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English Cards 5è

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Card n°: Date:

Teacher: ABA Duration: 55min

School: Tidonte JSS Sequence1:

Class: Form II (5e) Class Size:…B…G…

Theme1: Man’s Movements

Lesson1: On the Road

Teaching Aids: Visual Aids (Images), Drawings, Realia

References: Programme Educatif 5ème, Guide d’Exécution 5ème, EFSA BK2, Oxford
Advanced Learners Dictionary

Recognize -Words and expressions related to the traffic: road,
avenue, asphalt/tarred road, roundabout, car, traffic
-The use of the temporal “when” in the sentences
Use -Orally and in writing Words and expressions related
to the traffic
-The temporal “when” to describe actions
Listen -To a short passage related to the traffic and answer
the questions
Write -A short passage related to the traffic

Competence1 Handle orally a language structure in a communicative situation by means of a

simple language

Learning Situation : Koffi is a student in form II. Tomorrow morning they are going to have
course on the road traffic. So, the teacher gave them homework to find words and expressions
related to the road traffic. Help Koffi select from the list of word and expressions below, the
words and expressions related to the road traffic.

List: traffic lights, trees, to speed, roundabout, taxi, tarred road, football, to dance, slow and
heavy traffic, crossroads, road accidents, road regulations, etc…

Woking and teaching strategies: 3PS, Pair and group work



Stages/Timing Teacher’s Role Learners ‘Role Notes on board Materials

1-Greetings -Greets the students -Answer greeting Date
2-Roll check -Checks presence -Answer the call
3-Date -Asks the date -Say and write the date
4-Warm up -Gives a tune -Sing the song


Learning -Presents the L.S, gives -Follow Learning Situation

Situation instructions
-Monitors and helps -Work in groups of 4/5

I-Vocabulary Presentation Vocabulary Visual Aids

-Presents new words in -Listen carefully 1-A road (n): VA/drawing Pictures
context Eg: Cars, motorbikes Drawings
-Pronounces the words -Listen and repeat bicycles and men pass on
-Makes model sentences -Listen and repeat the road.
-Asks comprehension -Answer questions 2-An avenue (n): VA&Def
questions Def : A small and beautiful
Eg : Where do cars and road in the town with
motorbikes pass? houses and trees on each
3-A tarred road/An
asphalt road(n) opp An
untarred road/A
a unasphalt road(n): VA
Eg: The road Adjengré-
Lomé is a tarred road but
the road Adjengré-Fazao is
an untarred road.
4-A roundabout (n):
Eg: Colombe de la Paix is a
5-A car(n)
Eg: Last Friday my mother
travelled to Lomé by car.
6-A traffic(n): VA & Def
Def : The traffic is the
movements of cars,
motorbikes, bicycles and
Practice men on the roads.
-Repetition drills
-Makes sentences with the -Listen and repeat -Model sentences
newly taught words
-Invites students to make -Make sentences Students’ best sentences
their own sentences with
the newly taught words

II-Grammar Presentation Grammar :The use of

The use of -Presents the new structure -Follow carefully temporal “when”
temporal in a context Model sentences
“when” -Gives modal sentences -Listen and repeat 1-When my father travels
to Lomé, he will buy me a
-Asks verification -Answer questions bicycle.
questions 2- I will build a beautiful
Eg : Who travels to Lomé? house when I am old.
What will he buy?
-Asks questions on the -Answer questions Rule: When+ simple
structure present+ simple future
Where is the position of
What is the tense in the
first sentence?
What is the tense in the
second sentence?

-Repetition drills
-Makes 2 sentences and -Listen and repeat
have the students repeat
Eg: When Afi is hungry,
she will eat food.
When it is 12 O’clock,
we will go home.
-Tells the students to put -Take back the
“when” at the middle and sentences
take back the sentences
-Substitution drills
-Gives 2 sentences and -Complete the -The sentences
asks students to complete sentences
the cue the corresponding
Eg: 1-When my mother…
to the market, she…buy
2-When the traffic…

-Invites the students to
make their own sentences -Make sentences -The students’ good
using the newly taught sentences

III-Listening Passage: The traffic of my

Comprehensio -Gives the objectives of the town
n activity and makes the -Listen carefully My town is called Osungo.
instructions clear In this town, there are
many tarred roads and
-Write the title of the many beautiful avenues.
passage on the board -Think about the Every day, the traffic is
passage slow and heavy in the
-Reads the passage 3 times morning and at midday. It
at a normal speed -Listen carefully is very difficult for people
to move but the police
officers stop the cars for
-Asks questions the students pass.
Questions -Answer questions
1-Choose the correct
answer NB: In vocabulary
The name of my town is: number(1),the teacher must
a-Ushango, b-Osungo, c- insist on the different parts
Oshogbo of the road in the drawing:
2-There are many asphalt the roadway(la chaussée),
roads in my town. True or the
False? sidewalks/pavements(les
3-How is the traffic in the trottoirs)
morning and at midday?
4-What do the police
officers do?


Recapitulation -Recalls the main points of -Listen

the lesson Homework
Evaluation -Asks questions on the -Answer questions Order the words to form
lesson sentences
Remediation -Makes comment on the -Listen and take note 1-
students’ answers When/thirsty/am/drink/I/wi
Homework -Writes the homework on -Copy the homework hospital/he/go/to
the bb

Warm down -Gives a tune -Sing the song


Card n°: Date:

Teacher: ABA Duration: 55min

School: Tidonte JSS Sequence2:

Class: Form II (5e) Class Size:…B…G…

Theme1: Man’s Movements

Lesson1: On the Road

Teaching Aids: Visual Aids (Images), Drawings, Realia

References: Programme Educatif 5ème, Guide d’Exécution 5ème, EFSA BK2, Oxford
Advanced Learners Dictionary

Recognize -Words and expressions related to the traffic:
pedestrian, traffic lights, crossroads, road regulations,
an accident, to cross the road, to speed, to slow down,
-The use of the temporal “as soon as”
Use -Orally and in writing Words and expressions related
to the traffic
-The temporal “as soon as” to describe actions
Write -A short passage describing the road traffic



Stages/Timing Teacher’s Role Learners’Role Notes on board Materials

1-Greetings -Greets the students -Answer greeting Date
2-Roll check -Checks presence -Answer the call
3-Date -Asks the date -Say and write the date
4-Warm up -Gives a tune -Sing the song

I- Presentation I-Vocabulary
Vocabulary -Presents new words in -Listen carefully 1-A pedestrian(n):
context Demonstration
-Pronounces the words -Listen and repeat Eg: Every day Ali goes to
-Makes model sentences -Listen and repeat school on foot, he is a
-Asks comprehension -Answer questions pedestrian.
questions 2-The traffic lights(n)
Eg : How does Ali go to VA/drawing
shool? Eg the car will stop at the
How do we call someone roundabout when the traffic
who goes on foot? light is red.
On which part of the road A crossroad (n):
does a pedestrian walk? VA/drawing= road junction
Eg Ali’s father sells
bicycles near the CEET
3-To cross the road(V):
Eg: Before I cross the road,
I look at my right and my
4-The road regulations(n):
translation= le code de la
Practice route
-Repetition drills Eg : When people respect
-Makes sentences with the -Listen and repeat the road regulations, there
newly taught words will not be many accidents.
Production 5-To speed(v): Expl/Syn=
-Invites students to make -Make sentences to go fast
their own sentences with Eg: When you speed
the newly taught words on the road, you will have a
terrible accident.

II- Grammar :The use of

Presentation temporal “as soon as”
Grammar: -Presents the new structure -Follow carefully Model sentences
The use of in a context 1-As soon as the bus stops,
the temporal -Gives modal sentences -Listen and repeat the passengers will get out
“as soon as” in the station.
-Asks verification -Answer questions 2-As soon as the teacher
questions comes, we will start the
Eg: When will the lesson.
passengers get out?
Where will the car Rule: As soon as+ simple
stop? present+ simple future

-Repetition drills
-Makes 2 sentences and -Repeat the sentences
have the students repeat
Eg: As soon as Ali arrives,
we will play football
As soon I go to Lomé, I
will visit the sea.

-Substitution drills
-Gives 2 sentences and -Complete the sentences
asks students to complete
the cue the corresponding
Eg: 1-As soon as my
mother…to the market,
2-As soon as the light
…green, the car…move.

-Invites the students to -Make sentences
make their own sentences -Students’ sentences
using the newly taught

III-Writing: -Writes the jumbled -Follow

Jumbled sentences on the
sentences blackboard PASSAGE: Road
-Gives instructions -Listen carefully regulations

-Tells the students to be in -Listen carefully On the road, the pedestrians

group of 5 and to order the walk on the pavements and/
sentences in order to have a At the crossroad as soon as
meaningful paragraph the light is red the cars will
stop /the cars move on the
roadway. / and the
pedestrians will move.


Recapitulatio -Recalls the main points of -Listen Homework

n the lesson Build/make correct
-Asks questions on the -Answer questions sentences with: to speed, to
Evaluation lesson cross, crossroad
-Makes comment on the -Listen and take note
Remediation students’ answers

-Writes the homework on -Copy the homework

Homework the bb
-Gives a tune -Sing the song
Warm down

Card n°: Date:

Teacher: ABA Duration: 55min

School: Tidonte JSS Sequence3:

Class: Form II (5e) Class Size:…B…G…

Theme1: Man’s Movements

Lesson1: On the Road

Teaching Aids: Visual Aids (Images), Drawings, Realia

References: Programme Educatif 5ème, Guide d’Exécution 5ème, EFSA BK2, Oxford
Advanced Learners Dictionary

Recognize -Words and expressions related to the traffic: a helmet,
to slow down, a car-crash, to run into, to hit, to run
over etc…
-The use of the temporal “while”
Use -Orally and in writing Words and expressions related
to the traffic
-The temporal “while” to describe actions
Read -A short passage describing some aspects of the road
traffic and answer questions



Stages/Timing Teacher’s Role Learners’Role Notes on board Materials

1-Greetings -Greets the students -Answer greeting Date
2-Roll check -Checks presence -Answer the call
3-Date -Asks the date -Say and write the date
4-Warm up -Gives a tune -Sing the song
5-Homework -Corrects homework -Take note
I-Vocabulary Presentation I-Vocabulary
-Presents new words in -Listen carefully
context 1-A helmet (n): realia
-Pronounces the words -Listen and repeat Eg: My father always
-Makes model sentences -Listen and repeat wears his helmet before
-Asks comprehension -Answer questions going out.
questions 2-To slow down
Eg: What does my father (v):Demonstration opp To
wear before going out? speed up
Eg: The driver slows down
at the crossroad.
3-A car crash (n):
Eg Last Friday there was a
car crash in Faille d’Aledjo
and many people died.
4-To run into(v):
Translation entrer
collision/ cogner
Eg: There is an accident; a
car runs into a tree because
the driver is sleeping.
Practice 5-To hit(V) situation FR
-Repetition drills (frapper/tamponner)
-Makes sentences with the -Listen and repeat Eg: Afi was hit by the
newly taught words motorbike because she did
Production not look well before
-Invites students to make -Make sentences crossing the road.
their own sentences with 6-To run over(V): syn To
the newly taught words drive over translation FR
(marcher sur/écraser)
Eg: The car runs over a

the use of the Presentation II-Grammar : The use of
temporal -Presents the new structure -Follow carefully the temporal “while
“while” in a context Model sentences
-Gives modal sentences -Listen and repeat
1-While cars are moving,
-Asks verification -Answer questions pedestrians stop.
questions 2-While the driver was
speeding, he ran over a dog.
Eg: when do the
pedestrians stop? Rules:
-While + present
continuous+ simple present
-While+ past continuous+
simple past
-Repetition drills
-Makes 2 sentences and -Repeat the sentences
have the students repeat
Eg: While I am learning
my lessons, my brother
plays football.
Afi went to the party,
while her parents were

-Substitution drills
-Gives 2 sentences and -Complete the sentences
asks students to complete
the cue the corresponding
Eg: 1-While it… raining,
the children stay at home.
2-While the driver…
sleeping, he ran into a hall.

-Invites the students to -Make sentences -Students’ sentences
make their own sentences
using the newly taught

Read and -Divides the passage into -Slice the passage using Text : Anani’s first day in
look up sense groups slashes the town
One day,/ Anani went/ to
-Gives instructions -Listen carefully the town/ to visit his uncle.
He could not/ walk alone/
-Make sign -Read the sense group on the road/ because the
traffic was heavy/ and
-Make sign -Stop reading and say dangerous/ so he could not/
NB: The teacher can loudly the sense group cross the road alone./ His
decide to deal with cousin Yovo/ helped him/
dictation after the reading to cross the road./ Anani
and look up activity if there did not/ enjoy that visit/
is time. because there are/ too many
accidents/ in the town.


