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Nonlinear Theory of Stimulated Wave Scattering Relativistic Electron Beams

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Nonlinear theory of stimulated wave scattering by

relativistic electron beams

V. L. Bratman, N. S. Ginzburg, and M. I. Petelin
Institute of Applied Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences
(Submitted 11 August 1978)
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 76, 93&943 (March 1979)

Equations that describe the averaged motion of a relativistic electron in the field of two waves of unequal
frequency are derived. The hydrodynamic stage of stimulated scattering of a wave by a relativistic
electron beam is investigated. It is shown that the main mechanism that determines the gain saturation is
the displacement of the electron bunches from the decelerating into the accelerating phase of the field of
the combined wave. The methods developed are used to calculate the starting currents and to estimate the
optimal ranges of the parameters (from the point of view of realizing high electronic efficiency) of devices
based on stimulated scattering of waves by relativistic electron beams.

PACS numbers: 41.80.Dd

INTRODUCTION strengths, to relatively large dimensions of the scat-

tering sections, and accordingly to relatively low ef-
The inroads made in recent years by high-frequency ficiencies.
electronics into the region of relativistic electron ener-
In principle, however, the averaging method can be
gies has revived interest in the use of two related phy-
used also f o r regimes that a r e f r e e of the foregoing re-
sical processes-stimulated bremsstrahlung of electrons
strictions and a r e characterized by a higher efficiency.
in periodic static fields (stimulated undulatory radia-
This generalization is in fact one of the purposes of the
tion) and stimulated scattering of waves by electron (pa-
present paper. In addition, we estimate here the role
rametric transformation of waves on electron beams).
of a number of factors that a r e encountered in r e a l ex-
In the relativistic region, both processes become par-
periments, such a s the scatter of the electron velo-
ticularly attractive from the point of view of the pos-
cities, the Coulomb interaction, o r loss of coherence
sibility of higher efficient conversion of the energy of
of the pump. We shall trace in passim the analogy be-
electron beams into radiation of very short wavelength.
tween wave scattering in a scattron and decay processes
Devices based on stimulated undulatory radiation (ubi-
in a plasma, a s well a s with the process of interaction
trons), which use relativistic electron beams, have by
of electrons with electromagnetic waves in Cerenkov
now reached efficiencies a s high a s 5% (ref. 1) in a
devices of the traveling-wave-tube type.
wavelength region extending to several microns.' The
f i r s t experiments on millimeter and submillimeter
waves in scattering of relatively long waves by relativis- 1. MOTION OF RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON I N THE
tic beams have already been performed.' It should be FIELD OF TWO WAVES OF UNEQUAL FREQUENCY
noted that the contemporary technical means enable us
to realize not the Compton limit of stimulated scatter- An electron moving in the field
ing of waves by free electrons, but only the Thomson
A=Re{A, (r,, z,t) eiB.+A,(r,, z, t )eiet) (1.1)
classical limit. Devices of this type will be called here
scattrons (from "scatter"). It i s natural to regard the of two waves, one "incident" ( i ) and one "scattered (s),
ubitron a s a particular case of a scattron, when the role each specified by a vector potential, with a Coulomb
of the pump wave is assumed by a periodic static field. gauge, and having phases 8,,s= (w,,,t - h i , , z ) and smooth-
ly varying amplitudes &, has a Hamiltonian
The heretofore employed variants of the theory of
relativistic scattrons have either described the kinetic
state of low-efficiency interaction of weak waves with a
beam having a large velocity or considered
where P = p eA/c and p = myv a r e the canonical and
mechanical momenta of the electron, -e and m a r e its
the hydrodynamic stage in particular cases.=-' Yet a charge and r e s t mass, and c is the speed of light. For
simple and universal scattron theory can be constructed the ubitron we have of = 0 and h i = 2n/d, where d is the
on the basis of averaging the motion of the electron in period of the static pump field. The Hamiltonian (1.2)
fields of different frequency.1° This method, which is is a function of the time:
successfully used for the description of the acceleration
of charged particles,1° a s well a s in the theory of wave
decay processes in a plasma," was used in Ref. 12 to
obtain, for a relativistic scattron with dominant iner- In accordance with (1.2), the canonical equations of mo-
tial electron bunching, equations suitable for the cal-
tions of the electron a r e
culation of the starting current and f o r the description
of the saturation regime. The region of applicability of
such a theory is restricted to relatively weak field

