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Verde Tabloid

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12 VerdeNews VOLUME ONE

Modern Tropical Lifestyle


Go Green
An eco-train, a solar
backpack and other chic
green living essentials


Fine Dining
Defining the ‘fine’ in fine
dining with some hot tips
for fine dining in Jakarta


Verde turns the
urban tropical living
dream into reality

11 Artistry

Artistic pieces and flourishes
abound for home décor


Green Luxury
Genteel and verdant, Verde sets the trend
11 wallpaper

Edgy Home
for urban living—a premium resort-like
apartment in the heart of the city
Well-structured, beautifully
designed and carefully
manufactured home items

Balanced by Nature
For many people who live in a sprawling those living and working in urban areas, demand

ILLUSTRATION: gowin nugroho & canny sutanto

metropolis such as Jakarta, it is not easy to find a balance in all areas of their lives. That is where
balance with regard to living, working, recreation Verde steps in for Jakartans. Verde is a fresh,
and relaxation. However, that is exactly what we modern tropical premium apartment complex in
all need—a healthy balance to keep us fresh and the prime Kuningan area.
content. As a resort-like apartment in the heart of the
In property terminology, “lush tropical living” city, Verde is the ideal place for people who want
commonly refers to resorts or villas in the to stay connected to the city’s vibe, but also want
mountains or on the beach, often far away from to “escape” the hustle and bustle for a secluded,
any large city, while the concept of a “big city lush tropical living space. And this is no dream;
apartment” has often been associated with big indeed, the residents of Verde live it each day.
inner-city tower blocks, where green areas are This publication is your window on the Verde
very rare. community, which includes regular features on
Such terminology and concepts are rapidly all the best things about living a balanced life in
changing as people around the world, especially and around Verde’s surrounding area.

The Art of
Green Future
Green living is not just an interesting
To mark its 150th anniversary,
fad in certain parts of the world, it most Chopard has come out with one
of the major complications of the
definitely is the future of our world. watchmaking art: the Equation
of Time. This masterpiece of
complexity shows the difference
between true solar time (that

Seize of nature) and mean solar time

(civilian time). The L.U.C. 150 “all

the Seiz in one” watch is chronometer-

certified by the COSC and bears
the prestigious Poinçon de
Utilizing the power of the sun,
Genève quality hallmark. The
Seiz has released a stylish
complexity is carefully designed in
solar-powered backpack.
vertical satin-brushed finishes and
With the solar option, this
lugs with polished tops.
urban traveling piece is
converted into a mobile
power plant that can harness Property
the power of the sun and
recharge all your small mobile
devices, like smartphones,
in Prestige
Established 16 years ago,
laptops and iPods. The
the International Property
unique combination of bag-
Awards is the most quoted,
making and technology has
if not the world’s most
turned the Urbanpack UO1
prestigious, competition
Solar into a leading lifestyle
dedicated to the property
item adapted to the rapidly
industry to find the most
changing needs of today’s hip
outstanding property
urbanites. Now you can move
professionals around the
around the city or between
globe. It is supported by a
countries without worrying
wide range of prestigious
about how to recharge your
sponsors and media
hungry devices.
Nonprofit luxury partners including The
New York Times, Sydney
Morning Herald and
Said to be the world’s “first nonprofit private Bloomberg Television.
island,” the Cacao Pearl eco-resort is
stunning, and has recently won the coveted
CNBC Property Award. At its essence, this
is a private island at the northernmost tip
of the Palawan biosphere in the Philippines.
This paparazzi-free and “beyond eco”
project has been designed by Antonio Calvo,
the art director on several major film
projects (Love Actually, Alexander, Pride
& Prejudice). The Cacao five-star resort
pledges to give 100 percent of its net profits
to social and environmental programs.

Desirable leica
The Eco-Train In collaboration with Walter de’Silva, the prominent
automobile designer, Leica has introduced the M9
High-tech French firm Alstom Transport has
introduced the world’s next-generation train
camera. Constructed exclusively with premium-
locomotive: the Prima II. This eco-friendly quality materials, the Leica M9 Titanium reflects the
locomotive has been designed to reconcile classical Leica style with a touch of contemporary
efficiency, economic performance and sustainable design. Limited to just 500 cameras worldwide,
development issues. Fully electric, the Prima II has this special edition is a new interpretation of the
been fitted with the latest developments in the field
of power electronics. The newly designed modular
characteristic features of the Leica rangefinder
and interoperable locomotives have already been cameras. The M9 not only has top-quality function
ordered by Morocco’s state railway operator. and style aspects, but also has a vintage look.