Recapitulatio -Recalls the main points of -Listen

n the lesson
-Asks questions on the -Answer questions
Evaluation lesson
-Makes comment on the -Listen and take note
Remediation students’ answers
-Gives a tune -Sing the song
Warm down

Card n°: Date:
School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme: Man’s Movements: Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 2 traveling by bus
Sequence1: Realia, Picture, demonstration
Teaching Aids:
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contacts
Recognize - Words and expressions related traveling activities. Bus station, bus, passengers, driver
mate, bookmen, apprentice, luggage, busticket, bus stop
- The use of ‘’ago’’ and Adverbs of frequency
Use - Orally and then in written form words and expressions related to traveling by bus
- adverbs of frequency: Eg: My uncle always travels to Lagos
- Grammatical structures ‘’Ago’’ with Simple past Eg: The driver took me to Accra a
Week ago
Make Simple sentences related to traveling by bus. Eg: The bookman reserves a place in the
Competences: Oral manipulation of language structure in communication situation using simple
Learning situation: Koffi, a student of form II at CEG Tidente is interested in traveling by bus. His
teacher asks him to give the reason why. He lacks words and expressions to explain the situation. He
needs your helps in order to find from the following bank of words and expressions these related to
traveling by bus.
List: bus-station-school-passengers-teacher-bookman-driver mate. Do the work in pass.
Stages Kiming Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeking Date Teacher
2- Roll-check - Rolls cheek - answer to the Roll Students
3- Date - Says and Writes check
4-Warm up - Strikes a song - Pepeat and write
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation stage Ss repeat individually, I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary(15’) Presents new word in a rows, chorus. 1- Bus station (n).
The use of the context using the Eg: We have a bus
(03Ps) appropriate strategies and station at Dapaong
asks called ETRAB.
Ss to repeat. 2- Bus: (n)
- Bus station (n) Eg: My father has a long
situational bus.
- Bus (n) chawing 3- Passengers (n)
- Passengers (n) Picture Eg: There are many
- Driver (n) Picture passengers in the bus
/action station.
- to speed (v) Action 4- Driver (n)
Eg: My father is a
5- To Speed (v)
Eg: An Ambulance
Speeds t to take patients
to the hospital.
II- Practice Stage (Drills) Listen and repeat
Present new sentences Answer question
and asks Ss to repeat
Asks comprehension
1- What do we have at
Dapaong called ETRAB?
2- How many passengers
are there at the bus
3- What does may father
4- Who is my father?
5- How does an
ambulance go to take
patients to the hospital?
Substitution drill
Complete these sentences
with the right word.
Driver, bus station, bus,
passengers. Complete with the
My father is a ...1… he right word.
takes….2… at the ….3… 1- Driver, 2-
in his long ……4….. bus. passengers, 3- bus
III- Production Stage station, 4- bus.
Invites to make their own

Make their own Ss model sentence

Activity II I- Presentation Stage Sentences
Grammar: The use - We use ‘’ago” after an 1- The driver took me to
of ‘’ago’’ + simple expression of time. Listen and repeat. Accra a week ago
past Makes sentences and asks
ss to read.
1- The driver took me to 2- I saw the presidents
Accra a week ago at Dapaong two year
2- I saw the presidents at ago
Dapaong two years ago.
Asks question:
1- When did the driven Answers questions
take me to Accra?
2- When did I see the A week ago
present at Dapaong?
II- Practice Stage
Presents two sentences Two weeks ago
and asks Ss to repeat.
1- A year Ago, I met Listen and repeat
LARE et the market.
 Substitution drill
Put the verbs into correct
1- I (go) to the bus station Put the verbs into
two days ago correct form.
2- My father (buy) a car a
year ago.
III- Production Stage
Asks Ss to produce their
own sentence wine ago
Produce their own Ss own model sentences
sentence wine ago

Activity III Use the words and Use and describe

expressions student in Picture
vocabulary to describe the
Make sentences with the Ss make sentences
Evaluation (5min) newly teaching structure
ago +simple past

Remedial work Makes comments on the Homework

recurrent mistakes Take note of Reorder these words to
comments have a meaningful
Homework Writes the homework on 1- bought/I/ a new pen/
the board Some weeks/ago
2- The teacher/ a
week /at the
Warm up (3min) Strikes a song, recalls sing
next session and takes
Card n°: Date:
School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme: Man’s Movements: Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 2 traveling by bus Sequence2:
Teaching Aids: Realia, drawing, Picture, demonstration
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expressions related to traveling by bus: driver mate, apprentice driver, luggage,
busticket, bus stop.
- The use of Adverbs of frequency (always, sometime)
Use Words and expression related to traveling by bus:
- Adverbs of frequencies. Eg: My uncle always travels by bus.
Make Simple sentence related to traveling by bus.
Eg: The bookman reserves me a place in the bus.

Competences: Oral manipulation of language structure in communication situation using simple

Learning situation: One of your friend or classmate lives in a village. He wants to go to Lomé but he
does not know from where to start. Help to him to find his way by describing the process using the
following word expressions: Leaves house-bookmen go to bus-stop-give-luggage to-see driver-buy-
bus- ticket.
Do the work in pairs.
Stages Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Date Teacher
2- Roll-check - Rolls cheek - answer to the Roll Students
3- Date - Says and Writes check Blackboard
4-Warm up - Strikes a Tune - Repeat and write
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary (15’) Presents new words and asks Ss to Listen and repeat 1- Adriver mate (n) un
3Ps repeat. coconducteur
- Driver mate (n) translation 2- bookmen (n) exp
- Bookmen (n) Explanation 3- Apprentice driver :
- Apprentice driver 1- A driver mate
Ask comprehension questions: Answer question drives when the driver
1- Who drives when the driver feels asleep.
feels asleep? 2- The bookman
2- Who reserves me a place in the reserves me a place in
bus? the bus.
3- Who helps me carry out my 3- The apprentice
luggage from the bus? driver helps me carry
II- Practice Stage Ss repeat out my luggage from
 Repetition drill the bus
Makes sentences and ask Ss to
1- The driver mate helps the
2- The bookman reserves places
in the bus for passengers.
3- The apprentice driver works
 Substitution drill
Complete the sentences with the Ss Complete
right word
1- The ……. Drives whenever the
driver feels asleep (bookman,
driver mate).
2- The ……. Reserves places for
passengers in the bus (bookman
driver, teacher).
3- The ……… Helps passengers
carry their luggage from the bus
(apprentice driver, students,
III- Production Stage Ss own model
Asks Ss to make sentences using Ss make sentences sentences.
the new vocabulary words studied
Activity II I- presentation Stage Listen read Grammar: The use of
Grammar: The use of Presents sentences using the new adverbs of frequencies
adverbs of frequency structure and asks Ss to read “always, sometimes”
(always sentences) Asks Ss to underline always and Sentences
sometimes in the sentence and The underline and 1- I always travels by
after the verbs in the two make remarks bus
sentences. 2- My father
Asks what do they remark sometimes travels to
II- Practice Stage America.
 Repetition drill
Makes sentences and asks Ss to Structure
repeat. Always and sometimes
Kodjo always takes my bath in the go with simple present
morning. tense and are placed
May mother sometimes send to before the verb.
Dapaong? Rule
 Substitution drill
Use always a sometimes in the Use them in the S+ Adv of frequency
sentences sentences +V in Simple present
I- play football
Afi comes to school on time
III- Production Stage
Asks Ss to make their own Make their own
sentences using the new structure sentences. Ss best sentences
Activity III Presents the text with slashes, Ss follow him Text:
Read and Look up asks Ss to follow him careful in LARE is a student at
his reading and after repeat the CEG Tidente/he
some actions once he gives a sign. always wakes up at
60’ o’clock/and goes
to school by bicycle.
He got a new bicycle/
from his in uncle a
week ago.
Asks Ss questions with which Ss answers
Evaluation tense is used always and question
sometime in a sentence.
Asks to give the Rule

Remedial work Makes comments on recurrent Take note of the

mistakes comments Homework
Use always and
sometimes in these
1- Afi is first of the
Homework Copies the homework on the Copy the class
board homework in their 2- Teachers play
exercise book. football at school.

Warm down Asks students to give a tune and Give a tune and
sing sing
Card n°: Date:
School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme: Man’s Movements: Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 2 traveling by bus Sequence3:
Teaching Aids: Realia, drawing, Picture, demonstration
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expressions related to traveling activities luggage, busticket, bus stop
The use of Adverbs of frequences (often, usually)
Use Words and expression related to traveling by bus:
- Adverbs of frequencies. (often and usually)
Make Simple sentence related to traveling by bus.
Eg: The apprentice driver often takes my luggage from me and puts ii the bus.

Competence: Handle orally a language structure in a communicative situation using simple language.
Learning situation: To make the students be familiar with words and expressions related to traveling
by or Activities, the teacher of formII at bougou JSS bring some pictures of a bus station on which one
can clearly observes people in action a and lorries. The teacher asks the students: use words and
expression on the board, related to traveling activities to name what you observe on the picture.
List: passengers, Lorries, drive, devers, luggages, bus-stop.
Do the work in pairs.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Date
2- Roll-check - Rolls checks - answer to the Roll
3- Date - Says and Writes check
4-Warm up - Strikes a Tune - Repeat and write
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage Listen and repeat I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary Presents new words and asks Ss to 1- A luggage (n)
3Ps repeat Eg: The apprentice
A luggage (n) Translation driver takes out
A bus ticket (n) Explanation luggages from the
A bus-stop (n) Picture bus.
Asks question: Answers question 2- A bus tickets (n)
1- What does the apprentices Eg: I bought a bus
driver takes out from the bus? ticket at ETRAB Bus
2- What did I buy at ETRAB Station.
Station? 3- A bus-stop = bus
3- Where does the driver park his Station.
bus? Eg: The driver parks
II- Practice Stage his bus at the bus
 Repetition Stage Listen and repeat station.
Make sentences and asks Ss to
 Substitution drill
Makes sentences and ask students Reorder to have
to reorder them to have meaningful
meaningful sentences. sentences
1- My sister/Luggages/brings
at/the bus stop.
2- The apprentice driver/helps/to
buy/her/a bus ticket.
II- Production Stage Ss make sentences Ss own good
Asks students to produce their sentences
own sentences.

Activity II I- Presentation Stage Listen and read. Grammar: The use

Grammar: the use of Presents new sentence containing of adverbs of
adverbs of frequency the new structure and asks Ss to frequencies “Often,
“Often and usually” read. Usually”.
Asks Ss to underline the adverbs They underline adv 1- I Often eat in the
verbs. and verbs and evening at half part 8
II- Practice Stage makes remarks. 2- Kokou usually
 Repetition drill comes to school late.
Makes two sentences and asks Ss repeat
students to repeat. RULE
1- He often speaks louder
2- My father usually goes to work S+ Adv of frequency
by bus. +V in Simple present
 Substitution drill
Asks Ss to reorder the words to Reorder to have a
have a meaningful sentences meaningful
I/Play/Often/Guitar at church/ he/ sentence.
Water/ drinks/.
III- Production Stage
Asks Ss to produce their own Produce sentences Ss ‘s good sentences
sentence using often and usually
Activity III Asks Ss to listen and write the Listen and write Dictation.
Writing: unprepared sentences dictated to them Bola is a nurse at the
dictation correctly in their exercise book hospital; she usually
wakes up at six
o’clock and goes to
work by bus. She
Often takes tea in the
Evaluation Asks Ss to make sentences with Ss make sentences
Luggage and bus stop.

