Anna Int
Anna Int
Anna Int
• Consists of a part-time or full-time work schedule that includes no more than 25%
clerical or administrative duties.
• Provides a clear job/project description for the work experience.
• Orients the student to the organisation, its culture and proposed work assignments.
• Helps the student develop and achieve learning goals.
• Offers regular feedback to the student intern.
Intern very interested in Human Resource Management. A company can only make
profit by protecting the welfares of the workers so intern looked for a company that offers
more Welfare Schemes. Finally, inter chose a reputed company Integrated logistics. An
organizational structure is a set of rules and regulations within a company that defines how it
operates to meet its goals. It outlines the hierarchy in an organization by defining roles,
explain where each role fits within the business and determining who reports to whom. There
are many organizational. Structures a business can choose from and they stem from
centralized or decentralized organizational structures. It creates a company-wide
understanding of how information flows throughout the business, whether it’s from
executives to manager to employee or employee to employee. It’s also easier to know who
makes decisions and who to go to when there’s a choice to be made.
Overview of logistics:
There are 1 cement suppliers within 1km radius of integrated Logistics (ICL
Shengottai SPO). When you increase the radius to 5 km or 10 km, you will find 2 and 3
cement suppliers respectively. You would also like to view:
Overview of logistics:
Logistics is a part of supply chain management that deals with the efficient forward
and reverse flow of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the
point of consumption according to the needs of customers. Logistics management is a
component that holds the supply chain together. The resources managed in logistics may
include tangible goods such as materials.
Product details:
Production of cement completes after passing of raw materials from the following six
phases. These are; Raw material extraction/ Quarry Grinding, Proportioning and Blending
Pre-heater Phase Kiln Phase Cooling and Final Grinding Packing & Shipping.
1. Physical distribution.
2. Materials management.
3. Logistics engineering.
4. Business logistics.
5. Logistics management.
6. Integrated logistics management.
7. Distribution management.
8. Supply chain management.
To achieve integrated logistics, companies need to be aware of the importance of good supply
chain management. They must be perfectly aware of each of the parts that make it up and
thus be able to make a difference, thus providing a competitive difference to the logistics
In this post we will see what integrated logistics is, its functions, what benefits it brings to
companies and how to implement it.
Logistics is relatively new discipline that deals with the integration of materials
management and physical distribution. Although logistics and SCM are interchanged, think
of SCM as an umbrella that incorporates the logistics, which in turn has become one integral
component of SCM.
Finance manager:
Without accurate and up to date financial records, making sound business decisions or
adequately manging finance would not be easy.
For this reason the accounting department is often considered one of the most critical
departments in any organization.
1. Finance
2. Taxation
3. Finance reporting
Lending department is a commercial bank savings and loan association savings bank
montage banker federal housing administration farmers.
Finance department:
Finance department is the unit of a business responsible for obtaining and handing
any moneys of the organization.
A supply chain encompasses all the facilities, functions and activities in and
delivering of a product/service from suppliers to customers. Supply Chain Management
[SCM] is all about “providing the right product, at the right place and right time, of
appropriate quality at the lowest cost”.
Materials flow from the supplier to the customers through distributors. The primary
and support activities must be interlinked so that there is smooth flow of both information
and materials.
• Supplier Management
• Inventory Management
• Distribution Management
• Channel Management
• Payment Management
Supplier management:
The goal io to reduce the number of suppliers and get them to become partners in
business in a win relationship. The benefits are seen in reduced purchase order processing
cost, increased numbers of process by fewer employees, and reduced order processing cycle
Inventory management:
The goal is shorten the order-ship-bill cycle. When a majority of partners are
electronically linked, information faxed or mailed in the past can now be sent instantly.
Documents can be tracked to ensure they were received, thus improving auditing capabilities.
The inventory levels, improve inventory turns, and eliminate out-of-stock occurrences
Distribution management:
The goal is to move documents related to shipping [bills of lading, purchase orders,
advanced ship notices and manifest claims]. Paperwork that typically took days to cycle in
the past can now be sent in moments and contain more accurate data, thus allowing improved
resources planning.
Channel management:
Payment management:
The goal is to link the company and the suppliers and distributors so that payments
can be sent and received electronically. This process increases the speed at which companies
can compute invoice, reducing clerical errors and lowering transaction fees and costs while
increasing the number of invoices processed.
Financial management:
The goal is to enable global companies to manage their money in various foreign
exchange accounts. Companies must work with financial institutions to boost their ability to
deal on a global basis. They need to assess their risk and exposure in global financial markets
and deal with global information.
Supply department:
They supervise and oversee employees and departments within the supply chain and
ensure the process runs smoothly. They work in shipping, manufacturing, or supply chain
management companies or on a consulting basis and analysis and coordinate a company's
supply chain.
Various department:
✓ Storage department
✓ Marketing department
✓ Accounts department
✓ Lending department
✓ Service department
✓ Manufacturing department
✓ Finance and audit department
✓ Human resource department
Supply Chain management differs from classic materials manufacturing control in the
following respects:
1. It views the old process of material flow as single entity rather relegating
fragmented responsibilities to various functional areas.