2 VerdeNews VOLUME ONE


For more than 30 years, Farpoint Realty has
grown to become one of the most significant
players in Indonesia’s property industry. Farpoint
is all about reliable excellence in development,
management and investment knowledge.

arpoint Realty is part of the Gunung One particularly renowned project by
Sewu Group, the company established Farpoint is Harco Glodok, a massive electronics
in the 1950s and famous for being one trade center completed in 1976. Merchants
of Indonesia’s largest agricultural commodity in the complex offer various electronics-based
traders. In the 1970s, Gunung Sewu expanded products; from spare parts and components,
to other field of operations including electrical accessories and computers to
manufacturing, information technology, household electronics and medical devices.
financial services and property projects. The The success of Harco Glodok was followed
latter is where Farpoint Realty comes in. by Harco Pasar Baru, a four-story building
As a leading property firm in Indonesia, completed in 2001 and operated as a leasehold
Farpoint has developed various well-known building for retail businesses. It is now operated
landmarks, from retail blocks and office smoothly as a large-scale trading center for
buildings to residences. Each project is cosmetics, beauty supplies and hair salon
remarkable in its own unique manner. Some accessories for a nationwide scale of buyers.
of them, in fact, have become legendary and While elevating its good service in managing
proven to be iconic establishments, bringing strategic trade centers selling mass-produced Being a reliable property developer that hour security and an onsite maintenance staff,
highly positive impact to the businesses merchandise, Farpoint also progressed to a new creates the highest value is Farpoint’s continual the Kemang Club Villas ensures that residents
surrounding them; thus helping to socio- level with Plaza Mebel, a furniture trade center aim. As a key player in the development, enjoy the “art of living” in a safe environment.
economically develop the respective areas. in South Jakarta for upscale consumers. Under sales and leasing of exclusive properties in Presenting an international appeal, the
Farpoint’s management, Plaza Mebel Indonesia’s capital city, Farpoint has, in recent Kemang Club Villas introduced a living concept
is now recognized by Jakartans as one years, entered into the business of premium with a cross-section of interests among a variety
of the best places to find furniture residential buildings. of cultures. Here, leisure facilities, from a
products with an international The first apartment project by Farpoint was children’s playground to squash courts, a spa
standard of quality. the Menteng Regency Apartments, located and shopping outlets, are readily available
Due to steady economic growth, in the elite Central Jakarta neighborhood of for all residents. Additionally, all of Kemang’s
Farpoint continued to expand services Menteng. The complex sits amid luxuriant famous lifestyle spots are minutes away from
and its own footprint, from trade parks and antique charms in a serene, this green living retreat.
centers to office buildings. As a sister prestigious area. The elegant nine-story However, the ‘greenest,’ and newest, project
company of Asuransi Jiwa Sequislife, building consists of 64 spacious and private by Farpoint has to be Verde, a premium
Farpoint plays another important role units. Menteng Regency contains everything apartment complex in Jakarta’s Kuningan
in operating the Sequis Center, located that defines opulent: from the elegant marble area. Verde, the Spanish word for ‘green,’ is a
on Jalan Sudirman, the most important lobby to the landscaped rooftop garden with a fresh, trendsetting residential concept where
business address in Jakarta. The 14- whirlpool, sauna and swimming pools. nature has become an important element in
story building was designed by a team The next remarkable leasing management the design process. This Farpoint development
of experts in tropical architecture, project by Farpoint was the Kemang Club is the only apartment complex in Jakarta with
meticulously implementing its Villas. Located in the heart of Kemang, it is a a higher proportion of green areas than actual
architectural platform by specifically five-hectare property in a thriving district that living space; a truly definitive high-end modern
considering Jakarta’s environment. offers a comfortable living experience. With 24- tropical living space.

