Class I Syllabus 2024-25
Class I Syllabus 2024-25
Class I Syllabus 2024-25
"The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a
skill; the willingness to learn is a choice."
Students will be able to read and
LITERATURE: comprehend.
L-1 The Magic Aeroplane Students will be able to learn new
Poem - Once I Saw a Little Bird vocabulary. They will be able to
GRAMMAR: describe the main characters of the
L-1 Welcome! story.
L-2 Naming Words They will learn to narrate the story
L-3 Naming Words (Common & and recite the poem.
Proper) Student will learn about naming
words 'Nouns'.
iqLrd &xqfydk Çgnh ikBekyk Nk=ksa esa la;qäk{kj o f}Ro O;atuksa ds Kku
ls Hkk"kk;h Kku esa vfHko`f) gksxhA ^fxUuh
ikB&9 la;qäk{kj o f}Ro O;atu
OCTOBER dh fpëh* vkSj ^cêw vkSj vIiw dh nksLrh*
ikB&10 fxUuh dh fpëh ¼dfork okpu½
ikB esa vk, la;qäk{kj o f}Ro O;atu 'kCnksa
ikB&15 cêw vkSj vIiw dh nksLrh ¼dgkuh½ dks igpku ik,axsA
iqLrd& xqfydk Çgnh ikBekyk
ikB&17 nhiks dk R;ksgkj ¼dgkuh½
iqLrd &O;kdj.k vkuan Nk=ksa esa iBu o ys[ku vH;kl ds
lkFk&lkFk okpu dkS'ky esa o`f) gksxhA
NOVEMBER ikB&6 loZuke
lcdk uke okys 'kCnksa dk mfpr ç;ksx o
ikB&10 i;kZ;okph 'kCn lekukFkÊ 'kCnksa ls 'kCndks"k esa o`f) gksxhA
vifBr x|ka'k
nksgjku dk;Z ¼Unit-2½
iqLrd& xqfydk Çgnh ikBekyk
ikB&11 ^j* ds :i ¼jsQ vkSj insu½ Nk= ^j* ds fofHkUu :iksa jsQ vkSj insu dk
mi;ksx ds lkFk Çgnh fxurh dks Çgnh vadks
DECEMBER ikB&12 fxurh ¼1 ls 20 rd½
vkSj 'kCnksa esa fy[kus esa l{ke gksaxAs Çgnh esa
ikB&13 fnu vkSj eghuks ds uke eghuks vkSj fnuksa ds uke Hkh tku ik,axsA
ikB&18 mM+ku ¼dfork okpu½
iqLrd& xqfydk Çgnh ikBekyk
ikB&20 [kjxks'k dh Nki ¼dgkuh½ Nk= [kjxks'k dh Nki dgkuh ls nku vkSj
ikB&21 dSlk fdruk ¼ç'uksÙkjh½ R;kx ds egRo le>rs gq,] dSlk&fdruk
ikB&22 myV&iyV ¼dfork opu½ 'kCnksa ls vius vkl&ikl dh phtksa dh
ikB&23 fpfM+;k ?kj ¼dgkuh½ fo'ks"krk [kkst ldsxsaA dke dks djuk ;k
iqLrd& O;kdj.k vkuan fdlh dke dk gksuk ls fØ;k dks tku
ikB&7 fo'ks"k.k ik,axsA
ikB&8 fØ;k
iqLrd&O;kdj.k vkuan
ikB&11 bUgsa D;k dgrs gSa ¼vusd 'kCnksa ds
fy, ,d 'kCn½ Nk= vusd 'kCnksa ds fy, ç;qä ,d mfpr
ikB&12 vkvks tkusa 'kCn dk ç;ksx dj ldsxasA dgkuh ys[ku esa
ikB&13 vkvks fy[ksa n{k gksaxsA vifBr x|ka'k o i|ka'k ds
dgkuh ys[ku] vifBr x|ka'k] vifBr i|ka'k vkèkkj ij mÙkj nsus esa ikjaxr gksaxsA
f}rh; l= ¼Term-2½
nksgjku dk;Z
iqLrd& xqfydk
iqLrd& xqfydk
ikB&9] 15] 17] ikB&10
ikB&1] 2] 3 ikB&19 ¼dfork okpu½
iqLrd& O;kdj.k vkuan
iqLrd& O;kdj.k vkuan
ikB&1] 2] esjk ifjp;
ikB&6] 10 vifBr x|ka'k
iqLrd& xqfydk iqLrd& xqfydk
ikB&4] 5] 6] 7] 8] ikB& 14 vkSj 16 ikB&11] 12] 13] 20] 21] 22]
¼dfork okpu½ 23]
iqLrd& O;kdj.k vkuan ikB&18 ¼dforkokpu½
ikB&3] 4] 5] 9] fp= o.kZu] vifBr iqLrd& O;kdj.k vkuan
x|ka'k o vifBr i|ka'k ikB&7] 8] 11] 12] 13
Ch- 4, 7, 11 & 13
Ch - 6, 9, 10 & 14
TERM-I Tables from 2 to 5 (only TERM-II
Tables upto 7
for orals)
In the chapter, 'About Me', students will be able to
know about personal details, their birthday,
fingerprint and their hobbies
Ch-1 About Me In the chapter, ' My School', students will be able
Ch-10 My School to know about the school, its rooms and people
(Activity based) associated with it. They will learn how to keep the
Ch-2 My Body school clean.