2. It calls for ‘strategic’ decision-making.
3. “Supply” is a shared objective of practically every function in the chain and is of
particular strategic significance because of its impact on overall costs and market
Supply chain management (SCM) is one of the main ways to optimize the budget of
enterprises producing goods and/or services. At the same time, a great role in the supply
chains is played by logistics – the management of physical, informational, and human flows
in order to optimize them and avoid unnecessary waste of resources.
Below we will talk about the important role of logistics in supply chain
management that includes many suppliers, transit points, as well as points of departure, and
If we systematize all areas of logistics that need to be developed for the rational
management of production resources, we can single out the following functions:
• The formation of packages. Packaging, tracking and accounting – all of these tasks
allow for end-to-end control of goods on the way to the customer/distributor;
• Transportation of products. This includes work with cargo carriers and vehicles listed
in the company’s fleet: planning their routes, calculating fuel costs, etc.;
• Working with customs. When an enterprise plans international delivery of goods, it is
very important that during their transportation the goods fully comply with customs
requirements and contain all the necessary documentation;
• Working with intermediaries. Intermediaries in logistics are all third-party, non-
company resources that are directly involved in the implementation of supply chains.
In turn, finding intermediaries with the most acceptable ratio of quality to cost of
• services, as well as establishing long-term, reliable relations with them are also
included in the list of tasks for efficient logistics management;
• Working with written off and returned goods. There is also such a thing as “reverse
logistics”, which establishes the rules and routes for transporting the
returned/discarded goods, as well as ways to dispose of them.
Welfare schemes:
❖ Salary
❖ Bonus
❖ Service cash
❖ Employee State Insurance (ESI)
❖ Provident Fund (PF)
❖ Transport allowance
❖ Phone allowance
❖ Education allowances for very poor family
❖ Home rent allowance (very poor family)
❖ Over time.
4.More children receive help through welfare than any other demographic.
5.Most welfare programs provide help to the people who need it the most.
9.The people who receive welfare benefits can see an improvement in their health.
Disadvantages of welfare scheme:
Male - 96.5%
Female - 3.5%
Educated - 70%
Uneducated - 30%
Payment basis:
An integrated bill payment system allows for multiple payments on a single platform
through multiple payment methods using credit/debit cards, UPI, bank transfer, payment
links, QR codes and more.
The nature of the human resource management has been highlighted in its following features:
3. Basic to all Functional Areas: Human Resource Management permeates all the
functional area of management such as production management, financial
management, and marketing management. That is every manager from top to
bottom, working in any department has to perform the personnel functions.
We train and motivate employees and employers to proactively adapt to broad spectrum of
today's technological and social changes - not only for corporate growth, but to contribute to
society at large through specialized training geared towards development of individuals and
organizations. More specifically, the goal of human resources development training is "the
integrated development of mind, skills and body". In practice, that means working to develop
a strong yet humane character, superior occupational capabilities and a body trained to endure
the demands of harsh physical environments.
What's more, we're confident that this training regimen is key element in Projexpat's
distinguished reputation for high, uncompromising standards at home and abroad. As one test
of our technical training, it will send training personnel to the World Skills annually and
internship in private and governmental organizations at venues around the world.
The high transport costs in relation to the product value are a particular
challenge for the cement industry. Since the transport costs largely depend on the delivery
distance, the type of transport and the existing infrastructure, modeling cement logistics is an
important factor for recording acquisition costs to supply the market.
The optimal transport of cement depends on the specifics of the location and can be
carried out by truck, rail, inland vessel, conventional bulk carrier or special cement ship. At
distances of 300 km or more, a ship is the most economical alternative.
Accounting technology:
There are several essential components of logistics management to run the supply chain
efficiently and scale up your organization. Optimizing the operations is important for the
cost-controlled running of logistics processes. Therefore, it has become imperative for
business owners to analyse the major components of logistics as it magnifies the processes
and ensures client satisfaction.
Order Processing:
Transportation and logistics management are two closely related business units
that share a common objective. The primary goal is to transport inventory throughout a
company’s supply chain efficiently and effectively. While people use the terms
interchangeably, transportation management is a subdivision of logistics. It’s a symbiotic
relationship that requires care and attention. Actively managing supply chain offers your
company tremendous cost- and time-saving advantages. In other words, you can’t afford
to miss out on opportunities due to non-prioritization of this essential service function.
When you search for the best transporter to address all your shipping problems, you
will come across Integrated Logistics (ICL Shengottai SPO) in Tenkasi.
Indians Leading B2B market place JD Mart ensures engaging in business activities is a
seamless process for small and medium enterprises as will or large business.
It is an era where everything is online. People avoid going to stores for their daily
needs and instead prefer the online system for the same. This is the evolutionary age of on-
demand delivery and online purchase. With the immense rise in online purchases, there
comes the demand for an accurate and steady delivery system. Moreover, a delivery system
without a proper tracker is useless. A tracking system is a must to achieve the ultimate
customer delight. It is very essential to have a suitable delivery tracking system to improvise
the overall delivery system in a competitive market. A suitable tracking system will ensure
you with proper management of parcels and flee.
the tracking systems helps us to provide expert delivery to our customers, enhance
operational administration, and ultimately lead to customer delight. This not only helps to
provide customers with the best delivery experience but also helps in the growth and
development of the organization.
We can conclude that logistics management is an efficient tool to help businesses
maintain a sustainable process. Logistics management is the most effective way of managing
various supply chain functions. It is a critical element to the company’s financial health as it
enables businesses to provide customer-centric services.