BLDC Motor Control Algorithms - Renesas
BLDC Motor Control Algorithms - Renesas
BLDC Motor Control Algorithms - Renesas
BLDC motor control requires knowledge of the rotor position and mechanism to commutate the motor. For
closed-loop speed control there are two additional requirements, measurement of the motor speed and/or
motor current and PWM signal to control the motor speed and power.
BLDC motors can use edge-aligned or center-aligned PWM signals depending on the application
requirements. Most applications, that only require variable speed operation, will use six independent edge-
aligned PWM signals. This provides the highest resolution. If the application requires servo-positioning,
dynamic braking, or dynamic reversal, it is recommended that complementary center-aligned PWM signals
be used.
To sense the rotor position BLDC motors use Hall Effect sensors to provide absolute position sensing. This
results in more wires and higher cost. Sensorless BLDC control eliminates the need for Hall effect sensors,
using the back-EMF (electromotive force) of the motor instead to estimate the rotor position. Sensorless
control is essential for low-cost variable speed applications such as fans and pumps. Refrigerator and air
conditioning compressors also require sensorless control when using BLDC motors.
Pulse-width modulation is used to apply a variable voltage to the motor windings. The effective voltage is
proportional to the PWM duty cycle. When properly commutated, the torque-speed characteristics of the
BLDC motor are identical to a dc motor. The variable voltage can be used to control the speed of the motor
and the available torque.
The commutation of the power transistors energizes the appropriate windings in the stator to provide
optimum torque generation depending on the rotor position. In a BLDC motor, the MCU must know the
position of the rotor and commutate at the appropriate time.
Figure 1:
Diagram of
for BLDC
In this scheme, current is controlled through motor terminals one pair at a time, with the third motor terminal
always electrically disconnected from the source of power.
Three Hall devices embedded in the motor are usually used to provide digital signals which measure rotor
position within 60 degree sectors and provide this information to the motor controller. Because at any time,
the currents in two of the windings are equal in magnitude and the third is zero, this method can only
produce current space vectors having one of six different directions. As the motor turns, the current to the
motor terminals is electrically switched (commutated) every 60 degrees of rotation so that the current space
vector is always within the nearest 30 degrees of the quadrature direction.
Figure 2:
and Torque
The current waveform for each winding is therefore a staircase from zero, to positive current, to zero, and
then to negative current.
This produces a current space vector that approximates smooth rotation as it steps among six distinct
directions as the rotor turns.
In motor applications such as air conditioners and refrigerators use of Hall-Effect sensors is not a viable
option. Back-EMF sensors that sense the back EMF in the unconnected winding can be used to achieve the
same results
The trapezoidal-current drive systems are popular because of the simplicity of their control circuits but suffer
from a torque ripple problem during commutation.
If the phase currents are sinusoidal: IR = I0 Sino; IS = I0 Sin (+120o); IT = I0 Sin (+240o); this reduces to:
Sinusoidally commutated brushless motor controllers attempt to drive the three motor windings with three
currents that vary smoothly and sinusoidally as the motor turns. The relative phases of these currents are
chosen so that they should result in a smoothly rotating current space vector that is always in the quadrature
direction with respect to the rotor and has constant magnitude. This eliminates the torque ripple and
commutation spikes associated with trapezoidal commutation.
In order to generate smooth sinusoidal modulation of the motor currents as the motor turns, an accurate
measurement of rotor position is required. The Hall devices provide only a coarse measure of rotor position
and are inadequate for this purpose. For this reason, angle feedback from an encoder, or similar device, is
Figure 3:
for BLDC
Since the winding currents must combine to produce a smoothly rotating current space vector of constant
magnitude, and because the stator windings are oriented 120 degrees apart from each other, currents in
each winding must be sinusoidal and phase shifted by 120 degrees. Position information from the encoder is
used to synthesize two sinusoids, one 120 degrees phase shifted from the other. These signals are then
multiplied by the torque command so that the amplitudes of the sine waves are proportional to desired
torque. The result is two sinusoidal current command signals appropriately phased to produce a rotating
stator current space vector in the quadrature direction.
The sinusoidal current command signals are provided as inputs to a pair of P-I controllers that regulate
current in the two appropriate motor windings. The current in the third motor winding is the negative sum of
the currents in the controlled windings and therefore cannot be separately controlled. The output from each
P-I controller is fed to a PWM modulator and then to the output bridge and two motor terminals. Voltage
applied to the third motor terminal is derived as the negative sum of the signals applied to the first two
windings, as appropriate for three sinusoidal voltages each separated by 120 degrees.
To the extent that the actual output current waveform accurately tracks the sinusoidal current command
signals, the resulting current space vector is smoothly rotating, constant in magnitude and oriented in the
quadrate direction as desired.
Sinusoidal commutation results in the smoothness of control that is generally unachievable with trapezoidal
commutation. However, while it is very effective at low motor speeds, it tends to fall apart at high motor
speeds. This is because as speed goes up the current loop controllers must track a sinusoidal signal of
increasing frequency. At the same time, they must overcome the motor back-EMF that also increases in
amplitude and frequency as speed goes up.
Because the P-I controllers have limited gain and frequency response, the time-variant perturbations to the
current control loop cause phase lag and gain error in the motor currents. Higher speeds result in larger
errors. This perturbs the direction of the current space vector relative to the rotor, causing it to shift away
from the quadrature direction.
When this happens, less torque is produced by a given amount of current and therefore more current is
required to maintain torque. Efficiency deteriorates.
This degradation continues as speed increases. At some point, motor current phase shift crosses through
90 degrees. When this happens torque is reduced to zero. With sinusoidal commutation, speeds above this
point result in negative torque and are therefore not achievable.
Suggested MCUs
MCU Requirements
Methods RL78 RX RH850 RZ/T1
Family Family Family Group
Suggested MCUs
MCU Requirements
Methods RL78 RX RH850 RZ/T1
Family Family Family Group
High Performance MCU MAC 、
Sensorless High-Speed A/D Converter,
Vector Interrupt, PWM Timer with ● ● ●
Control Deadtime for Three-Phase motor