Nonlinear Theory of Stimulated Wave Scattering Relativistic Electron Beams
Nonlinear Theory of Stimulated Wave Scattering Relativistic Electron Beams
Nonlinear Theory of Stimulated Wave Scattering Relativistic Electron Beams
Equations that describe the averaged motion of a relativistic electron in the field of two waves of unequal
frequency are derived. The hydrodynamic stage of stimulated scattering of a wave by a relativistic
electron beam is investigated. It is shown that the main mechanism that determines the gain saturation is
the displacement of the electron bunches from the decelerating into the accelerating phase of the field of
the combined wave. The methods developed are used to calculate the starting currents and to estimate the
optimal ranges of the parameters (from the point of view of realizing high electronic efficiency) of devices
based on stimulated scattering of waves by relativistic electron beams.
469 Sov. Phys. JETP 49(3), March 1979 0038-5646/79/030469-07$02.40 O 1979 American Institute of Physics 469
We assume that the electron is in synchronism two-photon processes, proportional to A ', have been
Q=x,uO (1.5) retained. In the case of homogeneous plane waves,
with the combined wave whose amplitude is determined when A,,,(r,,z, t )=A,, exp(-z?r,,,,r,), the system of
by the amplitude product A,AT and whose phase B = 0, equations (1.8) has the integral1'
- -
0, = (Slt u , z ) is determined by the phase difference
of the waves ( S l = w , - w , , n z = h , - h i , v o = P & is the un-
perturbed electron velocity. Assuming that the number which is a reflection of the fact that the changes d6 of
of oscillations the energy and dp of the momentum of the electron in
the elementary scattering acts a r e respectively equal
to -59 and -En.
executed by the electron in the field of each of the waves 2. SCATTERING I N THE DIRECTION OF MOTION OF
over the interaction length L = voT is large: THE ELECTRONS. FIXED FIELD STRUCTURE
In accordance with the synchronism condition (1.5),
when the signal wave is emitted in a direction close to
We represent the canonical variables and the energy in that of the unperturbed motion of the ultrarelativistic
the form of a sum of smoothly varying and rapidly oscil- electron:
lating components
470 SOV.
Phys. JETP 49(3), March 1979 Bratman et a/. 470
and the electron momentum, we transform Eqs. (1.8) to s a r y that the kinetic and dynamic phase shifts of the
two equations for the electran energy and for its phase electrons relative to the wave be quantities of the order
in the combination wave, of n:
dw/dZ=y,-'Ia,a,'lsine, de/dZ=py0-'w--6, (2.4)
which coincide with the equations of motion of an elec- The average change in the electron energy, in accor-
tron in a traveling wave tube. The independent vari- dance with the f i r s t equation of (2.7), is then given by
ables in (2.4) a r e chosen to be the dimensionless elec-
tron coordinate Z = x g , the nonisochronism parameter
~1 = [l + ( y , ~ ,)2], and the mismatch 6 = (1 - v,,/v,) be- and this in conjunction with (2.10) yields an estimate of
tween the electron velocity and the phase velocity v,, the maximum efficiency
=n/x, of the combination wave.
The equations of motion of the electron (2.4) a r e valid This efficiency is reached when the field intensities
not only in the case of resonators with plane waves satisfy the relation
(Fig. l a ) but also for a scattron with a cylindrical reson-
ator. In the latter case, which is important for the mi-
crowave bands, the parameters a , ,a r e expressed in and the phase velocity of the combination wave and the
terms of the membrane functions of the waveguide frequency of the signal a r e determined by the expres-
WLJ: sions
a=aakL-'[ C , Y , z,] (2.5)
for modes of the TE type and
The parameter M = (x&/nya in (2.12) and (2.13) is equal
a = a o ( c l o ) z ( h V , Y +ikLZYz,) (2.6) to the ratio of two small parameters, namely, the velo-
for modes of the TM type; k, = (wa/c2 -h3'I2 is the -
city change Aj3 y;2, a t which the energy of the ultra-
transverse wave number. For scattrons with cylindrical relativistic electron changes by an amount of the order
waves cps,i = tan-'(&/k),,, in formulas (2.1) and (2.2) a r e of the initial velocity, and the spectrum width AS,,
the Brillouin angles. - (n/n&) of the phase velocities of the combination wave
Using the fact that in the static limit wi 0 the cylin-
drical pump wave of the transverse-electric (magnetic)
- (A@, is determined by expanding the field specified over
the length L in a Fourier integral). In the regime of
quasifrontal wave scattering (the condition (2.1) and
type goes over into a magnetostatic (electrostatic) field Gi -w,), the parameter M is of the order of the number
that varies along z harmonically, we can easily verify N of the electron oscillations, and in the resonant case
that Eqs. (2.4) a r e valid also for the ubitron (Fig. 1B). M>>1. From this and from (2.12) it follows that in the
A t constant wave amplitudes a,,, can use the linear regime of quasifrontal scattering the optimal fields and
change of variables the electronic efficiency a r e relatively small.
