Multilin F60: Grid Solutions
Multilin F60: Grid Solutions
Multilin F60: Grid Solutions
Multilin F60
Advanced Protection, Control & Automation Protection & Contro
for Distribution Feeders • High-impedance fault detection (downed
conductor detection)
The MultilinTM F60 Feeder Protection System provides feeder protection, control, monitoring and metering
• Thermal overload, incipient cable fault and
in an integrated, economical, and compact package.
broken conductor detection
The F60 incorporates a unique and matured algorithm to detect high-impedance faults, such as downed
• Four-shot autorecloser, VT fuse failure
conductor detection. It also provides fast and deterministic execution of programmable logic, which is
detection, and synchronism check
necessary for substation automation applications. Graphical programming tools (Viewpoint Engineer),
supported by a library of logic components, make the F60 simple to use and configure. • Protection and control functionality in one
box, reducing the number of devices
• High density inputs/outputs to support the
Key Benefits control of many switchyard assets – all from
• Advanced and flexible protection and control for distribution feeder applications with unique and one powerful device
secure downed conductor detection backed by many years of field experience
• Integrated large, full color display, for real-time
• Flexible load encroachment allows secure operation during heavy load conditions visualization and control of the protected bay
• Voltage and frequency elements provide load shedding & transfer schemes for increased system
uptime and stability
• Embedded Synchrophasor measurement capabilities (per IEEE® C37.118), eliminating the need for
Advanced Communications
dedicated PMUs and support for synchrophasor multi-cast (per IEC® 61850-90-5) reducing bandwidth • 3 independent Ethernet ports for simultaneous
and communications infrastructure costs & dedicated network connections with
• An integrated large, full color display, provides real-time visualization and control of the protected bay, IEEE 1588 support
via a bay mimic as well as annunciator functionality and graphical visualization of phasors • IEC 61850-9-2LE/IEC 61869* networked or
• Advanced IEC 61850 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 certified implementation, complete settings via SCL files and IEC61850-9-2 Hardfiber process bus support
comprehensive process bus support (IEC 61850-9-2LE or IEC 61869* or IEC 61850-9-2 Hardfiber) ensures • Direct I/O for secure, high-speed exchange
interoperability, device managing optimization and reduced cost of ownership of data between URs for DTT & pilot-aided
• Routable GOOSE (R-GOOSE) enables GOOSE messages going beyond the substation, which enables wide schemes
area protection and control applications
• Increased network availability via failover time reduced to zero through IEC® 62439-3 “PRP” support Cyber Security
• Supports IEEE C37.111-1999/2013, IEC 60255-24 Ed 2.0 COMTRADE standard
• CyberSentry™ provides high-end cyber
security aligned to industry standards and
Applications services (NERC® CIP, AAA, Radius, RBAC, Syslog)
• Primary protection and control for feeders on solidly, impedance or resonant (Petersen coil)
grounded systems
Monitoring & Metering
• Busblocking / interlocking schemes
• P&M class synchrophasors of voltage, current,
• Distribution load shedding schemes based on voltage and frequency elements and sequence components
• High-speed fault detection for arc flash mitigation • Advanced recording capabilities with high-
• Throw over schemes (bus transfer scheme applications) capacity event recorder, configurable and
• Backup protection for transmission lines, feeders and transformers extended waveform capture and data logger
• Distributed Generation (DG) interconnect protection , including active and passive anti-islanding • Metering: current, voltage, power, energy,
frequency, and harmonics
F60 Feeder Protection System
50P 50_2 51_2 50BF 51P/V 67P 67_2 32 49 50N 51N 67N/G 32N 50NBF
Transducer 59P
FlexElementTM Metering + PMU Inputs
87RGF 50G 51G
27X 59X
F60 Feeder Protection System
Over/Under Voltage Protection
F60-1 F60-2
The F60 includes the following voltage elements:
The majority of distribution systems are either The load encroachment function in the F60
Wattmetric Ground Fault Protection
solidly grounded or grounded through a low provides the capability to manage load growth
impedance. Fast fault clearance is required in feeders. The load encroachment element can A sensitive wattmetric zero-sequence directional
due to the ground fault impact. The following be set for the feeder’s expected maximum load, function can be used on isolated or resonant
functions are incorporated in the F60 to provide reducing the likelihood of false tripping for load (Petersen coil) grounded, low-resistance
secure ground protection: conditions while maintaining dependability to grounded and solidly grounded systems to
trip for legitimate faults. detect ground faults.
