I Remember I Remember
I Remember I Remember
I Remember I Remember
The next bit is all about the joys of being young and
carefree. Hood reminisces about swinging and feeling as
free as a bird. But, as with all good things, there's a catch.
That light-hearted spirit he once had? It's now weighed
down by the challenges of grown-up life.
Finally, Hood talks about those towering fir trees from his
childhood days. He used to think they brushed the heavens.
Realizing they don't is a bit of a downer for him. It's like
waking up from a dream and realizing that maybe, just
maybe, childhood was the closest he ever got to heaven.
I remember, I remember,
A tree was planted on his brother's birthday, and it still stands, symbolizing enduring memories.
I remember, I remember,
He felt the fresh air while swinging, comparing his joy to that of birds in flight.
My spirit flew in feathers then,
I remember, I remember,
He realizes his ignorant childhood beliefs, and there's less joy in knowing the reality now.