Finish Mounting Length Configuration
Finish Mounting Length Configuration
Finish Mounting Length Configuration
28 February 2010
28 April 2005
1. SCOPE. This commercial item description (CID) covers the general requirements for a family of 3 piece card
holders that use screw actuated wedge retainers to hold circuit card assemblies into their installed positions in heat
sinking devices (cold plates, heat exchanger, etc.) or other applications. Card holders covered by this CID are
intended to provide maximum contact between thermal paths on the circuit card assemblies and the heat sink
surfaces and to provide resistance to shock and vibration. Requirements for specific card holders are covered in the
individual CID specification sheets. Card holders covered by this CID are intended for commercial/industrial
2. CLASSIFICATION/PART OR IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN). This CID uses a classification system which is
included in the Part Identification Number (PIN) as shown in the following example (see 7.1).
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CID number Applicable Finish Mounting Length Configuration
CID sheet
3.1 Interface and physical dimensions. Card holders supplied to this CID shall meet the interface and physical
dimensions as specified herein and on the applicable CID specification sheet.
3.2 CID specification sheet. The family of card holders for use on circuit card assemblies shall be in accordance with
the requirements specified herein and the applicable CID specification sheet. In the event of conflict between this
general CID and the applicable CID specification sheet, the latter shall govern.
3.3 Material. Materials shall be as specified herein and on the applicable CID specification sheet. However, when a
definite material is not specified, a material shall be used which will enable the card holder to meet the performance
requirements of this CID and the applicable CID specification sheet. Acceptance or approval of any constituent
material shall not be construed as a guaranty of the acceptance of the finished product.
Beneficial comments, recommendations, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. and any data that may improve this
document should be sent to: Defense Supply Center, Columbus, ATTN: DSCC–VAC, Post Office Box 3990,
Columbus, OH 43218–3990, facsimile (614) 693–1642, or electronic mail at Since
contact information can change, you may want to verify the currency of the address information using the ASSIST
Online database at
3.3.1 Body and wedges. The body and wedge material shall be aluminum alloy in accordance with ASTM B221,
SAE AMS–QQ–A–200/8, or equivalent.
3.3.2 Captive nut (when applicable). The captive nut material shall stainless steel in accordance with ASTM
A582/A582 or equivalent.
3.3.3 Cup. The cup material for visual indicators shall stainless steel in accordance with ASTM A240/A240M, ASTM
A582/A582, or equivalent.
3.3.4 Flat washer. The flat washer shall comply with AIA/NAS NAS 620 or equivalent.
3.3.5 Lockwasher. The lockwasher shall comply with AIA/NAS NAS M35338, AIA/NAS NAS 1676, or equivalent.
3.3.6 Screw. The screw material shall be stainless steel in accordance with SAE AMS–QQ–S–763, ASTM
A484/A484M, ASTM A582/A582, or equivalent.
3.3.7 Screw retention lock nut (when applicable). When screw retention is specified, the lock nut used shall comply
with AIA/NAS M21042, AIA/NAS M21043, or equivalent.
3.3.8 Spring. The spring material for visual indicators shall be stainless steel in accordance with ASTM
A313/A313M, ASTM A580/A580, or equivalent.
3.4 Finish. Finish shall be as specified herein and on the applicable CID specification sheet.
3.4.1 Aluminum parts. Unless otherwise specified, all aluminum parts shall be finished as specified in 3.4.2 through inclusive. Finish designators shall be as specified in table I and on the applicable CID specification sheet. A
finish designator shall be included in the PIN.
3.4.2 Anodize. Anodized coatings are intended to provide surface corrosion resistance and have good dielectric
properties. Two types of anodized finishes are available for extractors fabricated of aluminum, thin (or regular)
anodize, and thick (or hard) anodize. A thin anodized coating applied to aluminum extractors provides good surface
corrosion protection and medium abrasion resistance. A hard anodized coating applied to aluminum extractors
provides excellent surface corrosion and abrasion resistance under severe service conditions. Black anodized. Black anodize finish shall be in accordance with MIL–A–8625, type II, class 2, or equivalent.