469 Sov. Phys. JETP 49(3), March 1979 0038-5646/79/030469-07$02.40 O 1979 American Institute of Physics 469
We assume that the electron is in synchronism two-photon processes, proportional to A ', have been
Q=x,uO (1.5) retained. In the case of homogeneous plane waves,
with the combined wave whose amplitude is determined when A,,,(r,,z, t )=A,, exp(-z?r,,,,r,), the system of
by the amplitude product A,AT and whose phase B = 0, equations (1.8) has the integral1'
- -
0, = (Slt u , z ) is determined by the phase difference
of the waves ( S l = w , - w , , n z = h , - h i , v o = P & is the un-
perturbed electron velocity. Assuming that the number which is a reflection of the fact that the changes d6 of
of oscillations the energy and dp of the momentum of the electron in
the elementary scattering acts a r e respectively equal
to -59 and -En.

executed by the electron in the field of each of the waves 2. SCATTERING I N THE DIRECTION OF MOTION OF
over the interaction length L = voT is large: THE ELECTRONS. FIXED FIELD STRUCTURE
In accordance with the synchronism condition (1.5),
when the signal wave is emitted in a direction close to
We represent the canonical variables and the energy in that of the unperturbed motion of the ultrarelativistic
the form of a sum of smoothly varying and rapidly oscil- electron:
lating components

the ratio of the radiation frequency w, to the electron

We assume also that the amplitude of the waves and ac- oscillation frequency G i in the pump field
cordingly the high-frequency oscillations of the energy
o./Bi--o.*/Ci,= (i-pp cos (P,) -I (2.2)
and of the momentum of the electron a r e relatively
small: is a large quantity of the order of yi.
This general
property of the radiation of the oscillator is due to the
relativistic Doppler effect (Ref. 13)." F o r the scattron
Here a, a r e the so-called acceleration parameters, we have in (2.2) w,
=w,(l +Pocoscpi), and the maximum
which a r e connected with the amplitudes of the waves by frequency conversion (w$/w,),,= 4y: is realized in col-
the relations a,, = eAS,,/flmc2, and yo is the ratio of linear head-on scattering (p, = pi = 0). For the ubitron
the initial electron energy 8 , to its r e s t energy mc2. ij, = Zrvdd is the frequency of the bounce oscillations
Conditions (1.5)-(1.7) make i t possible to average in and (w:/ij,),,,= 2y; a t p, = 0.
(1.4) and (1.3) over the explicitly entering exp(iO,,,)
Let us examine in greater detail a system satisfying
combinations; as a result we have
the condition (2.1), assuming the structure of the field
- -
to be fixed, an assumption justified for generators in
ez - c~
e1 aF (1.8)
which high-Q signal and pump resonators a r e used (Fig.
dt 8; dt %
2- dt S at'
la). The pump can be regarded a s fixed even without
the resonator, when i t diverges insignificantly. In ad-
dition, in the present section we confine ourselves to
the case of weak fields
Thus, Eqs. (1.8) preserve the canonical form with the
when the relative change w = 1 y/yo of the electron en-
ergy is small. (In this case there exist inertial refer-
Since the drift parts of the mechanical and canonical
momenta coincide, fi = P, the right-hand side of the ence systems in which the motion of the electron is
weakly relativistic and can be described2 by the method
second equation in (1.8) is an expression f o r the aver-
of the averaged high-frequency potential. lo)
age force
F=- (ez/%-) ~ 2 . (1.9) Equations of motion of the electrons in the scattron.
Using the connection between the averaged Hamiltonian
The oscillating part of the mechanical momentum fol-
lows in this case the oscillations of the vector poten-

