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Biochemistry Solved BCQS 2ND Semester MBBS Lumhs-1

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Q) 1. The small optimum temprature for Q) 4.

Regarding factor which effect

enzyme in human body is ? enzyme kinetic ?

a) 25 °C a) PH can alter both Km and Vmax

b) 27 °C b) Temprature can alter both Km and
Vmax ✔
c) 30 °C
d) 32 °C c) Competitive inhibitor both Km and
e) 37 °C ✔
d) Competitive inhibitor alters Vmax but
not Km
Q) 2. Riboenzymes ?
e) Metal cofactor effect both the Km
and Vmax
a) Are Catalytic DNA molecules
b) Can cleave 3 or 5 phosphodiester Q) 5. Rate of enzyme catalyzed reaction
bonds of DNA and RNA ✔ is not affected by ?

c) Require NAD as a co - enzyme

d) Act in processing of pre - ribosomal a) Temprature
e) Are digestive enzyme c) Covalent modification
Q) 3. Clinical significance of enzyme ? d) Concentration of substrate
e) Presence or absence of fat soluble
vitamins ✔
a) Raised alkaline phosphatase and AlT
are diagnostic criteria for bone Q) 6. Enzyme which are always present in
disorder an organism are known as ?
b) Raised creatine kinase -MB is an
indicator of acute myocardial
infarction ✔ a) Inducible enzyme
c) Serum amylase is increased in b) Constitutive enzymes ✔
obstructive juandice c) Functional enzymes
d) Normal ALT and rise in Alkaline d) Apo enzymes
phosphatase is obserbed in liver e) Holo enzymes
e) Increase acid phosphatase in
diagnostic of carcinoma of lung
Q) 7. Enzyme can bind with ? Q) 10. The major lipid biological
membrane are ?

a) Activator
b) Inducer a) Glycosohingo lipids and cholesterol
c) Inhibitor b) Phospholipids and cholesterol ✔
d) Repressor c) Triacylglycerol and cholesterol
e) Substrate ✔ d) Triacylglycerol and phospholipids
e) Triacylglycerol and glycosphingo
Q) 8. The best enzyme test for the lipids
diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in the
presence of mumps is ? Q) 11. Cholesterol ?

a) Acid phosphatase a) Is converted into cholic acid in our

body ✔
b) Alkaline phosphatase
c) Amylase ✔ b) Is precursor of vitamin C
d) Lipase c) Level in serum 50 - 80 mg/dl
e) Pepsin d) Synthesis decreases by low intake of
cholesterol in diet
Q) 9. Which of the following fatty acid e) Mainly present in free form
can the precursor of prostaglandins in
human ? Q) 12. Neutral fats are ?

a) Oleic acid a) Components of prostaglandin

b) Palmitic acid b) Not storage from lipids
c) Stearic acid c) Soluble in water
d) Arachidonic acid ✔ d) Esters of fatty acids with cholesterol
e) Palmitoleic acid e) Triacylglycerol ✔
Q) 13. Free fatty acids are transported in Q) 16. The fatty acids necessary for
plasma ? optimal vision is ?

a) As a Component of VLDL a) Arachidonic acid

b) As a Component of Chylomicron b) Linoleic acid
remnant c) Linolenic acid ✔
c) As a part of Lipo - protein d) Oleic acid
d) As a ligand bound to albumin✔ e) Palmitic acid
e) As a ligand bound to globulin
Q) 17. Elevated plasma Level of the
Q) 14. Cholesterol as a component of cell following protects against
membrane is used for ? atherosclerosis ?

a) Synthesis of vitamin D3 a) Chylomicrons

b) Conversion into bile acids in liver b) VLDL
c) Precursor of steroid hormone c) HDL ✔
d) Maintenance of membrane fluidity ✔ d) LDL
e) As a second messenger e) IDL
Q) 15. The highest cholesterol content is Q) 18. Daily intake vitamin C in normal
found in ? Adult is about ?

