2024 Jurists Civil Law Handout
2024 Jurists Civil Law Handout
2024 Jurists Civil Law Handout
An example is the Civil Code which did not
become effective after fifteen days from its
publication in the Official Gazette but "one
year after such publication." The general rule
did not apply because it was "otherwise
• When a statute does not explicitly provide
for its effectivity, it shall take effect only
after the expiration of the fifteen-day period
following the completion of its publication
either in the Official Gazette or in a
newspaper of general circulation in the
• Publication is intended to enable the people
to become familiar with the statute. No one
shall be charged with notice of the statute’s
provision until the completion of publication.
G.R. NO. L-63915 APRIL 24, 1985
En Banc
• It is not correct to say that under the
disputed clause (“unless otherwise
provided”) that publication may be
dispensed with. The reason is that such
omission would offend due process insofar
as it would deny the public knowledge of
the laws that are supposed to govern it.
• Publication must be in full or it is no
publication at all, since its purpose is to
inform the public of the contents of the
• The term "laws" should refer to all laws and
When LAW
is required internal in nature
1. All laws 2. Letters of instructions issued by administrative
2. Presidential decrees and executive orders superiors concerning the rules or guidelines to
promulgated by the President be followed by their subordinates in the
3. Administrative rules and regulations performance of their duties
must also be published if their purpose is 3. Municipal ordinances are not covered by
to enforce or implement existing law Article 2 of the Civil Code but by the Local
pursuant to a valid delegation Government Code
4. Circulars issued by the Monetary Board
must be published if they are meant not Art. 3. Ignorance of the law excuses no one from
merely to interpret but to "fill in the compliance therewith.
details" of the Central Bank Act, which
that body is supposed to enforce. Ignorance of the law or ignorantia legis neminem excusat
(Tañada vs. Tuvera, G.R. No. L-63915 • If there is valid publication pursuant to Article
December 29, 1986) 2 NCC, the law becomes effective and no one
• Circulars and regulations, especially can interpose the defense of ignorance. If
like the Circular No. 20 of the Central there is no valid publication, ignorance is a
Bank in question, which prescribes a defense.
penalty for its violation should be • A legal principle holding that a person who is
published before becoming effective, unaware of a law may not escape liability for
this, on the general principle and violating that law merely because one was
theory that before the public is bound unaware of its content.
by its contents, especially its penal
provisions, a law, regulation or Ignorance of fact
circular must first be published and Ignorance of fact may excuse a person from
the people officially and specifically liability, especially under penal laws. (People v.
informed of said contents and its Ah Chong, G.R. No. L- 5272, March 19, 1910) In
penalties. (People vs. Que Po Lay, G.R. addition, under property law, mistake on a
No. L-6791, March 29, 1954) doubtful or difficult question of law may be the
basis of good faith (Art. 526, NCC). In contract
When publication is not required law, mistake of fact, may furthermore, vitiate
1. Interpretative regulations and those that consent in a contract and make it voidable. (Art.
are merely 1390, NCC)
Article 9. No judge or court shall decline to render THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987
judgment by reason of the silence, obscurity or (E.O. NO. 292))
insufficiency of laws.
Art. 13. When the laws speak of years, months, days or
nights, it shall be understood that years are of three hundred
NOTE: This duty, however, is not a license for courts to
sixty-five days each; months, of thirty days; days, of twenty-
engage in judicial legislation. The duty of the courts is to
four hours; and nights from sunset to sunrise.
apply or interpret the law, not to make or amend it. The
court has the duty to decide the case. If the law is vague, If months are designated by their name, they shall be
apply rules on statutory construction. If it is criminal computed by the number of days which they respectively
prosecution and there is no law penalizing the act, the have.
court must dismiss the case following the maxim “nullum
In computing a period, the first day shall be excluded, and
crimen, nulla poena sine lege.” (There is no crime when the last day included.
there is no law punishing it). The court has the duty to
render judgment. YEAR
• twelve (12) calendar months (Revised Administrative
I. INTERPRETATION OF DOUBTFUL Code; Lex posteriori derogat priori; Commissioner of
STATUTES (CIVIL CODE, ART. 10) Internal Revenue v. Primetown Property Group, Inc., 558
Phil. 182, 190, 2007)
Article 10. In case of doubt in the interpretation or MONTHS
application of laws, it is presumed that the lawmaking • thirty (30) days; unless months are designated their
body intended right and justice to prevail. name. If designated by their name, it shall be computed
by the number of days which they respectively have.
G.R. NO. 94723, AUGUST 21, 1997 DAYS
En Banc • 24 hours;
• Nights from sunset to sunrise.
The application of the law depends on the extent of its
justice. Eventually, if we rule that the questioned Section LEGAL PERIOD
113 of Central Bank Circular No. 960 which exempts from • In computing a period, the first day is excluded, and the
attachment, garnishment, or any other order or process last day included.
of any court, legislative body, government agency or any
administrative body whatsoever, is applicable to a foreign CIR V. PRIMETOWN PROPERTY CORP.
transient, injustice would result specially to a citizen G.R. NO. 162155, AUGUST 28, 2007
aggrieved by a foreign guest like accused Greg Bartelli. A. Corona
This would negate Article 10 of the New Civil Code which Section 31, Chapter VIII, Book I Administrative Code of 1987:
provides that "in case of doubt in the interpretation or "Year" shall be understood to be twelve calendar months;
application of laws, it is presumed that the lawmaking xxx A calendar month is "a month designated in the calendar
without regard to the number of days it may contain.” To
body intended right and justice to prevail. Simply stated,
illustrate, one calendar month from December 31, 2007 will
when the statute is silent or ambiguous, this is one of
be from January 1, 2008 to January 31, 2008; one calendar
those fundamental solutions that would respond to the
month from January 31, 2008 will be from February 1, 2008
vehement urge of conscience.
until February 29, 2008. Two-year prescriptive period
(reckoned from the time respondent filed its final adjusted
J. CUSTOM (CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 11-12) return on April 14, 1998) consisted of 24 calendar months.
xxx 1st month (April 15, 1998 to May 14, 1998) to 24th
Article 11. Customs which are contrary to law, public (March 15, 2000 to April 14, 2000). We therefore hold that
order or public policy shall not be countenanced. respondent's petition (filed on April 14, 2000) was filed on
the last day of the 24th calendar month from the day
Article 12. A custom must be proved as a fact, according respondent filed its final adjusted return. Hence, it was filed
to the rules of evidence. within the reglementary period.
G.R. NO. 167052, MARCH 11, 2015
J. Leonardo-de Castro
• Recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment or
final order requires only proof of fact of the said
judgment or final order.
• It is the party attacking the foreign judgment or final
order that is tasked with the burden of overcoming its
presumptive validity.
• A foreign judgment or final order may only be repelled on
grounds external to its merits, particularly, want of
jurisdiction, want of notice to the party, collusion, fraud,
or clear mistake of law or fact.
• In the Philippines, a judgment or final order of a foreign
tribunal cannot be enforced simply by execution. Such
judgment or order merely creates a right of action, and its
non-satisfaction is the cause of action by which a suit can
be brought upon for its enforcement.
• An action for the enforcement of a foreign judgment or
final order in this jurisdiction is governed by Rule 39,
Section 48 of the Rules of Court, which provides:
SEC. 48. Effect of foreign judgments or final orders. - The effect
of a judgment or final order of a tribunal of a foreign country,
having jurisdiction to render the judgment or final order is as
(a) In case of a judgment or final order upon a specific thing,
the judgment or final order is conclusive upon the title to
the thing; and
(b) In case of a judgment or final order against a person, the
judgment or final order is presumptive evidence of a
right as between the parties and their successors in
interest by a subsequent title.
In either case, the judgment or final order may be repelled by
evidence of a want of jurisdiction, want of notice to the party,
collusion, fraud, or clear mistake of law or fact.
NPC V. BENECO Also, the Court succinctly discussed in National Transmission
G.R NO. 218378, JUNE 14, 2021 Corporation v. Misamis Oriental I Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
J. M. Lopez (Misamis Oriental) that the contract between the parties
National Power Corporation (NPC) supplies power to prevails over the principle of unjust enrichment, thus:
Benguet Electric Cooperative (BENECO) under a franchise
agreement. NPC and BENECO entered into a Contract of Sale The claim that Moresco I was unjustly enriched at the expense
of Electricity and a Transition Contract for the Supply of of petitioner is equally untenable for a simple reason. Because a
Electricity. NPC set the Current Transformer Ratio (CTR) at contract exists between the parties, the obligations arising
75/5, which fixed the multiplier at 5,196.31. It was later therefrom have the force of law between the parties and must
discovered that the correct CTR should have been 150/5. be complied with in good faith. xxx
BENECO argued that it is not liable for the underbilling
because NPC failed to discover the error in the metering Here, NPC and BENECO executed a Contract of Sale of
device. NPC demanded payment for the underbilling, but Electricity and a Transition Contract for the Supply of Electricity
BENECO refused to pay. to govern their rights and obligations in the supply of electric
power and energy. Therefore, any action that one may bring
Ruling: BENECO is liable for the underbilling representing the against the other shall be based on the provisions of their
power bills corrected within the 90-day period based on contract. The principle of unjust enrichment will not apply.
Section 25 of the Transition Contract, not the principle of • Under Article 2142 of the Civil Code, certain lawful,
unjust enrichment. voluntary and unilateral acts give rise to the juridical relation
of quasi-contract to the end that no one shall be unjustly
Unjust enrichment exists when a person unfairly retains a enriched or benefited at the expense of another. (American
benefit, money, or property against the fundamental Power Conversion Corporation v. Lim, G.R. No. 214291, 11
principles of justice, equity, and good conscience. The January 2018)
principle against unjust enrichment is embodied in Article 22 • A quasi-contract involves a juridical relation that the law
creates on the basis of certain voluntary, unilateral and
of the Civil Code, which provides that a person who acquires
lawful acts of a person, to avoid unjust enrichment. The Civil
or comes into possession of something at the expense of
Code provides an enumeration of quasi-contracts, but the
another without just or legal ground must return it. To be
list is not exhaustive and merely provides examples.”
applicable, Article 22 requires that: (a) a person is benefited
(Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company v. Absolute
without a valid basis or justification, and (b) such benefit is
Management Corporation, G.R. No. 170498, 09 January
derived at another's expense or damage. 2013)
A. Natural Persons
B. Juridical Persons (Civil Code, arts. 44-47) I. Voidable Marriages; Effects and Remedies
(Family Code, arts. 45-54)
C. Domicile; Residence (Civil Code, arts. 50-
51) J. Legal Separation (Family Code, art. 55-67)
D. Surnames (Civil Code, arts. 364-380; Family K. Property Relations Between Spouses
Code, arts. 176, 189 and 193; R.A. No. (Family Code, arts. 74-81)
9048; L. Rights and Obligations Between Husband
R.A. No. 10172) and Wife (Family Code, arts. 68-73)
E. Absentees (Civil Code, arts. 381-396) M. The Family; Family Home (Family Code,
F. Marriage; General Principles (Family Code, arts. 149-162)
art. 1) N. Paternity and Filiation
G. Mixed Marriages (Family Code, art. 26) O. Parental Authority (Family Code, arts. 209-
H. Void Marriages; Effects and Remedies 233)
(Family Code, arts. 35-44 and 50-54)
Burden of Proof:
Whoever alleges the death of one prior to
the other shall prove the same;
- The parties are heirs to one another
- There is no proof as to who died first
- There is doubt as to who died first
ARTS. 50-51)
Article 51. When the law creating or recognizing POE-LLAMANZARES V. COMELEC
them, or any other provision does not fix the
G.R. NO. 221697, MARCH 08, 2016
domicile of juridical persons, the same shall be
En Banc
understood to be the place where their legal
representation is established or where they Three requisites to acquire a new domicile:
exercise their principal functions. 1. Residence or bodily presence in a new locality;
2. an intention to remain there; and
Domicile 3. an intention to abandon the old domicile.
Permanent home, the place to which, • To successfully effect a change of
whenever absent for business or pleasure, domicile, one must demonstrate an
one intends to return and depends on facts actual removal or an actual change of
and circumstances in the sense that they domicile; a bona fide intention of
disclose intent. abandoning the former place of
residence and establishing a new one
Requisites: and definite acts which correspond with
• fact of residing or personal presence in a the purpose.
• Animus manendi coupled with animus
non revertendi. The purpose to remain in
or at the domicile of choice must be for
• intention to remain in said place permanently
an indefinite period of time; the change
(animus manendi)
of residence must be voluntary; and the
residence at the place chosen for the
Domicile of Juridical Persons new domicile must be actual.
• generally fixed in the law creating or
recognizing them D. SURNAMES (CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 364-380;
• if domicile had not been fixed, then the
domicile is in the place where their legal FAMILY CODE, ARTS. 176, 189 AND 193;
representation is established or where they R.A. NO. 9048; R.A. NO. 10172)
exercise their principal functions.
• Legitimate and legitimated children shall
MACALINTAL V. COMELEC principally use the surname of the father.
G.R. NO. 157013, JULY 10, 2003 (Art. 364)
• An adopted child shall bear the surname of
J. Austria-Martinez
the adopter. (Art. 365)
Domicile vs. Residence
• Children conceived before the decree
• Domicile means an individual’s “permanent
annulling a voidable marriage shall
home,” “a place to which, whenever absent
principally use the surname of the father.
for business or for pleasure, one intends to
• Illegitimate children shall bear the surname
return, and depends on facts and
of the mother.
circumstances in the sense that they
disclose intent.”
• Domicile includes the twin elements of “the
fact of residing or physical presence in a G.R. NO. 216425, November 11, 2020
fixed place” and animus manendi, or the J. Leonen
intention of returning there permanently. • Abdulhamid Ballaho was born and
• ‘Residence’ is used to indicate a place of registered as Anacleto Ballaho Alanis III, the
abode, whether permanent or temporary; legitimate child of Mario Alanis and Jarmila
‘domicile’ denotes a fixed permanent Ballaho. All his records show his name as
residence to which, when absent, one has Abdulhamid Ballaho; he never used his
the intention of returning. registered name. In line with this he filed a
• A man may have a residence in one place petition to change his name and surname to
and a domicile in another. be known and registered as Abdulhamid
• Residence is not domicile, but domicile is Ballaho.
residence coupled with the intention to • RTC denied the Petition. It noted that the
remain for an unlimited time. mere fact that petitioner has been using a
• A man can have but one domicile for the different name and has become known by it
same purpose at any time, but he may have is not a valid ground for change of name. It
numerous places of residence. also held that to allow him to drop his last
name was to disregard the surname of his
UGDORACION V. COMELEC natural and legitimate father, in violation of
G.R. NO. 179851, APRIL 18, 2008 the Family Code and Civil Code, which
provide that legitimate children shall
J. Nachura
principally use their fathers' surnames.
Classifications of Domicile:
• ARTICLE 174. Legitimate children shall have the
1. domicile of origin, which is acquired by
every person at birth;
(1) To bear the surnames of the father and
2. domicile of choice, which is acquired upon
the mother, in conformity with the
abandonment of the domicile of origin; and
provisions of the Civil Code on Surnames.
3. domicile by operation of law, which the law
• In turn, Article 364 of the Civil Code provides:
attributes to a person independently of his
• ARTICLE 364. Legitimate and legitimated
residence or intention.
children shall principally use the surname of
the father.
The general rule is that the domicile of origin
• The Regional Trial Court's application of
is not easily lost; it is lost only when there is
Article 364 of the Civil Code is incorrect.
an actual removal or change of domicile, a
• Indeed, the provision states that legitimate
bona fide intention of abandoning the former
children shall "principally" use the surname
residence and establishing a new one, and
of the father, but "principally" does not
acts which correspond with such purpose.
mean "exclusively." ensuring the fundamental equality of
• This gives ample room to incorporate women and men before the law, and no
into Article 364 the State policy of discernible reason to ignore it.
A married woman may use: preceding article, no person shall use different
1. Her maiden first name and surname and names and surnames.
add her
husband’s name, or
2. Her maiden first name and husband’s
surname, or
3. Her husband’s full name, but prefixing
a word indicating that she is his wife,
such as “Mrs.” (Art 370, NCC)
4. Fourth option is to use maiden name and
disregard Article 370 since it used “may”,
which means use is optional.
Annulled Marriage
• If wife is the guilty party, she shall resume
her maiden name and surname.
• If the wife is the innocent spouse, she
may resume her maiden name and
surname. She may also choose to
continue employing her husband’s
surname, unless:
a. The court decrees otherwise, or
b. She or the former husband is married
again to another person
Legally Separated
The wife shall continue using her name
and surname as employed before
Death of Husband
A widow may use the deceased husband’s
surname as though he were still living, in
accordance with Article 370.
Identity of Names
• In case of identity of names and
surnames, a younger person shall be
obliged to use such additional name or
surname as will avoid confusion.
• In case of identity of names and surnames
between ascendants and descendants, the
word “Junior” can be used only by a son.
• Grandsons and other direct male
descendants shall either:
a. Add a middle name or the mothers’
surname, or
b. Add the Roman numerals II, III, and so
Art. 391 - The following shall be presumed compromised.
dead for all purposes, including the division 4. Moreover, a court action to declare a person
of the estate among the heirs: presumptively dead under Articles 390 and
(1) A person on board a vessel lost during a 391 of the Civil Code would be unnecessary.
sea voyage, or an aeroplane which is The presumption in the said articles is already
missing, who has not been heard of for established by law.
four years since the loss of the vessel or
(2) A person in the armed forces who has F. MARRIAGE; GENERAL PRINCIPLES
taken part in war, and has been missing (FAMILY CODE, ART. 1)
for four years; *EXCLUDE: MUSLIM CODE (P.D. NO. 1083)
“Marriage” defined
(3) A person who has been in danger of
• Marriage is a special contract of permanent
death under other circumstances and his
union between a man and a woman entered
existence has not been known for four into in accordance with law for the
years. establishment of conjugal and family life.
• It is the foundation of the family and an
MATIAS V. REPUBLIC inviolable social institution whose nature,
G.R. NO. 230751, APRIL 25, 2018 consequences, and incidents are governed
J. VELASCO, JR. by law and not subject to stipulation, except
The petition for the declaration of that marriage settlements may fix the
presumptive death filed by petitioner is not property relations during the marriage
an action that would have warranted the within the limits provided by this Code.
application of Article 41 of the FC because MARRIAGE CONTRACT v. ORDINARY CONTRACT
petitioner was not seeking to remarry. A Marriage Contract Ordinary Contract
reading of Article 41 of the FC shows that An ordinary contract
the presumption of death established Only two (2) persons
may be
therein is only applicable for the purpose of of the opposite sex
entered into by any
contracting a valid subsequent marriage may enter into a
number of persons,
under the said law. contract of marriage.
whether of the same or
Given that her petition for the declaration of different sex.
presumptive death was not filed for the The parties are free
purpose of remarriage (but to claim death to
benefits as surviving spouse), petitioner was The nature, establish such
clearly relying on the presumption of death consequences and stipulations, terms
under either Article 390 or Article 391 of the incidents of marriage and conditions as
Civil Code as the basis of her petition. are governed by law they may deem
Articles 390 and 391 of the Civil Code and not subject to convenient provided
express the general rule regarding stipulation. that they are not
contrary to law,
presumptions of death for any civil purpose.
morals, good
A petition whose sole objective is to have a customs, public order
person declared presumptively dead under or public policy.
the Civil Code is not regarded as a valid suit Cannot be
and no court has any authority to take Parties may, by mutual
cognizance of the same. agreement, terminate
dissolved or
1. Articles 390 and 391 of the Civil an ordinary contract.
terminated by the
Code merely parties, but only by
express rules of evidence that only the sovereign power
allow a court or a tribunal to presume of the State.
that a person is dead upon the
establishment of certain facts. 1. ESSENTIAL AND FORMAL REQUISITES – FAMILY
2. Since Articles 390 and 391 of the Civil CODE, ARTS. 1-3, 5-11, 20-21, 26 AND 31-35
Code merely express rules of evidence, *EXCLUDE: DUTIES OF A CIVIL REGISTRAR –
an action brought exclusively to declare FAMILY CODE, ARTS. 12-19 AND 23-25
a person presumptively dead under
either of the said articles actually 2. EFFECTS OF ABSENCE, DEFECT OR
presents no actual controversy that a IRREGULARITY – FAMILY CODE, ART. 4
court could decide. In such action, there
would be no actual rights to be enforced, ESSENTIAL REQUISITES
no wrong to be remedied nor any status a.)Legal capacity of the contracting parties:
to be established. i. A male and a female;
3. A judicial pronouncement declaring a ii. At least 18 years of age
person presumptively dead under Article iii. Must not be suffering from any legal
390 or Article impediment
391 of the Civil Code, in an action iv. Relationship
exclusively based thereon, would never b.)Consent freely given by the contracting
really become "final" as the same only parties before the solemnizing officer.
confirms the existence of a prima facie
or disputable presumption. The 2. FORMAL REQUISITES
function of a court to render decisions a. Authority of the solemnizing officer
that is supposed to be final and binding b. A valid marriage license
between litigants is thereby c. Marriage ceremony
render the marriage void ab initio.
Effect of Absence of Essential or Formal
Requisites The absence of any of the Effect of Defect in the Essential Requisite of Consent
essential or formal requisites shall A defect in the essential requisite of consent
shall render the marriage voidable.
Effect of Irregularity in the Formal Requisites SUGGESTED ANSWER
An irregularity in the formal requisite/s shall not The marriage of Brad and Angelina should be
affect the validity of the marriage but the party declared
responsible for the irregularity shall be civilly, void. One of the formal requisites of a
criminally and administratively liable.
marriage is a marriage license, the total
absence of which will render the marriage
void. The absence of the marriage license
1. Any incumbent member of the Judiciary;
2. Any priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any was certified by the local civil registrar who
church or religious sect is the official custodian of these documents
3. Ship captain or airplane chief (for marriage in and who is in the best position to certify as
articulo mortis); to the existence of these records. (Republic v.
4. A military commander of a unit, who is BAR QUESTION (2008)
a commissioned officer; Roderick and Faye were high school
5. Consul-general, consul or vice-consul; sweethearts.
6. Mayors (under the Local Government Code) When Roderick was 18 and Faye, 16 years
old, they started to live together as husband
MARRIAGE LICENSE and wife without the benefit of marriage.
‘Valid Marriage License’ When Faye reached 18 years of age, her
• A marriage license shall be issued by the parents forcibly took her back and arranged
local civil registrar of the city or municipality for her marriage to Brad. Although Faye lived
where either contracting party habitually with Brad after the marriage, Roderick
resides. continued to regularly visit Faye while Brad
• A marriage license is valid for a period of was away at work.
120 days from the date of its issuance. It is During their marriage, Faye gave birth to a
deemed automatically cancelled at the baby girl Laica. When Faye was 25 years old,
expiration of said period. Brad discovered her continued liaison with
• A marriage license is valid anywhere in the Philippines
Roderick and in one of their heated
arguments, Faye shot Brad to death. She lost
no time in marrying her true love Roderick,
If any party is below 21, parental consent must
without a marriage license, claiming that
be exhibited to the local civil registrar.
Otherwise, marriage is voidable.
they have been continuously cohabiting for
more than 5 years.
Was the marriage of Roderick and Faye valid?
If any party is between 21 and 25, parental SUGGESTED ANSWER
advice is required. Otherwise, license shall No, the marriage of Roderick and Faye is not
only be issued after 3 months from completion valid.
of publication of the application. Art. 4, FC provides that the absence of any
of the essential or formal requisites renders
Marriages Exempt from the License Requirement the marriage void ab initio. However, no
1. Marriage in articulo mortis (In case either license shall be necessary for the marriage
or both of the contracting parties are at the of a man and a woman who have lived
point of death) together as husband and wife for at least 5
2. Marriage in remote places (If the residence
years and without any legal impediment to
of either party is so located that there is no
marry each other. This five-year period is
means of transportation to enable such
party to appear personally before the local characterized by exclusivity and continuity.
civil registrar) In the present case, the marriage of Roderick
3. Marriage among Muslims and members of and Faye cannot be considered as a
ethnic cultural communities marriage of exceptional character, because
4. Marriage of a man and a woman who have there were 2 legal impediments during their
been living together as husband and wife cohabitation: minority on the part of Faye,
for at least 5 years and without any legal
impediment to marry each other. In lieu of
a marriage license, the parties must
execute an Affidavit of Cohabitation.
BAR QUESTION (2016) State whether the following marital unions are valid,
void, or voidable:
Brad and Angelina had a secret marriage
before a Marriage of Zoren and Carmina who did not
pastor whose office is located in Arroceros secure a marriage license prior to their
Street, City of Manila. They paid money to wedding, but lived together as husband and
the pastor who took care of all the wife for 10 years without any legal
documentation. When Angelina wanted to go impediment to marry.
to the U.S., she found out that there was no The marriage between Zoren and Carmina
marriage license issued to them before their is valid
marriage. because it is one of those exempt from the
Since their marriage was solemnized in 1995 license requirement under the Family Code
after the effectivity of the Family Code, (Article 34). No license shall be necessary for
Angelina filed a petition for judicial the marriage of a man and a woman who
declaration of nullity on the strength of a have lived together as husband and wife for
certification by the Civil Registrar of Manila at least five years without any legal
that, after a diligent and exhaustive search, impediment to marry each other. Zoren and
MARRIAGE CEREMONY validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse
• There is no prescribed form or religious capacitating him or her to remarry, the
rite for the solemnization of a marriage. Filipino spouse shall have capacity to
• Minimum requirements constituting a remarry under Philippine law.
marriage ceremony:
i. the appearance of the contracting
parties before the solemnizing officer,
ii. their personal declaration that they
take each other as husband and wife
in the presence of not less than two
witnesses of legal age.
• Marriage is still valid if not complied.
• Mere irregularity in marriage ceremony.
Marriage certificate
• A marriage contract is the best
documentary evidence of a marriage.
• Its absence is not, however, proof that no
marriage took place because other
evidence may be presented to prove
the fact of marriage.
• The mere fact that no record of the
marriage exists in the registry of marriage
does not invalidate said marriage, as long
as in the celebration thereof, all requisites
for its validity are present.
Foreign Divorce
• Philippines has no Divorce.
• Divorce may only be recognized in
case of mixed marriage.
Article 26 (2) only requires that there be
a divorce validly obtained abroad. It
“does not demand that the alien spouse
should be the one who initiated the
proceeding wherein the divorce decree
was granted. It does not distinguish
whether the Filipino spouse is the
petitioner or the respondent in the
foreign divorce proceeding. xxx A
Filipino who initiated a foreign divorce
proceeding is in the same place and in
like circumstances as a Filipino who is at
the receiving end of an alien-initiated
proceeding.” (Republic vs. Manalo, G.R.
No. 221029, April 24, 2018)
F, a Filipina, married J, a Japanese, in the
Philippines. After three (3) years, they had a
falling out and thus, separated. Soon after, F
initiated a divorce petition in Japan which
was not opposed by J, because under
Japanese law, a grant of divorce will
capacitate him to remarry. F’s divorce
petition was then granted by the
Japanese court with finality.
May the legal effects of the divorce decree be
recognized in the Philippines, and consequently,
capacitate F to remarry here? Explain.
The Supreme Court held that the Family
Code does
not distinguish as to who between the SUGGESTED ANSWER
Filipino and foreign spouse in a mixed It shall be considered void even if it was
marriage initiated the divorce petition. celebrated
What is important is that the divorce was after David obtained a judicial decree
secured in accordance with the national annulling his previous marriage to Elsa. The
law of the foreign spouse, and the same law requires that in case the marriage is
capacitated the foreign spouse to remarry. annulled, the parties to the dissolved
Here, F initiated a divorce petition in Japan marriage must first comply with the
and obtained a favorable judgment which requirements of recording the judgement of
capacitated her Japanese husband to annulment in the appropriate civil registry
remarry. Thus, the legal effects of the and undertake the partition, liquidation, and
divorce obtained by F may be recognized distribution of the presumptive legitimes of
in the Philippines which may capacitate F their common children before contracting a
to remarry here. (Republic v. Manalo, subsequent marriage. The partition,
G.R. No. 221029, April 24, 2018) liquidation, and distribution of the
presumptive legitimes must likewise be
H. VOID MARRIAGES; EFFECTS AND recorded in the appropriate registries of
property. The failure of the parties to comply
with these requirements would render their
(FAMILY CODE, ARTS. 35-44 AND 50-54) • Marriage contracted by any party who, at
marriage void under
the time of celebration, was
Article 53 of the Family Code.
Void marriages are found in various psychologically incapacitated to comply
provisions of the FC, to wit: Articles 4, 35, 36, with the essential marital obligations of
37, 38, 40, 41, 44 and 53 in relation to marriage
Article 52 • Psychological incapacity is a legal concept
not medical
ABSENCE OF ESSENTIAL OR FORMAL REQUISITE • Totality of evidence; Clear and convincing
(Article 4) evidence.
The absence of any of the essential or formal • Juridical antecedence - Must be existing at
requisites shall render the marriage void ab the time of celebration although overt
initio, except as stated in Article 35 (2) manifestations may emerge only after the
MARRIAGES CONSIDERED VOID FROM THE • Gravity - “Mild characterological
BEGINNING (Article 35) peculiarities, mood changes, occasional
1. Those contracted by minors emotional outbursts are excluded. The
2. Lack of authority of solemnizing officer psychological incapacity cannot be mere
(unless either or both parties believing in “refusal, neglect, or difficulty, much less
good faith that the solemnizing officer had ill- will.”
the legal authority to do so) • Incurable in the legal sense - incapacity is
3. Absence of marriage license (unless so
exempted) enduring and persistent
4. Bigamous or polygamous marriages
(except valid bigamous marriage under QUIOGUE, JR. V. QUIOGUE
Article 41 on presumptive death) G.R. NO. 203992, AUGUST 22, 2022
5. Mistake of party as to the identity of the J. M. Lopez
other. This case is a Petition for Review on
6. Subsequent marriages that are void Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
under Article 53 (failure to comply with Court assailing the Decision and Resolution
requirements under Art. 52) of the Court of Appeals (CA) which dismissed
the Petition for Declaration of Nullity of
VOID SUBSEQUENT MARRIAGE DUE TO NON- Marriage filed by Antonio Quiogue, Jr.
COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 52 (Art. 53) (Antonio), petitioner. Antonio and Maria Bel
Article 53. Either of the former spouses may Quiogue (Maribel), respondent, were
marry again after compliance with the married and have four children. They have
requirements of Article 52, otherwise, the been separated in fact after Maribel drove
subsequent marriage shall be null and void. Antonio out of their conjugal home.
Article 52. The judgment of annulment or of Antonio claimed that he and Maribel are
absolute nullity of the marriage, the partition both psychologically incapacitated to comply
and distribution of the properties of the with the basic marital obligations. A witness
spouses and the delivery of the children's for Antonio, Dr. Valentina Del Fonso Garcia
presumptive legitimes shall be recorded in (Dr. Garcia), conducted a mental status
the appropriate civil registry and registries assessment and clinical psychiatric
of property; otherwise, the same shall not interviews with Antonio and Maribel and
affect third persons. recommended that marital nullification be
strongly considered by the court on the
ground of psychological incapacity.
SC ruled that Antonio’s chronic infidelity is a neither a mental incapacity nor a personality
form of psychological incapacity which is a disorder in a strict medical sense, although one's
ground for nullity of marriage. clinical mental or personality disorder can be its root
The Court states that to be considered as a
form of psychological incapacity, infidelity
must satisfy the requirements of (1) gravity or
severity, (2) antecedence, and (3) legal
incurability or persistence during the marriage.
In this case, as for the severity of Antonio’s
infidelity, he thinks that his illicit affairs are
minor incidents which Maribel should have
overlooked or dealt with differently and he
does not consider Maribel as a partner. Hence,
there is a constant need for him to look for
affection outside the marriage. As to
antecedence, his affairs are not casual
mistakes as these were shown to be deeply
rooted in his psychopathology which was in
place even before his marriage.
G.R. NO. 250618, JULY 20, 2022
J. M. Lopez
Jennifer and Ferdinand were married.
However, Jennifer filed a Petition for
Declaration of Nullity of Marriage due to
Ferdinand's psychological incapacity.
• The parties are not required to obtain a
judicial declaration of nullity of a void ab
initio of the first or subsequent marriages in
order to raise it as a defense in a bigamy
case. The same rule applies to all marriages
celebrated under the Civil Code and the
Family Code.
• Article 40 of the Family Code did not amend
Article 349 of the RPC, and thus, did not
deny the accused the right to collaterally
attack the validity of a void ab initio
marriage in the criminal prosecution for
• However, if the first marriage is merely
voidable, the accused cannot interpose an
annulment decree as a defense in the
criminal prosecution for bigamy since the
voidable first marriage is considered valid
and subsisting when the second marriage
was contracted. The crime of bigamy,
therefore, is consummated when the second
marriage was celebrated during the
subsistence of the voidable first marriage.
The same rule applies if the second
marriage is merely considered as voidable.
State whether the following marital unions are
valid, void, or voidable.
Ador and Becky’s marriage wherein Ador was
with AIDS prior to the marriage.
The marriage of Ador and Becky is a voidable
under paragraph (6) of Article 45 of the
Family Code which provides that a
marriage is voidable if either party was
afflicted with a sexually transmissible
disease found to be serious and appears
incurable. Since Ador was afflicted with
AIDS even prior to the marriage, which is a
serious and incurable sexually
transmissible disease, his marriage to
Becky is considered voidable.
GROUNDS | WHO MAY FILE THE CASE & WHEN five years from celebration of marriage.
• Article 47, Family Code: PRESCRIPTION
1) Lack of parental consent – spouse whose • Article 47, Family Code: NOT FILED BY
parent or guardian did not give his or her PROPER
consent, within five years after attaining PERSON
the age of twenty-one, or by the parent or
guardian or person having legal charge of
the minor, at any time before such party
has reached the age of twenty-one;
UNLESS after attaining the age of twenty-
one, such party freely cohabited with the
other and both lived together as husband
and wife.
5. The spouse who contracted the marriage It is where offended party agreed to the
in bad faith, shall be disqualified to commission of the offense. This is given in
inherit from the innocent spouse by advance or prior to commission.
testate or intestate succession;
6. Donation Propter Nuptias – remains Valid,
except donee spouse acted in bad faith,
it is revoked by operation of law.
*EXCLUDE: A.M. NO. 02-11-11-SC
• Legal separation is a remedy available to
parties in a valid but failed marriage for
the purpose of obtaining a decree from
the court entitling him or her certain
reliefs such as the right to live separately
from each other (without affecting the
marital bond that exists between them),
the dissolution and liquidation of their
absolute community or conjugal
partnership property regime and the
custody of their minor children.
• It is in the nature of bed and board
• It is forgiveness of the offense by the
innocent spouse, express or implied,
subject to the condition shall not be
• Having sex with the spouse after
knowledge of the
other’s infidelity (Ginez vs. Bugayong)
• Every adulterous act of the wife is a
separate ground for legal separation and
condonation of one does not necessarily
mean condonation of the others (People
vs. Zapata).
Connivance prescribed, the prescriptive period being 5
It implies an agreement, express or years, if Christian’s affair with another woman
implied, by both spouses to the ground was ended when Nikki decided to live with him
for legal separation. again, Nikki’s action will not prosper on
account of condonation. However, if such affair
Collusion is still continuing, Nikki’s action would prosper
It also implies an agreement of spouses because the 5-year prescriptive period will be
counted from the latest act of sexual infidelity.
whereby one will commit or appear to
Every act of sexual
commit, or to be represented in court liaison is a ground for legal separation.
as having committed, an offense which
is a ground for legal separation, or to BAR QUESTION (2012)
suppress evidence of valid defense, for Write “TRUE” if the statement is true or
the purpose of enabling the other to “FALSE” if the
obtain a legal separation. statement is false. If the statement is FALSE,
state the reason.
If a man commits several acts of sexual
Mutual recrimination (in pari delicto) infidelity, particularly in 2002, 2003, 2004,
When both parties have given ground 2005, the prescriptive
for legal period to file for legal separation runs from 2002.
FALSE. The five-year prescriptive period for
Prescription filing legal
• When the action is not filed within separation runs from the occurrence of sexual
the period fixed by law. infidelity committed in 2002 runs from 2002, for
• An action for legal separation shall the sexual infidelity committed in 2003, the
be filed within five (5) years from the prescriptive period runs from 2003 and so on.
time of the occurrence of the cause The action for legal separation for the last act
(Art. 57, FC). of sexual infidelity in 2005 will prescribe in
After they got married, Nikki discovered that PROCEDURE, EFFECTS OF FILING, EFFECTS OF
Christian was PENDENCY
having an affair with another woman. But Nikki
decided to give it a try and lived with him for two
(2) years. Immediately Entitled to Live Separately
After two (2) years, Nikki filed an action • After the filing of petition for legal
for legal separation, the spouses shall be entitled
separation on the ground of Christian’s sexual to live separately from each other.
infidelity. Will the action prosper? Explain. • The court, in the absence of agreement,
SUGGESTED ANSWER shall designate either of them or a third
Although the action for legal separation has person to administer the absolute
not yet community or conjugal partnership
property. (Art. 61, FC)
Cooling-Off Period 7. The innocent spouse may revoke donations
• An action for legal separation shall be in she/he made in favor of the offending spouse.
no case tried before 6 months shall have Action to revoke must be brought within 5
elapsed since the filing of the petition. years from finality of decree of legal
(Art. 58, FC). separation. (Art 64, FC)
• To enable the contending spouses to 8. Obligation to give support ceases, but court
settle differences. In other words, it is for may order the guilty spouse to give support to
possible reconciliation the innocent spouse. (Art. 198, FC)
Except: There is no cooling-off period if the
grounds alleged are those under R.A. 9262
Role of Fiscal
No decree of legal separation shall be
based upon a stipulation of facts or a
confession of judgement.
The court should order the prosecuting
attorney or fiscal to take steps to prevent
collusion between the parties and to take
care that the evidence is not fabricated or
suppressed. (Art 60, FC)
Grounds for revocation of donations propter Arts. 66, 67, 128, 135, and 136 of the FC.
nuptias (Article 86)
1. Non-celebration of marriage a. Absolute Community of Property Regime –
2. Celebration of marriage without parental Family Code, arts. 84 and 88-104
3. Annulment of marriage with donee
acting in bad faith;
4. Legal separation with donee as the guilty
5. Fulfillment of resolutory condition; and
6. Acts of ingratitude (Article 765, NCC).
• It is a contract entered into by a man and
a woman who intend or plan to get
married fixing the property regime that
will govern their present and future
properties during their marriage.
• It is also called ante-nuptial or pre-nuptial
3. Debts and obligations contracted by either other spouse or the authority of the court without
spouse without the consent of the other to which the disposition or encumbrance is VOID.
the extent that the family may have been However, the transaction shall be construed as a
benefited; continuing offer on the part of the consenting spouse
4. All taxes, liens, charges, and expenses, and the third person, and may be perfected as binding
including major or minor repairs, upon the contract upon the acceptance by the other spouse or
community property; authorization by the court before the offer is withdrawn
5. All taxes and expenses for mere preservation by either or both offerors.
made during the marriage upon the separate
property of either spouse used by the family;
6. Expenses to enable either spouse to
commence or complete a professional or
vocational course or other activity for self-
7. Ante-nuptial debts of either spouse insofar as
they have redounded to the benefit of the
8. The value of what is donated or promised by
both spouses in favor of their common
legitimate children for the exclusive purpose of
commencing or completing a professional or
vocational course or other activity for self-
9. Payment, in case of absence or insufficiency
of the exclusive property of the debtor-
spouse, of:
a. ante-nuptial debts that did not redound to
the benefit of the family;
b. support of illegitimate children of either
spouse, and
c. liabilities incurred by either spouse by
reason of a crime or a quasi-delict.
Note: The payment of which shall be
considered as advances to be deducted from
the share of the debtor- spouse upon
liquidation of the community.
10. Expenses of litigation between the spouses.
However, if the suit is found to be
groundless, it cannot be charged against
the absolute community (Art. 94,FC).
1. Agreement that only one of the spouses shall
administer the community property;
2. If one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise
unable to participate in the administration of
the common properties, capacitated or able
spouse may assume sole powers of
administration without the need of court
approval or authorization;
3. If a spouse, without just cause, abandons the
other or fails to comply with his or her
obligations to the family, the aggrieved
spouse may petition the court for sole
4. During the pendency of the legal separation
case, the court may designate either of the
spouses as sole administrator.
Note: Administration does not include:
1. Disposition;
2. Alienation; and
3. Encumbrance of the conjugal or community
G.R. NO. 125172, JUNE 25, 1998
J. Panganiban
Sale or Disposition of Community Property (Art. 96, FC)
Alienation or encumbrance of community
property must have the written consent of the
Disposition by last will (Art 97, FC) Code)
Either spouse may dispose by will of his or
her interest in the community property. Dissolution of the ACP (Art. 99, FC)
1. Death;
Prohibited/allowed donation without consent of 2. Legal Separation;
other (Art. 98, FC) 3. Annulment;
• Neither spouse may donate any 4. Declaration of nullity under Article 40;
community property without the consent 5. Judicial separation of property during
of the other. marriage (Article 135-136, FC).
• However, either spouse may, without the
consent of the other, make moderate b. Conjugal Partnership of Gains Regime – Family
donations from the community property Code, arts. 105-133
for charity or on occasions of family
rejoicing or family distress.
It is a property regime wherein the husband and the
BAR QUESTION (2012) wife
Danny and Elsa were married in 2002. In place in a common fund:
2012, Elsa left
1. All proceeds, product, fruits and income
the conjugal home and her two minor children of their separate properties;
with Danny to live with her paramour. In 2015, 2. Those acquired by either or both of them through:
Danny sold without Elsa’s consent a parcel of a. Efforts; or
land registered in his name that he had b. By Chance. (Art. 106, FC)
purchased prior to the marriage. Danny used
the proceeds of the sale to pay for his This regime is applicable regime in case of a
children’s tuition fees. Is the sale valid, void, or valid marriage settlement between the
voidable? Explain your answer. spouses providing for CPG, or if the marriage
SUGGESTED ANSWER was celebrated before the effectivity of the
The sale made by Danny is void. The parties Family Code and the parties do not have any
were married marriage settlement. CPG is the default
after the effectivity of the Family Code where property regime under the NCC, where ACP is
the default property regime is absolute the default property regime under the FC.
community of property. The facts did not
mention that the parties executed a marriage Exclusive property of the spouses (Art. 109, FC)
settlement, hence, the default property regime 1. Those brought into the marriage as his/her own;
of absolute community of property shall 2. Those acquired during the marriage by
govern their property relations. Under this
property regime, all properties which each of
the spouses own at the time of the celebration
3. Those acquire by right of redemption,
of the marriage as well as whatever they may
barter, or exchange with exclusive
acquire thereafter shall form part of the
absolute community. And sale of a
4. That purchased with exclusive money
community property by one spouse without
consent of the other is void. (Art. 96, Family of either spouse.
Conjugal Partnership Property (Art. 117, FC) the Civil Code. The wife may file an action for
(1) Those acquired by onerous title during the annulment of contract within 10 years from the
marriage with conjugal funds; transaction; and
(2) Those obtained from the labor, industry,
work or profession of either or both of the
(3) Fruits of conjugal property due or received
during the marriage and net fruits of separate
(4) Share of either spouse in hidden treasure;
(5) Those acquired through occupation such as
fishing or hunting;
(6) Livestock in excess of the number of each
kind brought to the marriage; and
(7) Those acquired by chance, such as
winnings from gambling or betting.
(8) Value of what is donated or promised to regime of absolute community or conjugal partnership
common legitimate children for professional, or any agreed regime.
vocation or self- improvement courses; and
(9)Expenses of litigation between the spouses
unless the suit is found to groundless.
1. If one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise
unable to participate in the administration of
the common properties – capacitated or able
spouse may assume sole powers of
2. If a spouse without just cause abandons the
other or fails to comply with his or her
obligations to the family, the aggrieved
spouse may petition the court for sole
3. During the pendency of a legal separation
case, the court may designate either of the
spouse as sole administrator.
Effects of Judicial Separation of Property Between
Revival of previous property regime
1. The absolute community or conjugal • If the spouses opted for voluntary
partnership is dissolved; separation of property, the parties
2. The liability of the spouses to creditors may agree to the revival even in the
shall be solidary with their separate absence of a reason/ground.
properties; • However, a subsequent voluntary
3. Mutual obligation to support each other separation of property is no longer
continues, except when there is legal allowed. Voluntary separation of
4. Rights previously acquired by creditors property under Art. 136 may only be
are not prejudiced. availed of once.
• If the separation of property is for a
Voluntary Separation of Property (Art. 136 FC) sufficient cause, the revival of the
• The spouses will jointly file the petition in previous property regime depends
court for approval. upon the cessation of the ground
• In case of voluntary agreement for the which was the basis of the judicial
separation of property, the law does not
require specific reasons to justify the
court in approving the same.
• The law leaves the matter to the A subsequent judicial separation of
discretion of the court. property for a sufficient cause may be
• It will take effect only once approved or allowed so long as there is a new
decreed by the court. ground to rely on.
Property exclusively Belongs to party upon proof Belongs to such party upon
acquired of acquisition through proof of acquisition through
exclusive funds exclusive funds.
Property acquired by
both through their Owned in common in proportion
Governed by rules on co-
work or industry to their respective contributions.
during cohabitation
Sale, disposition, encumbrance (Art. 147, FC) family and household, is her consent to the sale a
Neither party can encumber or dispose by acts prerequisite to its validity?
inter vivos of his or her share in the property
acquired during cohabitation and owned in Yes, even if Dorothy was not working and did not
common, without the consent of the other, contribute money for the acquisition of the lot,
until after the termination of their her consent would still be necessary because
cohabitation. Any disposition, sale or under Article 147, a party who did not contribute
encumbrance without consent of the other is in the acquisition of the property acquired during
VOID. cohabitation shall still be deemed to have
contributed jointly in its acquisition if his or her
efforts consisted in the care and maintenance of
In December 2000, Michael and Anna, after the family and household.
obtaining a
valid marriage license, went to the Office of
the Mayor of Urbano, Bulacan, to get married. L. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEN
The Mayor was not there, but the Mayor’s
secretary asked Michael and Anna and their HUSBAND AND WIFE
witnesses to fill up and sign the required (FAMILY CODE, ARTS. 68-73)
marriage contract forms. The secretary then *EXCLUDE: R.A. NO. 7192; R.A. NO. 8187;
told them to wait, and went out to look for the R.A. NO. 9710
Mayor who was attending a wedding in a Essential marital obligations (Art. 68, FC)
neighboring municipality. When the secretary (1) To live together,
caught up with the Mayor at the wedding (2) To observe mutual love, respect, and fidelity;
reception, she showed him the marriage and
contract forms and told him that the couple
(3) To render mutual help and support.
and their witnesses were waiting in his office.
The Mayor forthwith signed all the copies of
the marriage contract, gave them to the Family domicile (Art. 69, FC)
secretary who returned to the Mayor’s office. Husband and wife shall fix the family
She then gave copies of the marriage contract domicile. In case of disagreement, the court
to the parties, and told Michael and Anna that shall decide.
they were already married. Thereafter, the
couple lived together as husband and wife, and Court may exempt a spouse from living with the
had three sons. other
(C) What property regime governs the properties • If he/she should live abroad, or
acquired by the couple? Explain. • there are other valid and compelling
SUGGESTED ANSWER reasons for the exemption.
The marriage being void due to absence of However, such exemption shall not apply if
the same is not compatible with the solidarity
cerremony, the property relationship that
governed their union is special co-ownership
of the family.
under Article 147 of the Family Code. This is on
the assumption that there was no Mutual Support (Art. 70, FC)
impediment for them to validity marry each other. Spouses are jointly responsible for the
support of the family. Such support shall be
Bernard and Dorothy lived together as common-law
satisfied in the following order:
spouses • First, from the community property or
although they are both capacitated to marry. conjugal property;
After one year of cohabitation, Dorothy went • Second, from the income or fruits of the
abroad to work in Dubai as a hair stylist and separate properties of the spouses
regularly sent money to Bernard. With the • Third, from the separate properties of the
money, Bernard bought a lot. For a good price, spouses.
