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Modul SUS - FDM - Edibon

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Modul of Multipurpose Air Duct

1. Background and Introduction

Multipurpose air duct is an equipment that is used to observe the phenomena of
thermodynamic property of air such as enthalpy, humidity ratio, relative humidity, and
temperature. The air velocity inside the duct will be also be evaluated in this activity.
Other phenomena that will be observed in multipurpose air duct are frosting around
the refrigerant pipe and the effect of lift and drag. The multipurpose air duct that is
used in this activity is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Schematic of multipurpose air duct equipment

2. Basic Theory
This activity is a medium in order to understand the application of Engineering
Thermodynamics about non-reacting mixture and air conditioning. The topic will cover
several terms such as:
• Partial pressure of water vapor
• Relative and specific humidity
• Dew-point temperature
• Dry-bulb temperature
• Wet-bulb temperature
• Psychrometric diagram
Therefore, the student is encouraged to recall and to understand those terms before
initiating this activity.
Air conditioning process is a common activity in our daily basis and in industry. In daily
basis, air conditioning is usually used to maintain temperature and humidity of a
chamber so that it is convenient to be habited by human. In industry, the air
conditioning process is usually used to maintain a room or industrial facility in certain
temperature and relative humidity so that it is able to maintain its production and
function effectively. 4 common air conditioning process are
• Heating,
• Cooling,
• Humidifying, and
• Dehumidifying,
In the actual condition, the process can occur independently or be combined with
other processes. Figure 2 describes the air conditioning process in a Psychrometric
Besides its thermodynamics process, this activity will also measure the air velocity
inside the duct. This is also important since the air velocity flowing inside the duct
affects the air conditioning process. The measurement is conducted using a

Figure 2 Air conditioning process described in Psychrometric diagram

3. Objectives
The multipurpose air duct has several objectives such as:
• Observe the change of air thermodynamics properties if it is heated
• Observe the change of air thermodynamics properties if it is cooled
• Apply the practical method to evaluate the thermodynamics property of air and
to measure the air velocity inside the duct
• Find the air velocity flowing inside the duct, and the amount of heat transfer
occurred in every air conditioning process inside the duct

4. The works of the equipment

The multipurpose air duct has scheme as described in Figure 1. Figure 3 shows the
overall arrangement of Computer Controlled Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit that is
used in this module, followed with description of each equipment.

Figure 4 Computer Controlled Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit

1. AVE-1: axial fan to impel air through the system.
2. AR-2: heating element for the air pre-heating and conditioning.
3. AR-3: heating element for the air heating and conditioning.
4. Evaporator: tube heat exchanger with refrigerant flowing inside. The air is cooled down
after passing through this exchanger.
5. ACO-1: compressor used in the compression stage of the refrigeration cycle.
6. Condenser: tube heat exchanger where the refrigerant is condensed.
7. AP-1: safety pressure switch to prevent overpressures in the refrigeration circuit.
8. Expansion valve: valve that enables the refrigerant expansion required to complete the
refrigeration cycle.
9. M-1: differential pressure manometer for direct reading after the condensation stage of
the refrigeration cycle.
10. M-2: differential pressure manometer for direct reading after the expansion stage of the
refrigeration cycle.
11. M-3: differential pressure manometer for direct reading after the evaporation stage of
the refrigeration cycle.
12. ST-9: temperature sensor after the evaporation stage of the refrigeration cycle.
13. ST-10: temperature sensor after the condensation stage of the refrigeration cycle.
14. ST-11: temperature sensor after the expansion stage of the refrigeration cycle.
15. 16.17.18: temperature sensors arranged in pairs (dry bulb-wet bulb) forming
19. SC-1: flow sensor to measure the flow of refrigerant flowing through the refrigeration
20. SC-2: flow sensor to measure the flow of air flowing inside the tunnel.
21. SP-1: pressure sensor after the condensation stage of the refrigeration cycle.
22. SP-2: pressure sensor after the evaporation stage of the refrigeration cycle.
25. ST-12: Temperature sensor at the outlet of the compressor.

