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2024 TR

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Individual tax return 2024

1 July 202 3 to 30 June 202 4

Your tax file number (TFN) Return year LI2_0_2

_ 4 _~
See the Privacy note in the Taxpaye(s
declaration on page 16 of this return.

Are you an Australian resident? [yl Print Yfor yes

L.:.J or N for no.
Have you included any attachments? fNl Print Y for yes
L..J or N for no.
If NO please enter residency dates

From To

Your name Ti~e - for example, MR I

Mr, Mrs. Ms, Miss ~-- - - - - - - - - - - - ~

Surname or family name IKAIROUZ

Given names ANTHONY

Has any part of your name

changed since completing IN"l Print Y for yes To find out how to update your name on our records, go to ato.gov.au/updatedetails
or phone 13 28 61.
your last tax return? LJ or N for no.

Your postal address 12 EXCELSIOR AVENUE

Has your postal address □ Print Y for yes BELFIELD INSW 12191
changed since completing or N for no.
your last tax return?

Your home address 12 EXCELSIOR AVENUE

If the same as your current
postal address. print AS

Your mobile phone number

Your daytime phone number

(if different from your mobile phone
code 102 n~~~~~ 195021819
number above )
Your email address
Your contact details may be used by the ATO:
- to advise you of tax return lodgment options
- to correspond with you with regards to your taxation and superannuation affairs
- to issue notices to you, or
- to conduct research and marketing.

Your date of birth Final tax return ~

If you were under 18 years of age on 105/11/1975 If you know this is your final
30 June 2024 you must complete item tax return. print FINAL.
A1 on page 5 of this tax return.

Electronic funds transfer (EFT)

We need your financial instijution details I
Use Agent Trust Account?
BSB number Account INNNNN3 67
to pay any refund owing to you, even if
you have provided them to us before.
(must be six digits) LN_N_N
_ _ _ _~ number I
Wrije the BSB number, account number Account name (for example, JQ Citizen. Do not show the account type,
such as cheque, savings, mortgage offset)
and account name.

Sensitive (when completed)

Individual Tax Return 2024 MR ANTHONY KAIROUZ xxxx Page 2 of 5

1 Salary or wages
Your main sala and wa e occu ation
Managing director Occupation code El 1111111

Payers Australian business number 17 9 16 9 4 3 9 614

PayersName f-A-.-K-._C_I_V_I_L
__P_T_Y_L_T_D_ _ _c __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
Tax withheld 69,400
Tax withheld Gross payment 21
Allowances RFBA
Lump A

Total tax withheld Add up the t boxes. II 69,400

TOTAL INCOME OR LOSS Add up the income amounts and deduct any loss amount in the boxes. 210

03 Work-related clothing, laundry and dry cleaning expenses

05 Other work-related expenses


m~•-- 920

01 O Cost of managing tax affairs Interest charged by the ATO m======::::


Litigation costs 111======::::I O

Other expenses incurred in managing your tax affairs II _1~____ 2_2_0~1


TOTAL DEDUCTIONS Items 01 to G)- add up the I boxes. I 1, 290


Subtract amounts at F and Z rtem L 1 ~

TAXABLE INCOME OR LOSS from amount at SUBTOTAL g 208,710

TOTAL TAX OFFSETS Items T2 and O -add up the ~ boxes.l!J I

M2 Medicare levy surcharge (MLS)
If you do not complete this item you may be charged the full Medicare levy surcharge.
For the whole period 1 July 202 3 to 30 June 2024, were you and all your dependants l'!I iyl Print Y for yes
(including your spouse) - if you had any - covered by private patient HOSPITAL cover? Iii LJ or N for no.