Bernard sold the lot. Dorothy came to know about
the acquisition and sale of the lot and filed a suit
to nullify the sale because she did not give her Joint management of household (Art. 71, FC)
consent to the sale. The management of the household shall be
Will Dorothy’s suit prosper? the right and the duty of both spouses. The
SUGGESTED ANSWER expenses for such management shall be
Yes, Dorothy’s suit will prosper. Under Article paid in accordance with the provisions of
147, if the Article 70.
parties who are capacitated to marry each other
lived exclusively with each other as husband and
wife without the benefit of marriage or under a Remedy of an aggrieved spouse (Art. 72, FC)
void marriage, their wages and salaries shall be When one of the spouses neglects his or her
owned by them in equal shares and the property duties to the conjugal union or commits acts
acquired by both of them through their work or which tend to bring danger, dishonor or
industry shall be governed by the rules of co- injury to the other or to the family, the
ownership. Clearly, Dorothy and Bernard’s union aggrieved party may apply to the court for
is covered by Article 147 and neither party can relief.
encumber or dispose by acts inter vivos of his or
her share in the property acquired during
cohabitation and owned in common without the
Exercise of profession, occupation, business or
consent of activity (Art. 73, FC, as amended by RA 10572)
the other, until after the termination of the • General rule: Either spouse may exercise
cohabitation. any legitimate profession, occupation,
Suppose Dorothy was jobless and did not contribute business or activity without the consent
money to the acquisition of the lot and her efforts of the other.
consisted mainly in the care and maintenance of the • Exception: Non-consenting spouse may object
valid, serious, and moral grounds.
• For purposes of availing of the benefits of a
family home, a person may constitute, or be the
beneficiary of, only one family home. (Art. 161,
‘Family’ - The family, being the foundation of the
nation, is a basic social institution which
public policy cherishes and protects.
Consequently, family relations are governed by
law and no custom, practice or agreement
destructive of the family shall be recognized or
given effect. (Art. 149, FC)
The family home, constituted jointly by the
husband and the wife or by an unmarried
head of a family, is the dwelling house where
they and their family reside, and the land on
which it is situated. (Art. 152 FC)
Legitimate Children
• Children conceived or born during the
marriage of the parents are legitimate.
• Children conceived as a result of artificial
insemination of the wife with the sperm of
the husband or that of a donor or both are
likewise legitimate children of the husband
and his wife, provided, that both of them
authorized or ratified such insemination in a
written instrument executed and signed by
them before the birth of the child. The
instrument shall be recorded in the civil
registry together with the birth certificate of
the child. (Art. 164, FC)
Illegitimate Children
Children conceived and born outside a valid
marriage are illegitimate, unless otherwise
provided in this Code. (Art. 165, FC)
(1) The open and continuous possession of the
status of a legitimate child; or
(2) Any other means allowed by the Rules of
Court and special laws. (FC, Art. 172 [2])
Children conceived and born outside
of wedlock of parents without
impediment to marry at the time of
conception or were so disqualified
only because either or both of them
were below 18 years of age (FC, Art.
177, RA 9858)
In 1997, B and G started living together without
G.R. NO. 215370, NOVEMBER 09, 2021
the benefit
En Banc
of marriage. The relationship produced one
offspring, Venus. The couple acquired a
The case involves a mother's petition to
residential lot in Parañaque. After four (4)
correct her child's birth certificate and
establish his true filiation. The petitioner is years or in 2001, G having completed her 4-
Richelle Busque Ordoña, who was married to year college degree as a fulltime student, she
Ariel O. Libut, but separated from him due to and B contracted marriage without a license.
his illicit relationship. The petitioner had an The marriage of B and G was, two years later,
intimate relationship with Allan D. Fulgueras, declared null and void due to the absence of a
which resulted in her pregnancy and the birth marriage license. Is Venus legitimate,
of a son named Alrich Paul Ordoña Fulgueras. illegitimate, or legitimated? Explain briefly.
The birth certificate of Alrich Paul reflected SUGGESTED ANSWER
Allan as father of the child, and Fulgueras as Venus is illegitimate. She was conceived and
surname. The petitioner claimed that Allan is born outside
not the biological father and sought to change a valid marriage. Thus, she is considered
the child's last name to her maiden name and illegitimate (Art 165, Family Code). The
delete the entries regarding the father's subsequent marriage of her parents did not
information in the birth certificate. result in legitimation because said marriage
was later on declared null and void due to
The RTC and CA denied the petition. The absence of a marriage license. Under Article
Supreme Court upheld the lower courts' 178 of the Family Code, "legitimation shall
decisions, stating that legitimacy and filiation take place by a subsequent valid marriage
cannot be collaterally attacked in a petition for between parents. The annulment of a voidable
correction of entries in the birth certificate. marriage shall not affect the legitimation." The
Article 164 of the Family Code provides that Article's application is limited to voidable
"children conceived or born during the
marriages. It follows that when the subsequent
marriage of the parties are legitimate." Here,
marriage is null or void, the legitimation must
petitioner admitted to being in a valid and
also be null and void.
subsisting marriage with Ariel when she
conceived and gave birth to Alrich Paul. Thus, BAR QUESTION (2010)
Alrich Paul is presumed to be a legitimate child Spouses B and G begot two offsprings. Albeit
of petitioner and Ariel. they had
serious personality differences, the spouses
As a result, there is now an absurd and continued to live under one roof. B begot a son
unremedied situation that Alrich Paul remains by another woman. G also begot a daughter by
to be illegitimate in the birth certificate and another man.
will use the surname of Allan while possessing, (A) If G gives the surname of B to her daughter by another
man, what can B do to protect their legitimate children's
at the same time, a legitimate status, one
interests? Explain.
that is conferred on him by law. SUGGESTED ANSWER
(A) B can impugn the status of G's daughter by
Giving clarity to Alrich Paul's situation is another man
attended by a scarcity of remedies. as his legitimate daughter on the ground that for
biological reason he could not have been the
First, the mother who was in a valid and father of the child, a fact that may be proven by
subsisting marriage at the time of conception the DNA test. Having been born during the
or giving birth to her child is prohibited under marriage between B and G, G's daughter by
Article 167 of the Family Code from impugning another man is presumed as the child of B under
the legitimacy of her child. The proscription Article 164 of the Family Code. In the same action
remains even if the mother is an estranged to impugn, B can pray for the correction of the
wife. status of the said child in her record of birth.
Second, the child who was conceived or born
during a valid and existing marriage has no (B) If B acquiesces to the use of his surname by G's
right to impugn his own legitimacy under the daughter by another man, what is/are the
Family Code. He cannot choose his own consequence/s? Explain.
(B) If B acquiesces and does not file the action
Third, it is only the father, or in exceptional to impugn
circumstances, his heirs, who may impugn the the legitimacy of the child within the
child's legitimacy on grounds provided under prescriptive period for doing so in Article 170
Article 166 of the Family Code within the of the Family Code, G's daughter by another
periods provided under Article 170 in relation man shall be conclusively presumed as the
to Article 171 of the Family Code. Upon the legitimate daughter of B by G.
expiration of the periods, the status conferred BAR QUESTION (2010)
by the presumption becomes fixed and can no X and Y are living together as husband and wife
longer be questioned. without the
benefit of a marriage. They begot a child Z who
The hands of the Court are tied as it may only married A. Z and A has a child named B. In
entertain the impugnation of a child's 1989, Z died. In 1990, X and Y got married. In
presumed legitimacy in a direct action filed by 1991, a son named ZZ of X and Y was born. When
the proper party and within the prescribed
period under the law. In light of these, the
Court finds the present case as an opportune
moment to highlight the absence of a remedy
in favor of a mother in establishing the true
filiation of her child. Ultimately, the Court's
observations are directed to the Legislature
inasmuch as the Court is careful not to tread
on the realm of judicial legislation.
Four children, namely: Alberto, Baldomero,
Caridad, and
Dioscoro, were born to the spouses Conrado
and Clarita de la Costa. The children’s birth
certificates were duly signed by Conrado,
showing them to be the couple’s legitimate
children. Later, one Edilberto de la Cruz
BAR QUESTION (2008) executed a notarial document acknowledging
Roderick and Faye were high school Alberto and Baldomero as his illegitimate children
sweethearts. When with Clarita. Edilberto died leaving substantial
Roderick was 18 and Faye, 16 years old, they properties. In the settlement of his estate,
started to live together as husband and wife Alberto and Baldomero intervened claiming
without the benefit of marriage. When Faye shares as the deceased’s illegitimate children.
reached 18 years of age, her parents forcibly The legitimate family of Edilberto opposed the
took her back and arranged for her marriage to claim. Are Alberto and Baldomero entitled to share
Brad. Although Faye lived with Brad after the in
marriage, Roderick continued to regularly visit the estate of Edilberto? Explain
Faye while Brad was away at work. During their SUGGESTED ANSWER
marriage, Faye gave birth to a baby girl, Laica. No, Alberto and Baldomero are not entitled to
When Faye was 25 years old, Brad discovered share in
her continued liason with Roderick and in one of Edilberto’s estate. They are not related at all to
their heated arguments, Faye shot Brad to Edilberto. They were born during the marriage
death. of Conrado and Clarita, hence, are considered
legitimate children of the said spouses. This
She lost no time in marrying her true love status is conferred on them at birth by law.
Roderick, without a marriage license, claiming Under Philippine law, a person cannot have
that they have been continuously cohabiting more than one natural filiation. The legitimate
for more than 5 years. filiation of a person can be changed only if the
(A) What is the filiation status of Laica? legitimate father will successfully impugn such
(B) Can Laica bring an action to impugn her own status status. In the problem, therefore, the filiation
on the ground that based on DNA results, Roderick of Alberto and Baldomero as the legitimate
is her biological father? children of Conrado cannot be changed by their
(C) Can Laica be legitimated by the marriage of her recognition by Edilberto as his illegitimate
biological parents? children. Before they can be conferred the
SUGGESTED ANSWER status of Edilberto’s illegitimate children,
(A) Laica is legitimate because children
Conrado must first impugn their legitimacy.
conceived or born Since Conrado has not initiated any action to
during the marriage of the parents are impugn their legitimacy, they continue to be
presumed to be legitimate (Art. 164, FC).
the legitimate children of Conrado. They
Laica is presumed the legitimate child of Brad
cannot be the illegitimate children of Edilberto
and Faye.
at the same time. Not being the illegitimate
(B) No. Laica cannot bring an action to impugn
children of Edilberto, they have no right to
her own status. In a case decided by the
Supreme Court it was ruled that impugning inherit from
the legitimacy of the child is a strictly
4. ADOPTED right of husband, except: (a) when
the husband died before the expiration of
the period fixed for bringing the action; (b)
a. Domestic
if he should die after the filing of the Administrative Adoption and
complaint, without having desisted Alternative Child Care Act – R.A. No. 11642
therefrom, or (c) if the child was born after
the death of the husband. Laica's case does Domestic Administrative Adoption and Alternative Child
not fall under any of the exceptions. (Liyao Care Act (REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11642) took effect on
Jr. v. Tanhoti-Liyao, G.R. No. 138961, 07 January 28, 2022
AN ACT March 2002)
OF(C) No. Laica
DOMESTIC cannot be
ADOPTION, legitimated FOR
Gianna was born to Andy and Aimee, who at ACT NO. 11222, AND REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10165, REPEALING
Gianna's birth were not married to each other.
RA While
11642 repealed/
Andy was amended
the time, Aimee was
still in the process of securing a judicial • Repealed RA 8552 “Domestic Adoption Act”
declaration of nullity on her marriage to her ex- • Repealed RA 9523 “Act requiring DSWD certification
husband. Gianna's birth certificate, which was to
signed by both Andy and Aimee, registered the declare a child legally available for adoption”
status of Gianna as "legitimate", her surname • Amended RA 8043 “Inter-country Adoption Act”
carrying that of Andy's and that her parents • Amended RA 11222 “Rectification of Simulated
were married to each other. Assuming that Aimee Birth
is successful in declaring her former marriage void, Act”
and Andy and Aimee subsequently • Amended RA 10165 “Foster Care Act of 2012”
married each other, would Gianna be legitimated? • RA 11642 removes the judicial process for
SUGGESTED ANSWER adoption, as this would now be handled
No. Gianna cannot be legitimated by the administratively by the National Authority for
subsequent Child Care (NACC).
marriage of Andy and Aimee. Art. 177 of the • The Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) will
FC provides that "only children conceived and be re- organized to a one-stop quasi-judicial
agency on alternative child care known as the
National Authority for Child Care (NACC),
attached to the Department of Social Welfare
and Development (DSWD).
• The NACC will exercise all powers and guardianship and clearance of financial
functions relating to alternative child care, accountabilities;
including declaring a child legally available 3. The foster parent with respect to the foster child;
for domestic administrative and inter- 4. Philippine government officials and employees
country adoption, foster care, kinship care, deployed or stationed abroad; Provided, That they
family- like care, or residential care. are able to bring the child with them; and,
• "All duties, functions, and responsibilities of
the ICAB, the DSWD, and those of other
government agencies relating to alternative
child care and adoption are hereby
transferred to the NACC,"
• "The best interest of the child shall be the
paramount consideration in the enactment
of alternative care, custody, and adoption
• Under RA 11642, The NACC is tasked to
ensure that petitions and other matters
involving alternative child care are “simple,
expeditious and inexpensive, and will
redound to the best interest of the child
• The NACC shall have the original and
exclusive jurisdiction over all matters
pertaining to alternative child care,
including declaring a child legally available
for adoption; domestic administrative
adoption; adult adoption; foster care under
RA No. 10165 (Foster Care Act of 2012);
adoptions under RA 11222 (Simulated Birth
Rectification Act); and, inter-country
adoption under RA 8043 (Inter-country
Adoption Act).
• The NACC shall also have the power to
impose penalties in case of any violation of
RA 11642. (Section 6, RA 11642)
Refers to the socio-legal process of providing a
permanent facility to a child whose parents
had voluntarily given up their parental rights,
permanently transferring all rights and
responsibilities, along with filiation, making the
child a legitimate child of the adoptive parents;
Provided, That adult adoption shall also be
covered by benefits of this Act.
Refers to an administrative adoption proceeding
where the Order of Adoption is issued within the
Philippines and is undertaken between a
Filipino child and eligible adoptive parents.
Inter-Country Adoption as the Last Resort.
— Only when child cannot adopted in
the Philippines, and inter- country
adoption is in the best interest of the
child. (Sec 7, RA 8043)
Transportation – includes expenses going to deducted from the share of the spouse.
and from school, or to from place of work.
(Article 194, FC). (2010 BAR) 3. Regime of Separation of property
both spouses shall bear the family expenses in
WHO ARE OBLIGED TO GIVE SUPPORT proportion to their income, in case of
(1) The spouses; insufficiency or default, the current market
(2) Legitimate ascendants and descendants; value of the exclusive property.
(3) Parents and their legitimate children and
the legitimate and illegitimate children of 4. Order of Support
the latter; Order of liability to give support
(4) Parents and their illegitimate children and Whenever two or more persons are obliged to
the legitimate and illegitimate children of give support, the liability shall devolve in the
the latter; following persons in the order herein provided:
(5) Legitimate brothers and sisters, whether of a. Spouse;
full or half- blood; and b. Descendants in the nearest degree;
(6) Brothers and sisters not legitimately c. Ascendants in the nearest degree;
related, whether of the full or half-blood, d. Brothers and sisters. (Art. 199, FC)
except only when the need for support of When the obligation falls upon two or more
the brother or sister, being of age, is due persons, the payment shall be divided between
to a cause imputable to the claimant’s them in proportion to the resources of each.
fault or negligence.
Order of Preference
SOURCE OF SUPPORT When two or more recipients at the same time
claim support from one and the same person
1. ACP/CPG legally obliged to give it, should the latter not
spouses and children. After nullity, have sufficient means to satisfy all claims, the
annulment, legal separation, separate order established in the preceding article (Art.
properties of the parties. 199 on Order of Liability) shall be followed,
unless the concurrent obligees should be the
2. Separate Property spouse and a child subject to parental authority,
ascendant, descendants, brothers and in which case the child shall be preferred. (Art.
sisters. Subsidiary ACP/CPG, but shall be 200, FC) BAR QUESTION (2011)
Illegitimate brothers and sisters, whether of full or
are bound to support each other, EXCEPT when:
(A) the brother or sister who needs support lives 44
in another place.
(B) such brothers and sisters are not
recognized by their father.
(C) the brother or sister in need stops
schooling without valid reason.
(D) the need for support of a brother or sister,
already of age,
is due to the latter's fault.
(D) the need for support of a brother or sister,
age, unless unfit or disqualified.
Whenever the appointment of a judicial guardian
over the property of the child becomes necessary,
the same order of preference shall be observed.
• It is the natural right and duty of parents
over the person and property of their
unemancipated children, parental authority
and responsibility shall include the caring
for and rearing them for civic consciousness
and efficiency and the development of their
moral, mental and physical character and
well-being (Article 209, FC).
• Parental authority and responsibility may
not be renounced or transferred except in
the cases authorized by law. (Article 210,
Separation of Parents
• Parent designated by the court
• “Tender age presumption” - If child under 7
years old, the mother shall exercise
parental authority unless there is
compelling reason to separate child from
the mother
• Maternal preference rule – based on
universally recognized rule that the mother
is the natural custodian of her young.
• Child over 7, consider child’s choice, unless
the parent chosen is unfit.
• Only the exercise of parental authority is
given when custody is awarded; other
spouse still retains parental authority, which
may be exercised through visitorial rights.
A. Classification of Property of all kinds adhered to the soil;
B. Ownership (Civil Code, arts. 427-439) (8) Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the
C. Right of Accession; Movables and matter thereof forms part of the bed, and
Immovable (Civil Code, arts. 440-475) waters either running or stagnant;
D. Quieting of Title (Civil Code, arts. 476-481)
E. Co-Ownership (Civil Code, arts. 484-501);
Condominium Act (R.A. No. 4726, as
• All things which are or may be the object
of appropriation. (Art. 414,NCC)
• It is an object or a right which is
appropriated or susceptible of
appropriation by man, with capacity to
satisfy human wants and needs.
REPUBLIC V. PASIG RIZAL CO., INC. use and to the fruits have been denied; Full
G.R. NO. 213207, FEBRUARY 15, 2022 ownership – Usufruct
En Banc 3. Sole ownership. It is where the ownership is
• While lands of the public domain under the vested in only one person;
Constitution pertain to all lands owned or held by 4. Co-ownership. It is where the ownership is vested
the State both in its public and private in 2 or more persons. There is the unity of the
capacity, lands forming part of the public property, and plurality of the subjects.
dominion under the Civil Code pertain only
to those which are intended for public use,
public service, or the development of
national wealth, and excludes patrimonial
• Therefore, property of public dominion and
patrimonial property, as defined by the Civil
Code, both fall within the scope of public
domain contemplated under the 1987
Constitution. Excepted from the scope of
public domain are lands subject of a claim of
ownership based on native title as explicitly
recognized in Cariño v. Insular Government.
• The proper interpretation of Article 422 in
relation to Articles 420 and 421 is that
"converted" patrimonial property can only
come from property of public dominion under
Article 420. Hence, "converted" patrimonial
property should not be understood as a subset
of patrimonial property "by nature" under
Article 421.
• In effect, the classification of agricultural
land as alienable and disposable serves as
unequivocal proof of the withdrawal by the
State of the said land from the public
dominion, and its "conversion" to
patrimonial property.
• The clear intention of such conversion is to
open the land to private acquisition or
ownership. Again, as keenly observed by
Justice Gaerlan, such converted patrimonial
property remains within the broader
constitutional concept of public domain
precisely as alienable and disposable land of
the public domain.
• Clearly, any specific property of the State
may either be outside or within the
commerce of man; it cannot be both.
• Prior to the classification of such property to
alienable and disposable, agricultural lands
(being property of public dominion) are
beyond the commerce of man.
• It is the classification of agricultural lands as
alienable and disposable which places them
within the commerce of man, and renders
them capable of being the subject matter of
contracts (such as a patent, the latter being
a contract between the State and the
grantee). In turn, the power to classify (and
re-classify) land is vested solely in the
Executive Department.
• Once a parcel of land forming part of public
dominion is classified as alienable and
disposable, they become subject to private
acquisition but only through the prescribed
modes of acquisition of ownership.
Kinds of Ownership
1. Full ownership. This includes all the rights of an
owner; Naked ownership + Usufruct
2. Naked ownership. It is where the rights to the
Attributes of Ownership owner may enclose or fence his land or
1. Right to enjoy (jus utendi) tenements by means of walls, ditches, live
2. Right to the fruits (jus fruendi) or dead hedges, or by any other means
3. Right to abuse (jus abutendi) without detriment to servitudes constituted
4. Right to dispose (jus dispodendi) thereon. (Art. 430)
5. Right to recover (jus vindicandi) b. to repel intrusions even with force (Art. 429)
6. Right to accessories (jus accessiones)
7. Right to possess (jus possidendi) Principle of Self-Help, Art. 429, NCC
This principle authorizes an owner or lawful
Right to Enjoy: possessor of a property to use reasonable
a. to possess (jus possidendi) counterforce to prevent or stop another person
from taking the former’s property. There must
b. to use (jus utendi)
be no delay in the pursuit, otherwise, his
c. to the fruits (jus fruendi) and
recourse will be to go to the court for the
accessories (jus accessiones)
recovery of property.
d. to abuse (jus abutendi)
- Actual possession under claim of
ownership raises a disputable Requisites:
presumption of ownership. The true 1. The force must be employed by the owner or
owner must resort to judicial process for lawful
the recovery of the property. (Art. 433) possessor;
2. There must be an actual or threatened
Right to Dispose: physical invasion or usurpation of
a. to destroy property;
b. to alienate 3. The invasion or usurpation must be unlawful; and
4. The force employed must be reasonably
c. to transform
necessary to repel the invasion or
d. to encumber
Right to Vindicate:
State of Necessity (Art. 432)
a. to recover
• The owner of a thing has no right to prohibit
In an action to recover, the property must interference of another with the same if,
be identified, and the plaintiff must rely on
• The interference is necessary to avert an
the strength of his title and not on the
imminent danger, and
weakness of the defendant’s claim. (Art.
• The threatened damage, compared to the
damage arising to the owner from the
interference, is much greater.
Right to Exclude: • The owner may demand compensation from
a. to enclose, fence and delimit - Every the person benefited for the damage to him.
Surface Rights (Art. 437) Code). The act of Francisco and his men
The owner of a parcel of land is the owner of constitute an abuse of rights because even if
its surface and of everything under it, and he he has the right to recover possession of his
can construct thereon any works or make any property, he must act with justice and give the
plantations and excavations which he may lessees their day in court and observe honesty
deem proper, without detriment to servitudes and good faith. (Article 19, Civil Code). Owner
and subject to special laws and ordinances. He must resort to
cannot complain of the reasonable legal process to recover possession.
requirements of aerial navigation.
Limitations upon the Right of Ownership
1. General limitation imposed by the State in the
exercise of its inherent powers – Police power,
Taxation, Eminent domain
• Eminent Domain - No person shall be
deprived of his property except by
competent authority and for public use
and always upon payment of just
compensation. Should this requirement
be not first complied with, the courts
shall protect and, in a proper case,
restore the owner in his possession.
(Art. 435)
• Police Power - When any property is
condemned or seized by competent
authority in the interest of health, safety
or security, the owner thereof shall not
be entitled to compensation, unless he
can show that such condemnation or
seizure is unjustified. (Art. 436)
2. Limitations imposed by specific provisions of the
law - legal easement, zoning regulations,
building code, rent control, urban and
agrarian reform, subdivision regulations,
• The owner of a thing cannot make use
thereof in such manner as to injure the
rights of a third person. (Art. 431)
3. Limitations imposed by the transferor of the
property – donation, usufruct, no partition
4. Limitations imposed by the owner himself -
voluntary servitudes, mortgages, pledges,
lease and deed of restrictions.
5. Limitations inherent in the property – co-
Spouses Magtanggol manages and operated a
station on a 1,000 sq.m. lot which they leased
from Francisco Bigla-awa. The contract was for
a period of three
(3) years. When the contract expired,
Francisco asked the Spouses to peacefully
vacate the premises. The Spouses ignored the
demand and continued with the operation of
the gasoline station.
One month after, Francisco, with the aid of a
group of armed men, caused the closure of the
gasoline station by constructing fences around
Was the act of Francisco and his men lawful? Why?
No, the act of Francisco was not lawful. Even if
the lessee’s
right to occupy the premises has expired, the
lessor cannot physically oust the lessee from
the leased premises if the latter refuses to
vacate. The lessor must go through the proper
channels by filing an appropriate case for
unlawful detainer or recovery of possession.
Every person has a right to be respected in his
possession and should he be disturbed therein,
he shall be protected in or restored to said
possession by the means established by the
laws and the Rules of Court (Article 539, Civil
BAR QUESTION (2014) other similar income
Can a property owner demand just
compensation from EXCEPTIONS: If the thing is:
the government for damages suffered in a. in possession of a possessor in good faith;
the State’s b. subject to a usufruct;
exercise of: c. leased; or
A. Police power? Explain. d. in possession of an antichretic creditor
B. Power of eminent domain? Explain.
A. For damages suffered by the owner 50
resulting from the
State’s exercise of police power, the owner
cannot recover compensation because the
power is exercised for the promotion of the
general welfare.
B. For damages suffered by the owner
resulting from the State’s exercise of
eminent domain, the owner has the
constitutional right to ask for
compensation. This is consistent with the
constitutional provision that no property
may be taken by the State for public use
without payment of just compensation.
HIDDEN TREASURE (Arts. 438-439)
It is any hidden and unknown deposit of
money, jewelry or other precious objects,
the lawful ownership of which does not
appear (Art. 439)
Rules as to Fruits
• If the fruits still hang on the tree, they are
still owned by the tree owner.
• It is only after they have naturally fallen
that they belong to the owner of the
invaded land
• To the owners of lands adjoining the banks
of rivers belong the accretion which they
gradually receive from the effects of the
current of the waters. (Art. 457)
• The soil deposited or added to the lands
adjoining the banks of rivers, and
gradually received as an effect of the
current of the waters.
• Process by which the soil is deposited.
• A broader term than alluvium
1. The deposit should be gradual and
2. Cause is the current of river
3. Cannot be done artificially or man-made
4. That the land where accretion takes
place is adjacent to the bank of the
• A known portion of land is segregated
from one estate by the forceful current of
a river, creek or torrent and transferred to
• Whenever the current of a river, creek or
Requisites: owner if [NCC 465]:
1. Segregation and transfer of land is Formed through successive
sudden and abrupt; accumulation of alluvial deposits in
2. Caused by the current of the water; and non-navigable and non- floatable rivers
3. The portion of land transported must Islands belong to owners of margins of
be known and identifiable. banks nearest to each of them
*** owner of segregated portion land retains ownership single island, owner of nearer margin
provided he removes within 2 years shall be the sole owner
If in the middle, to be divided longitudinally
Rule on avulsion of uprooted trees (Art. 460) in
• The owner of the tree retains ownership halves
BUT the owner must claim them within
a period of 6 months;
• It will belong to the owner of the land
upon which they may be cast, if the 52
owners do not claim it within 6
NOTE: The claim does not require actual
recovery. It can be recovered on the
basis of prescriptive period for acquiring
movables which is four years.
Sudde or abrup
Gradual and
n t
imperceptible. proces
Identifiable and
Soil cannot be identified.
Belongs to the owner of Real propert by
the y
propert to whic it is incorporation and
y h
attached. destination.
(ii) COMMIXTION OR CONFUSION 3. Owner of the materials in bad faith but the worker
Takes place when two or more things is in good faith:
belonging to different owners are mixed or • The owner of the material is in bad faith
combined with the respective identities of the when he does not object to the employment
component parts destroyed or lost. of his materials. Accordingly, he shall lose
his materials and shall have the obligation to
Kinds: The mixture may be voluntary or by chance. indemnify the worker for the damages he may
(1) Commixtion or the mixture of solid things have suffered.
belonging to different owners.
(2) Confusion or the mixture of liquid things 4. Both owners are in bad faith:
belonging to different owners. • Their rights shall be determined as though both
1. Mixture by will of both the owners, both in good faith in good faith.
or by chance:
a. Their rights shall first be governed by their
stipulations. D. QUIETING OF TITLE
b. If the things mixed are of the same kind (CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 476-481)
and quality, there is no conflict of rights,
and the mixture can easily be divided • Quieting of title is a common law remedy
between the 2 owners. for the removal of any cloud upon or
c. If the things mixed are of different kind and doubt or uncertainty with respect to title
quality, in the absence of a stipulation, to real property.
each owner acquires a right or interest in • Its purpose is to secure an adjudication
the mixture in proportion to the value of his that a claim of title to or an interest in
material as in co-ownership. property, adverse to that of the
complainant, is invalid, so that the
complainant and those claiming hostile claim. (Heirs of Tappa v. Heirs of
under him may be forever Bacud, G.R. No. 187633, April 4, 2016)
afterward free from any danger of
• Whenever there is a cloud on title to real proceeding;
property or any interest therein, by • Which is apparently valid or effective;
reason of any instrument, record, claim, or • But is, in truth and in fact, invalid, ineffective,
encumbrance or proceeding which is voidable, or unenforceable, or extinguished (or
apparently valid or effective but is in truth terminated) or barred by extinctive
and in fact invalid, ineffective, voidable, or prescription; and
unenforceable, and may be prejudicial to • May be prejudicial to the title. (Heirs of Tappa v.
said title, an action may be brought to Heirs of Bacud, G.R. No. 187633, April 4, 2016)
remove such cloud or to quiet the title. An
action may also be brought to prevent a
cloud from being cast upon title to real
property or any interest therein. (Art. 476)
• There may also be an action to quiet title or
remove a cloud therefrom when the
contract, instrument or other obligation has
been extinguished or has terminated, or has
been barred by extinctive prescription. (Art.
a. The plaintiff has a legal or an equitable title
to or interest in the real property subject of
the action; and
b. The deed, claim, encumbrance or
proceeding claimed to be casting cloud on
his title must be shown to be in fact invalid
or inoperative despite its prima facie
appearance of validity or legal efficacy.
Cloud on Title
• A “cloud on title” is an outstanding
instrument, record, claim, encumbrance or
proceeding which is actually invalid or
inoperative, but which may nevertheless
impair or affect injuriously the title to that
• The matter complained of must have prima
facie appearance of validity or legal
efficacy. The cloud on title is a semblance of
title which appears in some legal form but
which is in fact unfounded. The invalidity or
inoperativeness of the instrument is not
apparent on the face of such instrument,
and it has to be proved by extrinsic
evidence. (Evangelista, et al. v. Santiago,
G.R. No. 157447, April 29, 2005)
Rights of Co-owners
1. Right to Share in the Benefits as well as the Charges
• Proportional to their interests; Stipulation to
the contrary is void;
• Portion belonging to the co-owners is
presumed equal.
• The rule on redemption is liberally guilty of laches in the exercise of their redemption
construed in favor of the original owner of right. Absent these factors, the strict letter of the
the property and the policy of the law is to law must apply – the written notice from the seller
aid rather than defeat him in the exercise of remains to be an indispensable requirement to
his right of redemption. commence the running of the 30-day redemption
G.R. NO. 219556. SEPTEMBER 14, 2021
J. Lopez
The focal point of the controversy is the 30-
day written notice requirement under Article
1623 of the New Civil Code, which states:
A partition shall be made only upon a showing:
• Three years after damage or destruction
– renders the material part unfit for its
use and such project had not been
rebuilt or repaired substantially;
• Damage or destruction has rendered
ONE HALF OR MORE of the units
untenantable and such owners having
more than 30 percent interest in the
common areas are opposed to the
repair and restoration;
• The project has been in existence in
excess of 50 years, rendering it
obsolete and uneconomical and such
owners having more than 50 percent
interest are opposed to the repair,
restoration or remodeling of such
• The project or material thereof has
been condemned or expropriated and
that the project is no longer viable;
• The conditions for such partition with
restrictions as
provided under RA 4726 have been met.
• A condominium corporation shall not,
during its existence, sell, exchange,
lease or otherwise dispose of the
common areas owned or held by it in
the condominium project unless
authorized by the affirmative vote of
all the stockholders or members.
Requisites of Possession
1. CORPUS or the possession in fact or
holding or
control of a thing or right;
2. ANIMUS POSSIDENDI or the deliberate
intention to possess the thing or right.
Possession v. Ownership
• OWNERSHIP confers certain rights to the
owner, among which are the right to
enjoy the thing owned and the right to
exclude other persons from possession
thereof while POSSESSION is defined as
the holding of a thing or the
enjoyment of a right. Literally, to
possess means to actually and
physically occupy a thing with or
without right.
• A person may be declared owner but
he may not be entitled to possession.
Rule in case of conflict in possession • possessor of the thing or right, by his actions, is
Art. 538 - Possession as a fact cannot be considered or is believed by other people as the
recognized at the same time in two owner, regardless of the good or bad faith of the
personalities EXCEPT in co-possession. possessor
(i) The present possessor shall be preferred; • If a person possesses in the concept of owner—he
(ii) If there are two possessors, the may
LONGER in possession; eventually become the owner by prescription
(iii) If dates are the same, the one who
presents a TITLE;
(iv) If all conditions are equal – the thing shall be
placed in judicial deposit pending
determination of its possession or ownership
through proper proceedings Note: Every
possessor has a right to be respected in his
possession; and should he be disturbed
therein he shall be protected in or restored to
said possession by the means established by
the laws and the Rules of Court.
(Art. 539)
Classes of Possession
1. In one’s own name – where possessor claims
the thing for himself.
2. In the name of another – for whom the thing is
held by the possessor.
3. In the concept of an owner – possessor of the
thing or right, by his actions, is considered
or is believed by other people as the
owner, regardless of the good or bad faith
of the possessor.
4. In the concept of holder – possessor holds it
merely to keep or enjoy it, the ownership
pertaining to another person; possessor
acknowledges in another a superior right
which he believes to be ownership.
B. Expenses finding has taken place.
1. NECESSARY – those which are incurred
for the preservation of the thing.
• GF – Reimbursement, Retention
• BF – Reimbursement only
C. Deterioration or Loss
1. GF – not liable unless due to fraudulent
intent or negligence
2. BF – always liable whether due to fault,
negligence or fortuitous event
Forcible Entry:
• Lawful possessor deprived through
(Force, Intimidation, Strategy, Threats,
Stealth). Prior physical possession
must be alleged.
• Prescription: 1 year from
dispossession (force, intimidation,
threats) or from knowledge of
dispossession (strategy, stealth).
• In forcible entry, one is deprived of the
physical possession of real property by
means of force, intimidation, strategy,
threats, or stealth, whereas in unlawful
detainer, one illegally withholds
possession after the expiration or
termination of his right to hold
possession under any contract,
express or implied.
Unlawful Detainer:
Jurisdictional facts of unlawful detainer:
(i) initially, possession of property by
the defendant was by contract with
GALACGAC V. BAUTISTA • In an accion reivindicatoria, the cause of action of
G.R. NO. 221384, NOVEMBER 09, 2020 the plaintiff is to recover possession by virtue of
J. Lopez his ownership of the land subject of the dispute.
A complaint for unlawful detainer must (Heirs of Cullado vs. Gutierrez, G.R. No. 212938,
sufficiently allege and prove the following key July 30, 2019)
jurisdictional facts, to wit: (1) initially,
possession of property by the defendant was
by contract with or by tolerance of the
plaintiff; (2) eventually, such possession
became illegal upon notice by plaintiff to
defendant of the termination of the latter's
right of possession; (3) thereafter, the
defendant remained in possession of the
property and deprived the plaintiff of the
enjoyment thereof; and (4) within one year from
the last demand on defendant to vacate the
property, the plaintiff instituted the
complaint for ejectment.
What is Easement? Distinguish easement from 3. EXERCISE 4. EXISTENCE TO
An EASEMENT or servitude is an encumbrance CONTINUOUS APPARENT POSITIVE
imposed use is those which impose upon
upon an immovable for the benefit of another incessant, not are made the owner of
immovable dependent on known and the
belonging to a different owner. (Art. 613, NCC). act of man are servient
USUFRUCT gives a right to enjoy the property continually estate
of another with the obligation of preserving its
kept in view the obligation
form and substance, unless the title
by external of allowing
constituting it or the law otherwise provides
signs that something to
(Art. 562, NCC).
reveal the use be done or of
and doing
The distinctions between usufruct and easement
enjoyment of it himself.
a) Usufruct includes all uses of the property
and for all purposes, including jus fruendi.
Easement is limited to a specific use.
those which no prohibits
b) Usufruct may be constituted on immovable or
are used at the
movable property. Easement may be
constituted only on an immovable property. intervals and external owner of
c) Easement is not extinguished by the death of depend upon indication the servient
the owner of the dominant estate while the Modesacts of
of Acquiring of
usufruct is extinguished by the death of the 1. If continuous and existence estate from
usufructuary unless a contrary intention a. By title (contract, will, etc.), the title governs.
appears. doing
b. By prescription—ten years something
d) An easement contemplates two (2) estates
belonging to two (2) different owners; a 2. If discontinuous and apparent—only which by
he title
usufruct contemplates only one property 3. If continuous and non-apparent—only by title
could lawfully
(real or personal) whereby the usufructuary 4. If discontinuous and non-apparent—only do by title
uses and enjoys the property as well as its if
fruits, while another owns the naked title easementand
Counting of Prescriptive Period (for continuous
Parties to an Easement apparent easement only)
1. Dominant estate – Refers to the immovable a. Positive easement - The period is counted
for which the easement was established. from the day when the owner of the
2. Servient estate – The estate which provides dominant estate begins to exercise it
the service or benefit. b. Negative easement- From the day a notarial
prohibition is made on the servient estate
1. It is a real right but will affect third persons EASEMENT OF RIGHT OF WAY - Easement of right
only when duly registered of way is an easement or a privilege by
2. It is enjoyed over another immovable, which one person or a particular class of
never on one’s persons is allowed to pass over another’s
own property land as access to public highway.
3. It involves two neighboring estates (in case
of real easements)
Note: An easement of Right of Way while
4. It is inseparable from the estate to which it
apparent is discontinuous, since the use of
is attached, and, therefore, cannot be
ROW is dependent upon the acts of men.
alienated independently of the estate
Hence, it could not be acquired by
5. It is indivisible for it is not affected by the
division of the estate between two or more prescription no matter how long period of
persons use thereof.
6. It is a right limited by the needs of the
dominant owner or estate, without Who may demand the establishment of a right of
possession way?
7. It cannot consist in the doing of an act 1. The owner of the dominant estate; or
unless the act is accessory in relation to a 2. Any person with the real right to cultivate
real easement or use the dominant estate e.g. a
8. It is a limitation on the servient owner’s usufructuary, a de jure possessor.
rights of ownership for the benefit of the
dominant owner; and, therefore, it is not Requisites for establishing a compulsory easement
presumed of right of way:
1. Estate is surrounded by other
immovables without adequate access to
1. Beneficiary:
public highway;
• Real – in favor of another immovable
2. Isolation was not due to the proprietor’s own act;
• Personal – in favor of community or persons
to whom the encumbered estate do not 3. Payment of proper indemnity;
belong. 4. Must be established at the point least
prejudicial to the servient estate. Insofar
2. Source: as consistent with the first rule, where
• Legal – by law (either public use or benefit of the distance from the dominant estate
private persons) to a public highway is shortest.
• Voluntary – by agreement
Tyler owns a lot that is enclosed by the lots of
Riley to the
North and East, of Dylan to the South, and of A nuisance is defined as "any act, omission,
Reece to the West. The current route to the establishment, business, condition of property,
public highway is a kilometer's walk through the or anything else which:
northern lot of Riley, but the route is a rough road (1) Injures or endangers the health or safety of others;
that gets muddy during the rainy season, and is or
inconvenient because it is only 2.5 meters wide. (2) Annoys or offends the senses; or
Tyler's nearest access to the public highway (3) Shocks, defies or disregards decency or morality;
would be through the southern lot of Dylan. May or
Dylan be legally required to afford to Tyler a (4) Obstructs or interferes with the free
right of way through his passage of any public highway or street,
property? Explain your answer.
or any body of water; or
No, Dylan may not be legally required to afford (5) Hinders or impairs the use of property. (Art. 694)
Tyler a right
of way through his property. The establishment Classification of Nuisance
of an easement of right of way over the 1. Public (or common) – One that affects a
servient estate has the following requisites: community or neighborhood or any
• The dominant estate must be surrounded by considerable number of persons although
other immovables and is without adequate the extent of the annoyance, danger or
outlet damage upon individuals may be unequal.
• to a public highway; 2. Private – Is one which affects an individual or
• The isolation of the dominant estate must not few persons only.
be due to the proprietor's own acts; 3. Nuisance per se – a nuisance at all times or
• The easement must be established at a one which "affects the immediate safety of
point least prejudicial to the servient estate persons and property and may be
where the distance from the dominant summarily abated under the undefined law
estate to the public highway may be the of necessity”
shortest; 4. Nuisance per accidens – That kind of nuisance
• There must be payment of proper indemnity. by reason of location, surrounding or in a
The true test of whether the easement of right manner it is conducted or managed, or that
of way must be established on another's which "depends upon certain conditions
property isadequacy of the outlet to the public and circumstances, and its existence being
highway and not the convenience of the dominant a question of fact, it cannot be abated
Exceptions to the requirement of indemnity without due hearing thereon in a tribunal
1. Whenever a piece of land acquired by sale, authorized to decide whether such a thing
exchange or partition, is surrounded by does in law constitute a nuisance."
other estates of the vendor, exchanger, or
co-owner, he shall be obliged to grant a ATTRACTIVE NUISANCE
right of way without indemnity. (Art. 652) • One who maintains on his premises
2. In case of a simple donation, when the land dangerous instrumentalities or appliances of
of the donor becomes isolated, the donor a character likely to attract children in play,
shall not be liable for indemnity. (Art. 653) and who fails to exercise ordinary care to
prevent children from playing therewith or
Extinguishment as Legal Easement of Right of Way resorting thereto, is liable to a child of
1. The owner has joined the dominant estate tender years who is injured thereby, even if
to another abutting the public road. the child is technically a trespasser in the
2. A new road is opened giving access to the premises.
isolated • As a general rule, bodies of water, whether
estate. natural or artificial, are not attractive
*Extinguishment is not automatic. The owner of the nuisances they being merely duplication
servient estate must ask for such extinguishment. of nature, unless unusual condition or
artificial features are added so as to
EXTINGUISHMENT OF EASEMENTS increase a possible invitation to danger to
1. By merger in the same person of the children at play. (Hidalgo Enterprises Inc.
ownership of the dominant and servient v. Balandan, 91 Phil 488)
estates; • Other examples of attractive nuisances
2. By non-user for ten years; with respect to include abandoned or unused large
discontinuous easements, this period shall appliances or equipment or any parts
be computed from the day on which they thereof, unsafe edifice, unsecured or
ceased to be used; and, with respect to abandoned excavation areas, and any other
continuous easements, from the day on instrumentality or appliance which may
which an act contrary to the same took prove a hazard for minors.
3. When either or both of the estates fall into ALETA V. SOFITEL
such condition that the easement cannot G.R. NO. 228150, JANUARY 11, 2023
be used; SAJ Leonen
4. By the expiration of the term or the The records show that there were two slides
fulfillment of the condition, if the easement installed with slopes ending at the kiddie pool.
is temporary or conditional; Taking Hidalgo into consideration, although
5. By the renunciation of the owner of the the swimming pool alone may not be
dominant estate;
considered as an attractive nuisance, the
6. By the redemption agreed upon between the
kiddie pool's close proximity to the slides
owners of the dominant and servient estates
formed an unusual condition or artificial
feature intended to attract children. In swimming pool's waters makes it an
other words, the installation of the attractive nuisance.
slides with slopes ending over the
By this reason, respondent was duty • If an alleged nuisance is later declared by
bound to undertake protective measures the courts to be not a real nuisance.
to ensure the children's safety. It was
respondent's responsibility to guarantee
that appropriate safeguards were in place
within the attractive nuisance in order to
protect children against the injury from
unknown or unseen dangers.
(i) Against a public nuisance are:
1. A prosecution under the Penal Code or
any local ordinance: or
2. A civil action; or
3. Abatement, without judicial proceedings.
• The district health officer shall take care
that one or all of the remedies against a
public nuisance are availed of. (Art.
• If a civil action is brought by reason of
the maintenance of a public nuisance,
such action shall be commenced by the
city or municipal mayor. (Art. 701)
• The district health officer shall
determine whether or not abatement,
without judicial proceedings, is the best
remedy against a public nuisance. (Art.
• A private person may file an action on
account of a public nuisance, if it is
especially injurious to himself. (Art. 703)
• Any private person may abate a public
nuisance which is especially injurious to
him by removing, or if necessary, by
destroying the thing which constitutes
the same, without committing a breach
of the peace, or doing unnecessary
injury, provided that all requisites of
summary abatement are complied with.
(Art. 704)
Specific Examples
1. hunting and fishing - The right to hunt and to
fish is regulated by special laws. (Art. 715)
2. finding of movables which do not have an
3. finding of abandoned movables - Finder-
keeper (Art. 719-720) Whoever finds a
movable, which is not treasure, must
return it to its previous possessor. If the
latter is unknown, the finder shall
immediately deposit it with the mayor of
the city or municipality where the finding
has taken place. The finding shall be
publicly announced by the mayor for two
consecutive weeks in the way he deems
• If the movable cannot be kept without
deterioration, or without expenses which
considerably diminish its value, it shall be
sold at public auction eight days after the
• Six months from the publication having
elapsed without the owner having
appeared, the thing found, or its value,
shall be awarded to the finder. The finder
and the owner shall be obliged, as the case
may be, to reimburse the expenses.
• If the owner should appear in time, he shall
be obliged to pay, as a reward to the finder,
one-tenth of the sum or of the price of the
thing found. (Art. 720)
4. finding of hidden treasure - He who by
chance discovers hidden treasure in
another’s property shall have the right
granted him in article 438 of this Code.
(Art. 718)
5. catching of swarm of bees that has
escaped from its owner, under certain
conditions - the owner of a swarm of bees
shall have a right to pursue them to
another’s land, indemnifying the possessor
of the latter for the damage. If the owner
has not pursued the swarm, or ceases to
do so within two consecutive days, the
possessor of the land may occupy or retain
the same. (Art. 716)
6. catching of domesticated animals that
have escaped from their owners, under
certain conditions - The owner of
domesticated animals may also claim
them within twenty days to be counted
from their occupation by another person.
This period having expired, they shall
pertain to him who has caught and kept
them. (Art. 716)
7. catching of pigeons without fraud or artifice
8. transfer of fish to another breeding place
without fraud or artifice - Pigeons and fish
which from their respective breeding
places pass to another pertaining to a
different owner shall belong to the latter,
provided they have not been enticed by
some article or fraud. (Art. 717)
B. DONATION (CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 725-773) Void donations
1) Those made between persons who were
guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time
of the donation;
Art. 725. Donation is an act of liberality whereby 2) Those made between persons found guilty
a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or
of the same criminal offense, in consideration
right in favor of another, who accepts it.
3) Those made to a public officer or his
Requisites of Donation:
1. Donor must have Capacity to make the
descendants and ascendants, by reason of his
2. He must have donative Intent (animus
3. There must be Delivery in certain cases
4. Donee must Accept or consent to the
donation during the lifetime of the donor
and of the donee in case of donation inter
vivos (Art. 746, NCC); whereas in case of
donation mortis causa, acceptance is made
after donor’s death because they partake
of a will (Art. 728, NCC)
Necessity of Acceptance
Acceptance by the donee is required because
no one can be compelled to accept the
generosity of another.
