IoT Gateway - PR21
IoT Gateway - PR21
IoT Gateway - PR21
Software Application
Change record
Edition 02, 2020-08
Refer to tab. 1-1 "Change record" on page 1
© Bosch Rexroth AG 2020
All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, edit-
ing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property
Editorial Department
Development Automation Systems Control Platform StHö (MaKo/MePe)
IoT Gateway Software Application I
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Overview................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Device description................................................................................. 1
1.2 Definitions............................................................................................. 1
1.3 Related documentation.......................................................................... 2
3 Installation............................................................................................. 4
3.1 IoT Gateway software installation (Windows) as copy deployment....... 4
3.2 IoT Gateway software installation as Docker image............................... 5
3.3 IoT Gateway software installation with MS Installer.............................. 5
5 Functional description........................................................................... 8
5.1 Menu...................................................................................................... 8
5.1.1 Settings.................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Bundles.................................................................................................. 9
5.3 Licensing................................................................................................ 9
5.4 Certificates.......................................................................................... 10
5.5 Help..................................................................................................... 10
5.6 Terms of Service.................................................................................. 11
5.7 Open Source Software........................................................................ 11
5.8 Sign out............................................................................................... 11
7 Snap installation.................................................................................. 11
8 Help..................................................................................................... 12
9 License conditions............................................................................... 13
Index.................................................................................................... 15
1 Overview
Editions of this documentation
1.2 Definitions
The following definitions are used in this documentation:
Endpoint The endpoint is the central location of a value. The name of each endpoint is
unique. Each endpoint is provided with a reference to the source value. Units
and descriptions can be added optionally, e.g. the temperature.
Value of an endpoint The current value of an endpoint.
Device A device is a data source. Endpoints can access this data source. Depending
on the device type, different parameters can be configured and settings can
be changed.
Processing Processing is a data sink. The endpoint values can be provided to this data
sink. A process can for example be a cloud service or a computation. The
result of the computation is also shown as endpoint and can be used for oth-
er processing steps.
App Certain functions of the IoT Gateway are available as apps (application). An
app is provided by one or multiple bundles.
Bundle A bundle is an independent module. The section "Bundles" (see chapter 5.2
"Bundles" on page 9) describes how to load, delete and enable apps.
2.2 Software
Install the software as follows:
2.2.4 MS Installer
Admin rights are required to install Microsoft Installer packages.
Supported operating systems:
● Microsoft Windows 7 (supports 64-bit)
● Microsoft Windows 8 (supports 64-bit)
● Microsoft Windows 10 (supports 64-bit)
3 Installation
3.1 IoT Gateway software installation (Windows) as copy deploy-
1. Download this file. Go to ▶ Products ▶ Product
Groups ▶ Electric Drives and Controls ▶ Industrial IoT ▶ IoT Gateway.
2. Copy the ".zip" file to the installation directory.
Fig. 4-4: The tiles show the basic functions enabled in the basic setting. More functions can
be enabled, added or removed. Make these changes in the "Bundles" and "Licensing" menu.
Software licenses are required to use the IoT Gateway. To add a new license, re-
fer to chapter 5.3 "Licensing" on page 9.
All functions can be used without license for two hours after restart.
5 Functional description
This chapter describes the main functions of the web interface of the IoT Gate-
way. For detailed error information, see chapter 8 "Help" on page 12.
5.1 Menu
5.1.1 Settings
Go to the menu item "Settings" to configure a proxy server and to enable a web
console for the analysis. The authentication settings can also be changed here.
5.2 Bundles
Go to the menu item "Bundles" to enable and disable functional bundles
("apps"). They increase the performance and accelerate the booting if you disa-
ble the apps that are not required.
5.3 Licensing
Go to the menu item "Licensing" to add and remove the license keys for different
IoT Gateway features. This overview lists the available features and whether they
are currently enabled.
5.4 Certificates
Go to the menu item "Certificates" for an overview on the certificates.
5.5 Help
Go to the menu item "Help" for detailed information on different functions.
7 Snap installation
1. Download the required snaps (
ence/display/mlogic/IoT+Gateway+Software, currently only for Bosch em-
The .zip file includes:
● iiot_[Version]_amd64.snap
2. Copy the .zip file to your installation directory.
The .zip file can maybe not be opened in the “Download” folder.
If the IP address does not work, refer to the latest hardware ope-
rating instructions.
Standard IP configuration of the PR21:
XF5 port: DHCP
XF6-Port: static IP []
4. Modify the IP address of the PC correspondingly.
If the standard IP configuration of the PR21 is used, the following configu-
ration can be used for your PC:
PR21: → PC:
5. Copy the files to the PR21 using an SFTP tool (e.g. WinSCP, MobaXterm).
Target folder on the PR21: /home/boschrexroth/
IP address: [IP address of the PR21, see point 3]
Username: boschrexroth
Password: boschrexroth
6. Set up the connection to the PR21 using SSH (e.g. putty).
IP address: [IP address of the PR21, see point 3]
Username: boschrexroth
Password: boschrexroth
Enter the commands line-by-line into the console and press "Enter".
7. Install the snap.
# sudo snap install [iiot_*.snap] --devmode
8. Restart the PR21.
# sudo reboot
9. Wait until the snap finished booting. Booting can take up to two minutes.
10. Activate the license. To activate the license, open the web browser on your
PC and enter the following address: https://[IP address-PR21]:8888, see
chapter 5.3 "Licensing" on page 9.
8 Help
For different topics, such as connecting a PLC or a sensor and how to send data
to a cloud, refer to:
PaT_. The search term for the YouTube interface: "Rexroth IoT Gateway".
To open the help in the IoT Gateway web interface, refer to chapter 5.5 "Help"
on page 10.
9 License conditions
A license from Bosch Rexroth is required. For the license conditions, refer to:
Bundles........................................... 9 Service hotline.............................. 13
Settings........................................... 9
C Sign out........................................ 11
Snap installation........................... 11
Certificates................................... 10
Software......................................... 3
Configuration, basics.................... 11
Support........................................ 13
Copy deployment........................ 3, 4
System requirements...................... 2
Definitions...................................... 1
Terms of Service .......................... 11
Device description.......................... 1
Docker for Linux............................. 3
Docker image.................................. 5
Documentation............................... 2
Change record........................... 1
First steps....................................... 6
Functional description.................... 8
Hardware requirements.................. 2
Help........................................ 10, 12
Helpdesk....................................... 13
Hotline.......................................... 13
Installation...................................... 4
IoT Gateway, initial start................. 6
License conditions........................ 13
Licensing......................................... 9
Menu............................................... 8
MS Installer................................. 3, 5
Open Source Software................. 11
Overview......................................... 1
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