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Improving BER of WiMAX using Interference

Mitigation Techniques
Nilesh Kumar Jadav
Computer Engineering Dept,
MEF Group of Inst,
Rajkot, Gujarat 360003

(NLOS), 250 Mbps of speed if they are in Line of sight (LOS),

Abstract – New Generation Wireless Networks is still confront the comparably very high than that of Wi-Fi. Secondly, WiMAX
disputes such as resource sharing, channel or bandwidth allocation, can cover a radius of 30 miles, relatively very large range than
synchronization, spectrum efficiency, and interference a major that of Wi-Fi which can cover upto 100 feet, due to
concern among all. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM) is a prevailing technology that is widely adopted by
such enormous leverage, WiMAX is a recent trending option for
current 4G and 5G wireless communication as it can certainly
resolves many issues of wireless networks such as data rates and Broadband connection. It works with OFDM in its physical
interferences. The paper introduces three types of interferences – layer and OFDMA – Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple
Inter Symbol Interference (ISI), Inter Carrier Interference (ICI), Access [1] in its Data Link layer. Interference is the major
and Co- Channel Interference (CCI) that greatly clog our Bit Error concern in any wireless application that certainly degrades its
Rate (BER). This paper had taken World Wide Interoperability for BER which is a performance metric that specifies probability of
Microwave Access (WiMAX) as our 4G wireless application that errors in our transmission. WiMAX have a backhaul network
works with OFDM and try to reduce its BER by using interference consist of transmitters that settled in LOS connection with a
mitigation techniques such as Wavelet and Space Time Block Code frequency range of 10-66 GHz which is quite good for
(STBC). Furthermore, WiMAX physical layer is described with its
communication. In contrast to that, a spectrum band of 2-11
interferences and relevant solution, also the advantage of Wavelet
transform in contrast to Fourier transform and its comparison is GHz works in between a particular transmitter and a receiver
shown in terms of BER. that are in NLOS connection, the range is quite low and
therefore that particular area is an “area of interest” for many
researchers that includes problems such as interferences, inferior
Index Terms – OFDM, ICI, ISI, CCI, WiMAX, Wavelet, Channel channel allocation, unfavourable diversity and power
Coding, STBC-OFDM deficiency.

