NGT 33
NGT 33
NGT 33
plural nouns
Demonstratives, a/an / the
Oh, let's see. An umbrella, a
What are all those camera ... And what's this?
things, Lucy?
They're my
sweets. The
cat food is for
Cosmo and
the sweets
are for me!
aj an, the
• Write.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
I this boy these
............... . boys 7 this apple ................. apples
2 that house ................. houses 8 ............. ... plane those planes
3 ................. sweet these sweets 9 that T-shirt ...T-shirts
4 ................. book those books 10 this car ............. cars
5 that tree ................. trees II ................. star these stars
b ................. desk these desks 12 ................. umbrella those umbrellas
I This / These are the photos from Sarah's 3 9 This / These postcard is for you.
birthday party. 2 This / These is my 10 This / Those letters are for Mum. And
brother. 3 This / These is my friend, Pippa I I this / these magazine is for me!
b That / Those is my computer. And 14 this / these chips aren't very good. And
7 that / these are my computer games. 15 that / those sandwiches are awful!