MT2 Promotion
MT2 Promotion
MT2 Promotion
Basic Requirements:
1. Permanent Teacher
Documents needed:
a. Service Record
Documents needed:
b. Lesson Plan
3 2 1
National 20 17 14
Region 18 15 12
Division 16 13 10
Congressional / Municipal 14 11 8
District 12 9 6
School 10 6 4
e. Observation/Evaluation Sheets of three (3) observers
Documents needed:
a. Class Program
Documents needed:
1. Lesson Plan
Documents needed:
1. Presentation of outputs
2. Description of project
Documents needed:
As Coordinator:
Level 4 yrs. & above 3 yrs. 2 yrs. 1 yr.
District 12 pts. 10 pts. 8 pts. 6 pts.
School 8 pts. 6 pts. 4 pts. 2 pts.
As Grade Chairman 8 pts. 6 pts. 4 pts. 2 pts.
1. List of activities/projects undertaken during term
Documents needed:
Chairman Member
National 20 - 12 15 - 6
Regional 18 - 10 13 - 5
Division 16 - 8 11 - 4
Congressional 14 - 6 9-3
Municipal -4
District 12 - 2 7-2
*** School program refers to the program of the school such as action
plan/action program geared towards the attainment of the educational
objectives of the year and not merely the schedule of classes in the
intermediate grades.
Documents needed:
b. Presentation of output
Documents needed:
Documents needed:
Documents needed:
b. Program/schedule of activities
c. Description of activity/project
Table of Points
Organized/managed a training
Documents needed:
2. Program of activities
3. Designated as coordinator
8. Autographic: Published books/ article that are on education
Title of Book/ Article