3.3 Type Casting
3.3 Type Casting
3.3 Type Casting
--Prof. S.N.Shelke
Type Conversion
It is the process of converting one type into another. In other words
memory location
Implicit type conversion (cont...)
Implicit type conversion (also called automatic type
conversion or coercion) is performed whenever one fundamental data type
is expected, but a different fundamental data type is supplied, and the user
does not explicitly tell the compiler how to perform this conversion (via a
double d = 3; // convert integer 3 to a double
short s = 2; // convert integer 2 to a short
short int i = 2;
int s = i; // convert from short to int
cout << s; Output:
float f = 0.1234; 2
double d= f;
cout << d;
2. Explicit Type casting
Use explicit type conversion (type casting) to convert an item from one
data type to another
C-style casts
In standard C programming, casts are done via the () operator, with the
name of the type to cast to inside. For example:
int i1 = 10;
int i2 = 4;
float f = (float)i1 / i2;
C++ will also let you use a C-style cast with a more function-call like syntax:
int i1 = 10;
int i2 = 4;
float f = float(i1) / i2;
Type conversion
int x;
float m=4.345;
For eg:
Operator typename()
……………. (Function statements)
#include<iostream> sample::operator double()
Using namespace std; {
class sample double sum=0;
{ for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
int v[5]; {
public: sum=sum+v[i];
void read(); }
operator double(); return sum;
}; }
operator typename();
seconds sec1=90;
minutes min2=5;
return 0;
Prof. S. N. Shelke
(Assistant Professor)
Department of Computer
Sinhgad Academy of Engineering,
Kondhwa, Pune