simply remove --kiosk-printing from the Target box on the shortcut’s
properties and save. Next time you access the shortcut, auto-print will be disabled. Note that you will
also have to update your taskbar icons if they were adjusted previously, (see Adjusting Taskbar Icons
3. On the next page, click the printer you want to use and select Manage.
CW MARS: Auto-Print Options in Chrome and Firefox July 09, 2018
CW MARS: Auto-Print Options in Chrome and Firefox July 09, 2018
You are now all set. The next time you print something using Mozilla Firefox, the job will be
automatically sent to the default printer.
CW MARS: Auto-Print Options in Chrome and Firefox July 09, 2018
Removing auto-print
Auto-printing can be removed by simply toggling the setting off. Go to about:config, find the setting
print.always_print_silent, right-click, and choose Toggle to turn the off the setting.