Installing Numara Track-It! 10.5 (Full Installation)
Installing Numara Track-It! 10.5 (Full Installation)
Installing Numara Track-It! 10.5 (Full Installation)
5 (Full Installation)
Important Note:
Please log in to My Profile on our Support Web site to determine which version you should download first (
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION TO INSTALLING TRACK-IT! 10.5 ................................................................. 1 2 PREPARATION PRIOR TO INSTALLING TRACK-IT! 10.5 ..................................................... 1
2.1 General Information About the Full Installation ........................................................................................................... 1 2.2 What to Do and Decide Before Starting the Full Installation........................................................................................ 2 2.3 Information You May Need During the Full Installation ............................................................................................... 3
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................... 10
View the System Requirements on the Numara Support Web site to be sure your systems can support Track-It! 10.5. The Track-It! 10.5 Full Installer will not allow Track-It! 10.5 to be installed if an existing version of Track-It! is detected on the computer. Only a single version of the Track-It! server component can be installed on a computer at any one time. The Track-It! Full Installer will install several prerequisites on the computer where the Track-It! server component is installed. You can manually install these prerequisites or allow the installer to install them for you. A reboot may be required after installing the prerequisites. For a complete list of prerequisites, see: Step 11: Verify the Prerequisites to be Installed. If you are installing Track-It! Web Component on Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7 (Vista/IIS7), see the following KnowledgeBase article for instructions on configuring IIS7 for use with Track-It!: Installing Track-It! Web Component on Windows Server 2008 If you plan to use Oracle clients, you will need to enable EZConnect in order to install the Track-It! server Component. See the following KnowledgeBase article for instructions: How to Enable EZConnect for Oracle See also our Knowledge Base articles: Login to Track-It! Fails After Installing Against Oracle 11R2 and Track-It! Server Minimum Oracle 10 and 11 Requirements.
Installing Track-It! Web to Windows 7 (Vista) or Windows Server 2008 Oracle Client Configuration
For instructions on installing to a Citrix server environment, please see the following Knowledge Base article: How to Set up Citrix to Work with Track-It!.
It there is a firewall running on the server where the Track-It! Server component is installed, the following ports must be opened for Track-It! to function correctly: Numara Remote Control Host* Track-It! Service Management 6502 9010
*required if you plan to use this feature to take remote control of the computer where the Track-It! Server component is installed 8. Router Configuration May Be Required If a router is between the Track-It! components (Track-It! Web, database, and Technician Client) and the computer where the Track-It! Server component is installed, the same ports also need to be opened on the router.
Download the release notes to find out what's new in Track-It! 10.5. Download your Track-It! 10.5 Full Installer file from the My Profile page on our Support Web site. You can download your License File (trackit.lic) from the My Profile page on our Support Web site. OR If you enter your Serial Number and Activation Key during the installation, the installer will automatically download your license file from the Numara Software Web site.
The Track-It! server component can be installed via a remote terminal session or a remote desktop connection, but you must connect to the console session on the server. Failure to connect to the console session on the server may result in the Track-It! server component functioning incorrectly. If you are planning to install remotely, please see the following article for important information: Track-It! Updates and Remote Desktop or Other Session Based Remote Control Products
Server Components Track-It! Server component Track-It! Database component Track-It! Web component Desktop Components Track-It! Technician Client
Special considerations need to be taken when deciding where to install the different components of Track-It!. See Track-It! Installation Models to help choose the installation model that is best for your company. 6. Choose your Database Type Track-It! runs with either Microsoft SQL Express*, Microsoft SQL Server*, or Oracle. *Note: As of Track-It! 9 SP2, SQL 2000 is no longer supported.
