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IoT Gateway - PR21

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IoT Gateway

Software Application

Commissioning Manual Edition 02

IoT Gateway Software Application

Change record
Edition 02, 2020-08
Refer to tab. 1-1 "Change record" on page 1
© Bosch Rexroth AG 2020
All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, edit-
ing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property
Editorial Department
Development Automation Systems Control Platform StHö (MaKo/MePe)

IoT Gateway Software Application I
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Overview................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Device description................................................................................. 1
1.2 Definitions............................................................................................. 1
1.3 Related documentation.......................................................................... 2

2 System requirements of the IoT Gateway.............................................. 2

2.1 Hardware............................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 System requirements on the IoT Gateway software "Standard" and
"Advanced"............................................................................................. 2
2.1.2 System requirements on the IoT Gateway software "Performance"...... 2
2.1.3 System requirements on the IoT Gateway software "Plant, virtual ma-
chine"..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Software................................................................................................ 3
2.2.1 Copy deployment................................................................................... 3
2.2.2 Docker for Linux..................................................................................... 3
2.2.3 Docker for Windows............................................................................... 3
2.2.4 MS Installer............................................................................................ 3

3 Installation............................................................................................. 4
3.1 IoT Gateway software installation (Windows) as copy deployment....... 4
3.2 IoT Gateway software installation as Docker image............................... 5
3.3 IoT Gateway software installation with MS Installer.............................. 5

4 Initial start of the IoT Gateway............................................................... 6

4.1 Working with the IoT Gateway software, first steps.............................. 8

5 Functional description........................................................................... 8
5.1 Menu...................................................................................................... 8
5.1.1 Settings.................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Bundles.................................................................................................. 9
5.3 Licensing................................................................................................ 9
5.4 Certificates.......................................................................................... 10
5.5 Help..................................................................................................... 10
5.6 Terms of Service.................................................................................. 11
5.7 Open Source Software........................................................................ 11
5.8 Sign out............................................................................................... 11

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Table of Contents


6 Basic configuration steps.................................................................... 11

7 Snap installation.................................................................................. 11

8 Help..................................................................................................... 12

9 License conditions............................................................................... 13

10 Service and support............................................................................ 13

Index.................................................................................................... 15

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1 Overview
Editions of this documentation

Edition Release Note

01 2020-04 First edition
02 2020-08 Notes on the docker installation supplemented, references corrected

Tab. 1-1: Change record

1.1 Device description

The IoT Gateway connects the industrial machine environment to the company IT
and can provide simple machine and process data. Based on Java, the IoT Gate-
way software can provide the following:
● Devices to connect field devices such as sensors or industrial control sys-
● Processing to process data.
● Processing to provide data to superordinate services and systems.

1.2 Definitions
The following definitions are used in this documentation:
Endpoint The endpoint is the central location of a value. The name of each endpoint is
unique. Each endpoint is provided with a reference to the source value. Units
and descriptions can be added optionally, e.g. the temperature.
Value of an endpoint The current value of an endpoint.
Device A device is a data source. Endpoints can access this data source. Depending
on the device type, different parameters can be configured and settings can
be changed.
Processing Processing is a data sink. The endpoint values can be provided to this data
sink. A process can for example be a cloud service or a computation. The
result of the computation is also shown as endpoint and can be used for oth-
er processing steps.
App Certain functions of the IoT Gateway are available as apps (application). An
app is provided by one or multiple bundles.
Bundle A bundle is an independent module. The section "Bundles" (see chapter 5.2
"Bundles" on page 9) describes how to load, delete and enable apps.

