Department of Information Science and Engineering Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi Bangalore-560024 Module I AND II - Question Bank Subject: Artificial Intelligence Sem: V Subject code : BCS515B 1. Define artificial intelligence (AI) and Explain its four approaches in detail? 2. Write a Percept sequence for vacuum-cleaner world with just two locations and Explain agent interact with environments with diagram? 3. Describe and write all applications of AI? With example. 4. Define the following : (a) agent, (b) Omniscience, , (c) autonomy, (d) rationality, (e) rational agent. 5. Describe with Examples of agent types and their PEAS descriptions based on Properties of task environments. 6. Apply the concept of an agent's environment to a self-driving car. How would you ensure the car adapts to dynamic environments? 7. Explain the significant contributions of various branches in the foundations of Artificial Intelligence. 8. Give PEAS specification of biometric authentication system. 9. Define Artificial Intelligence, List the task Domains of Artificial Intelligence. 10. Differentiate: (i)semi-dynamic vs dynamic (ii) episodic vs sequential (iii) deterministic vs stochastic. 11. Explain PEAS with a real-world example. 12. Define five components of a problem. Write a complete state space fora vacuum cleaner to clean 2 squares P and Q. 13. Explain simple problem-solving agent with neat algorithm and Example. 14. Explain simple-Reflex agent with neat diagram and algorithm. 15. Describe the state space for the vacuum world with problem formulation. 16. List and explain all Real-world problems solved using artificial intelligence. 17. Explain Breadth-first search using source code and performance measurement. 18. Explain Depth-limit search using algorithm and performance measurement. Define Total Turing test, logical positivism, tractable problems, decision theory, neurons. 19. Illustrate the separation property of GRAPH-SEARCH on a rectangular-grid problem. Write the 2 differences between Informed and Uninformed Search. 20. Formulate an 8-queens problem with a correct and an incorrect solution and role of AI in solving it. 21. With an algorithm explain any three uniformed search strategies. 22. Explain with a neat Diagram of Vacuum World problem with Components of Problem Solving.