Determination of Capacity
• Capacity of both donor and donee is
determined at the time of perfection of the
• Under this view, if the donor is capacitated
at the time he makes the donation, his
subsequent incapacity does not affect the
validity of the donation and, it will be
perfected even though he is incapacitated
at the time of acceptance
In the case referred to in No. 1, the spouse, parents, or children;
action for declaration of nullity may be v. Any physician, surgeon, nurse,
brought by the spouse of the donor or health officer or druggist who took
donee; and the guilt of the donor and care of the testator during his last
donee may be proved by illness;
preponderance of evidence in the vi.Individuals, associations and
same action. (Art. 739) corporations not permitted by law to
4) Those made in favor of persons who inherit.
are incapacitated to succeed by will 5) Void Donation between spouses/
(Art. 740) common law (Art. 87, FC)
The following are incapable of succeeding (Art. • Every donation or grant of gratuitous
1027): advantage, direct or indirect, between
i. The priest who heard the the spouses during the marriage shall
confession of the testator during be void, except moderate gifts which
his last illness, or the minister of the spouses may give each other on
the gospel who extended spiritual aid the occasion of any family rejoicing.
to him during the same period; • The prohibition shall also apply to
ii. The relatives of such priest or persons living together as husband
minister of the gospel within the and wife without a valid marriage.
fourth degree, the church, order,
chapter, community, organization, CLASSIFICATIONS
or institution to which such priest 1. Simple — the cause is pure liberality (no
or minister may belong; strings attached) | FORM: That of
iii. A guardian with respect to donations
testamentary dispositions given by 2. Remuneratory — the donor "gives
a ward in his favor before the final something to reward past or future
accounts of the guardianship have services or because of future charges
been approved, even if the testator or burdens, when the value of said
should die after the approval services, burdens or charges is less
thereof; nevertheless, any than the value of the donation.” |
provision made by the ward in FORM: The form of donation should be
favor of the guardian when the followed with respect to the value
latter is his ascendant, descendant, exceeding the value of the burden
brother, sister, or spouse, shall be imposed (Art. 733)
valid; 3. Onerous - when it is "subject to burdens,
iv.Any attesting witness to the charges, or future services equal (or
execution of a will, the spouse, more) in value than that of the thing
parents, or children, or any one donated | FORM: Form of contracts (Art.
claiming under such witness, 733)
(a) If the deed of donation and the • ‘Inter Vivos Donations’ - When the donor intends
acceptance are in the same instrument: that the donation shall take effect during the
The instrument must be a public lifetime of the donor, though the property shall
document not be delivered till after the donor’s death.
(b) If the deed of donation and the (Art. 729)
acceptance are NOT in the same
1. The donation must be in a public
instrument or document.
2. The document must specify the
property donated and the charges, if
any. Note: A donation which does not
identify the land donated is of no
effect and is therefore void for
absence of object.
3. The acceptance in a separate
must be in a public instrument.
4. The donor shall be notified in
authentic form of the fact that
acceptance is being made or has
been made in a separate public
5. The fact that there has been a
notification must be noted in both
• For donation mortis causa – observe
formalities of wills
• For onerous donations – form is governed by
ordinary obligations and contracts
Conditional Donations
• Illegal or impossible conditions in simple
and remuneratory donations shall be
considered as not imposed. (Art. 727)
• When a person donates something,
subject to the resolutory condition of the
donor's survival, there is a donation inter
vivos. (Article 731)
• Donations which are to take effect inter
vivos shall be governed by the general
provisions on contracts and obligations in
all that is not determined in this Title. (Art.
• Donations with an onerous cause shall be
governed by the rules on contracts and
remuneratory donations by the provisions
of the present Title as regards that portion
which exceeds the value of the burden
imposed. (Art. 733)
Limitations Imposed By Law in making The acceptance may be made in the same
Donations Inter Vivos deed of donation or in a separate public
1. Donor must Reserve sufficient document, but it shall not take effect
means for his support and for his unless it is done during the lifetime of the
relatives who are entitled to be donor.
supported by him (Art. 750, NCC).
2. Donation cannot comprehend If the acceptance is made in a separate
Future property except donations instrument, the donor shall be notified
between future husband and wife thereof in an authentic form, and this step
(See Art. 84 FC). shall be noted in both instruments.
3. No person may give by way of
donation More than he may give by Unlike ordinary contracts, which are
will. perfected by the concurrence of the
requisites of consent, object and cause,
PATENIA-KINATAC-AN V. PATENIA-DECENA solemn contracts like donations of
G.R. NO. 238325, JUNE 15, 2020 immovable property are valid only when
J. Lopez they comply with legal formalities. Absent
As a rule, contracts are obligatory in the solemnity requirements for validity,
whatever form they may have been the mere intention of the parties and
entered into, provided all the concurrence to the agreement will not
essential requisites for their validity give rise to a contract. In Abellana v. Sps.
are present. When, however, the law Ponce, we ruled that an oral donation of a
requires that a contract be in some real property is void and an action to
form to be valid, that requirement is declare its inexistence does not prescribe.
absolute and indispensable. Its non- Also, in Sumipat v. Banga, the donation
observance renders the contract void was patently void because the donees'
and of no effect. 16 Here, what acceptance is not manifested either in the
deed itself or in a separate document.
Josefa executed a Deed of Donation covering a one hectare rice land in favor of her daughter,
Jennifer. The deed
specifically provides that: “For and in consideration of the love and service Jennifer has shown
and given to me, I hereby freely, voluntarily, and irrevocably donate to her my one hectare rice
land covered by TCT No. 11550, located in San Fernando, Pampanga. This donation shall take
effect upon my death.” The deed also contained Jennifer’s signed acceptance, and an attached
notarized declaration by Josefa and Jennifer that the land will remain in Josefa’s possession and
cannot be alienated, encumbered, sold or disposed of while Josefa is still alive. Advise Jennifer
whether the deed is a donation inter vivos or mortis causa and explain the reasons supporting your advice.
I will advise Jennifer that the deed of donation executed in her favor by Josefa is a donation inter
vivos. A donation mortis
causa is revocable during the lifetime of the donor. On the other hand, an inter vivos donation
once accepted, is generally irrevocable. The law further requires that if it involves immovable
property, it must be in a public document and there must be a deed of acceptance which must be
in the same deed of donation. If the acceptance is in a separate instrument, it has to be noted in
both instruments (Article 749).
In the case presented, the deed of acceptance clearly signifies that it is a donation inter vivos
because a donation mortis causa need not be accepted by the donee during the lifetime of the
donor, in fact, it would be premature to accept a donation mortis causa if the donor is still alive.
The fact that the donation made by Josefa was irrevocable and that there is an acceptance
clause indicate that it is a
donation inter vivos.
Also, the prohibition on alienation during Josefa’s lifetime all the more indicates that the donation
B donated to M a parcel of land in 1980. B made the deed of donation, entitled “Donation Inter
Vivos,” in a public
instrument and M accepted the donation in the same document. It was provided in the deed that
the land donated shall be immediately delivered to M and that M shall have the right to enjoy the
fruits fully. The deed also provided that B was reserving the right to dispose of said land during his
(B’s) lifetime, and that M shall not register the deed of donation until after B’s death.
Upon B’s death, W, B’s widow and sole heir, filed an action for the recovery of the donated land,
contending that the donation made by B is a donation mortis causa and not a donation inter
vivos. Will said action prosper? Explain your
Yes, the action will prosper. The donation is a donation mortis causa because the reservation is
to dispose of all the property donated and, therefore, the donation is revocable at will. Accordingly,
One of the essential distinctions between a donation inter vivos and a donation mortis causa is that
while the former is irrevocable, the latter is revocable. In the problem given, all the clauses or
conditions mentioned in the deed of donation, except one, are consistent with the rule of
irrevocability and would have sustained the view that the donation is inter vivos and therefore valid.
The lone exception is the clause which reserves the donor’s right to sell the property at any time
before his death. Such a reservation has been held to render the donation revocable and, therefore,
becomes a donation mortis causa (Puig vs. Penqflorida, 15 SCRA 276, at p.286).That the right was not
exercised is immaterial; its reservation was an implied recognition of the donor’s power to nullify
the donation anytime he wished to do so.
Consequently, it should have been embodied in a last will and testament. The suit for nullity will
thus prosper.
Secondary – Legitimate parents & other
legitimate ascendants, Illegitimate parents
• The donation shall be revoked or reduced
insofar as it exceeds the portion that may
be freely disposed of by will, taking into
account the whole estate of the donor at
the time of the birth, appearance or
adoption of a child. (Art. 761)
• If, there being two or more donations,
the disposable portion is not sufficient
to cover all of them, those of the more
recent date shall be suppressed or
reduced with regard to the excess. (Art.
• Inofficious donation - A donation is
inofficious or excessive when its amount
impairs the legitimes of the compulsory
heirs. Donations must be charged only
against the disposable free portion. If its
amount exceeds the same, the excess is
void for being inofficious.
• Legitime - is that part of the testator’s
property which he cannot dispose of
because the law has reserved it for
certain heirs who are called compulsory
heirs (Art 886)
• Compulsory heirs – are those for whom
the law has reserved a portion of the
testator’s estate which is known as the
legitime. Primary – Legitimate children and
legit descendants, surviving spouse,
illegitimate children & descendants;
NON-COMPLIANCE honor or the property of the donor, or
On January 21, 1986, A executed a deed of of his wife or children under his
donation inter
The donation
• vivos shallofbe
of a parcel revoked
land to Dr. at
B the
who had
parental authority;
earlier constructed thereon a buildingthe
instance of the donor, when in which (2) If the donee imputes to the donor any
donee failson
researches to the
comply withdisease
dreaded any of AIDS
the were criminal offense, or any act involving
being which the
conducted. Theformer
deed, imposed
acknowledged moral turpitude, even though he should
upon the
before latter.public, was handed over by A
a notary prove it, unless the crime or the act
• to Dr. B who period:
Prescriptive received4 it. A few
years fromdays after, A
the has been committed against the donee
flew to Davao City. Unfortunately,
noncompliance with the condition the airplane himself, his wife or children under his
was ridingto crashed
revoke on landing
may killing
be him. authority;
Twotransmitted to the heirs of the Dr. B,
days after the unfortunate accident. (3) If he unduly refuses him support when
upon advice of a lawyer, executed a deed the donee is legally or morally bound to
donor, and may be exercised
acknowledged before a notary public accepting
give support to the donor.
theagainst the Is
donation. donee’s heirs. effective? Explain
the donation
answer. DUE TO INGRATITUDE (Art. 765) Prescriptive Period: 1 year, to be counted from
(1) If the donee should ANSWER
SUGGESTED commit some the time the donor had knowledge of the
No,offense againstis the
the donation not person, The lawfact and it was possible for him to bring the
requires that the action. (Art. 769)
separate acceptance of the donee of an
immovable must be done in a public document REVOCATION REDUCTION
Failure of the 69
Birth, appearance, donor to reserve
or adoption of a sufficient means
child (Art. 760); for support of
himself or
relatives (Art.
Failure of the
Non-fulfillment of donor to reserve
condition imposed sufficient
by the donor (Art. property to pay
764.); off his existing
debts (Art. 759.);
that is, the
Ingratitude of donation
the exceeds that
donee. (Art. 765) which the donor
can give by will
(Arts. 752, 771.);
X and Y
PRESCRIPTION: were in a live-in relationship for the
longest time, and
1. were
Capacity to acquire by prescription.
already blessed with a child, Z. They finally
decided to get married on March 15, 2020, When 2. The object must be susceptible of prescription.
X’s parents found about the news, they were 3. The possession must be in the concept of
thrilled and thus, donated in favor of Z, the family the owner, public, peaceful, continuous,
heirloom, particularly, a gold ring valued at and uninterrupted; and,
P250,000.00 which X and Y orally accepted on 4. The period of possession must be 8 years if
behalf of their minor child. One day, X and Y got object is movable, or 30 years if it is
into a serious quarrel, which resulted in them immovable.
setting aside their marriage plans.
(a) Is the donation to Z valid? Explain. (3%) DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN ACQUISITIVE AND
(b) Assuming that the donation to Z is valid, may EXTINCTIVE PRESCRIPTION
X’s parents revoke the donation on the ground
that the marriage of X with Y did not push ACQUISITIVE EXTINCTIVE
through? Explain. (3%)
(a) No, it is a void donation. This is an ordinary relationship between one does not look to
donation inter
occupant and the land the
act of the possessor
vivos, not a donation proper nuptias. The Civil
Code provides that if the value of the personal in
terms of possession but the neglect of
property donated exceeds five thousand is
capable of producing the
pesos, the donation and the acceptance shall legal
consequences; it is
be made in writing; otherwise, the donation
shall be void. A piece of jewelry like the family the
possessor who is the
heirloom here which is a gold ring, valued at actor
P250,000.00, is a personal property. Here, the requires possession requires inaction of
acceptance was made orally; therefore, the by a
claimant who is not the
owner or neglect of
donation is void (Article 748). the
owner one a right to bring
(b) No, because it is an ordinary donation, not a his
donation propter nuptias. The ground that the action
marriage did not push through may only be
raised to revoke donations by reason of
applicable to applies to all kinds
marriage which is defined by Article 126 of ownership
and other real rights of
rights, whether real
the Family Code, as those which are made or
before its celebration, in consideration of the
vests ownership or produces the
real rights in the extinction
of rights or bars a
occupant right of
(CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 1106- results in the results in the loss
1155) one acquires ownership and
By PRESCRIPTION acquisition
5. ownership
The possession must of
or other be aby
real or virtue
of aright,
just title;
other real rights through the lapse of time in real andin a person as
rights or
bars the cause of
the manner and under the conditions laid down well
6. The
as the period
loss ofof said action
possession must said
to enforce be four
right years if
by law. In the same way, right and actions are object
ownership or real
lost by prescription. (Art. 1106, NCC) is movable, or 10 years if it is immovable.
another in
Kinds of prescription:
can be proven under should be
1. Acquisitive prescription - one acquires
general issue without affirmatively
pleaded and proved
ownership and other real rights through the
lapse of time in the manner and under the its
being to
bar the action or
conditions laid down by law. pleaded claim
the of
adverse party
a. Ordinary acquisitive prescription:
requires possession of things in good
faith and with just title for the time
fixed by law
b. Extraordinary acquisitive
prescription: acquisition
of ownership and other real rights
without need of title or of good faith or
any other condition.
2. Extinctive prescription - rights and actions are
lost through the lapse of time in the
manner and under the conditions laid down
by law.
NOT RUN (Arts. 1108-110) 2. action upon a quasi-contract (Art 1146 NCC)
1. Against minors and other incapacitated
persons who have no parents, guardians
or other legal representatives
2. Against absentees who have no
3. Against persons living abroad who have
no managers or administrators
4. Against the State and its subdivision
except as regards patrimonial property
5. Between husband and wife, even though
there be separation of property agreed
upon in the marriage settlements or by
judicial decree.
6. Between parents and children, during the
or insanity of the latter
7. Between guardian and ward during the
continuance of the guardianship
8. Between co-owners/ co-heirs (Art 494)
Prescription of action/ limitation of action is
the time within which an action may be
brought or some act done to preserve the
Recovery of Movables
• Good Faith - 4 years
• Bad Faith - 8 years
Recovery of Immovables
• Good Faith - 10 years
• Bad Faith - 30 years
Life time
1. Action for annulment of marriage based
on insanity (Art 47 FC)
2. Action to claim legitimacy (Art 173 FC)
3. Action to compel acknowledgement of
illegitimate child (Art 175 FC)
30 years
action for recovery of immovables from
time possession is lost if possessor is in
bad faith (Art 1141 NCC)
10 years
1. action for recovery of immovables from
time possession is lost if possessor is in
good faith (Art 1141 NCC)
2. action upon a mortgage contract
3. action upon a written contract
4. action upon an obligation created by law
5. action upon a judgement
8 years
action to recover movables from time
possession is lost if possessor is in bad faith
(Arts 1132, 1140 NCC)
6 years
1. action upon an oral contract (Art 1145
5 years 40 days
1. Action to claim legitimacy if child Redhibitory action based on defects of animals
should die during minority or insanity (Art
(Art 173 FC) 1577 NCC)
2. Action for declaration of incapacity
of heir (Art 1040 NCC)
3. Action for warranty of solvency of
debtor if credit is assigned to a co- 71
heir during partition (Art 1095 NCC)
4. All other actions where periods are
not fixed by law (Art 1149 NCC)
5. Action for annulment of marriage
based on lack of parental consent,
fraud, force or intimidation,
impotency, sexually transmissible
disease (Art 47 FC)
6. Action for legal separation (Art 55 FC)
7. Action to claim acknowledgement if
illegitimate child died during minority
or insanity (Art 175 FC)
4 years
1. Action for revocation or reduction of
donation based on supervening birth,
appearance or adoption of child (Art
763 NCC)
2. Action for revocation of donation
based on nonfulfillment of condition
(Art 764 NCC)
3. Action for recovery of movable if
possessor is in good faith (Art 1132)
4. Action upon a quasi-delict (Art 1146 NCC)
5. Action for rescission of rescissible
contracts (Art 1389 NCC)
6. Action for annulment of voidable
contracts (Art 1391 NCC)
3 years
Action to impugn legitimacy if husband is
abroad (Art 170 FC)
2 years
Action to impugn legitimacy if husband
is in the Philippines but not residing in
the same place of birth or registration
(Art 170 FC)
1 year
1. Action by husband to impugn child’s
legitimacy if he is residing in the
same place where birth took place or
is recorded (Art 170 FC)
2. Action for revocation of donation for
acts of ingratitude (Art 769 NCC)
3. Action for forcible entry and unlawful
detainer (Art
1147 NCC)
4. Action for defamation (Art 1147 NCC)
5. Action for rescission or damages if
immovable sold is encumbered with
nonapparent burden or servitude (Art
1560 NCC)
6 months
• Action for reduction of price or for
rescission in case of breach of sale of
real estate either with a statement of
its area at a certain price for a unit of
measure or number (Arts 1543, 1539
NCC) or for lump sum (Arts 1543,
1542 NCC)
• Action for warranty against hidden
defects of thing sold (Art 1571 NCC)
Interruption of Prescription of Actions in favor of a co-owner or co-heir against his co-
Art. 1154. The period during which the obligee owners or co-heirs so long as he expressly or
was prevented by a fortuitous event from impliedly recognizes the co-ownership. Peter has
enforcing his right is not reckoned against him. never openly claimed sole ownership of the
The prescription of actions is interrupted property nor had
1. When they are filed before the court; he notified Senen of his having repudiated the co-
2. When there is a written extrajudicial demand ownership.
by the creditors;
3. When there is any written acknowledgement
of the debt by the debtor (Art 1155 NCC)
G.R. NO. 232825, SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
J. Lopez
The period to file an action for reformation of
instrument is interrupted on account of written
acknowledgement of the obligation.
Elements of Laches
(1) the conduct of the defendant or one
under whom he claims, gave rise to the
situation complained of;
(2) here was delay in asserting a right after
knowledge of the defendant's conduct
and after an opportunity to sue;
(3) defendant had no knowledge or
notice that the complainant would
assert his right;
(4) here is injury or prejudice to the
defendant in the event relief is accorded
to the complainant.
Defense of Laches
• based on equity.
• It is not based on the title of the party
invoking it, but on the right holder's "long
inaction or inexcusable neglect" to assert
his claim.
Laches v. Prescription
Laches is different from the statute of
limitations. Prescription is concerned with the
fact of delay, whereas laches is concerned
with the effect of delay. Prescription is a
A. Regalian Doctrine (1987 CONST., art. XII, not more than twenty-five years, and under such
sec. 2) terms and conditions as may be provided by law. In
cases of water rights for irrigation, water supply
B. Nationality Restrictions on Land Ownership fisheries, or industrial uses other than the
(1987 CONST., art. XII, secs. 7-8) development of water power, beneficial use may be
C. Registry of Property (Civil Code, arts. 708- the measure and limit of the grant.”
D. Torrens System; Certificate of Title (P.D.
No. 1529, secs. 39 and 44)
E. Original Registration
F. Confirmation of Imperfect Titles (R.A. No.
(1987 CONST., ART. XII, SEC.
• Private title to land must be traced to some
grant, express or implied, from the Spanish
Crown or its successors, the American
Colonial Government, and thereafter, the
Philippine Republic
• In a broad sense, the term refers to royal
rights, or those rights to which the King has
by virtue of his prerogatives
• In Spanish law, it refers to a right which the
sovereign has over anything in which a
subject has a right of property or
propriedad. These were rights enjoyed
during feudal times by the King as the
• The theory of jure regalia was therefore
nothing more than a natural fruit of
• All lands of the public domain belong to the
State, which is the source of any asserted
right to ownership of land.
• All lands not appearing to be clearly
within private
ownership are presumed to belong to the
• General Rule: Public land remains part of
the inalienable public domain. XPN: Unless
it is shown to have been reclassified or
alienated to a private person by the State
• To overcome this presumption,
incontrovertible evidence must be
established that the land subject of the
application is alienable or disposable.
• The Regalian doctrine extends not only to
land but also to all natural wealth that may
be found in the bowels of the earth.
The agricultural lands of public domain
which alone may be alienated, forest or
timber, and mineral lands, as well as all
other natural resources must remain with
the State, the exploration, development
and utilization of which shall be subject
to its full control and supervision albeit
allowing it to enter into co-production,
joint venture or production-sharing
agreements, or into agreements with
foreign-owned corporations involving
technical or financial assistance for large-
scale exploration, development, and
• Filipino citizens, whether residing in the
Philippines or abroad, are generally entitled
to own land in the country.
• Corporations or Associations at least 60%
Filipino- Owned: Corporations or
associations at least 60% owned by Filipino
citizens are also eligible to acquire and hold
land, subject to certain limitations.
• Condominiums: Foreigners are allowed to
own condominium units, provided that the
foreign ownership does not exceed 40% of
the total units in the condominium project.
• Long-term Lease: Foreigners can enter into
long-term lease agreements for residential
or commercial properties for an initial
period of up to 50 years, renewable for
another 25 years.
• Foreigners cannot acquire lands except
through hereditary succession (intestate not
by will);
• i.e. the default laws on inheritance which
are not transfers of ownership by way of a
last will and testament.
• Former Filipino Citizens: Foreigners who
were former Filipino citizens can acquire
land up to a maximum area of 5,000 square
meters for residential purposes and 3
hectares for business or commercial
G.R. NO. 202039, AUGUST 14, 2019
C.J. Bersamin
• Section 7, Article XII of the 1987
Constitution states that: "Save in cases of
hereditary succession, no private lands shall
be transferred or conveyed except to
individuals, corporations, or associations
qualified to acquire or hold lands of the
public domain." It seems clear, however,
that the lower courts were too quick to
pronounce that Georg, being a German
citizen, was automatically disqualified from
owning lands in the Philippines.
• At best, an alien could have enjoyed a
limited right to own lands. Section 8, Article
XII of the Constitution provides:
"Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7
of this Article, a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines who has lost his Philippine
• Sec. 10. Other Rights of Natural Born area and vice versa.
Citizen Pursuant to the Provisions of
Article XII, Section 8 of the Purpose - The Registry of Property has for its
Constitution. - Any natural born citizen object the inscription or annotation of acts and
who has lost his Philippine citizenship contracts relating to the ownership and other
and who has the legal capacity to rights over immovable property. (Art. 708)
enter into a contract under Philippine
Effect of failure to register - The titles of ownership, or
laws may be a transferee of a private
of other rights over immovable property, which
land up to a maximum area of five
are not duly inscribed or annotated in the
thousand (5,000) square meters in the Registry of Property shall not prejudice third
case of urban land or three (3) persons. (Art. 709)
hectares in the case of rural land to be
used by him for business or other Effect of Non-Registration on the Immediate Parties to a
purposes. Transaction
• In the case of married couples, one of As between the parties to a sale, registration is
them may avail of the privilege herein not necessary to make it valid and effective,
granted: Provided, That if both shall for such notice is equivalent to registration. To
avail of the same, the total area hold otherwise would make the Torrens System a
acquired shall not exceed the shield for the commission of fraud by the
maximum herein fixed. vendor or his heirs who would then be able to
• In case the transferee already owns reconvey the property to other persons. Indeed,
urban or rural land for business or registration is intended to protect the buyer
other purposes, he shall still be against claims of third persons arising from
entitled to be a transferee of subsequent alienations by the vendor, and is
additional urban or rural land for certainly not necessary to give effect as
business or other purposes which between the parties to the contract. (Manuel v.
when added to those already owned PNB, L-9664, July 31, 1957; Monge v. Angeles,
by him shall not exceed the maximum L-9558, May 24, 1957; Galanza v. Nuesa, 50
O.G. 4213).
areas herein authorized.
• A transferee under this Act may
Public records - The books in the Registry of
acquire not more than two (2) lots Property shall be public for those who have a
which should be situated in different known interest in ascertaining the status of the
municipalities or cities anywhere in the immovables or real rights annotated or inscribed
Philippines: Provided, That the total therein. (Art. 710)
land area thereof shall not exceed five
thousand (5,000) square meters in the Governing Laws - For determining what titles are
case of urban land or three (3) subject to inscription or annotation, as well as the
hectares in the case of rural land for form, effects, and cancellation of inscriptions and
use by him for business or other annotations, the manner of keeping the books in
purposes. A transferee who has the Registry, and the value of the entries
already acquired urban land shall be contained in said books, the provisions of the
disqualified from acquiring rural land Mortgage Law, the Land Registration Act, and
other special laws shall govern. (Art. 711)
(CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 708-711)
Purposes of Registration and Publicity registered, with very few exceptions, should not
(a) to give true notice of the true status of real thereafter be impugned, altered, changed,
property and real rights thereto; modified, enlarged, or diminished, except in
(b) to prejudice third persons (unless they some direct proceeding permitted by law.
have actual knowledge of the transaction Otherwise all security in registered titles would
concerned) (Art. 709; Tuason v. Reyes, 48 be lost. (Legarda v. Saleeby | G.R. No. L-8936 |
Phil. 844); October 2, 1915).
(c) to record acts or contracts (transmissions
and modifications of ownership and other
real rights over real properties);
(d) to prevent the commission of frauds, thus
insuring the effectivity of real rights over
real property.
Note: Registration is not a mode of acquiring
(P.D. NO. 1529, SECS. 39 AND 44)
• A certificate of title is the transcript of the
decree of registration made by the Registrar
of Deeds in the registry. (Philippine National
Bank vs. Tan Ong Zse | G.R. No. L-27991 |
December 24, 1927)
• The certificate of registration accumulates
in open document a precise and correct
statement of the exact status of the fee
held by its owner.
• The certificate, in the absence of fraud, is
the evidence of title and shows exactly the
real interest of its owner. The title once
Kinds of Certificate of Title free of all
1. Original Certificate of Title (OCT) encumbrances
2. Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) May hold
3. Condominium Certificate of Title (CCT) except
Duplicate Certificate of Title those same subject
The following are entitled to a duplicate noted on said to more
certificate of title: certificate, and encumbranc
1. Registered Owner es, such as
any of the
2. Co-owner
encumbrances prior
Original Certificate of Title Distinguished from specifically interests
Transfer Certificate of Title enumerated in which
Sec. 39, Act though
(now Sec. 44, he had
OCT TCT P.D. knowledge of
Issued for the 1529) which at the time
first may of the
time after the Issued after be subsisting purchase.
land the
has cancellation
of 75
adjudicated and the
decreed in the certificate of
name of its title when
owner the
in original or land is
registration transferred by
proceedings by the
the Registrar of owner by
As to issuance
system one
(Section 45, Act person to
496) another (Sec.
50, Act
now Sec.
P.D. 1529).
Holds the land
Enforceability of Certificate of Title: Authority);
• valid and enforceable against the whole 5. Publication of a notice of the filing of the
world by the fact that it was issued pursuant application and date and place of the hearing
to a decree of registration based upon final in the Official Gazette;
judgment promulgated by a court of 6. Service of notice upon contiguous owners,
competent jurisdiction after due publication, occupants and those known to have interests
notice and hearing, provided that the said in the property by the sheriff.
decree has not been reopened within one
year from the date of its issuance on the
ground of actual fraud.
• Once registered, cannot be defeated, even
by adverse, open, and notorious possession.
• Once registered, cannot be defeated by
• A conclusive evidence of the ownership of the
land referred to therein.
• After the expiration of the one (1) year
period from the issuance of the decree of
registration upon which it is based, it
becomes incontrovertible.
Requisites and Process in ordinary land registration notice, the same being included in the general
proceedings: description "To all whom it may concern".
1. Survey of land by the Bureau of Lands or a
duly licensed private surveyor;
2. Filing of application for registration by the
3. Setting of the date for the initial hearing of
the application by the Court;
4. Transmittal of the application and the date
of initial hearing with all the documents or
other evidences attached thereto by the
Clerk of Court to the Land Registration
Commission (now Land Registration
5. Publication of a notice of the filing of the
application and date and place of the
hearing in the Official Gazette;
6. Service of notice upon contiguous owners,
occupants and those known to have
interests in the property by the sheriff.
7. Filing of answer to the application by any
person whether named in the notice or not;
8. Hearing of the case by the Court;
9. Promulgation of judgment by the Court;
10. Issuance of the decree by the Court
declaring the decision final and instructing
the Land Registration Authority to issue a
decree of confirmation and registration;
11. Entry of the decree of registration in the
Land Registration Authority;
12. Sending of copy of the decree of
registration to the corresponding Register
of Deeds;
13. Transcription of the decree of registration
in the registration book and issuance of the
owner’s duplicate original certificate of title
to the applicant by the Register of Deeds,
upon payment of the prescribed fees.
JIMENEZ V. JIMENEZ ET AL. the time of the sale, the buyer was not aware of any
G.R. NO. 228011, FEBRUARY 10, 2021 claim or interest of some other person in the
J. Lopez property, or of any defect or restriction in the title of
In Cavite Development Bank v. Lim, the Court the seller or in his capacity to convey title to the
explained the doctrine of mortgagee in good property.
faith as follows:
There is, however, a situation where, despite the fact
that the mortgagor is not the owner of the
mortgaged property, his title being fraudulent, the
mortgage contract and any foreclosure sale arising
therefrom are given effect by reason of public policy.
This is the doctrine of "the mortgagee in good faith"
based on the rule that all persons dealing with
property covered by a Torrens Certificate of Title, as
buyers or mortgagees, are not required to go beyond
what appears on the face of the title. The public
interest in upholding the indefeasibility of a certificate
of title, as evidence of the lawful ownership of the
land or of any encumbrance thereon, protects a buyer
or mortgagee who, in good faith, relied upon what
appears on the face of the certificate of title.
G.R. NO. 253305, AUGUST 02, 2023
J. Hernando
A buyer for value in good faith is one who buys
property of another, without notice that some
other person has a right to, or interest in, such
property and pays full and fair price for the
same, at the time of such purchase, or before
he has notice of the claim or interest of some
other persons in the property. He buys the
property with the well-founded belief that the
person from whom he receives the thing had
title to the property and capacity to convey it.
G.R. NO. 213207, FEBRUARY 15, 2022
En Banc
• In 1958, Manuel Dee Ham had the Subject Property surveyed and declared in his name for
tax purposes. After Manuel's death, the property was inherited by his wife and children,
who transferred ownership to the Dee Ham family corporation, PRCI.
• PRCI began paying the property taxes, and in 2009, Esperanza executed an Affidavit formalizing
the transfer.
• In 2010, Esperanza, as President of PRCI, filed an application for original registration of
title over the Subject Property. The RTC rendered a judgment confirming and affirming
PRCI's title to the property under PD 1529, also known as the Property Registration
Decree. CA affirmed the RTC Decision and denied Republic’s Motion for Reconsideration.
Thus, this instant case.
• The SC remanded the case to the CA for reception of evidence on the Subject Property's
land classification status in accordance with Section 7 of RA 11573. Thereafter, the CA is
directed to resolve PRCI's application for land registration with utmost dispatch following
the guidelines set forth in this Decision.
• Where the property subject of the application had not been utilized by the State, and the latter
had not manifested any intention to utilize the same, proof of conversion into patrimonial
property requires the establishment of a negative fact — the lack of intent on the part of
the State to retain the property and utilize the same for some public purpose. In such
situations, what precludes the conversion of property of public dominion to patrimonial
property is an existing intention to use the same for public purpose, and not one that is
merely forthcoming.
• In other words, placing on the applicant the burden to prove the State's lack of intent to retain
the property would be unreasonable, and totally beyond the text and purpose of PD 1529.
Further, this renders illusory the legal provisions in the Civil Code for the acquisition of
property. After all, it is the State which has the capacity to prove its own intent to use
such property for some public purpose in the absence of any overt manifestation thereof
through prior use, occupation, or express declaration.
• Jurisprudence instructs that when the plaintiff's case depends upon the establishment of a
negative fact, and the means of proving the fact are equally within the control of each party, the
burden of proof is placed upon the party averring the negative fact. Conversely, if the means
to prove the negative fact rests easily, if not only, upon the defendant, the plaintiff should
not be made to bear the burden of proving it.
• In cases where land held by the State has not been previously utilized for some public
purpose, the State has no prior use to abandon or withdraw the land from. It would
therefore be unreasonable to require the applicant to present a law or executive
proclamation expressing such abandonment for there never will be one. The imposition of this
additional requirement in cases where the land so possessed had never been utilized by
the State has dire consequences for those who have occupied and cultivated the land in
the concept of owners for periods beyond what is required by law.
• However, and to be clear, where the property subject of the application had been
previously utilized by the State for some public purpose, proof of conversion requires the
establishment of a positive fact — the abandonment by the State of its use and the
consequent withdrawal of the property from the public dominion. To establish this positive
fact, it becomes incumbent upon the applicant to present an express government
manifestation that the land subject of his application already constitutes patrimonial
property, or is no longer retained for some public purpose. It is within this context that
the second requirement espoused in Malabanan was crafted. This second requirement
covered "converted" patrimonial property of the State, or those falling within the scope of
Article 422 of the Civil Code.
• Notably, Section 6 of RA 11573 shortens the period of possession required under the old
Section 14(1). Instead of requiring applicants to establish their possession from "June
12, 1945, or earlier", the new Section 14(1) only requires proof of possession "at least
twenty (20) years immediately preceding the filing of the application for confirmation of
title except when prevented by war or force majeure.“
• Equally notable is the final proviso of the new Section 14(1) which expressly states that
upon proof of possession of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain for the period
and in the manner required under said provision, the applicant/s "shall be conclusively
presumed to have performed all the conditions essential to a Government grant and shall be
entitled to a certificate of title under this section." This final proviso unequivocally confirms
that the classification of land as alienable and disposable immediately places it within the
commerce of man, and renders it susceptible to private acquisition through adverse
Rural Bank of Ormoc City, Inc. | G.R. No. L-40177
| February 12 1976)
• It is intended to create or preserve any
lien, status,
right, or attachment upon registered land.
• Transactions affecting land in which
cooperation of registered owner is not
needed, or even against his will.
• Is a notice to third persons that someone is
claiming an interest on the property or has
a better right than the registered owner
thereof. The disputed land is subject to the
outcome of the dispute.
• The annotation of an adverse claim is a
measure designed to protect the interest of
a person over a piece of real property where
the registration of such interest or right is
not otherwise provided for by the Land
Registration Act, and serves as a notice and
warning to third parties dealing with said
property that someone is claiming an
interest on the same or a better right than
the registered owner thereof. (Lucio C.
Sanchez, Jr., vs. Hon. Court of Appeals and
• An adverse claim arises whenever a court also finds the claim to be frivolous, it
personG.claims any part or
SUBSEQUENT interest averse
REGISTRATION may fine the claimant the amount of not
to the registered owner's interest; less than 1,000 pesos nor more than 5,000
(P.D. NO. 1529,
arising subsequent SECS. 51-53)
to registration. pesos, in its discretion.
• Diaz-Duarte v. Ong, 298 SCRA 388 (1998) -
Claim is adverse when: For this purpose, the interested party must
1. A claimant’s right or interest in file with the proper court a petition for
registered land is adverse to the cancellation of adverse claim, and a hearing
registered owner; must also first be conducted.
2. Such right arose subsequent to date of • The Register of Deeds cannot on its own
original registration
automatically cancel the adverse claim.
3. No other provision is made in the
Decree for the registration of such right
or claim (Sec. 70, PD 1529, Sanchez v. 81
CA, 69 SCRA 327 (1976)
• A mere money claim cannot be
registered as an adverse claim
• Actual knowledge is equivalent to
registration of
adverse claim.
• No 2nd adverse claim based on the
same ground may be registered by
the same claimant.
How annotated?
• The adverse claimant shall execute an
affidavit which shall state his claim to
any part or interest in the registered
land adverse to the registered owner.
• The affidavit shall be filed with the
Register of Deeds; who, after
examination of the claim may annotate
the adverse claim on the registered land.
1. The adverse claimant must state the following
in writing:
a. his alleged right or interest;
b. how and under whom such alleged
right or interest is acquired;
c. the description of the land in which the
right or
interest is claimed; and
d. the number of the certificate of title;
2. The statement must be signed and
sworn to before a notary public or other
officer authorized to administer oath;
3. The claimant should state his residence
or the place to which all notices may be
served upon him. Non- compliance with
the above requisites renders the
adverse claim non-registrable and
Any potential buyer of land shall be
considered to have been alerted of any
defect in the title The individual shall be
considered in bad faith if he purchases land
despite the annotation.
How cancelled
• The cancellation of the notice of lis
pendens under the first paragraph of
Section 77 involves the filing of a
motion in the court where the action
(Which is the source of the lis
pendens) is pending· Thus, the court
may order the removal of the annotation
even while the case is pending.
• A notice of lis pendens may be cancelled
when the annotation is:
• only for purpose of molesting an adverse party;
• not necessary to protect the title of the
party who caused it to be recorded;
• When the consequences of the trial are
unnecessarily delaying the
determination of the case to the
prejudice of the other party.
• Register of Deeds may also cancel by
verified petition of party who caused
such registration
• Deemed cancelled when certificate is
issued by clerk of court stating manner
of disposal of proceeding that is
1. That a person sustains loss or damage, or
is deprived of any estate or interest in
2. On account of the bringing of land
under the operation of the Torrens
system arising after original
3. Through fraud, error, omission, mistake
or misdescription in a certificate of title
or entry or memorandum in the
registration book,
4. Without negligence on his part, and
5. He is barred or precluded from bringing
an action for the recovery of such land
or estate or interest therein.
6. The action has not prescribed.
The Regional Trial Court of the place where
the land is located shall be vested with
jurisdiction over the claims of an individual
for recovery against the Assurance Fund.
(Sec. 95)
Period to File
6 years from the time the right to bring
such action first accrued: (Sec. 102)
Filed Against
1. Registrar of Deeds
2. the National Treasurer and
3. other persons as co-defendants when:
“such action is brought to recover for
loss or damage or for deprivation of
land or any interest therein arising
through fraud, negligence, mistake or
misfeasance of persons other than court
personnel, the Registrar of Deeds, his
deputy or other employees of the
registry’’ (Sec. 96)
The plaintiff has a period of six years from
the time the right of action accrues within
which to bring the action against the
Assurance Fund. In a case, a complaint filed
more than ten years after the property had
been registered was ordered dismissed
Contents of a Petition for Judicial Reconstitution of the in rem reconstitution proceedings.
Said petition shall allege the following:
1. that the owner’s duplicate of the THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINES V. ABALLE
certificate of title had been lost or G.R. NO. 147212, MARCH 24, 2006
destroyed; J. Austria-Martinez
2. that no co-owner’s, mortgagee’s or Jurisprudence dictates that these
lessee’s duplicate had been issued requirements must be complied with before
or, if any had been issued, the same the court can act on the petition and grant
had been lost or destroyed; the reconstitution of title prayed for.
3. the location, area and boundaries of the Specifically, the requirement of actual notice
property; to the occupants and the owners of the
4. the nature and description of the adjoining property is itself mandatory to vest
building or improvements, if any, jurisdiction upon the court in a petition for
which do not belong to the owner of reconstitution of title, and essential in order
the land, and the names and to allow said court to take the case on its
addresses of the owners of such merits. The non-observance of the
buildings or improvements; requirement invalidates the whole
5. the names and addresses of the reconstitution proceedings in the trial court.
occupants or persons in possession of
the property, of the owners of the
adjoining properties and of all persons 84
who may have interest in the
6. a detailed description of the
encumbrances, if any, affecting the
property; and
7. a statement that no deeds or other
instruments affecting the property
have been presented for
registration, or if there be any, the
registration thereof has not been
accomplished, as yet.
Jurisdictional requirements:
1. Publication & Posting - notice of the
petition must be published twice in
successive issues of the Official
Gazette, and posted on the main
entrance of the provincial building
and of the municipal building of the
municipality or city in which the land
is situated, at least thirty days prior to
the date of hearing;
2. The notice state among other
things, the number of the lost or
destroyed certificates of title if
known, the name of the registered
owner, the name of the occupants
or persons in possession of the
property, the owner of the adjoining
properties and all other interested
parties, the location, area and
boundaries of the property, and the
date on which all persons having
any interest therein must appear
and file their claim of objection to
the petition;
3. Service of a copy of the notice - by
registered mail or otherwise to every
person named therein (i.e. the
occupants or persons in possession
of the property, the owner of the
adjoining properties and all other
interested parties) whose address is
known at least thirty days prior to
the date of the hearing; and
4. At the hearing, petitioner submits
proof of publication, posting and
service of the notice as directed by
the court.
Jurisdictional requirements of (a)
publication, (b) posting, and (c) service
of notice are mandatory. They provide
constructive notice to the whole world
Sources of Reconstitution: other person having an interest in the property.
1. For original certificates of title: (Section 2 of RA No. 26) • Section 10, RA 26: Nothing shall prevent any
(a) The owner's duplicate of the certificate of title; registered owner or person in interest from filing the
(b) The co-owner's, mortgagee's, or lessee's petition mentioned in section five of this Act directly
duplicate of the certificate of title; with the proper Court of First Instance, based on
(c) A certified copy of the certificate of title, sources enumerated in sections 2(a), 2(b), 3(a), 3(b)
previously issued by the register of deeds or and/or 4(a) of this Act.
by a legal custodian thereof;
(d) An authenticated copy of the decree of
registration or patent, as the case may be,
pursuant to which the original certificate of
title was issued;
(e) A document, on file in the registry of deeds,
by which the property, the description of
which is given in said document, is
mortgaged, leased or encumbered, or an
authenticated copy of said document
showing that its original had been
registered; and
(f) Any other document which, in the judgment
of the court, is sufficient and proper basis
for reconstituting the lost or destroyed
certificate of title.
Where to file:
• Section 12, RA 26: Petitions for
reconstitution from sources enumerated in
sections (2(c), 2(d), 2(e), 2(f), 3(c), 3(d), 3(e)
and/or 3(f) of this Act, shall be filed with the
proper Court of First Instance, by the
registered owner, his assigns, or any person
having an interest in the property.
• Section 5, RA 26: Petitions for reconstitution
from sources enumerated in sections 2(a),
2(b), 3(a), 3(b), and/or 4(a) of this Act may
be filed with the register of deeds concerned
by the registered owner, his assigns, or
HEIRS OF BUENDIA V. BRUNO owner himself. In fact, in Heirs of Eulalio
G.R. NO. 262854, OCTOBER 4, 2023 Ragua v. Court of Appeals, the Court
Reconstitution of title partakes of a pronounced that a tax declaration is not a
land registration proceeding. In Rep. of reliable source for the reconstitution of a
the Phils. v. Santua, this Court certificate of title.
underscored that "a reconstitution of
title does not pass upon the ownership At most, the tax declaration can only be
of the land covered by the lost or prima facie evidence of possession or a
destroyed title, but merely determines claim of ownership, which however is not the
whether a re-issuance of such title is issue in a reconstitution proceeding. A
proper." reconstitution of title does not pass upon the
ownership of the land covered by the lost or
One of the requisites for the court to destroyed title but merely determines
acquire jurisdiction over the petition for whether a re-issuance of such title is proper.
reconstitution of title is that there must
be "clear proof that the title sought to
be restored was indeed issued to the 85
petitioner." In this respect, R.A. No. 26
enumerates certain sources which the
law considers as valid and sufficient
bases for reconstitution of a transfer
certificate of title: xxx
A. General Provisions (Civil Code, arts. 774- with the formalities prescribed by law, to control
782) to a certain degree the disposition of his estate,
to take effect after his death.
B. Testamentary Succession
(CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 774-782)
‘Succession’ - Mode of acquisition by virtue of
which property, rights and obligations to the
extent of the value of the inheritance of a
person are transmitted through his death to
another or others either by his will or by
operation of law. (Art 774 NCC)
Kinds of Succession
a. Testate or Testamentary Succession - refers to a
situation where the person dies leaving a
last will.
b. Intestate or Legal Succession - refers to a
situation where the person died without a
last will; the share in the inheritance is
called “intestate share.
c. Mixed Succession - partly by will and partly by
operation of law.
A will is an act whereby a person is permitted,
C. Intestate Succession different interpretations, in case of
D. Provisions Common to Testate and doubt, that interpretation by which the
disposition is to be operative shall be
Intestate Succession (Civil Code, arts.
1015- 1105)
1. Strictly personal
2. Unilateral and individual act
3. Formal and solemn
4. Mortis causa
5. Ambulatory and revocable
‘Strictly Personal’
a. Execution cannot be left in whole or in
part to the discretion of third person
b. Duration or efficacy of institution of heirs
or portions to be given cannot be left to
the discretion of third person
XPN: Testator may entrust to a third
person the distribution of specific property
or sums of money left to a specified class
or cause and the designation of persons,
institutions and establishments to which
property or money is to be given (Art 786
Kinds of Wills:
1. Notarial will – Articles 804-806, & 807-808
in special cases
2. Holographic – Articles 804 & 810
‘Sound mind’
• To be of sound mind, it is not necessary
that the testator be in full possession of
all his reasoning faculties, or that his mind
be wholly unbroken, unimpaired, or
unshattered by disease, injury or other
cause. [Article 799 NCC]
• It shall be sufficient if the testator was
able at the time of making the will to
know the nature of the estate to be
disposed of, the proper objects of his
bounty, and the character of the
testamentary act.
‘Presumption of Sanity’
• A testator is presumed to be of sound
mind at the time of the execution of the
will in the absence of proof to the
contrary. [Art 800 NCC]
• The burden of proof that the testator
was not of sound mind at the time of
making his dispositions is on the person
who opposes the probate of the will.
‘Presumption of Insanity’
if the testator, one month, or less, before
making his will was publicly known to be
insane, the person who maintains the
validity of the will must prove that the
testator made it during a lucid interval.
• What is imperative for the allowance of safely disregarded. But the total number of
a will despite the existence of omissions pages, and whether all persons required to sign
is that such omissions must be supplied did so in the presence of each other must
by an examination of the will itself, substantially appear in the attestation clause,
without the need of resorting to being the only check against perjury in the
extrinsic evidence. "However, those probate proceedings.
omissions which cannot be supplied
except by evidence aliunde would result
in the invalidation of the attestation
clause and ultimately, of the will itself.”
• An examination of the will in question
reveals that the attestation clause
indeed failed to state the number of
pages comprising the will.
• However, as was the situation in
Taboada, this omission was supplied in
the Acknowledgment. It was specified
therein that the will is composed of four
pages, the Acknowledgment included.
SABLAN, ET AL. [G.R. No. 213994, April
18, 2018 ])
Additional dispositions after the testator’s signature G.R. No. L-32213, November 26, 1973
(Arts. 812-813) J. Esguerra
• the dispositions of the testator written ISSUE: Whether the notary public may act as the
below his signature must be dated and third
signed by him in order to make them valid witness.
as testamentary dispositions.
• When a number of dispositions appearing in
a holographic will are signed without being
dated, and the last disposition has a
signature and a date, such date validates
the dispositions preceding it, whatever be
the time of prior dispositions.
RULING: The notary public before whom (2) The will must clearly describe and identify
the will was acknowledged cannot be the same, stating among other things the
considered as the third instrumental number of pages thereof;
witness since he cannot acknowledge (3) It must be identified by clear and
before himself his having signed the will. satisfactory proof as the document or
To acknowledge before means to avow; paper referred to therein; and
to own as genuine, to assent, to admit; (4) It must be signed by the testator and the
and "before" means in front or preceding witnesses on each and every page,
in space or ahead of. Consequently, if the except in case of voluminous books of
third witness were the notary public account or inventories.
himself, he would have to avow assent,
or admit his having signed the will in
front of himself. This cannot be done 90
because he cannot split his personality
into two so that one will appear before
the other to acknowledge his
participation in the making of the will. To
permit such a situation to obtain would
be sanctioning a sheer absurdity.
• If after making a will, the testator makes
a second will expressly revoking the first,
the revocation of the second will does
not revive the first will, which can be
revived only by another will or codicil.
(Art. 837)
Designation of Heir
a. The testator shall designate the heir by his
name and surname, and when there are
two persons having the same names,
b. He shall indicate some circumstance by
which the instituted heir may be known.
c. Even though the testator may have
omitted the name of the heir, should he
designate him in such manner that there
can be no doubt as to who has been
instituted, the institution shall be valid.
(Art. 843)
(i) Omitted heir is compulsory heir in the direct line
1. The children whether legitimate or
2. The parents in the absence of the
• A spouse is a compulsory heir
but NOT in the direct line
• By fiction of law, an adopted
child is a compulsory heir in the
direct line
(ii) Omission must be total and complete in character
• If there was a donation given to the
compulsory heir during the lifetime of
the testator, and such heir is omitted
from the will, there is no preterition
because he is not omitted from the
• There must be omission from the
inheritance, not merely from the will.