Remedial work Makes comments recurrent Homework

mistakes Take note of Make two (02)
comments sentences using
Often and usually.
Homework Copies the homework on the Copy the
board homework

Warm down strikes a tune, recalls next session sing

and takes leave

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme: Man’s Movements: Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 3 At the airport Sequence1:
Teaching Aids: Drawing, Flashcard, Picture, demonstration
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expression related to airport transport:
- airport, airplane, passengers, passport,, air hostess, pilot, land, take off, luggage,
customs, guide, departure, lounge, flight, to fly, to travel abroad, transport fareres, aiticket.
- The use of “Since” and for”.
Use - The use of collective noun: Luggage, police, people, fish, furniture, cattle, sheep.
- Words and expressions to express taste and preferences: prefer …….. to, I like……
- Grammatical structures to express superiority (comparisons)
With short adjectives: faster, quicker than.
Read and make A simple text or sentences related to airport transport.
Competences: Recognize words in link with the airport and use them to describe the airport.
Learning Situation: After a visit airport Lomé, the English teacher wants to teach to his students
elements related to the airport. He brought a picture of elements of the airport and a list of the airport
element. He asked students to match the airport and a list to the pictures.
Do the work individually.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Date Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the Roll students
3- Date - Ask the date and writes check chalkboard
4-Warm up - Strikes a Tune - Say and write
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary Presents the new words and asks Listen and repeat Airport (Situational)
(3Ps) Ss to repeat Eg: There are many
15min II- Practice Stage passengers at the
 Repetition drill airport
Make simple sentences and asks Listen and repeat Airplane: (n)
students to repeat (Drawing)
Asks comprehension question Eg: There airplane
1- Where are many passengers? for Japan will leave
2- What will soon leave for soon.
Japan? To travel aboard (v)
3- Where did the president travel (translation) =
yesterday? Voyager pour
4- Who takes off the air plane? l’étranger
 Substitution drill Eg: The President
Make sentences with these Make sentences traveled aboard
jumbled words. with the jumbled yesterday.
1- I/airplane/a new/at/the airport words. Pilot (n)
2- I/traveled aboard/year/last (Translation) = Pilote
3- takes off/the plane/the pilot Take off (v)
(gestures) = décoller
III-Production Stage Make sentences Eg: The pilot takes
Asks to make sentences using the off the airplane
new vocabulary words studied
Ss own good
Activity II I- Presentation Stage Grammar: The use of
Grammar: The use of Presents new sentences containing Ss read “Since” and “for”
“Since” and “for” the new structure and ask Ss to
road Sentences:
II- Practice Stage I have been taught
 Repetition drill English for 2 years.
- read and asks Ss to repeat Listen and repeat Togo has been
- Asks comprehension questions: independent since
1- How long have I been taught 1960
English? Structure
2- When has Togo been
independent? - Since express the
 Substitution drill duration
Complete the sentences with since - For express the
for length of an action.
- I stayed in Dapaong …. Two Complete the
weeks. sentences with Rule
- We have been running ….. the since/for
morning Since+ Present
- I have been loving in this Perfct + duration
compound ……. …2010
For +Present/Past
Perfect +length

III- Production Stage Produce sentences Ss own good

Asks Ss to produces their own sentences
Activity III I- presentation Stage
Reading Aloud Reading of the text: Everyday
speaks English
II- Practice Stage
The teacher reads the text slowly Listen and repeat
and also asks students to repeat
the difficult words after him
III- Production Stage
Invite students to read the text Read the text
Evaluation 5’ Asks student to make sentences Make sentences Homework
with air plane and the airport Complete the
Remedial Work Makes comments on the recurrent Take note of the sentences with
mistakes. comments. since/for.
1- We have been
Homework Writes the homework on the Copy the working on this
board. homework in their program ….... this
Homework books. morning.
2- I have been
Warm down Strikes a song, recalls next session Sing. learning biology
…..... 4 years.

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme: Man’s Movements: Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 3 At the airport Sequence2:
Teaching Aids: Drawing, Flashcard, Picture, demonstration
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expression related to airport transport:
- Passport, air-hostess, land, costumes, guide, departure
- The use of collective noun: Luggage, police, people, fish, furniture, cattle, sheep
Read A simple text and answer comprehension questions on airport transport.
Make sentences related to airport transport

Competence: Recognize words in link with the airport and use them to describe the airport.
Learning Situation: After a visit at the airport of Niamtougou, the English teacher wants to teach to
his students the job of an air-hostess in the airplane, he gives a list of jobs and asks the student to
choose Among the jobs listed these of an air-hostess.
List: Play guitar, dance, serves drinks, bring food, take care of passengers.
Do the work in pairs.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Date Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the Roll students
3- Date - Says and writes check chalkboard
4-Warm up - Strikes a Tune - Repeat and write
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary (15min) Presents new words and asks Ss to Listen and repeat A Passport (n) F
repeat cognate.
II- Practice Stage Eg: I have a new
 Repetition drill passport for Canada.
Make simple sentences and asks Listen and repeat An air-hostess (n)
Ss to repeat Explanation, A girl
Asks comprehension question: working in a plane
1- What do I have for Canada? Eg: The air-hostess
2- What does the air-hostess do in serves drinks for
a plane? passengers in a plane
3- What does the plane do at the To land(v) gesture
airport? Eg: The plane landed
4- What does the guide departure at the airport.
serve? What guide pilots to take Custums(n) = Clients
off well? (Translation)
5- To who does the air hostess Eg: The air-hostess
serve drinks? serves drinks to
 Substitution drill costums.
Complete this sentence with the Guide departure
right word.
I show my ….. at the airport to the
police Passport Take off well
III- Production Stage
Asks students to produce their
own sentences using the new Produce sentences Ss own sentences
words studied.
Activity II Ask students to read the text Read silently and Questions
Reading (Everybody speaks English) answers questions 1- Bosede work for
Comprehension. P.30 and answer questions Nigeria airways
(pre-questions+ Written on the board. True/False?
silent reading) 2- Bosede a pilot
yes/No? Why?
3- Why is it exciting
to be an air-hostess?
4- A part from
English, hich
languages can
Bosede speak?
2-No, because she is
an air-hostess
3- it is exciting to be
an air-hostess
because you can visit
a lots of countries
4- French and three
African languages.
Activity III Present a Topic and ask students Give their viewq. Topic
Speaking to give their point of view What do you want to
do as a job after your
studied and say why?
Evaluation (5min) Asks student to make sentences Make sentences
with Passport and to land
Tell/give 3 activities
of an air-hostess in a
Remedial work Makes comments on the recurrent Take note of the plane
mistakes comments
Homework Write the homework on the board Copy the

Warm down Strike a Tune sing

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme2: Man’s Movements: Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 3 At the airport Sequence3:
Teaching Aids: Drawing, Flashcard, Picture, demonstration
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expression related to airport transport:
- Flight, to fly, air tick, transport fares, lounge, and luggage.
- The use of collective noun: luggage, police, people, fish, ,furniture, cattle, sheep
Read A simple text on airport transport
Make Sentences related to airport transport.

Competence: Recognize words in link with the airport and use them to describe and tell the activities
on the airport.
Learning Situation: The English teacher, after a course on at the airport asks Koffi a student of form
II to classily the words listed below these related to the airport and these related to school but Koffi
can’t. As a classmate help him by classifying the element as instructed.
List: airport, teacher, class, air-hostess, airplane, pen, customs, pilot.
Do the work in pairs.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Date Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the students
3- Date - Says and writes Roll check chalkboard
4-Warm up - Strikes a Tune - Repeat and write
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary (15min) Presents the new word and asks Ss Listen and repeat To fly(v)
to repeat (demonstration)
II- Practice Stage Eg: The airplanes fly
 Repetition drill to London.
- Makes simple sentences and asks A flight(n)
students to read Ss read (Translation) = sale
- Asks comprehension questions: d’aéroport
1- What does the airplane do to Eg: Passengers are
London? waiting in the lounge
2-Where do passengers wait? An air ticket(n)
3- What do passengers buy at the Eg: At the airport,
airport? passengers buy the
4- What is the name of the price air ticket.
that passenger pay for their Transport
transport? fares(Translation) =
Prix du Transport.
 Substitution drill Eg : The transport
Complete the sentence with the fare for London is
right word. 1000$O or 10
- The president’s plane…… for Complete the Million
America today. sentences
- Passengers are writing on the
The ………… for London is
III- Production Stage
Asks to produce their own Produce their own Ss own good
sentences sentences sentences
Activity III I- Presentation Stage Grammar: The use
Grammar: The use of Present some collective nouns and Listen and repeat of collective nouns:
collective nouns ask students to repeat - Luggage, police,
II- Practice Stage people, fish,
 Repetition drill furniture, sheep.
Give simple sentences and asks Ss Read
to read
1- The apprentice driver carry out
my luggage from the bus
2- The police arrested the sheep on
the road.
3- table, chair; are furniture
4- Akpala, Sardine use fish.
 Substitution drill
Asks to complete the sentences
with the right wind.
The taxi takes my ….. to the airport
Arm chairs, are the…….. Furniture
Manvi, Akpala are ……… Fish
Men, Women, Children are …….. People

III- Production Stage Make sentences Ss own good simple

Asks Ss to make their own sentences
sentences using the collective
nouns given
Activity III Present a text with slashes and give Listen and follow Text.
Reading and work up instructions to follow instruction Bosede work for
Nigeria an ways//she
looks after the
passengers /and
brings them
food//and drinks.
Evaluation Asks Ss to make sentences with to Make sentences
fly, A lounge. Homework
Take note of the Give 3 collectives
Remedial work Makes comments on the recurrent Comments. nouns that you know

Homework Write the homework on the board Copy the


Warm down Strikes a Tune sing

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme2: The town Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 1 in the town Sequence1:
Teaching Aids: Flashcard, Realia, Drawing, Picture, demonstration
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize - The names of town substructures: Streets, one-way, street, No parking, buildings, story
buildings, university, banks, Cinema buildings.
- Words, expressions and grammar structures related to the orientations in the town: the
use of “Would you please tell me the way to …..”,
“Excuse me can you show me the way to the ……..”
- The use of “Present Perfect + Already”
Identify Indications to different places of the town: main market place, at the university…….
Sentences Sentences indicating different points of the town:
Marking - I am going to the Ecobank.
- The ministry of Education is close France Embassy
Competence: Recognize words related to the town and use to describe it.
Learning Situation: Students of form II CEG A visited Lomé. The saw many things and they discuss
with each other but they lack words. The teacher gives them a list of words and pictures to help them.
He asks students to continue the discussion.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the students
3- Date - Says and writes Roll check Date chalkboard
4-Warm up - Strikes a Tune - Says and writes
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage Listen and repeat I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary (15min) Presents the new sentences and asks -Streets(n)(drawing)
Ss to repeat Eg: it is not good to
II- Practice Stage play on the streets
 Repetition drill -Buildings (n)
- Presents simple sentences and ask Listen and repeat (drawing) Eg: My
Ss to repeat father has a big
- Ask comprehension question: Answers building with a large
1- Where is it not good to play? questions Kitchen.
2- What does my father have? - University (n)
3- Where is my brother studding? (Exple) Eg: My
4- Where is my father to take his brother is studding at
salary? Kara University.
5- What is huge? - A bank (n)
 Substitution drill (Situational) Eg: My
Complete the sentences with the Completes the father is at BTCI
right words: Street, Embassy, and sentences bank to take his
Banks. salary.
1- There are many ……in Lomé - Embassy (n)
2- The minister is at Japan…. to (Translation) = une
take his passport. ambassade.
3- …….Keep our money safe. Eg: The United
III- Production stage States’ embassy is
Asks Ss to make their own sentence huge.
using the now vocabulary words Make sentences

Activities II I- Presentation Stage Listen and read Grammar: The use

Grammar: The use of Presents some simple sentences and of “Present Perfect +
“Present Perfect + asks students to read already”
already II- Practice Stage sentences
 Repetition drill
Present again 2 sentences and asks They underline 1- I Have already
Ss to repeat. received my gift.
- asks Ss to underline have and has 2- Afi has already
in the two sentences and after gone to school.
received and gone.
- Asks the tense of the sentences Tell Rule
- Asks to draw a Rule Have/Has + Present
 Substitution drill Perfect + already
Asks Ss to put the verbs in brackets Put the verbs into
into the correct form. the correct form.
1- Ama (Have) already (to return)
2- You (Have) already (to work)
III- Production Stage
Asks to make sentences using the Make sentences Ss own good simple
new structure. sentences
Activity III The teacher reads the text on the Listen and read Text: Reading
Reading town for the class asks them to read after. Lomé is a big, clean books
and beautiful town of teacher
Togo. There are student
traffic lights
everywhere on the
streets. In Lomé, we
can find an airport,
embassies, beach and
beautiful buildings.
Lomé is a big town
where, people pass
their holidays.
Evaluation (5min) Put the verbs in brackets into the Put the verbs into
correct form. the correct form Homework
1- Yao (Have) already (to eat) Put the verbs in
2- I (Have) already (to take) my brackets into the
bath. correct form.
Remedial work Makes comments on the recurrent Take note of 1- I(Have) already
mistakes. comments (to receive) my
Homework Write the homework on the board. Copy the money from the bank
homework 2- I (Have) already
(to leave) him
Warm down Strikes a song recalls next session Sing 3- Kodjo (Have) his
and takes leave phone (to repair)

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme2: The town Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 1 in the town Sequence2:
Teaching Aids: Flashcard in the town, Realia, Drawing, Picture, demonstration, Translation,
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize - The names of town substructures: streets, one-way, street No parking, storey building,
cultural center Library, bookshop, public conveniences, ministry of
Labour/Agriculture/Education/Justices etc…, Parliament, at the butcher, hairdresser,
tailor/Seamstress, at the barber, to the right, to left, straight ahead, apposite.
Identify - The use of would you please tell me the way to.
- Indication to different points of the town.
- Main market place
Make Sentences indicating different points of the town
-I am going to the Ecobank
- The ministry of education is close France University.

