HP OneView For Vmware Installation Guide
HP OneView For Vmware Installation Guide
HP OneView For Vmware Installation Guide
Installation Guide
This document contains detailed instructions for installing, upgrading, and removing HP OneView for VMware vCenter (formerly
HP Insight Control for VMware vCenter). The intended audience is system administrators who are experienced in virtual and
physical IT infrastructure administration and understand server virtualization, storage, and networking concepts.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express
warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall
not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
This program contains code licensed under the Affero GPLv3. Please consult with your attorney for any legal advice.
Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
1 Overview..................................................................................................4
Server Module for vCenter features.............................................................................................7
StoreFront Module for vCenter features........................................................................................8
3PAR Recovery Manager for VMware module features..................................................................8
2 Installing, upgrading, and removing the software............................................9
HP OneView for vCenter licensing..............................................................................................9
Installation configurations..........................................................................................................9
HP OneView for vCenter requirements.......................................................................................10
Optional components..............................................................................................................13
Installing the software..............................................................................................................13
Installing HP OneView for vCenter........................................................................................14
Setting up HP OneView for vCenter......................................................................................20
Assigning the vCenter role..................................................................................................21
Setting the iLO address.......................................................................................................21
Upgrading HP OneView for vCenter.........................................................................................22
Upgrading from Recovery Manager 2.4.0 for VMware to Recovery Manager 2.6.1 for
Removing the software............................................................................................................23
3 Support and other resources......................................................................25
Information to collect before contacting HP.................................................................................25
How to contact HP..................................................................................................................25
Registering for software technical support and update service.......................................................25
How to use your software technical support and update service...............................................25
HP authorized resellers............................................................................................................25
Related information.................................................................................................................26
4 Documentation feedback...........................................................................27
A Default port values...................................................................................28
Contents 3
1 Overview
HP OneView for VMware vCenter (formerly HP Insight Control for VMware vCenter) is a single
integrated application that is used to manage ProLiant servers and/or HP storage systems. The
application consists of two modules.
• HP OneView for VMware vCenter—Includes support for the following components:
◦ HP OneView for VMware vCenter Server Module—Adds HP ProLiant and HP BladeSystem
hardware monitoring into the HP OneView for VMware vCenter console. Provides server
hardware management capabilities, including comprehensive monitoring, firmware
update, vSphere 5.x/ESXi 5.x image deployment, remote control, end-to-end monitoring
for Virtual Connect, and power optimization for HP servers in the VMware environment.
The Server module is not required for RMV installation.
IMPORTANT: The HP OneView for VMware vCenter Server Module and the HP OneView
for VMware vCenter StoreFront Module are no longer a separate installation. However,
the HP OneView for VMware vCenter Server Module services do not activate unless
credentials are provided.
◦ HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for vCenter—Installs RMV plugin with vSphere Client and
vSphere Web Client integration.
• HP 3PAR RMV Remote Service—Installs RMV target server for managing remote recovery sets.
HP OneView for vCenter is integrated with the vCenter management server and the vSphere Client
software from VMware. VMware vCenter is used as the single point of management for VMware
virtual environments, which can consist of many standalone or clustered vSphere configurations.
The virtual environment administrator accesses the vCenter management capabilities using the
vSphere Client software.
The HP OneView for vCenter software is installed on a server or a VM and is then configured to
connect and register with a vCenter server. After HP OneView for vCenter is registered with a
vCenter server, all vCenter clients connected to the vCenter server can access the HP OneView for
vCenter software.
You can access HP OneView for vCenter using the vSphere Client or the vSphere Web Client.
Except where noted below, both clients display the same information, but the page layout differs
slightly. See Figure 1 (page 5) and Figure 2 (page 5).
4 Overview
Figure 1 HP Management Overview — vSphere Client view
The Server Module for vCenter:
• Provides inventory and status information. This information is collected from HP ProLiant tools
such as Onboard Administrator, iLO, Virtual Connect Manager, and HP ESXi Offline Bundle
for VMware ESXi.
• Sends events to the HP OneView for vCenter News Feed and events page based on SNMP
traps, WBEM indications, Onboard Administrator events, and HP OneView information for
hosts managed by OV.
• Provides links to launch ProLiant tools.