I. INTRODUCTION Interference is most probably the biggest challenge of wireless

communication that cannot be completely resolved but can be
There is an increase in demand of internet and its services day
by day, although we have applications in wireless reduce to a certain extent. In [2] authors reviews the different
communication that can provide such services with great extent tools that is used to meet data rates and traffic requirements of
to a larger audience, but wireless system has many glitches the past, present and future networks. It includes the tools to
which make it uncomfortable to provide a reliable services. measure SNR, diversity techniques, includes the bandwidth and
Internet can be access using three technologies like Broadband its efficient allocation, also they pinpoint some of the 5G
which is expensive, Wi-Fi having short range, Dial-up which is challenges such as spectrum, energy, connectivity, capacity,
slow and outdated and major developing countries like India, service and performance. In addition to interference, Wireless
network are highly susceptible to channel noises where the
China, Brazil and Mexico are in more potential in demanding
Broadband access due to the recent severity of Internet channel will always be noisy, faded, time and frequency-
requirements. Conventional Wired broadband technologies like invariant and therefore it greatly debase the BER of any
digital subscriber line and cable modem access cannot fulfil application. To reduce the impact of channel noises, channel
these on-demand requirements, therefore WiMAX is evolved as coding is a reliable solution, where you put some redundancy
an emerging technology in terms of wireless broadband. It is that can detect the error in the transmission and later using that
having IEEE standard as 802.16 and various other forms such as redundancy we can correct the error at the receiver side. In [3]
802.16d for Fixed WiMAX, 802.16e for Mobile WiMAX and it gives an explanation on different channel codes that you can
Nomadic WiMAX which is similar to that of Wi-Fi hotspot. The apply with any OFDM supported system to make it more
main difference between 802.16 (WiMAX) and 802.11 (Wi-Fi) reliable and stable over the errors. Several research is ongoing
is in its speed and the distance, WiMAX is expected to provide on Interference mitigation, researchers are finding an alternate
75Mbps of speed if the transmitters are in Non-Line of sight way to deal with interferences - Wavelet transform is a fresh and
ongoing research technology, where it provides a significant
978-1-5386-8158-9/19-$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
improvement in reducing the effect of ISI and ICI, several layer with three interferences in simulink. From couple of years
diversity techniques are used to combat the CCI effects. Wavelet transform (WT) is an emerging technology in signal
processing that can overcome the issues related to Fourier
The rest of the paper followed as – Section II provides a basic transform (FT), possibly there are many reason FT is a
understanding of OFDM, also includes system model for downgrading technology, like it cannot provides time or
WiMAX physical layer, Comparison between Wavelet and frequency domain information at the same time because of
Fourier Transform using OFDM physical layer and summary of Heisenberg uncertainty principle, it is only suitable for
three types of Interferences – ICI, ISI and CCI. Section III will stationary signals, also it reduces the spectrum efficiency as it
provides result and Analysis based on the output we get from uses cyclic prefix (CP) in reducing the ISI, however WT can
the system model and finally the conclusion will be settled at overthrow these issues and can improvise better results in
Section IV. OFDM system. As OFDM is a principle entity in WiMAX
system, we need to make it more reliable and efficient.
B. Comparison between FFT-OFDM and DWT
The progressive growth of internet in terms of high speed data OFDM
rate for complex signal processing application such as 4G and
5G is rapidly increasing, to met with this challenge, service Many researchers provide an alternate way to generate
providers are continuously trying new technology, for them Orthogonality between subcarriers in OFDM that enlighten us
bandwidth allocation is a precious commodity, and therefore with a new concept of – “Wavelet transform” which extensively
OFDM is used[4]. It is an extension to its prior technology changed the way of Orthogonality. The FFT-OFDM and DWT-
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) which is a single OFDM physical layer is shown in below Fig.1 and 2.
carrier system, however with OFDM it is now Multi-Carrier
system which is first proposed by Weinstein and Ebert with
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), although it was Chang [5]
who first proposed OFDM in a practical aspect. The main
difference between OFDM and FDM is in its carrier, OFDM
have sub-carriers and they are orthogonal to each other, whereas
FDM carriers are non-orthogonal that results in poor
channelization, and eventually lower data rates. FDM uses
guard band between channels so that no two channels get
overlap with each other, due to this reason FDM uses 100% of
the bandwidth, In compare to OFDM that removes the guard
band as there carriers are orthogonal to each other, that can be
achieved by using Fourier Transform, results in a very compact
spectrum and hence uses only 50% of the bandwidth and the
rest can be used for other purposes. FFT-OFDM physical layer
is shown in Fig.1
Fig.2 DWT-OFDM Physical Layer

Wavelet transform gives a three-dimensional information

about translation and scale, where translation provides time
information and scale provide frequency information. Wavelet
is a window of finite length that move through your signals and
measure it in terms of translation and scale, whereas the Fourier
transform is a window of infinite length so at a time it
cannot provide both information, furthermore there are many
diverse constraints in FT compare to WT that makes it
incompetent transforming function. The simulink results
showed us that in compare to FFT the DWT gives an adequate
result in terms of BER.
C. Inter-Symbol Interference
Fig.1 FFT-OFDM Block Diagram
The main reason for ISI is Multipath propagation where
signals transmit from transmitter moves in a multi path, where it
A. System Model for WiMAX get scattered, diffracted, reflected and refracted by the objects
This section will provide a comparison between FFT-OFDM (trees, building, and hills) in between transmitter and receiver,
and DWT-OFDM and then we will model WiMAX physical due to that signals, arrive on a different time and add up at
receiver at different attenuation, delay and with different phase. In addition to ISI, OFDM is also have another self-
Based on the delay and attenuation, the signals can be interference known as ICI and the general cause of ICI relates
constructive or destructive interference that particularly known with – Channel distortion, nonlinearity in amplifiers, Doppler
as Multi path propagation model, which further leads to ISI. Effect and frequency offset. Usually at the transmitter side, we
Conventional OFDM resolves ISI using guard bands, where if have baseband signals that are of very low frequency
guard band is larger than delay spread certainly it can reduce signal, that cannot travel long as they got attenuated as the
ISI, however guard bands takes a huge amount of bandwidth distances increases, so we up- convert the baseband signals to
which is again a major concern in wireless network [6]. passband signals at transmitter using some carrier frequency
Therefore to minimize the effect of ISI in our WiMAX model, denoted as (c) shown in (3), where is the received signal,
we worked with Wavelet transform that gives significant results is transmitted signal convolved with FT and is noise.
in section III, it works with two filters known as low and high
pass filter that have high spectra and gives the detailed and f
approximate coefficient shown in (1) and (2).
At the receiver side, we again have to down-convert our
(1) passband signal to baseband signal to read the data. To down
convert we have to tune our oscillators with the same carrier
frequency as of the transmitter. When (3) received at receiver it
The idea here is to decrease the BER to maximize the data changes as of (4),
transmission. In [7] it showed us the performance comparison
between FFT and WHT –OFDM in both Rayleigh and Rician
f f
fading channel, results revealed convincing improvement in Where, is carrier frequency of Rx.
BER and SNR, with SNR 40.0 dB it gets BER of 10-5. The
complete ISI-WiMAX physical layer is shown in Fig.3 where Now if both Tx and Rx tuned properly we have a seamless
we simulate our ISI with fading channel and to reduce it we and error free transmission as and would be same and
added IDWT and DWT blocks. cancel out each other shown in (5).