Competence: Recognize words related to the town and use them to describe it.
Learning situation: One of your friends is lost in town. He cannot find the appropriate words to ask
for the way home. From this list of jumbled words, helps him ask for his way home. Do the work in
List of jumbled words:
- You/Would/Please tell me/Where/is/The cultural center?
- Please/Would you/The way/Show me/The University/to
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the Roll students
3- Date - Says and writes check Date chalkboard
4-Warm up - Strikes a Tune - Says and writes
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage - listen and repeat I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary (15min) Presents the new words and Storey buildings (n)
asks Ss to repeat (Trans) = étages. Eg:
II- Practice Stage The one storey buildings
 Repetition drill in Dapaong town.
Presents simple sentences and - Reads repeat A Public convenience(n)
asks students to read = toilettes = a
Ask comprehension question: Answers questions. washtstand
1- What are in Dapaong town? Eg : People piss on the
2-Where do people piss? Public convenience.
3- Where did the teacher buy A bookshop (n) (Trans)
this book? = Librairie. Eg: The
4- Where is Kodjo reading? teacher bought this book
5- Where does my father in the bookshop.
works? Make sentences. A Libray(n) (Trans)=
bibliothèque Eg:
 Substitution drill Kodjo is reading books
Make sentences with these in the library.
jumbles words. Ministry of
- I/Storey Labor/Agriculture
buildings/Sleeping/in (n) (Translation) =
-Smell/bad/Public (explanation) Eg:
convenience/some. My father works in the
- Have/we/a library/in our ministry of Labor.
III-Production Stage Make sentences. Ss own good simple
Asks to make their own sentences

Activity II I- Presentation Stage Listen and read III-Grammar: The use of

Grammar: The use of Presents sentence containing “Would you please tell
“Would you please the new structure and asks Ss me the way to” ……
tell me the way to” to read 1- Would you please tell
II- Practice Stage me the way to tantoga?
 Repetition Drill 2- Would you please tell
Make again a sentence orally Listen and read me the way to Ecobank
and asks Ss to repeat Dapaong?
Would you please tell me the
way to the beach?
 Substitution drill
Make a sentence with these Make a sentence
Would you please tell me the
way to/Police Station/the.
III- Production Stage
Asks to produce sentence Produce sentence Ss own good simple
using the new structure sentences.
Activity III - Presents the dialogue reds it Dialogue
Speaking 2 or 3 times for Ss and after Listen, Repeat, Balli: Hello! My friend,
Dialogue play the dialogue with one of follow and perform I am lost would you
(Roll play) the student and asks Ss to play the dialogue please tell me the way to
the dialogue Dapaong market?
- After use the easier technique Bimpo: Oh! Yes, just go
to let Ss master the dialogue straight you will see it
after the junction.
Balli: Thans.
Blimpo: You are
Evaluation (5min) Asks to make sentences using Make sentences Homework
the structure “would you Make a sentence with
please tell me the way” each of these words:
Library, bookshop,
storey building
Warm down Makes comments on the Take note of the
recurrent mistakes comments.

Homework Writes the homework on the Copy the

board homework
Remedial work Strike a tune and takes leave Sing

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme2: The town Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 1 in the town Sequence3:
Teaching Aids: Flashcard, Explanation, Translation, Reglia, Drawing, Picture, demonstration.
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize - The names of town substructures: Cinema building cultural center, Parliament, at the
rigt, to the left. Straight at the butcher, Tailor/Seamstress fairdresses
Identify - The use of Show me the way to ……
- Main market.
Make Sentences indicating different points of the town
Competence: Recognize word and expressions related to the town and use them to describe it.
Learning situation: One of your classmate visited Lomé during the holidays. Back to school, the
teacher asks him to talk about the fantastic things he saw in Lomé but he lacks the appropriate words.
Help him find the appropriate words from the following list of words.
List: Streets, storey building, university, beach, airport.
Do the work in group of four.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the Roll students
3- Date - Says and writes check Date chalkboard
4-Warm up - asks Ss to stretch themselves - repeat and write
- stretch themselves
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary (15min) Ask students to repeat the Listen and Cultural center (n)
words he tells. repeat (Explanation). Eg: During our
II- Practice Stage cultural week, we danced in the
 Repetition drill cultural center
Presents simple sentences and At the right # At the left
asks Ss repeat. Listen and Eg: I look at the right and at the
- Asks comprehension repeat left of the read before crossing
questions it.
1- Where did we dance during Straight(adj) Tout droit
our cultural work? Eg: I am going straight to the
2- What do I do before market.
crossing the read? A Tailor(n) # a seamstresser
3- Who is my sister? And my Eg: My sister is a seamstresser
brother? and my mother is a Tailor. They
4- What is my mother’s sew well.
occupation? A hairdresser (n) Eg: My mother
 Substitution drill is a hairdresser.
Asks to make a sentence with
the jumbles words.
me/I/crossing/before/lock/at Ss own good simple sentences
the right and at the left/the He asked
read me to go
III- Production Stage straight
Asks Ss to make their own
sentences using the new
studied words.
Activity II I- Presentation Stage II- Grammar: The use of
Grammar: The use pf Presents sentences containing Listen and “Excuse me, can you show me
“Excuse me, can you the new structure and asks Ss repeat the way to”…..
show me the way to read 1- Excuse me, can you show me
to”….. II- Practice Stage the way to the market?
 Repetition drill 2- Excuse me, can you show me
Makes again a sentence orally the way to Kara?
and asks Ss to repeat. Listen and
*Excuse me can you show me repeat
the way to CEG Nassable?
 Substitution drill
Make a sentence with these
jumbled words.
- Excuse me/to the bus
station/show me/the way Ss good simple sentences
III-Production Stage
Asks to produce sentences
using the new structure.
Activity III Presents the text entitled Lomé Text: Lomé
Reading and asks Ss to read aloud and Read and Lomé is a big, clean and
Comprehension answers comprehension answer beautiful town of Togo. There
question question are traffic lights everywhere on
the streets. In Lomé, we can find
an airport, embassies, beach and
beautiful buildings. Lomé is a
big town where people pass their
1- Lomé Questions
2- True 1- Give the title of the text?
3- No 2- Lomé is a beautiful town of
4-airport, the Togo True/False
embassies, 3- There aren’t traffic lights
beach…. everywhere. Yes/No
4- What can we find in Lomé
according to the text?
Evaluation Asks Ss make sentences with Homework
straight, Tailor, hairdresser. Make two sentences using
“Excuse me can you show me
the way to …….”
Remedial work makes comments on the
recurrent mistakes

Homework writes the homework on the


Warm down strikes a tune

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme2: The town Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 5 At the Post-Office Sequence1:
Teaching Aids: Regalia, Drawing, synonyms, situational
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expression related to activities at the Post-Office
Read and Advertisement or prospectus related to the activities of Post -Office
Use The use of wish + simple Past.
Competence: use word related to the Post-Office for its description.
Learning situation: you come across one of your friends in front of a huge building on which it in
written Post-Office. He wants to know what is done in the building. From the jumbled words. Do the
work in pairs
1- Letters/at the Post-Office/ send or receive.
2- Sending/stamp/you/a letter/before.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the Roll students
3- Date - Says and writes check Date chalkboard
4-Warm up - asks Ss to chap - repeat and write
- chap
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary (3Ps) Presents the new words and Listen and repeat Stamps (n) Realia. Eg:
(15min) asks Ss to repeat The teacher puts stamps
II- Practices Stage on the class test papers
 Repetition drill - This is a Stamp.
- presents simple sentences Envelope(n) Realia
and asks Ss to read. Eg: Koffi buy on
- Asks comprehension Answer questions envelope.
questions. An Adress (n) Situational
1- What does the teacher puton -Stamps Eg: My address is
the class text papers? POBOX: 02 Lomé.
2- What does Koffi buy? -envelope A mail (n) syn=address
3- What is POBOX: 02 Lomé? -an address Eg: My mail is
4- What is yao@gmail.com? -a mail yao@gmail.com.
5- What do I receive from - a letter. A letter(n) (Situational)
Ado? Eg: I receive a letter from
 Substitution drill Adjo
Complete sentence with the
right words: letter, stamped,
Yesterday I received a …....
from Afi in can …… which is
III- Production Stage
Asks to make sentences with Make sentences
the new vocabulary words
Activity II I- Presentation Stage II- Grammar: The use of
Grammar: The use of - Presents sentences containing Listen and repeat “Wish”
“Wish” the new structure and asks Ss Sentence
to read Koffi hasn’t money but he
- Asks give tense of the They give the wants to buy a car.
sentence tense → He wishes he had
II- Practice Stage money. It is pity she
 Repetition drill doesn’t know her village.
- presents a sentences and asks Listen and repeat →I wish she know her
Ss to repeat village I/is pity, they
- Asks to give the rule punished her
- Asks to use wish in the Give the rule I wish they hadn’t.
sentence completing it punished her
I am late. Rule
I wish I ……. Present Situation
III- Production Stage Was not late Wish +Simple Past
Asks Ss to produce sentences
Produce sentences Ss own Sample
Activity III Presents the topic and asks to Topic
Speaking deal with orally Describe an activity at the
Evaluation Correct the verbs in bracket Put the verbs in I wish I (have) a car
correct form. Komlan wishes his father
(is) rich.
Remedial work Makes comments on the Take note of Homework
current mistakes comments Put the verbs in o the
parentheses into correct
- Kodjo wishes he
Homework Write the homework on the Copy the (receive) mu letter
board homework - I wish I (to be) at home

Warm down Strike a tune Sing

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme2: the town Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 5 At the Post-Office Sequence2:
Teaching Aids: Regalia, Drawing, synonyms, situational.
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expressions related to the Post-Office: Post-Office Box, Package, taxes,
address, to receive, to send.
Read and understand Advertisement or prospectus related to the activities of Post -Office
Use Modal verbs: Can may, must and their equivalent.
Competence: Use words and expressions related to the Post-Office for its description
Learning Situation: A man from a village came to town to Post a letter to one of his related. He
doesn’t know exactly what to do. You as the receptionist of the post-office, help him find expressions
related to post office and letter mailing from the list below.
Do the work in group of four.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the Roll students
3- Date - Says and writes check Date chalkboard
4-Warm up - strike a tune - repeat and write
- chap
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary Presents the new words and Listen and repeat The Post-Office (n)
asks Ss to repeat (Drawing). Eg: I
II- Practice Stage received a letter from
 Repletion drill the post-office.
- Present sample sentences and Listen and read The post office Box (n)
asks Ss to read. (Explanation). Eg: The
- asks comprehension post-office Box of Lomé
questions Answer questions is P.O.BOX 06 Lomé-
1- From I receive a letter? -The post-office Togo.
2- What is POBOX 06 Lomé- - The post-office A package (n)
Togo? Box of Lomé (Translation) = le
3- What did my father send me paquet. Eg : My father
through the post-office? sent me a package
4- What does O.T.R collect through the post office.
from people every month? - Taxes Taxe(n) (cognate= to
 Substitution drill taxe ou impôt
Make a correct sentence with Eg: OTR collects taxes
the jumbled words: from people every
1-My/Packed/from month.
2- Traders/taxes/pay/to OTR
3- There/the post-office/is/at

III- Production Stage

Asks Ss to make sentences Make sentences Ss good sample
with the new vocabulary sentences.
words studied.
Activity II I- Presentation Stage I- Grammar: The use
Grammar: The use of Present sentences containing Listen and repeat of modal verbs “Can,
modal verbs “Can, the new structure reads and may and must”
may, must” asks Ss to read Sentences
II- Practice Stage 1- I Can play football
 Repetition drill 2- May I go out?
Make 03 sentences orally and Listen and repeat 3- I must learn my
ask students to repeat. lessons.
3- I Can learn hard Structure
4- Please, father many I Can= to be able to
go to cinema? May is use for a
5- I must succeed. permission
 Substitution drill Must is use for the duty
Use Can, may and must in this Must = have to
I sweeps the compound
III-Production Stage
Asks students to make their Make sentences Ss good sample
own sentences using the modal sentences
Activity III Presents the dialogue Read it Listen and repeat Dialogue
Speaking (Dialogue) and after asks Ss to repeat. Post-Office manager:
- plays the dialogue with a Hello! Sir
student. A customer: Hello!, sir
- asks students to play it in Play it in pairs what can I do for you?
pairs. Post-Office manager: I
am post office manager
of Dapaong it in just to
inform you that you
have a package at our
Customer: Thanks sir, I
will pass to take it.
Post office manager: OK
but don’t forget your
identity card when you
will com.
Evaluation Asks Ss to make sentences Make sentences Homework
with post office and taxes. Make 03 sentences
Can, may and must.
Remedial work Makes comments on the Take not of
mistakes comments