Farpoint Highlights

Kemang club villas Menteng Regency Harco pasar baru Pavilion Retail

VOLUME ONE VerdeNews 3


and brings in the natural light of the sun. This This international cooperation has been
makes Verde the only development in the CBD beneficial for both Verde and RTKL, but the
with such an open-air design. heart of the project was the interior designs

Verde is actually more than just a place to of Yabu Pushelberg. Based in New York, Yabu
live; it is an exclusive residence in its own vibrant Pushelberg is a celebrated interior design firm
’town.’ Living in Verde will keep you away from to which Verde entrusted the duties of bringing
the hectic chaos of other city apartments, which a new soul into each unit.
are inevitably connected to, or directly on top Inspired by the lush, green tropics, they
of, business centers or shopping emporiums. By delivered a high-class design and a vintage
adamantly eschewing the concept of attaching aura. For the purpose of creating the
a living space to malls or offices, Verde offers harmonious ambience of an exotic resort, they
an exclusive living space where privacy is used some of the most essential elements of the
confirmed. This also ensures residents are well tropics, including wood and volcanic stones.
away from the noise and pollution, as well as Complementing the world-class architects
Enveloped by greenery also represents the latest in global trends in ensuring a smooth, traffic-free drive into the and interior designers, the landscape firm
throughout, Verde is the terms of design and landscape architecture, Verde car park without queuing. Belt Collins International was entrusted to
images: Christina phan

while at the same time defining and the new work on the landscape design for Verde. The
epitome of a living space way experience the ultimate modern, urban World-Class Collaboration Landscape design plays an important role in
where privacy and lifestyle. As a fully integrated modern tropical lifestyle accomplishing Verde’s eco-living mission, and
personalized attention As such, Verde has a distinctly resort- residence, Verde is a product of world-class the fact that 55 percent of the property is green
are paramount. like ambience. The array of palm trees at its collaboration with three top international and eco-friendly reflects the sincerity to further
entrance, the lush tropical jogging track and firms. These firms made Verde’s landscape, environmental causes.

shady, refreshing garden areas are some of the architecture and interiors, for a contemporary,
n a rapidly growing city like Jakarta, green features that make it seem as if you are classic and cutting-edge ambience.
green areas, especially for an urban living in a five-star tropical resort on an exotic Completed in the 1990s, the building in
living, have become a scarce luxury. As island. In fact, Verde is, in many ways, its own which Verde is housed—known at the time as
a new urban apartment project, Verde ‘island’ of magnificence amid the bustling city the Menara Building—was initially designed as
brings green luxury to fruition. For Verde, around it. a serviced residence. Recently, Verde took
going green is a significant issue, not only for To create a resort-like ambience, Verde was over the property and revamped it into a
the sake of esthetics, but also for the purpose designed with many details from structures to super-stylish modern tropical apartment
of expressing the positive commitment to the accessories, from interior accents to lifestyle complex. The renovation was a huge
environment. facilities. Everything was designed not just project and utilized some of the best,
Taken from the Spanish word for green, to emulate a resort, but also to match the most qualified and well-known firms in
Verde is the only apartment project committed surrounding garden environment throughout the world.
to dedicating 55 percent of its total area to lush, the property to keep it natural. Verde For much of the architecture,
verdant flora. Built on 1.3 hectares of land, apartment units also come with classic wooden RTKL from the United States was
there are just three tower blocks containing 258 flooring chosen from high-quality natural chosen to lead the way into the new
units, and thus leaving lots of spacious greenery sources. millennium and really give the property
amid a cutting-edge layout. With a good quality of fresh air produced a super-modernized look and feel. RKTL
This environmental commitment not only by the environment surrounding it, Verde is a global design firm that has been
makes Verde the only apartment with such maximizes air circulation, thus improving your around for six decades. Their projects are
a large green area, a true tropical haven in quality of life no matter where you are on the some of the most recognizable in the world,
the midst of the Kuningan Central Business property. With its open corridor and many from the Ritz-Carlton Hotels in the U.S., to
District (CBD). With its tropical aura, Verde open spaces, Verde offers natural air circulation Grand Indonesia Shopping Town.

