Active Control of Flows With Trapped Vortices
Active Control of Flows With Trapped Vortices
Active Control of Flows With Trapped Vortices
1 Introduction
Large vortices forming in separated flows over bluff bodies tend to be shed down-
stream, with new vortices arising in their stead. This results in the increased drag,
unsteady loads on the body, and produces an unsteady wake. An alternative flow
pattern involves ‘trapped’ vortices which are permanently kept near the body sur-
face. Vortices can be trapped in vortex cells that are special cavities on the airfoil, as
shown in the picture. In essence, a trapped vortex reproduces the effect of moving
wall, resulting in the postponing or even eliminating flow separation.
The idea of trapping a vortex was first suggested (and implemented in flight ex-
periments) by Witold Kasper in the early 1960s. However, soon it became obvious
that a proper flow control is required to ensure that the vortex remains stably trapped.
For example, in the aircraft EKIP designed by Lev Schukin in 1980–1996, vor-
tices were stabilised with the help of central bodies in the cells and a constant flow
M. Braza and K. Hourigan (eds.), IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows 575
and their Control, IUTAM Bookseries 14,
c Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009
576 R.M. Kerimbekov and O.R. Tutty
0.1 U∞
0.04 suction slots
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
2 Numerical Method
In order to calculate the flow past an airfoil with a cavity, the two-dimensional
discrete vortex method is employed. According to the DVM approach, the Navier–
Stokes equations are written in the vorticity/stream function form. The flow field is
partitioned into a large number of blobs having a Gaussian distribution of vorticity.
The solution is discretised in time, and for each time step the convection and diffu-
sion processes are treated independently. Such an operator-splitting technique was
Active Control of Flows with Trapped Vortices 577
first introduced by [2] and is commonly used in the viscous discrete vortex methods.
The convection step is governed by the kinematic relation xP j D uŒxj .t/; t, where
xj is the position vector of the j -th vortex, t is time and u is the velocity field cal-
culated from the known vorticity field using the Biot–Savart law. The diffusive part
of the Navier–Stokes equations is solved for each vortex by computing the fraction
of vorticity to be distributed amongst neighbouring vortices (for details, see [8]).
In our DVM code, the boundary conditions on the body surface are satisfied
approximately with the aid of novel vortex-source panel method, in which the vortex
and source panels are located just outside and just underneath the wall, respectively.
This approach allows us to account for eventual suction and/or blowing through the
surface. The panel elements are taken in the form of curved segments with a linear
distribution of vorticity. Previously, [3] showed that such elements can significantly
reduce the boundary leakage as compared to the standard textbook panels. Upon
completing each time step, the vortex panels are transformed into vortex blobs and
released in the flow, thus imitating the effect of vorticity diffusion in the boundary
layer. It is worth noting that the blob radius has the same order of magnitude as the
panel length. Thus, for an adequate resolution of the boundary layer, the number of
panels must be kept proportional to the square root of the Reynolds number.
As panel methods normally break down near the sharp corners, we find it conve-
nient to transform physical coordinates in such a way that in the new variables the
flow domain turns into a straight channel of unit width. The mapping is based on
the generalised Schwarz–Christoffel formula for channels with curved walls [4, 9].
It is provided in the form of grid-to-grid transformation with a bilinear interpolation
between the mesh lines. Taking into account that the Navier–Stokes equations are
invariant under conformal mappings, the flow field can be computed by supplying
the Jacobian of the transformation to the standard DVM solver and mapping the re-
sults back to the physical plane when the calculation is complete. A special care is
still required though for the vortices that come close to the cusp point, where the
mapping is singular. This problem is handled by imposing a lower boundary on the
value of the Jacobian.
The DVM code has been validated against various published results on laminar
and turbulent flows past a circular cylinder and a flat plate at zero incidence. In
particular, a good agreement has been observed in predicting the drag crisis for a
cylinder flow and the structure of the flat-plate boundary layer up to the Reynolds
number of 107 . On average, the number of vortices used in our calculations was
5 105 , with the number of vortex panels being 1200. For further details of the
discrete vortex method, see [7].