• Neutral IOC and TOC
• Ground IOC and TOC 3
F60 Feeder Protection System
This function determines the presence and For time synchronization purposes, this Process • Does not introduce new cyber security
direction of ground faults by measuring the bus module can become an IEEE 1588 slave concerns
value and direction of zero-sequence power. clock (61850-9-3 profile) or a 1588 Grand Master Visit the HardFiber System product page on the
This flexible element responds to power derived clock which removes the need of external time GE Grid Solutions website for more details.
from zero-sequence voltage and current in a sources connected to the process bus network.
direction specified by the element characteristic
angle. Power can be selected as active, reactive,
Customers who may not be using GE MU devices, Advanced Automation
could use MU from other vendors. Interoperability
or apparent . Therefore, the element may The F60 incorporates advanced automation
with MU from other vendors is expected when
be used to sense either forward or reverse features including powerful FlexLogic
they comply to the mentioned standards.
ground faults. programmable logic, communication, and
SCADA capabilities that far surpass what is found
Autorecloser IEC 61850-9-2 HardFiber in the average feeder relay. The F60 integrates
Two autoreclose elements are provided for use Process Bus seamlessly with other UR relays for complete
with distribution lines in three-pole tripping system protection, including the unit and auxiliary
The IEC 61850 Process Bus module is designed
schemes with up to two breakers. Up to four transformers, and balance of plant protection.
to interface with the Multilin HardFiber System,
selectable recloser “shots” are possible prior to
allowing bi-directional IEC 61850 fiber optic
locking out. Any of the autoreclose elements FlexLogic
communications. The HardFiber System is
can be dynamically blocked or unblocked by FlexLogic is the powerful UR-platform
designed to integrate seamlessly with existing
other elements or user logic. This way they can programming logic engine that provides the
UR applications, including protection functions,
coordinate with the F60 protection setting groups. ability to create customized protection and
FlexLogic, metering and communications.
control schemes, minimizing the need and
Synchronism Check The Multilin HardFiber System offers the associated costs of auxiliary components and
The F60 provides six synchrocheck elements that following benefits: wiring. With 1024 lines of FlexLogic, the F60
monitor voltage difference, phase angle difference • Communicates using open standard can be programmed to provide the required
and slip frequency taking the CB closing time into IEC 61850 messaging tripping logic along with custom scheme logic
account to ensure proper breaker closure as per for auto transfer schemes (main-tie-main),
• Drastically reduces P&C design, installation
user requirement. Any of the six synchrocheck load shedding based on frequency, voltage
and testing labor by eliminating individual
elements can be dynamically blocked or copper terminations and communication, loop restoration schemes,
unblocked by other elements or user logic. This other remedial action schemes and dynamic
• Integrates with existing F60’s by replacing
way they can coordinate with the F60 protection setting group changes.
traditional CT/VT inputs with the IEC 61850
setting groups.
Process Bus module
F60 Feeder Protection System
The F60 provides advanced commun-ications
technologies for remote data and engineering
access, making it easy and flexible to use and
Fiber LAN, single
or redundant, for integrate into new and existing infrastructures.
Source Direct support for fiber optic Ethernet provides
added security
high-bandwidth communications allowing
CB1 for low-latency controls and high-speed
file transfers of relay fault and event record
information. The available three independent
Fault 1 Ethernet ports, redundant Ethernet option
CB2 and the embedded managed Ethernet switch
provide the means to create fault tolerant
communication architectures in an easy,
cost-effective manner without the need for
CB3 intermediary communication hardware.
Reverse zone interlocking protection. By using the IEC 61850/GOOSE or hi-speed direct I/O capability
blocking signals can be transferred upstream, allowing for minimal coordination delays. Fast clearance
can be provided for Fault 1 while still maintaining coordination for Fault 2. 5
F60 Feeder Protection System
• IEC 61850 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 Station Bus, • Configures GE Systems based on IEC 61850 LAN Redundancy
IEC 61850-2-2LE / IEC 61869* networked or using universal 3rd party tools
Substation LAN redundancy has been traditionally
IEC 61850-9-2 HardFiber Process Bus, and • Multicast IEEE C37.118 synchrophasor accomplished by reconfiguring the active network
IEC 61850-90-5 PMU over GOOSE support data between PMU and PDC devices using topology in case of failure. Regardless of the type
• DNP 3.0 (serial & TCP/IP) IEC 91850-90-5 of LAN architecture (tree, mesh, etc), reconfiguring
• Ethernet Global Data (EGD) • R-GOOSE enable customer to send GOOSE the active LAN requires time to switchover, during
• IEC 60870-5-103 and IEC 60870-5-104 messages beyond the substation, which which the LAN is unavailable. UR devices deliver
enables WAPC and more cost effective redundancy as specified by PRP-IEC 62439-3,
• Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP communication architectures for wide area which eliminates the dependency on LAN
• HTTP, TFTP, SFTP and MMS file transfer applications reconfiguration and the associated switchover
• IEEE1588 and redundant SNTP for time time. The UR becomes a dual attached node
Direct I/O Messaging
synchronization that transmits data packets over both main and
Direct I/O allows for the sharing of high-speed redundant networks simultaneously, so in case
• PRP as per IEC 62439-3
digital information between multiple UR of failure, one of the data packets will reach the
• Supports Routable GOOSE (R-GOOSE) relays via direct back-to-back connections or receiving device with no time delay.