4 VerdeNews VOLUME ONE

A Rewarding Choice
Verde is a gratifying place to square meter with a starting size at 164 square be a long-term residential establishment. The
live, and a lucrative property meters, Verde is simply awesome in terms of building is more than suitable for living today,
to invest in that has a strong value for money, as well as size vis-à-vis other but is also ready for the future.
commitment to the use of state- apartment complexes across the CBD. It also Completed in 1994, the original building
of-the-art, environmentally confirms Verde as the only apartment complex was a product of carefully planned technology.
sound materials. with more space in its class compared to other In order to constantly preserve the value of
luxurious apartments in Kuningan, which the property, Shimizu continues to regularly
average from 83 square meters to 156 square conduct appropriate maintenance management
meters and prices from Rp 20 million to Rp 27 and carry out improvements based on long-
million, respectively. term preservation plans.
As a rewarding residential investment, the The Verde premium apartment complex
value for money also is represented in the use represents a strong collaboration of design
of high-quality materials and the latest design renewal and original material strength. In
concepts. Verde utilizes the high quality of addition to Verde’s fabulous building, Shimizu
imported marble from EramUSA or Armani has also done dozens of landmark-type projects
Stone. Originated from North America, the in Indonesia, such as the Deutsche Bank
stone was exclusively used at the amazing Building (1995), the Grand Hyatt Bali (1991)
Armani hotels. This artistic work of stone and The Hilton Residence (1989).
is produced in limited-edition quantities to Verde is a signature apartment complex that
emphasize the high quality and exclusivity. has successfully set new trends for vintage-
Verde’s environmental commitment is also modern style. With such enduring strength,
reflected in the use of the most up-to-date, you can enjoy your life at Verde with sublime
environmentally sound products. Verde uses confidence—derived not just from its reliable
the latest technological innovations for the glass construction, but also from admiring the quality
Compared to other prime areas in Jakarta, in its windows by implementing Sunergy glass, that stands the test of time.
the Central Business District (CBD) has a low-reflection and low-emissivity window
been the leader in terms of condominium glass, which is also an energy-saving feature.
price growth in 2010. The CBD includes The glass combines solar control and low
the Sudirman, Thamrin, Gatot Subroto and emissivity through online Chemical Vapour
Kuningan areas, which has seen increases of Deposition (CVP) to reduce the operating cost
6 percent this past year while other popular up to 30 percent compared to plain glass.
areas such as Pondok Indah, Menteng, Verde also uses the VRF system, the latest
Kemang and Senayan, for example, have technology in air-conditioning systems to
only seen increases of an average of 2.4 save energy. The system is able to reduce the
percent in the same period. operating cost by some 40 percent compared
Compared to other strategic CBD areas to conventional systems. This environmental
in Jakarta, the land appreciation in CBD commitment also appears in the use of a
Kuningan, where Verde is located, has been pollution-free system for each of the private
higher and rapidly increasing. In 2008, the pools. The system uses far fewer chemicals,
average price per square meter increased which means it is better for your health,
from Rp 18 million to Rp 19 million, and especially for those with sensitive skin and eyes.
significantly jumped to Rp 24 million in
2010. In addition, the land appreciation in Enduring Strength
CBD Kuningan also makes for a Verde a Verde’s original building was built by Shimizu,
highly lucrative investment. a reputable world-class construction firm from
Starting at just Rp 16.8 million per Japan. The Verde building was designed to

Central & Secluded

Verde is the perfect example
of an ideal escape from the
commotion and disarray
of Indonesia’s sprawling 4

