LP Smartside Panel Siding
LP Smartside Panel Siding
LP Smartside Panel Siding
• Apply and maintain siding in a manner that prevents moisture Stud Spacing
intrusion and water buildup.
• All wood substrate that is exposed to the weather must be • Panel siding with a shiplap joint must be installed with the
sealed in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water long dimension vertically on studs.
build up. - 38 and 76 Series panel siding may be installed directly to
- Seal ALL exposed cuts of siding and trim. Field spray studs spaced a maximum of 16 inch (406 mm) o.c.
- 190 Series panel siding is required when installing directly
applied coatings on cuts are not recommended.
to studs spaced up to a maximum of 24 inch (610 mm) o.c.
- Sealing can be accomplished by applying a paint or
sealant according to the manufacturer’s requirements. Moisture
• LP does not recommend panel siding for use in ICF assemblies.
If used, LP will NOT warrant for Buckling and Shrinkage. • Moisture control and water vapor control are critical elements
of proper housing design. Check your local building code for
• Use nails to fasten panel siding to structural framing. application procedures for handling moisture and water vapor.
- Alternate fasteners such as staples are permissible when
allowed by local building code and where the size, • As with all wood products, do not apply engineered wood siding
embedment, placement and number of alternate fasteners to a structure having excessive moisture conditions such as
fasteners are designed by a licensed design professional drying concrete, plaster or wet blown cellulose insulation.
and approved by the local building official. • Siding must not be applied to green or crooked structural
- LP will not consider any warranty claims for damage or framing members.
performance failures to the extent caused by the use of
any alternate fasteners. • Siding must not be applied over rain-soaked or buckled
sheathing materials.
• Gutters are recommended for control of roof water run off.
Water-Resistive Barrier (WRB) Finishing Instructions
• A properly installed WRB is required behind siding. Consult • Climb cut the surface of siding such that rotation of the blade
your local building code for details. cuts downward on the primed or prefinished siding surface.
• The LP SmartSide panel siding limited warranty does not • Seal all exposed surfaces, including all drip edges or where
expressly or implicitly cover water penetration. water will hang.
- LP does not assume responsibility for any water penetration. • Apply finish coat of paint as soon as possible, and within
• Sheds and other accessory structures where the interior 180 days of application.
wall cavities will remain permanently exposed may use LP • Follow the coating manufacturer’s application and
SmartSide panel siding with SilverTech or SmartFinish and maintenance instructions.
do not require a WRB, if exempt by local building code.
• For best results use a high-quality 100% acrylic exterior paint,
Gaps & Sealants specially formulated for use on wood and engineered wood
substrates; oil paint is acceptable.
• Seal all gaps with a high-quality, non-hardening, paintable - DO NOT USE: stain
exterior sealant meeting ASTM C920, minimum Class 25. - DO NOT USE: vinyl-based paint (like vinyl acetate or PVA)
Follow the sealant manufacturer’s instructions for application. SMOOTH FINISH Panel Siding:
• Either flat, satin or semi-gloss coatings can be applied to
Flashing, Windows, Doors & Openings smooth finish panel siding.
- Each offers different appearance & maintenance benefits.
• All openings must be properly sealed or flashed in a manner - See Technical Bulletin #049 for additional information.
that prevents moisture intrusion or buildup. Several examples
that accomplish this objective are shown on the following pages. CEDAR TEXTURE Panel Siding:
• For best results use semi-gloss finish.
Kick-Out Flashing - See Technical Bulletin #049 for additional information.
Nailing Instructions - Direct to Studs SMOOTH FINISH Panel Orientation (CONT.)
• Penetrate structural framing or wood structural panels and SMOOTH FINISH Brushstroke Texture - Parallel
structural framing a minimum of 1-1/2 inches (38 mm).
• A reduction in allowable racking shear capacity is required in
Table 1 of both PR-N124 and ESR-1301 when using panel siding
Brushstroke direction
Brushstroke direction
with a shiplap edge.