multiplexed through a standard DS0 multiplexer
Interoperability with Embedded
channel bank. Regardless of the connection Multi-Language
IEC 61850 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2
method, direct I/O provides continuous UR devices support multiple languages: English,
The new IEC 61850 implementation in the UR real-time channel monitoring that supplies French, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, German,
Family positions GE as an industry leader in this diagnostics information on channel health. Polish and Japanese. These language options
standard. Direct I/O provides superior relay-to-relay are available on the front panel, in the EnerVista
• Implements, user selectable, Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 communications that can be used in advanced setup software, and in the product manuals.
of the standard across the entire UR Family interlocking, generation rejection and other Easily switch between English and an additional
special protection schemes. language on the local displays without
• Provides full relay setting management via
standard SCL files (ICD, CID and IID) • Communication with up to 16 UR relays uploading new firmware.
• Enables automated relay setting in single or redundant rings rather than
management using 3rd party tools through strictly limited to simplistic point-to-point
standard file transfer services (MMS and SFTP) configurations between two devices
• Increases the number of Logical Devices and • Connect to standard DS0 channel banks
data mapped to them, GOOSE messages through standard RS422, G.703 or
from up to 64 remote devices, and reports IEEE C37.94 interfaces or via direct fiber optic
to support different organizational needs for connections
data transfer and reduce dependency on • No external or handheld tester required to
generic logical nodes provide channel diagnostic information
Analyze feeder faults and disturbances using both analog and digital power
Record the operation of the internal F60 elements and external connected system quantities that are measured and recorded up to a rate of 64 samples
devices with 1ms time-stamped accuracy to identify the Sequence of per cycle.
Operation of station devices during faults and disturbances.
F60 Feeder Protection System
• Service Bulletins
Viewpoint Monitoring
Viewpoint Monitoring is a simple-to-use and LED indicators 7” large color graphic HMI
full-featured monitoring and data recording
software package for small systems. Viewpoint 8 user
Monitoring provides a complete HMI package programmable
with the following functionality: pushbuttons 7
F60 Feeder Protection System
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F60 - * ** - H * * - F ** - H** - M**-P**- U** -W ** For Full Sized Horizontal Mount
Base Unit F60 Base Unit
CPU E RS485 + RS485 (IEC 61850 option not available)
J RS485 + multimode ST 100BaseFX
K RS485 + multimode ST Redundant 100BaseFX
N RS485 + 10/100 BaseT
T RS485 + three multimode SFP LC 100BaseFX. Req FW v7xx or higher
U RS485 + two multimode SFP LC 100BaseFX + one SFP RJ45 100BaseT.