The donations made to compulsory
1. Simple or common; CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 871-885
2. Brief or compendious;
3. Reciprocal; Impossible or Illegal Conditions (Art. 873)
4. Fideicommissary. • Impossible conditions and those contrary to
law or good customs shall be considered AS
Appointment of Substitute Heirs NOT IMPOSED and shall in no manner
The testator may appoint one or more substitute heir prejudice the heir, even if the testator
or heirs instituted in case of: should otherwise provide.
a. Predecease • Reason: in testamentary disposition, the
condition is not as important as the
b. Renunciation
generosity and liberality of the testator.
c. Incapacity
Vague Wording of Conditions
Purposes of Substitution If a condition is so vaguely worded that even
1. To avoid intestate succession; after applying rules on construction and
2. To prevent the descent of the estate of interpretation, it is still meaningless,
the testator to whom the testator contradictory, or cannot be understood, the
does not want to succeed him in his conditions will be regarded as an impossible
property whether by right of condition and should therefore be disregarded.
representation, or by right of accretion or
by right of intestate succession; When is the time to be considered on whether a
3. To allow the testator greater freedom to condition is impossible or illegal?
help or reward those who by reasons of Time when the condition is supposed to be fulfilled.
services rendered are more worthy of
his affection and deserving of his If the disposition is subject to a:
bounty than intestate heirs; 1. Suspensive term – The legal heirs can enjoy
4. To enable the testator to make possession of the property until the
arrangements for his succession in the expiration of the period but they must put
up a bond (caucion muciana) in order to
manner most convenient for him;
protect the right of the instituted heir.
5. To realize some honorable purpose of the
2. Resolutory term – The legal heirs can enjoy
testator like the maintenance of the possession of the property but when the
property within his property because in term arrives, he must give it to the legal
substitution, the testator to some heirs. The instituted heir does not have to
extent may preserve the property within file a bond.
the confines of his own immediate
family and prevent the estate from General Rule: No Charge, Condition or
descending to the other legal heirs like Substitution on Legitimes (Art 872 & 905)
the brothers or sisters. XPN: The testator can validly impose a prohibition
against the partition of the legitime for a period
You can have a substitute for a legatee not exceeding 20 years. (Art 1083)
or devisee because Article 857 applies to • Art 1083 provides: Every co-heir has a right to
the free portion and not to the legitime demand the division of the estate, unless the
testator should have expressly forbidden its
Fideicommissary Substitution partition, in which case the priod of indivision
A fideicommisary substitution is one by shall not exceed 20 years as provided in Art
virture of which the fiduciary or first heirs is
• This power of prohibition applies to legitime.
entrusted with the obligation to preserve
• Even though forbidden by the testator, the
and transmit to a second heir called the co ownership terminates when any of the
fideicommissary the whole a part of the cause for which partnership is dissolved
inheritance. The power to appoint a takes place, or when the court finds for a
fideicommissary substitute is also part of the compelling reasons that division should be
testator’s freedom of disposition. ordered, upon petition of one of the co-
Requisites of Fideicommissary Substitution
a. First heir (fiduciary) called to enjoy that The Condition Not to Marry:
estate and entrusted with the obligation Absolute Prohibition
to preserve and to transmit to a second 1. To contract a 1st marriage Absolute void
heir (fideicommissary) the whole or part and may be disregarded or considered not
of the inheritance. imposed Reason: contrary to good morality
b. Second heir must not go beyond one and public policy
degree from the 1st heir 2. To remarry
c. Both must be living when testator died • General Rule: It shall be void if it is contrary
d. Cannot burden the legitime. to morality and public policy
• XPN: valid
When imposed on the widow or
The nullity of the fideicommissary
widower by the deceased spouse
substitution does not prejudice the validity When imposed on the widow or
of the institution of the heirs first widower by the ascendants or
designated; the fideicommissary clause shall descendants of the deceased spouse
simply be considered as not written. [Article (not the ascendants or descendant of
868, NCC] the widow or widower)
• Rationale: justified because of
sentimental and
economic reasons.
Relative Prohibition Legitime - is that part of the testator’s property
1. To contract a 1st marriage which he cannot dispose of because the law has
2. To remarry reserved it for certain heirs who are called
• Valid: relative prohibition to marry a compulsory heirs (Art 886)
particular girl or at a particular time or
for a number of years
• XPN: unless impossible or illegal
• Invalid: when condition becomes
onerous or burdensome like don’t
marry for 60 years or don’t marry in
Asia (the prohibition is actually an
‘Modal Institution’
• Also called Institution Modal or Institucion
• Is not a condition but when and if it is
violated, the instituted heir is supposed to
forfeit the inheritance; to return indeed
anything he may have received together
with its fruits and interest, if he should
disregard this obligation. (Art. 882)
• When the institution of an heir is made,
for a certain purpose or cause (Art 871)
• The statement of the object of the
institution or the application of the
property left by the testator or the charge
imposed upon him (Art 882) – such
statement shall not be considered a
condition unless it appears that such was
the intention.
• “Modo” also signifies every onerous
disposition by which the obligor imposed
upon another and thus limited his
promise, such as demanding a loan in
exchange for what the other person
receives. The condition can be imposed
only on the free portion, never on the
legitime (Art 904)
• Legitimate parents alone ½ remaining half is free portion (Arts. 889, 890,
• Illegitimate parents alone ½
• Surviving spouse alone ½; ⅓; ½ • remaining half is free portion; Art.900, NCC
• reduced to ⅓ if marriage is in articulo
mortis, and spouse who was in articulo
mortis dies within 3 months from marriage.
• Unless, they have been living as husband
and wife for more than 5 years, spouse will
still get ½ legitime.
• Legitimate child ½
• Illegitimate child ½ of each legitimate child (Art.176, Family Code)
Remainder is free portion (Art.892, NCC)
Illegitimate children 1/3 1/2
Surviving spouse 1/3 1/2
(Remaining 1/3 is free
portion; Art. 894, NCC)
Illegitimate children 1/4 1/4
Surviving spouse 1/8 1/4
Legitimate parents 1/2 1/2
(Art. 899, NCC; testator may
dispose of the remaining 1/8
of the estate.)
Illegitimate children 1/4 1/2
Legitimate parents 1/2 1/2
Legitimate parents 1/2 1/2
Surviving spouse 1/4 (taken from the free 1/2
portion) (Art. 893, NCC)
Illegitimate parents 1/4 1/2
Surviving spouse 1/4 1/2
Illegitimate children alone 1/2 (divided by number of All
illegitimate children)
Remainder is free portion (Art.
Legitimate parents alone 1/2; remaining half is free All
(Arts. 889 and 890, NCC)
Illegitimate parents alone 1/2 All
Surviving spouse alone 1/2; 1/3; 1/2 All
Legitimate children alone 1/2 (divided by number of All
legitimate children)
Remainder is free portion (Art.
One legitimate child 1/2 1/2
(or descendant) 1/4 1/2
Surviving spouse Remaining 1/4 is free portion
892, NCC)
Two or more legitimate 1/2 (divided by the number of Consider spouse as one
children (or their children) legitimate child and divide
descendants) estate by total number
Surviving spouse Equal to the share of one
child Remainder is free
portion (Art. 892, NCC)
Legitimate child 1/2 1 is to ½ or 2:1 or 10:5
Illegitimate child 1/2 of each legitimate child
(Art. 176, Family Code)
Remainder is free portion (Art.
Surviving spouse 1/2 (remaining half is free 1/2
portion; Art. 900, NCC) 1/2 (divided by the number
Brothers and sisters (nephews Not entitled to anything of brothers and sisters;
and nieces, in case of since they are not nephews and nieces of
deceased siblings) compulsory heirs; testator deceased siblings divide
may choose to give them among themselves the
something out of the free share that pertains to their
portion parents)
Art. 1001, NCC
Impairment of the Legitime 13. DISINHERITANCE – CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 915-923
• Heir is entitled to the completion of
• Legitime passes by operation of law. A compulsory heir may, in consequence of
• System of legitime is a limitation on a disinheritance, be deprived of his legitime,
testator's power to dispose his estate in for causes expressly stated by law.
a will. Legitime can never be impaired. Disinheritance can only be effected through
• Compulsory heir may be denied of a will wherein the legal cause therefor shall
legitime only through a valid be specified. (Arts. 913 & 916 NCC)
Grounds for Disinheritance
Testamentary dispositions that impair or 1. Article 919 – children and other descendants
diminish the legitime of the compulsory 2. Article 920 – parents and other ascendants
heirs shall be reduced, insofar as they 3. Article 921 – Spouse
may be inofficious or excessive. (Art. 907)
(ART. 920) (8 GROUNDS, WITH (ART. 921) (6 GROUNDS)
(ART. 919) (8 GROUNDS)
2,3,4,5 & 7 SAME WITH ART. 919)
1. Conviction of attempt - Same, Art. 920 (2)- - Same, Art. 921 (1) -
against life of testator, his
spouse, descendant or
2. Has accused testator of a - Same, Art. 920 (3)- - Same, Art. 921 (2) -
crime punishable by 6 yrs. or
more if found to be
3. Conviction of adultery - Same, Art. 920 (4)- Art. 921 (4) - When he/she
or concubinage with has given ground for legal
testator's spouse. separation (even if no case is
4. Caused the testator to - Same, Art. 920 (5)- -Same, Art. 921 (3) -
make a will or change one
already made by fraud,
violence, intimidation or
undue influence.
5. Refusal to support the Art. 920 (7) - Refusal to Art. 921 (6) – Unjustified
testator support children and refusal to
w/o justifiable cause. descendants w/o justifiable support the children or other
cause spouse
7. Leading dishonorable Art. 920 (6) Loss of Art. 921 (5) - When spouse
or disgraceful life. parental authority for has given ground for loss of
causes specified by law parental authority
Requisites for the Various Grounds for Disinheritance discharging, he may even be authorized by the court to
1. Valid will; Disinheritance can be made only alienate personal and real properties, in order to obtain the
in a will. There is no disinheritance in legal money or things needed. (See Secs. 1 and 2, Rule 81, Rules
succession. The will must be valid and of Court).
admitted to probate.
2. Compulsory heir is clearly identified; Only
compulsory heirs can be disinherited, so
brothers and sisters cannot be the subject
of disinheritance.
3. Based on cause/s sanctioned by law;
4. Total, includes not only the legitime, but
also the free portion. If partial,
disinheritance is not valid, and the heir
gets his or her legitime;
5. Unconditional; and
6. Cause is true & existing.
Ineffective Disinheritance
• When one or some requisite/s is/are lacking
• In preterition, the whole institution of heirs
is annulled. In invalid disinheritance, the
disinherited heir still gets his legitime.
• If will is revoked, disinheritance becomes
• Reconciliation renders disinheritance
• Subsequent reconciliation deprives the
testator of the right to disinherit, and any
disinheritance already made becomes
• Reconciliation needs no special form. It can
be express or implied. In UNWORTHINESS
(Art. 1033), condonation must be in writing.
• If ground for disinheritance is also a ground
for unworthiness, like abandonment of
children or an attempt against the life of the
testator, the heir cannot also inherit.
• But reconciliation extinguishes
unworthiness as an incapacity, because
incapacity is only the presumed will of the
Legacy for Education (Article 944) 3. The thing must be owned by the testator, and
• Lasts until the legatee is of age, or not by another person (Art. 930)
beyond the age of majority in order that XPN: Thing owned by the stranger is still valid if
he may finish some professional, there
vocational, or general course, provided is an order to acquire the same (Art. 930-931)
he pursues his course diligently.
• Amount - that fixed by the testator; If the
testator did not fix the amount, it is
fixed in accordance with the social
standing and circumstances of the
legatee and the value of the estate.
DETERMINATION OF HEIRS represented, and acquires the rights which the
Intestate Heirs, just like compulsory heirs, latter would have if he were living or if he could
are determined by law. have inherited.” (Article 970, NCC)
‘Direct or Collateral’
ARTICLE 964. A series of degrees forms a line,
which may be either direct or collateral.
• A direct line is that constituted by the series
of degrees among ascendants and
• A collateral line is that constituted by the
series of degrees among persons who are
not ascendants and descendants, but who
come from a common ancestor.
‘Ascending or Descending’
The direct line is either descending or
• Descending - unites the head of the
family with those who descend from him.
• Ascending - binds a person with those from
whom he descends. [Art. 965]
Right of Representation
It is “a right created by fiction of law, by
virtue of which the representative is raised
to the place and degree of the person
When does representation exist given the right to choose the name by
a) In testate succession: which the child is to be known,
• Exists in predecease, consistent with the best interest of the
incapacity, and child.
disinheritance. e. The representative must himself be capable
• Covers only the legitime, which of
goes to the representative by succeeding the decedent (Art. 973).
operation of law. f. The representative must at least be
• There is no right to represent a voluntary conceived at the time succession opens.
heir. g. When there is representation, the heirs
b) In intestate succession: inherit per stirpes, not per capita (Art. 974).
That is, all those in a group inherit in equal
• Exists also in predecease and
shares, because per stirpes means
inheritance by group.
• Covers all that the person h. A renouncer may not be represented but
represented could have he can represent the person whose
inherited. inheritance he has renounced.
Rules to remember
a. The representative succeeds not the
person represented but the one
whom the person represented would
have succeeded (Art. 971).
b. The right of representation takes
place only in the direct descending
line: never in the ascending line (Art.
c. In the collateral line, representation
takes place only in favor of children of
brothers and sisters, whether full or
half blood (Art. 972, second par.).
Hence, grandnephews and
grandnieces do not represent.
d. There is representation in favor of the
adopted (see Sections 41 and 43 of
new law RA 11642)
• Section 43 In testate and Intestate
succession, the adopters and the
adoptee shall have reciprocal rights
of succession without distinction
from legitimate filiations. However,
if the adoptees and their biological
parents have left a will, the law on
testamentary succession shall
• Section 41 Legitimacy. – The
adoptee shall be considered the
legitimate child of the adopter for
all intents and purposes and as
such is entitled to all the rights and
obligations provided by law to
legitimate children born to them
without discrimination of any kind.
To this end, the adoptee is entitled
to love, guidance, and support in
keeping with the means of the
family. The legitimate filiation that
is created between the adopter and
the adoptee shall be extended to
the adopter’s parents, adopter’s
legitimate siblings, and legitimate
descendants. The adopter is also
i. Illegitimate children may represent their degree.; A half-sister excludes all other relatives.
legitimate parents (Art. 922), as r) State – All
exception to the iron-curtain rule – see
G.R. Nos. 208912 and 209018, Aquino v. IMPORTANT RULES IN LEGAL SUCCESSION
Aquino, December 7, 2021 INTESTACY
j. Iron Curtain Rule: Article 992. An EXCLUSION AND CONCURRENCE
illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab Intestacy operates on the same principles as
intestato from the legitimate children and succession to the legitime. There are two
relatives of his father or mother; nor shall principles, operating sometimes simultaneously,
such children or relatives inherit in the sometimes singly: exclusion and concurrence.
same manner from the illegitimate child.
k. When nephews and nieces survive with
brothers or sisters, they inherit by
representation. If they alone survive,
they inherit in equal portions or per
TREYES V LARLAR establishes that right. What they seek is the
G.R. NO. 232579, SEPTEMBER 08, 2020 enforcement and protection of the right granted to
En Banc them under Article 1001 in relation to Article 777 of
Facts: the Civil Code by asking for the nullification of the
Dr. Nixon Treyes's (Dr. Nixon) wife Rosie Larlar Affidavits of Self-Adjudication that disregard and
Treyes passed away without having any violate their right as intestate heirs.
children and without leaving a will. Antonio,
Emilio, Heddy, Rene, Celeste, Judy, and seven
siblings whom Rosie left behind (Larlar, et al.).
Rosie had 14 real estate properties under
marital ownership with Dr. Nixon at the time of
her passing. Afterwards, Dr. Nixon signed two
affidavits of self- adjudication in which he
claimed to be the only heir and transferred
Rosie's inheritance to himself. Larlar, et al.
thus filed a complaint with the RTC seeking
the nullification of the affidavits, the
cancellation of TCTs, the reconveyance of
ownership and possession, the partition, and
Meanwhile, Dr. Nixon submitted a motion to
dismiss the
case on a number of grounds, including lack of
subject- matter jurisdiction and consequently a
lack of real parties in interest since there is no
court declaration of heirship yet in favor of
Larlar et al.
After the RTC rejected the Omnibus Motion,
Treyes petitioned the Court of Appeals (CA) for
certiorari in accordance with Rule 65.
However, the CA rejected this. Thus, the
current petition.
Whether a prior determination of the status as
a legal or compulsory heir in a separate
special proceeding is a prerequisite to an
ordinary civil action seeking for the protection
and enforcement of ownership rights given by
the law of succession.
No. In the instant case, it is readily apparent
from the allegations in the Complaint filed by
the private respondents that the action was
not instituted for the determination of their
status as heirs, as it was their position that
their status as heirs was already established
ipso jure without the need of any judicial
This Court has recognized that the alleged 1. Unity of object
resentment and hostility presumed by Article 2. Plurality of subject
992 can be proven by evidence to be non- • two or more persons are called to the
existent. Particular facts of a case may show same inheritance or same portion
that the decedent's will does not distinguish
between marital and nonmarital relatives,
precluding a rigid application of Article 992.
The right of accretion is based upon the
presumed will of the decedent. Thus, the
testator can expressly provide that there
shall be no accretion among persons who
would otherwise be entitled thereto.
Conversely, the testator may validly provide
for accretion in a case where no accretion
would take place under the provisions of the
law. [Tolentino]
e. Any physician, surgeon, nurse, health officer or The act by which the person called to succeed by
druggist who took care of the testator during his last universal title either by the testator or by law
illness manifests his will of making his own the
• Care should be continuing or regular, universality of the rights and obligations which are
not isolated service transmitted to him. [Tolentino]
• XPN: Relatives of the health workers.
• Creditors may accept the inheritance in 2. Donation to the spouse of a child should not be
case repudiation prejudices them (Art brought to collation (Art. 1066). Meaning, this is
1052), while in predecease and incapacity, chargeable against the free portion, not the
only the heirs in the descending line of legitime of the child.
those who predeceased or incapacitated
may accept the inheritance. (Art. 972)
• Heirs in Two Capacities: [Art. 1055, CC]
1) If a person is called to the same
inheritance as an heir by will and by law
and he repudiates the inheritance in his
capacity as a testamentary heir, he will
be considered to have also repudiated
the inheritance as a legal heir.
2) If he repudiates it as a legal heir, without
knowledge of his being a testamentary
heir, he may still accept it in the latter
Collation refers to the act of restoring to the
common mass of the hereditary estate, either
actually or fictitiously, any property or right,
which a donee may have received by way of
donation or any other gratuitous title from the
decedent, during the lifetime of the latter.
Other rules:
• The surviving spouse is a compulsory
heir, but she is not included in Art.
1061 (where donation is chargeable
against the legitime) because
donations during the marriage are null
and void.
• Donation propter nuptias to a future
spouse is donation to a stranger and
must be imputed to the free portion
because at that time, the donee was
not yet a spouse, hence, not a
compulsory heir.
• If the donee repudiates the
inheritance, the donation shall be
charged to the free portion.
• Property left by will (like a legacy or
devise) is not deemed subject to
collation if the testator has not
otherwise provided, but the legitime
shall in any case remain unimpaired.
This means that the legacy or devise
should be imputed to the free portion,
not to the legitime. (Art. 1063)
• Co-ownership governs where there are
two or more heirs. The whole estate of
the decedent is, before partition,
owned in common by such heirs,
subject to the payment of the debts of
the deceased (Art. 1078, NCC).
• In partition, the thing itself may be
divided, or its value (Art. 1079).
• Partition made by the decedent inter
vivos or by will shall be respected,
provided it does not prejudice the
legitime of compulsory heirs (Art.
• A person may, by an act inter vivos or
mortis causa, entrust the power to
make partition of his estate after his
death to any person ( Art. 1081) called
a mandatary, provided: (i) The
mandatary should not be a co-heir; (ii)
the partition by the mandatary may be
Legal redemption among co-heirs (Art. 1088).
• Takes place when any heir sells his
hereditary rights to a stranger before
• If the buyer is a co-heir, there is no right of
• At least one co-heir must demand redemption;
but two heirs may redeem in proportion to
their shares in the inheritance.
• The demand must be made within one
month from notice in writing of the sale by
the vendor.
A. Obligations
B. Contracts
C. Estoppel (Civil Code, arts. 1431-1439)
Those that are based on positive law and
give a right of action to compel their
Those that are not based on positive law but
on equity and natural law, do not grant a
right of action to enforce their performance,
but after voluntary fulfillment by the obligor,
they authorize the retention of what has
been delivered or rendered by reason
thereof. [Article 1423]. They refer to
obligations without a sanction, susceptible of
voluntary performance, but not through
compulsion by legal means.
1. a civil obligation;
2. the right of action over such civil
obligation having lapsed;
3. the lapse being due to extinctive
prescriptive; and
4. performance or payment done
voluntarily. The effect of this is that the
obligor can no longer recover what he
has delivered or the value of the service
he rendered.
ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS • The civil liability of the accused does not arise
1. Active Subject (Obligee or Creditor) - the person from or is not based upon the crime which the
who can demand the fulfillment of the accused is acquitted.
2. Passive Subject (Obligor or Debtor) - the person
from whom the obligation is juridically
3. Object - the prestation or the particular
conduct required to be observed by the
debtor (to give, to do or not to do);
4. Juridical Tie or Vinculum Juris - the efficient
cause established by the various sources of
obligations (law, contracts, quasi-contracts,
delicts and quasi- delicts);
1) Law;
2) Contracts;
3) Quasi-contracts;
4) Acts or omissions punished by law; and
5) Quasi-delicts. [Article 1157]
1. LAW
• When they are imposed by the law itself.
• Obligations derived from law are NOT
• Only those expressly determined by the
New Civil Code or in special laws are
• Example: The mutual obligation of spouses
to support each other pursuant to the
provisions of the Family Code.
• Arises from the stipulation of the parties.
[Article 1306]
• Obligations arising from contract have the
force of law between the contracting parties
and should be complied with in good faith.
[Article 1159]
• Example: The obligation to repay a loan by
virtue of an agreement.
• NOTE: Obligations arising from CONTRACT
need NOT always be EXPRESS (unlike those
from LAW, they may be IMPLIED).
UNILATERAL acts give rise to the juridical
relation of quasi-contract to the end that no
one shall be unjustly enriched or benefited
at the expense of another. [Article 2142]
• Obligations derived from quasi-contracts
based on the presumed will of the parties
are demandable.
• Subject to the provisions of Chapter 1, Title
XVII of the Civil Code. [Article 1160]
• Example: The obligation to return money
paid by
mistake or which is not due. [Article 2154]
Kinds of Quasi-Contract
• Negotorium Gestio (Arts. 2144-2153)
• Solutio Indebiti (Arts. 2154-2163)
• Other Cases (Arts. 2164-2175)
• Every person criminally liable is also
civilly liable [Article 100, RPC]
• Instances where acquittal does not
extinguish civil liability:
• The acquittal is based on reasonable doubt
• The court declares that the liability of the
accused is only civil.
COLLADO V. DELA VEGA Eduardo the total amount of P2,905,000.00.
G.R. NO. 219511, DECEMBER 2, 2020
J. Lopez Effect of the death of the accused pending appeal of his
In this case, the RTC held that there was no conviction:
preponderant evidence to hold Victoria If death of the accused occurred DURING the pendency of
civilly liable while the CA ruled otherwise. his appeal but BEFORE the finality of judgment:
Considering these conflicting findings 1. Criminal liability is extinguished.
warranting the examination of evidence, 2. Civil liability ex delicto is extinguished.
this Court will entertain the factual issue on 3. Civil liability from other sources of obligation
whether substantial evidence exists to survives and may be recovered only through
prove that Victoria is civilly liable despite a civil action.
her acquittal.
As a rule, every person criminally liable is • Art. 2176. Whoever by act or omission
also civilly liable. However, an acquittal will causes damage to another, there being fault
not bar a civil action in the following cases: or negligence, is obliged to pay for the
(1) where the acquittal is based on damage done. Such fault or negligence, if
reasonable doubt as only preponderance of there is no pre-existing contractual relations
evidence is required in civil cases; (2) between the parties is called quasi-delict.
where the court declared that the • Obligations derived from quasi-delicts shall be
accused's liability is not criminal, but only governed by the provisions of Chapter 2, Title
civil in nature; and (3) where the civil XVII of this Book, and by special laws. [Article
liability does not arise from, or is not based 1162]
upon the criminal act of which the accused • Example: Motor vehicle recklessly driven by
was acquitted. Here, the RTC acquitted Arnel suddenly hit a pedestrian, Mike, who
Victoria because her guilt was not proven was then crossing the street. Mike suffered
beyond reasonable doubt. Thus, any civil injuries requiring medical attention. Arnel is
liability survived because only liable for damages caused to Mike based on
preponderant evidence is necessary to quasi-delict, there being fault which is the
establish it. proximate cause of injuries and there is no
pre-existing contract between them.
Notably, however, the RTC did not
explain the facts why it exonerated VDM TRADING, INC. V. CARUNGCONG,
Victoria from civil liability. It also did not G.R. NO. 206709, FEBRUARY 06, 2019
mention that the act or omission from
J. Caguioa
which the civil liability may arise did not
A quasi-delict has the following elements:
at all exist. The RTC simply stated in the
a) the damage suffered by the plaintiff;
dispositive portion of the decision that
there was no preponderant evidence to b) the act or omission of the defendant
prove Victoria's civil liability. In contrast, supposedly constituting fault or negligence;
the CA reviewed the testimonial and and
documentary evidence in support of its c) the causal connection between the act
conclusion that Victoria is liable to pay and the damage sustained by the
d) plaintiff, or proximate cause.
In January 2018, Mrs. A, a married woman on
CODE, ARTS. 1163-1178
her sixth
(6th) month of pregnancy, was crossing a
street when she was suddenly hit by a car
being recklessly driven by Mr. X. As a result, The obligation to give or deliver:
Mrs. A sustained serious injuries and further, • Obligations to deliver a determinate or specific
suffered an unintentional abortion. Mrs. A was thing
hospitalized for two (2) months, during which • Obligations to deliver an indeterminate or generic
she incurred thing
₱400,000.00 in medical fees. Her expenses
were all duly substantiated by official receipts. PERSONAL OBLIGATIONS
During the two (2)- month period of her This involves the obligation to do or not to do:
confinement, she was unable to report for work • Positive Personal Obligation
and earn any salary, which was established at • Negative Personal Obligation
the rate of ₱50,000.00 per month. Mrs. A then
filed a civil case for damages against Mr. X. DETERMINATE THING v. GENERIC THING
Based on the case filed by Mrs. A, what is the source of
to her as a result of his acts? Explain.
SUGGESTED ANSWER A thing is considered A thing is generic if
The source of Mr. X’s liability is quasi-delict. determinate when it has it has been
Under the been particularly designated merely
Civil Code, whoever by act or omission causes designated or physically by its class.
damage to another, there being fault or segregated from all
negligence, is obliged to pay for the damages.
others of the same class
Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre-
existing contractual relations between the or species.
parties is called a quasi-delict. A concrete, One whose
particularized object, determination is
Here, there is no pre-existing contractual
indicated by its own confined to that of
relations between Mrs. A and Mr. X who are
strangers, and the damage was caused by Mr. individuality. its nature, to the
X’s negligence genus to which it
Taxi driver D, driving recklessly, killed Example: Honda Civic Exampl
pedestrian P and his with plate No. WRX 204 e: a
passenger Y. Discuss the source of the and engine No. 223456 horse;
obligation of D and a chair;
of his employer to P and to Y, and the defense a gadget.
available to the employer.
There are three overlapping sources of the 1) Obligee may compel the delivery of the
obligation of D thing, that itself which was promised.
and of his employer. They are: • General Rule: Obligor cannot substitute it.
(1) Under the Revised Penal Code: • XPN: Unless the obligee agrees OR the
The heirs of P and Y may proceed against D right has been reserve such as in
and his employer under the Penal Code. In this alternative obligations [Article 1244, Art
case, the source of the liability of D and of his 1165]
employer is the crime committed by D (culpa 2) Obligor must take care of the thing with
criminal). The liability of D is direct and the proper diligence of a good father of a
primary (Art. 100, RPC); the liability of his family. Unless the law or stipulation of the
employer is subsidiary (Art. 103, RPC). The parties requires another standard of care
latter cannot relieve himself of liability by [Article 1163]
proving due diligence of a good father of a 3) Obligation to deliver a determinate thing
family. This is so because of the very nature of includes that of delivering all its accessions
his obligation. and accessories, even though they may not
(2) Under the Civil Code: have been mentioned [Article 1166]
a. Heirs of P: The heirs of pedestrian P may 4) The creditor has the right to the fruits of the
proceed against both D and his employer, thing from the time the obligation to deliver
or against the latter only. In this case, the arises. However, he shall have no real right
source of the liability of D and his employer over it until the same has been delivered to
is the quasi-delict (culpa aquiliana) him. [Article 1164]
committed by D (Arts. 2176, 2180, CC).
b. The liability of both is direct and primary. IN OBLIGATIONS TO GIVE INDETERMINATE/ GENERIC
D’s employer can relieve himself of liability THING
by proving due diligence of a good father of 1) Obligor must deliver a thing of the quality specified.
a family in the selection and supervision of • If none is fixed, he must deliver one of
his drivers (Art. 2180, CC). average quality.
c. Heirs of Y: On the other hand, the heirs of Y • Neither can the obligor deliver a thing
may proceed against D’s employer only. of inferior quality nor the obligee
The source of the liability of D’s employer, demand one of superior quality.
• The purpose of the obligation and other
circumstances shall be taken into
consideration. [Article 1246]
2) The creditor may ask that the obligation be
with at the expense of the debtor. [Article 1165]
• If a person is obliged to do something, it must
be done as promised.
• The fault or negligence of the obligor
• It cannot be substituted by another act or consists in the omission of that diligence
forbearance against the obligee’s will [Article which is required by the nature of the
1244] obligation and corresponds with the
• If obligor fails to do it, it shall be executed at circumstances of the persons, of the time
his cost; and of the place.
• Obligor may not be compelled to do it personally • When negligence shows bad faith, the
or by himself (Constitutional right against provisions of Art 1171 (on fraud) shall
involuntary servitude); apply.
• Same rule if he does it in contravention of the
tenor of the obligation (COTOTO) Article 1172. Responsibility arising from
• Poorly done be UNDONE [Article 1167] negligence in the performance of every kind of
obligation is also demandable, but such
IN OBLIGATIONS NOT TO DO liability may be regulated by the courts,
Article 1168. When the obligation consists in not according to the circumstances.
doing, and the obligor does what has been
forbidden him, it shall be undone at his expense.
PERFORMANCE OF OBLIGATIONS • Breach of obligation based on time of performance.
• ‘Standard Norm’ - Article 19. Every person must, • Those obliged to deliver or to do something
in the exercise of his rights and in the incur in delay (”mora”) from the time the
performance of his duties, act with justice, obligee judicially or extrajudicially demands
give everyone his due, and observe honesty from them the fulfillment of their obligation.
and good faith. [Article 1169]
• Subject to such exceptions or qualifications as • Mere non-performance of the obligation on
the law or the parties themselves may provide, the time fixed does not necessarily put the
obligations must be complied with PRECISELY obligor in default.
(“identity of the obligations”) and COMPLETELY • No demand – No delay
(“integrity of obligations”) as promised or
• A demand before maturity date is ineffective.
• Those who in the performance of their
obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence, or Instances When Demand Is Not Necessary To Render
delay, and those who in any manner the Obligor In Default:
contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for • When the obligation or the law expressly so
damages. [Article 1170] declares;
• When from the nature and the
MODES OF VOLUNTARY BREACH OF OBLIGATION circumstances of the obligation it appears
1. Fraud that the designation of the time when the
2. Negligence
thing is to be delivered or the service is to be
3. Default
rendered was a controlling motive for the
4. Contravention of tenor of the obligation
establishment of the contract; or
1. FRAUD • When the demand would be useless, as
• It is the deliberate and intentional evasion of when the obligor has rendered it beyond his
the normal fulfillment of obligations. power to perform.
• Malice or bad faith in the performance of
obligation (distinguished from fraud in the SSS V. MOONWALK DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING
celebration of contracts – deceit CORPORATION
• Responsibility arising from fraud is G.R. NO. 73345, APRIL 7, 1993
demandable in all obligations. J. Campos, Jr.
• Any waiver of an action for future fraud is void. This case does not fall within any of the
[Article 1171]
instances when demand is not necessary to
render the obligor in default. SSS is not excused
from making a demand. It has been established
that at the time of payment of the full obligation,
Moonwalk has long been delinquent in meeting
its monthly arrears and in paying the full amount
of the loan itself as the obligation matured
sometime in January, 1977. But mere
FRAUD/ DOLO IN delinquency in payment does not necessarily
CAUSAL FRAUD mean delay in the legal concept.
In order that the debtor may be in default it is
Present only during the Present only during thenecessary
performance of a pre- time of birth or that the following requisites be present:
existing obligation. perfection of the 1. that the obligation be demandable and
obligation. already liquidated;
Purpose is to evade the Purpose is to secure the 2. that the debtor delays performance; and
normal fulfillment of the consent of the other to 3. that the creditor requires the performance
obligation. enter into a contract. judicially and extrajudicially.
Default generally begins from the moment the
Results in the non- Results in the vitiation creditor demands the performance of the obligation.
fulfillment or breach of of consent.
the obligation.
Kinds of Default
Gives rise to a right of Gives rise to a right of • Mora solvendi - Delay on the part of the debtor
the obligee to recover an innocent party to to perform his obligation.
damages from the annul the contract.
• Mora accipiendi - Delay of the creditor in • Compensatio morae - Delay of the parties or
accepting delivery of the thing which obligors
is the object of the obligation. in reciprocal obligation.
1. Unilateral Obligation
• Demand is necessary.
• The faithful observance of an obligation
• No demand = No delay.
according to its tenor is mandated by law.
• General Rule: Mere expiration of the period
fixed by the parties will not cause delay. • Unexcused failure there of renders the
• XPN: (a) Express stipulation that demand obligor liable for losses and damages
is not necessary; (b) The law EXPRESSLY caused thereby. [Article 1170]
so declares (i.e., taxes); (c) Time is of • Includes not only any illicit act which
the essence of the contract – the impairs the strict and faithful fulfillment of
designation of time when the thing is to be the obligation, but also every kind of
delivered or the service is to be defective performance.
rendered was a controlling motive for
the establishment of the contract; (d) CATHAY PACIFIC AIRWAYS VS. VASQUEZ
Demand would be useless as when the G.R. NO. 150843, MARCH 14, 2003
obligor has rendered it beyond his power
C. J. Davide, Jr.
to perform.
In this case Cathay upgraded the seats of
2. Reciprocal Obligation
• Fulfillment by both parties should be Sps.
simultaneous; Vasquez, from business class to first class.
• Neither party incurs in delay if the other Under the law the debtor is bound to deliver
does not comply or is not ready to the thing or service contracted. Although the
comply in a proper manner with what is debtor in this case provided for a better
incumbent upon him. seat, it is still considered breach for being in
• General Rule: From the moment one of the contravention of the tenor of the obligation.
parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the Cathay was adjudged liable for payment of
other begins (Art. 1169) damages.
• XPN: When different dates for the
performance of obligation is fixed by the INVOLUNTARY BREACH OF OBLIGATION
parties; Demand is necessary in such
Fortuitous Event
• Extraordinary events not foreseeable or
• It is any extraordinary event which cannot
BAR QUESTION (2015) be foreseen, or which, though foreseen, is
X, a dressmaker, accepted clothing materials inevitable. In other words, it is an event
from Karla which is either impossible to foresee or
to make two dresses for her. On the day X was impossible to avoid.
supposed to deliver Karla's dresses, X called
• The essence of a fortuitous event consists of
up Karla to tell her that she had an urgent
being a happening independent of the will
matter to attend to and will deliver them the
of the obligor and which happening, makes
next day. That night, however, a robber broke
into her shop and took everything including the normal fulfillment of the obligation
Karla's two dresses. X claims she is not liable impossible.
to deliver Karla's dresses or to pay for the
clothing materials considering she herself was Liability in case of Fortuitous Event
a victim of the robbery which was a • General Rule: No person shall be responsible
fortuitous event and for those events which could not be
over which she had no control. Do you agree? foreseen (accident), or which, though
Why? (3%) foreseen, were inevitable (force majeure).
No, I do not agree with the contention of X. • Except in cases:
The law
Expressly specified by law (i.e. delay)
provides that except when it is otherwise
declared by stipulation, or when the law [Article 552 (2), 1165 (3), 1268, 1942,
provides, or the nature of the obligation requires 2147, 2148 and 2159];
the assumption of risk, no person shall be liable When it is otherwise declared by stipulation,
for those events which could not be foreseen or or
which though foreseen were inevitable (Article When the nature of the obligation
1174, Civil Code). Based on the facts, X was requires the assumption of risk. [Article
supposed to deliver the dress the day 1174]
immediately before the robbery. Demand is When the object of the prestation is generic.
dispensed with in this case, since demand
would be useless because X already stated that Some Exceptions Expressly Specified by Law
she cannot perform the obligation on the agreed • Article 552 – The obligor is a possessor in bad
time. Thus, X cannot invoke fortuitous event as faith;
a defense because she had already incurred • Article 1165 – The obligor delays or has
in delay at the time of the occurrence of the loss.
promised to deliver the same thing to two
or more persons who do not have the
same interest;
Yes, I agree that X is not liable since the loss
was due to a fortuitous cause. The rule is that • Article 2147 – The negotiorum gestor or
before the debtor may be put in default, there officious manager who undertakes risky
must first be a judicial or extrajudicial demand transactions, prefers his interest to that of
by the creditor. (Article 1169, Civil Code}. the owner, fails to return the property
This is true even if a period may have been upon demand by the owner, or assumes
management in bad faith; • Article 1268 – When the obligation to deliver
• Article 1979 – The depositary who a determinate thing proceeds from a
uses the thing without the criminal offense, unless prior to its loss
depositor’s permission, delays its the person who should receive it refused
return, or allows others to use it. acceptance without justification.
Requisites of a Fortuitous Event 1. Creditor must have right of return against debtor;
Whether an act of man or an act of God, to constitute a 2. The debt is due and demandable;
fortuitous event, it is essential that: 3. There is a failure of the debtor to collect his own
• The event must be independent of the will of debt from 3rd persons, either through malice or
the debtor; negligence;
• The event must be either unforeseeable or 4. Debtor's assets are insufficient;
inevitable; 5. The right of action is not purely personal.
• The event must have prevented the
debtor from complying with his obligation in a
normal manner;
• The debtor must be free from any
participation in the aggravation of the injury
resulting to the creditor.
1. Specific performance in obligations to give
specific things, substitute performance in
an obligation to do (since the obligor
cannot be compelled to do it himself) or to
deliver generic things, or equivalent
performance for damages.
2. Rescission (Resolution) of a reciprocal
obligation, unless there is a just cause to fix
a period.
3. Damages - Those in the performance of
their obligation are guilty of fraud,
negligence or delay and those who in any
manner contravene the tenor thereof are
liable for damages.
Where principal remedies are unavailable or
• Potestative - fulfillment of the condition
depends on the will of a party to the
• Casual - fulfillment of the condition
depends on chance and/or the will of a
third person/stranger
• Mixed - partly potestative and partly casual.
• Impossible conditions, those contrary to IMPROVEMENT IN REAL OBLIGATION
good customs or public policy and those 1. Loss
prohibited by law shall annul the obligation • Without Debtor’s Fault—the obligation
which depends upon them. shall be extinguished.
• If the obligation is divisible, the part thereof • With Debtor’s Fault—he shall be obliged
which is not affected by the impossible to pay damages
condition or unlawful condition shall be 2. Deterioration
valid. • Without debtor’s fault—the impairment is
• The condition not to do an impossible thing to be borne by the creditor
shall be considered as not having been • With debtor’s fault—the creditor may
agreed upon. choose between the rescission of the
• In law on donations and in testamentary obligation and it fulfillment, with
succession, such conditions are simply indemnity for damages in either case.
disregarded. 3. Improvement
• Obligations which are made to depend on • By it’s nature or by time—the improvement
casual or mixed conditions are VALID. shall
inure to the benefit of the creditor.
Effects of Impossible Conditions • At the expense of the debtor—he shall
1. Conditional obligation is void – both obligation have no other right than that granted to
and condition are void the usufructuary. Hence: the debtor can
2. Conditional obligation is valid – if condition is only ask reimbursement for necessary
negative, it is disregarded and obligation is expenses [Article 546], remove the
rendered pure and valid improvements without injuring the
3. Only the affected obligation is void – if the principal property, or off-set the value
obligation is divisible, the part not affected against damage sustained by the property.
by the impossible condition shall be valid
4. Only the condition is void – if obligation is pre- RESCISSION OF RECIPROCAL OBLIGATIONS
existing, not depending on fulfillment of General Rule: The power to rescind obligations is
the condition which is impossible for its implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the
existence, only the condition is void obligors should not comply with what is
5. Condition considered not imposed – if incumbent upon him. [Article 1191]
impossible/unlawful condition is attached
for a simple or remuneratory donation as Remedy of Injured Party
well as to a testamentary disposition, a) Fulfillment of the obligation with the
condition is considered not imposed while payment of damages.
the obligation
BAR is valid. (2003)
QUESTION b) Rescission of the obligation with the payment of
Are the following obligations valid, why, and if damages.
they are c) Rescission, after fulfillment, if the latter
valid, when is the obligation demandable in each should become impossible.
case? General Rule: The court shall decree the
a) If the debtor promises to pay as soon as rescission
he has the C claimed.
means to pay; XPN: Unless there be just cause authorizing the
b) If the debtor promises to pay when he likes; fixing of period.
c) If the debtor promises to pay when he
becomes a lawyer; When Rescission Is Not Permitted
d) If the debtor promises to pay if his son, Rescission will not be permitted for slight or
who is sick casual breach of the contract, but only for
with cancer, does not die within one year. such breaches as are so substantial and
SUGGESTED ANSWER fundamental as to defeat the object of the
a)The obligation is valid. It is an obligation parties in making the agreement.
subject to an Art. 1191 does NOT apply to the following:
indefinite period because the debtor binds • Contracts of partnership where a partner
himself to pay when his means permit him to fails to pay the whole amount which he has
do so. (Article 1180, NCC).The creditor must bound to contribute to the common fund
file an action in court to fix the period, and [Article 1786 and 1788]
when the definite period as set by the court • Sales of real or personal property by
arrives, the obligation to pay becomes installments. (governed by Recto Law and
demandable (Article 1197, NCC). Maceda Law)
• Action for rescission is not required upon
b) The obligation “to pay when he likes” is an breach of compromise agreement; Art. 2041
obligation with a suspensive condition. confers upon the party concerned the
Considering that the fulfillment of the authority to regard it as rescinded and to
suspensive condition is subject to the sole will insist upon the original demand.
of the debtor, the conditional obligation is void.
• Obligations whose demandability or
c) The obligation is valid. It is subject to a extinguishment are subject to the expiration
suspensive condition, i.e. the future and of a term or period.
uncertain event of his becoming a lawyer. The • A term or period is an interval of time,
performance of this obligation does not which, exerting an influence on an
depend solely on the will of the debtor but also obligation as a consequence of a juridical
on other factors outside the debtor’s control. act, either suspends its demandability or
produces extinguishment. It is an event
which must necessarily happen. (Future and
Certain) himself to pay when his means permit him to
• Article 1180. When the debtor binds do so, the obligation shall be deemed to be
one with a period.
Benefit of Term or Period duration of the term or period depends exclusively
Whenever in an obligation a period is upon the will of the debtor; consequently, the only
designated, it is presumed to have been remedy of the creditor is to bring an action against
established for the benefit of both the creditor the debtor in accordance with Art. 1197 of the Civil
Code for the purpose of asking the court to fix the
and the debtor. [Article 1196]
duration of the term or period. It is only after the
duration of the term or period has been fixed by the
Instances When Debtor Loses The Benefit Of The Term court that any other action involving the fulfilment
or Period or performance of the obligation can be
• When after the obligation has been maintained. This has always been the
contracted, he becomes insolvent. consistent doctrine in this jurisdiction
• XPN: Unless he gives a guaranty or security
for the debt
• Whenever he does not furnish to the
creditor the guaranties or securities which
he has promised.
• When by his own acts he has impaired said
guarantees or securities after their
establishment and when through a
fortuitous event they disappear.
• XPN: Unless he immediately gives new ones
equally satisfactory.
• When the debtor violates any undertaking in
consideration of which the creditor agreed
to the period.
• When the debtor attempts(2013)
Gary is a tobacco trader and also a lending
investor. He sold
tobacco leaves to Homer for delivery within a
month, although the period for delivery was not
guaranteed. Despite Gary's efforts to deliver on
time, transportation problems and government red
tape hindered his effort, and he could only deliver
after 30 days. Homer refused to accept the late
delivery and to pay on the ground that the agreed
term had not been complied with.
As lending investor, Gary granted a P1,000,000 loan
to Isaac to be paid within two years from execution
of the contract. As security for the loan, Isaac
promised to deliver to Gary his Toyota Innova within
seven (7) days, but Isaac failed to do so. Gary was
thus compelled to demand payment for the loan
before the end of the agreed two-year term.
(1) Was Homer justified in refusing to accept the tobacco
(2) Can Gary compel Isaac to pay his loan even before the
end of the two-year period?
1)No. Homer was not justified in refusing to accept
the delivery.
It is clear that the period for delivery was not
guaranteed. Obligations arising from contracts have
the force of law between the contracting parties and
must be complied with in good faith. There is
nothing stated in the facts which would indicate that
Gary acted in bad faith or deliberately delayed the
• When only one prestation has been agreed
upon, but the obligor may render another in
substitution, the obligation is called
facultative. [Article 1206]
• Substitution becomes effective only from
the time it has been communicated to the
• Choice belongs to the debtor.
Joint Obligations
• Obligacion Mancomunada
• Each of the debtors liable only for their
proportionate share of the debt
• Each of the creditors entitled only for their
proportionate part of the credit from each
• The whole obligation is to be paid or fulfilled
proportionately by different debtors or
demanded proportionately by different
Solidary Obligations
• Obligacion Solidaria
• Each one of the debtors is bound to render
and/or each one of the creditors has a right
to demand entire compliance with the
• Each one of the debtors answers not only
for the portion affecting him, but also for
ART. 1211. Solidarity may exist although distinct from one another, subject to the Rules of
the creditors and the debtors may not be Court governing the multiplicity of suits. Take the
bound in the same manner and by the credit of P12, 000 for instance. Since there are two
same period and conditions. creditors there will also be two credits of P6, 000 for
each creditor. In the case of the debt of P12, 000,
since there are three debtors there will also be three
ART. 1212. Each one of the solidary
debts of P4,000 against each debtor. Now, as far as
creditors may do whatever may be useful
A, the first creditor, is concerned, if he wants to
to the others, but not anything which collect his credit of P6,000, he must proceed against
may be prejudicial to the latter. all the debtors. Thus he will be able to collect P2,
• Mere extension of time for payment given 000.00 from X, P2, 000 from Y, another P2, 000 from Z.
by the creditor to a solidary debtor, The same is true in the case of B, the second creditor
does not release others from the
• If prejudicial, the solidary creditor who 116
effected the novation shall reimburse
the others for damages incurred by
• If beneficial and the creditor who
effected the novation is able to secure
performance shall be liable to the
others for the share;
SPS. LAM V KODAK PHILIPPINES, LTD. to enforce the credit.
G.R. NO. 167615, JANUARY 11, 2016 • In case one of the debtors refused – converted into
J. Leonen indemnity to pay the value of the thing or service
• The Letter Agreement contained an due, where each debtors will pay their proportionate
indivisible obligation. Through the specified share, and damages to be shouldered by the debtor
terms and conditions, the tenor of the Letter at fault.
Agreement indicated an intention for a single
transaction. This intent must prevail even
though the articles involved are physically
separable and capable of being paid for and
delivered individually, consistent with the New
Civil Code:
• Article 1225. For the purposes of the
preceding articles, obligations to give
definite things and those which are not
susceptible of partial performance shall be
deemed to be indivisible.
• When the obligation has for its object the
execution of a certain number of days of
work, the accomplishment of work by
metrical units, or analogous things which by
their nature are susceptible of partial
performance, it shall be divisible.
