ABC (Chapter 3 - Problems)
ABC (Chapter 3 - Problems)
ABC (Chapter 3 - Problems)
Chapter 3
124 125
Goodwill is
3. measured at the
Chapter 3: Summary
business combination is not
excess earnings expected to be undisCOunted amount
earned from the
of total
Goodwill arising from a How much is the goodwill? combination.
tested for impairment at least annually.
In areversebutacquisition,
amortized the issuer of shares (thee legal acquirer)
4. Goodwill is measured by
is the accounting acquiree. acquisition i.
discounting the
earnings at 9%. How much is the average excess
The consideration transferred in a reverse goodwill?
measured based on the number of equity interests the Reverse acquisition
to give th,
subsidiary (accounting acquirer) would have had to issue
5. Entity A and Entity Bexchanged equity interests in a
owners of the legal parent (accounting acquiree) the same combination. Relevant information follows: business
percentage of equity interest in the combined entity that results from Entity A has 2,000 issued shares. To effect the business
the reverse acquisition.
combination, Entity A will issue 2 new shares for each of
the 3,000 total outstanding shares of Entity B.
Entity A's shares have fair value of P100 per share, while
Entity B's shares have fair value of 300 per share.
Entity A's net identifiable assets have a fair value of
Methods of estimatinggoodwill P260,000 as at the acquisition date.
Use the following information for the next four items: How much is the goodwill?
Entity A is contemplating on acquiring Entity B. Relevant
information follows:
Entity B's average annual earnings in the past 5 years were PROBLEM 2: MULTIPLE CHOICE - THEORY
Entity B's net assets as at the current year-end have a tair 1. After initial recognition, goodwill arising from abusiness
value of P8,000,000.
combination is (use full PFRSS')its
The industry average rate of return on equity is 12%. a. amortized over its useful life, not exceeding 10 years.
The probable duration of Entity B's "excess earnings" is 5 b. not amortized but tested for impairment at least annually.
C. amortized over its useful life, not exceeding 40 years.
d. amortized and tested for impairment
1. Goodwill is equal to the average excess earnings
25%. How much is the goodwill? capitalized a . How is goodwill tested for impairment?
CGUS are the ones
a. Goodwill is allocated to CGUs. The
charged first to
2. Goodwill is measured by capitalizing the average tested for impairment. Any impairment is
excess is charged to the
12%. How much is the goodwil1? earnings a the allocated goodwill, and any
other assets in the CGU.
Business Combinations (Part 3) 127
4. Cloudy Co. plans to acquire all the assets and liabilities of Day
Co. Cloudy expects that it will need to pay a premium equal to
the discounted amount of Day's excess average annual
earnings in order to effect the transaction. The appropriate
discount rate is 10%.
128 Chapter 3