During the installation, the installer will attempt to automatically download your Track-It! License File from the Internet if you have not already downloaded it. If Internet access will not be available during the installation process, you should download your license file in advance by logging on to My Profile on our Support Web site. If the setup cannot connect to the database, you will be asked for Database Administrator credentials. You will not need this information if you choose to use the included Microsoft SQL Express database. Domain Administrator credentials are needed so that Track-It! can install software on remote computers and for the Track-It! Web Component to run Password Reset. Track-It! Full Installation will provide a default Share name, which you can change. Note: The Track-It! Share is accessed by various components of Track-It! (such as Audit and Technician Client) to read and write data on the Track-It! Server. Track-It! Full Installation will provide a default Virtual Directory name, which is included in the Track-It! Web site's URL. You can use the default Virtual Directory name (TrackItWeb), or change it as shown in the examples below: http://Server01/HelpDesk http://Server01/SelfHelp
Step 2:
a. b. c.
d. e.
On the Numara Track-It! 10.5 dialog, click the Install Track-It! Now button. A dialog displays that shows the progress while temporary files are copied to your computer. If prerequisites need to be installed, the Numara Track-It! InstallShield Wizard dialog displays while the following are installed: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86 & x64Wow) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Full (Web Download) Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC ) 2.8 Click the Install button to install the prerequisites. (This may take several minutes). On the Welcome dialog, click Next.
Step 3:
Review and Accept the License Agreement Enter the License Information
Review the licensing terms on the License Agreement dialog. If you accept the terms and conditions, click Yes. On the Enter License Information dialog, enter your Track-It! serial number and activation key to download your Track-It! license file, then click Next.
Step 4:
If you already have a Track-It! license file, you can browse to that file instead of downloading the license file. Track-It! license information is stored in a file called trackit.lic that was created for you by Numara Software when your organization purchased our software. The name of the Track-It! license file must remain trackit.lic. If you dont have a license file, install the trial version and add the license later. You can download a copy of your license file at any time by logging on to My Profile on our Support Web site.
Step 5:
a. b.
Select Typical or Custom for additional share and security settings. Accept the default destination folder or specify a different destination folder, and then click the Next button.
Step 6:
You can select one of three database types that Track-It! will use to store your data: Microsoft SQL Express*, Microsoft SQL Server*, or Oracle. On the Select Database Type dialog, select the database server type you want to use, click the Next button.
Step 7:
If you selected "SQL Express", the installer will install and configure the database..
If you selected Use Existing SQL Server* or Use Existing Oracle Server you will need to provide information about the location of the database server and the new Track-It! database.
By default the Installer will create a new database with a default database name. You can change this name if desired. Alternatively, you can specify the name of an existing empty database that has been created on the database server. If prompted, enter the database system administrative credentials in order to create the new database on the database server.
If you selected Typical installation, the Start Copying Files dialog displays. Click the Next button.
Step 8:
On the Share the Track-It! Directory dialog, accept the default share name or specify a different name, and then click Next. Note: The Track-It! Share is accessed by various components of Track-It! (such as Audit and Technician Client) to read and write data on the Track-It! Server.
Step 9: Grant Permissions to the Track-It! Network File Share (Optional - Custom Setup)
Note: You can grant permissions to the Track-It! Network File Share now, or after you have installed TrackIt!. On the Grant Permissions to the Track-It! Network File Share dialog, click the Browse button to select domain users and/or groups. These will be the Technicians who will have access to the Track-It! Network File Share. Click Next.
Step 10:
a. Domain Administrator On the next Enter Administrator Credentials dialog, enter the Domain Administrator Username (such as Domain\Administrator) and Password.
2011 Numara Software, Inc. 5
Track-It! needs Domain Administrator account credentials to install the Track-It! Agent and Remote Control Guest on remote workstations and to run the Track-It! Account Management Service for Password Reset. If you do not know the domain administrator credentials, you can enter the Windows account name and password of an administrator on the server where you are installing Track-It!. These credentials can be changed later in the Administration Console. b. Track-It! Administrator On the same dialog, accept the default Track-It! Administrator Username and Password, or specify a different username and password. The Track-It! Administrator account is created during the install. You will use these credentials to login to the Track-It! Technician Client to further configure the system. Click Next. The Start Copying Files dialog displays. Click the Next button.
Step 11:
On the Start Copying Files dialog, review the settings that will be used to install Track-It!, then click Next. The Installing Prerequisites dialog displays. The installer will install the following prerequisites if they are not detected: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (if you selected SQL Express to use as your database) Microsoft .NET Framework 2 (needed by SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, this will not appear if already installed) Crystal Reports XI Release 2 - SP4
b. c.