• However, even though the object or service
may be physically divisible, an obligation is
indivisible if so provided by law or intended
by the parties. (Emphasis supplied)
• In Nazareno v. Court of Appeals, the
indivisibility of an obligation is tested
against whether it can be the subject of
partial performance: An obligation is
indivisible when it cannot be validly
performed in parts, whatever may be the
nature of the thing which is the object
thereof. The indivisibility refers to the
prestation and not to the object thereof. In
the present case, the Deed of Sale of
January 29, 1970 supposedly conveyed the
six lots to Natividad. The obligation is clearly
indivisible because the performance of the
contract cannot be done in parts, otherwise
the value of what is transferred is
diminished. Petitioners are therefore
mistaken in basing the indivisibility of a
contract on the number of obligors. There is
no indication in the Letter Agreement that
the units petitioners ordered were covered
by three (3) separate transactions.
• The factors considered by the Court of Appeals
are mere incidents of the execution of the
obligation, which is to deliver three units of
the Minilab Equipment on the part of
respondent and payment for all three on the
part of petitioners. The intention to create an
indivisible contract is apparent from the
benefits that the Letter Agreement afforded to
both parties. Petitioners were given the 19%
discount on account of a multiple order, with
the discount being equally applicable to all
units that they sought to acquire. The
provision on "no downpayment" was also
applicable to all units. Respondent, in turn,
was entitled to payment of all three Minilab
Equipment units, payable by installments.
‘Penal Clause’
• It is an accessory undertaking to
assume greater liability in case of
breach. It has a double function:
• to provide for liquidated damages, and;
• to strengthen the coercive force of
the obligation by the threat of
greater responsibility in the event of
• It is intended to prevent the obligor
from defaulting in the performance
of his obligation. Thus, if there
should be default, the penalty may
be enforced.
Incapacitated Creditor • Place stipulated by the parties
Payment to a person who is incapacitated to • If there is no stipulation, obligation is to deliver
administer his property shall be valid if he a determinate thing, payment shall be made at
has kept the thing delivered, or insofar as the place where the thing might be at the time
the payment has been beneficial to him. the obligation was constituted.
(Article 1241) • In any other case, the payment shall be made
at the
Payment by debtor after judicial order to retain the domicile of the debtor.
Payment made to the creditor by the debtor
after the latter has been judicially ordered to
retain the debt shall not be valid. (Article
4. Identity Of Payment
• The debtor of a thing cannot compel the
creditor to receive a different one,
although the latter may be of the same
value as, or more valuable than that
which is due.
• In obligations to do or not to do, an act or
forbearance cannot be substituted by
another act or forbearance against the
obligee's will. (1244)
• When the obligation consists in the
delivery of an indeterminate or generic
thing, whose quality and circumstances
have not been stated, the creditor cannot
demand a thing of superior quality.
Neither can the debtor deliver a thing of
inferior quality. The purpose of the
obligation and other circumstances shall
be taken into consideration. (1246)
• Cathay Pacific Airways, Ltd. vs. Sps.
Vazquez 399 SCRA 207 – business class to
first class
• Dacion en pago
• Novation
Debts In Money
• The payment of debts in money shall be
made in the currency stipulated, and if it
is not possible to deliver such currency,
then in the currency which is legal tender
in the Philippines.
• The delivery of promissory notes payable to
order, or bills of exchange or other
mercantile documents shall produce the
effect of payment only when they have
been cashed, or when through the fault of
the creditor they have been impaired.
• In case an extraordinary inflation or
deflation of the currency stipulated should
supervene, the value of the currency at
the time of the establishment of the
obligation shall be the basis of payment,
unless there is an agreement to the
contrary. (1250)
• Extraordinary inflation or deflation exists
when there is a decrease or increase in
purchasing power of the currency which is
unusual or beyond the common fluctuation
in value of said currency, not reasonable
foreseen or was beyond the contemplation
of the parties. This requires an official
pronouncement or declaration by
competent authorities. (Telengtan Bros. vs
US Lines, 483 SCRA 458)
It is the act of depositing the thing due with the
court or judicial authorities whenever the creditor
cannot accept or refuses to accept without just
cause payment and it generally requires a prior
tender of payment.
Consequently, the burden shifts to the part. It would be doing violence to the intention of
possessor who needs to present controverting the parties to hold the obligor still responsible. (see
evidence sufficient enough to overcome that Report of the Code Commission, p. 133.)
presumption. Moreover, the exempting
circumstances — earthquake, flood, storm or
other natural calamity — when the presumption of
fault is not applicable do not concur in this case.
Accordingly, having failed to rebut the
presumption and since the case does not fall
under the exceptions, private respondent is
answerable for the loss. Xxx
Impossibility of Performance
The debtor in obligations to do shall also be
released when prestation becomes legally or
physically impossible without the fault of the
obligor. (1266)
In order that an obligation to give may be extinguished by
the loss of the thing, the following requisites must be
• The obligation is to deliver a specific or
determinate thing;
• The loss of the thing occurs without the
fault of the debtor; and
• The debtor is not guilty of delay. [Article
• When the law so provides;
• When the stipulation so provides;
• When the nature of the obligation
requires an assumption of risk;
• Loss of the thing is partly due to the
fault of the debtor;
• Loss of the thing occurs after the debtor
incurred in delay;
• When the debtor promised to deliver the
same thing to two persons who do not have
the same interest;
• When the obligation to deliver arises from a
criminal offense; and
• When the object of the obligation is generic.
‘Condonation’ defined
• An act of liberality of the obligee, without
receiving any price or equivalent, renounces
the enforcement of the obligation, is
extinguished in its entirety or part.
• May be made expressly or impliedly.
Requisites of Condonation
• It must be gratuitous;
• It must be accepted by the obligor;
• The obligation must be demandable at the
time of remission;
• Parties must have the capacity;
• Not inofficious; and
• If it is made expressly, must comply with
the forms of donation
REQUISITES OF LEGAL COMPENSATION • It is the substitution or change of an obligation by
1. The parties must be creditors and debtors another, which extinguishes or modifies the first,
of each other in their own right. either by changing its object or principal
2. The parties must be bound principally. conditions, by or substituting another in place of
3. Both debts consist of a sum of money, or if the debtor, or by subrogating a third person in
the things due are consumable, they be of the rights of the creditor.
the same kind, and also the same quality
if the latter has been stated.
4. Both debts must be due, liquidated and
5. Over neither of them there be retention or
controversy, commenced by third persons
and communicated in due time to the
Q: A owes B 10,000 pesos. B owes A 5,000, but
this loan was obtained when B was still 16
years old. Can there be legal compensation?
A: Yes, there could be legal compensation. The
debt of A is valid but that of B is voidable.
Before the debt of B is annulled, both debts
may be compensated against each other up to
the concurrent amount of 5,000 if all the
requisites for legal compensation are present.
• It is a change in the elements of an
• It is the total or partial extinction of an
obligation through the creation of a new one
which substitutes it.
CONCEPT OF NOVATION ‘Express Novation’
It is the extinguishment of an When the new obligation declares in
obligation by the substitution or unequivocal terms that the old obligation is
change of: extinguished
• An obligation by a subsequent one
which extinguishes or modifies the ‘Implied Novation’
first either by changing the object or • When the new obligation is on every point
principal conditions; incompatible with the old one.
• By substituting another in the place of the • When not expressed, incompatibility is
debtor; required so as to ensure that the parties
• By subrogating a third person in the did really intend such novation despite
rights of the creditor (Art 1291 NCC) their failure to express it in categorical
Kinds of Novation According to Subject
1. Real or Objective Novation — occurs Essential Requisites of Novation
when there is a change of the a) The existence of a previous valid obligation;
object or principal conditions of an b) The intention or agreement and capacity
existing obligation; of the parties to extinguish or modify the
2. Personal or Subjective Novation — occurs obligation;
when there is a change of either the c) The extinguishment or modification
person of the debtor or of the of the
creditor in an existing obligation; obligation; and
3. Mixed — occurs when the object or d) The creation or birth of a valid new obligation.
principal condition of the obligation
and the debtor or the creditor or both General Rule: There can be no novation unless
the parties, are changed. It is a two distinct and successive binding
combination of real and personal contracts take place, between the same
novations. parties with the second designed to replace
the preceding convention.
when the old obligation is extinguished CORPORATION
by the creation of a new one that G.R. NO. 156162, JUNE 22, 2015
takes place of the former;
J. Leonardo-De Castro
• Modificatory Novation - It is
• It is well-settled that novation is never
MODIFICATORY when the old
presumed - novatio non praesumitur. As
obligation subsists, as amended, to
the party alleging novation, the onus of
the extent it remains compatible
showing clearly and unequivocally that
with the novatory agreement.
novation had indeed taken place rests on
• There are two ways which could indicate, in • If the payment was made with the consent of the
fine, the presence of novation and thereby original debtor or on his own initiative (delegacion),
produce the effect of extinguishing an the new debtor is entitled to reimbursement and
obligation by another which substitutes the subrogation under Article 1237.
same. The first is when novation has been
explicitly stated and declared in unequivocal
terms. The second is when the old and the
new obligations are incompatible on every
• The test of incompatibility is whether or not
the two obligations can stand together, each
one having its independent existence. If they
cannot, they are incompatible and the latter
obligation novates the first. Corollarily,
changes that breed incompatibility must be
essential in nature and not merely accidental.
• The incompatibility must take place in any of
the essential elements of the obligation, such
as its object, cause or principal conditions
thereof; otherwise, the change would be
merely modificatory in nature and insufficient
to extinguish the original obligation.
• CCCIC failed to discharge the burden of
proving novation of the Consortium
Agreement by the Agreement dated August
24, 1989. The Court failed to see the presence
of the essential requisites for a novation of
contract, specifically, the irreconcilable
incompatibility between the old and new
VICENTE G. HENSON JR., V. UCPB GENERAL any defense which a wrongdoer has against the
INSURANCE CO., INC. insured is good against the insurer subrogated to the
G.R. NO. 223134, AUGUST 14, 2019 rights of the insured," and this would clearly include
J. Perlas-Bernabe the defense of prescription.
To better understand the concept of legal
subrogation under Article 2207 of the Civil
Code as a form of "equitable assignment," it B. •CONTRACTS
A contract is a meeting of minds between two
deserves mentioning that there exist intricate persons whereby one binds himself, with
differences between assignment and respect to the other, to give something or to
subrogation, both in their legal and render some service. [Article 1305]
conventional senses. • One or more persons bind himself or
themselves with respect to another or
An assignment of credit has been defined as others, or reciprocally, to the fulfillment of a
an agreement by virtue of which the owner of prestation to give, to do, or not to do.
a credit (known as the assignor), by a legal
cause - such as sale, dation in payment or
exchange or donation - and without need of the
debtor's consent, transfers that credit and its CODE, ART. 1318
accessory rights to another (known as the
assignee), who acquires the power to enforce a. Consent – Civil Code, arts. 1319-1346
it, to the same extent as the assignor could
have enforced it against the debtor. ‘Consent’ defined
Subrogation is the transfer of all the rights of It is the conformity of wills and with respect to
the creditor to a third person, who substitutes contracts, it is the agreement of the will of one
him in all his rights. It may either be legal or contracting party with that of another or
conventional. others, upon the object and terms of the
Legal subrogation is that which takes place
without agreement but by operation of law Consent is manifested by:
because of certain acts. The meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon
the thing and the cause which are to constitute
Conventional subrogation is that which takes the contract. [Article 1319]
place by agreement of parties.
This Court has consistently adhered to the 1. Must be manifested by the concurrence of
distinctions between an assignment of credit, the offer and acceptance; [Articles 1319-
legal subrogation and a conventional 1326]
subrogation. 2. Parties must possess the necessary legal
capacity; [Articles 1327-1329] and
Assignment of credit the consent of the debtor 3. Must be intelligent, free, spontaneous,
is not necessary in order that the assignment and real. [Articles 1330-1346]
may fully produce the legal effects. What the
law requires in an assignment of credit is not FERRER V. ST. MARY'S PUBLISHING
the consent of the debtor, but merely notice to G.R. NO. 258486, AUGUST 2, 2023
him as the assignment takes effect only from J. Lopez
the time he has knowledge thereof. Article 1318 of the Civil Code states that a
contract is a meeting of minds between two
Conventional Subrogation requires an agreement persons, whereby one party binds himself or
among the parties concerned - the original herself, with respect to the other, to give
creditor, the debtor, and the new creditor. It is a something or to render some service. By this
new contractual relation based on the mutual definition, the existence of a contract rests on
agreement among all the necessary parties. the presence of three essential requisites: 1)
the consent of the contracting parties; 2) the
Legal Subrogation produces the same effects object; and 3) the consideration.
as assignment and also, no new obligation is
created between the subrogee/new creditor and There is consent when there is acceptance of
debtor. the offer, the thing, and the cause, which are
to constitute the contract. Indeed, a contract is
In sum, as legal subrogation is not equivalent consensual in nature which is perfected upon
to conventional subrogation, no new obligation the concurrence of the offer and the
is created by virtue of the insurer's payment acceptance. Once perfected, a contract is
under Article 2207 of the Civil Code; also, as binding and obligatory between the
legal subrogation is not the same as an contracting parties.
assignment of credit (as the former is in fact,
called an "equitable assignment"), no privity of
‘Offer’ defined
contract is needed to produce its legal effects.
It is a proposal made by one party (offerer) to
another to enter into a contract. It is more than
Accordingly, "the insurer can take nothing by
an expression of desire or hope. It is really a
subrogation but the rights of the insured, and is
promise to act or to refrain from acting on
subrogated only to such rights as the insured
condition that the terms thereof are accepted
by the person (offeree) to whom it is made.
The rights of the insurer against the wrongdoer
cannot rise higher than the rights of the insured Offer Must Be Certain
against such wrongdoer, since the insurer as • The offer must be certain or definite and
subrogee, in contemplation of law, stands in the clear, and not vague or speculative so that the
place of the insured and succeeds to whatever liability (or the rights) of the parties may be
rights he may have in the matter. Therefore, exactly fixed because it is necessary that
the acceptance be identical with the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and
offer to create a contract without any the cause which are to constitute the
further act on the part of the offeror. contract. The offer must be certain and the
• is manifested by the meeting of the acceptance absolute. (Art 1319)
‘Acceptance’ defined • It is accepted from the time acceptance is
It is the manifestation by the offeree of his communicated to him. [Article 1322]
assent to the terms of the offer. Without • Article 1322 applies only if the offer is made
acceptance, there can be no meeting of the through the agent and the acceptance is
minds between the parties. [Article 1305] communicated through him.
A mere offer produces no obligation.
Qualified Acceptance
• Merely constitutes a counter-offer or a new
proposal which, in law, is considered a
rejection of the original offer and an attempt
by the parties to enter into a contract on a
different ba sis.
• A qualified acceptance must, in turn, be
accepted absolutely in order that there will
be a contract.
‘Mistake’ defined
• Refer to substance of the thing which is the
object of the contract or to those conditions
that principally moved one or both parties
to enter into contract.
• Mistake as to identity or qualifications will
vitiate consent only when such have been
the principal cause of the contract
• Simple mistake if account shall give rise to
BURDEN OF PROOF public order or public policy.
Article 1332. When one of the parties is
unable to read, or if the contract is in a Article 1353. The statement of a false cause in
language not understood by him, and contracts shall render them void, if it should
mistake or fraud is alleged, the person not be proved that they were founded upon
enforcing the contract must show that another cause which is true and lawful.
the terms thereof have been fully
explained to the former.
1. Must be within the commerce of man;
2. Should be real or possible;
3. Should be licit; and
4. Should be determine, or at least
possible of determination as to its
b. Autonomy
Principle of Autonomy of Contracts [Article 1306]
• Contracting parties may establish such
stipulations, clauses, terms, conditions as
they may deem convenient, provided they
are not contrary to law, morals, good
customs, public order or public policy.
[Article 1306]
• 2 aspects: (1) freedom to decide whether or
not one should enter into contractual
relationship at all; (2) freedom to stipulate
upon whatever terms the parties wish and
O, a very popular movie star, was under Printado is engaged in the printing business.
contract with P Suplico
Movie Productions to star exclusively in the supplies printing paper to Printado pursuant to
latter’s films for two years. O was prohibited by an order agreement under which Suplico binds
the contract to star in any film produced by himself to deliver the same volume of paper
another producer. X Film Co. induced O to break every month for a period of 18 months, with
her contract with P Movie Productions by giving Printado in turn agreeing to pay within 60 days
her twice her salary. P Movie Productions sued X after each delivery. Suplico has been faithfully
Film Co. for damages. X Film Co. contended that delivering under the order agreement for 10
it had a right to compete for the services of O and months but thereafter stopped doing so,
because Printado has not made any payment
that her contract with P Movie Productions was in
at all. Printado has also a standing contract
restraint of trade and a restriction on her freedom
with publisher Publico for a printing of 10,000
of contract. Whose contention would you sustain?
volumes of school textbooks. Suplico was
aware of said printing contract. After printing
The contention of P Movie Productions should be
1,000 volumes, Printado fails to perform under
its printing contract with Publico. Suplico sues
According to the Civil Code, any third person
Printado for the value of unpaid deliveries under
who induces another to violate his contract shall
their order agreement. At the same time,
be liable for damages to the other contracting
Publico sues Printado for damages for breach
party. In the law of torts, we call this
“interference with contractual relation.’’ of contract with respect to their own printing
However, in order that it will be actionable, it is agreement. In the suit filed by Suplico, Printado
necessary that the following requisites must counters that: A) Suplico cannot demand
concur: (a) the existence of a valid contract; payment for deliveries made under their order
(b) knowledge on the part of the third person of agreement until Suplico has completed
the existence of such contract; and (c) performance under said contract; B) Suplico
interference by the third person without legal should pay damages for breach of contract;
justification or excuse. All of these requisites and C) Sulpico should be liable for Printado’s
are present in the case at bar. breach of his contract with Publico because the
order agreement between Suplico and
BAR QUESTION (1991) Printado was for the benefit of
Roland, a basketball star, was under contract for
Publico. Are the contentions of Printado tenable?
one year to
play-for-play exclusively for Lady Love, Inc.
However, even before the basketball season No, the contentions of Printado are untenable.
could open, he was offered a more attractive pay Printado
plus fringes benefits by Sweet Taste, Inc. Roland having failed to pay for the printing papers
accepted the offer and transferred to Sweet covered by the delivery invoices on time,
Taste. Lady Love sues Roland and Sweet Taste Suplico has the right to cease making further
for breach of contract. Defendants claim that the delivery. It is clear that Suplico did not violate
restriction to play for Lady Love alone is void, the order agreement (Integrated Packaging
hence, unenforceable, as it constitutes an undue Corporation v. Court of Appeals, (333 SCRA
interference with the right of Roland to enter into 170, F.R. No. 115117, June 8, 2000). Suplico
contracts and the impairment of his freedom to cannot be held liable for damages, for breach
play and enjoy basketball. of contract, as it was not he who violated the
Can Roland be bound by the contract he entered Into order agreement, but Printado.
with Lady Love or can he disregard the same? Is he liable Suplico cannot be held liable for Printado’s
at all? breach of contract with Publico. He is not party
How about Sweet Taste? Is it liable to Lady Love? to the agreement entered into by and between
SUGGESTED ANSWER Printado and Publico. Theirs is not a stipulation
Roland is bound by the contract he entered into pour autrui. Such contracts do not affect third
with Lady persons like Suplico because of the basic civil
Love and he cannot disregard the same, under law principle of relativity of contracts which
the principle of obligatoriness of contracts. provides that contracts can only bind the
Obligations arising from contracts have the force parties who entered it, and it cannot favor or
of law between the parties. prejudice a third person, even if he is aware
of such contract and has acted with the knowledge
Yes, Roland is liable under the contract as far as thereof.
Lady Love is concerned. He is liable for damages
under Article 1170 of the Civil Code since d. Consensuality
contravened the tenor of his obligation. Not
contracting party, Sweet Taste is not bound
by the contract but It can be held liable under General Rule: Contracts are perfected by the
Art. 1314. The basis of its liability Is not meeting of the minds of the contracting
prescribed by contract but is founded on quasi- parties. They are obligatory in any form (oral or
delict, assuming that Sweet Taste knew of the written) as long as parties have agreed to
contract. Article 1314 of the Civil Code provides undertake their obligations under the contract.
that any third person who induces another to It is indispensable in any contract that the
violate his contract shall be liable for damages to parties thereto give their consent
the other contracting party.
Article 1305. A contract is a meeting of minds
Roland is bound by the contract he entered into
between two persons whereby one binds
with Lady Love and he cannot disregard the
same, under the principle of obligatoriness of himself, with respect to the other, to give
contracts. Obligations arising from contracts have something or to render some service.
EXCEPTIONS Contract of Adhesion
1. Real Contracts A contract of adhesion is one wherein one
2. Example: Deposit, Commodatum party imposes a ready¬-made form of contract on
3. Formal Contracts the other in which almost all of the provisions
4. Contracts covered under the Statute of are drafted by one party, thereby reducing the
Frauds. participation of the other to affixing its signature or
to adhering to the contract. However, the
contract of adhesion is not invalid per se but is
e. Mutuality as binding as any other contract. The Court only
struck down contracts of adhesion as void when
Mutuality (Art. 1308) the weaker party has been imposed upon in
Article 1308. The contract must bind both dealing with the dominant bargaining party as to be
contracting parties; its validity or compliance reduced to the alternative of taking it or leaving
cannot be left to the will of one of them. it, being completely deprived of the opportunity
• Principle flows from legal tie (vinculum juris) to bargain on equal footing. (Villa Crista Monte
• Reason why a suspensive condition whose Realty & Development Corporation vs.
fulfillment depends solely on the will of the Equitable PCI, And The Ex-officio Sheriff Of
debtor is void (Article 1182) Quezon City And/Or His Deputy Or Authorized
• Validity or fulfillment may be left to (1) the Representatives G.R. No. 208336, November 21,
will of a third person, whose decision shall 2018)
not be binding until made known to both the
contracting parties (Art. 1309) or (2) chance. QUIAMBAO V. CHINA BANKING CORPORATION
• Determination of third person shall not be G.R. NO. 238462, MAY 12, 2021
binding until it has been made known to the J. Lopez
parties. In a contract of adhesion, one imposes a ready-
made contract to the other whose sole
• It shall not be obligatory if it is evidently
participation is either to accept or reject the
inequitable – the courts may decide what is
agreement. The parties do not bargain on equal
equitable under the circumstances. footing in the execution of this kind of contract
• Example: Loan contract provides that lender given that the debtor is limited "to take it or
can increase or decrease the interest every leave it" option and there is no room for
year as it may deem necessary. negotiation. However, such contract is not
• Escalation clauses are not invalid per se for entirely prohibited. The one adhering is free to
as long as they are not solely potestative give his consent inasmuch as he is also free to
but based on reasonable and valid reject it completely. Inarguably, the amendments
standards. to the REM are contracts of adhesion. It was
China Banking Corporation which drafted and
Article 1308 of the Civil Code expresses what is prepared the standard forms on which Elena and
known in law as the principle of mutuality of Daniel merely affixed their signatures. At the
contracts. It provides that "the contract must trial, it was established that Elena and Daniel
bind both the contracting parties; its validity or signed the amendments to the REM in blank.
compliance cannot be left to the will of one of They presented pro forma blank documents that
them." This binding effect of a contract on both China Banking BAR QUESTION (2018)
Corporation is giving to all
parties is based on the principle that the Newlyweds
borrowers forSam and Sienna
signature. had contracted
Corollarily, with
any ambiguity
Sangria Hotel
in the provisions of these documents must be
obligations arising from the contracts have the
for their wedding
interpreted againstreception. The Corporation.
China Banking couple was so
force of law between the contracting parties, and unhappy with the service, claiming, among other
there must be mutuality between them based things, that there was an unreasonable delay in the
essentially on their equality under which it is service of dinner and that certain items promised
repugnant to have one party bound by the were unavailable. The hotel claims that, while there
contract while leaving the other free therefrom. was a delay in the service of the meals, the same
The ultimate purpose is to render void a contract was occasioned by the sudden increase of guests to
containing a condition which makes its fulfillment 450 from the guaranteed expected number of 350,
dependent solely upon the uncontrolled will of as stated in the Banquet and Meeting Services
one of the contracting parties. (Allied Banking Contract. In the action for damages for breach of
BAR QUESTION (2016) contract instituted by the couple, they claimed that
Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 124290, January 16, 1998)
B Bank, a large universal bank, regularly the Banquet and Meeting Services Contract was a
extends revolving contract of adhesion since they only provided the
credit lines to business establishments under number of guests and chose the menu. On the other
what it terms as socially responsible banking hand, the hotel's defense was that the proximate
cause of the complainant's injury was the
and private business partnership relations. All unexpected increase in their guests, and this was
loans that are extended to clients have a SUGGESTED ANSWER
common "Escalation Clause”, to wit: “B Bank Yes, it is a contract of adhesion. It is one wherein
hereby reserves its right to make successive one party
increases in interest rates in accordance with imposes a ready-made form of contract on the other
the bank’s adopted policies as approved by the in which almost all of the provisions are drafted by
one party, thereby reducing the participation of the
Monetary Board; Provided that each successive other to affixing its signature or to adhering to the
increase shall be with the written assent of the contract.
depositor.” X, a regular client of the bank,
contends that SUGGESTED ANSWER
the "Escalation Clause" is unfair, ALTERNATIVE
No, a contract of adhesion is not invalid per se as
The ”escalation clause” is valid because each they are binding as ordinary contracts. While the
successive Court has occasionally struck down contracts of
increase shall be with the written assent of the adhesion as void, it did so only when the weaker
depositor. This stipulation does not violate the party has been imposed upon in dealing with the
principle of mutuality of contracts and it would dominant bargaining party and reduced to the
only have been void if the supposed consent is alternative of taking it or leaving it, completely
given prior to the increase in interest rate. deprived of the opportunity to bargain on equal
3. REAL VS. CONSENSUAL CONTRACTS; FORMS, expressed in the instrument purporting to
CODE, ARTS. 1356-1379 c. When by reason of fraud, mistake,
inequitable conduct or accident.
• Consensual contracts are perfected upon
meeting of the minds.
• Real Contracts require delivery for
• Article 1359. When, there having been a
meeting of the minds of the parties to a
contract, their true intention is not
expressed in the instrument purporting to
embody the agreement, by reason of
mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or
accident, one of the parties may ask for the
reformation of the instrument to the end
that such true intention may be expressed.
• If mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or
accident has prevented a meeting of the
minds of the parties, the proper remedy is
not reformation of the instrument but
annulment of the contract.
• Remedy by means of which a written
instrument is reformed so as to express or
conform to the real intention of the parties
when some error or mistake has been
Presupposes that The contract was not
there is a valid validly entered into
contract but the as when their minds
document/instrument did not meet or if the
executed does not consent was vitiated
express their true
Gives life to the Involves a complete
contract by making nullification of the
the instrument contract
conform to the true
When Parties May Ask For Reformation
a. When there has been meeting of the
minds of the parties to a contract;
b. When their true intention is not
Rule In Case Mistake 1991, Lydia offered to sell the entire lot to
a) Must be mutual and refer not to the Ulysses Rudi Banico but he only agreed to buy
agreement itself but to the manner an area suitable for building a beach resort.
the true agreement is reflected or Accordingly, Ulysses' lawyer drafted a Deed of
expressed in the instrument. (1361) Absolute Sale over the 800-sq m portion of the
b) May be ordered at the instance of land for P350,000.00. On February 8, 1992,
either parties or his successors in Lydia and Ulysses signed the contract.
interest, otherwise it may only be
brought by the petition of the injured Upon payment of the purchase price, Ulysses
party or his heirs and assigns. [1368] took possession of the flat terrain and hired a
surveyor. However, Ulysses discovered that
Instances When There Can Be No Reformation: the land described in the deed of sale refers to
• Simple donations inter vivos wherein the elevated and rocky portion and not the flat
no condition is imposed; area which he bought and occupied. Ulysses
• Wills; confronted Lydia who promised to make
• When the real agreement is void. [Article necessary corrections. At that time, Lydia
1366] convinced Ulysses to buy an additional 400-
square meter portion of Lot No. 199 that is
Other Instances When Reformation Is Not The Remedy adjacent to the flat terrain for P160,000.00 on
• If mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct installment basis. Ulysses agreed on the
or accident has prevented a meeting condition that Lydia will amend the deed of
of the minds of the parties, the proper sale reflecting the correct location, area and
remedy is the annulment of the consideration.
contract. [Article 1359]
• When one of the parties brought an On October 19, 1992, the parties entered into
action to enforce the instrument a contract to sell over the 400-square meter
[Article 1367] - no subsequent lot. Ulysses gave initial payment and Lydia
reformation can be asked by him issued the corresponding receipt. Meantime,
based on the Principle of Estoppel. Ulysses began constructing the resort and paid
the remaining amount. In 1997, Ulysses asked
Lydia to prepare the amended deed of sale but
she refused because he still has an unpaid
G.R. NO. 232825, SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
balance of P12,000.00. Yet, Ulysses
J. Lopez
maintained that he already paid Lydia more
Facts: than P160,000.00.
Lydia Stager owns a 6,100-square
meter (sq m) real property identified as
Lot No. 199 and situated in Barangay
WoN the Deed of Absolute Sale between Lydia
Manoc-Manoc, Boracay Island. The land
and Ulysses failed to reflect the true intention
adjoins the sea on its eastern part and
of the parties allowing reformation of the
is generally flat at the center but has
an elevated rocky northern part. In
All the requisites for an action for reformation How to determine intention
of instruments to prosper are present. Intention to be determined according to
circumstances. Their contemporaneous and
First, there was a meeting of minds between subsequent acts shall be principally considered. (Art
the contracting parties. In executing the Deed 1371)
of Absolute Sale dated February 8, 1992, Lydia
conveyed the 800-sq m portion of Lot No. 199
to Ulysses who accepted it in consideration of
It is the determination of the meaning of the
terms or
words used by the parties in their contract.
Intention prevails
If words clearly appear to be contrary to the
evident intention of the parties, INTENTION
shall prevail. (Art 1370)
General Terms Rules when doubts cannot be settled
Even if the terms used in the 1. Doubts refer to incidental circumstances of
contract/agreement may be general, the a gratuitous contract, the least
interpretation should NOT ever be far transmission of rights and interests shall
from the intention of the parties. (Art prevail.
1372) 2. If the contract is onerous, the doubt shall
be settled in favor of the greatest
Construe in favor of validity/effectivity reciprocity of interests.
• When an agreement is susceptible of 3. If the doubts are cast upon the principal
several meanings, one of which would object of the contract in such a way that it
render it effectual, it should be given cannot be known what may have been the
that interpretation. intention or will of the parties, the contract
• If one interpretation makes a contract shall be null and void. (Art 1378)
valid or effective and the other makes
it illegal or meaningless, the former 4. DEFECTIVE CONTRACTS
interpretation is one which is
warranted. (Art 1373) a. Rescissible – Civil Code, arts. 1380-1389
Article 1382. Payments made in a state of of creditors
insolvency for obligations to whose fulfillment is known as accion pauliana.
the debtor could not be compelled at the time
they were effected, are also rescissible.
A. Lesion
1. Those entered into by guardians where the
ward suffers lesion of more than ¼ of the
value of the things which are objects
2. Those agreed upon in representation of
absentees, if the latter suffer lesion by
more than ¼ of the value of the things
which are subject thereof.
B. Fraud
1. Those undertaken in fraud of creditors
when the latter cannot in any manner
claim what are due them. (accion pauliana)
2. Those which refer to things under litigation
if they have been entered into by the
defendant without the knowledge and
approval of the litigants and the court.
3. Payments made in a state of insolvency for
obligations whose fulfillment the debtor
could not be compelled at the time they
were effected.
Requisites of rescission:
1. Contract must be rescissible under
Arts. 1381 and 1382.
2. Party asking for rescission must have no
other legal means to obtain reparation for
the damages suffered by him. [Article
3. Person demanding rescission must be able
to return whatever he may be obliged to
restore if rescission is granted. [Article
4. Things which are the object of the contract
must not have passed legally to the
possession of a third person acting in
good faith [Article 1385]; and
5. Action must be brought within four years.
[Article 1389]
Fraud has been defined to include an • Further, the statute does not apply to actions
inducement through insidious machination. which are neither for specific performance of the
Insidious machination refers to a deceitful contract nor for the violation thereof. Take note
scheme or plot with an evil or devious purpose. that the provision mentions “unenforceable by
Deceit exists where the party, with intent to action.” The prohibition, thus, applies on actions
deceive, conceals or omits to state material which spring from the enforcement of the
facts and, by reason of such omission or contract.
concealment, the other party was induced to
give consent that would not otherwise have
been given. (R.S. Tomas v. Rizal Cement
Comp. G.R.No.173155)
Effects of Annulment
• In contract has not yet been consummated
parties shall be released from the
obligations arising therefrom;
• If the contract has already been
consummated, rules provided in Articles
1398-1402 shall govern.
• Arts. 1398-1399 – Obligation of mutual
• Arts. 1400-1402 – Effect of failure to make
• The Statute of frauds applies only to
EXECUTORY CONTRACTS, not to those that are
partially or completely fulfilled.
Reason Contracts Become Unenforceable the contract.
1. They are entered into without or in
excess of authority [Article 1403 (1); Ratification of Contracts Infringing the Statute of Frauds
Article 1317]; Such contracts may be ratified by:
2. They do not comply with the Statute of • Failure to object to the presentation of oral
frauds [Article 1403 (2)]; evidence to prove such contracts; or
3. Both contracting parties do not • Acceptance of benefits under these contracts.
possess the required legal capacity. [Article 1405]
• Note: The unenforceability of a contract can
STATUTE OF FRAUDS only be assailed by parties thereto (Art. 1408).
a) An agreement that by its terms is not to This defense is personal to the party to the
be performed within a year from the agreement.
making thereof;
b) A special promise to answer for the d. Void – Civil Code, arts. 1409-1422
debt, default, or miscarriage of another;
c) An agreement made in consideration of In general, they are those which lack absolutely
marriage, other than a mutual promise either in fact or in law one or some of the
to marry; [Note: marriage settlements elements essential for its validity.
must be in writing for validity under the
Family Code]
Note: The defense of illegality of contract is not
d) An agreement for the sale of goods, available to third persons whose interests are not
chattels or things in action, at a price directly affected (Art. 1421)
not less than five hundred pesos;
e) An agreement for the leasing for a
A contract which is the direct result of a previous
longer period than one year, or for the
illegal contract, is also void and inexistent (Art.
sale of real property or of an interest
f) A representation as to the credit of a third
Contracts which are INEXISTENT and VOID AB INITIO
1. Those whose cause, object or purpose is
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
Application of Statute of Frauds order or public policy;
Applies to: Executory Contracts 2. Those which are absolutely simulated or fictitious;
3. Those whose cause or object did not exist at
Does not apply to: the time of the transaction;
• Contracts that are partially or completely 4. Those whose object is outside the commerce of men;
fulfilled; 5. Those which contemplate an impossible service;
• Actions which are neither for specific 6. Those where the intention of the parties
performance of the contract nor for the relative to the principal object of the contract
violation thereof. cannot be ascertained; and
• Note: The provision mentions 7. Those expressly prohibited or declared void by
“unenforceable by action.” The law.
prohibition, thus, applies on actions [Article 1409]
which spring from the enforcement of
Other Contracts Which Are Deemed Void XPN:
A contract which is the direct result of a • Payment of usurious interest.
previous illegal contract [Article 1422] • Payment of money or delivery of
property for an illegal purpose, where
Illegality of Contract the party who paid or delivered
The defense of illegality of contract is not repudiates the contract before the
available to third persons whose interests are purpose has been accomplished, or
not directly affected. [Article 1421] before any damage has been caused to
a third person
Summary of the Civil Effects of a Void Contract • Payment of money or delivery of property
• Neither party may seek to enforce a void made by an incapacitated person
contract, irrespective of the reason that • Agreement or contract is not illegal per se
made it void. but merely prohibited by law, and the
• Neither party may seek the aid of the law prohibition is designed for the plaintiff’s
or the courts, and both parties shall be protection
deemed in pari delicto. • Payment of any amount in excess of the
maximum price of any article or
Principle of In Pari Delicto [Articles 1411-1417] commodity fixed by law
General Rule: When the defect of a void • Contract whereby a laborer undertakes to
contract consists in the illegality of the work longer than the maximum number of
cause or object of the contract, and both of hours fixed by law
the parties are at fault or in pari delicto, the • Contract whereby a laborer accepts a
law refuses them any remedy and leaves wage lower than the minimum wage fixed
them where they are. by law
• In case of divisible contracts, the legal
terms may be enforced separately from
the illegal terms
C. ESTOPPEL or obligation to speak
• A mere promise to perform or to omit at some
future time does not necessarily result in
Estoppel (Article 1431) estoppel (promissory estoppel); for this to
Estoppel is a condition or a state by virtue of exist, the promise must have been relied upon
which an admission or representation is and prejudice would result unless estoppel is
rendered conclusive upon the person applied
making it, and cannot be denied or
disproved as against the person relying
Concept of Estoppel
• Estoppel is a bar which precludes a
person from denying or asserting
anything to the contrary of that which
has, in contemplation of law, been
established as the truth, either by the acts
of judicial or legislative officers or by his
own deed or representation, either
expressed or implied.
• It concludes the truth in order to prevent
fraud and falsehood, and imposes silence
on a party only when in conscience and
honesty he should not be allowed to
Kinds of Estoppel
1. Technical Estoppels
• Estoppel by record – the preclusion to deny
the truth of matters set forth in a record,
whether judicial or legislative, and also to
deny the facts adjudicated by a court of
competent jurisdiction
Example: the conclusiveness of a judgment
on the parties to a case
• Estoppel by deed – a bar which precludes one
party to a deed and his privies from
asserting as against the other party and
his privies any right or title in derogation
of the deed, or from denying the truth of
any material facts asserted in it; - a
written instrument is necessary for there
to be estoppel by deed
Some doctrines:
• Conduct because of ignorance or mistake
does not result in estoppel
• Just because a person is silent does not
necessarily mean that he will be in
estoppel; there should have been a duty
Elements of Estoppel in Pais inaction but also some unfair injury would
In relation to the party sought to be estopped: result to him unless the action is held barred.
1. Conduct amounting to false representation
or concealment of material facts or at Instances of Estoppel under the Civil Code
least calculated to convey the impression 1. When a person who is not the owner of the
that the facts are otherwise than and thing sells or alienates and delivers it, and
consistent with those which the party later the seller or grantor acquires title
subsequently attempts to assert; thereto, such title passes by operation of law
2. Intent or at least expectation that this to the buyer or grantee (Art 1434)
conduct shall be acted upon, or at least 2. If a person in representation of another sells
influence the other party; or alienates a thing, the former cannot
3. Knowledge, actual or constructive, of the real subsequently set up his own title as against
facts the buyer or grantee (Art 1435)
3. A lessee or a bailee is estopped from
In relation to the party claiming the estoppel: asserting title to the thing leased or
1. Lack of knowledge or of the means of received, as against the lessor or bailor (Art
knowing the truth as to the facts in 1436)
question; 4. One who has allowed another to assume
2. Reliance, in good faith, upon the conduct or apparent ownership of personal property for
statement the purpose of making any transfer of it,
as to the facts in question; cannot, if he received the sum for which a
3. Action or inaction based thereon of such pledge has been constituted, set up his own
character as to change the position or title to defeat the pledge of property made by
status of the party claiming the estoppel the other to a pledgee who received the same
to his injury, detriment, or prejudice in good faith and for value (Art 1438)
5. Estoppel Against Owner: When in a contract
Admissions between third persons concerning immovable
A party may be estopped to insist upon a property, one of them is misled by a person
claim, assert an objection, or take a position with respect to the ownership of real right
which is inconsistent with an admission over the real estate, the latter is precluded
which he had previously made and in from asserting his legal title or interest
reliance upon which the other party has therein, provided all these requisites are
changed his position. present:
a) There must be fraudulent representation
or wrongful concealment of facts known
Silence or Inaction
to the party estopped;
This is sometimes referred to as estoppel by
b) The party precluded must intend that
“standing by” the other should act upon the facts as
or “laches.” misrepresented;
Mere innocent silence will not work an c) The party misled must have been
estoppel. There must also be some element unaware of the true facts; and
of turpitude or negligence connected with d) The party defrauded must have acted
the silence by which another is misled to his in
injury. But one who invokes this doctrine of
accordance with the misrepresentation. (Art
estoppel must show not only unjustified
6. An estoppel operates on the parties to the
transaction out of which it arises and their
7. The State is not estopped by mistake or
error on the part of its officials or agents;
the erroneous application and enforcement
of the law by public officers does not
prevent a subsequent correct application of
the statute.
Nature of Laches
Laches is failure or neglect, for an
unreasonable and unexplained length of time,
to do that which, by exercising due diligence,
could or should have been done earlier; it is
negligence or omission to assert a right within
a reasonable time, warranting a presumption
that the party entitled to assert it either has
abandoned or declined to assert it.
Elements of Laches
1. Conduct on the part of the defendant or of
one under whom he claims, giving rise to
the situation complained of;
2. Unreasonable delay in asserting
complainant’s rights after he had
knowledge of the defendant’s conduct and
after he has had an opportunity to sue;
3. Lack of knowledge or notice on the part of
the defendant that the complainant would
assert the right on which he bases his suit;
4. Injury or prejudice to the defendant in the
event relief is accorded to the complainant.
Concerned Concerned with the
with the effect
fact of of delay
delay Principally a question
A matter of inequity founded on
of time some change in the
Statutory condition of the
Applies property or the
relation of the parties
to law Not statutory
Based on Applies to equity
a fixed Not based on a fixed
time time
A. Nature and Form (Civil Code, arts. 1458- is desired which is not exactly what is proposed in the
1488) offer, such acceptance is not sufficient to generate
consent because any modification or variation from the
B. Capacity to Buy or Sell (Civil Code, arts. terms of the offer annuls the offer.
C. Obligations of the Vendor (Civil Code, arts.
D. Double Sale (Civil Code, art. 1544)
E. Effects of Loss of Thing Sold (Civil Code,
arts. 1493-1494)
The essential elements of a contract of sale are the
1. Consent or meeting of the minds - consent
to transfer ownership in exchange for the
2. Determinate subject matter; and
3. Price certain in money or its equivalent.
meeting of the minds to transfer the
ownership in exchange for the price.
the seller must agree to receive a purchase
price certain from the buyer to whom he shall
deliver the thing purchased and,
the buyer must agree to pay a purchase price
certain to the seller who binds himself to
deliver to the buyer the thing purchased.
Article 1319. Consent is manifested by the
meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon
the thing and the cause which are to
constitute the contract. The offer must be
certain and the acceptance absolute. A
qualified acceptance constitutes a counter-
Requisites for a Valid Subject Matter 3. PRICE CERTAIN IN MONEY OR ITS EQUIVALENT
• Within the commerce of men Requisites for a Valid Consideration
• Must be licit • Certain or ascertainable at the time of perfection
• Existing, Future, Contingent • In money or its equivalent
• Determinate or Determinable • Real
Article 1460. NCC states that the "requisite Payment of the Price
that the thing be determinate is satisfied The vendor shall not be bound to deliver the
if at the time the contract is entered into, thing sold, if the vendee has not paid him the
the thing is capable of being made price, or if no period for the payment has been
determinate without the necessity of a fixed in the contract.
new or further agreement between the
parties" General Rule: Delivery must be simultaneous
with the payment of the price
EMPTIO REI SPERATAE V. EMPTIO SPEI XPN: Even without payment, delivery must be
EMPTIO REI SPERATAE EMPTIO SPEI made if a period for payment has been fixed
by the parties.
Effect of non-payment of price preparation of the Deed and if its terms were not in
Non-payment of price does not cancel or consonance with his expectations, he could have
avoid the sale, as the sale is still considered easily insisted on the provisions he wanted. Thus,
perfected. But it is a cause for either: the RTC was correct in its findings.
a. Specific performance or
b. Rescission.
G.R. NO. 244076, MARCH 16, 2022
J. Lopez
Settled is the rule that notarized documents
enjoy the presumption of regularity which can
be overturned only by clear and convincing
evidence. Being duly notarized, the Deed of
Sale carries with it the presumption of
regularity, authenticity, and due execution. "It
has been the consistent rule that without
clear, convincing, and more than preponderant
evidence to controvert the presumption of
regularity, the evidentiary weight conferred
upon such public document with respect to its
execution, as well as the statements and the
authenticity of the signatures thereon, stand."
STATUTE OF FRAUDS | ART. 1403 (2) Public instrument is not required for validity of Sale
While contract of sale is consensual, of a piece of land
the Statute of Frauds requires certain The provision of Article 1358 of the Civil
sales transaction to be in writing or Code on the necessity of a public document
evidenced by some note or is only for convenience, not for validity or
memorandum, and subscribed by the enforceability. It is not a requirement for the
party charged, or by his agent to be validity of the contract of sale of a parcel of
enforceable: land that this be embodied in a public
a) An agreement that by its terms is instrument. Thus, the non-appearance of the
not to be performed within a year parties before the notary public who
from the making thereof; notarized the deed does not necessarily
b) An agreement for the sale of goods, nullify nor render the parties’ transaction
chattels or things in action, at a void ab initio. (Penalosa vs. Santos, 363
price not less than five hundred SCRA 545)
pesos, unless the buyer accept and
receive part of such goods and Note: Statute of Frauds that requires the sale
chattels, or the evidences, or some of land or any interest therein to be in
of them, of such things in action or writing for enforceability.
pay at the time some part of the • If sale is already enforceable due to
purchase money; but when a sale is doctrine of part performance (Statute of
made by auction and entry is made Frauds only applies to executory
by the auctioneer in his sales book, contracts), the remedy is under Article
at the time of the sale, of the 1357 of the Civil Code;
amount and kind of property sold, • right to compel the other to execute the
terms of sale, price, names of the proper public instrument so that a valid
purchasers and person on whose contract can be registered; this applies to
account the sale is made, it is a cases where contract is valid and
sufficient memorandum; and, enforceable, but specific form (public
c) An agreement for the sale of real instrument) is required for convenience
property or of an (registration).
interest therein.
One-half of a parcel of land belonging to A and B was 2. OPTION CONTRACT
sold by X to
Y for the amount of P1,500.00. The sale was OPTION CONTRACT
executed verbally. One year later, A and B sold the An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a
entire land to X. Is the sale executed verbally by X determinate thing for a price certain is binding
to Y valid and binding? Reasons upon the promisor if the promise is supported by
SUGGESTED ANSWER a consideration distinct from the price. (Art.
The sale, although not contained in a public instrument1479, NCC)
or formal
writing, is nevertheless valid and binding for the
time-honored rule is that even a verbal contract of SPS. LITONJUA V. L&R CORPORATION
sale of real estate produces legal effects between G.R. No. 130722, March 27, 2000
the parties. In the premises, Art. 1434 of the Civil En Banc
Code, which declares that when a person who is not An accepted unilateral promise which specifies
the owner of a thing sells or alienates and delivers the thing to be sold and the price to be paid,
1. CONTRACT OF SALE VS. CONTRACT TO SELL when coupled with a valuable consideration
distinct and separate from the price, is what
CONTRACT TO SELL may properly be termed a perfected contract
A contract to sell may be defined as a bilateral of option. This contract is legally binding, and
contract whereby the prospective seller, while in sales, it conforms with the second
expressly reserving the ownership of the subject paragraph of Article 1479.
property despite delivery thereof to the
prospective buyer, binds himself to sell the said Observe, however, that the option is not the
property exclusively to the prospective buyer contract of sale itself. The optionee has the
upon fulfillment of the condition agreed upon, right, but not the obligation, to buy. Once the
that is, full payment of the purchase price. option is exercised timely, i.e., the offer is
accepted before a breach of the option, a
CORONEL V. COURT OF APPEALS bilateral promise to sell and to buy ensues and
G.R. NO. 103577OCTOBER 07, 1996 both parties are then reciprocally bound to
J. Melo comply with their respective undertakings.
• A contract to sell may not be considered as a
contract of sale because the first essential A negotiation is formally initiated by an offer.
element (Consent or meeting of the minds,
An imperfect promise (policitacion) is merely
that is, consent to transfer ownership in
an offer. Public advertisements or solicitations
exchange for the price) is lacking.