a) Chylomicrons a) 10 mg
b) VLDL b) 20 mg
c) LDL ✔ c) 30 mg
d) HDL d) 40 mg
e) IDL e) 80 mg ✔
Q) 19. The richest source of Vitamin Q) 22. Folic acid ?
Thiamine is ?

a) Its one of the Vitamin that cannot be

a) Rice polishing ✔ synthesized by intestinal bacteria
b) Peas b) Leucopenia is one of the
characteristic sign of deficiency
c) Beans
d) Liver c) It promotes the formation of amino
acids and genes ✔
e) Milk
d) It is a carrier of Acyl group
Q) 20. Peripheral blood smear of young e) Plants are the richest source of folic
female reveals hypochromic microcyctic acid
anemia cause of this finding is the
deficiency of ? Q) 23. Vitamin which acts as one carbon
carrier is ?

a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B12 a) Riboflavin
c) Vitamin E b) Thiamine
d) Folate c) Panthenic acid
e) Iron ✔ d) Lipoic acid
e) Folic acid ✔
Q) 21. Regariding ascorbic acid ?
Q) 24. Active form of Vitamin D (
calciferol ) is activated in ?
a) It is an oxidizing agent
b) Human are capable of synthesizing
Vitamin - C from glucose a) Intestinal mucosa
c) Lesions in bone are due to calcium
b) Liver
deficiency defect in coagulation c) Skin
system d) Kidneys ✔
d) Capillary haemorrhages in Scurvy are e) Bones
due to defect in coagulation system
e) It is required for formation of hydroxy
proline residues in collagen ✔
Q) 25. Kawashiorkar may result due to ? Q) 28. Cherry red macula is commonly
seen in ?

a) Starvation in young childrens

b) Breastfed infants of malnourished a) Neiman - pick disease
mothers b) Gaucher disease
c) Primarily due to diet very low in c) Fabry disease
protein ✔
d) Farber disease
d) Respiratory infections e) Tay - Sach disease ✔
e) Less nutrition in protein and calories
Q) 29. The complete structure of enzyme
Q) 26. Regarding Gangliosides ? is called as ?

a) Are phospholipids a) Apo - enzyme

b) Are elevated in Tay - Sach disease b) Co enzyme
c) Are present in plasma membrane c) Holo enzyme ✔
d) Contain N - acetyl neuraminic acid ✔ d) Iso enzymw
e) Contain ceramide as back bone e) Pro enzyme
Q) 27. The most important property of Q) 30. Which of the following types of
enzyme is ? reaction requires biotin as enzyme ?

a) Protein nature a) Carboxylation ✔

b) Direction of enzyme reaction b) Deamination
c) Induction c) Hydroxylation
d) Repression d) Oxidation
e) Specificity ✔ e) Reduction
Q) 31. Human body fat depot are mostly Q) 34. Which mineral maintains the
consist of ? normal Level of Vitamin A

a) Saturated fatty acids ✔ a) Sulfer
b) Unsaturated fatty acids b) Selenium
c) Essential fatty acids c) Zinc ✔
d) Non saturated fatty acids d) Iron
e) All of above e) Iodine
Q) 32. Respiratory syndrome is caused by
Q) 35. The enzyme most specific for liver
deficiency of ?
injury is ?

a) Lecithin ✔ a) Alanine transminase ✔

b) Phosphatidyl ethanolamine b) Aspartate transminase
c) Phosphatidyl Inositol c) Gamma glutamyl transferase
d) Plasmalogen d) Lactate dehydrogenase
e) Sphingomyelin e) Alkaline phosphatase
Q) 33. The most important essential fatty
Q) 36. The vitamin that maintains the
acid is ?
serum calcium Level ?

