Sub Station Catalog
Sub Station Catalog
Sub Station Catalog
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Ark Power Ltd. (APL) is a professional manufacturer of Electrical & Electronics equipment with proven design. APL boasts a highly
professional R&D team comprising senior Engineers & experienced technologist which enables the company to apply the most
advanced technologies to its production of high performance Sub-Station equipment. The company is committed to meeting
requirements from all kinds of customer, re-designing and tailor- making its products.
APL products are well-known on the market and have been widely meet with the requirement in such fields as all types of
lndustries, Apartments, Defense, Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB), Dhaka Electric Supply COMPANY (DESCO),
Dhaka Power Distribution Compnay (DPDC) & Rural Electrification Board (REB).
APL Transformers are naturally self cooled or forced airloil cooled, suitable for outdoor or indoor, core type or shell type both for
single phase/three phase. Our Transformers are of rated voltage Lt/O.4!51\V, 6.35/0.24 l\V & t7/O.24 KV have passed the
impulse withstand voltage test successfully at Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET).
1 Phase, up to 1_50 KVA, 50Hz
3 Phase, 50KVA to 10,00OKVA, 50Hz
System Voltage:
Ge n e ra ly 1y O.4L5KV,
I 6.35 / 0.24KV, !7/ O.241<v & 33/0.415 KV
As per customer requirement
Manufactured & Tested as to IEC-76, BS-171, ANSI, C57.12 0r VDE-0532
. High/Low Tension Bushing with connectors o Tap Changer (Off load / On load) . Conservator
. Radiator o Oil level indicator . Lifting tug
. Temperature meter o Silicagel breather o Name plate with connection diagram
. Earthing bolts r Drain valve o Bucholz relay for higher capacity
APL High Tension Switchgear equipped with Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker (MOCB), Vacuum Circuit
Breaker (VCB) & Load Break Switch (LBS) and confirm to lEC, BS, VDE, DIN & ANSI standard. They are
designed in co-ordination to over voltage due to Lightning & transients for highest system voltage of 12
KV & current rating from 6304 to t25OA.
The panel boards are made of strong sheet steel at all sides with iron angles & channels welded
together. They are painted in accordance with general practice and recognized methods to meet the
tropical conditions at site. Potential transformer (PT), Current Transformer (CT), Earthing Switch, the
main unit & other components are imported from America, Germany, France, ltaly, UK & Japan or as per
the choice of the valued customers.
APL Low Tension Switchgear (415V, 3q, 50Hz) equipped with Circuit Breaker, Hard Drawn
Electrolytic Copper Busbar, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Selector Switch & lndicating Lamps & confirm to
IEC-947-2, BS, DIN & ANSI standard. Totally enclosed the cubicle will be painted with corrosion,
chemical resistant & anti rust paint panels are designed to withstand the mechanical & thermal
stress produced by current. All live parts are adequately protected against accidental touching.
lnterior wiring with minimum cross sectional area of 0.75mml is accommodated in plastic conduits.
The LT panel boards are so designated that the cables are fed in and split and removable type to
. !*.
We cover warranty for a period of 18 (eighteen) months from the Date of Delivery on the performance of our manufactured
equipment for any defect of technical & materials.
APL products are well-known on the market and have been widely meet with the requirement in such fields as all types of
lndustries, Apartments, Defense, Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB), Dhaka Electric Supply COMPANY (DESCO),
Dhaka Power Distribution Compnay (DPDC) & Rural Electrification Board (REB).
APL Transformers are naturally self cooled or forced airloil cooled, suitable for outdoor or indoor, core type or shell type both for
single phase/three phase. Our Transformers are of rated voltage 11,/O.4!5V\V, 6.35/O.24 l\V & tl/O.24 KV have passed the
impulse withstand voltage test successfully at Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET).
1 Phase, up to 150 KVA, 50Hz
3 Phase, 50KVA to 10,000KVA, 50Hz
System Voltager
G e n e ra I ly 1L/ O. 4t5KV, 6.35 / O.241\V, 1L/ O.241\v & 33 / 0. 4t5l<v
Manufactured & Tested as to IEC-76, BS-171, ANSI, C57.12 or VDE-0532
o High/Low Tension Bushing with connectors r Tap Changer (Off load / on load) o Conservator
o Radiator o Oil level indicator . Lifting lug
. Temperature meter . Silicagel breather o Name plate with connection diagram
. Earthing bolts o Drain valve o Bucholz relay for higher capacity
APL High Tension Switchgear equipped with Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker (MOCB), Vacuum Circuit
Breaker (VCB) & Load Break Switch (LBS) and confirm to lEC, BS, VDE, DIN & ANSI standard. They are
designed in co-ordination to over voltage due to Lightning & transients for highest system voltage of 12
KV & current rating from 63OA to 1-25OA.
The panel boards are made of strong sheet steel at all sides with iron angles & channels welded
together. They are painted in accordance with general practice and recognized methods to meet the
tropical conditions at site. Potential transformer (PT), Current Transformer (CT), Earthing Switch, the
main unit & other components are imported from America, Germany, France, ltaly, UK & Japan or as per
the choice of the valued customers.