However, due to fading channel and non-linearity of amplifiers,

a frequency shift occur from to f , that leads to loosen our
Orthogonality between subcarriers and results in ICI shown in
(6). In [8] authors depicts another reason for ICI is Peak to
Average Power Ratio (PAPR) that is also concern with non-

Where, f is frequency offset/Shift

To reduce the effect of ICI we used STBC code which works on

Fig.3 ISI-WiMAX Physical Layer
Alamouti Algorithm. Consider a 2x1 MISO system, where there
are multiple antennas but have a single receiver, we are sending
The Fig3. depicts input signals in the form of 0s and 1s using x1 and x2 symbols at two time instances, x1 from Tx1 and x2
Bernoulli Binary Generator, Scrambler is used to test our from Tx2. At first instance the symbol received as,
transmitter- is it potent to send worst case signals or not, if it can = + (7)
than there are possible chances that it can send good test signals
too, it can be simulated using pseudo random generator in At Second instance the symbol received as,
Simulink. Channel Coding is specifically meant for reducing the
burst error, where we put redundancy and using that we detect = + (8)
and correct the errors. For that we used block encoders,
convolutional encoders and Interleaver. For transmission we where,
added Rayleigh fading as it is a NLOS connection and ISI is and are received symbols at receiver,
favourable in NLOS environment, also we put AWGN channel and are the channel impulse response,
for better SNR values, the receiver is opposite to that of
and are the symbol from transmitter and
transmitter blocks.
and are the AWGN noise.
D. Inter-Carrier Interference
At second instance we had conjugate to and then
transmitted, later we will also conjugate to at receiver to
resolve the channel interferer. After conjugating to we
= + (9)
Combining (8) and (9) we get,
= + (10)

(10) Can be represent as,

= + (11) Fig.4 ICI-WiMAX Physical Layer

Where, E. Co-Channel Interference

= and = The CCI is merely an exterior interference, where channel of
other transmitter interfere with ours. The main reason of CCI is
“Frequency Reuse”. WiMAX frequency allocation works in
These and are vector forms and are actually orthogonal to
each other and thus very helpful in reducing the other interfere if Radio bands, which is having a range from 3 KHz – 300GHz,
not enough to provide a unique frequency to a particular user,
it holds this property as = 0 or = 0. Therefore it therefore for practical purposes we reuse the frequency and that
also known as OSTBC code. At receiver side if is the leads to two transmitter working with same frequency get
interferer for then to remove the effect of CCI we multiply interferer as CCI or also known as “Crosstalk”.

on both side of (11) as,

. = .( + ) (12)

= + +

Fig.5 CCI-WiMAX Physical Layer

= + +
In [9], they analyse the CCI effect on Long Term Evolution
(LTE) and Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T),
= + (13) and got to know CCI can degrades the resource allocation
between users. [10] Showed us another performance estimation
of DVB-T under CCI and mutual interference, more details can
It can be seen from the (13) that only is left as our desired be found in its technical report [11]. In [12] authors provides a
symbol and is completely eliminated from the system as an field test for interference for multimedia performance, they use
VoIP and YouTube as multimedia applications, test cases are
interferer, the noise can also be wipe out using any low pass
filter. The complete physical layer of ICI-WiMAX with STBC bases on cell centre, cell edge, and handover or CCI, the result
is shown in Fig.4 was quite impressive at cell centre and gradually debase at cell
edge and handover cases. In [13] they discuss co channel
interference reduction from the reuse-1 deployment of WiMAX
using channel estimation.


