Biochemistry Solved BCQS 2ND Semester MBBS Lumhs-1
Biochemistry Solved BCQS 2ND Semester MBBS Lumhs-1
Biochemistry Solved BCQS 2ND Semester MBBS Lumhs-1
a) Activator
b) Inducer a) Glycosohingo lipids and cholesterol
c) Inhibitor b) Phospholipids and cholesterol ✔
d) Repressor c) Triacylglycerol and cholesterol
e) Substrate ✔ d) Triacylglycerol and phospholipids
e) Triacylglycerol and glycosphingo
Q) 8. The best enzyme test for the lipids
diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in the
presence of mumps is ? Q) 11. Cholesterol ?
a) Chylomicrons a) 10 mg
b) VLDL b) 20 mg
c) LDL ✔ c) 30 mg
d) HDL d) 40 mg
e) IDL e) 80 mg ✔
Q) 19. The richest source of Vitamin Q) 22. Folic acid ?
Thiamine is ?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B12 a) Riboflavin
c) Vitamin E b) Thiamine
d) Folate c) Panthenic acid
e) Iron ✔ d) Lipoic acid
e) Folic acid ✔
Q) 21. Regariding ascorbic acid ?
Q) 24. Active form of Vitamin D (
calciferol ) is activated in ?
a) It is an oxidizing agent
b) Human are capable of synthesizing
Vitamin - C from glucose a) Intestinal mucosa
c) Lesions in bone are due to calcium
b) Liver
deficiency defect in coagulation c) Skin
system d) Kidneys ✔
d) Capillary haemorrhages in Scurvy are e) Bones
due to defect in coagulation system
e) It is required for formation of hydroxy
proline residues in collagen ✔
Q) 25. Kawashiorkar may result due to ? Q) 28. Cherry red macula is commonly
seen in ?
a) Saturated fatty acids ✔ a) Sulfer
b) Unsaturated fatty acids b) Selenium
c) Essential fatty acids c) Zinc ✔
d) Non saturated fatty acids d) Iron
e) All of above e) Iodine
Q) 32. Respiratory syndrome is caused by
Q) 35. The enzyme most specific for liver
deficiency of ?
injury is ?
a) Thiamine
b) Riboflavin a) GM - 1
c) Niacin ✔ b) GM - 2
d) Pyridoxine c) GM - 3 ✔
e) Cyanocobalamin d) GM - 4
e) GM - 5
Q) 46. A Patient having pour wound
healing, Numerous recurring infections, Q) 49. Steroid hormone derived from ?
Dry scaly skin and Complaint that food is
tasteless. This patient most likely has
deficiency of ? a) Glycolipids
b) Phopholipids
a) Calcium c) Lecithin
b) Copper d) Lysolecithin
c) Iron e) Sterol ✔
d) Phosphorus Q) 50. Sphingomyelins are found in ?
e) Zinc ✔
a) Brain
b) Muscle
c) Nerves and Brain ✔
d) Heart
e) Liver
Q) 51. Which of the following is Trans - Q) 54. Sensory and motor Loss occur due
Isomer ? to deficiency of ?
a) Riboflavin
a) Thiamine ✔ b) Biotin
b) Riboflavin c) Ascorbic acid
c) Niacin d) Panthothenic acid
d) Folic acid e) Niacin ✔
e) Pyridoxine
Q) 57. Hydrolysis of triglycerides is also Q) 60. An example of saturated fatty acid
known as ? is ?
a) 1 a) Salivary juice
b) 2 b) Gastric juice
c) 4 ✔ c) Pancreatic juice ✔
d) 6 d) Bile juice
e) 8 e) Intestinal juice
Q) 63. Trysinogen is converted to trypsin e) Vitamin A
by the action of the ezyme ?
Q) 67. Retinal is a component of ?
a) Aminopeptidase
b) Carboxypeptidase a) Iodopsin
c) Dipeptidase b) Rhodopsim ✔
d) Tripeptidase c) Cardiolipin
e) Enteropeptidase ✔ d) Glycoproteins
e) Lipoprotein
Q) 64. An example of Hydroxy fatty acid
is ? Q) 68. Which of the following Vitamins
Catalyzes the formation of Gamma
carboxy Glutamate ?
a) Ricinoleic acid ✔
b) Crotonic acid
c) Butyric acid a) Retinal
d) Oleic acid b) 1-25 Dihydroxy cholecalciferol
e) Stearic acid c) Alfa tocopherol
d) Phylloquinone ✔
Q) 65. Deficiency of Vitamin D in Adult e) Biotin
causes ?
Q) 69. The vitamin that maintains that
promote the absorption of calcium &
a) Renal stone phosphatase from intestinal epithelial
b) Gall stone cells ?
c) Osteomalacia ✔
d) Keratomalacia a) Ascorbic acid
e) Rickets b) Pantothenic acid
Q) 66. The most important natural c) Folic acid
Antioxidant is ? d) Retinoic acid
e) 1,25 DHOCC ✔
a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin E ✔
c) Vitamin B12
d) Vitamin K
Q) 70. Which vitamin prevent the non - Q) 73. Which vitamin Retord the
Enzymatic Oxidation of Polyunsaturated oxidation of Low density Lipoprotein ?
fatty acids ?
a) Retinoic acid
a) Alfa tocopherol ✔ b) Phyllo Quinone
b) Nicotinic acid c) Mena Quinone
c) Pyridoxine d) Alfa tocopherol ✔
d) Pantothenic acid e) Calcitriol
e) Ascorbic acid
Q) 74. The most abundant fatty acid in
Q) 71. Which of the following property is Cholesteryl ester is ?
used for testing purity of butter ?
a) Linoleic acid
a) Reichert Meissl number ✔ b) Arachidonic acid ✔
b) Saponification number c) Palmitic acid
c) Acetyl number d) Stearic acid
d) Acid number e) Oleic acid
e) Halogenium number
Q) 75. Which of the following is not an
Q) 72. Acetylcholine is an excitatory end product of hydrolysis of surfactant
neurotransmitter its production is lecithin ?
regulated by ?
a) Glycerol
a) Retinoic acid b) Choline
b) Ascorbic acid c) Phosphorus acid
c) Riboflavin d) Palmitic acid
d) Thiamine ✔ e) Oleic acid ✔
e) Biotin
Q) 76. The most unsaturated fatty acid is Q) 79. Burning feet syndrome occurs due
? to deficiency of ?
a) Methylcobalamin a) Riboflavin
b) Hydroxycobalamin b) Biotin
c) Biotin c) Ascorbate
d) Adenosyl Cobalamin d) Thiamine ✔
e) Thiamine e) Niacin
Q) 88. Alfa Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase Q) 91. A 01 year of child of tharparkar
is an important enzyme of TCA cycle. It city, admitted at LUMHS hospital in
requires which vitamin as Coenzyme for peads ward with severe weight loss &
its normal activity ? darrhea, an clincal examination there
was muscular wasting, bony prominence
at chest region. Laboratory report also
a) Niacin shows iron deficiency anemia, this clincal
b) Biotin scenario mostly in favor of which type of
malnutrition ?
c) Thiamine ✔
d) Cobalamin
e) Folic acid a) Kawashiorkar
b) Marasmus ✔
Q) 89. Vitamin which is required for c) Kawashiorkar ~ Marasmus
absorption of Iron from Intestine is ?
d) Under weight
e) Stunting
a) Ascorbic acid ✔
b) Nicotinic acid
c) Pantothenic acid
d) Folic acid
e) Methyl cobalamin