The estimates (2.10)-(2.14) agree well with the nu-
merical-calculation results represented in Fig. 2.
Starting current, In the stationary regime, the out-
to reduce Eqs. (2.4) to the equations of a pendulum2) put power of a generator with quasifrontal wave scatter-
duldf =sin 8, dOld5=u-A. (2.7) ing is many times larger than the dissipated pump pow-
e r (the number of scattered pump quanta is equal to the
For electrons making up a stationary monoenergetic number of the radiated signal quanta, but the energy of
beam, the boundary conditions for (2.7) take the form the latter is larger by approximately y i times). There-
fore the power balance equation takes the form
472 Sov. Phys. JETP 49(31, March 1979 Bratman er a/. 472
is responsible for the change in the wave amplitude
is the analog of the Pierce parameter in an ordinary
(cf. Ref. 11):
traveling wave tube.
Case of small space charge. According to (3.101, the
space-charge field can be neglected if qZ<<l.At a given
We have neglected in (3.5) the difference between the beam density this condition imposes a lower limit on
group velocities of the waves and the velocity of light. the pump intensity:
Equations (3.5) lead to a conservation law for the num-
ber of the transverse-wave quanta in the scattering pro-
In this case the increment of the signal wave reaches a
maximum at 6 = 0 and its value is
I E , I '/ o.- IE,I / u,=const. (3.6)
b :
P) ete,
the power flux:
e ( o ) a,,
w (0) -0, a,(o) -u.o, al(Z4:!=ai0. (3.8) %la,l*)"*
1 m ( x r ~ ) - x (8u. (3.15)
is reached a t z e r o mismatch (8 q) between the com-
Approximation with small amplitude of the combina- bination wave and the slow space-charge wave having
tion wave. In the case when the electron motion can be negative energy (this was called Raman scattering in
described by the linear approximation 9 = 9, + 9(') , Id'' 1 Ref. 3). The substitutions
<< 1, Eqs. (3.7) take the same form as the k n o ~ n ' ~ . ' ~
modified-decay equations
p - - hPexp (- i ~ L Z ) , a. = a,' exp ( - Ix .
~ , Z
where a, is the smoothly varying dimensionless ampli-
tude of the slow space-charge wave, reduces to the
standard three-wave decay equations
+ i (8 - _WI
)a/ - G,a,an,
= Glu,'a':
-= Gfi.'a,, Gp = -. x c
In the given-pump approximation (with constant a,) the 2~,'0bll
f i r s t two equations become linear. We represent their It follows from (3.16), in particular, that equal num-
solution in the form b e r s of signal-wave quanta and space-charge wave quan-
a,,pmexp (-iW-'Z), ta (plasmons) a r e produced in the scattering:
and arrive, as expected, to h e dispersion equation of
traveling wave tubes, which has been investigated in de-
tail (see, e.g., Ref. 16) Saturation mechanisms. The amplification of the sig-
(r-6j (r2-qz)+l-0. (3.10) nal wave, as follows from (3.7), can be limited by two
factors: (1) exhaustion of the pump, (2) nonlinear dis-
In (3.10) 6= bC-', q = (wbll/xc)C-' i s the space-charge placement of the electron bunch into the accelerating
parameter and
dZ 7o2(1-
scattron is determined by the "energy" parameter M :
qs M-'. In the case of quasifrontal scattering of the The boundary conditions for (4.7) coincide with (2.8),
and the electronic efficiency i s determined by expres-
waves, M is close to the number of oscillations N. It
is therefore clear that by letting N approach unity it i s sions (2.9). In the case of small amplitudes ((Y,,, <<I)
possible to increase the efficiency right up to q, 1, but Eqs. (4.7) obviously reduce to Eqs. (2.4). For a gener-
ator whose signal and pump fields have the same Gaus-
in this case the interaction of the electrons with the
waves loses its resonant character, the negative-re- sian structure
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