• For 38 Series panel 1" (25 mm)
double nailing from edge
procedure meets bead
wall bracing
requirements for
5/16 CATEGORY 1/8"
shear wall design min. 1-1/2" (3 mm)
(38 mm) gap
value in Table 1.
• For 76 and 190 Series
panel single nailing
Brushstroke direction
Brushstroke direction
procedure meets
wall bracing
requirements for Figure 3A
5/16 CATEGORY Double row of nails
shear wall design
value in Table 1. To
meet the equivalent
3/8" (10 mm)
3/8 CATEGORY shear from edge
wall design value, Alignment
double nailing bead
must be used. Figure 3C
• Align the overlap edge • DO NOT installing panel siding with brushstroke running in
of the panel to the 1/8" different directions. (Figure 3D)
outside edge of the min. 1-1/2" (3 mm)
alignment bead on (38 mm) gap
embedment SMOOTH FINISH Brushstroke Texture - NOT Parallel
the underlap edge
of the adjacent panel
as shown in Figure 3B.
- Doing so will
Brushstroke direction
maintain the
Figure 3B
1/8" (3 mm)
expansion gap Single row of nails
on the back side of the panel seam. Brushstroke
• Where siding butts window trim, door casings and masonry,
etc. leave a 3/16 inch gap and seal.
Nailing Instructions - Direct to Studs (CONT.) Panel Siding Installed over Foam Sheathing
(Rigid Foam Insulation) greater than 1 in (25 mm) thick
• In braced wall assemblies;
- Use a minimum (0.113 inch shank diameter) hot-dip • When panel siding is NOT used as wall bracing, refer to IRC
galvanized (ASTM A153) or equivalent nail for 38 Series Chapter 7 on Wall Covering for prescriptive siding attachment
and 76 Series panel siding. over foam sheathing up to 4 inch (102 mm) thick direct to
- Use a minimum (0.131 inch shank diameter) hot-dip wood framing or cold-formed steel framing.
galvanized (ASTM A153) or equivalent nail for 190 Series - Section 703.15.1 for minimum fastening requirements
panel siding. over foam sheathing to wood framing.
- When using panel siding as both wall bracing and siding - Section 703.15.2 for furring minimum fastening
consult Table 1 of APA Product Report PR-N124 or requirements over foam sheathing to wood framing.
ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1301 for fastener spacing; - Section 703.16.1 for minimum fastening requirements
or consult a design professional. over foam sheathing to steel framing.
• In non-braced wall assemblies; - Section 703.16.2 for furring minimum fastening
- A minimum 0.092 inch smooth shank diameter nail may requirements over foam sheathing into steel framing.
be substituted depending on the wind pressure, wind • LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the
speed and wind exposure category limitations in IRC prescriptive design of the mechanical connection of the
PR-N124 or ESR-1301. siding to the structure and is expressly released by the
purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability.
Alternative Fastening Option over SIP Assemblies
or Wood Structural Panel Wall Sheathing (WSP) 1 inch (25 mm) Roof-to-Wall or Chimney Intersection
• WSP wall sheathing must be a minimum 7/16 Category with an
APA Trademark that contains the consensus Standard DOC PS 2.
• Panel siding must be fastened with:
- Minimum (0.092 inch shank diameter) hot-dip galvanized Trim
ring shank nail, fastened in a grid a minimum of 8 inches
(203 mm) o.c. up to a maximum 16 inches (305 mm) o.c.
grid depending on the wind pressure, wind speed and
wind exposure category limitations in APA Product 4" (102 mm) min. Seal bottom
vertical leg of drip edges
Report PR-N124, Table 5a or 5b. step flashing
- Fastener length must be long enough to fully penetration 1" (25 mm) min.
clearance from
WSP wall sheathing by at least 1/4 inch (6 mm). Ensure that roofing
the ring shanks of the nail fully engage the WSP sheathing.