• In a contract to sell, the prospective seller
and the like are ordinarily, construed as mere
explicitly reserves the transfer of title to the invitations to make offers or only as proposals.
prospective buyer, meaning, the prospective These relations, until a contract is perfected,
seller does not as yet agree or consent to are not considered binding commitments.
transfer ownership of the property subject of Thus, at any time prior to the perfection of the
the contract to sell until the happening of an contract, either negotiating party may stop the
event, which for present purposes we shall negotiation. The offer, at this stage, may be
take as the full payment of the purchase price. withdrawn; the withdrawal is effective
• What the seller agrees or obliges himself to do is immediately after its manifestation, such as by
to fulfill his promise to sell the subject property its mailing and not necessarily when the
when the entire amount of the purchase price is offeree learns of the withdrawal.
delivered to him.
• In other words, the full payment of the Where a PERIOD is given to the offeree within which to
purchase price partakes of a suspensive
accept the offer, the following rules generally govern.
condition, the non-fulfillment of which prevents
the obligation to sell from arising and thus,
If the period is not itself founded upon or
ownership is retained by the prospective seller supported by a consideration, the offeror is
without further remedies by the prospective still free and has the right to withdraw the
buyer. offer before its acceptance, or, if an
acceptance has been made, before the
CONTRACT TO SELL CONTRACT OF SALE offeror's coming to know of such fact, by
communicating that withdrawal to the
The ownership is The title passes to the offeree. The right to withdraw, however, must
reserved to the seller and buyer upon the not be exercised whimsically or arbitrarily;
is not to pass until full delivery of the thing otherwise, it could give rise to a damage
payment of the price. sold. claim under Article 19 of the Civil Code which
The title remains in the The vendor has lost ordains that "every person must, in the
vendor if the vendee does and cannot recover exercise of his rights and in the performance
not comply with the the ownership of the of his duties, act with justice, give everyone
condition precedent of thing sold until and his due, and observe honesty and good faith.
making payment at the unless the contract of 2. If the period has a separate consideration, a
time specified in the sale itself is resolved contract
contract. and set aside. of "option" is deemed perfected, and it
In case of non-payment In case of non- would be a breach of that contract to
of price, there can be no payment of price, an withdraw the offer during the agreed
action for specific action for specific period. The option, however, is an
performance but only for performance or for independent contract by itself, and it is to
damages. rescission can be filed be distinguished from the projected main
by injured party. agreement (subject matter of the option)
which is obviously yet to be concluded. If,
Failure to fully pay the
in fact, the optioner-offeror withdraws the
price is not a breach but
an event that prevents the
offer before its acceptance (exercise of the
obligation of the vendor to option) by the optionee-offeree, the latter
convey title from may not sue for specific performance on
the proposed contract ("object" of the
option) since it has failed to reach its offeror, however, renders himself liable for
own stage of perfection. The optioner- damages for breach of the option.
It is a contractual grant, not for the sale of a
property, but for the first priority to buy the
• Earnest money is something of value given by
property in the event the owner decides to sell
the buyer to the seller to show that the buyer
the same. is really in earnest, and to bind the bargain.
It is based on the current offer to sell of the • It is actually a partial payment of the
seller or offer to purchase of any prospective purchase price and is considered as proof of
buyer. Only after the optionee fails to exercise the perfection of the contract.
its right of first priority under the same terms
and within the period contemplated could the Art. 1482. Whenever earnest money is given in a
owner validly offer to sell the property to a contract of sale, it shall be considered as part
third person, again, under the same terms as of the price and as proof of the perfection of
offered to the optionee (Paranaque Kings the contract.
Enterprises, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 111538,
Separate and Partial payment and
RIVIERA FILIPINA, INC. vs. CA distinct part of the purchase
G.R. No. 117355 - April 5, 2002 consideration from the price
J. De Leon, Jr. purchase
In order to have full compliance with the price
Sale is not yet Given only when there
contractual right granting petitioner the first
perfected is a perfected sale
option to purchase, the sale of the properties
for the price for which they were finally sold to The would-be-buyer is Buyer is bound to pay
not required to buy the balance of the price
a third person should have likewise been first
offered to the former. Further, there should be RIZALINO V. PARAISO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
identity of terms and conditions to be offered G.R. No. 157493, February 5, 2007
to the buyer holding a right of first refusal if J. Chico-Nazario
such right is not to be rendered illusory. Lastly, • Earnest Money and Option Money Distinguished
the basis of the right of first refusal must be From Each Other
the current offer to sell of the seller or offer to • Earnest Money in a Contract To Sell
purchase of any prospective buyer. "Earnest money" and "option money" are not the same but
distinguished thus:
Thus, the prevailing doctrine is that a right of a) earnest money is part of the purchase price,
first refusal means identity of terms and while option money is the money given as a
conditions to be offered to the lessee and all distinct consideration for an option contract;
other prospective buyers and a contract of b) earnest money is given only where there is
sale entered into in violation of a right of first already a sale, while option money applies to a
refusal of another person, while valid, is sale not yet perfected; and,
Ubaldo is the owner of a building which hasc) when earnest money is given, the buyer is
been leased bound to pay the balance, while when the would-
by Remigio for the past 20 years. Ubaldo has be buyer gives option money, he is not required
repeatedly assured Remigio that if he should to buy, but may even forfeit it depending on the
decide to sell the building, he will give Remigio terms of the option.
the right of first refusal. On June 30, 1994, • Earnest money, under Article 1482 of the Civil
Ubaldo informed Remigio that he was willing to Code, is ordinarily given in a perfected
sell the building for P5 Million. The following day, contract of sale. However, earnest money may
Remigio sent a letter to Ubaldo offering to buy also be given in a contract to sell.
• In a contract to sell, earnest money is
the building at P4.5 Million. Ubaldo did not
generally intended to compensate the seller
reply. One week later, Remigio received a
for the opportunity cost of not looking for any
letter from Santos informing him that the other buyers. It is a show of commitment on
building has been sold to him by Ubaldo for P5 the part of the party who intimates his or her
Million, and that he will not renew Remigio's willingness to go through with the sale after a
lease when it expires. Remigio filed an action specified period or upon compliance with the
against Ubaldo and Santos for cancellation of conditions stated in the contract to sell.
the sale, and to compel Ubaldo to execute a • Opportunity cost is defined as "the cost of the
deed of absolute sale in his favor, based on his foregone alternative." In a potential sale, the
right of first refusal. seller reserves the property for a potential
(a) Will the action prosper? Explain. buyer and foregoes the alternative of
(b) If Ubaldo had given Remigio an option to searching for other offers.
purchase the building instead of a right of • This Court, in Philippine National Bank v.
first refusal, will your answer be the same? Court of Appeals, construed earnest money
Explain. given in a contract to sell as "consideration for
[seller's] promise to reserve the subject property
for [the buyer]." The seller, "in excluding all
(a) No, the action to compel Ubaldo to execute other prospective buyers from bidding for the
the deed of subject property ... [has given] up what may
absolute sale will not prosper. The right of first have been more lucrative offers or better
refusal implies that the offer of the person in deals.”
whose favor that right was given must conform • Earnest money, therefore, is paid for the
with the same terms and conditions as those seller's benefit. It is part of the purchase price
given to the offeree. In this case, however, while at the same time proof of commitment
Remigio was offering only P4.5 Million instead by the potential buyer. Absent proof of a clear
of P5 Million. agreement to the contrary, it is intended to be
forfeited if the sale does not happen without
(b)Yes, the answer will be the same. The action the seller's fault. For this reason, the Court, in
Racelis v. Javier, ruled that "[t]here is no
unjust enrichment on the part of the could have found other offers or a better deal.
seller should the initial payment be The earnest money given by respondents is
deemed forfeited. After all, the owner the cost of holding this search in abeyance."
CAPACITY TO BUY AND SELL • One party is incapacitated – voidable
General Rule: All persons who are
authorized to obligate themselves, may In case of Necessaries referred to in Art 290
enter into a contract of sale. Disqualifications: Where necessaries are those sold and delivered
1. Husband and wife cannot sell property to a minor or other person without capacity to
to each act, he must pay a reasonable price therefor. (Art
other; Except: Separation of property 1489, NCC)
2. The following cannot acquire by purchase,
even at public or judicial auction, either in
person or through another:
a) Guardian, the property of the person
or persons who may be under his
b) Agents, the property whose
administration or sale may have been
entrusted to them, unless the consent
of the principal has been given;
c) Executors and administrators, the
property of the estate under
d) Public officers and employees, the
property of the State or of any
subdivision thereof, or of any
government-owned or controlled
corporation, or institution, the
administration of which has been
intrusted to them; this provision shall
apply to judges and government
experts who, in any manner
whatsoever, take part in the sale.
e) Justices, judges, prosecuting
attorneys, clerks of superior and
inferior courts, and other officers and
employees connected with the
administration of justice, the property
and rights in litigation or levied upon
an execution before the court within
whose jurisdiction or territory they
exercise their respective functions;
this prohibition includes the act of
acquiring by assignment and shall
apply to lawyers, with respect to the
property and rights which may be the
object of any litigation in which they
may take part by virtue of their
f) Any others specially disqualified by
law. (Arts 1490-1491)
Kinds of Incapacity
1. Absolute – in case of persons who cannot
bind themselves
2. Relative – when certain persons, under
certain circumstances, cannot buy
certain property (Wolfson v. Estate of
Martinez, G.R. No. L-5970, October 13,
3. Special Disqualification – Art 1491-1492, NCC
Absolute Incapacity
• Minors
• Insane or Demented
• Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write
• Civil Interdiction
• Judicially declared incompetent
Effect of Incapacity
• Both parties are incapacitated –
The vendor has the obligation to: normally done where the object is bulky
• Transfer ownership of the thing sold or difficult to move.
• Deliver the thing including • Quasi-traditio - In case of incorporeal rights,
accessions and accessories the vendee use his rights as new owner
• Warrant the thing against eviction and with the consent of the vendor.
hidden defects
• Take care of the thing pending delivery PUBLIC INSTRUMENT
• Pay for the expenses, unless otherwise • Article 1498. When the sale is made
stipulated through a public instrument, the
execution thereof shall be equivalent to
Delivery of the subject matter the delivery of the thing which is the
Article 1497. The thing sold shall be object of the contract, if from the deed the
understood as delivered, when it is contrary does not appear or cannot
placed in the control and possession of clearly be inferred.
the vendee. • With regard to movable property, its
delivery may also be made by the delivery
Two types of Delivery of the keys of the place or depository
1. Actual – physical delivery where it is stored or kept.
2. Constructive – execution of public • Article 1501. With respect to incorporeal
instrument, traditio symbolica, property, the provisions of the first
traditio constitutum possessorium, paragraph of article 1498 [execution of
traditio brevi manu, traditio longa public instrument] shall govern. In any
manu, and quasi-traditio other case wherein said provisions are not
applicable, the placing of the titles of
• Traditio Symbolica - Parties make use of ownership in the possession of the vendee
a token symbol to represent the or the use by the vendee of his rights,
thing delivered. with the vendor's consent, shall be
• Traditio Constitutum Possesorium - Vendor understood as a delivery.
continues in possession of the thing
sold not as owner but in some other “ON SALE OR RETURN”
capacity. Article 1502. When goods are delivered to the
• Traditio brevi manu - Vendee has buyer "on sale or return" to give the buyer
already in the possession of the an option to return the goods instead of
thing sold by virtue of another title. paying the price, the ownership passes to
• Traditio longa manu - This form of the buyer on delivery, but he may revest the
delivery is effected by the seller ownership in the seller by returning or
pointing out the object that will be tendering the goods within the time fixed in
sold to the buyer, with the intention the contract, or, if no time has been fixed,
that ownership shall pass. This is within a reasonable time.
“ON APPROVAL OR ON TRIAL OR ON SATISFACTION” when the loss occurs thru a fortuitous event only
Article 1502. xxx holds true when the obligation consists in the
When goods are delivered to the buyer on delivery of a determinate thing and there is no
approval or on trial or on satisfaction, or other stipulation holding him liable even in case of
similar terms, the ownership therein passes to fortuitous event. It does not apply when the
the buyer: obligation is pecuniary in nature.
(1) When he signifies his approval or
acceptance to the seller or does any other
act adopting the transaction;
(2) If he does not signify his approval or
acceptance to the seller, but retains the
goods without giving notice of rejection,
then if a time has been fixed for the return
of the goods, on the expiration of such
time, and, if no time has been fixed, on the
expiration of a reasonable time. What is a
reasonable time is a question of fact.
Specific Goods
Where the parties purport a sale of specific
goods, and the goods without the
knowledge of the seller have perished in
part or have wholly or in a material part so
deteriorated in quality as to be
substantially changed in character, the
buyer may at his option treat the sale:
1. As avoided; or
2. As valid in all of the existing goods or
in so much thereof as have not
deteriorated, and as binding the buyer
to pay the agreed price for the goods in
which the ownership will pass, if the
sale was divisible.
A granted B the exclusive right to sell his brand of
Maong pants
in Isabela, the price for his merchandise payable
within 60 days from delivery, and promising B a
commission of 20% on all sales. After the delivery
of the merchandise to B but before he could sell
any of them, B’s store in Isabela was completely
burned without his fault, together with all of A's
pants. Must B
pay A for his lost pants? Why?
The contract between A and B is a sale not an
agency to sell
because the price is payable by B upon 60 days
from delivery even if B is unable to resell it. As a
buyer, ownership passed to B upon delivery and,
under Art. 1504 of the Civil Code, the thing
perishes for the owner. Hence, B must still pay
the price.
"S", an American resident of Manila, about to
leave on a
vacation, sold his car to "B" for U.S. $2,000.00,
the payment to be made ten days after delivery
to "X", a third party depositary agreed upon, who
shall deliver the car to "B" upon receipt by "X" of
the purchase price. It was stipulated that
ownership is retained by "S" until delivery of the
car to "X". Five days after delivery of the car to
"X", it was destroyed in a fire which gutted the
house of "X", without the fault of either "X" or
"B". Is buyer "B" still legally obligated to pay the
purchase price? Explain.
"B" is still legally obligated to pay the purchase
price. It must
D. DOUBLE SALE (CIVIL CODE, ART. 1544) some other person in the property
principle applies in a situation where Art. 1544 is
• When the same object of the sale is sold to inapplicable due to absence of requisite/s.
different vendees.
• Governed by Article 1544 of the Civil Code. Requisite: The only requisite of this rule is priority
in time. The only one who can invoke this is the
Art. 1544. If the same thing should have been first vendee.
sold to different vendees, the ownership shall
be transferred to the person who may have
first taken possession thereof in good faith, if it
should be movable property.
Should it be immovable property, the
ownership shall belong to the person acquiring
it who in good faith first recorded it in the
Registry of Property.
Should there be no inscription, the
ownership shall pertain to the person who in
good faith was first in the possession; and,
in the absence thereof, to the person who
presents the oldest title, provided there is good
a) 2 or more sales transactions must
constitute valid sales transactions;
b) 2 or more sales transactions must pertain
to exactly the same subject matter;
c) 2 or more buyers at odds over the rightful
ownership of the subject matter must each
represent conflicting interests; and
d) 2 or more buyers at odds over the rightful
ownership of the subject matter must have
bought from the very same seller.
G.R. NO. 129760, DECEMBER 29, 1998
J. Martinez
Requisites of Double Sale
• The two (or more) sales transactions in the
issue must pertain to exactly the same
subject matter, and must be valid sales
• The two (or more) buyers at odds over the
rightful ownership of the subject matter
must each represent conflicting interests;
• The two (or more) buyers at odds over the
rightful ownership of the subject matter
must each have bought from the very same
1. Movable – Owner who is first to possess in
good faith shall be preferred
2. Immovable
a) First to register in good faith
b) No registration – first to possess in good
c) No registration & no possession in good
faith –
person who presents oldest title in good
faith Note: Art. 1544 of the Civil Code has no
application to lands not registered with the
Torrens system. If the sale is not registered, it is
binding only as between the seller and the
buyer, it does not affect innocent third
persons. Further, this does not also apply to
contract to sell.
’Purchaser in Good Faith’ defined
One who buys the property without notice that
some other person has a right to, or interest in
such property; and pays a full and fair price for
the same at the time of such purchase, or
before he has notice of the claim or interest of
BAR QUESTION (2001) someone else, acted in bad faith.
On June 15, 1995, Jesus sold a parcel of (Article
registered 1544, NCC)
land to Jaime. On June 30, 1995, he sold
the same land to Jose. Who has a better right E. EFFECTS OF LOSS OF THING SOLD
if: (CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 1493-1494)
a. the first sale is registered ahead of
the second sale, with knowledge of the Loss of Object Before Sale
latter. Why?; Refers to a case of loss of the object even
b. the second sale is registered ahead of before the
the first perfection of the contract.
sale, with knowledge of the latter? Why?
SUGGESTED ANSWER Effect of Loss of Object Before Sale
(a) The first buyer has the better right if his • General Rule: The contract shall be void in
sale was case of loss of object before the
first to be registered, even though the contract has been perfected.
first buyer knew of the second sale. The • Rationale: Because there is no cause or
fact that he knew of the second sale at consideration.
the time of his registration does not
make him as acting in bad faith Who bears the loss of the object?
because the sale to him was ahead in The seller will have to bear the loss.
time, hence, has a priority in right.
What creates bad faith in the case of COMPLETELY LOST V. PARTIALLY LOST
double sale of land is knowledge of a
previous sale.
Contract shall be Withdrawal/Avoided (or
deemed rescission of the
(b) The first buyer is still to be preferred, void contract)
where the second sale is registered Specific
ahead of the first sale but with performance as
knowledge of the latter. This is because to remainder by
the second buyer, who at the time he payment
registered his sale knew that the or proportional price
property had already been sold to
Which phrase most accurately
completes the
statement – If at the time the contract of
sale is perfected, the thing which is the
object of the contract has been entirely
a)the buyer bears the risk of loss.
b)the contract shall be without any effect.
c) the seller bears the risk of loss.
d)the buyer may withdraw from the contract.
b) the contract shall be without any
effect. (Basis
Article 1493 NCC)
F. RECTO LAW (CIVIL CODE, ART. 1484) • Sales to tenants under R.A. No. 3844, as
amended by
Recto Law (Sale of Personal Property in Installment) R.A. No. 6389.
• This covers contracts of sale of personal
property by installment (Act No. 4122). It
is also applied to contracts purporting to
be leases of personal property with option
to buy, when the lessor has deprived the
lessee of the possession or enjoyment of
the thing (PCI Leasing and Finance Inc. v.
Giraffe- X Creative Imaging, Inc. G.R. No.
142618, July 12, 2007)
• Note: Recto law applies only to sale
payable in installments and not to sale
where there is an initial payment and the
balance is payable in the future, because
such is a straight sale, not a sale by
Transactions Covered
All transactions or contracts involving the sale
or financing of real estate on installment
payments, including residential condominium
apartments [Sec. 3, Maceda Law]
Exclusions to Coverage
• Industrial Lots
• Commercial Buildings
Features of Maceda Law contract. [Sec. 5, Maceda Law]. The deed
1. After paying installment for at least 2 of sale or assignment shall be done by
years, buyer is entitled to a mandatory notarial act.
grace period of 1 month for every year 3. The buyer shall have the right to pay in
of installment to pay unpaid installment advance any installment or the full unpaid
without interest balance of the purchase price any time
2. In case installments paid were less than without interest and to have such full
2 years, seller shall give buyer a grace payment of the purchase price annotated
period of not less than 60 days. in the certificate of title covering the
3. If buyer fails to pay at expiration of property. [Sec. 6, Maceda Law]
grace period, seller may cancel
contract after 30 days from notice of PRYCE PROPERTIES CORP. V. NOLASCO
cancellation through Notarial Notice of G.R. NO. 203990, AUGUST 24, 2020
Cancellation. (Rillo v. CA, G.R. No. J. Hernando
125347, June 19, 1997). Basic remedies of a defaulting buyer under Section 6
4. After the lapse of the grace period, of RA 6552:
seller may cancel the contract provided Claim refund or pay in advance or in full.
he pays the buyer the CASH • It has been held that in the absence of a
SURRENDER VALUE which is equivalent lawful rescission of a contract governed
to 50% of all payments, and after five by RA 6552, the same remains valid and
years of installment an additional 5% for subsisting.
every year but not to exceed 90% of • We affirm the courts below in directing
total payments made. the refund of the deposit payments made
5. The cancellation of the contract takes by Nolasco to Pryce. While this buyer's
effect 30 days from service of notarial option to claim refund is not explicitly
notice of cancellation and upon mentioned in RA 6552, equity
payment of the cash surrender value considerations have already filled up this
legal vacuum as declared in Orbe. In the
General Rule: Stipulation in any contract said case, the buyer therein failed to
which is contrary to the provisions of make at least two years of installment
Maceda Law shall be declared null and void. payments in consideration of a purchase
[Sec. 7, Maceda Law] of a lot. The seller, however, failed to
cancel their contract through a valid
Other Rights of Buyer notarial act and sold the lot in issue to a
1. The buyer shall have the right to sell his third person. The Court, finding the
rights or assign the same to another provisions of RA 6552 applicable to the
person. [Sec. 5, Maceda Law] transaction, ordered the refund of the
2. The buyer shall have the right to amounts actually paid by the buyer,
reinstate the contract by updating the justifying the same with equitable
account during the grace period and reasons as laid out by relevant
before actual cancellation of the jurisprudence.
• The price is payable on a certain day,
irrespective of delivery or of transfer of title and
the buyer wrongfully neglects or refuses to pay
such price
UNPAID SELLER • The goods cannot readily be resold for a
The seller of goods is deemed to be an unpaid seller when: reasonable price, and the buyer wrongfully
1. The whole of the price has not been paid or refuses to accept the goods, whether or not
tendered. ownership has passed.
2. A bill of exchange or other negotiable
instrument has been received as conditional
payment, and the condition on which it was
received has been broken by reason of the
dishonor of the instrument, the insolvency of
the buyer, or otherwise.
b. Stoppage in Transitu
• It is a right which the seller of goods on
credit has to recall them or retake them
while they are in the possession of a carrier
or other middleman who received them for
delivery to the buyer, on discovery of
insolvency of the buyer. (Art 1530)
• Requisites:
a. Unpaid seller
b. Title of goods must have passed to the
c. Goods must be in transit
d. Insolvent buyer
e. Seller must either actually take
possession of the goods sold or give
notice of his claim to the carrier or
other person in possession;
For instance, our pronouncement in Spouses Justice Edgardo
Cruz v. Leis, is highly-instructive: Paras, is highly instructive:
It bears stressing that notwithstanding Article 1607, the
recording in the Registry of Property of the consolidation
of ownership of the vendee is not a condition sine qua
non to the transfer of ownership. Petitioners are the
owners of the subject property since [none of the
vendors with right to repurchase] redeemed the same
within the one-year period stipulated in the "Kasunduan."
The essence of a pacto de retro sale is that title and
ownership of the property sold are immediately vested in
the vendee a retro, subject to the resolutory condition of
repurchase by the vendor a retro within the stipulated
period. Failure thus of the vendor a retro to perform said
resolutory condition vests upon the vendee by operation
of law absolute title and ownership over the property
sold. As title is already vested in the vendee a retro, his
failure to consolidate his title under Article 1607 of the
Civil Code does not impair such title or ownership for the
method prescribed thereunder is merely for the purpose
of registering the consolidated title.
It is the right to be subrogated, upon the same
terms and conditions stipulated in the
contract, in the place of one who acquires a
thing by purchase or dation in payment, or
by any other transaction whereby ownership
is transmitted by onerous title.
Art. 1623. The right of legal pre-emption or
redemption shall not be exercised except
within thirty days from the notice in writing by
the prospective vendor, or by the vendor, as
the case may be. The deed of sale shall not be
recorded in the Registry of Property, unless
accompanied by an affidavit of the vendor that
he has given written notice thereof to all
possible redemptioners.
"The right of redemption of co-owners
excludes that of
adjoining owners."
(CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 1602-1605)
Cases Wherein The Contract Shall Be Presumed To BAR QUESTION (1979)
Be An Equitable Mortgage In a document dated June 10, 1960 and
1. When the price of a sale with right to expressly
repurchase is unusually inadequate; denominated "Deed of Sale with Right to
2. When the vendor remains in possession Repurchase," AB sold his land to CD.
as lessee or otherwise; Substantially, the document provided among
3. When upon or after the expiration of the others: "I, AB, being in great need of money,
right to repurchase another instrument hereby sell my 10- hectare coconut land to
extending the period of redemption or CD for P2,000.00. It is agreed that I have
granting a new period is executed; the right to repurchase this land in 10
4. When the purchaser retains for himself years. If I fail to buy back the property, I
a part of the purchase price; shall deliver possession thereof to CD."
5. When the vendor binds himself to pay the Upon failure of AB to repurchase the
on the thing sold; property, CD, in 1971, consolidated his
6. In any other case where it may be fairly title and files an action to recover
inferred that the real intention of the possession. AB files an answer offering to
parties is that the transaction shall return the P2,000.00 plus interest at the
secure the payment of a debt or the legal rate. Will the action of CD prosper? Why?
performance of any other obligation. SUGGESTED ANSWER
[Article 1602] The action of CD will not prosper. The
contract in the
Note: In case of doubt, a contract instant case is not a true contract of sale
with right of repurchase. The purchase price
purporting to be a sale with right to
is unusually inadequate and the vendor is
repurchase and absolute sale shall be
still in possession of the property. There is
construed as an equitable mortgage.
now a presumption that the real covenant or
agreement is an equitable mortgage. This is
Pacto De Retro Sale
strengthened by the fact that AB, the
• The title and ownership of the property
vendor, was in dire straights: he was in great
sold is immediately vested in the vendee
need of money. The land, therefore, is
a retro, subject to the restrictive
merely the security for the loan.
condition of repurchase by the vendor a
retro within the period provided.
• The payment of the repurchase price
The action of CD will not prosper. Whether
does not merely render the document
we look at the deed of sale as a true
null and void but there is the obligation
contract of sale with right of repurchase or
on the part of the vendee to sell back
a mere contract of equitable mortgage,
the property.
the effect in the instant case will be the
• A sale with pacto de retro transfers the
same. If it is a true contract of sale with
legal title to the vendee and this, in the
right of repurchase, according to the Civil
absence of an agreement to the contrary,
Code, the vendor may still exercise the
carries with it the right of possession.
right to repurchase within thirty days from
the time final judgment was rendered in a
Effect of Inadequacy of Price in a Pacto de Retro
civil action on the basis that the contract
Sale was a true sale with right to repurchase. If
The inadequacy of the price cannot be it is a mere equitable mortgage because of
considered a ground for rescinding the
• General Rule: No person can be
compelled to
become a lessee against his will.
• XPN: In industrial accession where both the
landowner and the builder, planter or
sower acted in good faith. The builder or
planter can be compelled to pay
reasonable rent if they cannot be obliged
by the landowner to buy the land because
its value is considerably more than that of
the building or trees. In case of sower, he
can also he compelled to pay proper rent
by the landowner (NCC, Art. 448).
EFFECTS IF THE LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY IS NOT i. Order repairs at the lessor's cost
REGISTERED ii. Sue for damages
1. The lease is not binding on innocent third iii. Suspend the payment of the rent; or
persons such as a purchaser (Salonga, et iv. Ask for rescission, in case of substantial
al. v- Acuña, C.A., 54 O.G. 2943); damage to him
2. Naturally, such an innocent third person is
allowed to terminate the lease in case he
buys the property from the owner-lessor.
(NCC, Art 1676) (2009 BAR);
3. When a third person already knows of the
existence and duration of the lease, he is
bound by such lease even if it has not been
recorded. The reason is simple: actual
knowledge is, for this purpose, equivalent
to registration (Quimson v. Suarez, G.R.
No. L-21381, April 5 1924; and Gustilo v.
Maravilla, G.R. No. L-2338 December 12,
1. To pay the price of the lease according to
the terms
2. Use the thing leased as a diligent father of
the family.
3. Pay expenses for the deed of lease. (Art.
4. To inform the lessor within the shortest
possible time:
a. Every usurpation or untoward act which
any third person may have committed
or may be openly preparing to carry out
upon the thing leased.
b. Need of all necessary repairs in order
to keep it suitable for the use to which it
has been devoted. (Art. 1663)
Effects if the lessee failed to notify the lessor:
The lessee shall be liable for the damages
which, through his negligence, may be
suffered by the proprietor.
Rights of the Lessee: Art. 1679. If nothing has been stipulated concerning
1. Right to peaceful and adequate the place and the time for the payment of the
enjoyment of the lease for the duration of lease, the provisions or Article 1251 shall be
the contract. (Art. 1654). observed as regards the place; and with respect
2. Right to terminate the lease if dwelling to the time, the custom of the place shall be
place is in dangerous condition - If a followed.
dwelling place or any other building
intended for human habitation is in such a
condition that its use brings imminent and
serious danger to life or health, the lessee
may terminate the lease at once by
notifying the lessor, even if at the time the
contract was perfected the former knew of
the dangerous condition or waived the
right to rescind the lease on account of this
condition. (Art. 1660)
3. Right to file direct action against the
intruder in case of a mere act of trespass
which a third person may cause on the use
of the thing leased. (Art. 1664)
4. Freedom to choose between a
proportional reduction of the rent and a
rescission of the lease in cases of partial
destruction brought by fortuitous events.
(Art. 1655)
5. Suspend payment in case the lessor fails
to make the necessary repairs or to
maintain the lessee in peaceful and
adequate enjoyment of the property
leased. (Art. 1658)
6. Right to make use of the periods
established in Articles 1682 and 1687.
7. Right to sublease the property, provided that
it is not prohibited.
• A lessee may generally sublease the
property in the absence of express
prohibition because the lessee remains
a party to the lease even if he has
already created a sublease thereon.
e.g. He still must pay rent to the lessor
• Two leases and two distinct judicial
between the lessor and the lessee
between the sublessor (lessee) and
the sublessee
8. Right to be reimbursed of one-half of the
value of the improvements at the time of
termination of lease, when such useful
improvements is made in good faith and
which are suitable to the use for which the
lease is intended. (Art. 1678)
9. Right to remove the improvements, even
though the principal thing may suffer
damage thereby, if the lessor refuses to
reimburse him of the useful improvements
mentioned in the next preceding item. (Art.
Rights to Improvement
1. If Lessee in good faith makes USEFUL
improvements: lessor shall pay ½ of the
value; if Lessor refuses, Lessee may
remove even though it will cause
damage to the principal thing. He shall
not cause any more impairment than
2. Ornamental expenses: Lessee not entitled to
reimbursement; he may remove provided
no damage is caused to the principal thing,
and if Lessor does not chose to retain by
paying their value at the time the lease is
G.R. NO. 250477, NOVEMBER 09, 2020 Isaac leased the apartment of Dorotea for two
J. Lopez (2) years.
Indeed, a fine distinction exists between a Six (6) months after, Isaac subleased a
stipulation to renew a lease and one to extend it portion of the apartment due to financial
beyond the original term. A renewal clause creates difficulty. Is the sublease contract valid?
an obligation to execute a new lease for the a. Yes, it is valid for as long as all the
additional period. It connotes the cessation of the elements of a
old agreement and the emergence of a new one. On valid sublease contract are present.
the other hand, an extension clause operates of
b. Yes, it is valid if there is no express
its own force to create an additional term. It does
not require the execution of a new contract
prohibition for subleasing in the lease
between the parties. In this case, the contract.
compromise agreement did not require the c. No, it is void if there is no written
parties to enter into another lease contract. Quite consent on the part of the lessor.
the contrary, the agreement confirmed, ratified d. No, it is void because of breach of
and validated the existing amended contract of the lease
lease. Verily, the compromise agreement leaves no contract.
room for equivocation or interpretation. As such, no
amount of extraneous sources are necessary in BAR QUESTION (2013)
order to ascertain the parties' intent. Relatively, Anselmo is the registered owner of a land and
the heirs of Mariano cannot unduly stretch the a house
import of the PMO's letter dated February 24, that his friend Boboy occupied for a nominal
2011 beyond its nature as a mere demand to pay rental and on the condition that Boboy would
the increase in monthly rental. The letter cannot vacate the property on demand. With
also be taken as detached and isolated from the Anselmo's knowledge, Boboy introduced
other acts of the PMO that are incompatible with renovations consisting of an additional
the theory of renewal. Particularly, PMO's bedroom, a covered veranda, and a concrete
reminder about the expiration of the contract, its
block fence, at his own expense.
refusal to accept rental payment, and demand to
peacefully vacate the building, render renewal
Subsequently, Anselmo needed the property
out of the question. Taken together, the parties to as his residence and thus asked Boboy to
the compromise agreement vividly intended for vacate and turn it over to him. Boboy,
an extension of the lease period, and not renewal despite an extension, failed to vacate the
of the contract. property, forcing Anselmo to send him a
written demand to vacate. In his own written
MAÑAS V. NICOLASORA reply, Boboy signified that he was ready to
G.R. NO. 208845, FEBRUARY 03, 2020 leave but Anselmo must first reimburse him
J. Leonen the value of the improvements he introduced
on the property as he is a builder in good
Article 1643 of the Civil Code provides:
Article 1643. In the lease of things, one of the faith. Anselmo refused, insisting that Boboy
parties binds himself to give to another the cannot ask for reimbursement as he is a
enjoyment of use of a thing for a price certain, mere lessee.
and for a period which may be definite or SUGGESTED ANSWER
indefinite. However, no lease for more than Boboy's claim that he is a builder in good
ninety-nine years shall be valid. faith has no
Based on Article 1643, the lessor's main basis. A builder in good faith is someone who
obligation is to allow the lessee to enjoy the
occupies the property in the concept of an
use of the thing leased. Other contract
stipulations unrelated to this— for instance, owner. The provisions on builder-planter-
the right of first refusal—cannot be presumed sower under the Civil Code cover cases in
included in the implied contract renewal. The which the builder, planter and sower believe
law itself limits the terms that are included in themselves to be owners of the land, or at
implied renewals. One cannot simply presume least, to have a claim of title thereto.
that all conditions in the original contract are
also revived; after all, a contract is based on As Boboy is a lessee of the property, even if
the meeting of the minds between parties. he was paying nominal rental, Article 1678 is
applicable. Under this provision, if the lessee
CJH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION V. ANICETO makes, in good faith, useful improvements
G.R. NO. 224006, JULY 06, 2020 which are suitable to the use for which the
J. Leonen lease is intended, without altering the form
Clearly, there was an implied lease between or substance of the property leased, the
the parties. When the lease expired on May 17,
lessor upon the termination of the lease shall
2007, CJH Development acquiesced to Aniceto's
continued occupancy. It did not send a notice pay the lessee one-half of the value of
to vacate and even accepted Aniceto's improvements at that time. Should the lessor
monthly payments until February 28, 2008. As refuse to reimburse said amount, the lessee
it was paid monthly, the implied lease ran on a may remove the improvements, even though
month-to-month renewal, in accordance with the principal thing may suffer damage
Article 1687 of the Civil Code. It follows that thereby
the lease would be terminated by the end of
each month, and CJH Development may ALTERNATIVE
choose not to renew the lease and demand No. Boboy cannot be held liable for
repossession of the premises.
In sending the notice to vacate on January 30,
2008, CJH Development signified that it no longer
wished to continue the lease. By then, the
month- to-month implied lease was terminated.
The lessee can no longer insist on staying in the
premises against the lessor's will because there
is no longer a contract of lease to speak of.
Simon owned a townhouse that he rented out to
Shannon, (CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 1649-1652)
a flight attendant with Soleil Philippine Airlines
Assignment of Lease
(SPA). They had no written contract but merely
• Lessee
agreed oncannot assign
a three the lease
(3)- year lease. contract
Shannon without
had the consent of the lessor, unless there is a
been usingtothe the townhouse
contrary. (Art.
as 1649)
her base in
Manila and had been paying rentals for more • When in the contract of lease of things
than a year when she accepted a better job there is no express prohibition, the lessee
offer from Sing Airlines. This meant that may sublet the thing leased, in whole or in
Singapore was going to be her new base and part, without prejudice to his
so she decided, without informing Simon, to responsibility for the performance of the
sublease the townhouse to Sylvia, an office contract toward the lessor. (Art. 1650)
clerk in SPA.
a. Can Simon compel Shannon to reduce the Effect of Assignment of Lease
(a) Yes, Simon can compel Shannon to Original lessee’s personality disappears and
reduce the there remains only in the juridical relation
agreement into writing. While an agreement for two persons: the lessor and the assignee
the leasing of real property for a longer period (who is converted into a lessee)
than one year is covered by the Statute of
Frauds, thus, requiring a written memorandum General Rule: A lease cannot be assigned to
of its essential provisions under Article 1403, a third person without the lessor’s
Civil Code, the contract was taken out of the consent.
operation of the Statute of Frauds under the XPN: If there was a stipulation in the lease
Doctrine of Part Performance. The statute of contract between the lessor and the lessee
frauds applies only to executory contracts, and that the latter is allowed to assign the lease
not to contracts that are already executed to a third person.
partially or fully. Under Article 1357 of the Civil Rationale: Assignment of a lease constitutes
Code, the contracting parties may compel each novation.
other to observe the form of contract required
by law if the contract is valid and enforceable.
Right of Lessee to Sublease
(b) No, it does not constitute a ground for General Rule: A lessee may sublease the
terminating the lease. In the contract of lease leased property in the absence of express
of things, if there is no express prohibition, the prohibition in the contract of lease.
lessee may sublet the thing leased (Article Rationale: Lessee is still a party to the
1650, Civil Code). contract of lease.
In this contract, there appears to be no Note: Prohibition of the lessee to sublease the property
prohibition regarding subleasing; thus, there is will only be in effect if it is expressly stated in the
no violation of the contract which can be used contract of lease. If it is implied, lessee is still allowed
as a ground for terminating the contract. The to sublease the property.
act of a lessee in subleasing the thing without
the lessee retains an interest in the lease; he remains a party to the the lessee makes an
On January 1, 1980, Nestor leased the
contract absolute transfer of
fishpond of Mario
for a period of three years at a monthly his interest as lessee;
rental of P1,000.00, with an option to thus, he dissociates
purchase the same during the period of the the sublessee does himself from the
lease for the price of P500,000.00. After the not have any direct original contract of
expiration of the three-year period, Mario action against the lease
allowed Nestor to remain in the leased lessor the assignee has a
premises at the same rental rate. On June can be done even direct action against
15, 1983, Nestor tendered the amount of without the the lessor
P500,000.00 to Mario and demanded that the permission of the
latter execute a deed of absolute sale of the lessor (unless there cannot be done unless
fishpond in his favor. Mario refused, on the be an express the lessor consents
ground that Nestor no longer had an option to prohibition)
buy the fishpond. Nestor filed an Liability of sublessee toward lessor
action for specific performance. Will the action Although the sublessee is not the party to
prosper or not? Why? the contract of lease, the sublessee is still
directly liable to the lessor for acts
No, the action will not prosper. appertaining to the use and preservation of
the property.
The implied renewal of the lease on a month-
to-month basis did not have the effect of
Direct action by the lessor
extending the life of the option to purchase
The lessor may bring an action directly
which expired at the end of the original lease
against the sublessee if he does not use and
period. The lessor is correct in refusing to sell
preserve the thing leased in accordance with
on the ground that the option had expired
since implied new lease only renewed the the agreement between the lessor and the
lessee or with the nature of the property.
Subsidiary liability of sublessee to lessor
Sublessee is subsidiarily liable to the lessor for
any rent due from the lessee. However, the
sublessee shall not be responsible beyond the
amount of rent due from him, in accordance
with the terms of the sublease, at the time of
the extra-judicial demand by the lessor.
Advance Payment
General Rule: Payment in advance is disregarded insofar
as the lessor is concerned
XPN: if justified by the custom of the place.
Rationale: To prevent a collusion between the
sublessor, who may be insolvent, and the
sublessee. The lessor should not be
A. Nature, Form, and Kinds (Civil Code, arts. 1868-1883)
B. Obligations of Agent and Principal (Civil Code, arts. 1864-1918)
C. Extinguishment (Civil Code, arts. 1919-1932)
• Personal acts;
• Acts not allowed by law
• Not allowed by stipulations
Contract of Agency
By the contract of agency, one person binds
himself to render some service or to do
something in representation or on behalf of
another, with the consent or authority of the
latter (NCC, Art 1868)
Characteristics of Agency
1. Bilateral – if it is for compensation, it
gives rise to reciprocal rights and
2. Unilateral – if gratuitous, it creates
obligations for only one of the parties.
3. Nominate – it has its own name
4. Consensual – it is perfected by mere
5. Principal – it can stand by itself without
need of another contract
6. Preparatory and progressive – it is entered
into means for other purposes that deal
with the public in particular manner for the
agent to enter into juridical acts with the
public in the name of the principal.
(Villanueva and Villanueva vs Tiansay,
7. Generally onerous
8. Representative relation – the agent acts for
and on behalf of the principal on the
matters within the scope of his authority
and said acts have the same legal effect as
if they were personally executed by the
9. Fiduciary and revocable – for the creation
of legal relationship of representation by
the agent on behalf of the principal, the
powers of the former are essentially
derived from the latter. Neither the
principal nor the agent can be legally made
to remain in the relationship when they
choose to have it remained
Agency is never presumed. The relation
between principal and agent must exist as a
fact with the burden of proof resting upon the
person alleging the agency.
ARTICLE 1870. Acceptance by the agent may also act be urgent and indispensable for the
be express, or implied from his acts which preservation of the things which are under
carry out the agency, or from his silence or administration;
inaction according to the circumstances.
RULE REGARDING DOUBLE AGENCY 8. Duty to render an accounting (stipulation on
General Rule: it is disapproved by law for being exemption is void)
against public policy and sound morality.
• Every agent is bound to render an account
XPN: where the agent acted with full knowledge
of his transactions and to deliver to the
and consent of the principals.
principal whatever he may have received by
virtue of the agency, even though it may
RIGHT OF RETENTION BY LEGAL PLEDGE not be owing to the principal
Instances when the agent may retain in pledge the object • Every stipulation exempting the agent from
of the agency (Legal Pledge) the obligation to render an account shall be
1. If the principal fails to reimburse the agent void (Art. 1891)
the necessary sums, including interest,
which the latter advanced for the execution 9. Be responsible in certain cases for the acts of the
of the agency substitute appointed by him.
2. If the principal fails to indemnify the agent
• Agent may appoint a substitute, UNLESS
for all damages which the execution of the
agency may have caused the latter,
• Agent is responsible for acts of substitute in case:
without fault or negligence on his part
1) When he was not given the power to appoint
B. OBLIGATIONS OF AGENT AND PRINCIPAL 2) When he was given such power, but
(CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 1864-1918) without designating the person, and the
person appointed was notoriously
incompetent or insolvent.
1. Carry out agency. • All acts of the substitute appointed against
• If appointment was accepted, he should the prohibition of the principal shall be void
carry out the agency (Art. 1892)
• He is liable for the damages which, • In the cases mentioned in Nos. 1 and 2,
through his non- performance, the the principal may furthermore bring an
principal may suffer (Art. 1883) action against the substitute with respect to
• The agent is responsible not only for fraud, the obligations which the latter has
but also for negligence, which shall be contracted under the substitution. (Art.
judged with more or less rigor by the 1893)
courts, according to whether the agency
was or was not for a compensation. (Art. 10. Joint liability of 2 or more agents UNLESS solidarity
1909) is stipulated
• The responsibility of two or more agents,
2. NOT to carry out the agency even though they have been appointed
He should not carry out the agency if its simultaneously, is not solidary, if solidarity
execution would manifestly result in loss or has not been expressly stipulated. (Art.
damage to the principal (Art. 1888) 1894)
• If solidarity has been agreed upon, each of
the agents is responsible for the non-
3. Act in accordance with the instructions of the
fulfillment of the agency, and for the fault or
principal. negligence of his fellow agents, except
• Follow the principal’s instructions when fellow agents acted beyond the scope
• If there is none, do all that a good father of their authority (Art. 1895)
of a family would do, as required by the
nature of the business (Art. 1887) 11. Duty to pay interest on sums personally used
The agent owes interest on the sums he has
4. Finish the business even after death of the applied to his own use from the day on which
principal he did so, and on those which he still owes
He must also finish the business already after the extinguishment of the agency. (Art.
begun on the death of the principal, should 1896)
delay entail danger (Art. 1884)
12. Liability on Contracts:
5. If appointment is declined, he should take care of • The agent is not personally liable to the
goods with ordinary diligence party with whom he contracts UNLESS:
• He is bound to observe the diligence of a 1) He expressly binds himself; or
good father of a family in the custody and 2) He exceeds the limits of the authority
without giving such party sufficient
preservation of the goods forwarded to
notice of his powers (Art. 1897)
him by the owner until the latter should
• The principal cannot set up the ignorance of
appoint an agent.
the agent as to circumstances whereof he
• The owner shall as soon as practicable
himself was, or ought to have been, aware
either appoint an agent or take charge of (Art. 1899)
the goods. (Art. 1885) • If the agent contracts in the name of the
principal, exceeding the scope of his
6. If allowed to borrow authority, and the principal does not ratify
Agent may become the creditor at current the contract, it shall be void if the party with
interest rate whom the agent contracted is aware of the
limits of the powers granted by the
7. If allowed to lend at interest principal. In this case, however, the agent
Agent may not become the debtor unless is liable if he undertook to secure the
principal consents (Art 1890) principal’s ratification. (Art. 1898)
13. Third person may require proof of authority principal may require the presentation of
• A third person with whom the agent the power of attorney, or the instructions as
wishes to contract on behalf of the regards the agency.
• Private or secret orders and instructions of when it is borne in mind that knowledge of the
the principal do not prejudice third persons agent is imputed to the principal even though the
who have relied upon the power of attorney agent never communicated such knowledge to the
or instructions shown them. (Art. 1902) principal.
• So far as third persons are concerned, an
act is deemed to have been performed
within the scope of the agent's authority, if
such act is within the terms of the power of
attorney, as written, even if the agent has in
fact exceeded the limits of his authority
according to an understanding between the
principal and the agent. (Art. 1900)
• A third person cannot set up the fact that
the agent has exceeded his powers, if the
principal has ratified, or has signified his
willingness to ratify the agent's acts. (Art.
4. Reimburse the agent for all advances made by him of obligations in general whenever they are
even if the business or undertaking was not applicable, like loss of the thing and novation.
successful provided the agent is free from fault.
• General Rule: principal is liable for the
expenses incurred by the agents.
• XPN:
1) If the agent acted in contravention of
the principal’s instructions, unless
principal should wish to avail himself
of the benefits derived from the
2) When the expenses were due to the
fault of the agent.
3) When the agent incurred them with
knowledge that an unfavorable result
would ensue, if the principal was not
aware thereof; or
4) When it was stipulated that the
expenses would be borne by the
agent, or that the latter would be
allowed only a certain sum.
1. By agreement to extinguish
2. By its revocation
3. By the withdrawal of the agent;
4. By the death, civil interdiction, insanity or
insolvency of the principal or of the agent.
5. By the dissolution of the firm or
corporation which entrusted or accepted
the agency;
6. By the accomplishment of the object or
purpose of the agency.
7. By the expiration of the period for which
the agency was constituted.
Note: The duties and responsibilities of the BAR QUESTION (2014)
withdrawing agent. Joe Miguel, a well-known treasure hunter in
1. If the principal should suffer damage by Mindanao,
reason of the withdrawal by the agent, the executed a Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
latter must indemnify the principal therefor, appointing his nephew, John Paul, as his
unless the agent should base his withdrawal attorney-in-fact. John Paul was given the power
upon the impossibility of continuing the to deal with treasure-hunting activities on Joe
performance of the agency without grave Miguel's land and to file charges against those
who may enter it without the latter's authority.
detriment to himself.
Joe Miguel agreed to give John Paul forty
2. The agent must continue to act until the
percent (40%) of the treasure that may be
principal has had reasonable opportunity
found on the land. Thereafter, John Paul filed a
to take the necessary steps to meet the
case for damages and injunction against Lilo
situation even if he should withdraw from for illegally entering Joe Miguel's land.
the agency. Subsequently, he hired the legal services of
Atty. Audrey agreeing to give the latter thirty
KINDS OF WITHDRAWAL BY THE AGENT percent (30%) of Joe Miguel's share in
1. Without just cause – the law imposes upon whatever treasure that may be found in the
the agent the duty to give due notice to land. Dissatisfied however with the strategies
the principal and to indemnify the implemented by
principal should the latter suffer damage John Paul, Joe Miguel unilaterally revoked the
by reason of such withdrawal. SPA granted to John Paul. Is the revocation proper?