Please wait while the prerequisites are installed (this may take several minutes). After the prerequisites have been installed, you may receive a message to reboot the computer. If you are prompted to reboot, reboot the computer and re-run the setup from the beginning.
Step 12:
You can install Track-It! Web at this point or install it later from the path indicated on the Numara Track-It! Web dialog, e.g., "\Program Files\Numara Software\Numara Track-It!\Track-It! Server\Installers\TrackItWeb\TrackItWebSetup.exe" a. b. To install Track-It! Web, click the Install Track-It! Web button on the Numara Track-It! Web dialog, then go to Step 12.1, below. If you are not installing Track-It! Web at this time, go to Step 13.
Note: If you plan on using the Web Survey add-on, read the Knowledgebase article on installing the Web Survey Installer: a. b. The required prerequisites to install Track-It! Web display on the next dialog. Click the Install button. On the Welcome to the Numara Track-It! Web setup dialog, click the Next button.
a. b.
Review the licensing terms on the License Agreement dialog. If you accept the terms and conditions, click Yes.
On the Choose Destination Location dialog, accept the default destination folder or specify a different destination folder, and then click Next.
On the Specify Track-It! Server Location dialog, either accept the default network share or folder location or specify a different name (click the Browse button to browse to a location). Then click Next. Note: The Track-It! Share is accessed by various components of Track-It! (such as Audit and Technician Client) to read and write data on the Track-It! Server.
a. b. c. d. e.
Either accept the default Web site, or select another from the drop-down list of Web sites running on this server. Either accept the default Track-It! Web virtual directory name (TrackItWeb) or enter a different name. If you choose an existing virtual directory name, make sure that it is not currently used by another application. Either accept the default Password Reset virtual directory name (PasswordReset), or enter a different name. Then click the Next button.
On the next Login dialog, enter the user name and password of a user with administrative rights (such as Domain\Administrator). This account will be used to run the Password Reset Service.
If you do not know the domain administrator credentials, you can enter the Windows account name and password of an administrator on the server where you are installing Track-It!. These credentials can be changed later in the Password Reset Administration Utility. A message will display if an older version of Password Reset was detected on your computer. Click Yes so that setup can disable the previous Account Management Service and migrate settings to the new Password Reset service. A new Password Reset URL will also be created (see 12.9, below).
Review Settings
On the Start Copying Files dialog, review the settings that will be used to install Track-It! Web (destination folder, server location, and URLs), then click the Next button.
The links are displayed to begin using Track-It! Web (Technician), Self Service Web (two URLs: one for login, and one for auto-login), and Password Reset.
Step 13:
Click the Finish button on the You have finished installing Track-It! dialog. By default, the checkbox to Launch Track-It! Technician Client is selected. If checked, this will install the Technician Client on the server after you click the Finish button. Note: If you choose not to install the Track-It! Technician Client on the Server, you can install it at any time by navigating to: \Program Files\Numara Software\Numara Track-It!\Track-It! Server\Installers\TechnicianClient\en\Setup.exe
Step 14:
On the Application Install Security Warning dialog, click Install. Note: The Publisher is labeled as Unknown Publisher because setup.exe is signed during the installation, and for security reasons, the Numara Software certificate is not shipped with the installer. When the Track-It! Technician Client installation is complete, the Track-It! Technician Client will launch automatically. On the Numara Track-It! 10.5 Login dialog, enter your Track-It! Administrator Username and Password, then click Login.
4 After Installation
4.1 Configuring Track-It! with the Configuration Wizard
After the Track-It! Technician Client is installed, the Configuration Wizard displays. You can click the Next button to continue, or you can click the Finish button and configure Track-It! at a later time if you prefer. Please refer to the Track-It! Administrators guide for more information on configuring Track-It!.