In the weakly relativistic case, Eqs. (1.10) and (1.9) go

over into well-known expressions.1°
From the quantum point of view, the transition from
FIG. 1. a) Diagram of scattron generator based on stimulated
Eqs. (1.3) and (1.4) to Eqs. (1.8) denotes that, in ac- scattering of waves by an electron beam: 1-electron beam,
cordance with the synchronism condition (1.5), the terms 2-mirrors of signal resonator, 3-mirrors of pump resona-
proportional to the f i r s t power of A, which a r e respon- tor. b) diagram of ubitron generator based on stimulated
sible for the single-photon processes, have been left bremsstrahlung of an electron beam: 1-electron beam, 2-
out of the Hamiltonian, and those responsible for the signal resonator, 3-periodic magnetic system.

470 SOV.
Phys. JETP 49(3), March 1979 Bratman et a/. 470
and the electron momentum, we transform Eqs. (1.8) to s a r y that the kinetic and dynamic phase shifts of the
two equations for the electran energy and for its phase electrons relative to the wave be quantities of the order
in the combination wave, of n:
dw/dZ=y,-'Ia,a,'lsine, de/dZ=py0-'w--6, (2.4)
which coincide with the equations of motion of an elec- The average change in the electron energy, in accor-
tron in a traveling wave tube. The independent vari- dance with the f i r s t equation of (2.7), is then given by
ables in (2.4) a r e chosen to be the dimensionless elec-
tron coordinate Z = x g , the nonisochronism parameter
~1 = [l + ( y , ~ ,)2], and the mismatch 6 = (1 - v,,/v,) be- and this in conjunction with (2.10) yields an estimate of
tween the electron velocity and the phase velocity v,, the maximum efficiency
=n/x, of the combination wave.
The equations of motion of the electron (2.4) a r e valid This efficiency is reached when the field intensities
not only in the case of resonators with plane waves satisfy the relation
(Fig. l a ) but also for a scattron with a cylindrical reson-
ator. In the latter case, which is important for the mi-
crowave bands, the parameters a , ,a r e expressed in and the phase velocity of the combination wave and the
terms of the membrane functions of the waveguide frequency of the signal a r e determined by the expres-
WLJ: sions
a=aakL-'[ C , Y , z,] (2.5)
for modes of the TE type and
The parameter M = (x&/nya in (2.12) and (2.13) is equal
a = a o ( c l o ) z ( h V , Y +ikLZYz,) (2.6) to the ratio of two small parameters, namely, the velo-
for modes of the TM type; k, = (wa/c2 -h3'I2 is the -
city change Aj3 y;2, a t which the energy of the ultra-
transverse wave number. For scattrons with cylindrical relativistic electron changes by an amount of the order
waves cps,i = tan-'(&/k),,, in formulas (2.1) and (2.2) a r e of the initial velocity, and the spectrum width AS,,
the Brillouin angles. - (n/n&) of the phase velocities of the combination wave
Using the fact that in the static limit wi 0 the cylin-
drical pump wave of the transverse-electric (magnetic)
- (A@, is determined by expanding the field specified over
the length L in a Fourier integral). In the regime of
quasifrontal wave scattering (the condition (2.1) and
type goes over into a magnetostatic (electrostatic) field Gi -w,), the parameter M is of the order of the number
that varies along z harmonically, we can easily verify N of the electron oscillations, and in the resonant case
that Eqs. (2.4) a r e valid also for the ubitron (Fig. 1B). M>>1. From this and from (2.12) it follows that in the
A t constant wave amplitudes a,,, can use the linear regime of quasifrontal scattering the optimal fields and
change of variables the electronic efficiency a r e relatively small.
The estimates (2.10)-(2.14) agree well with the nu-
merical-calculation results represented in Fig. 2.
Starting current, In the stationary regime, the out-
to reduce Eqs. (2.4) to the equations of a pendulum2) put power of a generator with quasifrontal wave scatter-
duldf =sin 8, dOld5=u-A. (2.7) ing is many times larger than the dissipated pump pow-
e r (the number of scattered pump quanta is equal to the
For electrons making up a stationary monoenergetic number of the radiated signal quanta, but the energy of
beam, the boundary conditions for (2.7) take the form the latter is larger by approximately y i times). There-
fore the power balance equation takes the form