2. With just cause – if the agent withdraws SUGGESTED ANSWER
from the agency for a valid reason as No, the revocation was not proper. As a rule,
when the withdrawal is based on the a contract
impossibility of continuing with the of agency may be revoked by the principal
agency without grave detriment to at will. However, an agency ceases to be
himself or is due to a fortuitous event, revocable at will if it is coupled with an
the agent cannot be held liable. interest or if it is a means of fulfilling an
obligation already contracted (Art. 1927). In
DEATH OF PRINCIPAL TO THE CONTRACT OF the case at bar, the agency may be deemed an
AGENCY agency coupled with an interest not only
General Rule: Agency is extinguished. because of the fact that John Paul expects to
• The agency shall remain in full force and
effect even after the death of the principal, if
it has been constituted in the common BAR QUESTION (2013)
interest of the latter and of the agent, or in Jo-Ann asked her close friend, Aissa, to
the interest of a third person who has buy some
accepted the stipulation in his favor. (Art groceries for her in the supermarket. Was
1930) there a nominate contract entered into between Jo-
• Anything done by the agent, without Ann and Aissa? In the affirmative, what was it?
knowledge of the death of the principal or of Explain.
any other cause which extinguishes the SUGGESTED ANSWER
agency, is valid and shall be fully effective Yes, there was a nominate contract. On the
with respect to third persons who may have assumption
contracted with him in good faith. (Art 1931) that Aissa accepted the request of her close
friend Jo- Ann to buy some groceries for her
LOPEZ V. HON. COURT OF APPEALS in the supermarket, what they entered into
G.R. NO. 163959, AUGUST 1, 2018 was a nominate contract of Agency.
J. Bersamin
One of the modes of extinguishing a contract of Article 1868 of the New Civil Code provides
agency is by the death of either the principal or that by the contract of agency a person
the agent. In Rallos v. Felix Go Chan & Sons binds himself to render some service or to do
Realty Corporation, the Court declared that
because death of the principal extinguished the
agency, it should follow a fortiori that any act
of the agent after the death of his principal
As an agent, AL was given a guarantee
should be held void ab initio unless the act fell
under the exceptions established under Article
in addition to his regular commission, after
1930 and Article 1931 of the Civil Code. The
he sold 20 units of refrigerators to a
exceptions should be strictly construed. In
other words, the general rule is that the death customer, HT Hotel. The customer,
of the principal or, by analogy, the agent however, failed to pay for the units sold.
extinguishes the contract of agency, unless any AL’s principal, DRBI, demanded from AL
of the circumstances provided for under Article payment for the customer’s accountability.
1930 or Article 1931 obtains; in which case, AL objected, on the ground that his job was
notwithstanding the death of either principal or only to sell and not to collect payment for
agent, the contract of agency continues to units bought by the customer. Is AL’s objection
exist. valid? Can DRBI collect from him or not? Reason.
DEATH OF AGENT No, AL’s objection is not valid and DRBI can
collect from
If the agents dies, his heirs must notify the
principal thereof, and in the meantime
adopt such measure as the circumstances
may demand in interest of the latter.
Richard sold a large parcel of land in Cebu to
Leo for P100
million payable in annual installments over a
period of ten years, but title will remain with
Richard until the purchase price is fully paid.
To enable Leo to pay the price, Richard gave
him a power-of-attorney authorizing him to
subdivide the land, sell the individual lots, and
deliver the proceeds to Richard, to be applied
to the purchase price. Five years later, Richard
revoked the power of attorney and took over
the sale of the subdivision lots himself. Is the
revocation valid or not? Why?
The revocation is not valid. The power of attorney
given to
the buyer is irrevocable because it is coupled
with an interest: the agency is the means of
fulfilling the obligation of the buyer to pay the
price of the land (Article 1927, CC). In other
words, a bilateral contract (contract to buy
sell the land) is dependent on the agency.
CX executed a special power of attorney
authorizing DY to
secure a loan from any bank and to mortgage
his property covered by the owner’s certificate
of title. In securing a loan from MBank, DY did
not specify that he was acting for CX in the
transaction with said bank. Is CX liable for the bank
loan? Why or why not? Justify your answer.
CX is liable for the bank loan because he
authorized the
mortgage on his property to secure the loan
contracted by DY. If DY later defaults and fails
to pay the loan, CX is liable to pay. However,
his liability is limited to the extent of the value
of the said property.
CX is not personally liable to the bank loan
because it was contracted by DY in his
personal capacity. Only the property of CX is
liable. Hence, while CX has authorized the
mortgage on his property to secure the loan of
DY, the bank cannot sue CX to collect the loan
in case DY defaults thereon. The bank can only
foreclose the property of CX. And if the
proceeds of the foreclosure are not sufficient
to pay the loan in full, the bank cannot run
after CX for the deficiency.
A. Mutuum and Commodatum (Civil Code, arts. 1933-1961)
B. Deposit (Civil Code, arts. 1962-2009)
C. Guaranty and Suretyship (Civil Code, arts. 2047-2081)
D. Real Estate Mortgage (Civil Code, arts. 2124-2126 and 2128-2131)
E. Personal Property Security Act (R.A. No. 11057)
1. COMMODATUM - Where the bailor (lender)
delivers to the bailee (borrower) a non-
consumable thing so that the latter may
use it for a certain time and return the
identical thing
lender delivers to the borrower money or
other consumable thing upon the condition
that the latter will pay the same amount of
the same kind and quality
OBLIGATIONS OF THE BAILEE (Arts 1941-1945) save the latter
1. To pay for the Ordinary expenses for the d. Lends the subject matter to a 3rd person – he lends or
use and preservation of the thing loaned leases the thing to a third person who is not a
(Art. 1941) member of his household
2. To pay for all Other expenses e. Delay - he keeps it longer than the period
XPN: Other than those referred to in Art. stipulated or after the accomplishment of the
1941 and 1949 (refund of extraordinary use for which the commodatum has been
expenses in full, or in half (if incurred constituted.
while bailee in actual use) (Art. 1950)
Reason: Bailee makes use of the thing.
Expenses for ostentation are to borne by
the bailee because they are not necessary
for the preservation of the thing.
For Extraordinary expenses for
preservation, bailor must reimburse the
bailee, since he is the one who profits from
said expenses.
3. To take good Care of the thing with the
diligence of a
good father of a family (Art. 1163)
4. To be liable for Loss, except due to a
fortuitous event UNLESS under exceptional
circumstances (Art 1942)
5. The bailee has NO RIGHT to Retain the
thing loaned as security for claims he has
against the bailor, even though they may be
by reason of extraordinary expenses (Art.
a. Ownership remains in bailor – the bailee
acquires only the use of thing, the
ownership of which remains w/ the
b. Only temporary use given to bailee – the
bailee would be violating the bailor’s trust
in him to return the thing as soon as the
period stipulated expires or the purpose
has been accomplished.
XPN to Right of Retention: Claim for damages
suffered because the bailor did not advise
bailee of the flaws known to him (Arts.
1951; 1944)
6. A bailee does not answer for the
Deterioration of the thing loaned due only to
the use thereof and without his fault;
7. Liability when there are 2 or more bailees:
The presumption is that they are solidarily
liable (Art. 1945)
Reason for the presumption: to safeguard
effectively the right of the bailor. The law
presumes that the bailor takes into account
the personal integrity and responsibility of
all the bailees and that, therefore, he
would not have constituted the
commodatum if there were only one bailee.
6. To pay damages for known hidden flaws (Art. 1951) default (either failure to pay upon extra-judicial
Requisites: (the following must concur) demand or upon judicial demand whichever is
a. there is a flaw or defect in the thing loaned appropriate and subject to the provisions of
b. the flaw or defect is hidden Article 1169 of the Civil Code)
c. the bailor is aware thereof
d. he does not advise the bailee of the same
e. the bailee suffers damages by reason of
the flaw or defect
XPN: when the defect is not known to the
bailor, he is not liable because commodatum is
Contract whereby one of the parties delivers to
another money or other fungible thing w/ the
understanding that the same amount of the
same kind and quality shall be paid. (Art.
a. bilateral - borrower’s promise to pay is the
consideration for the lender’s obligation to
furnish the loan
b. no criminal liability upon failure to pay
a. fungible or consumable-depending on the
intent of the parties, that the return of the
thing is equivalent only and not the
identical thing
b. Money
c. if the transfer of ownership is on a non-
fungible thing (irreplaceable), with the
obligation of the other to give other thing by
agreement, it is a barter
Rules on Interest
I. When obligation breached is Monetary Obligation, ex.
Loans of forbearance of money:
a. Interest due shall be that stipulated in
writing; Interest due shall earn legal
interest of 6% from date of judicial demand
(filing of the case)
b. If no stipulation in writing, interest shall be
6% per annum to be computed from
II. When obligation breached is Non- Deposit
Monetary Obligation • A contract of deposit is constituted from the
a. If already liquidated, rate of interest moment a person receives a thing belonging
shall be 6% per annum, demandable to another, with the obligation of safely
from date of judicial or extra- judicial keeping it and of returning the same. (Art.
demand (Art. 1169, Civil Code) 1962)
b. If unliquidated, no interest • If the safekeeping of the thing delivered is not
the principal purpose of the contract, there is
XPN: When later on established with
no deposit but some other contract.
certainty. Interest shall still be 6% per
annum demandable from the date of CHARACTERISTICS
judgment because on such date, it is 1. real - because it is perfected only by the
already deemed that the amount of delivery of the subject matter BUT an
damages is already ascertained. agreement to constitute a deposit is
binding and enforceable, since it is merely
III. Compounded Interest consensual
• This is applicable to both monetary 2. unilateral - if gratuitous, because only the
and non-monetary obligations depositary has the obligation
• 6% per annum computed against 3. bilateral - if with compensation, because it gives rise
award of damages (interest) granted to
by the court. To be computed from obligations on the part of both depositary and
the date when the court’s decision depositor
becomes final and executory until the
award is fully satisfied by the losing CREATION OF DEPOSIT (Art. 1964)
party. may be constituted judicially or extrajudicially
1. By virtue of a court order; or
IV. Prospective Application 2. By law
• The 6% per annum rate of legal 3. By the will of the parties
It is essential that the depositary is not the owner of
interest shall be applied prospectively;
the property deposited (Art. 1962)
• Final and executory judgments
awarding damages prior to July 1, KINDS OF DEPOSIT
2013 shall apply the 12% rate; 1. Judicial - when an attachment or seizure of
• Final and executory judgments property in litigation is order
awarding damages on or after July 1, 2. Extrajudicial (Art. 1967)
2013 shall apply the 12% rate for a. voluntary- delivery is made by the will of
unpaid obligations until June 30, 2013; the depositor or by two or more persons
unpaid obligations with respect to said each of whom believes himself entitled to
judgments on or after July 1, 2013 the thing deposited;
shall still incur the 6% rate. b. necessary- made in compliance with a
legal obligation, or on the occasion of any
B. DEPOSIT (CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 1962-2009) calamity, or by travelers in hotels and
inns (Arts 1996-2004) or by travelers with
common carriers (Arts 1734-1735)
DEPOSIT IS GENERALLY GRATUITOUS: (Art. 1965) qualification.
General Rule: A deposit is generally gratuitous. XPN: The depositary is authorized by express
XPN: stipulation.
a. when there is a contrary stipulation
b. where depositary is engaged in the
business of storing goods
c. Property is saved from destruction
without knowledge of the owner
d. Judicial deposit
18. Obligation to return upon demand/ arrival of the without advice from the depositor.
time of return. (Art. 1988)
General Rule: The thing deposited must be
returned to the depositor UPON DEMAND, even
though a specified period or time for such return
may have been fixed.
a. When the thing is judicially attached
while in the
depositary’s possession
b. When notified of the opposition of a third
person to the return or the removal of the
thing deposited.
When hotel-keeper liable: (Art. 2000 – 2002)
Note: Hotelkeeper is liable REGARDLESS of the
amount of care exercised in the following C. GUARANTY AND SURETYSHIP (CIVIL CODE,
cases: ARTS. 2047-2081)
a. The loss or injury to personal property is
An accessory contract whereby a person called
caused by his servants or employees as
the guarantor binds himself to the creditor to
well as by strangers (Art. 2000).
fulfill the obligation of the principal debtor in
b. The loss is caused by the act of a thief or
case the latter should fail to do.
robber done without the use of arms and
irresistible force. (Art. 2001)
Guaranty not presumed (Art. 2055)
Reason: Hotel-keeper is apparently negligent.
Guaranty requires the expression of consent
on the part of the guarantor to be bound. It
When hotel-keeper not liable:
cannot be presumed because of the existence
a. The loss or injury is caused by force
of a contract or principal obligation.
majeure, like flood, fire, theft or robbery by
a stranger (not the hotel-keeper’s servant
Guaranty covered by the Statute of Frauds (Art. 1403)
or employee) with the use of firearms or
• Guaranty must not only be expressed but
irresistible force.
must so be reduced into writing.
XPN: Unless the hotel-keeper is guilty of
• Hence, it shall be unenforceable by action,
fault or negligence in failing to provide
unless the same or some note or
against the loss or injury from this cause.
memorandum thereof be in writing, and
b. The loss is due to the acts of the guests,
subscribed by the party charged, or by his
his family, servants, visitors.
agent; evidence, therefore, of the agreement
c. The loss arises from the character of the
cannot be received without the writing, or a
things brought into the hotel.
secondary evidence of its contents.
• It need not appear in a public document.
Exemption or Diminution of Liability
The hotel-keeper cannot free himself from
responsibility by posting notices to the effect
1. of the Guarantor – pay or perform the obligation
that he is not liable for the articles brought by
if the debtor fails to do.
the guest. (Art. 2003)
2. of the Creditor – pay the guarantor the
Limited Liability Stipulation is VOID
Any stipulation between the hotel-keeper and stipulated.
the guest whereby the responsibility of the
former (as set forth in Art. 1998-2001) is Qualifications of a Guarantor
suppressed or diminished shall be VOID. (Art. i. Possesses integrity
2003) ii. Has the capacity to bind himself
iii. Has sufficient property to answer for the
Hotel-keeper’s right to retain obligation which he guarantees
The hotel-keeper has a right to retain the iv. Subject to the jurisdiction of the court of
things brought into the hotel by the guest, as the place where the obligation is to be
a security for credits on account of: complied with
a. Lodging;
b. supplies usually furnished to hotel guests. Privileges given to the guarantor
Reason: It is given to hotel-keepers to i. Benefit of excussion
compensate them for the liabilities imposed ii. Benefit of division
upon them by law. The right of retention
recognized in this article is in the nature of a Excussion
pledge created by operation of law. Right of the guarantor to have the properties
of the debtpr exhausted first before the
SEQUESTRATION OR JUDICIAL DEPOSIT guarantor can be made liable to the creditor
When judicial deposit takes place:
• Judicial deposit takes place when an For the benefit of Excussion, the guarantor must:
attachment or seizure of property in i. Set it up against the creditor upon the
litigation is ordered by a court. (Art. 2005) latter’s
• Nature: Auxiliary to a case pending in court. demand for payment from him
• Purpose: To maintain the status quo during ii. Point out to the creditor the available
the pendency of the litigation or to insure properties of the debtor in the Philippines
the right of the parties to the property in sufficient to cover the amount of debt.
case of a favorable judgment.
The guarantor is not entitled to excussion when:
Depositary of sequestered property: person appointed i. Guarantor has expressly renounced the benefit
by the court. (Art. 2007) s n judicial deposit is remedial or procedural in
Obligations: i nature. (Art. 2009)
a. To take care of the property with the n
diligence of a good father of the family. c
(Art. 2008) e
b. He may not be relieved of his responsibility l
until the litigation is ended or the court so a
orders. (Art. 2007) w
Benefit of division SURETYSHIP
Requisites: Suretyship is a contract where a person binds
i. There are several guarantors himself solidarily with the principal debtor. (Art.
ii. They guaranteed only one debtor 2047 par. 2)
iii. One debt
Nature and extent of suretyship
Division is not available when: i. Primarily and absolutely liable
i. Waived by the guarantor ii. Pays if debtor does not pay
ii. Guarantor solidarily binds himself iii. Insurer of the debt
with the principal debtor
iii. the debtor is insolvent Nature of surety’s undertaking
iv. Principal debtor has absconded 1. Liability is contractual and accessory but
v. When it may be presumed that direct:
execution will not 2. Liability is limited by terms of contract
result in the satisfaction of the judgment 3. Liability arises only if principal debtor is held
credit liable
a. In the absence of collusion, the surety
Continuing guaranty is bound by a judgment against the
i. Not limited to a single transaction principal event though he was not a
ii. Contemplates a future course of dealing party to the proceedings;
covering a series of transactions b. The creditor may sue, separately or
iii. Prospective in application. together, the principal debtor and the
Rights of Guarantor c. A demand or notice of default is not
1. before payment required to fix the surety’s liability
a. to receive compensation Exception: Where required by the
provisions of the contract of suretyship
b. to demand relief from the guaranty
NOTE: Surety is not entitled to exhaustion
against unlike guarantors
creditor’s action 4. Undertaking is to creditor, not to debtor
c. to demand security against The surety makes no covenant or
debtor’s agreement with the principal that it will
insolvency fulfill the obligation guaranteed for the
2. after payment benefit of the principal. The surety’s
a. to seek reimbursement undertaking is that the principal shall
b. to be subrogated to the rights of the fulfill his obligation and that the surety
creditor shall be relieved of liability when the
obligation secured is performed.
Debtor must indemnify guarantor for: Exception: Unless otherwise expressly
i. Total amount of debt provided. NOTE: Surety is not entitled to
ii. Legal interests notice of principal’s default
iii. Expenses incurred after notifying the 5. Prior demand by the creditor upon
debtor that payment had been principal not required Surety is not
demanded from him exonerated by neglect of creditor to sue
iv. Damages
1. Same grounds as the modes of G.R. NO. 160466, JANUARY 17, 2005
extinguishment for ordinary obligation J. Puno
(Payment, Loss, Condonation, Merger, • There is a sea of difference in the rights
Compensation, Novation and liabilities of a guarantor and a surety.
A guarantor insures the solvency of the
2. Extension of payment
debtor while a surety is an insurer of the
3. Negligence of the creditor
debt itself. A contract of guaranty gives
4. Failure to send notice of default rise to a subsidiary obligation on the part
5. Death of the guarantor. It is only after the
6. Creditor voluntarily accepts immovable creditor has proceeded against the
or other property in payment of the debt, properties of the principal debtor and the
even if the creditor should afterwards debt remains unsatisfied that a guarantor
lose the same through eviction. can be held liable to answer for any
unpaid amount. This is the principle of
• In suretyship contract, however, the benefit
of excussion is not available to the surety as
he is principally liable for the payment of the
debt. As the surety insures the debt itself,
GUARANTY WARRANTY he obligates himself to pay the debt if the
principal debtor will not pay, regardless of
Contract by which a An undertaking that the whether or not the latter is financially
person is bound to title, quality, or capable to fulfill his obligation. Thus, a
another for the quantity of the subject creditor can go directly against the surety
although the principal debtor is solvent absolutely bound with the principal debtor
and is able to pay or no prior demand for the payment of the debt and is
is made on the principal debtor. A deemed as an original promissor and
surety is directly, equally and debtor from the beginning.
GUARANTY VS. SURETYSHIP • The interest may be in the form of fruits of
the mortgaged property, without the contract’s
GUARANTY SURETYSHIP losing its nature of a contract of mortgage.
Liability depends upon Assumes liability as a
an independent regular party to the
agreement to pay the Undertaking. 1. Voluntary – one which is agreed to between
obligation if the primary the parties or constituted by the will of the
debtor fails to do so. owner of the property on which it is
Engagement is a Charged as an 2. Legal – one required by law to be executed
collateral undertaking. original in favor of certain persons (Arts. 2125,
Promisor. 2083)
3. Equitable – one which, although it lacks the
Secondarily liable – he Primarily liable –
proper formalities of a mortgage shows the
contracts to pay if, by undertakes directly for
intention of the parties to make the
the use of due the payment
without reference
property as a security for a debt (provisions
diligence, the debt
cannot be paid. to the solvency governing equitable mortgage - arts 1365,
of the principal, and is 1450, 1454, 1602, 1603, 1604 and 1607)
so responsible at once
the latter makes default, ESSENTIAL REQUISITES OF MORTGAGE
without any demand by 1. constituted to secure the fulfillment of a
the creditor upon the principal obligation
principal whatsoever or 2. mortgagor is the absolute owner of the thing
any notice of default. mortgaged
Only binds himself to Undertakes to pay if the 3. the persons constituting mortgage have
pay if the principal principal does not pay, free disposal of their property, and in the
cannot or unable to without regard to his absence thereof, that they be legally
pay. ability to do so. authorized for the purpose
4. cannot exist without a valid obligation
Insurer of the solvency Insurer of the debt. 5. when the principal obligation becomes due,
of the debtor. the thing in which the mortgage consists
may be alienated for the payment to the
Does not contract that Pay the creditor without creditor.
the principal will pay, qualification if the 6. appears in a public document duly
but simply that he is principal debtor does recorded in the Registry of Property to be
able to do so. not pay. Hence, the validly constituted
responsibility or
obligation assumed by
the surety is greater or
• It is indispensable in order that a mortgage
more onerous than that
may be validly constituted that it appears in
a public instrument duly recorded in the
Registry of Property
• If in private instrument – no valid mortgage
is constituted, but it is still binding upon the
• As a general rule, the mortgagor retains
possession of the property, because by the
mortgage, the debtor merely subjects the
property to a LIEN but ownership thereof is
not parted with.
• Mortgagor may deliver said property to the
mortgagee without altering the nature of
not recorded, the mortgage is
nevertheless binding between the
parties. The persons in whose favor the
law establishes a mortgage have no
other right than to demand the execution
and the recording of the document in
which the mortgage is formalized.
Even assuming that the parties indeed agreed • There is court intervention;
to register only one of the two REMs, the • Decisions are appealable;
subsequent registration of both REMs did not • Order of the court cuts off all rights of the parties
affect an already validly executed REM if there impleaded;
was no other basis for the declaration of its • There is equity of redemption except on banks
nullity. That the REMs were intended merely which
as "partial security" does not make PDCP's provides for a right of redemption;
argument more plausible because as aptly
observed by the CA, the PDCP's act of
surrendering all the titles to the properties to
FEBTC clearly establishes PDCP' s intent to
mortgage all of the four properties in favor of
FEBTC to secure Sengkon's obligation under
the Credit Line. The Court notes that the
principal debtor, Sengkon, has several
obligations under its Omnibus Line
corresponding to the several credit sub-
facilities made available to it by FEBTC. As
found by the trial court, PDCP intended to be
bound only for Sengkon' s availments under
the Credit Line sub-facility and not for just any
of Sengkon's availments. Hence, it is in this
sense that the phrase "partial security" should
be logically understood.
1. creates real rights, a lien inseparable from
the property mortgaged, enforceable
against the whole world
2. creates merely an encumbrance –
mortgage does not involve a transfer,
cession or conveyance of property but only
constitutes a lien thereon. A mere
mortgagee cannot eject an occupant of the
property mortgaged
• Not limited to the property itself but also
extends to all its accessions, improvements,
growing fruits and rents or income (Art.
2102) as well as to proceeds of insurance
should the property be destroyed, or
expropriation value of the property should it
be expropriated.
• TO EXCLUDE accessions, accessories and
improvements subsequently introduced,
there must be a stipulation to that effect
it is the remedy available to the mortgagee by
which he subjects the mortgaged property to
the satisfaction of the obligation to secure
which the mortgage was given.
1. Judicial – governed by Rule 68 of the Rules of
2. Extrajudicial – governed by Act No. 3135
1. Mortgagee may waive right to foreclose his
mortgage and maintain a personal action for
No complaint is filed; Complaint is filed with recovery of the indebtedness
the 2. Mortgagee cannot have both remedies
There is a right of No right of redemption Note: Foreclosure retroacts to the date of
redemption. Mortgagor except when registration of mortgage
has a right of mortgagee is a banking
redemption for 1 institution; equity of STIPULATION OF UPSET PRICE OR “TIPO”
A stipulation of minimum price at which the
year from registration redemption only (90
property shall be sold to become operative in
of the sale to the event of a foreclosure sale at public
120 days, and any auction is NULL and VOID.
time before
confirmation of BPI V. REYES
foreclosure sale); G.R. NO. 182769, FEBRUARY 1, 2012
Mortgagee has to Mortagagee can move J. Leonardo-De Castro
file a for It bears also to stress that the mode of forced
separate action to deficiency judgment in sale utilized by petitioner was an extrajudicial
recover any deficiency; the same action foreclosure of real estate mortgage which is
governed by Act No. 3135, as amended. An
Buyer at public Buyer at public
examination of the said law reveals nothing to
auction becomes auction becomes the effect that there should be a minimum bid
absolute owner only absolute owner only price or that the winning bid should be equal
after finality of an after confirmation of to the appraised value of the foreclosed
action for the sale; property or to the amount owed by the
consolidation of mortgage debtor.
Mortgagee is given a Mortgagee need not be What is clearly provided, however, is that a
NATURE OF JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS mortgage debtor is given the opportunity to
1. quasi in rem action redeem the foreclosed property within the
2. foreclosure is only the result or incident of term of one year from and after the date of
the failure to pay debt sale. In the case at bar, other than the mere
3. survives death of mortgagor inadequacy of the bid price at the foreclosure
sale, respondent did not allege any irregularity
NATURE OF POWER OF FORECLOSURE in the foreclosure proceedings nor did she
BY EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE prove that a better price could be had for her
1. conferred for mortgagee’s protection property under the circumstances.
2. an ancillary stipulation
3. a prerogative of the mortgagee Thus, even if we assume that the valuation of
the property at issue is correct, we still hold
that the inadequacy of the price at which it
Note: Stipulation of upset price in mortgage
was sold at public auction does not invalidate
contract is void.
the foreclosure sale.
Moreover, we fail to see any unjust enrichment
1. Mortgagee is entitled to recover deficiency resulting from upholding the validity of the
2. If the deficiency is embodied in a foreclosure sale and of the right of the
judgment, it is petitioner to collect any deficiency from
referred to as deficiency judgment. respondent. Unjust enrichment exists when a
3. Action for recovery of deficiency may be person unjustly retains a benefit to the loss of
filed even during redemption period. another, or when a person retains money or
4. Action to recover prescribes after 10 years property of another against the fundamental
from the time the right of action accrues principles of justice, equity and good
governance. As discussed above, there is a
strong legal basis for petitioners claim against
respondent for the balance of her loan
1. Where there is right to redeem obligation.
General Rule: Inadequacy of price is
immaterial because the judgment debtor
may redeem the property
it is a transaction by which the mortgagor
XPN: the price is so inadequate as to shock
reacquires or buys back the property which
the conscience of the court taking into
may have passed under the mortgage or
consideration the peculiar circumstances
divests the property of the lien which the
2. Property may be sold for less than its fair
mortgage may have created.
market value upon the theory that the lesser
the price the easier for the owner to redeem
3. The value of the mortgaged property has KINDS OF REDEMPTION
no bearing on the bid price at the public 1. EQUITY OF REDEMPTION
auction, provided that the public auction ‘Equity of Redemption’ defined
was regularly and honestly conducted. right of the mortgagor to redeem the
mortgaged property after his default in the
performance of the conditions of the mortgage
but before the sale of the mortgaged property
or confirmation of sale; *applies to judicial
foreclosure of real mortgage
2. RIGHT OF REDEMPTION expenses as a result of the custody of the property
“Right of Redemption’ defined less the income received. Obviously, both the CA
right of the mortgagor to redeem the property and the RTC did not adhere to the letters of the law
within a certain period after it was sold for the and committed mistakes in their computation.
satisfaction of the debt; applies only to
extrajudicial foreclosure of real mortgage
Note: the right of redemption, as long as within
the period prescribed, may be exercised
irrespective of whether or not the mortgagee EQUITY OF REDEMPTION RIGHT OF REDEMPTION
has subsequently conveyed the property to The right of A right granted to a
some other party (Sta. Ignacia Rural Bank, Inc defendant debtor
v. CA, 230 SCRA 513 [1994]) mortgagor to mortgagor, his
extinguish the successor in interest or
BPI V. LCL mortgage and retain any judicial creditor or
G.R. NO. 243396. SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 ownership of the judgment creditor or
J. Lopez property by paying any person having a lien
On the correct computation of the redemption the debt within on the property
price, the Court had ruled that Section 78 of 90 to 120 days after subsequent to the
Republic Act (RA) No. the entry of judgment mortgage or deed of
337 or the "General Banking Act," as or even after the trust under which the
amended, (now Section 47 of RA No. 8791 or foreclosure sale but property is sold to
the "General Banking Law of 2000") shall prior to confirmation. repurchase the property
govern in cases where the mortgagee is a within one year even
bank, and not the Rules of Court in relation to after the confirmation of
Section 6 of Act No. 3135,30 as amended by the sale and even after
Act No. 4118.31 In Ponce de Leon v. the registration of the
Rehabilitation Finance Corp., the Court certificate of foreclosure
explained that Section 78 of RA No. 337 had the sale.
effect of amending Section 6 of Act No. 3135 May be exercised There is no right
insofar as the redemption price is concerned even of
when the mortgagee is a bank, or a banking or after the foreclosure redemption in a judicial
credit institution. The conflict between the sale provided it is foreclosure of mortgage
two laws must be resolved in favor of RA No. 337 made before the sale under Rule 68. This
for being a special and subsequent is confirmed by order right of redemption
legislation. The ruling was cited and applied in of the court. exists only in
the cases of Sy v. Court of Appeals, Union Bank extrajudicial
of the Phils. v. Court of Appeals, Allied foreclosures where
Banking Corporation v. Mateo, and GE Money there is always a right
Bank, Inc. v. Sps. Dizon. of redemption within
In this case, the mortgagee BPI is a banking one year from the date
institution. Hence, Section 78 of RA No. 337, of sale(Sec. 3, Act
as further amended by Presidential Decree No. 3135), but interpreted
1828 the effective law at the time the contract by the Court to mean
of loan and the deed of real estate mortgage one year from the
were executed in 1997, shall govern in registration of the sale.
computing the redemption price for the May also exist in General rule: In
foreclosed properties, viz.: favor or judicial
other encumbrances. foreclosures there is
SEC. 78. x x x. In the event of foreclosure, whether If subsequent lien only an equity of
judicially or extrajudicially, of any mortgage on real estate holders are not redemption which can
which is security for any loan granted before the passage impleaded as parties be exercised prior to the
of this Act or under the provisions of this Act, the in the foreclosure suit, confirmation of
mortgagor or debtor whose real property has been sold at the judgment in favor the
public auction, judicially or extrajudicially, for the full or of the foreclosing foreclosure sale. This
partial payment of an obligation to any bank, banking or mortgagee does not means that after the
credit institution, within the purview of this Act shall have bind the other lien foreclosure sale but
the right, within one year after the sale of the real estate holders. In this case, before its confirmation,
as a result of the foreclosure of the respective mortgage, their equity of the mortgagor may
to redeem the property by paying the amount fixed by the redemption exercise his right of pay
court in the order of execution, or the amount due under the proceeds of the sale
remains unforeclosed. and prevent the
the mortgage deed, as the case may be, with interest
A separate confirmation of the sale.
thereon at the rate specified in the mortgage, and all the
costs, and judicial and other expenses incurred by the proceeding has to be
bank or institution concerned by reason of the execution brought against them
and sale and as a result of the custody of said property to require them to
less the income received from the property. x x x. redeem from the first
Applying the above provision pertaining to mortgagee or from
extrajudicial foreclosure, the redemption price the party acquiring
must consist of the following: (1) the principal the title to the
obligation or the amount due under the mortgaged property.
mortgage deed; (2) interest at the rate If not by banks, Exception: there is a
specified in the mortgage; (3) expenses of the right of
foreclosure, i.e., Judicial Commission, mortgagors merely redemption if the
Publication Fee, and Sheriffs Fee; and (4) other have an equity of foreclosure is in favor of
redemption, which is banks as mortgagees,
simply their right, as whether the foreclosure
mortgagor, to be judicial or
extinguish the extrajudicial. This right
mortgage and retain of redemption is
ownership of the explicitly provided in
property by paying Sec. 47 of the General
the secured debt prior Banking Law of 2000.
to the confirmation of While the law mentions
the foreclosure sale. the redemption period
to be one year counted
from the date of
registration of the
certificate in the
Registry of Property
PERIOD OF REDEMPTION Forms of Security Interest
1. Extra-judicial Foreclosure (Act No. 3135) • Tangible asset
• Natural person – 1 year from registration of • Investment property
the certificate of sale with Registry of Deeds
• Deposit account
• Juridical person – same rule as natural person
(1 year)
Creation of a Security Interest
• It is created by a security agreement.
If Mortgagee is PNB, a bank or banking institution:
• It may provide for the creation of a security
• Natural person – 1 year from registration of
interest in a future property, but security
the certificate of sale with Registry of Deeds
interest in that property is created only
• Juridical person – 3 months (90 days) after
when the grantor acquires rights in it or the
foreclosure or before registration of
power to encumber it.
certificate of foreclosure whichever is earlier
(Sec. 117 of General Banking Law)
Security Agreement
A security agreement must be contained in a
2. Judicial Foreclosure – before confirmation of the
sale by the court (only equity of redemption) written contract signed by the parties. It may
consist of one or more writings that, taken
Except : Mortgagee is PNB, a bank or banking
institution. Sec. 47, General Banking Law - together, establish the intent of the parties to
confers right of the mortgagor to redeem create a security interest.
the property sold on foreclosure after The security agreement shall likewise provide
confirmation by the court of the foreclosure for the language to be used in agreements and
sale – which right may be exercised by the notices. The grantor shall be given the option
following: to have the agreement and notices in Filipino.
• NATURAL PERSONS - within a period of one
year, counted from the date of registration Description of Collateral may be:
of the certificate of sale in the Registry of a. Specific
Property b. General
• JURIDICAL PERSONS – within a period of 3
months after the foreclosure sale or until Sufficient Description of Collateral
the registration of the certificate of sale, As long as it reasonable identifies the collateral
which ever comes first.
E. PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY ACT Example of Sufficient Description
(R.A. NO. 11057) • "all personal property"
• "all equipment"
• "all inventory"
An Act Strengthening the Secured
• "all personal property within a generic category"
Transactions Legal Framework in the
Philippines, Which Shall Provide for the
Creation, Perfection, Determination of Priority, PERFECTION OF SECURITY INTEREST
Establishment of a Centralized Notice Registry, A security interest shall be perfected when it
and Enforcement of Security Interests in has been created and the secured creditor has
Personal Property, and for Other Purposes taken one of the means of perfection;
On perfection, a security interest becomes
effective against third parties.
It is the policy of the State to promote
economic activity by increasing access to least Means of Perfection
cost credit, particularly for micro, small, and i. Registration of a notice with the Registry;
medium enterprises (MSMEs), by establishing Notice - a statement of information that is
a unified and modern legal framework for registered in the Registry relating to a
securing obligations with personal property. security interest or lien. The term includes
an initial notice.,
Scope of the Act
Applies to all transactions of any form that
secure an obligation with movable collateral,
interests in aircrafts subject to Republic Act
No. 9497, or
the "Civil Aviation Authority Act of 2008", and, amendment notice, and termination
interests in ships subject to Presidential ii. notice; Possession of the collateral by the
Decree No. 1521, or the "Ship Mortgage secured creditor; Control of
Decree of 1978". iii. investment property and
deposit account.
• The person who grants a security interest in
collateral to secure its own obligation or PERFECTION OF SECURITY INTEREST IN:
that of another person;
• A buyer or other transferee of a collateral ANY TANGIBLE INVESTMENT DEPOSIT
its right subject to a security interest; By By By
• A transferor in an outright transfer of an Registration Registration Registration
accounts By Possession By Control By Control
receivable; or 2. SECURED CREDITOR
• A lessee of goods; a person that has a security interest.
SECURITY INTEREST Perfection by Control
A property right in collateral that secures a. The creation of the security interest in
payment or other performance of an obligation favor of the deposit-taking institution or
of the Grantor to the Secured Creditor. the intermediary;
b. The conclusion of a control agreement; or
c. For an investment property that is an
electronic security not held with an
intermediary, the notation of the security
interest in the books maintained by or on
behalf of the issuer for the purpose of
recording the name of the holder of the
1) With respect to securities, means an agreement in writing among the grantor, secured
agreement in writing among the issuer or the creditor, and intermediary, according to which the
intermediary, the grantor and the secured commodity intermediary will apply any value
creditor, according to which the issuer or the distributed on account of the commodity contract
intermediary agrees to follow instructions as directed by the secured creditor without further
from the secured creditor with respect to the consent by the commodity customer or grantor;
security, without further consent from the
2) With respect to rights to deposit account,
means an agreement in writing among the
deposit-taking institution, the grantor and the
secured creditor, according to which the
deposit-taking institution agrees to follow
instructions from the secured creditor with
respect to the payment of funds credited to
the deposit account without further consent
from the grantor;
3) With respect to commodity contracts, means
an agreement in writing among the grantor,
secured creditor, and intermediary, according
to which the commodity intermediary will
apply any value distributed on account of the
commodity contract as directed by the
secured creditor without further consent by
the commodity customer or grantor.
GENERAL RULE: it is not required that a deposit-
taking institution or an intermediary enter into a
control agreement, even if the grantor so
XPN: If they entered into such an agreement, they
shall not be required to confirm the existence of
the agreement to another person unless
requested to do so by the grantor.
GENERAL RULE: Security Interest shall continue in
collateral notwithstanding (1) sale, (2) lease, (3)
license, (4) exchange, or (5) other disposition of
the collateral.
XPN: If the party who obtains, in the ordinary
course of business, any movable property
containing a security interest shall take the same
free of such security interest provided he was in
good faith [Sec 21, Ibid], or agreed upon by the
Good faith shall not exist if the security interest
in the movable property was registered prior to
his obtaining the property.
Commodity contract
a commodity futures contract, an option on a
commodity futures contract, a commodity option,
or another contract if the contract or option is:
1. Traded on or subject to the rules of a board of
trade that has been designated as a contract
market for such a contract; or
2. Traded on a foreign commodity board of trade,
exchange, or market, and is carried on the
books of a commodity intermediary for a
commodity customer;
Control Agreement
(1) With respect to securities - means an agreement
in writing among the issuer or the
intermediary, the grantor and the secured
creditor, according to which the issuer or the
intermediary agrees to follow instructions
from the secured creditor with respect to the
security, without further consent from the
(2) With respect to rights to deposit account - means an
agreement in writing among the deposit-
taking institution, the grantor and the
secured creditor, according to which the
deposit-taking institution agrees to follow
instructions from the secured creditor with
respect to the payment of funds credited to
the deposit account without further consent
from the grantor;
(3) With respect to commodity contracts - means an
Non-inter mediated securities Security Interest.—
securities other than securities credited (a) A security interest in an account receivable
to a securities account and rights in shall be effective notwithstanding any
securities resulting from the credit of agreement between the grantor and the
securities to a securities account; account debtor or any secured creditor
limiting in any way the grantor’s right to
Right to Proceeds and Commingled Funds and Money create a security interest.
a) A security interest in personal (b) Nothing in this section shall affect any
property shall extend to its obligation or liability of the grantor for
identifiable or traceable proceeds. breach of the agreement in subsection (a).
b) Where proceeds in the form of funds (c) Any stipulation limiting the grantor’s right
credited to a deposit account or to create a security interest shall be void.
money are commingled with other (d) This section shall apply only to accounts
funds or money: receivable arising from:
1. The security interest shall extend (1) A contract for the supply or lease of
to the commingled money or goods or services other than financial
funds, notwithstanding that the services;
proceeds have ceased to be (2) A construction contract or a contract for
identifiable to the extent they the sale or lease of real property; and
remain traceable: (3) A contract for the sale, lease or license
2. The security interest in the of
commingled funds or money shall intellectual property.
be limited to the amount of the
proceeds immediately before they Perfection in Proceeds
were commingled: and a. Upon disposition of collateral, a security
3. If at any time after the interest shall extend to proceeds of the
commingling, the balance credited collateral without further act and be
to the deposit account or the continuously perfected, if the proceeds are
amount of the commingled money in the form of money, accounts receivable,
is less than the amount of the negotiable instruments or deposit
proceeds immediately before they accounts.
were commingled, the security b. Upon disposition of the collateral, if the
interest against the commingled proceeds are in a form different from
funds or money shall be limited to money, accounts receivable, negotiable
the lowest amount of the instruments or deposit accounts, the
commingled funds or money security interest in such proceeds must be
between the time when the perfected by one of the means applicable to
proceeds were commingled and the relevant type of collateral within fifteen
the time the security interest in (15) days after the grantor receives such
the proceeds is claimed. proceeds; otherwise, the security interest
in such proceeds shall not be effective
Section 10. Contractual Limitation on the against third parties.
Creation of a
Change in Means of Perfection b) A security interest in an instrument or negotiable
A security interest shall remain perfected document that is perfected by possession of the
despite a change in the means for achieving instrument or the negotiable document shall
perfection: Provided, That there was no time have priority over a security interest in the
when the security interest was not perfected. instrument or negotiable document that is
perfected by registration of a notice in the
Assignment of Security Interest Registry.
If a secured creditor assigns a perfected
security interest, an amendment notice may
be registered to reflect the assignment.
d) The purchase money security interest in of registration of the notice shall be reckoned
equipment or consumer goods perfected from the date the notice was registered.
timely in accordance with subsections (a)
and (b), shall have priority over the rights
of a buyer, lessee, or lien holder which
arise between delivery of the equipment or
consumer goods to the grantor and the
time the notice is registered.
A perfected security interest in livestock
securing an obligation incurred to enable the
grantor to obtain food or medicine for the
livestock shall have priority over any other
security interest in the livestock, except for a
perfected purchase money security interest in
the livestock, if the secured creditor providing
credit for food or medicine gives written
notification to the holder of the conflicting
perfected security interest in the same
livestock before the grantor receives
possession of the food or medicine.
Public Record
a. Information contained in a registered
notice shall be considered as a public
b. Any person may search notices
registered in the Registry.
c. The electronic records of the Registry
shall be the official records.
Sufficiency of Notice
a) An initial notice of security interest shall
not be rejected:
1. If it identifies the grantor by an
identification number, as further
prescribed in the regulations;
2. If it identifies the secured creditor or an
agent of
the secured creditor by name;
3. If it provides an address for the grantor
and secured creditor or its agent;
4. If it describes the collateral: and
5. If the prescribed fee has been tendered,
or an arrangement has been made for
payment of fees by other means.
b) If the Registry rejects to register a notice, it
shall promptly communicate the fact of and
reason for its rejection to the person who
submitted the notice.
c) Each grantor must authorize the
registration of an initial notice by signing a
security agreement or otherwise in writing.
d) A notice may be registered before a
security agreement is concluded. Once a
security agreement is concluded, the date
e) A notice of lien may be registered by c) Provides the new information.
a lien holder without the consent of d) An amendment notice that adds collateral
the person against whom the lien is that is not proceeds must be authorized by
sought to be enforced. the grantor in writing.
f) Description of the collateral in a e) An amendment notice that adds a grantor
notice shall be entered in English. must be authorized by the added grantor in
One Notice Sufficient for Security Interests f) An amendment notice shall be effective
Under Multiple Security Agreements only as to each secured creditor who
The registration of a single notice may authorizes it.
relate to security interests created by the g) An amendment notice that adds collateral
grantor under one (1) or more than one or a grantor shall be effective as to the
security agreement. added collateral or grantor from the date of
its registration.
Effectiveness of Notice
Continuation of Notice
a) A notice shall be effective at the a) The period of effectiveness of a notice may
time it is be continued by registering an amendment
discoverable on the records of the Registry. notice that identifies the initial notice by its
b) A notice shall be effective for the registration number.
duration of the term indicated in the b) Continuation of notice may be registered
notice unless a continuation notice is only within six (6) months before the
registered before the term lapses. expiration of the effective period of the
c) A notice substantially complying with notice.
the requirements of this Chapter shall
be effective unless it is seriously Termination of Effectiveness of a Notice
misleading. a) The effectiveness of a notice may be
d) A notice that may not be retrieved in terminated by registering a termination
a search of the Registry against the notice that:
correct identifier of the grantor shall 1. Identifies the initial notice by its
be ineffective with respect to that registration number; and
grantor. 2. Identifies each secured creditor who
authorizes the registration of the
Seriously Misleading Notice termination notice.
A notice that does not provide the b) A termination notice terminates
identification number of the grantor shall effectiveness of the notice as to each
be seriously misleading. authorizing secured creditor.
b) The Registry shall index notices by the notice;
identification number of the grantor and, c. The collateral described in the notice includes an
for notices containing a serial number of a item or kind of property that is not a collateral
motor vehicle, by serial number. under a security agreement between the
c) The Registry shall provide a copy of the secured creditor and the grantor;
electronic record of the notice, including d. No security agreement exists between the parties;
the registration number and the date and or
time of registration to the person who e. The security interest is extinguished in
submitted it. accordance
d) The Registry shall maintain the capability with this Act.
to retrieve a record by the identification
number of the grantor, and by serial
number of a motor vehicle.
e) The Registry shall maintain records of
lapsed notices for a period of ten (10)
years after the lapse.
f) The duties of the Registry shall be merely
administrative in nature. By registering a
notice or refusing to register a notice, the
Registry does not determine the
sufficiency, correctness, authenticity, or
validity of any information contained in the
Expedited Repossession of the Collateral secured creditor, apply the balance of the
a) The secured creditor may take possession deposit account to the obligation secured by the
of the collateral without judicial process if deposit account; and
the security agreement so stipulates: d. In other cases of security interest in a deposit
Provided, That possession can be taken account perfected by control, instruct the
without a breach of the peace. deposit- taking institution to pay the balance of
b) If the collateral is a fixture, the secured the deposit account to the secured creditor’s
creditor, if it has priority over all owners account.
and mortgagees, may remove the fixture
from the real property to which it is
affixed without judicial process. The
secured creditor shall exercise due care
in removing the fixture.
c) If, upon default, the secured creditor
cannot take possession of collateral
without breach of the peace, the secured
creditor may proceed as follows:
1. The secured creditor shall be entitled to
an expedited hearing upon application
for an order granting the secured
creditor possession of the collateral.
Such application shall include a
statement by the secured creditor,
under oath, verifying the existence of
the security agreement attached to the
application and identifying at least one
event of default by the debtor under the
security agreement;
2. The secured creditor shall provide the
debtor, grantor, and, if the collateral
is a fixture, any real estate
mortgagee, a copy of the application,
including all supporting documents
and evidence for the order granting
the secured creditor possession of the
collateral; and
3. The secured creditor is entitled to an
order granting possession of the
collateral upon the court finding that a
default has occurred under the security
agreement and that the secured
creditor has a right to take possession
of the collateral. The court may direct
the grantor to take such action as the
court deems necessary and appropriate
so that the secured creditor may take
possession of the collateral: Provided,
That breach of the peace shall include
entering the private residence of the
grantor without permission, resorting to
physical violence or intimidation, or
being accompanied by a law
enforcement officer when taking
possession or confronting the grantor.
3) The satisfaction of obligations secured
by any subordinate security interest or
hen in the collateral if a written demand
and proof of the interest are received
before distribution of the proceeds is
b. The secured creditor shall account to the
grantor for any surplus, and, unless otherwise
agreed, the debtor is liable for any
Compromise Agreement Nature of the Contract
It is a contract whereby the parties, by making • A compromise is a consensual contract, and as
reciprocal concessions, avoid a litigation or put such, it is perfected upon the meeting of the
an end to one already commenced. [Article minds of the parties to the contract.
Characteristics of a Compromise
a. Consensual
b. Reciprocal
c. Nominate
d. Onerous
e. Accessory (in the sense that a prior
conflict is presupposed)
f. Once accepted, it is binding on the parties,
provided there is no vitiated consent.
g. It is the settlement of a controversy
principally, and is, but merely incidentally,
the settlement of a claim.
Kinds of Compromises
1. Judicial - to end a pending litigation
2. Extrajudicial - to prevent a litigation from
When Compromise is Allowed c. If it refers only to one thing to which one of the
If it arises under the Internal Revenue Code or parties has no right, as shown by the Newly-
any other law administered by the Bureau of discovered documents (Art. 2039).