In the chapter, ' My Body', students will develop
awareness about their body parts, identify their
functions and identify the use of sense organs.
Students will develop the habit of keeping their
Ch-3 Looking after
MAY & JUNE body healthy and fit. They will learn the
My body
importance and ways to manage their hygiene.
In the chapter, ' Clothes we wear', students will be
able to identify the need to wear clothes, types of
clothes worn in different seasons and on different
Ch-4 Clothes we In the chapter, 'My family', they will develop the
wear feeling of compassion, identify the type of family
JULY Ch-7 My Family in which they live and determine the importance
Ch-14 The world of family.
of plants In the chapter, 'The world of Plants', students will
be able to identify the different parts of a plant,
develop sensitivity towards the importance of
having plants around them. They will also gain
knowledge about various types of plants.
In the chapter, 'Our neighbourhood', children will
be able to identify direction, explore and correlate
areas around their houses and develop awareness
Ch-9 Our about important places in their neighbourhood.
AUGUST In the chapter, 'People Who Help Us', students
Ch-11 People Who
help Us will develop the feeling of compassion and
sensitivity. They will be able to identify the work
done by different people in our society and respect
them for their work.
In the chapter, 'Safety Rules', students will learn
Ch-6 Safety Rules about various safety rules in school, at home or
SEPTEMBER Revision for Term-
when they are not in the presence of their
In the chapter, 'Food We Eat', children will
develop awareness about healthy eating habits,
different kinds of food and identify the number of
meals they should eat in a day with the
Ch-5 Food We Eat knowledge of the nutritional value of their meals.
OCTOBER Ch-15 The world As a part of financial literacy program, children
of Animals will learn the concept of needs and wants in
context of food and then money.
In the chapter, 'The World of Animals', children
will learn about various animals that live around
In the chapter, 'We Need Shelter', students will be
able to determine the need of a house. They will
Ch-8 We Need get to know about different types of houses,
Shelter rooms in a house and their purpose.
NOVEMBER Ch-12 Festival We In the chapter, 'Festivals we celebrate', children
Celebrate (Activity will observe and share their personal experience
based) about how they celebrate different festivals,
develop the feelings of patriotism, empathy and
sharing .
Students will identify the need of transport in
daily life, identify different modes of
transportation and vehicles used, about the
Ch-13 Travelling
uniqueness and similarity of different vehicles in
is Fun
DECEMBER chapter-13.
Ch-16 Water and
Children will understand the role of water and air
for humans and plants. They will identify the
need of water, develop the awareness to save
water and determine the uses of air in chapter16.
In the lesson, 'In the Sky', children will observe
the changing positions of sun and moon in the
sky, will get familiar with the reason of seeing day
and night. They will also identify the colour in the
Ch-17 In the Sky
JANUARY rainbow.
Ch-18 Weather
In the lesson, 'Weather', students will understand
the term weather and will be able to distinguish
between a hot day ,cloudy day, windy day ,cold
day and rainy day.
FEBRUARY Revision For Term-2
MAY & JUNE Ch-2 Computer-A Machine types of machines and know the strengths of
a computer.
Students will be able to explain the different
things that can be done on a computer and
JULY Ch-3 Uses of a Computer
the different places where computers are
Students will be able to identify the main
NOVEMBER Ch-6 Using a Mouse understand the use of the mouse buttons for
different functions.
Students will be able to understand the term
DECEMBER Ch-7 Data and Storage data and memory and understand how data is
stored in a computer.
Revision of Term-II Syllabus