megalopolis of a capital,
yet it is located right in 1 Loewy 2 TRATTORIA
the middle of it all. Loewy’s design-oriented but informal décor,
combined with an irresistible combination of
Awarded the coveted “Award of Excellence”
by New York-based Wine Spectator magazine,
food and beverages singlehandedly raised the Emilie is the place to be for the most
bar on Jakarta’s bistro scene when it opened authentic taste of French cuisine in Jakarta.
You may have once dreamed about staying in 2008. Now it is the most popular place in The restaurant’s classic décor is as prestigious
in a centrally located section of Jakarta, with town with reservations as valuable as gold. It as the talent of the restaurant’s very own
has become the best place to see and be seen gastronomical extraordinaire, Mikael Robin.
the extra privilege of being sheltered from the
for the movers, shakers and beautiful people Menu categories fall in a blend of modern and
hustle and bustle of the megalopolis, but the of the metropolis. classical regional French cuisines.
dream never quite materialized. Oakwood Premier Cozmo The East Building, Lobby Ground Floor
Now, in this secluded, lush property, dreams 2 Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E-4.2; # 1-10, Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan
are indeed becoming reality. 62-21/2554 2378 Kav. 3.2, no. 1; 62-21/5793 8574
Located in the Kuningan Central Business
District, this premium residential property has
become the ultimate quintessence of what
apartment living should be like. Verde remains
committed to creating a tranquil living space
despite being so close to the liveliest sections at home, comfortable in the knowledge
of Jakarta. that if you want to get out and enjoy some
As a prime area of the capital, Kuningan hedonistic pursuits, it is all a few minutes away.
has long been considered an important place From this tranquil living space, residents
for both business and lifestyle activities. can easily access some of the most celebrated
There is an array of office towers housing lifestyle outlets in Jakarta.
powerful businesses, as well as embassies and Verde is just a stone’s throw away from
lifestyle outlets such as malls, restaurants, Setiabudi One, offering a delightful choice of 3 The apartment 4 Cork & screw
lounges and clubs. fine fare, in addition to the Chinese delicacies Located next to the Australian Embassy, The This sophisticated lounge is quickly becoming
Verde itself remains quiet in its own unique Apartment truly lives up to its name. With décor known as the veritable hub of oenology in
at Ta Wan restaurant to all the fun international
that was specially built to enhance their motto Jakarta. There are over 250 selections of
enclave, while remaining readily connected favorites at Pisa Cafe & Resto or Pizza e Birra. “Eat. Drink. Relax. You’re home,” this restaurant premium wines from around the world. The
to all the good things and fun times that Verde is also close to the most visited high- serves a great selection of modern European experience is enhanced by the ambience,
Kuningan has to offer. end shopping centers such as Grand Indonesia cuisine in a relaxed ambience that will make your accented by the rustic-modern décor. The
Though living in Verde means living in and Plaza Indonesia, and also just minutes away afternoon hangout sessions very pleasant indeed. lounge is also a wine haven that offers ‘happy
the heart of a lifestyle and business hub, its Menara Gracia, Ground Floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna pouring’ from 4 to 6 p.m.
from some of the most upscale culinary-social
quiet seclusion from it all makes it a gorgeous Said Kav. C-17; 62-21/520 0380 Wisma Kodel, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. B4;
scenes, such as those at Bibliotheque or Loewy.
62-21/5290 203.
oasis of calm where you can truly relax when Here are some more top choices:

VOLUME ONE VerdeNews 5


Escaping the hustle and bustle of the megalopolis

is one thing, but doing it in fine style, wearing
top-shelf fashion attire makes every day a fine
day. At Verde, luxury, modernity and style come
together in perfect harmony.
On Fernando: Polo shirt and track pants by A|X Armani Exchange, sneakers by Tod’s
On Katya: Tracksuit by A|X Armani Exchange, loafers and bag by Tod’s
As the sun rises on another day, a
cup of finely brewed coffee and the
morning paper and breakfast set
the tone for the day

Clockwise from top

left: Briefcase by Tod’s;
polo shirt and track pants
by A|X Armani Exchange,
loafers by Tod’s; on
Fernando, cardigan, polo
shirt and trousers by Boss,
on Katya dress by Boss
A good book and some laps
in the pool are ideal ways to
fill the relaxing days

Clockwise from top left:

Dress by A|X Armani Exchange,
shoes by Tod’s; loafers and high-
heel shoes by Tod’s; swimwear
by Niconico Mare; black coffee
pot by Bodum; plate by Arteriors
7192; tea cup by Legacy
As the day becomes evening, it’s
time to take a stroll through the
neighborhood to meet up with fellow
jet-setting fashion mavens

Clockwise from top left:

Shirt and pants by Boss, shoes
by Tod’s; bag by Tod’s, scarf
by Hermès; On Fernando, suits
and shirt by Boss, shoes by
Tod’s, on Katya, dress by Boss,
high- heel shoes by Tod’s
Photographs: Fotomojo
Styling: Peter Zewet
Makeup and hair: Ditto
Purnomo (62/817-717-201)
Models: Fernando and Katya/
Da Models Nation
The Finest
Dining in Town
Jakarta has plenty of options for fine
dining that you can put on the list. Here
are some good options for your plan:

For a true taste of Indonesian
nobility (ningrat), Harum Manis is the
perfect place. Inspired by the lifestyle
of Javanese royals, Harum Manis
presents the finest Indonesian food
and Javanese design. The restaurant
boasts the grandest aristocratic
Javanese décor and the most
authentic selection of Indonesian

Pavillion Apartments,
Retail Arcade, Jl. Mas Mansyur Kav. 24;

