PR.121 Podio Broschüre en
PR.121 Podio Broschüre en
PR.121 Podio Broschüre en
Product information 4
Surfaces and decors 8
Application and installation 12
3 Podio balcony panels
1 Product information
5 Podio balcony panels
Material description
Used as balcony flooring, the panels are high quality, CE-certified construc-
tion products with non-slip hexagonal surfaces. This makes them ideal for
stairs and landings as well as balconies. The material is used for supporting
structures in new buildings as well as outdoor restoration projects.
• easier handling thanks to lower weight
• easy processing and adaptation at the construction site
• no sealing of edges required
• decorative underside
• minimal waste with standard balcony depth of 2500.0 mm
• ideal for balcony restoration projects
Core 1 01
Thicknesses (depending on
static requirement)
Anti-slip classes
Number Z-50.4-337
Z-50.4-337_10-09-2021.pdf (
1 03
Surfaces Decors
Outdoor areas especially require surfaces that A taste of freedom, an expanded living space,
not only meet high requirements in terms of a design feature and an indispensable part of
safety and resistance, but are also aesthetically modern architecture – the potential uses of a
pleasing. balcony are as individual as the personal tastes
of those who enjoy them.
NH – Hexa (front side)
• deep studded structure Bearing in mind the option of combining with
• texture with good grip to prevent slipping other materials (facades, windows, balcony
• offers ideal protection of decors against furniture, etc.), Fundermax offers two neutral yet
weathering trendy colour ranges.
• for additional decor choices, see the full
product range The first, for looks inspired by nature, comprises
warm tones with a feelgood vibe; the second
NT (rear side) consists of urban colours as an expression of
• decorative balcony underside contemporary lifestyle – the perfect accom-
paniment to purist decor schemes and urban
2 01
2 01 0144 NH Costa
11 Podio balcony panels
Product range
Decor direction
Thicknesses 16.0 18.0/20.0 16.0 18.0/20.0 16.0 18.0/20.0
F-Quality, brown
Nearest NCS
Decor type Decor no. Decor name code/wood type
M 0427 Skyline ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ X L
For more design and decor options, please see the Delivery options Decor types Decor/decor direction
full Exterior product range. ●= available in commercial U = Colour X = Decor on both sides
Delivery: Reverse side (NT) top quantities from stock M = Material L = This decor is directional (length).
All decors also available with reverse side (NT) decor ○= according to current H = Nature Please consider this during optimisation and cutting.
0890 Balcony white. delivery times N = This decor is directionless. You can turn it during cutting.
12 Application and installation
Fundamentals of handling
3 01
Podio balcony panels can be screwed or glued in various ways to suitable
Acrylic polyurethane resin
substructures, with an incline. The substrate and substructure must be
(weather protection)
sufficiently load-bearing. Ensure rear ventilation with a minimum distance
of 25.0 mm from the substrate. Moisture-storing surfaces (grass, ballast,
Plain-colour or
printed decor gravel, etc.) are unsuitable. Ensure sufficient drainage of the substrate.
3 02
15 mm
Dripping groove EPDM tape Max Compact Exterior balcony panel Profile
15 5
Incline 1,5-2 %
≈ 50 mm
UK rear
I-beam substructure ventilation
15 Podio balcony panels
3 03
Fixing distances
than 600.0 mm.
Edge distances
For installation with screws, the edge distance
can be 20.0-100.0 mm.
The joints must be at least 8.0 mm wide so that Traffic load kN/m2
changes in size can be realised without hindran-
Max. allowable deflection of 1/300 3.0 4.0 5.0
ce. Fill joints with a permanently elastic sealant,
and place a permanently elastic rubber band in Panel thickness Support spacing in mm
16.0 mm X X X
18.0 mm X X X
20.0 mm X X X
A ≤ 600.0
16.0 mm X X -
18.0 mm X X X
20.0 mm X X X
A ≤ 800.0
20.0 mm X X -
x = permissible
For applications requiring approval in Germany, observe the maximum support spacing in
accordance with the general building inspectorate approval Z-50.4-377. For current permits,
3 03 Distances to substructure
16 Application and installation
3 04 Fixed point
The fixed point allows for the equal distribution (halving) of swelling and
shrinking movements. The drill hole diameter in the Max Compact Exterior
panel must be approx. one flight depth lower than the screw diameter.
Sliding point
The drill diameter in the substructure must be bigger than that of the
mounting material, depending on the required expansion clearance. The
shaft diameter of the fastening device plus 2.0 mm per metre of cladding
material from the fixed-point outwards. The fastening device must be
arranged so that the panels can move. Do not fasten screws too tightly.
Do not use countersunk screws. The centre of the hole in the substructu-
re must match the centre of the hole in the panel. Use drilling aids (drilling
equipment). The panels should be fastened from the middle outwards.
3 05 3 06
Fixed point
20-100 mm 20-100 mm
Sliding point
b b
Loose point
b b
b b
20-100 mm 20-100 mm
a a a
3 07
permanently elastic rubber band permanently elastic rubber band
3 08
3 09
3 10 Gluing
Ensure the panel is not subjected to stress when gluing. Take ac-
count of the expansion and shrinkage behaviour of Max Compact
Exterior panels. The construction supervision authority in Germany
does not approve gluing! For the maximum panel size, refer to the
approvals of the glue manufacturer; for laying guidelines, refer to the
approvals for the relevant gluing system.
3 11
19 Podio balcony panels
Thermal properties
Resistance to moisture EN 438-2:2016, Section 15 % Mass increase ≤ 8 2
Lengthwise: ≤ 0.30 Lengthwise: 0.08
Dimensional tolerance at high temperature EN 438-2:2016, Section 17 %
Crosswise: ≤ 0.60 Crosswise: 0.16
Coefficient of thermal expansion DIN 52328 1/K 18 x 10 -6
Thermal conductivity W/mK 0.3
Water vapor diffusion resistance approx. 17,200 µ
Deutsches Institut für Bautech- 6, 8, 10 mm,
Germany facade approval
nik, Berlin Approval no. Z-10.3-712
ETB guidelines for components that protect against falling, present (depending on building regulations and rail-
TU Hanover
from 6/1985 balcony railings ing construction, 6, 8, 10, or 13 mm panel thickness)
While these guidelines have been prepared with great care, we would like to point out that the responsibility
for correct planning lies with the planner and the responsibility for correct installation lies with the installer.
Fundermax Deutschland GmbH Fundermax North America, Inc.
Mundenheimer Weg 2 9401-P Southern Pine Blvd.
D-67117 Limburgerhof Charlotte, NC 28273, U.S. T +1 980 299 0035
Fundermax France S.a.r.l.
3 Cours Albert Thomas Fundermax Polska Sp. z o.o.
F-69003 Lyon ul. Rybitwy 12
T +33 (0)4 78 68 28 31 PL-30-722 Kraków T +48 (0)12 65 34 528
Fundermax GmbH
Klagenfurter Straße 87-89, A-9300 St. Veit/Glan
T: +43 (0)5 9494-0, F: +43 (0)5 9494-4200