2024 TR
2024 TR
2024 TR
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From To
Has your postal address □ Print Y for yes BELFIELD INSW 12191
changed since completing or N for no.
your last tax return?
1 Salary or wages
Your main sala and wa e occu ation
Managing director Occupation code El 1111111
TOTAL INCOME OR LOSS Add up the income amounts and deduct any loss amount in the boxes. 210
03 Work-related clothing, laundry and dry cleaning expenses
insurer ID
m~• BOP
number &171602775
Your premiums eligible for
Australian Government rebate IJK 1,063 Your Australian Government
rebate received IIKCODE
2 62
Employers not exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986
Employers not exempt from FBT under section 57A of the FBTAA 1986
Read and sign the declaration after completing your tax return, including the Supplementary section, Business and
professional items section and other schedules if applicable.
I declare that:
• the information provided to my registered tax agent for the preparation of this tax return is true and correct, and
• I authorise my registered tax agent to lodge this tax return.
Day Month
Taxpayer's Year I
Signature Date 11/08/2024
Important: The tax law imposes heavy penalties for giving false or misleading information.
The ATO will issue your assessment based on your tax return. However, the ATO has some time to review
your tax return, and issue an amended assessment if a review shows inaccuracies that change the assessment The
standard review period is two years but for some taxpayers it is four years.
The ATO is authorised by the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to request your tax file number (TFN). We will use your TFN to identify you
in our records. It is not an offence not to provide your TFN. However if you do not provide your TFN, your assessment may be delayed.
Taxation law authorises the ATO to collect information and to disdose it to other government agencies. For information about your privacy
go to ato.gov.au/privacy
Sub-Total $ 64 586.50
64 586.50
68 760.70
Less Credits: Tax wrthheld - salary & wage type income 69 400 00
Arrears tax withheld 0.00
Foreign Tax Credits 0.00
TFN Amounts (credrts) 0.00
Franking Tax Offset (refundable) 0.00
Other Refundable Credits 0.00
Other Amounts wrthheld - ABN,Vol,Labour,Foreign 0.00
FHSS tax wrthheld 0.00
PAYG Income Tax Instalments 0.00
Sub-Total $ 69,400.00