Tab. 1-2: Definition of terms

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System requirements of the IoT Gateway

1.3 Related documentation

Title Part number and document type
IndraControl R911389662
PR21 Operating Instructions
Embedded Automation Computer Content: Mounting und commissioning hardware
IndraControl R911384733
PR, VR, DR and DE Devices Project Planning Manual
Software Applications Content: Operating system Linux Ubuntu Core,
network configuration, Recovery
Security Manual R911342562
Electric Drives Project Planning Manual
and Controls Content: Secure operation of IT systems and gen-
eral information on "IT security" in manufacturing
IndraControl R911372205
S20 Bus Coupler Data Sheet
for Ethernet Content: Commissioning und configuration of the
bus coupler S20-ETH-BK to connect to the sensor

Tab. 1-3: Required and supplementing documentation

2 System requirements of the IoT Gateway

2.1 Hardware

2.1.1 System requirements on the IoT Gateway software "Standard" and

Processor Intel Atom Single Core E3815 1.46 GHz or higher (x86-64)
RAM 4 GB RAM or higher
Disk space 2 GB disk space available to install programs
Installation USB interface or Ethernet access

Tab. 2-1: System requirements "Standard" and "Advanced"

2.1.2 System requirements on the IoT Gateway software "Performance"

Processor Intel Core i3-6100U 2.30 GHz or higher (x86-64)
RAM 4 GB RAM or higher

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System requirements of the IoT Gateway

Disk space 2 GB disk space available to install programs

Installation USB installation or Ethernet access

Tab. 2-2: System requirement "Performance"

2.1.3 System requirements on the IoT Gateway software "Plant, virtual

Processor Intel Xeon E5-2650L 1.80 GHz or higher (x86-64)
RAM 8 GB RAM or higher
Disk space 2 GB disk space available to install programs
Installation USB interface or Ethernet access

Tab. 2-3: System requirement "Plant, virtual machine"

2.2 Software
Install the software as follows:

2.2.1 Copy deployment

“Copy deployment” are application files executed by the user.
System prerequisites:
● Windows (supported 32-bit or 64-bit).
● Java Runtime: Oracle Java version 8, OpenJDK8 (Java 1.8.0), higher versions
are not supported.

2.2.2 Docker for Linux

The installation is provided as Docker container.
● For information on "Docker", refer to https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/.

2.2.3 Docker for Windows

The installation is provided as Docker container.
● For information on "Docker", refer to https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-win-

2.2.4 MS Installer
Admin rights are required to install Microsoft Installer packages.
Supported operating systems:
● Microsoft Windows 7 (supports 64-bit)
● Microsoft Windows 8 (supports 64-bit)
● Microsoft Windows 10 (supports 64-bit)

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Further information on the MS Installer:

● https://www.itprotoday.com/cloud-computing/understanding-windows-instal-

3 Installation
3.1 IoT Gateway software installation (Windows) as copy deploy-
1. Download this file. Go to www.boschrexroth.de ▶ Products ▶ Product
Groups ▶ Electric Drives and Controls ▶ Industrial IoT ▶ IoT Gateway.
2. Copy the ".zip" file to the installation directory.

The software of the IoT Gateway cannot be opened in the “Down-

load” folder.
3. Unzip the software of the IoT Gateway into the installation directory.
4. Check whether the Java Runtime Engine 1.8 is installed. Open the Win-
dows command line and enter "java -version".
5. Open the unzipped folder and start the file "start.bat".

Fig. 3-1: Starting software

6. The following window opens:

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Fig. 3-2: The IoT software starts

3.2 IoT Gateway software installation as Docker image

Prerequisites: The runtime environment of the Docker is installed. Check it with:
docker --version.
1. Import the Docker package:
docker load < {IoT-Gateway-Docker-Image}.tar.gz.
2. Start the Docker: docker run -p 8888:8888 -p 9999:9999
-v ~/data:/iotgateway/user/userConfig
--name iiot brc/iiot:[version]
● docker run: Creates an executable Docker container from the Docker
● –p 8888:8888: Port assignment, host(8888): Container(8888).
● –p 9999:9999: OPC-UA server, port assignment, Host(9999): Contain-
● -v ~/data:/iotgateway/user/userConfig: Directory assignment
● --name iiot: Container identification using the name, here: "iiot".
● brc/iiot:[version]: Image to be selected
3. List of the Docker containers: docker ps
4. Stop Docker containers: docker stop iiot.
5. Delete Docker containers: docker rm iiot
6. Listing of the Docker image: docker images
7. Delete Docker image: docker rmi <image id>.