Defined Gorgeous white

Samarra is Jakarta’s answer

tablecloths, aromatic THE SERVICE

The service in a fine-dining restaurant is always
best Middle Eastern fine-dining
experience. The richly themed
flowers, romantic first class, or else it’s simply not fine dining. From
restaurant features ornaments from
the Middle East, dim lighting and
candles, formal the professionalism of the maître d’ to the valet antique embellishments, truly living

dress codes, waiters parking and one-waiter-per-table service, it is

all about treating diners like royalty, and always
up to its glorious name, Samarra,
a celebrated ancient city on the
in tuxedos and must be the most attentive and excellent.
Tigris River. The food is pan-Middle
Eastern with their mezze being
sumptuous meals; Most fine-dining restaurants have their waiters the best in town. Expect some
how fine should ‘fine in tuxedos, complete with white gloves. These
waiters are naturally well trained and educated,
interesting drink varieties as well.

dining’ be? which also explains their ability to impart their

Jl. Kebon Sirih Raya 77; 62-21/390-
384; samara@tuguhotels.com
knowledge about the details of each menu item,
wines and other recommendations. EMILIE
The service goes well beyond merely taking

Awarded the coveted “Award
ssentially, fine dining is all about the orders and delivering food. Being escorted of Excellence” by New
highest international standards and to the table, escorted to the restroom, having York-based Wine Spectator
magazine, Emilie is the
attention to every detail, specifically your drinks refilled without asking and having
place to be for the most
in three main areas: the menu, the service and your napkins replaced while you’re away from authentic taste of French
the ambience. the table, are all part and parcel of top-notch cuisine in Jakarta. The
restaurant services. Without this sort of service, restaurant’s classic décor is
THE MENU it’s simply not a fine-dining establishment. as prestigious as the talent
of the restaurant’s very own
The menu at each fine-dining establishment is gastronomical extraordinaire,
not about quantity, but real quality. They are Mikael Robin. Menu
rather simple and small in size but extremely categories fall in a blend of
classy and well prepared. The ingredients modern and classical regional
French cuisines.
are at their peak of freshness, with much
Jl. Senopati No. 39, Kebayoran
consideration for healthy choices. Baru; 62-21/521-3626;
Famous chefs with years of industry emilierestaurant.com
experience are not just the restaurant’s
treasured assets, but also a reassurance for
habitués in choosing their orders. They
combine food and art while delicately treating
their creations with careful details to make it
not only taste good but also look good.
Most fine-dining restaurants have the
menu changed weekly, but undoubtedly, all
of them keep stocks of exquisite beverages to
The renowned jewel of 5-star Hotel
complement the cuisine. As such, top-shelf
Mulia has become one of the city’s
wine, cognac, brandy, champagne and other highest-profile restaurants. Orient 8
such drinks come standard. The drinks are boasts extravagant French colonial
usually paired with individual dishes. décor dominated by white hues,
delicately creating a crisp, private
ambience. The food is pan-Asian
with a French twist.
Hotel Mulia; Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan;
62-21/574-7777; theorient8.com
One other significant part of the fine-dining
experience is the ambience of the restaurant.
Most fine-dining restaurants will have a specific
theme when it comes to the décor, usually in
accordance with the type of cuisine served. The BUNGA RAMPAI
emphasis on conceptual architectural designs is This luxurious restaurant
occupies a vintage colonial
a key aspect. house in Jakarta’s most
Fine dining is not just about eating out. Fine historical district. Its opulent
dining is also an art that provides an opportunity Victorian interior stands
for people to indulge their passions and live well. out upon entering and is
beautifully equipped inside
It is about experiencing luxurious gastronomy
with chandeliers, statuettes
and fabulous ambience, but true fine dining and handsome wooden
goes a step beyond, and there is always the right antique furniture. The cuisine
images: Getty images (2)

balance. Bon appétit! focuses on classic Indonesian

and Perenakan fare, with
From TOP: Highly professional service in a fine- additions from the chef’s
dining restaurant; Shibuya Restaurant at MGM original creations.
Grand Las Vegas; behind the “fine dining” scenes: Jl. Cik Di Tiro No. 35, Menteng;
the making of sumptuous meals. 62-21/3192-6224

