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What if it Finishes ...?

1- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

(i) Which of the following fuels gives least smoke?
(a)Petrol c (b) CNG c

(c) Diesel c (d) None of these c

(ii) To clean oil found deep down in the earth, it is sent to

(a)pumps c (b) oil depot c

(c) refinery c (d) mills c

(iii) Which of the following is obtained from petroleum?

(a)Wax c (b) LPG c

(c) Coal tar c (d) All of these c

(iv) Which gas is used for cooking in homes?

(a)CNG c (b) LPG c

(c) Both (a) and (b)c (d) None of these c

(v) How many people in our country use uple, wood and dry twigs to cook
(a)Half of the people c

(b) One fourth of the people c

(c) Two thirds of the people c

(d) All the people c

(vi) Which mode of transport can reduce congestion or road?

(a)Car c (b) Auto c

(c) Bus c (d) Scooter c

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(vii) Which mode of transport does not cause pollution?

(a)Train c (b) Bus c

(c) Motor cycle c (d) cycle c

(viii) Which of these is a renewable source of energy?

(a)Solar c (b) Kerosene c

(c) Petrol c (d) Natural Gas c

2- Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements.

(i) Vehicles on the road make noise. c
(ii) The problem of traffic jams is due to increased number of vehicles. c
(iii) It is not safe to go on speeding vehicles. c
(iv) Rates of petrol are different in different cities. c
(v) Oil can be found everywhere under the ground. c
(vi) Oil is formed naturally and quickly. c
(vii) Oil pumped out from the ground is a smelly, thick, dark coloured liquid.c
(viii) Electricity can be used to run vehicles. c
(ix) CNG is a preferred fuel to petrol and diesel. c
(x) Petrol can be artificially made. c
(xi) Using public transport can reduce the level of pollution extent. c
(xii) Burning of damp wood does not cause pollution c

3- Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the box.

pipes, machines, borewells, driller, petrol pump, shop, cars, bicycle, switch
on, switch off, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, wet, damp, cheaper, plastics,
refinery, solar, petroleum

(i) Adalaj stepwell is about 18 km from ...............

(ii) Generally, we don't see any ............... on highway.
(iii) Vehicles stop at a ............... for fuel.
(iv) ............... the engine when you stop the car at red light.
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(v) Through ............... and ............... petroleum is pumped out of the earth.
(vi) There is lot of smoke when ............... wood is burnt.
(vii) Crude oil is sent to the ............... for cleaning and separating them.
(viii) Diesel is ............... than petrol.
(ix) ............... is non renewable and exhaustible resource but ............... energy
is renewable and unlimited.
(x) We get kerosene, diesel, petrol, LPG, Coal tar, wax, etc. from ............... .
(xi) Petroleum is used to making ............... and paints.

4- Give reason.
(i) The majority of people in our country use uple, wood and dry twigs, etc.
as fuel.


(ii) CNG is a superior fuel to petrol.


5- Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) What problems can we have from the following?
(a) smoke coming out of vehicles.

(b) noise of vehicles.


(ii) What did the child decide to discuss with his Baba about saving oil?


(iii) Why did Manju said, "I will invent a car that runs on sunlight"?


(iv) Why is it better if fewer vehicles run on road?


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6- Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows.
Treasure From the Earth
It is not easy to find out where oil is, deep down below the earth. Scientists
use special techniques and machines to find this out. Then through pipes and
machines petroleum is pumped up. This oil is a smelly, thick, dark coloured
liquid. It contains many things mixed in it. To clean and separate these, it is sent
to a refinery. Have you heard of a 'refinery'?
It is from this 'petroleum' or oil that we get kerosene, diesel, petrol, engine
and fuel for aircraft. Do you know that LPG (cooking gas), wax, coal tar and
grease are also obtained from this?
It is also used in making several other things like plastics and paints.
(i) From where do we get petroleum?


(ii) How much time does it take for the formation of oil?


(iii) How is it extracted?


(iv) Can extracted oil be used in same form?


(v) Where is the oil (petroleum) sent after it is extracted? Why?


(vi) Name any five products obtained from oil (petroleum).


7- What problems will we face in the future due to increasing number of vehicles?
Suggest some ways to deal with the problems.


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8- Observe the picture and answer the questions that follows.

(i) What is the lady carrying with her in the basket? Why?



(ii) Is it safe to use it? Why?



9- Look at the following bar charts and answer the questions that follows.

(i) In 1976 which fuel was used the

(a) maximum (b) minimum


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(ii) In 1996 which fuel was used the

(a) maximum (b) minimum


(iii) In 1976, electricity was used in ............... houses and in 1996 this increased
to ............... . This means that in twenty years their use increased by
............... %.
(iv) Consumption of which fuels has decreased from 1976 to 1996 ?


(v) Consumption of which fuels has increased from 1976 to 1996 ?


10- Look at the poster and answer the following questions.

(i) Do we have limited or unlimited reserves of fuel?


(ii) List any five ways in which you can save petrol.

(a) ................................................................................
(b) ................................................................................
(c) ................................................................................
(d) ................................................................................
(e) ................................................................................

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11- Put a ({) on the vehicles which run without fuel and a (#) on the vehicles which
run using fuel.
(i) Train c (ii) Rickshaw c

(iii) Aeroplane c (iv) Bicycle c

(v) Autorickshaw c (vi) Horsecart c

(vii) Ship c (viii) Bus c

(ix) Scooter c (x) Car c

12- In each use, write what may be used in its place if it finishes?


13- Journey of Petrol

The statements given below show how petrol reaches vehicles for use, but these
are not in correct order. Put the numbers against each of these to make their
sequence correct.
(i) Petrol reaches petrol c (ii) Petrol filling in the car c
(iii) Petroleum oil dug out c (iv) Petrol transported to c
petrol pump
(v) Petroleum cleaned in c (vi) Petroleum oil c
refinery transported

14- Write
(i) The full form of

(a) CNG .........................................................................................

(b) LPG .........................................................................................

(ii) Any two oil refineries in India with their location.



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(iii) Countries having large oil reserves.



15- Name the following:

(i) Two vehicle that run petrol. .................... ....................

(ii) Two vehicle that run on diesel. .................... ....................

(iii) Two vehicle that do not need any fuel. .................... ....................

(iv) Two vehicle that run on CNG. .................... ....................

16- Find out the rate of petrol and diesel in the metropolitan cities.
Cities Petrol per litre Diesel per litre





17- Look at the pictures below showing five different types of stoves.
Write the fuel used in the different types stoves given below:

Stove 1 Stove 2 Stove 3

.................... .................... ....................

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Stove 4 Stove 5

.................... .................... ....................

18- Write and label the five oil refineries and their states in the political outline map
of India.

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