3.3 IoT Gateway software installation with MS Installer

Use the Windows “Services” overview to check whether the service of the IoT
Gateway is executed:
1. Press the “Windows” key once, enter the word "Services" and press "En-
2. Check whether the entry "boschrexroth.iot-gateway" has the following val-
ues: The "Status" column "Running" and the "Startup Type" is "Automatic".

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Initial start of the IoT Gateway

Fig. 3-3: Overview on the Windows “Services”

4 Initial start of the IoT Gateway

1. Open the site in the web browser
2. Ignore the security warning of the browser if present.
Your browser displays this notification, as the certificate from our website
is unknown. In order not to receive this notification anymore, change the
certificate to a known certificate.

Fig. 4-1: Browser security warnings

3. The following site opens. Enter username and password upon the first log-
in. The username is "admin" and the password is "admin".

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Initial start of the IoT Gateway

Fig. 4-2: First login

4. Accept the end-user license agreement (EULA).
5. Specify a new username and password.

Fig. 4-3: Change username and password

The web interface allows to configure and manage the IoT Gateway.

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Functional description

Fig. 4-4: The tiles show the basic functions enabled in the basic setting. More functions can
be enabled, added or removed. Make these changes in the "Bundles" and "Licensing" menu.
Software licenses are required to use the IoT Gateway. To add a new license, re-
fer to chapter 5.3 "Licensing" on page 9.
All functions can be used without license for two hours after restart.

4.1 Working with the IoT Gateway software, first steps

Information on how to send and receive data for the first time, refer to https://
For more information on the IoT Gateway software, refer to chapter 8 "Help" on
page 12.

5 Functional description
This chapter describes the main functions of the web interface of the IoT Gate-
way. For detailed error information, see chapter 8 "Help" on page 12.

5.1 Menu

Fig. 5-1: Opening menu

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Functional description

5.1.1 Settings
Go to the menu item "Settings" to configure a proxy server and to enable a web
console for the analysis. The authentication settings can also be changed here.

Fig. 5-2: Opening "Settings"

5.2 Bundles
Go to the menu item "Bundles" to enable and disable functional bundles
("apps"). They increase the performance and accelerate the booting if you disa-
ble the apps that are not required.

Fig. 5-3: Opening "Bundles"

5.3 Licensing
Go to the menu item "Licensing" to add and remove the license keys for different
IoT Gateway features. This overview lists the available features and whether they
are currently enabled.

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Functional description

Fig. 5-4: Opening "Licensing"

5.4 Certificates
Go to the menu item "Certificates" for an overview on the certificates.

Fig. 5-5: Opening "Certificates"

5.5 Help
Go to the menu item "Help" for detailed information on different functions.

Fig. 5-6: Opening "Help"

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Snap installation

5.6 Terms of Service

Go to the menu item "Terms of Service" for the license information on the soft-

5.7 Open Source Software

Go to the menu item "Open Source Software" for the open source software com-
ponents used by the IoT Gateway.

5.8 Sign out

Go to the menu item "Sign out" to exit the editing mode of the IoT Gateway.

6 Basic configuration steps

1. Data source
● Adding devices
● Adding endpoints
2. Data targets (processing)
● Connecting endpoints (processing and computation)
● Providing endpoints and cloud services (processing and cloud services)
3. Representing endpoints (dashboard).

The steps 1,2 and 3 and be executed in any sequence.