• Provides a method for software and firmware deployment.1
• Provides graphical status indications collected from the HP ProLiant tools, and a graphical
view of the end-to-end network for each host. A graphical view of the end-to-end network for
each blade server is also provided.
• Supports HP VMware ESXi Smart Components.2
• Provides the ability to configure vSwitches on a host based on the networks available in the
Virtual Connect profile.
The StoreFront Module for vCenter:
• Uses the established connection to the vCenter server to resolve the storage used for each
host, datastore, and VM in the virtual environment. This information is cached in HP OneView
for vCenter.
• Uses the configured information for storage arrays in the environment to obtain detailed
information for devices provisioned from the storage arrays to virtual server hosts. This
information is cached in HP OneView for vCenter.
• Creates relationships between VMware objects and array storage devices and presents the
information to the vSphere Clients.
Figure 3 (page 7) shows a typical VMware configuration with HP OneView for vCenter integrated
into the environment.
1. Firmware deployment is available using the vSphere Client and the vSphere Web Client.
2. Other Smart Components are not supported.
6 Overview
Figure 3 HP OneView for vCenter and VMware configuration
Installation configurations
You can install HP OneView for vCenter on the following:
• A standalone physical server set up exclusively for HP OneView for vCenter
• A virtual machine (VM)
• The same server as HP Systems Insight Manager or HP OneView
• The same server as HP OneView for vCenter
• The same server as HP EVA Command View
• The same server as HP StoreVirtual Centralized Management Console (CMC)
When installing HP OneView for vCenter, ensure that the server or VM meets server operating
software requirements.
NOTE: For the latest support information, see the HP Insight Management Support Matrix at
Table 1 Hardware requirements
Component Specification
Server HP OneView for vCenter works in any heterogeneous environment, but data is only
reported for the HP infrastructure. The recommended servers are:
• HP ProLiant BladeSystem c-Class
• HP ProLiant 300, 500, 700, or 900 series ML or DL servers
Storage array software (StoreFront Module • You must use supported storage arrays with the required management
for vCenter only) software installed. For more information, see the storage array
HP RDP (Server Module for vCenter only) If you want to use the HP Management Deployment Wizard, you must
install HP RDP from the HP Insight Rapid Deployment website at http://
HP Deployment Connector (Server Module If you want to use the HP Management Deployment Wizard, you must
for vCenter only) install the HP deployment connector on the HP SIM server.
NOTE: If you try to use the HP Management Deployment Wizard without
installing the Deployment Connector, the wizard prompts you to download
and install it. Follow the on-screen instructions.
The Deployment Connector installer is also available in install
HP Insight Control Server Provisioning Required If you want to do server provisioning using the vSphere Web
Management Agents for VMware ESX or In order for iLO information to display on the Server module Overview
HP ESXi Offline Bundle for VMware ESXi page, iLO must be associated with the host. The association occurs
(which includes HP ESXi Offline Bundle for automatically when you use global credentials and install either
VMware ESXi) Management Agents for VMware ESX or HP ESXi Offline Bundle for
VMware ESXi.
HP OneView for vCenter includes: Network connectivity for HP OneView for vCenter to the following:
• Server Module for vCenter • Systems running HP OneView for vCenter
• StoreFront Module for vCenter • Systems running VMware vSphere Client
• HP Virtual Networking • Systems running VMware vSphere Web Client
• HP 3PAR Recovery Manager for vCenter • vSphere 5.x/ESXi 5.x host system
Network connectivity for servers to the following:
• HP SIM (required for SIM-enabled functionality)
• All instances of iLO that you want to manage
• All Onboard Administrator modules that you want to manage
• All Virtual Connect modules that you want to manage
Network connectivity for storage to the following:
NOTE: It is recommended that the iSCSI targets be discovered using
Dynamic Discovery rather than Static Discovery. Configuring iSCSI targets
using Static Discovery may cause the iSCSI adapter to not detect newly
assigned iSCSI volumes upon rescan of the adapter.
• HP 3PAR StoreServ requires:
• HP XP requires:
• HP EVA requires:
• HP StoreVirtual requires:
• HP MSA requires:
HP 3PAR RMV Remote Service HP 3PAR RMV Remote Service requires the following
network connectivity:
• The vCenter server must be accessible from the Local
and the remote RMV servers.
• The TCP port used by RMV must be opened in the
firewall. The TCP port- must not be blocked
• Proxy must not be set in RMV or the vCenter server.