a) Butyric acid a) Ascorbic acid

b) Caproic acid b) Panthothenic acid
c) Linoleic acid ✔ c) Retionic acid
d) Linolenic acid d) Folic acid
e) Arachidonic acid e) 1.25 DHCC ( Dihydroxycholecalciferol
) ✔
Q) 37. Apo - Lipoprotein unique to e) Cortical gland
Chylomicron is ?
Q) 41. A patient suffering from a Scaly
dermatitis on exposed skin diarrhea and
a) Apo C - II depression. The most likey deficiency is ?
b) Apo E
c) Apo B - 100
a) Ascarbic acid
d) Apo B - 48 ✔
b) Biotin
e) Apo A - 1
c) Cyanocobalamin
Q) 38. The normal amount of serum free d) Niacin ✔
cholesterol in Adult is ? e) Fibrolysin
Q) 42. Which of the following Vitamin act
a) 10 ~ 20 mg as coenzyme with transketolase in
b) 40 ~ 50 mg ✔ transketolation reaction ?
c) 70 ~ 80 mg
d) 100 ~ 140 mg a) Thiamine ✔
e) 150 ~ 250 mg b) Riboflavin
Q) 39. In Acute pancreatitis Serum level c) Niacin
of the following enzyme is raised ? d) Ascorbic acid
e) Folic acid
a) Alanine transminase Q) 43.. Regarding potassium ?
b) Aspartate transminase
c) Gamma glutamyl transminase
transferase a) It is main extracellular cation
d) Amylase b) Hyperkalemia may Lead to Cardiac
arrest ✔
e) Alkaline phosphatase ✔
c) Hyperkalemia causes to Cardiac
Q) 40. Which gland rich in zinc Quantity ?
d) Intake need to be restricted in renal
a) Thyroid gland e) It is mainly excreted faeces
b) Adrenal gland
c) Prostate gland ✔
d) Parathyroid gland
Q) 44. The balanced Diet should contain ? Q) 47. Vitamin which is required for
absorption of iron from intestine is ?

a) DNA ans RNA

b) Glucose and Protein a) Phyllo Quinone
c) Purine and Pyrimidine bases b) Biotin
d) Lipids, Carbohydrate, Mineral, c) Retinol ✔
Vitamins, protein ✔ d) Vitamin B6
Q) 45. Pellagra can be prevented by Q) 48. Which of the following
treatment with ? gangliosides is most commonly present in
tissues ?

a) Thiamine
b) Riboflavin a) GM - 1
c) Niacin ✔ b) GM - 2
d) Pyridoxine c) GM - 3 ✔
e) Cyanocobalamin d) GM - 4
e) GM - 5
Q) 46. A Patient having pour wound
healing, Numerous recurring infections, Q) 49. Steroid hormone derived from ?
Dry scaly skin and Complaint that food is
tasteless. This patient most likely has
deficiency of ? a) Glycolipids
b) Phopholipids
a) Calcium c) Lecithin
b) Copper d) Lysolecithin
c) Iron e) Sterol ✔
d) Phosphorus Q) 50. Sphingomyelins are found in ?
e) Zinc ✔
a) Brain
b) Muscle
c) Nerves and Brain ✔
d) Heart
e) Liver
Q) 51. Which of the following is Trans - Q) 54. Sensory and motor Loss occur due
Isomer ? to deficiency of ?

a) Oleic acid a) Riboflavin

b) Linoleic acid b) Cobalamin ✔
c) Palmitic acid c) Intrinsic factor
d) Elaidic acid ✔ d) Transferrin
e) Linolenic acid e) Dopamine
Q) 52. Which of the following is a Long Q) 55. Acetylcholine production and its
Hydroxyl fatty acid ? proper actions are regulated by ?

a) Oleic acid a) Niacin

b) Linolenic acid b) Biotin
c) Ricinoleic acid ✔ c) Thiamine ✔
d) Lenolenic acid d) Cobalamin
e) Palmitic acid e) Folic acid
Q) 53. Active form of Vitamin is Q) 56. Dimentia, Dermatitis and diarrhea
covalently linked with Glycogen are the features of deficiency of ?
phosphorylase ?