and the electronic efficiency is determined by the rela-


The system (2.7)-(2.9) was obtained for more special-

ized models for the ubitron in Refs. 7 and 8 and for the
scattron in Refs. 9 and 12.
Optimal conditions for the bunching of the beam and
f o r the deceleration of electron bunches. Just a s in the
interaction of electrons with the field of an ordinary FIG. 2. Dependence of the optimal parameters and of the cor-
slow wave, to produce a compact bunch of electrons in responding values of the reduced electronic efficiency on the
the deceleration phase of a combination wave i t is neces- reduced interaction length.

47 1 Sov. Phys. JETP 49(3), March 1979

where I is the beam current, W, is the energy stored in
the signal resonator, and Q, is i t s quality factor. Thus,
f o r example, f o r the scattron shown in Fig. la we have

where S, is the a r e a of the mirror, L, is the length af

the resonator, A= is the signal wavelength, and 6, is the
m i r r o r reflection loss coefficient. Substituting in the
balance equation (2.15) the equation for the Ifnear'"-
FIG. 3. Dependence of the electronic susceptibility X on the
~ ( 8=-
~ )( ~ - - c o s ~ , ) / z EQ,=~,A,
I~, (2.16) signal frequency. The resonator modes are shown inside the
negative-reabsorption band.
obtained by integrating (2.7) and (2.8) in the small-sig-
nal approximation, we get starting conditions that a r e
common to the scattron and the ubitron, in the form
appreciable gain of the initial signal takes place in one
m~' 1 8.6, S. 2
1 = pass (in the absence of such a signal, the system am-
e pro aizM3A;' nzcp'(8,) '
plifies the intrinsic noise in the negative-reabsorption
The negative-reabsorption band, where the suscep- band-the superamplification stage), i t is useful to in-
tibility x a I q ' ( 6 , ) introduced into the resonator by the vestigate the influence of the electron current on the
electron beam is positive, as a width close to the value field structure.
II w $ / N . This band, which corresponds to homogen- We consider the simplest case of colinear scattering
eous broadening in lasers, contains - y i ( ~ , / L )longitud- of plane linearly polarized waves of relatively small
inal resonator modes, and since the current correspond- amplitude (a,,, << 1) in a homogeneous unbounded elec-
ing to the maximum efficiency is several times larger tron beam, where all the electrons have the same un-
than the starting current (Fig. 2), simultaneous gener- perturbed velocities v#,, and the unperturbed charge
ation of the large number of modes is possible in prin- and current a r e compensated by the ion background.
ciple in the optimal regimes (Fig. 3). This problem reduces, obviously, to a one-dimension-
Pemzissible scatter of the parameters. The formulas
a1 problem, since the electron charge density is
derived in this section a r e valid s o long a s the scatter
of the frequencies w: due to the initial scatter A y of the
ener$es and AS, of the transverse velocities, to the
noncoherence Aw, of the pump and to the angle diver- and the longitudinal quasistationary electric field due
gences A q , , of the incident and scattered waves (the to this charge
energy and angular scatter of the photons) does not ex-
ceed the negative-reabsorption band: A w 2 S II. At a
given electron velocity scatter this restriction is valid if
does not depend on the transverse coordinates. In (3.1)
the parameter M is not too large:
we used the charge conservation law v,pdt= vop,dto and
assumed that the longitudinal electron velocity changes
insignificantly; p, is the unperturbed charge density and
and in addition
to is the time a t which the electrons enter the section
z =o.
The transverse component of the current density
When these conditions a r e violated, an ever increasing j = -pv- a t frequencies w , and of, with account taken
number of electrons is excluded from synchronism of expressions (1.10) and (3.1), will be broken up into
with the combination wave (the kinetic stage,'*' o r in- ,,
a linear part ( j ) and a nonlinear part ( j.,). Sub-
homogeneous line broadening in laser terminology), stitution of the linear part in the wave equation
and the efficiency decreases.


