Story Reading
Story Reading
Story Reading
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There are many mysteries in Britain. Some of these mysteries have been famous for
thousands of years. Stories about giants, witches and fairies are very old stories. Such old
stories are known pert as legends. One famous legend is about a monster that lives in a lake.
The name of the lake is Loch Ness. The monster in this lake is Loch Ness very famous. Can
you guess the name of the monster? Her name is Nessie. People named her after the lake,
Loch Ness. Many people come to Loch Ness to look for Nessie. But very few of them get to
see her.
There is a popular story about a man who frightened Nessie. Many hundreds of years ago, an
old man was traveling in Scotland. His name was Saint Columba. He was a very good man.
One day, Saint Columba decided to meet with a king. The king’s castle was near the lake
where Nessie lived. As Saint Columba crossed the bridge, he saw a crowd of people. Many
people were crying. They were holding a funeral for one of their friends.
Another man said, “The monster bit off my friend’s leg.” Saint Columba heard this and felt
sorry for the people. He decided to help them. “I’ll teach that bad monster a lesson,” he said.
He ordered his friend, Lugne, to swim across the lake. “Lugne, swim and bring me the boat. I
must talk to this monster,” said Saint Columba.
Lugne jumped into the water with his clothes on. He started swimming across the lake. He
had almost reached the wooden boat when he heard a growl. “Grrrrrrr!” the monster cried.
Then, Nessie’s stomach made a low noise because she was hungry.
Lugne tried to swim quietly but Nessie heard him splashing. “Oooh,” Nessie thought, “there
is someone swimming. I wonder if this human will taste good. Let me go and see.” The
monster swam after the man. “Wow! This man is fat. He must taste sweet.”
Lugne was frightened. He started to swim as fast as he could. He had to escape the monster.
Suddenly, Nessie growled loudly. She jumped on top of the poor man. Lugne was in the
middle of the lake. “Help me! Help me, please!” Lugne screamed. All the people standing by
the lake watched.
Lugne disappeared under the water. “Oh no, the monster will eat him,” cried a woman. “He
must be dead!” said a man. But then, Lugne swam to the top of the water. “How terrible!”
another woman cried. “The monster will kill him.”
Saint Columba raised his hand. “Stop, you bad monster!” he ordered. “You will never injure
anyone again.” Nessie was Frightened of Saint Columba. These days she is very shy. But
sometimes people see her in Loch Ness. Scientists are searching the lake. One day they hope
to find Nessie.