The numerical results presented in this section are obtained for a channel flow past
the test-bed airfoil of Fig. 1, with the Reynolds number being Re D 2:1 106 per
unit length. As shown in Figs. 2a and b, the uncontrolled flow is characterised by
578 R.M. Kerimbekov and O.R. Tutty
0.12 0.12
a b
0.08 0.08
0.04 0.04
0 0
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
0.12 0.12
c d
0.08 0.08
0.04 0.04
0 0
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Fig. 2 Instantaneous vorticity fields and streamline patterns for flow past the test-bed airfoil:
(a)–(b) no control, (c)–(d) open-loop control with constant suction S0 D 0:04
the large-scale vortex shedding from the cavity region, which results in the increased
unsteady drag force. The control objective is to reduce this drag force by trapping
the vortex in the cavity using suction as an actuator. The non-dimensional rate of
creation of vorticity at the sensor point may conveniently be used as an output
parameter for monitoring the flow state.
In the open-loop tests with constant suction, we discovered that the vortex
remains stably trapped if the suction velocity (non-dimensionalised by the inlet ve-
locity U1 ) reaches the level S0 D 0:04. In this case, the time average value of
the output signal becomes hi D 0:038, and a sharp drop in the variance of is
observed. The instantaneous vorticity field and streamline pattern for such flow are
displayed in Fig. 2c and d. However, in practice the amount of suction required to
capture the vortex is not known a priori, therefore the feedback control strategy
capable of computing the appropriate suction is desired.
Although the system dynamics proves to be highly nonlinear, we have found that
a linear PI controller can be used to stabilise the vortex. The control law in this case
is given by the equation
Z t
S.t/ D Kp e.t/ C Ki e. / d ;
where e.t/ D 0 .t/ is the output error, Kp and Ki are the proportional and inte-
gral gains respectively. These may be determined with the help of Ziegler–Nichols
method as Kp D 0:3 and Ki D 0:2. The target output, 0 D 0:038, is chosen
according to the open-loop results described above.
In Fig. 3a and b the flow is uncontrolled for t < 5, and at t D 5 the PI controller
is activated. As a consequence, the mean output error rapidly tends to zero, and the
Active Control of Flows with Trapped Vortices 579
0.5 b
suction strength, S
output error, e
Fig. 3 Time histories of (a) output error e, and (b) suction strength S. The PI controller is activated
at t D 5
suction strength fluctuates about S D 0:44 after some overshoot. Thus, the linear PI
controller is able to achieve the target output measurement and to inhibit the vortex
shedding process, but the required average suction is approximately 10% higher
than the value of S0 obtained in the open-loop analysis.
4 Conclusions
The paper develops an active control strategy for stabilising high Reynolds num-
ber flows with trapped vortices using suction as an actuator. The flow dynamics are
modelled by the parallel discrete vortex method capable of handling wall irregular-
ities, arbitrary boundary conditions, and turbulence. We find it convenient to accept
the rate of creation of vorticity at the wall near the cavity exit as an input con-
trol parameter, since it can easily be linked to the values observable in experiments
(e.g. pressure, wall shear stress). The open-loop analysis with constant suction re-
veals a strongly nonlinear behaviour of the system and determines the level of the
actuation required for stabilising the flow. Feedback control results show that a prop-
erly designed linear PI controller prevents the large-scale vortex shedding from the
cavity region and reduces considerably flow unsteadiness in the downstream bound-
ary layer.
Acknowledgements This work has been completed as an integral part of the research project
Fundamentals of Actively Controlled Flows with Trapped Vortices, funded by the European Com-
mission within its FP6 Program, Contract No: AST4-CT-2005-012139. The project particulars can
be found on the website
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