Python Project
Python Project
Python Project
Submitted to Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar
I swore that the work being presented by me in the dissertation titled "SIMPLE CHAT APPLICATION” in
partial requirements for the fulfillment of degree of Computer Science & Engineering to be submitted in
Jalandhar isauthentic record of our own work carried out by us under the supervision of " Ms. ISHIKA".
On the very outset I would like to thank the almighty GOD for showering his blessing & providing uswith the
courage, motivation & strength to complete my project.
Every Project work demands a lot of hard work, time, patience and concentration. While working on this
seminar,apart from these aspects, we have developed necessary skills and attitude, which are always required in
a professional field.
We express our deep sense of gratitude & in debtness towards my respected Project In-charge "Ms. Ishika", and
faculty members of PCTE Institute of Engineering and Technology from whom I have learnt the technical
skills for completion of this Project. Without their guidance, we would have found it really difficult to undertake
the project work. We would like to thank them for their ever available, unconditional help & guidance that they
made available throughout the project work.
We would also like to acknowledge the encouraging attitude of my friends that helped in to complete the project
✔ Introduction to project
✔ Features of Project
✔ Conclusion
Over In this project, we’ll create a simple chat application using Python.
It features a server that listens for connections and a client that connects to the server to exchange messages.
Using TCP/IP sockets, the client sends messages, and the server responds, all in real-time. The chat
Both the server and client are designed to manage connections smoothly, ensuring a clean exit when
This project is a fun way to learn about socket programming and how computers communicate the network!
REAL-TIME MESSAGE EXCHANGE: Users can send and receive messages instantly, allowing for a
SIMPLE TURN-BASED COMMUNICATION: The application allows one person to send a message at a
time. After sending a message, the server waits for a response from the client, ensuring organized
GRACEFUL CHAT TERMINATION: Either user can end the chat by typing "exit," allowing for a clean
MESSAGE DISPLAY: Every message sent by the client is displayed on the server, and responses from the
EASY CONNECTION MANAGEMENT: The server handles incoming connections and manages client
SIMPLE USER INTERFACE: The command line interface makes it easy for users to interact with the
In this project, we created a simple chat application using Python, making it easy for users to chat with each
other in real time. We set up a server that listens for connections and a client that sends messages back and
The app allows for smooth message exchanges, letting one person speak at a time, and you can exit the chat
whenever you want. Working on this project gave us a chance to explore how computers communicate over a
Overall, this project is a fun and valuable step toward understanding networking, and it opens the door to