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Lab 3

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Lab 3

DSA BS DS Fall 2022

Task 1
Complete the following ADT of Link List as discussed in the lectures.

class Node:
def __init__(self, val=None):
self.info = val
self.next = None

class LinkList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None

def insert_at_head(self, val):

def insert_at_tail(self, val):
def insert_after(self, key, val):
def insert_before(self, key, val):
def search(self, key):
def display(self):
def update(self, key, val):
def remove_at_head(self):
def remove_at_tail(self):
def remove_after(self, val):
def remove_before(self, val):
def remove(self, val):

# Main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
obj = LinkList()


Task 2
Remove KthNode
Implement the following public member function of the LinkedList class:
def removeKthNode(self, k):
This function will remove the kth element (node) from the linked list.
For example, if the linked list object list contains these 8 values {4 2 8 1 9 5 4 6}, then the function call:
list.removeKthNode(4); should remove the 4th element (node) from the linked list and the resulting list should
contain these 7 values: { 4 2 8 9 5 4 6 } .
This function should return false if the linked list contains fewer than k elements; otherwise it should remove the kth
node from the linked list and return true. (Note: You are NOT allowed to modify the info of any node in the linked list).
Task 3
Combine Lists
def combine(self, list1, list2):
This function should combine the nodes of the two linked lists (list1 and list2) into one list. All the nodes of the first list
(list1) will precede (come before) all the nodes of the second list (list2).
For example, if list1 contain {7 3 4 2}, list2 contains {5 9}, and list3 is Empty, then after the function call:
list3 should contain {7 3 4 2 5 9} and list1 and list2 should be Empty now.

Very Important: You are NOT allowed to create any new node in this function. You are also NOT allowed to modify
the “info” field of any node. You can assume that the LinkedList object on which this function is called is empty at the
start of this function.

Hint 1: Do a lot of paperwork before writing the code. Also, make sure that all the boundary cases / special cases are
properly handled.

Task 4
Shuffle Merge
Implement the following public member function of the LinkedList class:
def shuffleMerge(self, list1, list2):
This function should shuffle-merge the nodes of the two linked lists (list1 and list2) to make one list, by taking nodes
alternately from the two lists.
For example, if list1 contains {2 6 4}, list2 contains {8 1 3}, and list3 is Empty, then after the function call:
list3.shuffleMerge(list1, list2); list3 should contain {2 8 6 1 4 3} and list1 and list2 should be Empty now.
Very Important: You are NOT allowed to create any new node in this function. You are also NOT allowed to modify
the “info” field of any node. You can assume that both lists (which are being shuffle-merged) contain the same number
of elements/nodes. You can also assume that the LinkedList object on which this function is called is empty at the start
of this function.
Hint: Do a lot of paperwork before writing the code. Also, make sure that all the boundary cases / special cases are
properly handled.

Task 5
Remove all the duplicate nodes in a link list
def removeDuplicates(self):

When this function will be called on some link list then after the execution of this function the list will not contain any
node with its info repeating more then once. E.g. if list contains 23, 5, 4, 23, 6, 78, 4, 5 then after the list will contain
only 23, 5, 4, 6, 78

Task 6
Reverse the link list structure iteratively and recursively
def reverseList(self):

Very Important: You are NOT allowed to create any new node in this function. You are also NOT allowed to modify
the “info” field of any node.

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