Card holders assemblies with black anodized finished aluminum parts shall include a suffix "B" in the PIN. Red anodized. Red anodize finish shall be in accordance with MIL–A–8625, type II, class 2 ,or equivalent.
Card holders assemblies with red anodized finished aluminum parts shall include a suffix "F" in the PIN. Hard black anodized. Hard black anodize finish shall be in accordance with MIL–A–8625, type III, class 2, or
equivalent. Card holders assemblies with hard black anodized finished aluminum parts shall include a suffix "H" in
the PIN. Hard black anodized with dry film lubricant. Dry film lubricant applied over hard black anodize is for the
reduction of wear and friction. The hard black anodize finish shall be in accordance with MIL–A–8625, type III, class
2, or equivalent. The dry film lubricant shall be in accordance with MIL–PRF–46010 or equivalent. Card holders
assemblies with hard black anodized with dry film lubricant finished aluminum parts shall include a suffix "D" in the
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3.4.3 Chemical film. Chemical film finishes are primarily used for corrosion resistance where lower electrical
resistance is required. A thicker, less conductive chemical film finish in accordance with MIL–DTL–5541, type II,
class 1A, applied to aluminum extractors provides better surface corrosion and abrasion resistance under severe
service conditions than class 3 chemical film finish. Chemical film, clear. Chemical film finish shall be in accordance with MIL–DTL–5541, type II, class 1A, or
equivalent. Card holders assemblies with clear chemical film finished aluminum parts shall include a suffix "R" in the
PIN. Chemical film, gold. Gold chemical film finish shall be in accordance with MIL–DTL–5541, type II, class 1A,
or equivalent. Card holders assemblies with gold chemical film finished aluminum parts shall include a suffix "C" in
the PIN.
3.4.4 Nickel. Two types of nickel finishes are available for the aluminum parts of card holders. Electroless nickel
deposits are used typically to provide a uniform build-up on intricate shapes whereas electrolytic plated nickel is less
uniform in thickness on but provides higher hardness and corrosion resistance. Nickel, electroless. Electroless nickel finish provides a hard and smooth surface and protects aluminum and
aluminum alloys from corrosion, oxidation and wear. Electroless nickel finish shall be in accordance with
SAE AMS–QQ–N–290, SAE AMS 2404, or equivalent. Card holders assemblies with electroless nickel finished
aluminum parts shall include a suffix "E" in the PIN. Nickel, electrodeposited. Electrodeposited nickel finish protects metals against corrosive attack in rural,
industrial, and marine atmospheres and offers high hardness for wear and low friction. Electrodeposited nickel finish
shall be in accordance with, SAE AMS 2403 or equivalent. Card holders assemblies with electrodeposited nickel
finished aluminum parts shall include a suffix "P" in the PIN.
3.4.5 Stainless steel parts (when applicable). Stainless steel parts shall be subjected to passivation treatment in
accordance with SAE AMS–QQ–P–35, MIL–S–5002, SAE AMS 2700, or equivalent.
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3.5 Interface and physical dimensions. The card holders shall be as specified herein and the applicable CID
specification sheet. Tolerances, unless otherwise specified on the applicable CID specification sheet, shall be r.010
(0.25 mm) for three place decimals and r.02 (0.5 mm) for two place decimals.
3.5.1 Screw. The screw shall have an internal hex socket head for tool engagement and shall turn clockwise to
secure the card holder and circuit card assembly into the applicable fixture. Unless otherwise specified, the internal
hex socket head shall be .094 inch (2.38 mm) across flats.
3.5.2 Mounting options. The mounting options shall be as specified in through, inclusive. Mounting
option designators shall be included in the PIN (see table II). No mounting holes. No mounting holes option is intended to be used when card holders are to be mounted
with adhesives. Card holders not having mounting holes shall include a mounting designator "N" in the PIN. Mounting holes. When mounting holes are required, the holes shall be spaced as indicated in the applicable
CID specification sheet. When specified on the applicable CID specification sheet, card holder assemblies greater
than 6.00 inches (152.4 mm) in length require additional mounting holes. Rivet mounting holes (counterbore and countersunk through holes). Unless otherwise specified on the
applicable CID specification sheet, counterbore holes shall be .066 to .073 inch (1.68 to 1.85 mm) diameter through
holes, countersunk 100 degrees by .140 inch (3.56 mm) diameter with an access/clearance counter bore hole of .156
inch (3.97 mm) diameter by a depth specified in table III. Card holders using rivet mount holes shall include a
mounting designator "J" or "K" in the PIN. Rivet dimensions. The rivet styles typically used when rivet mounting holes is specified are depicted on
figure 1.