a) Riboflavin
a) Thiamine ✔ b) Biotin
b) Riboflavin c) Ascorbic acid
c) Niacin d) Panthothenic acid
d) Folic acid e) Niacin ✔
e) Pyridoxine
Q) 57. Hydrolysis of triglycerides is also Q) 60. An example of saturated fatty acid
known as ? is ?

a) Estrification a) Palmitic acid ✔

b) Saponification ✔ b) Oleic acid
c) Hydrogenation c) Linoleic acid
d) Halogenation d) Linolenic acid
e) Ranidification e) Arachidonic acid
Q) 58. Vitamin A alcohol is responsible Q) 61. Which of the following is required
for ? for the activation of salivary amylase ?

a) Cell Growth a) Copper

b) Gene expression b) Chloride ✔
c) Collagen formation ✔ c) Cobalt
d) Reproduction d) Calcium
e) Vision e) Potassium
Q) 59. The Number of double bonds in Q) 62. Carboxypeptidase is secreted in
arachidonic acid is ? the ?

a) 1 a) Salivary juice
b) 2 b) Gastric juice
c) 4 ✔ c) Pancreatic juice ✔
d) 6 d) Bile juice
e) 8 e) Intestinal juice
Q) 63. Trysinogen is converted to trypsin e) Vitamin A
by the action of the ezyme ?
Q) 67. Retinal is a component of ?
a) Aminopeptidase
b) Carboxypeptidase a) Iodopsin
c) Dipeptidase b) Rhodopsim ✔
d) Tripeptidase c) Cardiolipin
e) Enteropeptidase ✔ d) Glycoproteins
e) Lipoprotein
Q) 64. An example of Hydroxy fatty acid
is ? Q) 68. Which of the following Vitamins
Catalyzes the formation of Gamma
carboxy Glutamate ?
a) Ricinoleic acid ✔
b) Crotonic acid
c) Butyric acid a) Retinal
d) Oleic acid b) 1-25 Dihydroxy cholecalciferol
e) Stearic acid c) Alfa tocopherol
d) Phylloquinone ✔
Q) 65. Deficiency of Vitamin D in Adult e) Biotin
causes ?
Q) 69. The vitamin that maintains that
promote the absorption of calcium &
a) Renal stone phosphatase from intestinal epithelial
b) Gall stone cells ?
c) Osteomalacia ✔
d) Keratomalacia a) Ascorbic acid
e) Rickets b) Pantothenic acid
Q) 66. The most important natural c) Folic acid
Antioxidant is ? d) Retinoic acid
e) 1,25 DHOCC ✔
a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin E ✔
c) Vitamin B12
d) Vitamin K
Q) 70. Which vitamin prevent the non - Q) 73. Which vitamin Retord the
Enzymatic Oxidation of Polyunsaturated oxidation of Low density Lipoprotein ?
fatty acids ?

a) Retinoic acid
a) Alfa tocopherol ✔ b) Phyllo Quinone
b) Nicotinic acid c) Mena Quinone
c) Pyridoxine d) Alfa tocopherol ✔
d) Pantothenic acid e) Calcitriol
e) Ascorbic acid
Q) 74. The most abundant fatty acid in
Q) 71. Which of the following property is Cholesteryl ester is ?
used for testing purity of butter ?

a) Linoleic acid
a) Reichert Meissl number ✔ b) Arachidonic acid ✔
b) Saponification number c) Palmitic acid
c) Acetyl number d) Stearic acid
d) Acid number e) Oleic acid
e) Halogenium number
Q) 75. Which of the following is not an
Q) 72. Acetylcholine is an excitatory end product of hydrolysis of surfactant
neurotransmitter its production is lecithin ?
regulated by ?