OF SPACE-CHARGE FIELD leads to the usual dispersion equation f o r transverse
The theory based on the assumption that the field
structure is fixed (Sec. 11) is sufficient f o r the descrip-
tion of the operation of scattron generators in an ap-
where the expression f o r the plasma frequency
preciable part of the cases of practical interest, in-
asmuch a s in the short-wave bands the limited density
of the electron beam and the limited pump power make contains the transverse electron mass my,.
i t essential to use high-Q resonators. At the same time,
to describe systems of the amplifying type, in which an The nonlinear part of the current

472 Sov. Phys. JETP 49(31, March 1979 Bratman er a/. 472
is responsible for the change in the wave amplitude
is the analog of the Pierce parameter in an ordinary
(cf. Ref. 11):
traveling wave tube.
Case of small space charge. According to (3.101, the
space-charge field can be neglected if qZ<<l.At a given
We have neglected in (3.5) the difference between the beam density this condition imposes a lower limit on
group velocities of the waves and the velocity of light. the pump intensity:
Equations (3.5) lead to a conservation law for the num-
ber of the transverse-wave quanta in the scattering pro-
In this case the increment of the signal wave reaches a
maximum at 6 = 0 and its value is
I E , I '/ o.- IE,I / u,=const. (3.6)

In conjunction with the equations of motion of the elec-

trons (2.4), with additional allowance f o r the space-
For a beam with a n energy scatter, this expression is
charge field [we limit ourselves to the f i r s t term of the
valid s o long as [cf. (2.18)]
series (3.2)], Eqs. (3.5) make up a self -consistent sys-
tem of equations that describes the induced scattering (Arlfi) *yo2C.
of waves by a relativistic electron beam:
Under conditions of negligibly small space charge we
d2B obtain from (1.8) and (3.5) simple conservation laws for
dZZ yoz

b :
P) ete,
the power flux:

and for the momentum flux:

In the transition to (3.7) we used a change of variables
that will be useful subsequently:
From (3.6), (3.13), and (3.14) we can also obtain for
the beam an integral similar to (1.11).
w,, = wb/yo is the "longitudinal" plasma frequency
Case of large space charge (q2>>l). In this case, just
GS.t=0b1/40.,iXc. a s in an ordinary traveling wave tube," the increment
The boundary conditions for (3.7) a r e of the form is substantially smaller than (3.12), and its maximum

e ( o ) a,,
w (0) -0, a,(o) -u.o, al(Z4:!=ai0. (3.8) %la,l*)"*
1 m ( x r ~ ) - x (8u. (3.15)
is reached a t z e r o mismatch (8 q) between the com-
Approximation with small amplitude of the combina- bination wave and the slow space-charge wave having
tion wave. In the case when the electron motion can be negative energy (this was called Raman scattering in
described by the linear approximation 9 = 9, + 9(') , Id'' 1 Ref. 3). The substitutions
<< 1, Eqs. (3.7) take the same form as the k n o ~ n ' ~ . ' ~
modified-decay equations
p - - hPexp (- i ~ L Z ) , a. = a,' exp ( - Ix .
~ , Z
where a, is the smoothly varying dimensionless ampli-
tude of the slow space-charge wave, reduces to the
standard three-wave decay equations

