PMP Class Quiz4 Q
PMP Class Quiz4 Q
PMP Class Quiz4 Q
Question - 1
You are in charge of building a bridge across a river. All the initial groundwork and
structural designs have been completed and work is in progress. You know that the next
two months will be particularly critical involving some critical activities such as Arc welding
of stiffener plates. You know your company employs welders who specialize in this kind of
work. However, you are apprehensive regarding their availability for the next two months.
What should you refer to first to find if these welders are available for the next two months?
A. Milestone List
B. Pareto Chart
C. Histograms
D. Resource Calendars
Question - 2
You and a group of managers who conduct a weekly meeting for sharing information and
project management best practices. Joe who is a colleague of yours explains the need of
correctly identifying all the project stakeholders. He explains that in his current project he
has made use of Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix. Many of the other
colleagues are not quite aware of the need and usage of this matrix - which of the
following is the BEST choice ?
A. Lists all the stakeholders along with their current engagement and desired engagement
B. Lists all the stakeholders
C. Lists only those stakeholders who are Resistant
D. Lists only those stakeholders who are Supportive
Question - 3
Your company policy allows you to gift customers within certain limit. By mistake, you
have given a gift to the customer's representative already which is beyond the limit
mentioned in your company policy. What should you do?
A. Forget it and don't tell anyone.
B. Contact your company's senior management and ask for assistance.
C. Ask your customer to return the gift.
D. Ask your customer to give you a gift which has the same cost
Question - 4
Earned Value Analysis is used to measure performance based on following parameters:
A. Scope and Cost
B. Scope and Schedule
C. Scope, Cost and Schedule
D. Cost and Schedule
Question - 5
Which of the following statements are not true regarding Scope Verification ?
A. Consists of conducting inspections , reviews and audits.
B. Used to determine if results conform to requirements
C. Used to get formal sign off from clients
D. Used to determine schedule variance
Question - 6
What is the purpose of fishbone diagram?
A. To illustrate how various factors might be linked to potential problems or effects
B. Are used to determine if the process is in control
C. Show trends in a process over time
D. Shows the pattern of relationship between two variables
Question - 7
Which of the following best describes Vrooms Expectancy theory ?
A. Employees will put in efforts dependent on expectancy, valence, and instrumentality
B. Employee motivation is not achievable - employees must be forced to get things done
C. Hygiene factors will ensure that job dissatisfaction not occur - however it does not
ensure job satisfaction
D. People have needs starting with Physiological Needs and ending with self-actualization
Question - 8
You are managing a project that that your company won after making a bid. The clients
have negotiated long and hard and have driven a hard bargain. The project is scheduled
to span over eight months, and you are in your fifth month of execution. You are extremely
worried since you have about four more months of work remaining and the project is at the
'Point of total assumption' - what does this mean?
A. As a seller you are running behind schedule
B. As a seller you are ahead of schedule
C. The project is going to have a cost overrun which will need to be negotiated with the
D. As a seller all subsequent costs will have to be borne by the seller
Question - 9
You are managing a project which involves building software for the aeronautical domain.
The nature of the work is complex and needs a lot of research. During Quality assurance
both the development team and testing team suggest that the quality assurance process
be changed to also include White Box testing and not only rely on Black box testing. The
team wants to make this shift in approach as they believe this would lead to better quality
of deliverables - what is the best course of action ?
A. As the changes will help improve quality - execute white box texting
B. Create a change request
C. Refuse to adopt this change as this would mean a change in agreed process
D. Analyze the impact of the change to scope , schedule and cost and then write up a
Change Request
Question - 10
The Scope Baseline consists of the following:
A. Approved Project Scope Statement , WBS , WBS Dictionary
B. Preliminary Project Scope Statement, Approved Project Scope Statement , WBS ,
WBS Dictionary
C. Scope Management Plan, WBS, WBS Dictionary
D. Scope Management Plan, Approved Project Scope Statement, WBS Dictionary
Question - 11
You are the project manager and decided to outsource a part of the project to a vendor.
The vendor discovered some issues that impact the cost and schedule of its work. How
does the vendor update the agreement?