Homework Write the homework on the Copy the

board homework

Warm down Asks Ss to strike a tune sing

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidente JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme2: the town Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 5 At the Post-Office Sequence3:
Teaching Aids: Regalia, Drawing, synonyms, situational.
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expressions related to the Post-Office activities: mail a letter, to receive,
to send.
Read Advertisements or prospectus related to the Post -Office
Make Sentences to tell or describe the post-office activities
Competence: Use word and expressions related to the post office for its description.
Learning Situation: A stranger met some students going to the office. He asks them the activities that
can be done there but they are not capable to express themselves with the modal verbs. He are the
sentences of the student. Help them chose the sentences in which the usage is correct.
1- We must the letter stamp
2- We can send letters to relatives
3- We may respect a parcel receive there.
Do the work individually.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the Roll students
3- Date - Says and writes check Date chalkboard
4-Warm up - strike a tune - repeat and write
- chap
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
vocabulary Present the new vocabulary Listen and repeat A parcel Syn = Package
words and asks Ss to repeat Eg: I receive a parcel for
II- Practice the post office
 Repetition drill To mail a letter
- Presents sample sentences Listen and read (Explanation). Eg: I
and asks Ss to repeat or read mail a letter to Adjo
- asks comprehension through her e-mail.
questions To receive(v) # to send
1- What do I receive from the Eg: I receive a letter
post office? from Yao
2- What do I do to Adjo
through her email?
 Substitution drill
Complete this sentences with
receive, a parcel
I ……. A parcel from the post
III- Produce Stage
Asks Ss to make their own Make sentences Ss own good sentences.
Activity II Presents the text, Read it 2 or 3 Ss read Text: The post office
Reading times and asks students to read The post office is a
comprehension company which can be
Asks comprehension question Ss answers found everywhere in
question each region of Togo.
It has many activities
such as sending and
receiving letters, parcels
for people
- Sending and receiving
money for people
- Apart from that the
post office has buses for
passengers who travel.
1- The post office can be
found only in Kara,
region True or False?
2- Has t the post office
many activities? Yes/No
3- Give 02 activities of
the post office?
Activity III Play the game with one of the
Grammar: Simon student and after asks students Listen and play
says. to play it in pairs
Ex: Simon Say, show me your This is my bag.
Evaluation Asks students to make Make sentences
sentences with to mail a letter,
to send

Give two activities of
the post office that you
Remedial work Make comments on the Take note of the know.
recurrent mistakes comments

Homework Listen the homework on the Copy the

board homework

Warm down Strikes a tine and takes leave Sing

DURATION: 55 min
TEACHER: Mr ABA Sequence: 1 SS
LESSON 6: At the bank
TEACHING AIDS: Flashcard, teacher, students.

References: Programme éducatif 5ème, guide D’exécution 5ème, EFSA, Oxford Advanced

-Words and expressions related to bank service: bank, banker, money,
savings, crossed cheque, cashier, payment, bank note, travellers cheque,
receipt, investment, interest rate, current account, deposit account, to
Identify open an account, credit card, cash card, (ATM), to cash money, deposit
money, bank charges.
-if clause type 1 to express condition in future (grammatical structure to
express condition).
-Words and expressions related to bank service.
-Grammatical structure to express condition( if clause type1)
Build Simple sentences to describe bank account opening procedures.

Competence: handle orally a language structure in communicative situation by using a

simple language.

Learning situation: your father wants to go to the bank for the first time to take the money
your uncle in America sent but he does not know anything about the bank. He asks you to tell
him in English words and expressions related to bank. From the list below, select the words
that are related to bank: king, bank account, receipt, man, banker, deposit account, to cash

Do the work in pairs.


Pre- activities
-answer the
-greets the SS
-Greeting(1min) greeting
-checks the presence -Students
-Roll call(1min) - answer the roll
-asks the students to Date -teacher
-Date(1min) call
write the date -Blackboard
-Warm up( 1min) -write the date
-gives a tune
- sing in chorus
Main activities
-presents the learning
situation -Listen
Learning -asks the students to do - work in pairs
-Learning situation.
situation(5min) the work in pairs -present their
-moves round answers
-help if necessary
Activity 1: Presents the new -listen carefully 1- A bank(n) definition:
Vocabulary(15mi vocabulary words: and repeat. An institution where one
n) 3ps. bank, banker, money, can place and borrow
savings, crossed money.
cheque. -listen and repeat Eg: I love ORABANK.
sentences. UTB is a bank.
II- PRACTICE 2- A banker(n) definition:
STAGE someone who works at the
-repetition drill bank
-makes sentences Eg: My father is a banker,
containing new words he works at the bank.
and asks students to 3- Money(n) realia:
repeat. -make their own Eg: every morning, my
sentences mother gives me money to
buy food at school.
II- PRODUCTION 4-savings(n) definition:
-Invites students to the money one has saved/
make their own reduction in
sentences with the new money(economy)
vocabulary words Eg: My uncle has a saving
taught. account at BTCI
5-Payment(n) definition:
the act of paying, a sum of
money paid in exchange
for goods, or services.
Eg: I want to pay my
school fees. The payment
must be done today.

Activity 2 I-PRESENTATION Grammar

Grammar If STAGE : -listen and repeat Model sentence
clause type 1(3Ps) -introduces the new If I have money, I shall put
structure “if clause type it in Eco bank.
1” in a model sentence -listen and answer
-read the sentence - work in groups
loudly. and provide
-ask comprehension answers.
questions. -practical exercise
-listen and repeat Put the verbs in brackets in
II- PRACTICE the correct form
STAGE: 1-If John (to go) to the
-do the exercise bank he will see the
-makes two sentences cashier.
with the new structure 2-Koffi will put his money
orally. in his account if he (to
-puts three sentences on have) a lot
the board with a cue 3- If I study hard I (to
and asks students to become) a banker.
provide answers in
-chooses some students -produce their
to correct the exercise. own sentences
-students’ sentences
-listen and take
II- PRODUCTION -draw the rule
STAGE : Rule: If +simple
-asks students to make present+simple future
their own sentences
with the new structure.
-correct students’
sentences if necessary
-asks students to draw
the rule.

Activity 3 -introduces the new TEXT: Bank

Reading passage to students -listen Banks are very important
comprehension -Pre-teaches the for the functioning of the
(10 min) difficult words of the -listen modern world. They
passage enable people to save and Students
-Puts some -read silently borrow money. If people Teacher
comprehension want certain services, they Board
questions on the board will have to visit the local
-asks SS to read silently bank. Then, they will see
the passage -answer the the bank manager if they
-times the work and questions want to open an account.
asks SS to work in -take note Also if they want to
groups borrow money, they will
-Asks SS to answer the need to see the bank
questions manager.
-comments on the SS
answers QUESTION
1-Banks are not important.
True or False
2- Who will people see if
they want to open an
3-Will people visit the
local bank if they want
certain services?
4-will you save your
money at the bank? Why
or why not?
Evaluation (5min)
-asks students to make -make their
sentences with the new sentences
structure studied
-asks students to use the Homework
new vocabulary studied
in their own sentences Choose the appropriate
-comments on students’ words from the brackets
answers 1-If I work hard, I(pass,
will pass, passed) my
Remedial -comments on SS’ -listen exam.
mistakes 2-Ablavi will eat yams if
his mother ( cooked, cook,
Homework -asks students to choose -do the work at cooks.
the appropriate words home
in the brackets
Warm down -asks students to tune of -give the tune
a song and recall the
next session and leaves -Sing


CARD N°: 2 Class size B….G……

TEACHER: Mr ABA Duration: 55 min
CLASS: FORM II Sequence: 2
LESSON 6: At the bank
TEACHING AIDS: Flashcard, teacher, students.
REFERENCES : Programme éducatif 5è, Guide d’exécution 5è, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
References:Programme éducatif 5ème, guide D’exécution 5ème, EFSA, Oxford Advanced

-Words and expressions related to bank service: bank, banker, money,
savings, crossed cheque, cashier, payment, bank note, travellers cheque,
receipt, investment, interest rate, current account, deposit account, to
Identify open an account, credit card, cash card, (ATM), to cash money, deposit
money, bank charges.
-if clause type 1 to express condition in future.(grammatical structure to
express condition.
-Words and expressions related to bank service.
-Grammatical structure to express condition( if clause type1)
Build Simple sentences to describe bank account opening procedures.

Competence: handle orally a language structure in communicative situation by using a

simple language.
-answer the
-greets the SS
-Greeting(1min) greeting
-checks the presence -Students
-Roll call(1min) - answer the roll
-asks the students to call -Date -teacher
write the date -Blackboard
-write the date
-Warm up( 1min)
-gives a tune
- sing in chorus
Main activities
Activity 1: I-PRESENTATION 1-Receipt (n) definition :
Vocabulary(15mi the act of receiving or
-Presents the new -listen carefully
n) 3ps. being received.
vocabulary words: and repeat.
receipt, cashier Eg :the receipt at the
investment, interest Ecobank is the best .
rate, current account 2- A Cashier (n)
-listen and repeat definition : A person
sentences. whose job is to receive and
pay out money in bank.
II- PRACTICE Eg : my senior brother is a
STAGE cashier at BTCI.
-repetition drill 3- investment (n) put
money in something for a
-makes sentences
containing new words
and asks students to 4-interest rate(n)
repeat. definition: it is either the
cost of borrowing money
or reward for saving it.
Eg : Every year, I have
III- PRODUCTION interest rate of 50.000 over
-make their own my money that is in
-Invites students to sentences Orabank.
make their own
sentences with the new 5-Current account (n)Fr
vocabulary words (compte courant)
Eg : salaries are paid on
the current account

Activity2 : Dialogue
-Presents the topic of -listen Banker: hello, how are
the dialogue you?
-Explains difficult Customer : fine thanks
Banker: what can I do for
-Role plays with one or you?
two students
Customer :I would like to
-Reads it again for the -listen and repeat open an account
second time in chorus
Banker: What kind do you
-erases the dialogue -memorize the want?
progressively Teacher
Customer: If you show me
-Asks SS to role play the different kinds, I shall Student
-role play the
the dialogue in pairs dialogue choose one. Board
-Corrects some -listen and repeat Banker: Do you like
mispronunciation of the current account?
Customer: That is fine.
Dictation :Bank
Activity 3 -introduces the -listen Banks are very important
Writing dictation for the functioning of the
modern world. They
Prepared -reads it once
-take it in their enable people to save and
-asks students to write exercise book borrow money. If people
it want certain services, they
-execute will have to visit the local
-asks them to exchange bank.
-take the
their among themselves
-corrects the dictation
on the board
-asks students to use
the new vocabulary
Evaluation -make their
studied words in their
(5min) sentences
own sentences
-take note
-comments on students’
Remedial answers -copy the
-gives homework
Make one sentence with
-asks students to tune a each of the vocabulary
song and leaves words studied.
Warm down

CARD N°: Date:

SCHOOL: Class size:
TEACHER: Mr ABA Duration: 55 min
CLASS: FORM II sequence: 3
LESSON 6: At the bank
TEACHING AIDS: Flashcard, teacher, students.
-Words and expressions related to bank service: bank, banker, money,
savings, crossed cheque, cashier, payment, bank note, travellers cheque,
receipt, investment, interest rate, current account, deposit account, to
Identify open an account, credit card, cash card, (ATM), to cash money, deposit
money, bank charges.
-if clause type 1 to express condition in future.(grammatical structure to
express condition.

-Words and expressions related to bank service.

-Grammatical structure to express condition( if clause type1)

Build -Simple sentences to describe bank account opening procedures.