+ i (8 - _WI
)a/ - G,a,an,
= Glu,'a':
-= Gfi.'a,, Gp = -. x c
In the given-pump approximation (with constant a,) the 2~,'0bll

f i r s t two equations become linear. We represent their It follows from (3.16), in particular, that equal num-
solution in the form b e r s of signal-wave quanta and space-charge wave quan-
a,,pmexp (-iW-'Z), ta (plasmons) a r e produced in the scattering:
and arrive, as expected, to h e dispersion equation of
traveling wave tubes, which has been investigated in de-
tail (see, e.g., Ref. 16) Saturation mechanisms. The amplification of the sig-
(r-6j (r2-qz)+l-0. (3.10) nal wave, as follows from (3.7), can be limited by two
factors: (1) exhaustion of the pump, (2) nonlinear dis-
In (3.10) 6= bC-', q = (wbll/xc)C-' i s the space-charge placement of the electron bunch into the accelerating
parameter and

473 Sov. Phys. JETP 49(3), March 1979 Bratmanet aL 473

phase of the combination wave. absorption band becomes commensurate with the work-
In the first case, which is described by equations (3.9)
to obtain coherent radiation.
ing frequency, ll o:, and this makes it more difficult
and (3.16), the maximum amplitude of the signal wave
1a.l- .LIIaIol'14~b (3.18) It is possible to obtain a high electronic efficiency
is reached, according to (3.6), when an appreciable and retain the resonant properties of the interaction by
fraction of the pump quanta is transformed into signal forgoing the large frequency conversion. Indeed, by in-
quanta, i.e., when the quantum yield creasing the angle cp, between the propagation direction
of the signal wave and the unperturbed velocity of the
electron up to values cp,>>yil, and by correspondingly
is of the order of unity. decreasing the ratio of the frequencies of the scattered
To investigate the second mechanism in "pure form," and incident waves to
we assume the pump to be given (correspondingly, o , / o , - ~ i - p ~~ o s p . ) - ~ a y , ~ , (4.1)
K<<1). Then the nonlinear equations (3.7) reduce to
the traveling-wave tube equations17 and shortening the interaction length to L y%,, it is -
possible to increase the electronic efficiency
q.-M-'-yo'(l-po cos 9.)N-I (4.2)
in which a = a S a : / y ~ ' , i = c ~ . The optimal conditions for to values of the order of *ity w h i h retaining a large
the bunching of the beam and *Or drawing energy number of oscillations N. 'Ihe fields necessary to real-
the produced bunches a r e realized according to (3.19) ize such efficiencies are relatively large:
when (cf. Sec. II) 1-1.
a,, (4.3)
a-2.-6-1. (3.20)
To describe such regimes it becomes necessary to
Thus, the amplifier length over which the maximum sig-
use in place of the asymptotic Eqs. (2.7) the more gen-
nal amplitude and electronic efficiency a r e reached is of
era1 Eqs. (1.8). It i s clear from these equations that
the order of the increment, 0', the the intense fields (4.3) can, generaly spaking, cause
corresponding detuning from synchronism is 6, -C,
a sizable drift of the electrons in a plane perpendicular
and the maximum signal amplitude is
to their unperturbed velocity:

The electronic efficiency of the amplifier is then

To avoid a strong transverse drift, which can cause the
qe - v1c- 7: (= ~bllt
~ a ~ i ",
z) (3.22) electrons to land on the surface of the resonator, the
geometry of the pump fields must be so chosen that they
form averaged reliefs that focus the particles in a trans-
and the radiation power passing through an area -A:
verse directim (Ref. 10.3, This requirement is satis-
is determined by the expression
fied, for example, by a magnetostatic field whose vec-
mzc5 O ~ I ? ' I 2 la,ly,.
(3.23) tor potential near the z axis can be represented in the
~ - 7 y k Z )
Comparing- (3.18) and (3.23), we can express the con- A,=AIII+(h,y)']sin h,z, A,=-A,.[l+(h,~)~]sinh,z, (4.5)
ditions which the first or second saturation mechanism A,=O.
predominates respectively a s la, 12<<d;and lai I2>>df,
In such a field, transverse drift oscillations are pos-
where the characteristic value of the pump-wave ampli-
sible with a frequency4)
tude is given by

