1. Develop an EER model for the following situation, using the traditional EER notation, the Visio notation, or the subtypes
inside supertypes notation, as specified by your instructor:
A person may be employed by one or more organizations, and each organization may be the employer of one or more people.
An organization can be an internal organizational unit or an external organization. For persons and organizations, we want to
know their ID, name, address, and phone number. For people, we want to know their birth date, and for organizations, we want
to know their budget number. For each employment, we want to know the employment date, termination date, and bonus.
Employment of a person by an organization may result in the person holding many positions over time. For each position, we
want to know its title, and each time someone holds that position, we need to know the start date and termination date and
salary. An organization is responsible for each position. It is possible for a person to be employed by one organization and hold
a position for which another organization is responsible.
2. Draw an EER diagram for the following description of a law firm:
Each case handled by the firm has a unique case number; a date opened, date closed, and judgment description are also kept
on each case. A case is brought by one or more plaintiffs, and the same plaintiff may be involved in many cases. A plaintiff has a
requested judgment characteristic. A case is against one or more defendants and the same defendant may be involved in many
cases. A plaintiff or defendant may be a person or an organization. Over time, the same person or organization may be a
defendant or a plaintiff in cases. In either situation, such legal entities are identified by an entity number, and other attributes are
name and net worth.
3. Develop an EER model for the following situation using the traditional EER notation, the Visio notation, or the subtypes inside
supertypes notation, as specified by your instructor:
An international school of technology has hired you to create a database management system to assist in scheduling classes.
After several interviews with the president, you have come up with the following list of entities, attributes, and initial business
• Room is identified by Building ID and Room No and also has a Capacity. A room can be either a lab or a classroom. If it is a
classroom, it has an additional attribute called Board Type.
• Media is identified by MType ID and has attributes of Media Type and Type Description. Note: Here we are tracking types of
media (such as a VCR, projector, etc.), not the individual piece of equipment. Tracking of equipment is outside of the scope of
this project.
• Computer is identified by CType ID and has attributes Computer Type, Type Description, Disk Capacity, and Processor
Please note: As with Media Type, we track only the type of computer, not an individual computer. You can think of this as a
class of computers (e.g., PIII 900MHZ).
• Instructor has identifier Emp ID and has attributes Name, Rank, and Office Phone.
• Timeslot has identifier TSIS and has attributes Day of Week, Start Time, and End Time.
• Course has identifier Course ID and has attributes Course Description and Credits. Courses can have one, none, or many
prerequisites. Courses also have one or more sections.
After some further discussions, you have come up with some additional business rules to help you create the initial design:
• Scheduling data are kept for each semester, uniquely identified by semester and year.
• A room can be scheduled for one section or no section during one time slot in a given semester of a given year. However, one
room can participate in many schedules, one schedule, or no schedules; one time slot can participate in many schedules, one
schedule, or no schedules; one section can participate in many schedules, one schedule, or no schedules.
Hint: Can you associate this to anything that you have seen before?
• A room can have one type of media, several types of media, or no media.
• A lab has one or more computer types. However, a classroom does not have any computers.
• A room cannot be both a classroom and a lab. There also are no other room types to be incorporated into the system.