A. A new contract needs to be signed by your company and the vendor
B. A contract addendum needs to be signed by your company and the vendor
C. A SOW needs to be signed by you and the vendor
D. None of the above
Question - 12
As a manager on a project your key outlook is to ensure that the project delivers within the
scheduled timelines with minimal rework and customer delight. For some time now the
project work is proceeding smoothly with a CPI and SPI a perfect one of your team
members approaches you and indicates that she might possibly need a long vacation on
personal grounds. She indicates this could possibly occur in two months from now. You
look up the schedule and as luck would have it - this team member happens to be
scheduled to execute activities which are on the critical path - and her absence in two
months’ time would cause a delay in schedule. You decide to take some action and
reschedule task allocation to ensure that this team member is not planned to work on any
of the critical path activities. What did you just do?
A. Mitigate the risk
B. Avoid the risk
C. Transfer the risk
D. Exploit the risk
Question - 13
You are in the process of executing a project that deals with laying out electrical cables
connecting two cities. You have been reporting progress on a monthly basis. In this month
due to unplanned vacations many of the staff have not turned up at work. This has caused
a delay in the schedule. You decide to check if the schedule variance is within the
allowable threshold - what document should you refer to?
A. Project Management Plan
B. Schedule Management Plan
C. Project Schedule Network Diagram
D. Activity Definition
Question - 14
Which of the following activities is not performed as a part of Project Closure?
A. Ensure all the deliverables as per contract are met
B. Create lessons learned and update Organizational Process Assets
C. Formal acceptance
D. Verify scope
Question – 15
Of the following types of contracts - which has the HIGHEST risk for the buyer ?
A. Cost plus fixed fee - CPFF
B. Time and Material
C. Firm Fixed Price Contract - FFP
D. Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contracts - FPIF
Question - 16
You are in charge of building a shopping portal. You are fairly confident as you have a
team experienced in doing such work. As per the agreement at the end of the first month
you organize a demonstration of the software. You invite the sponsor and key
stakeholders. Later the sponsor informs you that she is not very happy with the progress
indicating that one of the clients who would be using this software is not satisfied as her
needs are not being met. To satisfy this client's needs would mean some radical changes
with an impact to both cost and schedule. What could be the root cause of this issue?
A. Deliverables were not as per requirement
B. The stakeholder is making unrealistic demands
C. The scope statement was ambiguous leading to this
D. All the stakeholders were not identified
Question - 17
Top-down estimating is also called _______ estimating.
A. Analogous
B. Primary
C. Organizational
D. Simple
Question - 18
The _________ is the international organization that controls the standards for quality.
Question - 19
Your company has won a large project for one of the fund houses to administer their funds.
The project work has been going on smoothly and the customer has been singing praises
about the work done so far. The client has planned a visit the next month to go over the
plans for the next phase of the project as well as to meet with the project team. Your
senior management realizes that this client could potentially need additional capabilities in
the derivatives segment. Your company happens to have a strong exposure to this
segment having executed numerous such projects. Your senior manager also invites key
managers from the derivatives segment to showcase the organizations abilities in the
derivates vertical - this is an example of ?
A. Mitigating the risk
B. Avoiding the risk
C. Transferring the risk
D. Exploiting the risk
Question - 20
Project Team has created sub plans for each activity in project plan. These plans are
A. resource plans
B. activity plans
C. sub plans
D. management plans
Question - 21
You are responsible for the complete makeover of a shopping mall which involves civil
work and painting. After going through the details, you have come up with the cost
estimates which have been approved to arrive at the cost baseline. Work is now in
progress and you and senior management are happy with the work throughput. Suddenly
you realize the ceiling repair work was not factored in the estimates - though it was very
much a part of the scope. You decide to make use of Contingency reserves - but your
senior manager advises you to make use of the Management reserve - what is the correct
A. Neither of the two are correct options
B. Making use of Management Reserve is the correct option
C. Making use of Contingency Reserve is the correct option
D. None of the above
Question - 22
You are in your third month of project execution which is expected to continue for a
duration of 14 calendar months. Your sponsor has asked for a performance report. You
decide to create a S curve. Based on the S curve you report your Actual Cost which is
more than the Earned Value. Also the Planned Value is greater than the Earned Value.