Setting the proxy in RMV or in the vCenter server can
block communication between the vCenter and RMV.
NOTE: For additional StoreFront Module for vCenter requirements, see the HP SPOCK website
at http://www.hp.com/storage/spock. You must sign up for an HP Passport account to gain
Virtual Connect Manager End-to-end network connectivity information for Virtual Connect environments
HP OneView End to end connectivity information for Virtual Connect environments managed
by HP OneView. Can manage multiple Virtual Connect environments.
Smart components and ESXi Offline Updated firmware components on vSphere 5.x/ESXi 5.x hosts
Bundle for VMware ESXi
HP SIM deployment connector Deploys vSphere 5.x/ESXi 5.x images to HP ProLiant servers
HP Insight Control Server Provisioning Enables server provisioning using the vSphere Web Client
IMPORTANT: If your server has vSphere Web Client installed, you must log out of the web client
before installing HP OneView for vCenter. If the vSphere Web Client is running during the HP
OneView for vCenter installation, the product does not register with the vSphere Web Client
automatically, and the HP Management tab will not be accessible from the vSphere Web Client.
Optional components 13
Installing HP OneView for vCenter
NOTE: HP recommends that you install the application from the system console. If you perform
the installation using a remote desktop connection, you must log off and log on again after the
1. Verify that the system meets the installation requirements described in “HP OneView for vCenter
requirements” (page 10).
2. Log out from the vSphere Web Client if it is installed and running.
3. Go to the HP OneView for VMware vCenter website at http://www.hp.com/go/ovvcenter
and follow the instructions to download the latest version.
4. Gather identification and login credentials for HP OneView for vCenter and the vCenter server.
5. Start the installer on the system on which you will install HP OneView for vCenter.
The Introduction screen opens.
6. Click Continue to proceed with the installation; click Cancel to abort the 7.5 upgrade.
◦ Ports: The default ports used by HP OneView for vCenter are listed in “Default port
values” (page 28).
NOTE: If any of the listed default port numbers is already being used, the installer
will find one that is available for use. The Final Summary pane of the installer lists
all port numbers that are used by the product.
◦ Installation directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HP
• Select Custom if you want to set different values for data import, ports, or the installation
location. The Module Selection screen opens.
NOTE: The VASA provider for HP 3PAR StoreServ is now incorporated in the StoreFront
Module for
vCenter, along with support for the other HP Storage Systems.
NOTE: All the modules must be installed on the same server. If you are performing a
customized installation, ensure that all the modules are installed on the same server.
The Support Data License Agreement dialog opens.
11. Review the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement, and then
click Next.
HP OneView for VMware vCenter gathers information about your VMware environment and
sends it to HP. This information helps with product support and will help to improve the product
in future releases. The collected data is anonymous and nonintrusive; it does not contain any
sensitive information about the user or the environment. The data is encrypted before it is sent
to a secure HP FTP site.
A copy of the collected data is saved in non-encrypted form in the directory
The Support Data Configuration dialog box opens.
NOTE: The installation program verifies that the ports are available. If any of the ports are
not available, you are prompted to change them before continuing.
An Import Data dialog box provides the option to import previously exported data to the HP
OneView for vCenter database.
15. Do one of the following:
• If this is a new installation, select No, and then click Next.
• If you are reinstalling the application and you want to use previously exported StoreFront
Module for vCenter data, select Yes, and then click Next. Exported Server Module for
vCenter data can be also be imported from the icvc folder. This applies only to a custom
installation. For a typical installation, the installer will automatically take the default
location for importing the data.
The Import Configuration Data dialog box opens. Click Next to import a file from the
default location.
16. Select one of the following options to configure user login credentials for the Storage
Administrator Portal, and then click Next.
• Allow all vSphere users—Allows any vSphere user to log in to the Storage Administrator
• Allow single vSphere user—Allows a specific vSphere user to log in to the Storage
Administrator Portal. Enter the name of an existing vSphere user who has an administrator
role in HP OneView for vCenter.
• Create new user for Storage Administrator Portal—Uses a new user account to log in to
the Storage Administrator Portal. Enter a user name and password, and then confirm the
NOTE: This new Windows user has to be created and must be part of the administrators
NOTE: This option does not create a new Windows or vSphere user. It creates a Storage
Administrator Portal user for use by the StoreFront Module for vCenter only. The credentials
you enter for this option cannot be used to log in to the vSphere Client. This user will not
have permission to perform provisioning tasks.