Competence: handle orally a language structure in communicative situation by using a

simple language.
References: Programme éducatif 5ème, guide D’exécution 5ème, EFSA, Oxford Advanced

-answer the
-greets the SS
-Greeting(1min) greeting
-checks the presence -Students
-Roll call(1min) - answer the roll
-asks the students to call -Date -teacher
write the date -Blackboard
-write the date
-Warm up( 1min)
-gives a tune
- sing in chorus
Activity 1: Vocabulary
I-PRESENTATION -listen carefully 1-A deposit account(n): a
n) 3ps
and repeat. bank account on which
-Presents the new
one can deposit and take
vocabulary words: money
receipt, cashier
investment, interest Eg: I have 2 million on my
rate, current account -listen and repeat deposit account.
2-to open an account
(v)= to create an account
Eg: Kodzo opened his first
account at UTB.
STAGE 3-credit card(n) : a card
that is used to take money
-repetition drill
at ATM.
-makes sentences
4-ATM (an automates
containing new words
teller machine)
and asks students to
repeat. Eg:My father uses credit
card to take money at

-make their own 5-to deposit money(v):to

III- PRODUCTION sentences put money into an account.

-Invites students to Eg: Anani deposits 2000

make their own into his account every
sentences with the new month.
vocabulary words

Activity -selects a passage Text: bank accounts

-gives the instruction -listen Kodzo has two accounts,
the current account and the
-reads the text two or -listen
(Post listening) saving account. He usually
three time
deposits money on the
saving account and takes
money from the current
account. On Sundays, he
can use his credit card to
take money at ATM when
-answer the he needs money.
-asks comprehension questions Questions
1-How many accounts
does Kodzo have?
2-He usually deposits
money on the current
account, true or false.
3- Name the two accounts
that Kodzo has.

Activity3: reading -selects a short passage

-reads loudly the text -follow the Text: bank accounts
Kodzo has two accounts,
-read aloud the current account and the
-asks SS to read aloud
individually the saving account. He usually
the passage individually
passage deposits money on the
-corrects pronunciation, saving account and takes
intonation and stress money from the current
mistakes account. On Sundays, he
can use his credit card to
take money at ATM when
he needs money.

Evaluation (5min) -asks students to use the -make their
new vocabulary studied sentences
in their own sentences
-take note
-comments on students’
-copy the
Homework -gives homework Homework
Which bank do you like
the most? Why?
Warm down -asks students to tune a
song and leaves

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidonte JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G
Theme3: Man and his Heath Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 5 At the Hospital Sequence1:
Teaching Aids: Realia, Picture, demonstration.
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize - Words and expressions related to the Hospital and sickness symptoms.
- Regular Adverbs, Irregular adverbs.
Describe - Sickness, symptoms
understand - The prescription and advice of a nurse
Read and understand - An easy text related to the health
Competence: Oral manipulation of language structure on communicative situation using simple
Learning situation: A patient arrives at the Hospital. The Doctor asks him what is wrong with him
but he lacks word expressions to explain exactly what is wrong with him. Basing on the following
word, help the patient to find out words and expression to say what is wrong with him. List: Pain,
Stomachache, fever, temperature, thermometer, teacher. Do the work in pairs.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks presence - answer to the Roll students
3- Date - Says and writes check Date chalkboard
4-Warm up - strike a song - repeat and write
- chap
Activity I I-Presentation Stage I-Vocabulary
Vocabulary (15min)  Repetition drill 1- A Clinic (n) Small
The use of the 3 Ps - Presents new words and Ss listen hospital. eg: “Tout est
expressions in a context using grâce” is a Clinic.
the appropriate strategies and 2- A Hospital(n) CHR
asks Ss to repeat. and CHU are Hospitals
- Hospital(n)(demonstration) Ss repeat 3- A disease (n) syn
- Clinic(n) (synonyms) illness, sickness. Eg:
- Disease (n) (Synonyms) Malaria is a disease.
- Medicine Realier 4- A Medicine (n),
- Treatment: (Explanation) Tablet. Eg: Siropara is a
- A nurse: (Syn) doctor medicine.
midwife 5- A Treatment (n) to
- A Patient : (Situation) treat. Eg: Abalo will
receive treatment from
II- Practice Stage the doctor when he is
 Repetition drill sick.
Presents new sentences and Ss repeat 6- A nurse :( n) (syn)
asks Ss to repeat (midwife, doctor. Eg: A
1- My father is a doctor; he nurse gives Kodzo an
works at the CHR Hospital. injection
2- “Ma vie” is a Clinic in Patient (n)
Chaminade. Eg: A sick man at the
3- Beriberi is a disease hospital is a patient
4- My father is nurse at a big
hospital; he gives treatment to
sick persons.
5- My sister is a nurse at Poli-
Clinic, she gives me an
6- A sick person is a patient at
 Substitution drill
Asks Ss to complete the
sentences with the right words.
1- CHR …is a ….. and
polyclinic is …………. Hospital
My mother is a nurse, Clinic
She works at a ………
Para Siro is a ……….. Hospital
1- If I am sick, the doctor will Ss complete with
give me a …………… the right words.
Afi is sick and her father sends Medicine
her to the hospital. /tablet/Treatment
There she is a …………….
III- Production Stage Patient
- asks Ss to make their own
sentences using the new
vocabulary words studied. Ss make sentences Ss own good sentences
Activity II I- Presentation Stage II- Grammar: The
Grammar: The Presents 1 or 2 sentences and Ss repeat Comparative with long
comparative with asks Ss to repeat. Adjectives
long Adjective  Repetition drill 1- Lion is more
1- Lion is dangerous dangerous our them
2- Dog is dangerous too dog.
3- Lion is more dangerous 2- Afi is more
than dog. intelligent than yawa.
- asks questions:
1- How is Lion and Dog Ss answer
2- How is Lion compare to the questions

Evaluation - Ask Ss make sentences with
new vocabulary words taught Ss make Homework
- Asks Ss to make a full Make sentence with
sentences with long Adjective Adjectives listed:
listed. 1- Pen is (Expensive)
1- Kodzo-Serious-Prince ….. pencil
2-English-intenesting- 2- The Pen is (Useful)
Mathematics. …. a pencil
Ss copy down the 3- The dog is
Homework Write down the homework on homework (Dangerous) …. a cut.
the board

Warm down - asks Ss to strike a sing Sing

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidonte JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G T=
Theme3: Man and his Health Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 5 At the Hospital Sequence2:
Teaching Aids: Realia, Picture, demonstration.
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize - Words and expressions related to the Hospital and sickness symptoms.
- Regular Adverbs.
Describe - Sickness, symptoms
understand - The prescription and advice of a nurse
Read and understand - An easy text related to the health
Competence: Oral manipulation of language structure in communicative situation using simple
Learning situation: A patient arrives at the Hospital. The doctor asks him what is wrong with him but
he lacks word and expressions to explain exactly what is using to him. Basing on the following words
help the patient to find out words and expressions to say what is wrong with him.
List: pain, stomachache, fever, temperature, thermometer, teacher.
Do the work in pairs.
Stages/ Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
Timing Materials
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll- - Checks presence - Answer to the students
check - Says and writes Roll check Date
3- Date - Strike a tune - Repeat and write
4-Warm up - Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary Teacher
Vocabulary - Presents new words and 1- Ambulance (n) Students
(3Ps) 3min expressions in a context using on Cognate. Eg: Koffi made
appropriate strategies. Listen carefully and an accident yesterday and
Says: Ambulance, Patient or sick repeat the ambulance took him
person, Symptoms, pain, to the Hospital (CHR)
stomachache, fever, Temperature, Kara.
Thermometer. 2- Patient (n) Syn: Sick
II- Practice Stage Person (Situation)
 Repetition drill Eg : At the Hospital Koffi
- asks students to read example Ss repeat is a patient
written on the board 3- Symptoms (n)
- Asks question on examples Ss answers (Explanation). Eg:
 Substitution drill Symptoms of Aids are:
- asks Ss to complete these Fever, Chronic Caugh,
sentences with the right words. emaciation, vomiting
1- An (doctor, Fever, ambulance) etc…..
takes Ali to the Hospital for 4- Pain (n) (Situation)
treatment. Eg: I felt a pain when I
2- I felt a (…… pain) when my broke my leg.
leg was broken. A Stomachache (n)
3- I take my …….. and it is up to Ambulance (Situation). Eg: I have a
37°c Stomachache
III-Production Stage A Fever (n) (Situation)
Asks Ss to make their own Eg: I have Fever
sentences A Temperature (n)
(Cognate). Eg: The
doctor takes my
temperature with a
Ss make sentences thermometer.
Ss own model sentences
Activity II I- Presentation Stage
Grammar: The - Presents 02 sentences containing Ss read
formation or the the structure and ask students to
use of Regular read. Ss Answers
adverbs. - Asks question
1- Yawa works slowly
2- Abalo runs quickly
Q1- How does Yawa work? Slowly
Q2 – How does Abalo? Quickly
II- Practice Stage
 Repetition drill
- Present new sentences and asks Ss read
Ss to read.
1- My father work Slowly
2- Hare runs quickly. Teacher
Asks students to underline Slowly Ss underline Students
and quickly
- Ask what are the adjectives Slow and quick
coming from them Adverbs
- What is slowly and quickly? Adj + ly
- How are formed?
- Asks to replace Slowly in the
first sentences by an adverbs
coming from the adjective “bad” Ss replace (badly)
III- Production Stage
- Asks Ss to make their own
sentences with Regular adverbs. Ss make sentences Ss own model sentences
Evaluation - Asks Ss to practice in pairs Ss Practice Homework
vocabulary word taught 1- He likes listen to the
- Complete the following sentence teaches (careful)
with Regular adverbs.
1-He likes listening to the teacher 2- He answers him
(careful) (Kind)
2- He answers him (Kind)
Remedial work Correct Ss mistakes of possible Students take note
and makes comment on it Find 6 other Regular
Homework - Asks Ss to find 6 other Regular adverbs among the other
adverbs at home make sentences. and make sentences.

Warm down Strike a song and take and takes Sing


Card n°: Date:

School: Tidonte JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G T=
Theme3: Man and his Health Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 5 At the Drugstore Sequence1:
Teaching Aids: Realia, Picture, demonstration.
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize - Words and expressions related to the drugstore.
- Adverb of frequency
- Words and expressions related to drugstore a duty
Use - Words and expressions related to selling and bugging activities on the drugstore.
- Adverbs of frequencies: twice a day, three times a day; during, after …
Exchange - Exchange orally in a dialogue ideas and expressions between a patient and the
Competence: Handle orally a language structure in a communicative situation by using simple
Learning situation: You are in the classroom at CEG Tomdè. The teacher asks Ali to find out from
the following list of words these related to the drugstore but he cannot. You are asked to help him find
out the appropriate words. Do the work in pairs. List: Medicine, tablet, rice, pill, drug, pharmacist,
antibiotic, syrop, cassava.
Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks absence - Answer to the
3- Date - Says and writes Roll check Date Students
4-Warm up - Strike a Song - Repeat and write
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary - Present new words and Ss repeat. 1- A Pharmacist (n)
1- Pharmacist ask student to repeat Eg: A Pharmacist words at the
2- drugstore 1- A pharmacist (n) pharmacy
3- Pill 2- A drugstore (n)Syn 2- A drugstore (n) Syn
4- drugs Pharmacy Pharmacy.
5- Prescription 3- A pill (n) Syn Tablet Eg: “Santé Plus” is a drugstore.
6- to serve 4- Drugs(n) 3- A pill (n) Syn Tablet.
7- to be on duty Categorizing. Eg: Paracetamol is a pill.
5- A prescription (n) 4- Drugs (n)
Realia Eg: Paracetamol, mixagrip,
6- to serve (n) syn to give. syrop are drugs.
7- to be on duty = être de 5- A prescription (n) to
garde prescribe
*Asks Ss questions Eg: The doctor gives me a
1- “What is Santé plus”? prescription to go to buy drugs
2- Where does the at the drugstore.
Pharmacist work? Who 6- To Serve (v)
works at the Pharmacy. Eg; The Pharmacist serves me
3- What is Paracetamol? drugs at the drugstore.
4- What are mixagrip, 7- to be on duty = être de garde
paracetamol and Syrop? Eg: “Pharmacie LAFIA’’ is a
5- What does the doctor duty this week.
give to go the drugstore to
6- What does the Teacher
Pharmacist do to me at
the drugstore?
7- Which Pharmacy is on Students
duty this week?
II- Practice Stage
Asks Ss to make sentence Realia
with these jumbled words.
1- Sister-my-is- My Sister is a
pharmacist-a-At- pharmacist at “Santé
drugstore-“Santé Plus”. Plus” drugstore.
2- APC+, -drugs-and- APC+ and Nivaquine
Nivaquine-are. are drugs
3- LAFIA-is-drugstore-on MAFIA-is-drugstore-
duty-week-this. on duty-week-this.
III-Production Stage
Ask Ss to make their own Make sentences Ss best sentences
Activity II I- Presentation Stage
Grammar: * Present sentences and Ss read
The use of: asks Ss to read.
twice a day: 1- The patient takes drugs
Three times a twice a day after meals. Teacher
day; during, 2- Koffi drinks medicine
after. three times a days during
his treatment.
* Asks questions
1- How does the patient Twice a day
take drugs?
2- When does he take After the meal. Student
3- How does Koffi drink Three times a day
4- When does he drink it? During his treatment.
II- Practice Stage
 Repletion drill
- Ask Ss to complete the
sentence with the right
words (twice a day, three
times a day, during and
1- I play football ......… in
the morning and in the
afternoon …… school
2- Kodzo takes drugs........
in the morning, in the
afternoon and in the
evening ……. His
III- Production Stage
Asks Ss to produce their
own sentences with the
new adverbs of frequency Ss produce Ss own good sentences


Evaluation Make sentences with

these jumbled words.
1- I-drugs- three times a I take drugs three
day – take –the – during – times a day during
meal. the meal. Teacher
2- Adzo – his – Pills – Adzo takes his pills
takes – twice a day – meal twice a day after the
– After – the. meal.