First, the forced-draft fan is switched-on and making the air flows into the duct. Before
entering the duct, the air is measured by the wet bulb and dry bulb thermometer
attached on the inlet port of the duct. The air is then entered a chamber in which the
mist of water is sprayed for humidification process. The amount of water sprayed
inside the chamber can be adjusted by control valve of steam generator. The
humidified air is then measured for its temperature by wet and dry-bulb thermometer.
The air then continues to flow into a chamber in which, an evaporator of refrigeration
system is installed, to be cooled. The cooled air is then measured for its temperature
by another wet and dry bulb thermometers. Afterwards, the air is flowing into a
chamber in which an electric heater is installed to be heated. The heated air is then
measured by the last wet and dry bulb thermometers installed on this equipment. The
air is then flowing to the outlet port. Before the outlet port, the air flow terminal, which
is directly connected to the pressure difference sensor, to evaluate the air velocity at
the inlet port.
5. Experimental Procedures
5.1. General Procedures
The general procedures of the activity on the multipurpose air duct are listed below.
1. Check all equipment is in OFF mode.
2. Check the water level on each wet-bulb thermocouple.
3. Turn ON the steam generator and wait until the temperature reaches 100 ºC. Keep
the outlet valve open to release the pressure.
4. Turn ON the TAAC controller box/control panel
5. Turn ON the computer and start the TAAC application
6. Start the application and turn ON the “interface” button
7. Run the forced draft fan by turning the know in the application to set the air flow
rate inside the duct. Please discuss your activity with the assistant.
8. Read and take note the wet and dry bulb temperature at the duct inlet.
9. Connect the hose from the steam generator to the inlet port in the air duct.
10. Read the wet and dry bulb temperatures after the humidifying process and
compare them with the inlet properties. Please discuss your activity with the
11. Switch on the refrigeration unit and observe the frosting phenomena that
occurred on the refrigerant pipe and the condensation at the evaporator outlet.
12. Read the change of the wet and dry bulb temperature after the cooling process
and compare it with the previous measurement point. Please discuss your activity
with the assistant.
13. Switch on and set the intensity of the electric heater. Please discuss your activity
with the assistant.
14. Read the change of wet and dry bulb temperature after the heating process and
compare it with the previous measurement point. Please discuss your activity with
the assistant.
15. Let the condition occur for 10 – 15 minutes to make sure it reaches the steady
16. After steady state, perform the reading at all the wet and bulb temperatures on
the multipurpose air duct and take a note.
17. Perform similar activity (step 1 – 10) with the variation of mass air flow, intensity
of the steam generator, and the configuration of heater and cooler.
Among the important point that must be noticed by student:
• The air has to flow inside the duct when one of the vaporizer unit, refrigerant
unit, or heating unit is operated.
• During the operation, the duct inlet must not be blocked by anything. Make
sure that there is nobody stand in front of the inlet duct.
• The steam generator reservoir has to be filled with an adequate water.
• The tissue that covered the wet-bulb temperature must be wetted before the
experiment is started
• After the activity has finished, the vaporizer, cooling, and heating unit must be
turned off first before the forced draft air fan.
5.2. Particular Procedures
The mass flow rate of the air
The mass flow rate of the air can be obtained by using the calibrated air velocity. In
psychrometrics, the air is divided into two types:
- Moist air (air containing water vapor)
- Dry air (air containing no water vapor)

The mass flow rate of the air that will be calculated is the mass flow rate of the dry air.
Therefore, the density of the dried air flowing inside the duct need to be evaluated
first. At low pressure, the relation of air property can be approximated by the ideal gas
equation as follows:
𝑃𝑠 293
𝜌 = 𝜌𝑜 ∙ ∙
101325 𝑇𝑎
ρ = the density of the air at a certain condition
ρo = the density of the air at standard condition (1 atm, 20 0C) = 1,22 kg/m3
Ps = static pressure of the dry air (Pa = N/m2)
Ta = absolute temperature of dry air (K)

The amount of mass flowrate can be evaluated by using this following equation
𝑚̇ = 𝜌𝐴𝑣
𝜌 = density of the air at a certain condition (kg/m3)
𝐴 = cross-section area inside the duct (m2). The cross-section of the
multipurpose air duct used in this experiment is 300 x 150 mm2.

Heating and Cooling Process

In this section, the heating and cooling process occurred inside the duct will be
discussed. During the heating and cooling process, the heat absorbed and released is
equal to
𝑄 = 𝑚̇ ∙ (ℎ𝑖 − ℎ𝑜 )
where hi and ho are the enthalpy of moist air at inlet and outlet system respectively.
The value of Q will be positive if it absorbed the heat and it will be negative if it released
the heat.
The enthalpy value of each state can be evaluated from the following psychrometric
diagram as described in the Figure 3.

Figure 4 The heating and cooling process on the psychrometric chart which followed
by the specific enthalpy change
1-2 : Cooling and dehumidification process
2-3 : Heating process
1-2a : Cooling process (just before condensation occurs)
2a-2b : Cooling process with condensation
2b-2 : Mixing process between the air after cooling-condensation and initial air
(state 1).

6. Data Processing and Calculation

The data processing is conducted by several calculation so that the phenomena
mentioned in the objectives can be observed.
- Calculate the mass flowrate of the air flowing inside the duct.
- Perform calculation of the energy balance for humidification process. Find the
heat transfer involved in the process and find the change of specific humidity
due to the humidification process.
- Perform the calculation of the energy balance for cooling process. Find the heat
transfer released by the air flowing inside the duct.
- Perform the calculation of the energy balance for heating process. Find the heat
transfer absorbed by the air flowing inside the duct.
- Sketch and plot the process experienced by the air inside the duct in the
Psychrometric diagram.

All of the calculation and the data processing must be reported scientifically and
following the rule of scientific writing.

7. References
• Panduan Praktikum Fenomena Dasar Mesin, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan
Dirgantara ITB, 2008.
• P. J. Pritchard, Fox and McDonald’s Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 8th edition,
Wiley & Sons, 2011.
• Y. A. Cengel, M. A. Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach 8th
edition., McGraw Hill, 2015
• M. J. Moran, H. N. Shapiro, D. D. Boettner, M. B. Bailey, Fundamentals of
Engineering Thermodynamics 8th edition, Wiley, 2014.

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