4.2 Sending Installation Instructions for the Track-It! Technician Client to Your Technicians
Track-It! Technicians can install the Track-It! application by clicking on a link sent via e-mail from your Help Desk e-mail account. a. b. Start the Track-It! Technician Client (Start/All Programs/Numara Track-It!/Numara Track-It! Technician Client). From Track-It!'s main menu bar, select Tools/Administration Console/Administration/Distribute Technician Client. The Technician Client Click-Once link is displayed. c. d. e. Select the technician(s) from the Available Technicians list, then click the Add button. (You can select multiple technicians by holding the Shift or CTRL key as you select them). This places the technicians in the Technicians to Notify list. Click the Send E-mail button. On the Enter E-mail Address dialog, enter the e-mail address that was set up for your Help Desk e-mail account (e.g., then click the OK button. The selected Technicians will receive an e-mail with a link so that they can install the Track-It! Technician Client.
Account Management Service: See Track-It! Account Management Service Anonymous User: The user account used by an IIS web site to provide anonymous access to the web site. For additional information see the Microsoft IIS help documentation
End User: End users who have been granted a license can access Track-It! via Self Service Web to submit their own service requests, check the status of their requests, view announcements, search internal Track-It! solutions, find answers to popular business applications, and more. EZConnect: EZCONNECT is Oracle's easy connect naming method. For additional information see your Oracle client documentation
File attachments: Files associated with a specific Track-It! entity, such as a Work Order or Asset. Track-It! stores files attachments on the computer where the Track-It! Server components are installed. If you make use of the file attachment feature in Track-It! you should make sure you have sufficient disk space on the computer hosting the Track-It Server component File share: See Track-It! File Share
IIS: Microsofts web server. IIS is required in order to install the Track-It ! Web components
Password Reset: Password Reset is an application included in the Track-It! Web component which allows End Users to register and reset their windows domain password
Self Service Web: Self Service Web is an application included in the Track-It! Web component. It is a Webbased application that enables End Users to submit service requests and check the status of existing requests. Users can also search internal Track-It! solutions, find answers to questions regarding popular business applications, and more SQL Server Express: SQL Server Express is a free and easy-to-use database product that is based on SQL Server 2005
Track-It! Account Management Service: A Window Service installed and run in the background for the Password Reset application. Track-It! Administrator: The Technician who is an administrator of the Track-It! System. This Technician will have rights to all of the configuration settings within Track-It! and will be able to create and manage other Technician accounts.
Track-It! Database Component: One of the four main components of the Track-It! system, the database component uses a database server to store information (Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Express, or Oracle) Track-It! File Share: A Windows network file share created on the computer where the Track-It! Server Component is installed. Track-It! License File: The file containing Track-It! license information (.lic) Track-It! Server Component: The main Windows-based component of the Track-It! system which resides on a server Track-It! Service Management Service: A Windows service installed on the computer hosting the Track-It! Server. This service manages the configuration settings for all the Track-It! Components. Additionally, it manages all Track-It! System notification messages and all scheduled operations (Audit merge, network discovery, etc). All Technician Clients will need access to this service via port 9010.5. Port 9010.5 on the computer hosting the Track-It! Server must allow incoming connections. Track-It! System: All of the Track-It! Components: Track-It! Server, Track-It! Database, Track-It! Web, and Track-It! Technician Clients. Track-It! Technician: A broad term used to describe help desk technicians, analysts, managers, purchasing agents, trainers, accountants, and anyone else who is granted access to one or more Track-It! modules for the purpose of entering or viewing data. Track-It! Technician Client application: The Track-It! Technician Client is a windows based application that Technicians can install on their own computers, giving them access to all the Track-It! modules Track-It! Web: Web version of the Track-It! Technician Client application that enables technicians to access Track-It! via a web browser. Track-It! Web Component: The Web version of Track-It!, including Self-Service,, Track-It! Web (for Technicians), and Password Reset. Trial version: The fully-functional time-limited version of Track-It! contains demonstration data and interactive wizards to walk you through the setup. A Track-It! license file may be installed into a trial version of Track-It! to convert it into a full version of Track-It!.
Web Components: The Track-It! Web Component. In the Track-It! System installer, the Track-It! Web Component is referred to as the Web Components. Windows components: The Track-It! Server Component. In the Track-It! System installer, the Track-It! Server Component is referred to as the Windows Components.