In those cases when the special selection of the initial

Estimates shaw that in most cases of practical inter-
conditions for the electrons (in particular, when the
est the saturation of the gain is determined by the non- fields increase smoothly in the direction of their mo-
linear shifts of the electron bunches into the accelerat- tion), there is no dirft, and the averaged equations of
ing phase, and the quantum yield is usually small; this motion again reduce to two equations for the energy
justifies the given-pimp approximation used in Sec. 11.
and phase of the electron:


-= Ia.a.'I s .~ 0, n
EFFICIENCY d~ '~:(I-w)
dB w + + +
'l,(a." asz 2 l a . a ~ l c o s0 - wz)
- 6.
As shown in Sec. II, the electronic efficiency of the - = c

dZ 7o2(1-
scattron is determined by the "energy" parameter M :
qs M-'. In the case of quasifrontal scattering of the The boundary conditions for (4.7) coincide with (2.8),
and the electronic efficiency i s determined by expres-
waves, M is close to the number of oscillations N. It
is therefore clear that by letting N approach unity it i s sions (2.9). In the case of small amplitudes ((Y,,, <<I)
possible to increase the efficiency right up to q, 1, but Eqs. (4.7) obviously reduce to Eqs. (2.4). For a gener-
ator whose signal and pump fields have the same Gaus-
in this case the interaction of the electrons with the
waves loses its resonant character, the negative-re- sian structure

474 Sov. Phys. JETP 49(3), March 1979

Ref. 12, using the corresponding results of Refs. 10.
4 ) ~fields
n that focus electrons in a transverse direction, in-
the efficiency maximum q,=,,, 0.24 is reached a t 6yi cluding the field of an ionic crystal, interest attaches not
= 0.81/ri= 10 and a(,O)ap
= 0.1. only to the resonance (1.5) but also to combination resonance
of the type Q - u,vo = nd2,,.
5 ) ~noted
s by A. V. Gaponov and in Refs. 18 and 19, undulatory
CONCLUSION radiation of rather short wavelengths can be obtained by
The practical feasibility of scattrons for any particu- channeling relativistic particles in a crystal. The literature
l a r band is determined by the possibility of producing devoted to solid-state systems (see, e.g. Ref. 20) deals also
with regimes in which the periodic character of the crystal
sufficiently dense and monoenergetic beams of elec-
field is insignificant (the nearest vacuum analog of systems
trons and photons. It is obviously easy to increase the of this type is the strophotrodl).
photon density by using high-Q resonators, and in ac-
cordance with (2.19) the pump-coherence requirements I. Krementsov, M. D. ~ a r z e,r and A. V . ~ m o r ~ o n s k i ;
can be satisfied even when powers from independent ~ i s ' m aZh. Tekh. Fiz. 2, 453 (1976) [Pis'ma Zh, Tekh. Fiz.
generators a r e added. As to the energy scatter of the 2, 175 (1976)l.
electrons in beams of high density, which a r e needed 'L. R-Elias, W. M. Fairbank, J. M. J. Madey, H. A. Schwet-
tman, and T. I. Smith, Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 717 (1976);
to obtain the radiation with the shortest wavelength,
D . A. G . Deacon, L. R. Elias, J . M. J. Madey, G. J. Ramian,
satisfaction of the corresponding restriction (2.18) ap- H. A. Schwettman, and T. I. Smith, Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 892
parently calls for the use of ionic compensation of the (1977).
space charge. %. L. Granatstein and P. Sprangle, IEEE Trans. Microwave
Theory Tech. MIT-25, 245 (1977).
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2 ) ~ q s(2.7)
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geneous magnetic field HOzO.The scattering of relatively 2 1 ~ Agdur,
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weak (aqi<< 1) fields by relativistic beams in the presence of
this field can be easily described by the method developed in Translated by J. G. Adashko

475 Sov. Phys. JETP 49(3), March 1979 Bratman et a/. 475

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