HR Challenges
HR Challenges
HR Challenges
Topics to be covered
We will cover the following:
– HRM Cycle & Model
– HR Challenges
– Strategic HRM
HR Model Organizational Developed by
Training and Development Focus: assuring healthy intra
focus: identifying, assessing and inter unit relationships
and through planned learning- and helping groups initiate
helping develop the key and manage change
competencies which enable
individuals to perform current
or future jobs Organization/ Job Design
Focus: defining how tasks,
authority and systems will be
Union & Labor Relations organized and integrated across
Focus: Assuring healthy organization units and in
union or organizational Human Resource Areas individual jobs
Employee assistance Quality of Work Life Human Resource Planning
Focus: providing personal Focus: determining the
problem solving, Productivity organization’s major human
counseling to individual resources needs, strategies
employee Readiness for Change and philosophies
Compensation/ Benefits
Selection and Staffing
Focus: assuring
compensation / benefits Focus: matching people
Personnel Research
fairness and consistency and their career needs
and Information
and capabilities with
jobs and career paths
Focus: assuring a
personnel information
Model Explanation
Quality of Work life: Quality Of Work Life is a
multifaceted concept.The premise of quality of
work life is having a work environment where an
employees activities become more important. This
means implementing policies and procedures that
make the work less routine and more rewarding
for the employee. This policy or procedure
includes autonomy, recognition, belonging,
progress and development and external rewards
Model Explanation
Productivity: Productivity is the quantity or volume of the
major product or service that an organization provides. In
other words it is the amount of work that is being produced
in the organization in terms of how much and how well.
High productivity is what makes an organization thrive.
Readiness for change: Change is a fact of life in both our
private and work life. At the work sight we must be aware
that change will occur. The change might be subtle, such
as getting a new boss. Or it might be a major endeavor
such as installing a computerized system, for the first time.
To reduce the fair associated with change, Training is very
HR Challenges
Acquisition: Create a readily deployable talent
Managing Change: As the organizations are going
Global, managing change is a major problem faced
by the Managers and how to make people
acquainted with the changes
Managing low attrition rate: More competition
also adds to high attrition. Now here is the
opportunity for the HR manager to play safe and
introduce good retention strategies.
Balancing work and personal life: By flexi work
hours, maternity leaves and vacations are some of
the options in hand.
Consultative approach: Developing continuous
dialogue, open communication, participative
decision making is very important for
implementing consultative approach.
HR Challenges
Work Culture: Due to acquisition and mergers
taking place it becomes important for the HR
Manager to develop the work culture
Stress and Conflict: Long working hours, target
pressures, high competition etc adds stress and
conflicts in the Organization. It is the duty of an
HR Manager to have proper responses to the
stress and conflict before it causes damage to
someone’s' personality. It’s a challenge.
Restructuring Organization: As the trend is
changing, Manager’s needs to develop a new
organizational structure that enables a more
efficient and flexible operation and serves better
its businesslike activities in the future.
Globalization: Companies are going global due to
which the workforce diversity is increasing.
Managing these people with different religious,
cultural, moral background is a challenging task for
the HR Managers in 21st Century.
Profitability Through Cost and Growth
How Can HRM Be Strategic?
Participate in the Design HR
Discussion of the Practices Which
New Strategy Can Execute New
Evaluate Strategy (Link)
Organizational Establish Metrics
Capacity to Evaluate
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What are the competencies of a
Strategic HRM Executive?
Be a Strategist - Know the Business
Be an Administrator - Deliver the Basics
Be a People Champion
Be a Change Agent
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Factors Traditional HR Strategic HR
Responsibility Staff specialist Line managers
for HR
Focus Employee Relations Partnerships with internal/
external customers
Role of HR Transactional, Change Transformational, change
follower and respondent leader and initiator
Initiatives Slow, Reactive, Fast, Proactive, Integrated
Time horizon Short term Long term