Chapter 6 Workbook
Chapter 6 Workbook
Chapter 6 Workbook
6 Entrepreneurship
Write the letter of the correct term for each definition on the line provided.
A. trait F. business plan
B. leadership G. venture capital
C. mentor H. capital structure
D. market I. market research
E. cash flow J. start-up capital
________ 1. A written statement of goals and objectives for a business with a strategy to
achieve them.
________ 2. The way a business is financed.
________ 3. The ability to reach others and reach a goal.
________ 4. The movement of money into and out of a business.
________ 5. A distinguishing characteristic or quality that makes each person unique.
________ 6. Gathering and analyzing information about a business.
________ 7. Someone with experience who can provide advice, suggestions, and ideas.
________ 8. The money necessary to start up and open a business.
________ 9. All the people and organizations that might purchase a product.
________ 10. Money invested in a business by investors who form partnerships or groups to
pool investments.
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50 Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance
Multiple Choice
Place the letter of the correct answer to each question on the line provided.
_______ 1. Entrepreneurs willingly risk resources to start and run a business in pursuit of _____.
A. planning
B. profit
C. pro forma
D. professional advice
_______ 2. Which of the following is a quality of effective leadership?
A. Self-confidence
B. Self-reliability
C. Self-transferability
D. Self-mentoring
_______ 3. Which of the following is a basic skill every entrepreneur should master?
A. Mentoring
B. Basic math functions
C. Franchising
D. Angel investing
_______ 4. Which of the following is a source of professional advice for new entrepreneurs?
A. Federal Reserve System
B. Small Business Administration (SBA)
C. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
D. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
_______ 5. Which of the following is not a reason why many new businesses fail?
A. Poor management skills
B. Lack of money
C. Lack of profit motive
D. Improper budgeting
_______ 6. An entrepreneur can choose to _____.
A. start a new business
B. purchase an existing business
C. buy a franchise
D. Any of the above.
_______ 7. Which of the following is not a potential advantage of purchasing an
existing business?
A. History of profitable operations
B. Proven products and sales strategies
C. Expensive purchase price
D. Guidance and advice from previous owner
_______ 8. A business plan includes _____.
A. financial projections
B. approval from the Small Business Administration (SBA)
C. approval from the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
D. collateral
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Chapter 6 Entrepreneurship 51
Name _______________________________________
_______ 9. Which pro forma financial statement projects revenue and expenses to show whether
or not a business is profitable?
A. Balance sheet
B. Cash flow statement
C. Income tax return
D. Income statement
_______ 10. Two sources of equity financing are _____.
A. angel investors and collateral
B. venture capital and collateral
C. venture capital and angel investors
D. collateral and cash flow
In the space provided, write the word(s) that best completes each of the following statements.
_______________ 1. A person who starts a new business or purchases an existing business
is a(n) _____.
_______________ 3. _____ skills help an individual perform in the workplace or gain success
in a career.
_______________ 8. The _____ provides an overview of the industry and market that the business
will serve.
_______________ 10. Private investors who fund start-up businesses are _____.
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52 Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance
Name _______________________________________
Open Response
Write your response to each of the following statements or questions in the space provided.
Use complete sentences.
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Chapter 6 Entrepreneurship 53
Name _______________________________________
4. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of debt financing and equity financing.
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54 Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance
Name _______________________________________
1. Trout Master Outdoors is a retailer that sells fishing and other outdoor recreation products. The owner
wants to install wood flooring in a new section of the store that will display a new line of kayaks. This
section is a square with 22 feet sides. How many square feet of wood flooring will be needed?
2. A sports and concert arena wants to install a giant LED billboard on a nearby highway to
advertise upcoming events. The billboard is 48 feet high and 80 feet long. The general manager
of the arena discovers there is a local ordinance that limits the area of any outdoor signage to
3,000 square feet. Will this video display meet the ordinance requirements?
3. Premier Design Company is leasing a building for a new engineering research department. The
space is 70 feet long and 60 feet wide. The office and reception area will use 15 percent of the
space. How many square feet will be used for the office and reception area?
4. Argosy Corporation needs 30 more parking spots for its employees. Next to its headquarters building,
there is vacant land that is 200 feet long and 70 feet wide. When building a parking lot, 350 square feet is
needed for each parking spot. Will this land be large enough for 30 more parking spots?
5. A high school wants to install new turf on its football field. The football field is regulation size at
120 yards long and 53.33 yards wide. How many square yards of turf are needed?
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Chapter 6 Entrepreneurship 55
Name _______________________________________
Reading for information is much different than reading for pleasure. When reading for information,
be sure to ask yourself questions about what you have read to ensure understanding. Read the
passage below and focus on the content. After you have read the passage, answer the questions that
follow in the space provided.
Thinking Positively
Expectations of young people are important in their growth and success. Veteran employees
communicate both high and low expectations to young or newer employees and do so through both
verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Young people learn to think positively and use these ten winning two-
letter words: “if it is to be, it is up to me.” Veteran employees or managers should encourage young or
newer employees to set obtainable goals, plan their programs of work, document their career and life
objectives, and associate with winners, not losers. Young people should write their ‘wins’ down for
future reference. Many attorneys have special files of all of their ‘win’ cases and their ‘lost’ cases and
use these files to guide their future endeavors. Others can develop a similar filing agenda.
Hannah, Daryl C. “How to Build a Successful Mentorship,” DiversityInc, February 13, 2009.
Mendleson, Jack L., A. Keith Barnes, and Gregory Horn. “The Guiding Light to Corporate Culture,”
Personnel Administrator, July 1989: 70+. General OneFile, accessed December 16, 2010.
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56 Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance
Name _______________________________________
Reading Questions
1. What is a mentor?
3. What should veteran employees and managers encourage younger employees to do.
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