Final Sieve
Final Sieve
Final Sieve
Experiment-5 and 6
Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates ASTM-C 136 – 01
To determine the particle size distribution by sieve analysis
o Apparatus
Sieve shaker
Set of sieves
Air dried aggregate
Dry the sample to constant wt.(1005 oC)
Obtain appropriate amount of aggregate
Determine the total mass of the sample
Select an appropriate of varying sieve size
Weigh each sieve and pan. Make sure each sieve is clean before weighing it
Carefully pour the sample and shake for 5 to 10minutes
Remove the sieve from the sieve shaker. Weigh the sieve and pan with aggregate retained on them
Fine aggregate
The test sample of fine aggregate shall weigh , after drying approximately the following amount
-Aggregate at least 95% passing a 2.36mm sieve =100g
-Aggregate at least 85% passing a 4.75mm sieve & more than 5% retained on a 2.36mm sieve = 500g
Coarse aggregate
The weight of the test sample of coarse aggregate shall conform to the following
Nominal maximum size.(mm) 9.5 12.5 19.0 25.0 37.5
Minimum weight of test sample.Kg 1 2 5 10 15
Sieve wt of wt of sieve+ Mass Percent Cumulative Percent Percentage
size sieve,g retained Retained retained (%) retained (%) passing (%)
(mm) soil,g (g)
Gradation chart
100 0
90 10
Percentage coarser
Percentage passing
70 30
60 40
50 50
40 60
30 70
20 80
10 90
0 100
150 m 300m 600m 1.18mm 2.36mm 5.0mm 10.0mm 20.0mm 37.5mm
Sieve size