a) Glycerol
a) Retinoic acid b) Choline
b) Ascorbic acid c) Phosphorus acid
c) Riboflavin d) Palmitic acid
d) Thiamine ✔ e) Oleic acid ✔
e) Biotin
Q) 76. The most unsaturated fatty acid is Q) 79. Burning feet syndrome occurs due
? to deficiency of ?

a) Eicosapentaenoic acid a) Niacin

b) Arachidonic acid ✔ b) Thiamine ✔
c) α Linolenic acid c) Riboflavin
d) γ Linolenic acid d) Pantothenic
e) Linoleic acid e) Pyridoxine
Q) 77. Pateint with Chronic Gastritis will Q) 80. Which Vitamin promote the
have deficiency of ? Myelination of Nerves ?

a) Folic acid a) Pantothenic acid

b) Pyridoxine b) Retinoic acid
c) Intrinsic factor ✔ c) Ascorbic acid ✔
d) Niacin d) Pyridoxine
e) Ascorbic acid e) Nicotinic acid
Q) 78. Deficiency of which vitamin inhibit Q) 81. Which factor Increase the
the Lipolysis ? absorption of Calcium in small Intestine ?

a) Pantothenic acid a) Hypovitaminosis D

b) Biotin b) Free Fatty Acids
c) Niacin c) Insoluble Salts
d) Ascorbic acid ✔ d) Arginine
e) Retinoic acid e) Phosphate compound ✔
Q) 82. Which one is the Course of Q) 85. Which of the following is not
Retention Hyperkalemia ? correct regarding Fatty acids ?

a) Addison disease ✔ a) Mostly contain even number of

carbons atoms
b) Diabetic coma
c) Hemolysis b) Most of naturally occuring fatty acids
are of Cisconfiguration ✔
d) Cushing Syndrome
c) May be saturated or Unsaturated
e) Gastroenteritis
d) Prostaglandins are derived from
eicosapolycooic fatty acids
Q) 83. Which factor decrease the rate of
absorption of copper as well necessary e) First Carbon of chain is also known as
factor for human health ? alpha carbon

Q) 86. Regarding Eicosanoids which of

a) Zinc the following is not correct ?
b) Cadmium
c) Boron a) They are sub category of oxylipins ✔
d) Silver b) Arachidonic acid is precursor for both
e) Vitamin C ✔ prostaglandins and
Q) 84. Which of the following Lipids is not
required for normal blood clotting ? c) Prostannoids Include Prostaglandins,
prostacyclins ans
a) Thromboxane A2
d) Important source for obtaining
b) Cardiolipins Arachidonic acid
c) Prostaglandin E2 ✔ e) Leukotreines are important
d) Cephalins inflammatory mediators
e) Phosphoglycerides
Q) 87. Which water soluble vitamin is Q) 90. Transketolase is the Enzyme of
useful for improving sperm count and HMP Shunt. The activity of this Enzyme is
motility ? regulated by ?

a) Methylcobalamin a) Riboflavin
b) Hydroxycobalamin b) Biotin
c) Biotin c) Ascorbate
d) Adenosyl Cobalamin d) Thiamine ✔
e) Thiamine e) Niacin
Q) 88. Alfa Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase Q) 91. A 01 year of child of tharparkar
is an important enzyme of TCA cycle. It city, admitted at LUMHS hospital in
requires which vitamin as Coenzyme for peads ward with severe weight loss &
its normal activity ? darrhea, an clincal examination there
was muscular wasting, bony prominence
at chest region. Laboratory report also
a) Niacin shows iron deficiency anemia, this clincal
b) Biotin scenario mostly in favor of which type of
malnutrition ?
c) Thiamine ✔
d) Cobalamin
e) Folic acid a) Kawashiorkar
b) Marasmus ✔
Q) 89. Vitamin which is required for c) Kawashiorkar ~ Marasmus
absorption of Iron from Intestine is ?
d) Under weight
e) Stunting
a) Ascorbic acid ✔
b) Nicotinic acid
c) Pantothenic acid
d) Folic acid
e) Methyl cobalamin

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