Homework Make sentence with Make sentence with twice a Students
Twice a day, drugs, serve day, drugs, serve and during.
and during.

Warm down Ask Ss to Strike a Song Sing

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidonte JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G T=
Theme3: Man and his Health Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 5 At the Drugstore Sequence: 2
Teaching Aids: Realia, Picture, demonstration.
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e.
Capacities Contents
Recognize - Words and expressions related to the drugstore.
- Pharmacist, I am sorry, Syrop, bill, I need, antibiotic.
Use - Words and expressions related to activities of the drugstore to buy pharmaceutics
- The grammatical structure «Superlative from of long and short Adjectives. »

Exchange - Orally in a dialogue expressions between a patient and a pharmacist.

Competence: Handle orally in a dialogue ideas and expression in a communicative situation by using
simple language.
Learning situation: Koffi arrives late at school. The teacher asks him the reason why he is late. He
lacks words related to the drugstore to narrate what happened to him when he was sent to the

Basing on the following jumbled words help him to narrate the story.

1- The/hadn’t/Pharmacist/Syrop/Appropriate/The.

2- To/another/drugstore/go/.

Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks absence - Answer to the board
3- Date - Says and writes Roll check Date Students
4-Warm up - Strike a tune - Repeat and write
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary - Presents news Vocabulary Listen and repeat 1- A Syrop (n) definition: It is a
1- Syrop words and asks Ss to pharmaceutical drug made in a
2- Bill repeat. liquid. Eg: I bought Syrop to
3- Antibiotic - Asks questions: Answers questions heal my illness.
4- I need 1- What did I bought to 2- Antibiotic (n) défi: It is a
5- I am Sorry heal my illness? pharmaceutical drug that can
2- What is Antibiotic? destroy Bacteria (Growth)
3- What did the pharmacist 3- A bill (n) Syn in voice. Eg:
give me when I bought the pharmacist gives me drugs.
drugs? 4- To need (v) Syn to want. Eg:
4- How do I feel when I I need your help.
disturb him? 5- To be Sorry (v)
II- Practice Stage Eg: I am Sorry to disturb you.
 Repetition drill
Present some sentences and
ask Ss to repeat. I need to
buy drugs as: Ss repeat
Syrop and antibiotic
 Substitution drill
Make sentences with the Make sentences
jumbled words:
1- I – Syrop –twice – a day
– drink
2- Antibiotic – bacteria –
3- Bill – I – receive- from –
the pharmacist.
III- Production Stage
Asks Ss to make their own Make sentences. Ss own example sentences
Activity II I- Presentation Stage II- Grammar: The Superlative
Grammar: The - Presents the Superlative Listen and repeat of “Long and shorts Adjectives”
superlative of of some Long and shorts sentences.
Long and short Adjective and asks Ss to 1- Yao is good at English but
Adjective repeat. Koffi is the best of the class.
- Asks questions Answer questions 2- Malaria is a bad disease but
1- How are Yao and Koffi COVID-19 is the worst.
at English? 3- Koffi is lazy but Ama is the
II- Practice Stage Laziest of the class.
 Repetition drill 4- Afi is beautiful but princess
Presents some sentences, Listen and repeat is the most beautiful of the
ask Ss to repeat. class.
 Substitution drill RULE
Give the Superlative of Give the Shots Adjective + est
Adjective in parentheses: Superlative The + most Long Adjective
1- Tortoise is clever but
Hare is the (clever) of Exceptions: Good→ the best
animals. Bag → the worst
2- She is the (intelligent) of
the class.
III- Production Stage
Asks students to produce Produce sentences Ss own good examples.
their own sentence using
the Superlative of some
Activity III Presents a dialogue and Repeat and Roll Dialogue
Dialogue Asks Ss to repeat and Roll Play Patient: Morning sir, I would
play. like to buy some drugs.
Pharmacist: Morning, the,
prescription please!
Patient: Here it is!
Pharmacist: Here is the bill

Evaluation Make sentences with to be Make sentences Homework
sorry, I need a bill. Give the Superlative of the
1- Laré is beautiful but
Homework Write the homework on the Copy the Yendowoam is the ……... of
board homework the class.
2- Afi is fat. She is the …. Girl
Warm down Asks Ss to Strike a Song Sing of our class.
Card n°: Date:
School: Tidonte JSS Duration: 55’
Class: Form II Class size: B G T=
Theme3: Man and his Health Teacher: ABA
Lesson: 5 At the Drugstore Sequence: 3
Teaching Aids: Realia, Picture, demonstration.
References: Manuel de l’élève 5e Longman dictionary, programme éducatif 5e
Guide d’exécution 5e
Capacities Contents
Recognize - Words and expressions related to the drugstore.
- Pharmacist, I am sorry, Syrop, bill, I need, antibiotic.
Use - Words and expressions related to activities of the drugstore to buy pharmaceutics
- The grammatical structure «Superlative from of long and short Adjectives. »

Exchange - Orally in a dialogue expressions between a patient and a pharmacist.

Stages/ Timing Teacher’ role Students’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- Greeting - Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
2- Roll-check - Checks Roll/ Absence - Answer to the
3- Date - Says and writes Roll check Date Students
4-Warm up - Strike a Song - Repeat and write
- Sing
Activity I I- Presentation Stage I- Vocabulary
Vocabulary - Presents words and asks Ss Ss repeat 1- X-ray (n) (radiographie)
X-ray, Surgery to repeat Eg : I take am x-ray from the
injection. 1- X-ray (Explanation) doctor when I broke my leg.
2- Surgery (n) (Explantation) 2- A Surgery (n) (Operation Injection
3- Injection (n) place)
(Demonstration). Eg: when I take an x-ray for my The
broken leg, the doctor told me Surgeons
II- Practice Stage to undergo leg Surgery doctor
 Repetition drill 3- An Injection (n) (to Inject). operates a
- makes sample sentences Ss repeat Eg: I got an injection on my leg patient at
and asks Ss to repeat when I was sick. the
 Substitution Stage
- Asks Ss to fill the gaps with Ss fill the gaps Teacher
Correct words.
1- I got an ……... when I Injection, Students
was ill. Surgery, Hospital
2- The doctor asks me to take Clinic, medicine,
a leg ……… to see of it is x-ray
3- The doctor told the patient Patient, disease,
to undergo ………… Surgery.
III- Production Stage
- Asks Ss to make their own Ss make
sentences using the new sentences Ss own good sentences
words taught.
Activity II I- Presentation Stage II- Grammar:
Grammar: The - Presents sentences 1- Messi is a good football
use of irregular containing the new structure Ss repeat player.
Adverbs read and asks Ss to repeat. →He play football well.
1- Messi Play good football
→He Play football well 2- Lion runs very fast to catch
2- Lion run very fast to catch Hare
Hare →He runs fast.
3- Yao is good player
→ He plays ………..
4- I have much money Ss complete with
→ My money is irregular adverbs.
5- Kodzo is a fast runner
→ He runs………............
III- Production Stage
- Asks Ss to make their own Make sentences Ss own good sentences
sentences with irregular
adverbs taught.
Evaluation - Asks Ss to make sentences Complete with the right word.
with x-ray, injection 1- Koffi has much money
- Asks Ss to choose the Choose the → His money is (money, much,
correct words correct words muches).
1- Abalo Speaks good 2- Hare is a fast runner
English. → He runs (faster, fest, fastest)
→He Speaks English (good, 3- He is a good drawer
goodly, well). → He draws (goodly, gooder,
2- Afi likes PT, she runs well
(fastly, fastest, fast).

Homework Give homework Write down

Warm down Strike a song, recall next Sing.

session and leave.
Card n°: Date:

School: Tidonte JSS Duration: 55’

Class: Form II Class size: B G

Teacher: ABA Sequence: 1


Lesson: man and his environment

Teaching aids: pictiure; drawing; realia; flashcard.

References: Programme éducatif 5è; guide d’éxecution 5è; EFSA SB Oxford dictionary.

Capacities Contents
Recognise Words and expressions related to man and his
environment: soil; climate; desert;
Use Modal verbs: “Must/Musn’t” to express an
Exchange Oral information about the importance of
Competence: handle orally a language structure in a communicative situation by using simple

Learning situation: After a cours on some elements of the environment, the teacher asks yao to give
two element of the environment but he can’t. you, as his classmates help yao by giving the two
elements and after, make a sentence with each of the word.

Do the work in pairs.

Teaching strategies: 3PS; individual; pairs; group work.


A/ Pre-activities


Greeting Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
Roll check Checks presence Answer the roll
check Students

Date Asks Ss to say & Say and write date board


Warm up Gives a tune sing


Activity I Presentation stage Listen and An

VOCABULARY Presents words and asks Ss to repeat environment:
repeat. (n) cognate
Practice stage: Eg: human
Repetition drill being, trees
Presents some sentences and asks animals are in
Ss to read. the
Asks comprehension questions. Look and read environment.
1-where are animals, trees…? A soil: (n) syn
2-what is weted after the rain? land
3-what is salty in lomé? Eg: the soil is
4- what is cold in the morning in Answer weted after the
January? rain.
5- what do we have in sahara? A sea: (n) expl
Substitution drill Eg: the sea
Complete with the correct Complete water in lomé is
answer: salty.
1-trees and animals are in the A climate: (n)
(car; environment). transl.
2-sahara is a (house; desert). Eg: in January,
3-cuting trees cause a the climate in
(desertification; rain). the morning is
A desert: (n)
Eg: we have
desert at
(n) cog.

Production stage:
Asks Ss to produce their own produce Ss model
sentences. sentences

Activity I Presentation stage Grammar: the

GRAMMAR: Repetition drill use of “must
the use of: “ Presents the new structure in the Ss read and musn’t”.
must and situational context and asks Ss to SENTENCES
musn’t or must read. 1-people must
not” Asks questions: Answer plant trees to
1-what must people do to protect protect the
the environment? environment.
2-what musn’t I do? People have to
Substitution drill plant trees to
Make sentences basing on the Make protect the
chart. sentences environment.
I must Plant trees 2- I musn’t cut
You Must Protect the trees.
not environment I must not cut
He/ Have Come to trees.
She to school late RULE:
They Musn’t steal must/musn’t +
V- to.

Production stage Make

Asks Ss to make sentences sentences Ss model

Activity III Presents a word and ask Ss to Play Word: climate

GAME: the last form a word with the last letter of
letter chain his word and so on and so ford.


Evaluation Asks questions Answer Homework

about the Order these scrambled
sequence: words to have correct
1-give some sentences:
vocabulary 1-must/student/trees/We/
words studied take care of.
today. 2-Students/work/hard/have
2-give the to.
grammar point 3-must not/cheat/I.
studied today
and its rule.