Req FW v7xx or higher
V RS485 + three SFP RJ45 100BaseT. Req FW v7xx or higher
W RS485 + two 100BaseFx Eth, Multimode ST + one 10/100BaseT Eth, RJ-453
Software Options1 00 No Software Options
03 IEC 61850
06 PMU
07 IEC 61850 + PMU
A0 CyberSentry Lvl 1. Req UR FW 7.xx or higher
B0 IEEE 1588. Req UR FW 7.xx or higher
D0 IEEE 1588 + CyberSentry. Req UR FW 7.xx or higher
M0 IEC 61850 + PMU + 61850-90-5
Mount / Coating H Horizontal (19" rack) - Standard
A Horizontal (19" rack) - Harsh Chemical Environment Option
V Vertical (3/4 size) - Standard
B Vertical (3/4 size) - Harsh Chemical Environment Option
User Interface E 7” Graphical display, USB front port & programmable pushbuttons - Multi-Language (FW 7.6x or higher)
F Vertical Front Panel with English Display
I Enhanced German Front Panel
J Enhanced German Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
K Enhanced English Front Panel
L Enhanced English Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
M Enhanced French Front Panel
N Enhanced French Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
Q Enhanced Russian Front Panel
T Enhanced Russian Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
U Enhanced Chinese Front Panel
V Enhanced Chinese Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
W Enhanced Turkish Front Panel
Y Enhanced Turkish Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons
H Enhanced Polish Front Panel3
O Enhanced Polish Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons3
Z Enhanced Japanese Front Panel3
X Enhanced Japanese Front Panel with User-Programmable Pushbuttons3
Power Supply2 H 125 / 250 V AC/DC
H RH 125/250 V AC/DC with redundant 125/250 V AC/DC power supply
L 24 - 48 V (DC only)
CT/VT DSP 8F Standard 4CT/4VT
8G Sensitive Ground 4CT/4VT
8H Standard 8CT
8J Sensitive Ground 8CT
8L 8L Standard 4CT/4VT w/ enhanced diagnostics
8M 8M Sensitive Ground 4CT/4VT w/ enhanced diagnostics
8N 8N Standard 8CT w/ enhanced diagnostics
8R 8R Sensitive Ground 8CT w/ enhanced diagnostics
8Z HI-Z 4CT (high impedance fault detection)
IEC 61850 Process Bus4, 5 81 8 Port IEC 61850 Process Bus Module
85 -9-2LE & 61869* Process Bus, 2 x 1000BaseF
86 -9-2LE & 61869* Process Bus, 4 x 1000BaseF + 4 x 100BaseFx
87 -9-2LE & 61869* Process Bus, 4 x 100BaseFx
Digital I/O XX XX XX XX XX No module
4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4 Solid State (No Monitoring) MOSFET Outputs
4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4 Solid State (Current w/opt Voltage) MOSFET Outputs
4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 16 Digital Inputs with Auto-Burnish
4L 4L 4L 4L 4L 14 Form-A (No Monitoring) Latchable Outputs
67 67 67 67 67 8 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs
6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 8 Form-C Outputs
6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 16 Digital Inputs
6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 4 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6F 6F 6F 6F 6F 8 Fast Form-C Outputs
6K 6K 6K 6K 6K 4 Form-C & 4 Fast Form-C Outputs
6L 6L 6L 6L 6L 2 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) & 2 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6M 6M 6M 6M 6M 2 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) & 4 Form-C Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6N 6N 6N 6N 6N 4 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6P 6P 6P 6P 6P 6 Form-A (Current w/ opt Voltage) Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6R 6R 6R 6R 6R 2 Form-A (No Monitoring) & 2 Form-C Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6S 6S 6S 6S 6S 2 Form-A (No Monitoring) & 4 Form-C Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6T 6T 6T 6T 6T 4 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6U 6U 6U 6U 6U 6 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs, 4 Digital Inputs
6V 6V 6V 6V 6V 2 Form-A (Cur w/ opt Volt) 1 Form-C Output, 2 Latching Outputs, 8 Digital Inputs
6W 6W 6W 6W 6W 30 Contact Inputs - Pin Terminals3
6X 6X 6X 6X 6X 18 Form-A (No Monitoring) Outputs - Pin Terminals3
Transducer I/O 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 8 RTD Inputs
5E 5E 5E 5E 5E 4 dcmA Inputs, 4 RTD Inputs
5F 5F 5F 5F 5F 8 dcmA Inputs
Inter-Relay Communications 7A 820 nm, multimode, LED, 1 Channel
7B 1300 nm, multimode, LED, 1 Channel
7C 1300 nm, singlemode, ELED, 1 Channel
7H 820 nm, multimode, LED, 2 Channels
7I 1300 nm, multimode, LED, 2 Channels
7J 1300 nm, singlemode, ELED, 2 Channels
7S G.703, 2 Channels
7W RS422, 2 Channels
76 IEEE C37.94, 820 nm, multimode, LED, 1 Channel
77 IEEE C37.94, 820 nm, multimode, LED, 2 Channel
Ordering Note:
1. To view all the options available for L90, please visit GE’s On-Line Store
2. Redundant power supply only available in horizontal unit. If redundant is chosen, must be
same type. Maximum 2 per chassis
3. Option available soon
4. Process bus module requires empty slots next to it. IEC is a registered trademark of Commission Electrotechnique Internationale. IEEE is a registered
5. Conventional DSP and Process Bus modules cannot run simultaneously trademark of the Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers, Inc. Modbus is a registered trademark of
Footnote: * Upcoming release Schneider Automation. NERC is a registered trademark of North American Electric Reliability Council.
NIST is a registered trademark of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
GE, the GE monogram, Multilin, FlexLogic, EnerVista and CyberSentry are trademarks of General
Electric Company. GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at
any time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
Copyright 2020, General Electric Company. GEA-12595K(EN)