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DLL - English 2 - Q2 - W4

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ELVIE JOY T. SERIDA Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: OCTOBER 21 - 25, 2024 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2nd QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVE 1. Identify the illustration on a cover page of a book.
2. Define prediction and give examples.
3. Give prediction/s about the illustration on the cover page of a book.

A. Level Standard
The learner listens critically to one-two paragraphs; use appropriate expressions in varied situations; reads texts for pleasure and information
critically in meaningful thought units; responds properly to environmental prints likes signs, posters, commands and requests; and writes legibly
simple sentences and messages in cursive form.

B. Learning Competency
Write the l-code for each. Discuss the illustrations on the cover and predict what the story may be about.

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 1-3 p. 4 pp. 5-7 pp. 7-8 pp. 9-10
2. Learner’s Material
pp. 2-5 pp. 5-6 pp. 7-9 pp. 10-13 pp. 14-15
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource portal
B. Other Materials
A. Review Let us read the following Look at the pictures below and This day will be use for
sentences: guess what will happen next. Show your happy face if READING/Intervention
Write the letter of the correct the sentence tells a /National Reading
answer on your answer sheet. correct idea about prediction Month Activity.
and sad face if it
doesn’t. ( see action plan )
1. Pictures are helpful in
2. Guessing what will
happen next in the story is
3. We can predict by
looking on the illustrations
in the
4. Predicting is not helpful
in reading.
5. We can use our own
experience when we predict.

B. Establishing the Observe the picture: Before you read, you look at
purpose for the lesson the cover, and you can
tell it's going to be good. By
looking at the illustration,
picture or cover of the book,
 What have you you can make a prediction.
The title page that contains the
observed? illustration gives you a
clue or an idea on what the
You observed that the book is all about. This
picture shows gray sky. illustration is carefully chosen
and drawn to express the
 If the sky is gray main idea and interesting part
what do you think of the story.
might happen next?

Observe the picture

 What have you


You observed that the trees

are swaying and it looks like
there will be a typhoon
 If there is a typhoon,
can you guess what
might happen to the
house when it

C. Presenting PREDICTION Pictures or images are helpful PASS THE BOOK This day will be use for
example/instances of is a GUESS you make elements in identifying or READING/Intervention
the new lesson using text or picture clues. predicting what the story may Form a big circle. Pass the /National Reading
be about. Though the text or book when the music plays Month Activity.
In making predictions, we the title may tell the main story, and whoever holds the book
need to do two things; pictures and images are also when the music stops will ( see action plan )
First, we need to use the helpful elements predict what the story may
clues in the pictures and in predicting what the story be about.
second, we may use our own may be about. As such, by
experiences or simply what looking at the
we know pictures or images on book
about it. If these two are covers, you will be able to
combined, we can make predict the story
relevant predictions about that it tells.
the book cover.
Example: If the cover shows
EXAMPLE : picture of a farm, the story may
be about a farmer or a farm
(including farm plants and

Prediction : I think the story

is about the girl and her pet
You think that the story is
about the girl and her pet
turtle because of the drawing
seen on the cover page.

Prediction : The story is

about the students and the
You predict that the story is
about the students and the
teacher because of what you
see on the picture.

The story is about adventure.
You think that the
story is about adventure
because it shows that the 3
kids are going somewhere.

It is about rainy day
You predict that
it is about rainy day because
the children are wearing

The story is about the
You think that
the story is about the flower
because of the flowers you
see in the picture.

In prediction, you must first

observe the clue or the
picture, then use you ideas
to give meaningful

D. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skill
E. Discussing new
concepts and Choose the possible outcome
practicing new skill of the situation shown in the This day will be use for
#2 pictures. Write the answer on READING/Intervention
 Based on the title and your paper. /National Reading
Month Activity.
illustration, what do
you think is the story ( see action plan )
all about?

Maybe the story is about

taking photos in school as
you can see the illustration
Write the title here:
on the cover page.
F. Developing Mastery _____________ This day will be use for
(Lead to Formative I think the story may be READING/Intervention
Assessment) about /National Reading
_______________________ Month Activity.
You see the title and there is __________ ( see action plan )
a grandmother and a child. _______________________
Based on the title and _______________________
illustration, what do you __________
think the story is about? _______________________
I predict that the story is __________
about a grandmother who is Here is a picture of the what
telling a story about her life the story may be about.
to her grand daughter as I
see it on the cover page.

You can say that the story is

about a happy and big family Form a small group. Present
because of what have you and discuss your work.
observed on the cover page.

G. Finding practical  Do you think it is Tell what will happen next by This day will be use for
application of important to predict matching the picture in Column READING/Intervention
concepts and skill in the outcome of a A with the picture in Column /National Reading
daily living B. Write the letter of the Month Activity.
story ?
correct answer on your paper
Sometimes because of ( see action plan )
predictions, we get so
excited about a story.

H. Generalization Observing the  How can we give  What is a Practice Reading

Illustration/picture is helpful prediction? sentence?
in giving predictions.

I. Evaluating Learning Complete the sentence by Practice Reading

Observe the following cover sharing your prediction about
page and give your own the story.
prediction on what the story
is about.

I think the story is about (1)

___________ because I
can see (2)
________________. I can see a
(3) ___________
and I can see a (4)
___________. I like to read the
because (5) ___________.

J. Additional activities Agreement: Read at Agreement: Read at home Agreement: Read at

for application or home home

IV. Remarks

V. Reflection
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
required remediation.
C. Did the remedia
workl? No. of learners
who have caught up.
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well

F. What difficulty did I

encounter which my
principal and
supervisor help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use?

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