10 VerdeNews VOLUME ONE


Respectfully Decorative
A ‘decorative art’ can be appreciated as much as fine art.
highly appreciated as if a ‘fine At Verde, decorative arts appear mostly in the
art’. At Verde, much care has form of framed prints, elegantly displayed in the
been taken to create an artsy living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms.
The range of art print formats has been
ambience in each unit, which
organized by James Robertson (JR) Art
brightens up and livens up Consultants, which has successfully created an
each resident’s life. artsy character in each unit.
JR Art Consultants was established in

f a Jackson Pollock painting is too expensive 2002 and remains committed to the creation
to decorate your home, a simple framed of inspiring and distinctive art collections
piece of art might be more suitable to hang in collaboration with leading design firms,
on your living room wall. Though the price and while allowing for a cohesive and powerful
size is not the same as fine art, ‘decorative art’— relationship between art and design. Their
as it is known—can still add an artistic flair to intention is to produce art that ignites an
your home. emotional response and transcends time.
Decorative arts are usually considered However, it is always good to have the ability
the opposite of fine arts, or those prime pricy gifted masters. to see art as art: borderless, without the need for From TOP LEFT: Framed art on Verde’s interior
paintings, sculptures and other forms of artwork. Before the Renaissance era, many societies precise definition where you need to rely more design, typical mediaval art for curch windows,
Decorative art is a traditional craft essentially around the world greatly appreciated art for its on your human emotions to appreciate it. other piece of Verde’s Art Prints, and a classic
Chinese pottery.
made for functional purposes. This can vary decorative function, just as we appreciate fine
from ceramics, glassware and furniture to an arts today. Islamic art, Chinese art and medieval
overall interior design. art from Europe are examples of how art was
Art critics today might meant to be decorative and functional,
appreciate decorative arts be it created in the form of calligraphy,
less than fine arts, but if ceramics, paintings or home-wares,
we look back through as well as religious figures crafted
history, decorative on glass for church windows.
arts used to be the These artworks are mostly made
essential work of art by anonymous artists and priced
when Renais-sance similar to furniture.
images: Getty images (1)

art didn’t focus so Today, we can’t really compare

much on the cost of the art to furniture, although many
materials, but instead pieces of furniture and other items
valued artistic imagination for the home are produced with
and the individual touch artistic values. In this case, ‘decorative
of the hand from supremely art’ for some people today could be

wallpaper Alice Coffee Cast Iron Bathtub

Tables Annoyed by your slippery

Edgy Styles bathtub problems? Fret no more,

Alice coffee tables are each
architectural masterpieces.
Designed by Jean Marie
thanks to the advanced bathtub

at Home
Massaud, an architect, inventor technology in Verde bathrooms.
and designer from France, this Designed to match TOTO’s line
low coffee table is a highly of residential bathroom products,
mobile piece of furniture, the Enameled Cast-Iron Bathtub
These well-structured, which can be conveniently
is one very luxurious bathtub. The
moved around your relaxing
beautifully designed and space at home. Established in construction of this innovative
carefully manufactured 2009, Alice was manufactured creation delivers fantastic
home items add touches by Avenue Road, Canada’s strength and durability, while a
of style and elegance premier venue for classic slip-resistant surface enhances
and contemporary furniture safety. With an apron-style front,
to every room in your designs. The black transparent
other cool features and color
comfortable apartment. box is an innovative invention
options (cotton or sedona deige),
where the inside of the
this tub is the perfect piece for
structure contains a complex
honeycomb substructure. Low-Emission Glass your high-end bathroom.
Placed strategically in every Sunergy glass is a breakthrough
Verde unit’s comfortable living technology in glass-making for windows,
room, Alice also features and a suitable material in this era where
tempered glass and chrome eco-friendly products have immense value.
legs that seemingly raise the Sunergy glass is a hard, pyrolithic-coated
piece slightly off the floor. glass with a thin coating of metal oxide
manufactured into the glass. The result
is low-reflection and low-emission glass
designed for homes and other buildings.
The glass provides both solar control
and thermal insulation properties. The
glazing is available in four colors,
each with its own unique hue:
clear, green, azure and dark
blue. It is also an excellent
complement to the
current architectural
trend, which is
a supporting
element for

Wishbone Dining Chairs

The Wishbone Chair was designed in 1949 and was the first of Hans Wegner’s
chairs. Hans Wegner was a successful Danish furniture designer who contributed
to the international popularity of mid-century Danish design. Placed in the dining
room of Verde apartment unit, the Wishbone Chair, or “Y chair” as it is sometimes
called due to the shape of its back, offers a vintage and stylish design. The curved
back legs give it an air of grace, while the stylish semicircular top rail offers support
for the back and adds to the elegance of the chair. Its handy weight enables you to
easily change seating position and direction, perfect for any dining room.

VOLUME ONE VerdeNews 11

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