IMPORTANT: Enter the fully qualified host name for the vCenter server. Do not enter
localhost or a loopback IP address. The HP OneView for vCenter server and the server
where the product is installed must be DNS-resolvable both ways (vCenter-to-HPOV4VC and
NOTE: To add additional vCenter servers, click the HP OneView for VMware vCenter -
Server Administrator Portal icon on your desktop or navigate to the vSphere/vCenter Home
page, and then click the HP Management Administration icon.
NOTE: The installer verifies that the required Windows services are installed and running.
If any of the required services are missing or have not started, the installation fails. This ensures
that all required components are installed and running.
The wizard installs the product. Upon completion, the Install Complete dialog box opens and
shows the installation directory. The following options are available:
• Open Documentation Webpage—Selecting this option opens a web browser to the HP
Enterprise Information Library webpage in a separate window.
• Launch Storage Administrator Portal
19. Select the check boxes for the items you want to open, and then click Done.
After installing the product, complete the following setup procedures, and then configure HP
OneView for vCenter as described in the HP OneView for VMware vCenter User Guide.
• If you have a Proxy-enabled Windows client and an vSphere 5.x/ESXi 5.x host using iLO or
other management software, disable or bypass the Proxy Server for the connection between
the HP OneView for vCenter/vSphere Client and iLO on the ProLiant server running as an
vSphere 5.x/ESXi 5.x host system.
• If you are using a Windows firewall, enable the firewall to access the ports listed in the final
panel that is presented by the installer as shown in the sample figure below. The list will vary
depending on the combination of modules (Storage, Server, RMV) that are installed. The sets
of default port numbers for combinations of the modules that are installed are listed in “Default
port values” (page 28).
For more information and instructions, see the HP OneView for VMware vCenter User Guide or
online help.
NOTE: When performing an uninstall of a typical install, the uninstall process automatically
exports the data (export.si) to the default path C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP OneView
for vCenter.
How to contact HP
To obtain HP contact information for any country, see the Contact HP Worldwide website:
HP authorized resellers
For the name of the nearest HP authorized reseller, see the following sources:
• In the United States, see the HP U.S. Partner Locator website:
• In other locations, see the Contact HP Worldwide website:
• HP OneView for vCenter documentation: http://www.hp.com/go/ovvcenter/docs
• HP Insight Control documentation: http://www.hp.com/go/insightcontrol/docs
• HP Onboard Administrator: http://www.hp.com/go/oa
• HP SIM: http://www.hp.com/go/hpsim
• HP iLO: http://www.hp.com/go/ilo
• VMware vCenter Server: http://www.vmware.com/products/vcenter-server/
• Virtual Connect documentation: http://www.hp.com/go/bladesystem/documentation
• Single Point of Connectivity Knowledge (SPOCK): http://www.hp.com/storage/spock
A Default port values
The following tables identify the HP OneView for vCenter default port values for each installation
Table 6 Default ports when installing the product
Port Default value
Table 8 Default ports when installing only RMV module service only
Port Default value
A HP OneView for vCenter, 23
ActiveX requirements
requirements, 10 ActiveX, 10
administrator role hardware, 10
assigning, 21 network connectivity, 11
architecture, 4 software, 10
role-based security access, 21
configuration, 9 S
core module, 4 server module, 4
features, 7
D setting up
document HP OneView for vCenter, 20
related information, 26 iLO address, 21
documentation software
providing feedback on, 27 requirements, 10
StoreFront Module , 4
E features, 8
exporting StoreFront Module for vCenter
StoreFront Module for vCenter data, 23 exporting data, 23
support, 25
hardware U
requirements, 10 uninstalling
HP OneView for vCenter HP OneView for vCenter, 23
installing, 14 upgrade
modules, 4 HP OneView for vCenter, 22
removing, 23
setting up, 20 V
upgrade, 22 vCenter security role, 21
iLO address
setting up, 21
installation, 9
HP OneView for vCenter, 13, 14
license, 9
license key, 9
license, Insight Control, 9
HP OneView for vCenter, 4
network connectivity
requirements, 11
overview, 4
related documentation, 26
30 Index