What would be the interpretation of this data?
A. The project is over budget and behind schedule]>
B. The project is on schedule and on budget
C. The project is over budget but on schedule
D. The project is on budget but behind schedule
Question - 23
You have been asked to provide Cost estimates for a project which would be responsible
for the complete electrical installation in warehouses. As a project manager - you have
had past experience in similar projects in your previous organization. The organization
you have joined - also has recently done a similar project - and there is an urgency in
providing the estimate as mandated by executive management - so what estimation
technique would you adopt ?
A. Ask your prior organization for the estimates
B. Use Parametric Estimating technique
C. Use Bottom Up Estimating
D. Analogous Estimates
Question - 24
You are a project manager managing a project that has not been making good progress.
Certain issues like a flash flood have significantly delayed the laying out of the plinth for
the shopping complex. There have been a lot of escalations from key stakeholders and
executive management is pressing for getting the project on track. In a review meeting -
your lead architect sensing the urgency - suggests a change that could significantly
decrease the schedule. She is very confident that the suggested change will work to get
things on track. As a project manager what is the best course of action?
A. The project is lagging - so implement the change request as it would reduce the
B. Reject the idea of making the change as this will need an approval from change control
C. Create a change request and submit to change control board
D. Identify the impact of the change to the scope and cost and then include this
information in the change request
Question - 25
You are in charge of managing a software development project which is related to
simulations for driving racing cars. In one of your team meetings - it has been reported
that a lot of issues have been reported in the air tunnel modelling module. On deeper
analysis - it is found that many of the issues could have been prevented had a simple
code review checklist been used. You decide to mandate usage of the code review
checklist for all subsequent deliveries to ensure other deliveries are less issue prone. This
is a good example of:
A. Corrective Action
B. Preventive Action
C. Defect Repair
D. Quality Control
Question - 26
You are in charge of constructing a High-Rise residential building. After creating a
Network diagram - you have identified the Critical Path. Work has started - but suddenly
due to inclement weather plinth work has got delayed. This plinth work activity was on the
critical path. As a manager driving this project would you be worried and why?
A. No - It will not matter if the Plinth work is delayed.
B. No - Activities on the critical path do not impact the schedule
C. Yes - Any delay of activities on the critical path would lead to a delay of the entire
D. Yes - you will now have to relay this bad news to the client
Question - 27
You know that the success of your project will be determined by how well you manage
risks. You know that identifying risks upfront can help you be better prepared with risk
response strategies. You discuss and consult with other project managers in the company.
One manager suggests usage of SWOT to identify risks. What would you do next as a
part of this technique ?
A. Gather team members and experts together and discuss to identify risks
B. Gather anonymous responses from experts and identify risks
C. Perform root cause analysis to identify problems , their cause and potential response
D. Identify the Organizations strengths and weaknesses
Question - 28
You have been assigned to a project that deals with developing a software product for the
BFSI domain. You and your team are building the schedule network diagram. While
sequencing activities one of the team members - who is an Architect indicates that rather
than interacting with the database on every activity - we should introduce an activity which
would cache the data. He argues that this will improve performance and hence this activity
should be introduced in the sequence prior to the other activities that deal with database
interaction. What kind of a dependency is this?
A. This is an example of Mandatory Dependency
B. This is an example of External Dependency
C. This is an example of Discretionary Dependency or Soft Logic
D. This is an example of Hard Logic
Question - 29
You and your team are in the process of creating WBS and WBS Dictionary. What would
be the BEST choice of attributes in a WBS Dictionary ?
A. Work Package ID and Work Package Description
B. Work Package ID, Control Account ID and Work Package Description
C. Work Package Description
D. Work Package ID, Control Account ID, Work Package Description, Acceptance Criteria,
Responsible Organization, Cost, Assumptions
Question - 60
Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding change log?
A. Change log is used to log only approved change requests
B. It is used to document changes that occur during a project
C. The changes along with their impact to cost, time and risk are logged
D. Rejected change requests are also captured in the change log