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figure 1
1. Dimensions are in inches. Millimeters are given for general information only.
2. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are ±.02 inch (0.5 mm) for two place decimals and
±.010 inch (0.25 mm) for three place decimals.
1/ Dimensions are in inches. Millimeters, in parenthesis, are given for information only. Tapped holes, unified inch screw threads. Tapped holes shall be 0–80 UNF or 2–56 UNC through holes in
accordance with ASME B1.1 or equivalent. Card holders using unified inch screw thread tapped holes shall include
the mounting designator "T", "V", "R", or "S", respectively in the PIN (see table II). Tapped holes, metric M screw threads. Metric tapped holes shall be metric 2 x 0.4 or metric 2.5 x 0.45
through holes in accordance with ASME B1.13 or equivalent. Card holders using metric M screw tapped holes shall
include the mounting designator "F", "G", "L", or "M", respectively in the PIN (see table II).
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3.5.3 Expanded and relaxed dimensions. Expanded and relaxed dimensions shall be as specified in the applicable
CID specification sheet.
3.5.4 Card holder length. Unless otherwise specified, the card holders length shall be the length of the body and
wedge assembly (not to include hardware protrusion) in its relaxed state. The lengths available for a particular card
holder shall be listed on the applicable CID specification sheet. Card holders length designator shall be included in
th th
the PIN. Examples of length designation (13 and 14 characters of PIN) are underlined in the PINs listed below:
3.5.5 Configuration Card holders may have various configurations on a particular specification sheet. The exact
configuration of a card holder is determined by what optional hardware is needed for the application. Listed below is
a compilation of the most common hardware options available on most of the specification sheets associated with this
CID. Lockwasher and flat washer. A lockwasher and flat washer located under the screw head will provide for
additional resistance to loosening from shock and vibration. Card holders requiring a lockwasher and flat washer
option shall include a suffix "W" in the PIN.
3.5..5.2 Screw self–locking element. The use of a screw self-locking element will provide prevailing torque for
resistance to loosening from shock vibration. Unless otherwise specified, the self-locking element shall comply with
MIL–DTL–18240 or equivalent. Card holders requiring a screw self-locking element shall include a configuration
identifier "E" in the PIN. Lockwasher, flat washer, and screw self-locking element. Card holders requiring a lockwasher, flat washer,
and screw self–locking element option shall include a suffix "D" in the PIN. Facing (left or right). Most card holders designs covered by the CID specification sheets can be used on both
the top and bottom of a circuit card assembly for a given PIN. Figure 2 depicts a bottom mounted card holder. Card
holders of this design are considered to have a universal facing. However, some card holder designs have a unique
orientation when properly installed on a circuit card assembly. These card holders are available for mounting in
either the left hand or right hand position. These type of card holders have PINs that include configuration
designators to differentiate between the left or right facing.
3.5.6 Cold plate slot width dimension. Recommended slot width dimension (see figure 2) will be specified on the
applicable CID specification sheet.
3.5.7 Nominal installation torque. When card holders are used in cold plate applications as depicted on figure 2, the
nominal installation torque of each card holder shall be as specified on the CID specification sheet.
3.5.8 Disassembly. Unless otherwise specified by the CID specification sheet, card holders shall have the capability
of being disassembled before or after mounting.
3.6 Marking. Card holders supplied to this CID can be marked with the manufacturer’s standard commercial PIN
when applicable. The PIN marked on the unit pack shall be the CID PIN.
3.8 Workmanship. Card holders shall be processed in such a manner as to be uniform in quality and shall be free
from other defects that will affect life, serviceability, or appearance.
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figure 2
5.1 Product conformance. The products provided shall meet the salient characteristics of this CID, conform to the
producer's own drawings, specifications, standards, quality assurances practices, and be the same product offered
for sale in the commercial market. The Government reserves the right to require proof of such conformance.