Possibly there are many solutions available for ISI and ICI but
a little work is done in the area of CCI, Consequently we are
providing an alternative solution to the existing one. We have 7 50 0.2134
done our result analysis on the basis of BER performance metric
in MATLAB Simulink. In the first phase we compared and TABLE 3
simulated FFT –OFDM and DWT-OFDM to bring out - WT is
better than FT. The parameters for that simulation is pointed out
in Table 1. From the simulation, WT performance in AWGN S.No SNR(dB) BER
and Rayleigh Fading channel is more efficient compare to FT.
1 25 0.5951
In [14] they works with WT to increase the spectrum efficiency
and reduces the ISI effect from the OFDM system. WT have 2 28 0.4748
high spectral components in their wavelet and filter that can
3 30 0.3668
filter out high spikes from ISI, and make a smoothen signal –
ISI free. Other than WT researchers are working with 4 31 0.3112
equalization technique [15] - a process of reversing the effect of
5 32 0.2520
distortion at the receiver side, for that blind equalizers are more
effective and can lessen the effect of both ICI and ISI. In [16] 6 33 0.1925
shows SFBC-OFDM-FSS-OTAS scheme that reduces the
7 41 0.000672
consequences of ICI, Flexible Subcarrier Spacing (FSS) an
algorithm to select better spacing between subcarrier and
Optimal Transmit Antenna Selection (OTAS) is an approach to From the Table 2 at SNR of 50dB, BER is 0.2134, however
select superior antenna diversity through which we can send our from Table 3 at the lower SNR of 41dB, BER is 0.000672 that
transmission data efficiently. is quite low than the FT BER and hence WT is comparably
more usable in minimizing the ISI. We can view the ISI in
TABLE 1 simulink using an Eye Diagram shown in Fig. 6 and 7

Parameters Values
Samples Per Frame

Sample Time

Bit Rate 192 Kbps

OFDM Symbol Carrier 80 Symbols

Cyclic Prefix 16 Bit Repetition

Guard Band 11
Fig.6 Eye Diagram for ISI
Bandwidth 20 MHz

FFT Length 64

Wavelet Haar, Bi-Orthogonal

The BER Performance of FFT-DWT-OFDM is shown in

Table 2 and 3 respectively.

1 31 0.4633 Fig.7 Eye Diagram of ISI Reduction

2 32 0.4609 The simulation parameters for WiMAX physical layer is shown

3 33 0.4565 in Table 4.
5 45 0.3358 Parameter Value
6 48 0.2652 Input Bits 280
Channel Coding RS- Encoder, Convolutional
Fig.9 CCI of Rx and Tx
Encoder and Interleaver

Modulation Rectangular 4 QAM

Channel Rayleigh + AWGN Channel
OFDM Modulation FFT/DWT
SNR 50 dB
Doppler Shift 10 Hz and Variable
Convolutional Trellis poly2trellis(7, [171 133])
Structure Fig.10 Constellation Diagram of 4-QAM

RS Encoder 255,239 IV. CONCLUSION

The objective of this paper is to minimize the effect of three

interferences from WiMAX system. For ISI-WiMAX we use
From the above parameters we simulate our WiMAX model wavelet transform, for ICI-WiMAX and CCI-WiMAX we use
with three interferences and certainly got some good results. For STBC which is very coherent in diminishing the interferences,
FFT-ISI-WiMAX we got BER of 0.503571 at SNR 50dB, moreover it also gives the same result as you theorized
compare to DWT-ISI-WiMAX we got BER of 0.453571 at the manually. In addition to the interferences, we also compare the
same SNR. For the second simulation for ICI, we add frequency FT and WT in simulink to analyse the BER. Comparably CCI is
offset and analyse BER - 0.5142857 at SNR 50dB, and then we a major concern in WiMAX and from our work we try to lessen
applied our solution STBC and we got BER of 0.4678571 at the it to a certain extent. We still can improvise these results using
same SNR. For the third simulation for CCI, we add CCI block multi factor interference mitigation techniques.
to WiMAX which is shown is Fig. 8 and refer it with Fig.5.
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