Lesson 3 Ict and Ethics
Lesson 3 Ict and Ethics
Lesson 3 Ict and Ethics
EMAIL: fredrick.ochieng@zetech.ac.ke
NB: Nowadays most of the general purpose software is being sold as a complete
software suites such as Microsoft office or Lotus SmartSuite. These suites offer
four or more software products packaged together at a much lower price than
buying the packages separately.
Operating Systems
A stand a lone operating system controls a single computer that is not connected
to others on a network. Examples of this are Ms. Dos, and Windows.
There are two types of interface that can be provided by the operating system.
Command based Interface
In a command based interface the user enters commands through an interactive
terminal. The commands are entered on a prompt for example the Ms Dos
prompt looks like this
Once the commands are entered on the prompt a command line interpreter(CLI)
identifies and executes the commands. A command based interface is quick to
operate and very flexible, but the user needs to learn all the commands and type
them in correctly. Examples operating systems that use command based interface
are Ms Dos and Unix.
A graphical user interface (GUI) allows the user to interact with the system using
Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointers to control the operating system. Icons
represent programs, groups of programs, folders, devices and files. Instead of
typing a command or file name, selection is achieved by moving a pointer with a
mouse and clicking a mouse button. Windows is a Graphical user interface based
operating system. The first in the Windows series was Windows 3.11 and the
latest being Windows Vista.
The GUI has many advantages such as;
GUIs are easier for the novice user because they are more intuitive
The graphical symbols represent familiar objects such as a garbage bin
Only valid options are available to avoid confusing the user
No need to memorise commands
Help is available online showing the only relevant options
5. Which of the software below would assist a salesman in recording daily sales
for different items for which he needs totals among other analysis?
(a) Ms Word (b) Ms Access (c) Outlook (d) Ms Excel
6. Which is the most important software in a computer system?