Number of days NOT

liable for surcharge

Sensitive (when completed)

Individual Tax Return 2024 MR ANTHONY KAIROUZ xxxx Page 3 of 5

Private health insurance policy details

You must read Private health insurance policy details in the instructions before completing this item.
Fill all the labels below unless directed in the instructions.

insurer ID
m~• BOP
number &171602775
Your premiums eligible for
Australian Government rebate IJK 1,063 Your Australian Government
rebate received IIKCODE
2 62

Tax claim code. Read the

Benefit code
II~ instructions. @]
insurer ID m~ Membership
number &171602775

Your premiums eligible for

Australian Government rebate IJK 3,130 Your Australian Government
rebate received 131K
7 72

Tax claim code. Read the

Benefit code
II~ instructions. @]
Income tests
You must complete this section. I If the amount is zero, write 0.1
If you had a spouse during 2023-2 4 you must also complete Spouse details - married or de facto on page 7. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

IT1 Total reportable fringe benefits amounts

Total reportable fringe benefits amounts 0
(for ATO validation only) I 1
Employers exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986

Employers not exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986

IT2 Reportable employer superannuation contributions

IT3 Tax-free government pensions

IT4 Target foreign income

IT5 Net financial investment loss

ITS Net rental property loss

IT7 Child support you paid

(For ATO validation only)

Adjusted taxable income

Estimated total income


Estimated eligible income 21o, ooo

Non-resident foreign income

Spouse details • married or de facto Use related ref details?

If you had a spouse during 2023-24, you must complete Spouse details - married or de facto.
We need the information included in this section to assess your tax accurately.
If you did not have a spouse, go to page 8.

Your spouse's name

If you had more than one spouse during 202 3-2 4 print the name of your spouse on 30 June 2024 or your last spouse.

Surname or family name ~KA

__ I_R_O_u_z_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,
First given name _LO RANES IOther given names I
Day Morl!i Year
Your spouse's
date of birth 13106/08 /1977

Your spouse's gender Male D Female ~ Indeterminate D

Sensitive (when completed)
Individual Tax Return 2024 MR ANTHONY KAIROUZ xxxx Page 4 of 5
Period you had a spouse - married or de facto
Did you have a spouse for the full year
- 1 July 202 3 to 30 June 2024? 11 No □ Yes~

If you did not have a spouse for the

full year, write the dates you had a

spouse between 1 July 202 3 and

30 June 2024
Did your spouse die during the year? Yes D
This information relates to your spouse's income.
You must complete all labels. i 11 the amount is zero, write O.I
Pre-fill using related ref return details?
(Related ref for spouse details above
D Your spouse's 202 3-2 4 taxable income (exduding any
r-'11 72, 6751
assessable First home super saver released amount)
must be answered Y) l!lil ~========~·
Your spouse's share of trust income on which the trustee is assessed under
section 98, and which has not been included in spouse's taxable income II'----_
Distributions to your spouse on which family trust distribution tax has been paid and which
your spouse would have had to show as assessable income if the tax had not been paid m'----_
Your spouse's total reportable fringe benefits amounts
Employers exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986

Employers not exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986

Amount of Australian Government pensions and allowances (see 06 Australian Government

pensions and allowances in the instructions) that your spouse received in 202 3-2 4
(exclude exempt pension income) II'----___,
Amount of exempt pension income (see Spouse details - married or de facto in the instructions)
that your spouse received in 202 3-2 4. Do not indude any amount paid under the
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
Amount of your spouse's reportable superannuation contributions (which is the total of reportable
employer superannuation contributions and deductible personal superannuation contributions) a~-~
Other specified exempt payments (see Spouse details - married or de facto
in the instructions) that your spouse received m'-------'

Your spouse's target foreign income


Your spouse's total net investment loss (total of net financial

investment loss and net rental property loss) m~-~
Child support your spouse paid
Your spouse's taxed element of a superannuation lump sum for which the tax rate
is zero (see M2 Medicare levy surcharge in the instructions) II'-------'

Spouse's total ATt

(ATO validation purpose only) 72, 6751,□
18 Capital gains Did you have a capital gains a INl
Iii L.:.:.J
Printy for yes
or N for no.
You must print Y at G if you had an
tax event during the year? amount of a capital gain from a trust.
Have you applied an exemption,
IIJ[],I Print Y for yes
rollover or additional discount?
Total current year capital gains

Net capital losses carried forward

or N for no.
Net capital gain a~'-------~
to later income years
Credit for foreign resident capital gains
withholding amounts El~I- ~
19 Foreign entities
Non-resident trust name