5.2 Market acceptance. The following market acceptance criteria are necessary to document the quality of the
product to be provided under this CID.
a. The company producing the item must have been producing a product meeting the requirements of this CID
for at least 12 months.
b. The company producing the item must have sold 100 units meeting the requirements of this CID in the
commercial marketplace over the past 24 months.
5.3 Inspection requirements. Inspection and acceptance of material shall be in accordance with the requirements
cited in the contract or purchase request.
6. PACKAGING. Preservation, packing, and marking shall be as specified in the contract or order.
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7.1 PIN. The PIN should be used for Government purposes to buy commercial products to this CID. See section 2
for PIN format example.
7.2 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code. For ordering purposes, inventory control, and submission of
these card holders to DSCC under the Military Parts Control Advisory Group (MPCAG) evaluation program, CAGE
code 58536 should be used.
MIL–S–5002 – Surface Treatments and Inorganic Coatings for Metal Surfaces of Weapon
MIL–DTL–5541 – Chemical Conversion Coatings On Aluminum And Aluminum Alloys.
MIL–A–8625 – Anodic Coatings For Aluminum And Aluminum Alloys.
MIL–DTL–18240 – Fastener Element, Self-Locking, Threaded Fastener, 250°F Maximum.
MIL–PRF–46010 – Lubricant, Solid Film, Heat Cured, Corrosion Inhibiting.
(Copies of these documents are available online at or from the U.S.
Government Printing Office, 732 North Capital Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20401.)
Other Publications
(Application for copies should be addressed to the Aerospace Industries Association, 1250 Eye Street, NW, Suite
1200, Washington, DC 20005–3924 or at URL:
ASME B1.1 – Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form).
ASME B1.13 – Metric Screw Threads: M Profile.
(Application for copies should be addressed to the ASME International, Three Park Avenue, New York,
NY 10016–5990 or at URL
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ASTM A240/A240M – Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel
Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications
ASTM A313/A313M – Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Spring Wire.
ASTM A484/A484M – Standard Specification for General Requirements for Stainless Steel Bars,
Billets, and Forgings.
ASTM A580/A580 – Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Wire.
ASTM A582/A582 – Standard Specification for Free-Machining Stainless Steel Bars.
ASTM B221 – Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars,
Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes.
(Application for copies should be addressed to the ASTM International, P.O. Box C700, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,
West Coshohocken, PA 19428–2959 or at URL:
(Application for copies should be addressed to the SAE World Headquaters, 400 Commonwealth Drive,
Warrendale, PA 15096–0001 or at URL:
(Industry association specifications and standards are generally available for reference from libraries. They are
also distributed among technical groups and using Federal agencies.)
7.4 Ordering data. The contract or order should specify the following:
c. Packaging requirements.
7.5 Government users. To acquire information on obtaining these card holders from the Government inventory
system, contact Defense Supply Center, Columbus, ATTN: DSCC–CAC, Post Office Box 3990, Columbus, OH
43218–3990, by telephone (614) 692–7402, or via electronic mail at
7.6 Assistance. Questions or comments pertaining to this document should be addressed to Defense Supply
Center, Columbus, ATTN: DSCC–VAC, Post Office Box 3990, Columbus, OH 43218–3990; telephone
(614) 692–0526; DSN 850–0526; facsimile (614) 693–1642; or electronic mail address
This document is available for downloading at World Wide Web URL
7.7 Environmentally preferable material. Environmentally preferable materials should be used to the maximum
extent possible to meet the requirements of this specification. As of the dating of this document, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is focusing efforts on reducing 31 priority chemicals. The list of chemicals
and additional information is available on their website
Included in the EPA list of 31 priority chemicals are cadmium, lead, and mercury. Use of these materials should be
minimized or eliminated unless needed to meet the requirements specified herein (see section 3).
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7.7.1 Guidance on use of alternative parts with less hazardous or non-hazardous materials. This specification
provides for a number of alternative plating materials via the PIN. Users should select the PIN with the least
hazardous material that meets the form, fit and function requirements of their application.
7.8 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to
the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes.
NOTE: The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this document. Since
organizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency of the information above using the
ASSIST Online database at