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❖ The intimate symbiotic association of fungi and algae is called lichens.

❖ Lichens are a common feature of forests, deserts, arctic tundra, rocky


❖ They play roles of colonisers, autotrophs, scavengers and pioneers of

succession in ecosystem.

❖ They are very important to mankind as they have different commercial,

scientific and medical uses.

❖ Lichens are very sensitive to air pollution, so they act as effective bio
indicators of air pollution.

❖ The algae of lichens mostly belong to chlorophyta and cyanobacteria.

❖ Lichens are abundant growing on bark, leaves and mosses.
❖ The fungus is called mycobiont. The photosynthesizing organism
is called a photobiont.
❖ The fungal partner/mycobiont mostly belongs to Ascomycota with
40% of the lichens.
Based on the distribution of algal member inside the thallus, the lichens are divided into
two types. Homoisomerous or Homomerous and Heteromerous.


Here the fungal hyphae and the algal cells are more
or less uniformly distributed throughout the
thallus. The algal members belong to Cyanophyta.
This type of orientation is found in crustose
lichens. Both the partners intermingle and form
thin outer protective layer, e.g., Leptogium,
Collema etc.
Here the thallus is differentiated into four distinct layers upper cortex, algal zone, medulla,
and lower cortex. The algal members are restricted in the algal zone only. This type of
orientation is found in foliose and fruticose lichens.
Upper Cortex: It is thick, outermost protective covering,
made up of compactly arranged interwoven fungal
Algal Zone: The algal cells are entangled by the loosely
interwoven fungal hyphae. This layer is either continuous
or may break into patches and serve the function of
Medulla: It comprises of loosely interwoven thick-walled
fungal hyphae with large space between them.
Lower Cortex: This layer is composed of compactly
arranged hyphae parallel to the surface of the thallus.
Some of the hypha may extend downwards and penetrate
the substratum which help in anchorage, known as
The plant body of lichen is thalloid with different shapes. They are usually grey or greyish
green in colour, but some are red, yellow, orange or brown in colour. Based on the external
morphology, general growth and nature of attachment, three main types or forms of lichens
(crustose, foliose and fruticose) have been recognized.

These are encrusting lichens where thallus is
flat and appears as a thin layer or crust on
substratum like barks, stones, rocks etc. They
are either wholly or partially embedded in the
substratum, e.g., Graphis, Strigula,
Rhizocarpon, Lecidia etc.
These are leaf-like lichens, where thallus is flat,
horizontally spreading and with lobes. Some parts
of the thallus are attached with the substratum by
means of hyphal outgrowth developed from the
lower surface e.g., Parmelia, Xanthoria, Gyrophora,
Collema, etc.


These are shrubby lichens, where thalli are well

developed, cylindrical branched, shrub-like, either
grow erect or hang from the substratum. They are
attached to the substratum by a basal disc e.g.,
Cladonia, Usnea, Letharia, Alectonia etc.
 Role in nitrogen fixation
 Food
 Biodegradation
 As dyes
 Antibiotic metabolites
 Traditional medicine
 Role in Nitogen Fixation: Cynobacteria are involved
in nitrogen fixation.This nitrogen increases the fertility
of soil.

 Food: some used as a staple food.It was cooked as a

bread, pudding, soup, or salad.

 Biodegradation:Lichens can degrade polyester resins.

 As dyes: Many lichens produce secondary compounds

and pigments.
 Antibiotic Metabolites: Lichens produce metabolites.
These are useful in the medical community.
 A few are associated to antiseptic.
 Traditional Medicine: Lichens are also used in
nonscientific traditional medicine practices of many
A.Useful Aspects:

(a) Ecological significance:

(i)Pioneer colonizers:

Lichens are said to be the pioneers in establishing

vegetation on bare rocky areas (lithosere). They are the
first members to colonize the barren rocky area. During
development they bring about the disintegration of rock
stones (biological weathering) by forming acids e.g., oxalic
acid, carbonic acid etc. Thus, they play an important role in
nature in the formation of soil (a phenomenon called
(ii) Role in environmental pollution:

Lichens are very sensitive to atmospheric pollutants such

as sulphur dioxide. They are unable to grow in towns,
cities and around industrial sites such as oil refineries
and brickworks. So, the lichens can be used as reliable
biological indicators of pollution. By studying lichens on
trees, a qualitative scale has been devised for the
estimation of mean SO2 level in a given season. Thus
lichens are used as pollution monitors.
(b) Food and Fodder:

The lichens serve as important source of food for invertebrates. A large number
of animals for example, mites, caterpillars, termites, snails, slugs etc. feed partly
or completely on lichens. Lichens as food have also been used by man during
famines. They are rich in polysaccharides, certain enzymes and some vitamins.

Cetraria islandica (Iceland moss) is taken as food in Sweden, Norway,

Scandinavian countries, Iceland etc. Cetraria islandica is also used as fooder for

Lecanora esculenta is used as food in Israel and Umbilicaria esculenta in Japan.

Species of Parmelia (known as rathapu or ‘rock flower’ in Telgu) are used as
curry powder in India. In France the lichens are used in confectionary for making
chocolates and pastries.

Cladonia rangiferina (Reindeer moss) is the main food for reindeers (a kind of
deer) in polar countries.

Species of Stereocaulon, Evernia, Parmelia and Lecanora are also used as

(c) Source of Medicines:
Since very early times the lichens are used to cure jaundice, fever, diarrhoea,
epilepsy, hydrophobia and various skin diseases. Various lichens are of great
A yellow substance usnic acid is obtained from species of
Usnea and Cladonia. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic and
is used in the treatment of various infections. It is effective
against gram positive bacteria. Some lichen compounds
e.g., lichenin, isolichenin have anti-tumour properties.
Protolichesterinic acid
, a compound obtained from some lichens, is used in
preparation of anti-cancer drugs.

Erythrin obtained from Roccella montagnei, is used to

cure angina. Many antiseptic creams such as Usno and
Evosin are available in the market and are well known for
their antitumour, spasmolytic and antiviral activities.
(d) In Industry:
(i) Tanning and dyeing:
Some lichens are used in leather industry. Cetraria
islandica and Lobaria pulmortaria show the astringent
property. This astringent substance is extracted from the
thallus and is used in tannin industry.

Lichens are also used in preparing natural dyes. Orchil, a

blue dye obtained from Roccella and Leconara, is used to
dye woollen articles and silk fabrics.

It is purified as orcum and used as a a biological stain. A

brown dye is obtained from Parmelia spp. whereas
Ochrolechia spp. yield a red dye.

Litmus used as a acid-base indicator, is also a dye and is

obtained from Roccella tinctoria and Lasallia pustulata.
(ii) Cosmetics and perfumes:

Evernia, Ramalina, Pseudorina are reported to have perfumed

volatile oils. Due to the aromatic substances present in the thallus,
the lichens are used in the preparation of various cosmetic articles,
perfumery goods, dhoop, hawan samagris etc.

(iii) Brewing and distillation:

Some species of lichen for example, Cetraria islandica contain

carbohydrates in the form of lichenin. In Sweden and Russia alcohol
is produced from these lichens. These lichens are also used in

(iv) Minerals:

Lecanora esculenta is found in lime stone deserts and yields large

amount of calcium oxalate crystals. These are 60% of its dry weight.
(e) Natural products:
Lichens are known to produce over 550 natural products.
Some important natural products are:
Some lichens are poisonous due to presence of various substances in them
B. Harmful Aspects:

(a) Lichens growing on young fruit trees and sandal trees are harmful to the

(b) During hot season some species of lichens (e.g., Usnea barbarata) become
so dry and inflammable that they often help in spreading forest fire.

(c) Some lichens act as allergens.

(d) The commercial value of glass and marble stone is reduced because of
itching of their surface by lichens.

(e) Some lichens e.g., Cladonia rangifera, Cetraria islandica accumulate large
quantities of radioactive strontium (Sr90 ) and caesium (Cs137 ) from atomic fall-
outs. These may be incorporated in the food chain, lichen → reindeer → man,
leading to their accumulation in human tissues.

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