7 Snap installation
1. Download the required snaps (https://inside-docupedia.bosch.com/conflu-
ence/display/mlogic/IoT+Gateway+Software, currently only for Bosch em-
The .zip file includes:
● iiot_[Version]_amd64.snap
2. Copy the .zip file to your installation directory.

The .zip file can maybe not be opened in the “Download” folder.

3. Connect the PC to the PR21 using a network cable.

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If the IP address does not work, refer to the latest hardware ope-
rating instructions.
Standard IP configuration of the PR21:
XF5 port: DHCP
XF6-Port: static IP []
4. Modify the IP address of the PC correspondingly.
If the standard IP configuration of the PR21 is used, the following configu-
ration can be used for your PC:
PR21: → PC:
5. Copy the files to the PR21 using an SFTP tool (e.g. WinSCP, MobaXterm).
Target folder on the PR21: /home/boschrexroth/
IP address: [IP address of the PR21, see point 3]
Username: boschrexroth
Password: boschrexroth
6. Set up the connection to the PR21 using SSH (e.g. putty).
IP address: [IP address of the PR21, see point 3]
Username: boschrexroth
Password: boschrexroth
Enter the commands line-by-line into the console and press "Enter".
7. Install the snap.
# sudo snap install [iiot_*.snap] --devmode
8. Restart the PR21.
# sudo reboot
9. Wait until the snap finished booting. Booting can take up to two minutes.
10. Activate the license. To activate the license, open the web browser on your
PC and enter the following address: https://[IP address-PR21]:8888, see
chapter 5.3 "Licensing" on page 9.

8 Help
For different topics, such as connecting a PLC or a sensor and how to send data
to a cloud, refer to:
PaT_. The search term for the YouTube interface: "Rexroth IoT Gateway".
To open the help in the IoT Gateway web interface, refer to chapter 5.5 "Help"
on page 10.

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Service and support

9 License conditions
A license from Bosch Rexroth is required. For the license conditions, refer to:

10 Service and support

Our worldwide service network provides an optimized and efficient support.
Our experts offer you advice and assistance should you have any queries. You
can contact us 24/7.
Service Germany
Our technology-oriented Competence Center in Lohr, Germany, is responsible
for all your service-related queries for electric drive and controls.
Contact the Service Hotline and Service Helpdesk under:
Phone: +49 9352 40 5060
Fax: +49 9352 18 4941
E-mail: service.svc@boschrexroth.de
Internet: http://www.boschrexroth.com
Additional information on service, repair (e.g. delivery addresses) and training
can be found on our internet sites.
Service worldwide
Outside Germany, please contact your local service office first. For hotline num-
bers, refer to the sales office addresses on the internet.
Preparing information
To be able to help you more quickly and efficiently, please have the following in-
formation ready:
● Detailed description of malfunction and circumstances
● Type plate specifications of the affected products, in particular type codes
and serial numbers
● Your contact data (phone and fax number as well as your e-mail address)

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Bundles........................................... 9 Service hotline.............................. 13
Settings........................................... 9
C Sign out........................................ 11
Snap installation........................... 11
Certificates................................... 10
Software......................................... 3
Configuration, basics.................... 11
Support........................................ 13
Copy deployment........................ 3, 4
System requirements...................... 2

Definitions...................................... 1
Terms of Service .......................... 11
Device description.......................... 1
Docker for Linux............................. 3
Docker image.................................. 5
Documentation............................... 2
Change record........................... 1

First steps....................................... 6
Functional description.................... 8

Hardware requirements.................. 2
Help........................................ 10, 12
Helpdesk....................................... 13
Hotline.......................................... 13

Installation...................................... 4
IoT Gateway, initial start................. 6

License conditions........................ 13
Licensing......................................... 9

Menu............................................... 8
MS Installer................................. 3, 5

Open Source Software................. 11
Overview......................................... 1

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Bosch Rexroth AG
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr a.Main, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr a.Main, Germany
Phone +49 9352 18 0
Fax +49 9352 18 8400



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