Active and Passive Voice
Active and Passive Voice
Active and Passive Voice
Note: Change the Voice is only possible in case of sentences with Transitive Verbs.
E.g.: The police chased the thief. (Subject is the does – Active Voice)
The thief was chased by the police. (Subject is the receiver – Passive Voice)
3. Write the past participle of the given verb. (V3 form of verb)
❖ Interrogative Sentences: Let the answer Note: The Wh words such as when, where,
also be interrogative. why, how, or what do not change from
E.g.: 1. Do you know the answer? active to passive. Who changes to ‘By
Ans: Is the answer known to you?
E.g.: Who could have done that?
2. Will you help her when she needs?
Ans: By whom could that have been done?
Ans: Will she be helped by you when she
❖ Prepositional Verbs: If the question contains a verb followed by a preposition, the
answer must also have the same preposition.
E.g.: 1. He spoke to the principal.
Ans: The principal was spoken to by him.
2. I replied to her.
Ans: She was replied to by me.
❖ Modal Auxiliaries: If the question contains a modal aux., the answer must also have the
same modal aux..
E.g.: 1. They may win the match.
Ans: The match may be won by them.
2. I can create my own happiness.
Ans: My own happiness can be created by me.
❖ Two objects: When you have two object in the same sentence, you can change by
using any one object at a time, but also retain the second object.
E.g.: 1. He gave me a watch.
Ans: a. A watch was given to me by him.
b. I was given a watch by him.
2. He gifted a camera to me.
Ans: a. I was gifted a camera by him
b. A camera was gifted to me by him.
1. The slamming of the door had alerted the 11. The cup contains tea.
12. Water fills a tub.
2. We all heard a creaking in the attic.
13. He bought a car for her.
3. Raj could not afford a computer with his
earnings. 14. The human ear picks up vibrations of the sound.
4. The high temperature changes the taste to a 15. Try it again the next day.
more pleasant impression. 16. Who invited you to the party?
5. My sister and I were scolded by our parents. 17. Seven days make a week.
6. Politicians don’t really catch my attention. 18. Friendship requires special nourishment.
7. They extended the contract for another six 19. Enlighten the world.
20. Who had kept the keys in the box?
8. The laptop helped me with the presentation.
21. He would break the laptop.
9. The new tenants trusted the landlords
completely. 22. She must have called you.
10. Who ate the entire cake?
1. Swap the Subject and the Object.