Trustee or Trustees name

Did you have either a direct or indirect interest

in a controlled foreign company (CFC)?
a INl PrintYfor yes
L.:.:.J orN for no. CFC income

Non-managed fund amounts

Have you ever, either directly or indirectly, caused ""1 r;:;-7 PrintYfor es Transferor
the transfer of property-mdud1ng money-orlMJ ~ orN for
services to a non-resident trust estate? •
nJ trust income

Non-managed fund amounts

Sensitive (when completed)

Individual Tax Return 2024 MR ANTHONY KAIROUZ xxxx Page S of S

20 Foreign source income and foreign assets or property

During the year did you own, or have an interest in,
assets located outside Australia which had

~ PrintYfor
N Nf Y
a total value of AUD$50,000 or more? or or no.

Items 13 to 24 - add up the , boxes for income amounts and deduct

any loss amounts in the, boxes.
Transfer this amount to O on page 3.


Items D11 to D15-add up the I boxes and transfer this amount toO I I
TOTAL SUPPLEMENT Items T3 to T9 - add ~ e ~ boxes.
TAX OFFSETS Transfer this amount to U
Taxpayer's declaration

Read and sign the declaration after completing your tax return, including the Supplementary section, Business and
professional items section and other schedules if applicable.
I declare that:
• the information provided to my registered tax agent for the preparation of this tax return is true and correct, and
• I authorise my registered tax agent to lodge this tax return.

Day Month
Taxpayer's Year I
Signature Date 11/08/2024

Important: The tax law imposes heavy penalties for giving false or misleading information.
The ATO will issue your assessment based on your tax return. However, the ATO has some time to review
your tax return, and issue an amended assessment if a review shows inaccuracies that change the assessment The
standard review period is two years but for some taxpayers it is four years.

The ATO is authorised by the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to request your tax file number (TFN). We will use your TFN to identify you
in our records. It is not an offence not to provide your TFN. However if you do not provide your TFN, your assessment may be delayed.

Taxation law authorises the ATO to collect information and to disdose it to other government agencies. For information about your privacy
go to ato.gov.au/privacy

Tax agent's declaration


declare that this tax return has been prepared in accordance with information supplied by the taxpayer,
that the taxpayer has given me a declaration stating that the infonmation provided to me is true and correct
and that the taxpayer has authorised me to lodge the tax return.
Agent's signature Date Client's reference
Dav Month Year IKAIROOOl
/0 /2024
Agent's telephone number
rC_o_n_ta_ct_n_a_m_e_____________~ Areaccde rT_elephone~_run
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Agent's reference number
._IJ_o_sE_M_o_LI_N_A_ _ _ _ _ _ ___,I I 02 I I 9so21 s 19 I ._I2_s_94_7_1_0_6_ ___,
Position held

Sensitive (when completed)

Income Tax Return Tax Estimate 2024
Tax Payable for Individual
Taxable Income 208 710
Tax Free Part 18,200
Tax Payable on Taxable Income 64 586.50

Sub-Total $ 64 586.50

Less Offsets: Offsets (T2 to T9) 0.00

Private Health Insurance Offset 0.00
Seniors / Pension I Beneficiary Offset 0.00
Small business income offset 0.00
Low Income Offset 0.00
Lump Sum 0.00
Foreign Income Offset 0.00
Other Offsets 0.00
FHSS tax offset 0.00
Sub-Total $ 0.00

64 586.50

Plus: Medicare Levy 4 174.20

Sub-Total $ 4 174.20

68 760.70

Less Credits: Tax wrthheld - salary & wage type income 69 400 00
Arrears tax withheld 0.00
Foreign Tax Credits 0.00
TFN Amounts (credrts) 0.00
Franking Tax Offset (refundable) 0.00
Other Refundable Credits 0.00
Other Amounts wrthheld - ABN,Vol,Labour,Foreign 0.00
FHSS tax wrthheld 0.00
PAYG Income Tax Instalments 0.00

Sub-Total $ 69,400.00

Estimated Tax Refund 639.30


This estimate is provided without warranty of any kind.

It is subject to legislative changes and includes estimates of currently unknown rates.
WARNING: Amounts shown may be adjusted by amounts not included in this return.

Sensitive (when completed)

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