Submersible Bridges
Submersible Bridges
Submersible Bridges
• According to IRC SP 82-2008, Submersible
bridges is a bridge designed to be overtopped
during floods.
• As far as possible submersible bridges shall be
avoided on, but due to cost constraints it is
provided on lesser important roads.
• Normally MDR, ODR & VR may have a
submersible bridge. Submersible bridges shall
be avoided if considered MDR or ODR is of
strategic importance.
Design Considerations
• Geography of Area – if spread of floodwater is on vast area, long
approaches will be required for High level bridge. In such case, Submersible
bridge shall be a prudent choice.
• Vertical geometry of Road – Vertical geometry of the road many times
dictate the Road top level (RTL) of bridge, which in turn dictates the selection
of type of bridge.
• Natural banks at different levels – when Natural banks are at different level
RTL is fixed matching lower bank level. This is to cause minimum
obstruction to flow and to avoid the damages to the approaches in the bank.
Besides these, As per IRC SP 82 – 2008, Permissible interruptions are as –