Internal Revenue. d. If after a litigation has been decided by a final
judgment, a compromise should be agreed upon,
Offer of compromise in criminal cases either or both parties being unaware of the
In criminal cases, except those involving Existence of the final judgment, the compromise
quasi- offenses (criminal negligence) or may be rescinded (Art. 2040)
those allowed by law to be compromised, an
offer of compromise by the accused may be
received in evidence as an implied
admission of guilt (REVISED RULES ON
EVIDENCE, Sec 28).
Recovery of Damages
In either case, damages may be
recovered if there should be additional
injury caused by failure to abide by the
terms of the compromise.
a) If he is manifestly unfit to carry the In fear of reprisals from lawless elements
management; besieging
b) If by his intervention he prevented a more his barangay, X abandoned his fishpond,
competent person from taking up the fled to Manila and left for Europe. Seeking
management (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2148). that the fish in the fishpond were ready for
harvest, Y, who is in the business of
Responsibilities of the Owner (Arts 2150, 2151, managing fishponds on a commission
2152) basis, took possession of the property,
The owner of the property shall be liable harvested the fish and sold the entire
for obligations incurred in his interest, and harvest to Z. Thereafter, Y borrowed
shall reimburse the officious manager for money from W and used the money to buy
the necessary and useful expenses and for new supplies of fish fry and to prepare the
damages, which the latter may have fishpond for the next crop.
suffered in the performance of his duties a) What is the Juridical relation between X
in the following instances: and Y during X's absence?
1. When the owner of the property or b) Upon the return of X to the barangay,
business enjoyed the advantages of the what are the obligations of Y to X as
officious management although it may regards the contract with Z?
not have been expressly ratified by him c) Upon X's return, what are the obligations
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 2150, Par. 1) of X as regards Y's contract with W?
2. When the management has for its d) What legal effects will result if X
purpose the prevention of an imminent expressly ratifies Y's management? What
and manifest loss, although no benefit would be the obligations of X in favor of
may have been derived (CIVIL CODE, Art. Y?
2150, Par. 2). Explain all your answers.
3. Even if there had been no benefit to the SUGGESTED ANSWER
owner and there has been no imminent (a)The juridical relation is that of the quasi-
and manifest danger to the property of contract
business provided: of "negotiorum gestio". Y is the "gestor" or
a. The officious manager has acted in "officious manager" and X is the "owner"
good faith; and (Art. 2144, Civil Code).
b. The property or business is intact, ready to be
(b) Y must render an account of his
returned to the owner (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2151)
operations and deliver to X the price he
Extinguishment of management (Article 2153) received for the sale of the harvested fish
The management is extinguished: (Art. 2145, Civil Code).
1. When the owner repudiates it or puts an
end thereto; (c)X must pay the loan obtained by Y from W
2. When the officious manager withdraws because X must answer for obligations
from the management, subject to the contracted with third persons in the interest
provisions of article 2144; of the owner (Art. 2150, Civil Code)
3. By the death, civil interdiction, insanity or BAR QUESTION
insolvency of the owner or the officious (d)Express ratification by X provides the
While A was abroad, the manager of his
manager factory
NEGOTIORUM GESTIO V. IMPLIED AGENCY suddenly died and B and C, A's friends, took
NEGOTIORUM GESTIO IMPLIED AGENCY over its management, without his
As to necessity of authorization knowledge. However, since they were
Gestor should never The agent is businessmen themselves, they had to
have actually entrust most of their duties to X and as a
been authorized in authorized to assume result, the factory suffered considerable loss.
any manner the agency by virtue Are they liable for said losses?
of the acts of the If they are, why and whatANSWER
SUGGESTED is the nature of their
owner or by virtue of Here, B and C are liable for the acts of their
his silence, inaction, delegate.
or or
As to necessity of neglect hisabandonment
failure to Under the law, if the officious manager
Business or Neglect or delegates to another person all or some of
property abandonment his duties, he shall be liable for the acts of
should be neglected is not necessary. the delegate, without prejudice to the direct
or abandoned. obligation of the latter toward the owner of
Note: So long as the owner dos not know that another the business.
is acting on his behalf without authority, negotiorum
gestio exists, but once he becomes aware of such fact As to the nature of liability, it is only joint
and still he does not repudiate the acts of the agent, because the management of the business
the quasi-contract ceases to exist. It has become an was assumed to avoid an imminent danger.
implied agency. Under the law, the responsibility of two or
more officious managers shall be solidary,
Rule if payee is in BAD FAITH
Whoever in bad faith accepts an undue payment shall:
(CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 2154- 1. Pay legal interest if a sum of money is involved,
2163) 2. Be liable for fruits received or which should
Solutio indebiti: Definition and Concept
have been received if the thing produces fruits
• Refers to payment by mistake. It is receiving
payment by mistake that is not due or does
3. Be answerable for any loss or impairment of
not have such right to demand such payment.
the thing from any cause, and for damages to
It creates an obligation to return such
the person who delivered the thing, until it is
recovered. [Article 2159]
• It is the quasi-contract that arises when a
person is obliged to return whatever was
received by him through error or mistake or
received by him although there was no right
to demand it.
• If something is received when there is no
right to demand it, and it was unduly
delivered through mistake, the obligation to
return it arises.
• Mistake in payment (see Arts. 2154 – 2163)
• The responsibility of two or more payees,
when there has been mistake of payment, is
solidary (Art 2157)
A. Common Principles F. Res Ipsa Loquitur
B. Classification of Torts G. Damnum Absque Injuria
C. The Tortfeasor; Joint and Direct Liabilities H. Defenses in Tort Actions
(Civil Code, art. 2194) I. Medical Negligence and Malpractice
D. Proximate Cause; Concept; Doctrine of Last J. Damages; Kinds of Damages; When May Be
Clear Chance Recovered (Civil Code, arts. 2197 and 2216)
E. Vicarious Liability (Civil Code, art. 2180; K. Damages in Case of Death
Family Code, art. 211) L. Duty of Injured Party
2. TORTS VS. CONTRACTS voluntary and negligent acts which may be
punishable by law.
It is a “meeting of minds between two persons
whereby one binds himself, with respect to the 1. Negligent Tort - Involves voluntary acts or
other, to give something, or render some omissions which result in injury to others,
service.” without intending to cause the same.
CULPA CONTACTUAL V. CULPA AQUILANA • The actor fails to exercise due care in
performing such acts or omissions.
CULPA CONTRACTUAL CULPA AQUILANA 2. Intentional Tort - Includes conduct where
the actor desires to cause the
The foundation of the It is a separate consequences of his act or believe the
liability of the source consequences are substantially certain
defendant is the of to result from it. They are in Chapter 2
contract of the Preliminary Title of the NCC
obligation entitled “Human Relations”, i.e. Arts.
independent of 19, 20, 21, 26.
contract • Distinguished from negligent tort –
negligence involves foreseeability of
In breach of contract In quasi-delict the risk NOT certainty of the harm.
committed through the 3. Strict Liability Tort - Where a person is made
the negligence of presumptive liable independent of fault or negligence
employee, the responsibility upon submission of proof of certain facts.
employer cannot for the • When strict liability is imposed,
erase his primary and negligence of conduct is generally not wrongful in
direct liability by his servants can itself, but the law imposes liability to
invoking exercise of be rebutted by compensate for damages suffered by
diligence of a good proof of the another.
There may be concurrence of causes of action • Doctrine that holds a person liable for
Ex: Common Carriers liability may arise ex any injuries or damages caused by
contractu, quasi ex-delicto and ex delicto their products, actions, or animals,
even if there is only a single act or omission. even if they had no intent to harm and
Either of these liabilities may be enforced were not at fault.
against the offender subject to Article 2177 –
plaintiff cannot recover damages twice for 1. NEGLIGENCE – CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 2176-2194
the same act or omission (proscription
against double recovery) ARTICLE 1173. The fault or negligence of the
obligor consists in the omission of that
ELCANO V. HILL diligence which is required by the nature
G.R. NO. L-24803 MAY 26, 1977 of the obligation and corresponds with the
J. Barredo circumstances of the persons, of the time and
We do hold, that Article 2176, where it refers of the place. When negligence shows bad
to "fault or negligence” covers not only acts faith, the provisions of articles 1171 and
"not punishable by law" but also acts 2201, paragraph 2, shall apply.
criminal (see Arts. 29 to 32 NCC) in
character, whether intentional and voluntary If the law or contract does not state the
or negligent. diligence which is to be observed in the
performance, that which is expected of a
Consequently, a separate civil action lies good father of a family shall be required.
against the offender in a criminal act,
whether or not he is criminally prosecuted • Negligence has been defined as the
and found guilty or acquitted, provided that failure to observe for the protection of
the offended party is not allowed, if he is the interests of another person that
actually charged also criminally, to recover degree of care, precaution, and vigilance
damages on both scores, and would be which the circumstances justly demand,
entitled in such eventuality only to the whereby such other person suffers
bigger award of the two, assuming the injury.
awards made in the two cases vary. • Involves voluntary acts or omissions which
result in injury to others, without
In other words, the extinction of civil liability intending to cause the same.
referred to in Par. (e) of Section 3, Rule • It is the failure to observe for the
111, refers exclusively to civil liability protection of the interest of another that
founded on Article 100 of the Revised Penal degree of care, precaution, and
Code, whereas the civil liability for the same vigilance that the circumstances justly
act considered as a quasi-delict only and not demand.
as a crime is not extinguished even by a • Negligence is the omission to do
declaration in the criminal case that the something which a reasonable man,
criminal act charged has not happened or guided upon those considerations which
has not been committed by the accused. ordinarily regulate the conduct to human
Briefly stated, We here hold, in reiteration of affairs, would do, or doing something
Garcia, that culpa aquiliana includes which a prudent and reasonable man
would not do. observed in the performance, that which
• If the law or contract does not state is expected of a good father of a family
the diligence which is to be shall be required.
Test of Negligence cautious persons, with a due regard for all
The standard test in determining whether a the circumstances.” [Art. 1755, NCC]
person is negligent in doing an act whereby
injury or damage results to the person or
property of another is this: could a prudent
man, in the position of the person to whom
negligence is attributed, foresee harm to the
person injured as a reasonable consequence of
the course actually pursued? If so, the law
imposes a duty on the actor to refrain from
that course or to take precautions to guard
against its mischievous results, and the failure
to do so constitutes negligence.
Reasonable foresight
• What an ordinarily prudent man will do under
the same circumstances can be determined
by asking the following: Could a prudent
man, in the case under consideration,
foresee harm as a result of the course
pursued? If so, it was the duty of the actor
to take precautions to guard against harm.
• Did the defendant in doing the alleged negligent act
use the reasonable care and caution which an
ordinarily prudent person would have used in the same
situation? If not, then he is guilty of negligence.
Standard of Care
It is the degree of care or competence that
one is expected to exercise in a particular
circumstance or role.
2. Extraordinary Diligence
• Extreme measure of care and caution which
persons of unusual prudence and
circumspection observe for securing or
preserving their own property or rights.
• Provided for by the law or stipulated.
a. Common Carriers - is “bound to carry the
passengers safely as far as human care
and foresight can provide, using utmost
(extraordinary) diligence of very
b. Banks - are duty-bound to treat the or failing to do an act from which material
deposit accounts of their damage results by reason of inexcusable
depositors with the highest degree lack of precaution on the part of the person
of care where the fiduciary nature performing of failing to perform such act,
of their relationship with their taking into consideration his employment
depositors is concerned. But such or occupation, degree of intelligence,
degree of diligence is not expected physical condition and other circumstances
to be exerted by banks in regarding persons, time and place.
commercial transactions that do
not involve their fiduciary PRESUMPTION
relationship with their depositors. Proof of Negligence
General Rule:
3. Slight Diligence If the plaintiff alleged in his complaint that he
This standard of care can ONLY be was damaged because of the negligent acts of
applied if it is stipulated by the parties of the defendant, the plaintiff has the burden of
a contract. This standard of care usually proving such negligence.
applies on charters. The quantum of proof required is
preponderance of evidence (Rule 133 Revised
Degrees of Negligence Rules of Court)
1. Gross Negligence - Negligence where Exceptions:
there is “want of even slight care and • When the rules or the law provides for cases
diligence”. Entire want of care as to when
raise a presumption that the person negligence is presumed.
in fault is conscious of the probable • Presumptions of Negligence
consequences of carelessness, and • Res Ipsa Loquitur
is indifferent or worse, to the danger
or injury to person or property of others. Presumptions of Negligence
2. Simple negligence – Negligence where In motor vehicle mishaps, the owner is
there is lack of precaution on the part presumed negligent if he was in the vehicle
of the offender; and that the damage and he could have used due diligence to
impending to be caused is not prevent the misfortune. (Art. 2184 Civil Code)
immediate or the danger is not clearly XPN: If the owner was not in the motor vehicle,
manifest. Article 2184 does not apply. The provisions of
Article 2180 are applicable. [Article 2184]
Imprudence under the Revised Penal Code
1. Simple imprudence - consists in the lack It is disputably presumed that a driver was
of precaution displayed in those cases negligent if he had been found guilty of
in which the damage impending to be reckless driving or violating traffic regulations
caused is not immediate nor the at least twice for the next preceding two
danger clearly manifest. months. (Article 2184 Civil Code)
2. Reckless imprudence - consists in XPN: Unless there is proof to the contrary. [Article
voluntary, but without malice, doing 2185]
The driver of a motor vehicle is presumed
negligent if at the time of the mishap, he
was violating any traffic regulation. (Article • Include conduct where the actor desires to
2185 Civil Code) cause the consequences of his act or
XPN: Unless there is proof to the contrary. believe the consequences are substantially
[Article 2185] certain to result from it.
• They are found in Chapter 2 of the Preliminary
Prima facie presumption of negligence of the Title of the NCC entitled “Human
defendant arises if death or injury results Relations”, i.e. Arts. 19, 20, 21, 26.
from his possession of dangerous weapons • Distinguished from negligent tort – negligence
or substance. involves foreseeability of the risk NOT
XPN: When such possession or use is certainty of the harm.
indispensable to his occupation or business.
(Article 2188 Civil Code) Abuse of Rights
Article. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of
Presumption of negligence of the common his rights and in the performance of his duties,
carrier arises in case of loss, destruction or act with justice, give everyone his due, and
deterioration of the goods, or in case of observe honesty and good faith.
death or injury of passengers.
XPN: Upon proof of exercise of extraordinary Standards to follow:
diligence. [Article 1735] 1. to act with justice;
2. to give everyone his due; and
Vicarious Liability - The responsibility treated in 3. to observe honesty and good faith.
Art. 2180 shall only cease when the persons
therein mentioned prove that they observed all Art. 20. Every person who, contrary to law,
wilfully or negligently causes damage to
the diligence of a good father of a family to
another, shall indemnify the latter for the
prevent damage. [2180]
BAR QUESTION (1996) same.
Marcial, who does not know how to drive,
has always Art. 21. Any person who wilfully causes loss or
been driven by Ben, his driver of ten years injury to another in a manner that is contrary
whom he had chosen carefully and has to morals, good customs or public policy shall
never figured in a vehicular mishap. One compensate the latter for the damage.
day, Marcial was riding at the back seat of
his Mercedes Benz being driven along EDSA ARDIENTE V. SPS. PASTORFIDE
by Ben. Absorbed in reading a book, Marcial G.R. NO. 161921, JULY 17, 2013
did not notice that they were approaching J. Peralta
the corner of Quezon Avenue, when the This article sets certain standards which must
traffic light had just turned yellow. Ben be observed not only in the exercise of one's
suddenly stepped on the gas to cross the rights, but also in the performance of one's
intersection before the traffic light could turn duties. The law recognizes a primordial
red. But, too late. Midway in the intersection, limitation on all rights; that in their exercise,
the traffic light changed, and a Jeepney full of the norms of human conduct set forth in
passengers suddenly crossed the car’s path. Article 19 must be observed.
A collision between the two vehicles was
inevitable. As a result, several jeepney A right, though by itself legal because
passengers were seriously injured. A suit for recognized or granted by law as such, may
damages based on culpa aquiliana was filed nevertheless become the source of some
against Marcial and Ben, seeking to hold illegality. When a right is exercised in a
them jointly and severally liable for such manner which does not conform with the
norms enshrined in Article 19 and results in
injuries. May Marcial
be held liable? Explain. damage to another, a legal wrong is thereby
SUGGESTED ANSWER committed for which the wrongdoer must be
held responsible.
Yes, Marcial should be held liable.
Art. 2164 NCC makes an owner of a motor
vehicle solidarily liable with the driver if, being LOMARDA v. FUDALAN
in the vehicle at the time of the mishap, he G.R. No. 246012, June 17, 2020
could have prevented it by the exercise of J. Perlas-Bernabe
due diligence. The traffic conditions along "Article 19, known to contain what is
EDSA at any time of day or night are such as to commonly referred to as the principle of abuse
require the observance of utmost care and of rights, sets certain standards which may be
total alertness in view of the large number of observed not only in the exercise of one's
vehicles running at great speed. Marcial was rights but also in the performance of one's
negligent in that he rendered himself oblivious duties." In this regard, case law states that "[a]
to the traffic hazards by reading a book instead right, though by itself legal because [it is]
his attention on the road and recognized or granted by law as such, may
G.R. No. 194320, February 1, 2012 nevertheless become the source of some
J. Velasco, Jr. illegality. When a right is exercised in a
manner which does not conform with the
It is worth mentioning that just like any other
norms enshrined in Article 19 and results in
disputable presumptions or inferences, the
damage to another, a legal wrong is thereby
presumption of negligence may be rebutted committed for which the wrongdoer must be
or overcome by other evidence to the held responsible."
Art. 19 is the general rule which governs the
conduct of human relations. By itself, it is so that an actionable tort may arise when it is
not the basis of an actionable tort. Article alleged together with Article 20 or Article 21."
19 describes the degree of care required
DORAO V. SPS BBB AND CCC ARTICLE 31. When the civil action is based on an
G.R. NO. 235737, APRIL 26, 2023 obligation not arising from the act or omission
J. Leonen complained of as a felony, such civil action may
The best interest of a child cannot justify proceed independently of the criminal proceedings
forms of cruel or degrading punishment which and regardless of the result of the latter.
conflict with a child's human dignity, including
"punishment which belittles, humiliates,
denigrates, scapegoats, threatens, scares or
ridicules a child." A person who debases,
degrades, or demeans the child's intrinsic
worth and dignity as a human being can be
held liable for damages pursuant to Articles 21
and 26 of the Civil Code.
ARTICLE 34. When a member of a city or Manufacturers and processors of foodstuffs,
municipal police force refuses or fails to drinks, toilet articles and similar goods shall be
render aid or protection to any person in liable for death or injuries caused by any noxious
case of danger to life or property, such or harmful substances used, although no
peace officer shall be primarily liable for contractual relation exists between them and the
damages, and the city or municipality shall consumers.
be subsidiarily responsible therefor. The civil
action herein recognized shall be
independent of any criminal proceedings,
and a preponderance of evidence shall
suffice to support such action.
7. STRICT LIABILITY TORT AGAINST MANUFACTURERS under the express direction or authority of the
& SUPPLIERS under REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7394 or THE stockholders or members acting as a body, or,
CONSUMER ACT OF THE PHILIPPINES generally, from the directors as the governing
ARTICLE 97. Liability for the Defective Products. —
Any Filipino or foreign manufacturer,
producer, and any importer, shall be liable
for redress, independently of fault, for
damages caused to consumers by defects
resulting from design, manufacture,
construction, assembly and erection,
formulas and handling and making up,
presentation or packing of their products, as
well as for the insufficient or inadequate
information on the use and hazards thereof.
Natural Person
A natural person or human being has physical
Juridical Person
• Juridical person exists only in contemplation
of law.
• Juridical persons are also directly liable just
like natural persons whenever a tortuous
act is committed by an officer or agent
• A corporation is civilly liable in the cause. It is based upon mixed
same manner as natural persons for considerations of logic, common sense,
torts, because "generally speaking, policy and precedent.
the rules governing the liability of a • Plaintiff must establish a sufficient link
principal or master for a tort between the act or omission and the
committed by an agent or servant are damage or injury.
the same whether the principal or • The link must not be remote or far-fetched.
master be a natural person or a • The damage or injury must be a natural and
corporation, and whether the servant probable result of the act or omission.
or agent be a natural or artificial
person. All of the authorities agree
that a principal or master is liable for
every tort which he expressly directs 194
or authorizes, and this is just as true of
a corporation as of a natural person. A
corporation is liable, therefore,
whenever a tortious act is committed
by an officer or agent under express
direction or authority from the
stockholders or members acting as a
body, or, generally, from the directors
as the governing body.” (PNB v. CA,
G.R. No. L-¬27155, May 18, 1978)
Partnership Tort
There is partnership tort where:
1. By any wrongful act or omission of
any partner, acting in the ordinary
course of business of the partnership
or with authority of his co-partners,
loss or injury is caused to any person,
not being a partner in the partnership;
2. One partner, acting within the scope
of his apparent authority, receives
money or property from a third
person, and misapplies it; or
3. The partnership, in the course of its
business, receives money or
property, and it is misapplied by any
partner while it is in the custody of
the partnership.
Note: Partners are SOLIDARILY LIABLE
with the partnership for any penalty or
damage arising from a partnership tort.
(Articles 1822 and 1823 NCC)
The respective liabilities of those referred to in BAR QUESTION
the preceding paragraph shall not apply if it is Rommel’s private car, while being driven by
proved that they exercised the proper diligence the regular
required under the particular circumstances. family driver, Amado, hits a pedestrian causing
All other cases not covered by this and the the latter’s death. Rommel is not in the car
preceding articles shall be governed by the when the incident happened. Is Rommel liable for
provisions of the Civil Code on quasi-delicts. damages to the heirs of the deceased? Explain.
Between Parents and Their Minor Children Yes, Rommel may be held liable for damages if
Principle of Parental Liability he fails to
• Parental liability is made a natural or logical prove that he exercised the diligence of a good
consequence of the duties and father of a family (Art. 2180, par. 5, NCC) in
responsibilities of parents — their parental selecting and supervising his family driver. The
authority — which includes the instructing, owner is presumed liable unless he proves the
controlling and disciplining of the child. defense of diligence. If the driver was
• Note: The responsibility of the parent ceases performing his assigned task when the incident
when he proves that he observed the happened, Rommel shall be solidarily liable
diligence of a good father of a family to with the driver in a case based on quasi-delict.
prevent damage.
In case the driver is convicted in a criminal
BAR QUESTION (2005) case for reckless imprudence, and he cannot
Under the law on quasi-delict, aside from the pay the civil liability, Rommel is subsidiarily
persons who
caused injury to persons, who is liable under this
circumstance: When a 7-year old boy injures his REYES V. DOCTOLERO
playmate while playing with his father’s rifle. Explain.G.R. NO. 185597, AUGUST 2, 2017
The parents of the 7-year old boy who caused • Although the employer is not the actual
injury to his tortfeasor, the law makes him vicariously
playmate are liable under Article 219 of the liable on the basis of the civil law principle
Family Code since they exercise parental of pater familias for failure to exercise due
over the and Employees
person of the boy. (Tamargo v. care and vigilance over the acts of one's
Liability of the Employers subordinates to prevent damage to another.
The liability of the employer under Article • However, the above rule is applicable only if
2180 is direct and immediate; it is not there is an employer-employee relationship.
conditioned upon prior recourse against the This employer- employee relationship
negligent employee and a prior showing of the cannot be presumed but must be
insolvency of such employee. sufficiently proven by the plaintiff. The
plaintiff must also show that the employee
General Rule: When an injury is caused by the was acting within the scope of his assigned
negligence of the employee, there instantly task when the tort complained of was
arises a presumption of law that there was committed. It is only then that the
negligence on the part of the master or defendant, as employer, may find it
employer either in the selection of the servant necessary to interpose the defense of due
or employee, or in the supervision over him diligence in the selection and supervision of
after selection or both. employees.
As such, the State or CBP in this case, is shown to be under the management of the
liable only for the torts committed by its defendant, and the accident is such as in the
employee when the latter acts as a special ordinary course of things does not happen if
agent but not when the said employee or those who have the management used proper
official performs his or her functions that care, it affords reasonable evidence, in the
naturally pertain to his or her office. A absence of an explanation by the defendant, that
special agent is defined as one who receives the accident arose from want of care.”
a definite and fixed order or commission,
foreign to the exercise of the duties of his
G.R. NO. 73998, NOVEMBER 14, 1988
J. Sarmiento
“Where the thing which causes injury is
Concept of Res Ipsa Loquitur • A person may have suffered physical hurt or
• Utilizing res ipsa loquitur is a matter of injury, but for as long as no legal injury or
evidence, a mode of proof, or a mere wrong has been done, there is no liability.
procedural convenience, since it • There is no liability even if there is damage
furnishes a substitute for, and relieves because there was no injury.
a plaintiff of the burden of producing a
specific proof of negligence.
• It is peculiar to the law of negligence
which recognizes that prima facie 197
negligence may be established without
direct proof and furnishes a substitute
for specific proof of negligence.
• It is based in part upon the theory that
the defendant in charge of the
instrumentality which causes the
injury either knows the cause of the
accident or has the best opportunity of
ascertaining it and that the plaintiff
has no such knowledge, and therefore
is compelled to allege negligence in
general terms and to rely upon the
proof of the happening of the accident
in order to establish negligence.
G.R. NO. 124354, DECEMBER 29, 1999
J. Kapunan
Control of Instrumentality which caused
the damage is the fundamental element.
Such element of control must be shown
to be within the dominion of the
defendant. In order to have benefit of
the rule, a plaintiff, in addition to proving
injury or damage, must show a situation
where it is applicable, and must establish
that the essential elements of the
doctrine were present in a particular
G.R. NO. 96126 AUGUST 10, 1992
J. Griño-Aquino
Art. 1174. Except in cases expressly specified by
Liability for damages under Articles 19, 20 and 21
of the Civil Code arises only from unlawful, willful
the law, or when it is otherwise declared by
or negligent acts that are contrary to law, or stipulation, or when the nature of the obligation
morals, good customs or public policy. xxx requires the assumption of risk, no person shall
The Court of Appeals was correct in finding that be responsible for those events which could not
petitioner's discontinuance from teaching was her be foreseen, or which, though foreseen, were
own choice. While the respondents admittedly inevitable.
wanted her service terminated, they actually did
nothing to physically prevent her from reassuming Essential Characteristics of a Fortuitous Event
her post, as ordered by the school's Board of a) The cause of the unforeseen and unexpected
Directors. That the school principal and Fr. Wiertz occurrence, or of the failure of the debtor to
disagreed with the Board's decision to retain her, comply with his obligation, must be
and some teachers allegedly threatened to resign independent of human will.
en masse, even if true, did not make them liable b) It must be impossible to foresee the event
to her for damages. They were simply exercising their which constitutes the ‘caso fortuito’ or if it
right of free speech or their right to dissent from the can be foreseen, it must be impossible to
Board's decision. Their acts were not contrary to avoid.
law, morals, good customs or public policy. They c) The occurrence must be such as to render it
did not "illegally dismiss" her for the Board's impossible
decision to retain her prevailed. She was ordered for the debtor to fulfill his obligation in a normal
to report for work on July 5, 1982, but she did not
comply with that order. Consequently, whatever
d) The obligor must be free from any
loss she may have incurred in the form of lost
earnings was self-inflicted. Volenti non fit injuria. participation in the aggravation of the injury
resulting to the creditor.
G.R. NO. 154259, FEBRUARY 28, 2005 "Under that rule, one who suddenly finds himself
J. Chico-Nazario in a place of danger, and is required to act
Petitioners Lim and Hotel Nikko contend that without time to consider the best means that
pursuant to the doctrine of volenti non fit injuria, may be adopted to avoid the impending danger,
they cannot be made liable for damages as is not guilty of negligence, if he fails to adopt
respondent Reyes assumed the risk of being asked what subsequently and upon reflection may
to leave (and being embarrassed and humiliated in appear to have been a better method, unless the
the process) as he was a "gate-crasher.“ emergency in which he finds himself is brought
The doctrine of volenti non fit injuria ("to which a about by his own negligence."
person assents is not esteemed in law as injury" )
refers to self- inflicted injury or to the consent to (e) PRESCRIPTION - An action based on quasi-delict
injury which precludes the recovery of damages by prescribes in four years from the date of the
one who has knowingly and voluntarily exposed accident. (Article 1146 Civil Code)
himself to danger, even if he is not negligent in
doing so.
As formulated by petitioners, however, this
doctrine does not find application to the case at
bar because even if respondent Reyes assumed Tort Liability of medical practitioner for
the risk of being asked to leave the party, negligence can arise out of delict and quasi-
petitioners, under Articles 19 and 21 of the New delict. In addition, liability may also be based
Civil Code, were still under obligation to treat him on contract.
fairly in order not to expose him to unnecessary
ridicule and shame. The duty of the physician to bring skill and
care to the amelioration of the condition of his
Thus, the threshold issue is whether or not Ruby patient has its foundation in public
Lim acted abusively in asking Roberto Reyes, consideration which is inseparable from the
a.k.a. "Amay Bisaya," to leave the party where he nature and exercise of his calling upon which
was not invited by the celebrant thereof thereby the public reposes respect and confidence; any
becoming liable under Articles 19 and 21 of the Civil slip or breach in the performance of that duty,
Code. Parenthetically, and if Ruby Lim were so no matter how small, is corrosive of that public
liable, whether or not Hotel Nikko, as her employer, is faith. (Bernal et al v. Alonzo et al.)
solidarily liable with her
Medical Negligence and Malpractice
Medical malpractice is a particular form of
negligence which consists in the failure of a
physician or surgeon to apply to his practice of
medicine that degree of care and skill which is
Roberto was in Nikko Hotel when he bumped into a
ordinarily employed by the profession generally
friend who
was then on her way to a wedding reception being
under similar conditions, and in like surrounding
held in said hotel. Roberto alleged that he was then circumstances.
invited by his friend to join her at the wedding
reception and carried the basket full of fruits which Standard of Care: Negligence in medical
she was bringing to the affair. At the reception, the malpractice consists in the failure of a
wedding coordinator of the hotel noticed him and physician or surgeon to apply to his practice of
asked him, allegedly in a loud voice, to leave as he medicine that degree of care and skill which is
was not in the guest list. He retorted that he had ordinarily employed by the profession
been invited to the affair by his friend, who however generally under similar conditions, and in like
denied doing so. Deeply embarrassed by the surrounding circumstances.
incident, Roberto then sued the hotel for damages
under Articles 19 and 21 of the Civil Code. Will Duty of Physician: The duty of the physician to
bring skill and care to the amelioration of public reposes respect and confidence; any slip
the condition of his patient has its or breach in the performance of that duty, no
foundation in public consideration which matter how small, is corrosive of that public
is inseparable from the nature and faith. (Batiquin v. CA)
exercise of his calling upon which the
Sources of Liability healthy part of the body which was not under, or
There are only five sources of obligations in the area, of treatment, removal of the wrong
under the New Civil Code. Medical malpractice part of the body when another part was intended,
is not a separate source of obligation. Hence, knocking out a tooth while a patient’s jaw was
any liability of a medical practitioner for under anesthetic for the removal of his tonsils,
negligence should arise out of any of the and loss of an eye while the patient plaintiff was
sources of obligation under the New Civil under the influence of anesthetic, during or
Code. following an operation for appendicitis, among
Tort liability of medical practitioner for others.
negligence can arise out of delict and quasi-
delict. Independently, liability may also arise
ex contractu because of the contract between
the doctor and the patient. As in all other
cases, the presence of the contract between
doctor and the patient does not bar the
existence of liability based on quasi-delict; the
negligence that breaches the contract may
also be tort. If a criminal case under Article 365 is
filed, the civil action arising from delict may
also be deemed instituted in the criminal case.
Required Proof:
• Negligence of doctors usually requires
presentation of an expert witness to
establish the standard to be followed and
why the defendant doctor can be said to
have failed to follow the standard of care.
• However, in certain cases the Doctrine of
Res Ipsa Loquitur may also be applied as in
the case when a scissor is discovered inside
the body of the victim after surgical
The above complaint indeed states a negligent acts of his physicians thus fails.
categorical declaration of the case being Apparently, inclusion of the contract approach to
brought on the basis of a "medical contract seek damages from the defendant physicians was
between the Plaintiffs and Defendants Uyloan an afterthought intended to revive a stale claim.
and Ojeda" under the statement of cause of
action against said doctors. However, the rest
of the allegations and arguments unmistakably J. DAMAGES; KINDS OF DAMAGES; WHEN MAY
show that the cause of action is premised upon BE RECOVERED
the law and jurisprudence on damages in general
and medical negligence under the Civil Code
(CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 2197 AND 2216)
Damages Defined
provisions on quasi-delict. There is no mention at • Damages are the recompense or
all of any express promise on the part of the defendant compensation awarded for the injury
doctors to provide medical treatment or achieve a suffered.
specific result. The absence of an express agreement • Indemnification is meant to compensate
as basis for contractual liability is evident from a plain
for the injury inflicted and not to impose a
invocation of an implied contract between the parties.
penalty. A party is entitled to adequate
compensation only for such pecuniary loss
The fact that the physician-patient relationship is
actually suffered and duly proved.
consensual does not necessarily mean it is a
contractual relation, in the sense in which petitioner
employs this term by equating it with any other ‘DAMAGE’ AS OPPOSED TO ‘DAMAGES’
transaction involving exchange of money for services. • Damage is the loss, injury, or
Indeed, the medical profession is affected with deterioration caused by negligence or
public interest. Once a physician-patient accident of one person to another with
relationship is established, the legal duty of respect to another’s property. Damage is
care follows. The doctor accordingly becomes the occasion of damages.
duty-bound to use at least the same standard • Damages is the compensation in money
of care that a reasonably competent doctor for the loss or damage. It is an adequate
would use to treat a medical condition under compensation for the value of loss
similar circumstances. Breach of duty occurs suffered or profits which the obligee failed
when the doctor fails to comply with, or
to obtain.
improperly performs his duties under
professional standards. This determination is
• Indemnification is meant to compensate
both factual and legal, and is specific to each for the injury inflicted and not to impose a
individual case. If the patient, as a result of the penalty. A party is entitled to adequate
breach of duty, is injured in body or in health, compensation only for such pecuniary loss
actionable malpractice is committed, entitling actually suffered and duly proved.
the patient to damages.
In the light of the foregoing, We hold that a mere Damages may be:
reference to an implied contract between the physician a. Actual or compensatory;
and the patient in general is insufficient for pleading a b. Moral;
cause of action under the contract theory of
c. Nominal;
professional malpractice. An action for medical
malpractice based on contract must allege an express
d. Temperate or moderate;
promise to provide medical treatment or achieve a e. Liquidated; or
specific result. The following discussion of f. Exemplary or corrective. [2197]
established rules on medical malpractice
culled from fairly recent American 1. ACTUAL AND COMPENSATORY DAMAGES –
jurisprudence highlights this point, viz.: CIVIL CODE, ARTS. 2199-2215
Absent an express contract, a physician does
not impliedly warrant the success of his or her
‘Actual and Compensatory Damages’ defined
treatment but only that he or she will adhere to
the applicable standard of care. Thus, there is • It is compensation for an injury that will
no cause of action for breach of implied put the injured party in the position where
contract or implied warranty arising from an it was before the injury. They pertain to
alleged failure to provide adequate medical such injuries or losses that are actually
treatment. This allegation clearly sounds in sustained and susceptible of
tort, not in contract; therefore, the plaintiff's measurement."
remedy is an action for malpractice, not • Actual damages constitute compensation
breach of contract. A breach of contract for sustained pecuniary loss.
complaint fails to state a cause of action if • Nevertheless, a party may only be
there is no allegation of any express promise
awarded actual damages when the
to cure or to achieve a specific result. A
physician's statements of opinion regarding pecuniary loss he or she had suffered
the likely result of a medical procedure are was duly proven.
insufficient to impose contractual liability, even
if they ultimately prove incorrect. Kinds of Actual/Compensatory Damages (Art 2200)
1. The loss of what a person already
Clearly, the cause of action in this case is one possesses or the loss suffered or actual
for medical malpractice or medical negligence loss. (daño emergente/damnum
premised on the "breach of [the defendant emergens)
doctors'] professional duties of skill and care, 2. The unrealized profits or the profits which
or their improper performance by a physician the complainant failed to obtain by
surgeon," whereby the plaintiff suffered injury
reason of the breach of contract or as a
and damages. Petitioner's attempt to present a
hybrid tort and contract claim arising from the result of the commission of a quasi-
delict (lucro cesante) b. Must pray for the relief that claim for
loss be granted
Requisites c. Plaintiff must prove the loss
a. Must be pleaded and proved with certainty
Classes of Actual Damages
Attorney’s Fees and Litigation Expenses
a. Value of actual loss
General Rule: If there is no stipulation, then it
b. Lucrum Cesans (Loss of Profits)
cannot be recovered.
c. Loss of earning capacity
d. Interest XPN: It may be recovered in the following cases:
e. Injury to business standing or commercial 1. When exemplary damages are awarded;
credit 2. When the defendant’s act or omission
f. Attorney’s fees has compelled the plaintiff to litigate with
g. Indemnity for death third persons or to incur expenses to
protect his interest;
Extent and Measure of Damages 3. In criminal cases of malicious prosecution
In Contracts and Quasi Contracts (Art 2201) against the plaintiff;
i. Obligor in good faith – Liable for damages 4. In case of a clearly unfounded civil action
that are natural and probable or proceeding against the plaintiff;
consequences of the breach, and which 5. Where the defendant acted in gross and
the parties have foreseen. evident bad faith in refusing to satisfy the
ii. Obligor in bad faith – Responsible for all plaintiff’s plainly valid, just and
damages which may be reasonably demandable claim;
attributed to the non- performance of the 6. In actions for legal support;
obligation. 7. In actions for the recovery of wages of
In Crimes and Quasi Delicts (Art 2202) household helpers, laborers and skilled
i. Limited to a fair compensation for the workers;
harm done in case of tortious injury 8. In actions for indemnity under
ii. Same as the rule in measuring damages in workmen’s
contracts and quasi-contracts where the compensation and employer’s liability laws;
obligor acted in good faith, except that the 9. In a separate civil action to recover civil
accused or defendant must answer for liability arising from a crime;
such damages whether he has foreseen 10. When at least double judicial costs are awarded;
them or not. 11. In any other case where the court deems
iii. Accused/defendant is responsible not only it just and equitable that attorney’s fees
for the natural and probable consequences and expenses of litigation should be
of his act or omission but for all damages recovered. [Article 2208]
which may be reasonably attributed
Note: The attorney’s fees and expenses of
litigation must be reasonable.
A collision occurred at an intersection involving a S.C. MEGAWORLD CONSTRUCTION AND
taxicab. Both the bicycle rider (a businessman then G.R. NO. 183804, SEPTEMBER 11, 2013
doing his morning exercise) and the taxi driver J. Reyes
claimed that the other was at fault. Based on the Attorney’s fees as part of damages are not
police report, the bicycle crossed the intersection meant to enrich the winning party at the
first but the taxicab, crossing at a fast clip from the
expense of the losing litigant. They are not
bicycle's left, could not brake in time and hit the
awarded every time a party prevails in a suit
bicycle's rear wheel, toppling it and throwing the
bicycle rider into the sidewalk 5 meters away. The because of the policy that no premium
bicycle rider suffered a fractured right knee, should be placed on the right to litigate. The
sustained when he fell on his right side on the award of attorney’s fees is the exception
concrete side walk. He was hospitalized and was rather than the general rule. As such, it is
subsequently operated on, rendering him immobile necessary for the trial court to make findings
for 3 weeks and requiring physical rehabilitation for of facts and law that would bring the case
another 3 months. In his complaint for damages, within the exception and justify the grant of
the rider prayed for the award ofP1,000,000 actual such award. The matter of attorney’s fees
damages, P200,000 moral damages, P200,000 cannot be mentioned only in the dispositive
exemplary damages, P100,000 nominal damages portion of the decision. They must be clearly
and P50,000 attorney's fees. Assuming the police explained and justified by the trial court in
report to be correct and as the lawyer for the
the body of its decision.
bicycle rider, what evidence (documentary and
testimonial) and legal arguments will you present in
court to justify the damages that your client claims? Interest
(8%) • Award of interest in the concept of actual
I will base the claim of my client on quasi- delict compensatory damages.
under Article • The rate of interest, as well as the accrual
2176 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. The
requisites for a claim under quasi-delict to prosper
thereof is imposed as follows, following Nacar
are as follows: v Gallery Frames based on BSP MB
1. Act or omission, there being fault and negligence; Resolution No. 796 dated June 21, 2013.
2. Damage or injury; and • Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Monetary Board
3. Causal connection between the damage and Resolution No. 796 lowered the legal rate of
the act or omission. interest from 12% to 6%. Specifically, the
The case clearly involves a quasi-delict where my rules on interest are now as follows:
client, the bicycle rider, suffered injury as a result of
the negligence of the over- speeding taxi driver,
without fault on my client’s part. To prove actual
1. Monetary Obligations
damages, aside from the testimony of my client, I ex. Loans:
will present his hospital and medical bills. Receipts a. If interest stipulated in writing:
of the fees paid on the rehabilitation will also be i. rate of interest shall be that amount
presented. Furthermore, I will present income tax stipulated
ii. interest due shall earn legal judicial demand (filing of the case)
interest of 6% from date of
b. if not stipulated in writing • Nevertheless, it must somehow be proportional to
i. shall run from date of default (either and
failure to pay upon extra-judicial in approximation of the suffering inflicted.
demand or upon judicial demand
whichever is appropriate and subject
to the provisions of Article 1169 of the
Civil Code)
ii. rate of interest shall be 6% per annum
2. Non-Monetary Obligations
a. If already liquidated, rate of interest shall
be 6% per annum, demandable from date
of judicial or extra- judicial demand (Art.
1169, Civil Code)
b. If unliquidated, no interest
XPN: When later on established with certainty,
interest shall still be 6% per annum
demandable from the date of judgment
because on such date, the amount of damages
is already deemed ascertained.
3. Compounded Interest
• This is applicable to both monetary and
non-monetary obligations;
• 6% per annum computed against award of
damages (interest) granted by the court. To
be computed from the date when the
court’s decision becomes final and
executory until the award is fully satisfied
by the losing party.
3. NOMINAL DAMAGES – CIVIL CODE, ARTS. responsible for the damage to petitioner’s
2221- property and that petitioner suffered some
2223 form of pecuniary loss.
Recovery of Exemplary Damages ALETA V. SOFITEL
This cannot be recovered as a matter of right;
G.R. NO. 228150. JANUARY 11, 2023
the court will decide whether or not they
SAJ Leonen
should be adjudicated [Article 2233].
In the absence of competent proof, this Court
denies petitioner's claim of actual damages.
Burden of Proof: The burden of proof is on the
However, temperate damages may be awarded
plaintiff to show that he is entitled to moral,
even in the absence of proof of actual
temperate or compensatory damages before
damages, provided that it has been proven
the court may consider the question of
whether or not exemplary damages should be that the injured party suffered some pecuniary
awarded. [Article 2234] loss. xxx
Is a person allowed to renounce exemplary damages? Here, a perusal of the records reveals that
No. A stipulation whereby exemplary petitioner and his children suffered some
damages are renounced in advance shall be pecuniary loss by reason of the incident. As
null and void [Article 2235 of the Civil Code]. alleged in the pleadings, the injuries that
petitioner's children sustained took two weeks
to physically heal. As compensation for the
pecuniary loss which petitioner and his
G.R. NO. 192861, JUNE 30, 2014
children suffered, this Court awards temperate
J. Perlas-Bernabe
damages in the amount of ₱50,000.00.
Rationale Behind Exemplary Damages
The Court deems that an award of exemplary
Petitioner's prayer for moral damages is granted.
damages would be inappropriate since these
Moral damages refer to the compensation
damages are imposed only "by way of
awarded to an injured party, not for the purpose
example or correction for the public good, in
of penalizing the wrong doer, but as a means to
addition to the moral, temperate, liquidated or
"alleviate in some way the physical suffering,
compensatory damages.“
mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety,
besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral
shock, social humiliation, and similar injury
BAR QUESTION (1994) unjustly caused a person."
On January 5, 1992, Nonoy obtained a
loan of
Article 2219 of the Civil Code categorically states
Pl,000,000.00 from his friend Raffy. The
that moral damages may be awarded in cases
promissory note did not stipulate any payment
for Interest. The note was due on January 5, 1993 involving "[q]uasi-delicts causing physical
but before this date the two became political injuries[.]" In awarding moral damages, courts
enemies. Nonoy, out of spite, deliberately are given the discretion to determine the amount
defaulted in paying the note, thus forcing Raffy to to be granted, taking into consideration the
sue him. circumstances of a particular case. While there is
1) What actual damages can Raffy recover? no fixed standard, "the amount should not be
2) Can Raffy ask for moral damages from Nonoy? palpably and scandalously excessive." Further, in
3) Can Raffy ask for nominal damages? fixing the amount, regard must be made to the
4) Can Raffy ask for temperate damages? injury suffered and the wrong committed.
5) Can Raffy ask for attorney’s fees? Taking into account the injuries sustained by
SUGGESTED ANSWER petitioner's children and respondent's
1)Raffy may recover the amount of the promissory concomitant failure to place sufficient
note of P1 safeguards to ensure the children's safety, this
million, together with interest at the legal rate Court finds the award of moral damages in the amount
from the date of judicial or extrajudicial demand. of ₱100,000.00 adequate to recompense for the
In addition, however, inasmuch as the debtor is in physical suffering and similar injuries sustained by
bad faith, he is liable for all damages which may
petitioner and his children.
be reasonably attributed to the non- performance
of the obligation. (Art. 2201(2), NCC).
In cases involving quasi-delicts, "exemplary
2) Yes, under Article 2220, NCC moral damages damages may be granted if the defendant acted
are recoverable in case of breach of contract with gross negligence." Recovery of
where the defendant acted fraudulently or in bad exemplary damages is not a matter of right
and is subject to the court's discretion.
3) Nominal damages may not be recoverable in
this case because Raffy may already be The prerequisites for the award of exemplary
indemnified of his losses with the award of actual damages was discussed in Kierulf v. Court of
and compensatory damages. NOMINAL Appeals:
DAMAGES are adjudicated only in order that a
right of the plaintiff, which has been violated or
Exemplary damages are designed to permit
invaded by the defendant may be vindicated or
the courts to mould behavior that has socially
recognized, and not for the purpose of
indemnifying the plaintiff for any loss suffered by
deleterious consequences, and its imposition is
him. (Article 2231, Civil Code) required by public policy to suppress the
wanton acts of an offender. However, it cannot
4) Raffy may ask for, but would most likely be recovered as a matter of right. It is based
not be awarded temperate damages, for the entirely on the discretion of the court.
reason that his actual damages may already be Jurisprudence sets certain requirements before
compensated upon proof thereof with the exemplary damages may be awarded, to wit:
promissory note. TEMPERATE DAMAGES may be "(1) They may be imposed by way of example
awarded only when the court finds that some
or correction only in addition, among others, to
pecuniary loss has been suffered but its amount
compensatory damages, and cannot be
cannot, from the nature of the case, be proved
recovered as a matter of right, their
determination depending upon the may be awarded to the claimant;
amount of compensatory damages that
(2) the claimant must first establish his right to by receipts during the trial amount to less than the
moral, temperate, liquidated or compensatory sum allowed by the Court as temperate damages,
damages; and the award of temperate damages is justified in
(3)the wrongful act must be accompanied by lieu of actual damages which is of a lesser
bad faith, and the award would be allowed amount. Conversely, if the amount of actual
only if the guilty party acted in a wanton, damages proven exceeds, then temperate
fraudulent, reckless, oppressive or malevolent damages may no longer be awarded; actual
manner“ damages based on the receipts presented during
Here, the circumstances surrounding the case trial should instead be granted.
warrant the imposition of exemplary
G.R. NO. 224886, SEPTEMBER 4, 2017
J. Peralta
The trial court's award of actual damages in
the amount of P30,000.00 must be modified. The
settled rule is that when actual damages proven
The rationale for this rule is that it would be holds true, even if the defendant had not been
anomalous and unfair for the victim's heirs, given the opportunity to present evidence
who tried and succeeded in presenting because of a default order.
receipts and other evidence to prove actual
damages, to receive an amount which is
less than that given as temperate damages
to those who are not able to present any
evidence at all. In the present case,
Francisco's heirs were able to prove, and
were awarded, actual damages in the
amount of ₱30,000.00. Since, prevailing 206
jurisprudence now fixes the amount
₱50,000.00 as temperate damages in
murder cases, the Court finds it proper to
award temperate damages to Francisco's
heirs, in lieu of actual damages.