Bond type Sirgle bonds Dauble bands At least one triple bond
Intermolecular forces Weak Moderate van der Waals forces Strong van der Waals forces
Boilng Point Proporional to molecular weight due to Increases with increase in number MPBP and density lngeases with
increased van der Waals farces wth of carbons increase in number of carbons
molecula size Every increase in CH2 gp, BP
increases by 20-30K
Reactvity reactvity order of alkanes with halogens Higher than alkanes due to pi Higher than alkanes and alkenes due
Rate M replacerment of alkanes bonds, which are oasly attacked to triple bonds
by electrophles
3 > 2> 1
Aternate names
Paraffins Acetylenes
Olefins(ol forning)
Structure d bonds