Figure 4B
Panel Siding Installed over Exterior Gypsum
or Foam Sheathing (Rigid Foam Insulation) Panel Siding Joint Details
• Siding may be installed over exterior gypsum or foam sheathing. HORIZONTAL WALL JOINTS
The following precaution must be followed: Siding
- Fastener length must be increased to ensure a minimum
3/8" Blocking
1-1/2 inch (38 mm) penetration into structural framing or (10 mm)
wood structural panel sheathing and structural framing; or min. gap
- For alternate fastening option to wood structural panel
sheathing only, the nail length must be long enough to Sloped
fully penetrate sheathing by at least 1/4 inch (6 mm). flashing with
○ Ensure that the ring shanks of the nail fully engage 4" (102 mm)
vertical leg
the wood structural panel sheathing.
- A water-resistant barrier (WRB) is required in accordance BUTT & FLASH
with building code requirements. Figure 4C
○ A drainage plane (example: furring strips, drainage
mat or drainage board) may be required between
siding and WRB, consult local code requirements.
Framing (band joist,
Panel Siding Installed over Foam Sheathing truss chord, etc.)
(Rigid Foam Insulation) up to 1 inch (25 mm) thick
Wall Framing
1" (25 mm)
• Siding may be installed over low-compression foam sheathing. min. overlap
• Panel siding may be nailed directly over foam sheathing up to 1
inch (25 mm) thick without a reduction in the allowable racking LAP
shear capacity (wall bracing capacity). Figure 4E
Panel Siding Joint Details (CONT.) Touch-Up Kit
For multi-story buildings, make provisions at horizontal joints
for “settling” shrinkage of framing, especially when applying
siding directly to studs.
Panel siding
Min. 1/8" (3mm) The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (“LP”) LP SmartSide Siding (the
space between “Products”) Limited Warranty (the “Warranty”) applies only to
siding and Masonry structures on which the Products have been applied, finished and
masonry foundation maintained in accordance with the published application, finishing
and maintenance instructions in effect at the time of application.
Figure 5B Figure 5C The failure to follow such application, finishing or maintenance
instructions will void the Warranty as to the portion of the Products
affected by the variance (the “Affected Products”).
Space & Flash Above Doors & Windows
LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage sustained by the
Interior Siding Affected Products and is expressly released by the purchaser or
Finish owner from any such loss or liability.
Any modification of the Warranty’s application, finishing or
3/8" (10 mm) gap maintenance requirements is void unless approved in writing by
Sloped flashing LP prior to application.
with 4" (102 mm)
vertical leg For a copy of the warranty or for installation and technical
Trim support, visit the LP SmartSide product support Web site at:
Nail fin www.lpsmartside.com
(Do not damage)
Install door/window for for additional support call 888-820-0325.
per manufacturer’s
Figure 5D
Panel Edges Available: Square Edge, Shiplap WARNING: Drilling, sawing, sanding or machining wood
Edge and Shiplap Edge with Alignment Bead products can expose you to wood dust, a substance known to the
State of California to cause cancer. Avoid inhaling wood dust or
1/8" (3 mm) use a dust mask or other safeguards for personal protection. For
gap more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/wood.
1/8" 1/8" ®
Square Edge Shiplap Edge Shiplap Edge NOTE: Louisiana-Pacific Corporation periodically updates and revises its product information.
with alignment bead To verify that this version is current, call 888-820-0325.
• Painting all exposed nail heads is recommended.
3/16" (5 mm)
• Do not overdrive nails. gap and sealant
- Nail head should seat snug to face of siding,
but not be overdriven to distort the siding
surface. (Figure 6A)
Figure 6C Figure 6D
Inside Corner Outside Corner
Snug OK
3/16" (5 mm)
Flush Paint gap and sealant
Figure 6A
Vapor Retarder
If required
by code
) m)
mm 5m
152 30
6" ( 1 2" (
Figure 6B
Figure 6G
Figure 6H
Ground Clearance