Remadial work Makes Listen and take

comments on note
the recurrent

Homework Writes the Copy

homework on
the board
Warm down Strikes a tune sing
School : Card
Teacher : Mr ABA
Duration :55min
Class : 5è Date :
Theme 4 : The environment Class
size :
Lesson10 : Pollution
Sequence : 1
References : programme 5è, guide d’exécution, manuel de l’élève, Oxford dictionary.
Teachingaids : Realia, flashcards, notebooks, students, teacher
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expressions related to pollution.
Construct Simple sentences using structures related to
Exchange The point of view of bad effect of pollution

Competence : Manipulate words and expressions to master communication related to

Learning situation :During the breackfast, one of your classmate drinks pure water and puts
the plastic on the ground. You see him and would like to advise him and sensitize the other
students of your class on the pollution of the environment but you lack words and
expressions. Use the following words and expressions to make yourself understood.
- I would adviseyou to…………
- It is advisable to……………..
- I would advise you not to…………….
Do the work in pairs
Stages Teacher’srole Learner’srole Note on the board Material
Greeting, -greets the students Answer ,repeat Date Blackboard
presence, -checks the presence the date, sing
date, -says and write the
warm up date
Gives a song

I Presentation Listen Pollution: (explanation) Blackboard,
Vocabulary stage : The carefully and It is the contamination of notebooks
teacher presents repeat environment or
the new items atmosphere by bad
Practice stage : substances.
the teacher asks observe ,repe Water pollution :
students to repeat at and take (demonstration)
model sentences note Green house :
individually and (demonstration)
in chorus Effect :(explanation)
Production Rubbish (demonstration)
stage : invites give model
students to make sentences
their own
II-Grammar Presentation Listen ,follow 1- The teacher would
stage : the advise you to
teacher gives the protect the
new structures Do the work environment
and explain individually 2- I would advise
Presentation you not to polluate
stage : complete the classroom
the following Give their 3- I would advise
sentences. sentences you to collect
1-I would advise plastics on the
you to………… ground
2-My father
would advise me
stage : asks
students to make
sentences using
would advise
iii reading Gives the Listen and Duestions
comprehensio reading topic, answer 1) Where did Sikiru
n make a go ?
joke ,gives 2) Sikiruis the boss
vocabulary of Mr Buhari. T/F
words, puts pre 3) They drove down
and post a tarred earth road
questions to a small village.
4) Who walked
across the market-
place to greet
them ?

Evaluation Gives an Do the exercise
Homework Writes the Copy in Make two sentences
homework theirexercise giving advise to
exercise on the books protect the
board environment
Warm down Strikes a song or Follow and
a story sings
School: Card
Teacher: Mr ABA
Theme 4: The environment Date
Lesson 10: Pollution Class
Sequence : 2
References : Programme 5è, Guide d’exécution, manuel de l’élève, Oxford dictionary
Teaching aids: Realia, flashcards, note book, students, and teacher
capacities Contents
Recognize -Words and expressions related to pollution : sanitation, noise, bad
smell, plastic product, sanitary conditions, vehicular,
Use -The grammatical structures to express the advice on pollution. It is
advisable to…………
Make sentences Simple sentences to avoid pollution ; I will not throw rubbish in
drinking water
Discuss On the disadvantages of the pollution

Competence: manipulate words and expressions to master communication related to the

Learning situation: At CEG ENS, the teacher wants to teach the lesson on pollution. He writes
on the blackboard the list of words and expressions. He asks you to select words that are
related to pollution
List: effect, plastic product, pen, noise, rubbish, bad smell.
Do the work individually
Stages Teacher’srole Students’ role Note on the board Material

-Greeting Greets students, Answer ,repea Date Blackboard
-Roll call checks the presence, t the date ,
-Date says and writes the sing
-Warm up date, gives a song

I- Presentation stage : Repeat Sanitation :
Vocabular the teacher presents individually, (explanation) =
y the new items rows and in assainissement
Practice stage : Use chorus Noise :
words and (demonstration)
expressions to make Listen, observe, Bad smell :
sentences. Kodjo repeat and take (demonstration)
takes rubbish to the note Plastic product :
dump. (realia)
Production stage : Give original Sanitory conditions :
Invites students to sentences (explanation)
make their own
sentences using the
new words
II- Presentation stage : Listen 1- I would advise
Grammar explains how to give you to clean
advise to prevent your house Blackboard
pollution with Repeat 2- It is advisable
grammatical individually to keep clean
sentences and in chorus your house.
Practice stage : makes 3- I would advise
sentences you to sweep
Production stage : let Do the work your room
students make every morning
sentences with the 4- It is advisable
expressions thaught not to throw
on their own the plastic
around you.
5- We will not
throw dirt
III- Asks students to Discuss in The pollution gives
Discussion discuss the group and sickness,
disadvantages of present in the contamination, rapid
pollution class spread of diseases
Evaluation Read the Practice the
following words vocabulary
to make Blackboard
sentences : -
Homework Writes the Copy the What is
homework homework in pollution ?
exercise on the their exercise
blackboard books
Warm up Strikes a song, Sing
recall next
session and
takes leave.
Card n°: Date:

School: Tidonte JSS Duration: 55’

Class: Form II Class size: B G

Teacher: ABA Sequence: 1


Lesson11: Preserving our forest

Teaching aids: pictiure; drawing; realia; flashcard.

References: Programme éducatif 5è; guide d’éxecution 5è; EFSA SB Oxford dictionary.

Capacities Contents
Recognise Words and expressions related to preserving:
nature; natural resources; mineral resources;
sensitization campaign; to protect; to preserve;
to avoid; to sensitize…
Use The grammar structure: “It is no good”.
Make Sentences using the grammar structure to
express ideas related to preserving the forest.
Competence: handle orally a language structure in a communicative situation by using simple

Learning situation: you are in the classroom, the teacher asks one of your classmates to find out
from the following list of words those related to the preservation of forest, but he is not capable to.
The teacher asks you to help him by finding the appropriate words and make sentences telling how
to preserve a forest.

List: cut; to preserve; to plant trees; not to destroy; make fire; market; desk
Do the work in pairs.

Teaching strategies: 3PS; individual; pairs; group work.


A/ Pre-activities


Greeting Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
Roll check Checks presence Answer the roll
check Students

Date Asks Ss to say & Say and write date board


Warm up Gives a tune sing


Activity I Presentation Listen and repeat A nature: (n)

VOCABULARY stage cognate
Presents words Mineral
and asks Ss to resources: (n)
repeat. Look and read examples
Practice stage: Eg: marbre; iron;
Repetition drill phosphate are
Presents some mineral
sentences and Answer resources.
asks Ss to read. Natural
Asks resources: (n)
comprehension expl
questions. Complete Eg: mountains;
1-what is marbre; trees; forests…are
iron; hosphate…? natural resources.
2-what is To plant trees: (v)
mountains and demonstration
tress? Eg: every first of
3-what do people June people plant
do every first of trees.
june? A tree nursery:
4- what does koffi (n) translation:
make? pépinière.
5- what does Eg: Koffi makes
government do? makes a large
Substitution drill tree nursery.
Complete with To sensitize: (V)
the correct explanation.
answer: Eg: government
1-trees and sensitize people
mountains are on the
(mineral importance of
resources; natural trees.
resources). A sensitization
2-government campaign:
(plant; sensitize) explanation
people on the Eg: During
importance of elections
tress. government make
a sensitization
campaign on non-
Production stage:
Asks Ss to
produce their produce Ss model
own sentences. sentences

Activity I Presentation Grammar: the

GRAMMAR: the stage use “it is no
use of: “ it is no Repetition drill Ss read good”.
good” Presents the new SENTENCES
structure in the 1-it is no good
situational cutting trees.
context and asks 2- it is no good
Ss to read. coming to school
Asks questions: late.
1-what is no good Answer RULE: it is no
doing? good+V+ING
Practice stage
Asks Ss to repeat
these sentences
1-it is no good repeat
2-it is no good
insulting people
Asks Ss to put the
verbs into the
parentheses into
the correct form.
1-it is no good (to
talk) in the Put into the
classroom. correct form
2-it is no good (to
play) on the road.
Production stage Ss model
Asks Ss to make Make sentences sentences
Activity III Presents the text read TEXT: preserving
READING ALOUD to Ss . our forest (P34).

Evaluation Asks questions Answer HOMEWORK:
about the Use these words
sequence: to make
1-give some sentences using
vocabulary words “it is no good”
studied today. Words: to phone
2-give the him today; to
grammar point destroy the
studied today and environment; to
its rule. throw plastics on
the school
Makes comments compound.
Remadial work on the recurrent Listen and take
mistakes. note

Homework Writes the Copy

homework on the

Warm down Strikes a tune sing

Card n°: Date:

School: Tidonte JSS Duration: 55’

Class: Form II Class size: B G

Teacher: ABA Sequence: 2


Lesson11: Preserving our forest

Teaching aids: pictiure; drawing; realia; flashcard.

References: Programme éducatif 5è; guide d’éxecution 5è; EFSA SB Oxford dictionary.

Capacities Contents
Recognise Words and expressions related to preservation
of the forest: to protect; to preserve;
Use The grammar structure related to the
preservation of the forest.
Exchange On factors and the inconvenience of the
destruction of the forest.
Competence: handle orally a language structure in a communicative situation by using simple

Learning situation: your teacher asks one of your classmates to write a paragraph on the
preservation of the forest using these phrases but he can’t. Write a paragraph with the following
jumbled sentences.
Jumbled sentences: not to cut trees/must protects the forest/not set fire to the forest/to plant
trees/sensitize the population on the importance of forests.

Do the work in pairs.

Teaching strategies: 3PS; individual; pairs; group work.


A/ Pre-activities


Greeting Greets students Answer greeting Teacher
Roll check Checks presence Answer the roll
check Students

Date Asks Ss to say & Say and write date board


Warm up Gives a tune sing


Activity I Presentation Listen and To protect: (v) a

VOCABULARY stage repeat protection: expl
Presents words Eg: koffi protects his tree
and asks Ss to with stones.
repeat. To preserve: (v) cognate
Practice stage: Look and read Eg: government
Repetition drill preserves children
Presents some against poliomyelitis.
sentences and To avoid: (v) demonst
asks Ss to read. Answer Eg: people must avoid
Asks cutting trees to protect
comprehension our environment.
questions. Not to destroy: (v)
1-what does koffi Complete demonstration
do to his trees? Eg: people should not
2-what does destroy forests.
government do?
3-what must
people do to
protect our Ss model sentences
4- what should
people not do to
5- what does
government do?
Substitution drill
Order these
scrambled words
to have
the population/

Production stage:
Asks Ss to Produce
produce their
own sentences.
Activity II Presents the topic Topic: tell how to
WRITING on the board and preserve the forest.
asks Ss to make Ss make correct
correct and full and full SEMANTIC MAP
sentences using sentences Mustn’t cut trees
the the semantic Avoid bush fire
map on the
board. Preserve
Sensitize the population
on the importance of
fire; not destroy forests

Topic correction
To protect the forest; we
must avoid bush fire;
mustn’t cut trees; we
must not destroy forests;
we must plant trees,
sensitize the population
on the importance of

Activity III Presents the text read TEXT: preserving our

READ AND to Ss . forest (P34).
LOOH UP Forest need to be
preserved because/ they
provide us with/ very
many things needed in
life./ We get plenty of
timber from the forests./
From the timber/, we
make tables, chairs,
beds /and other

Evaluation Asks questions Answer HOMEWORK:
about the Give at least
sequence: three importance
1-give some of trees.
vocabulary words
studied today.
2-asks to recall
how to protect

Remedial work Makes comments Listen and take

on the recurrent note

Homework Writes the Copy

homework on the

Warm down Strikes a tune sing

Card n°: Date:
Teacher: Mr ABA Class Size: B G
School: Duration: 55min
Class: Form II Sequence: 1
Theme 5: Traditional Ceremonies
Lesson 13: Yam festival
Teaching aids: realia, notebooks, students, teacher, and blackboard
References: Programmme éducatif 5e, guide d’execution 5e, oxford dictionary
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expressions related to dance and
traditional ceremonies: crops, yam, feast,
yam festival, drink, food, pounded yam.
Use Simple past tense in simple sentences.
Write The names of different dances and
ceremonies: agbadja, gagalo, kamou,
akpèssè, bobobo …
The names of differents traditional music
instruments: atoupani, cora, flûte,castagnète,
drums gong ….

Competence 2: Handle situations that related to the understanding of written text by means of
simple language.
Learning situation: Back from the yam festival (dipontre) at bassar, kondi wants to recount to
his friends what exited feast it was. He lacks appropriate words to express himself. Help him
from the list of words below to find the useful ones. Do it in pairs.
List: chair, pounded yam, kamou, teacher, feast, red chalk, yam festival.
Teaching strategies: Use of 3ps, individual, per row, in chorus.

Timing/Stage Teacher’s role Learners’ role Note on board Teaching
-Greeting -Greets the students -Answer the
(1min) greeting
-Check the -Give the
-Roll presence absentees’ names
call/Check Teacher
(3min) Students
-Date -Says and write the -Repeat and write Date
date the date
-Warm up -Gives a tune -Sing
Activity 1 I- Presentation stage
Vocabulary -Presents the new
(15min) words and -Listen carefully and Vocabulary
expressions in a repeat individually, 1-Crops(n): (syn) Teacher
context using the per row and in harvest
appropriate teaching chorus Eg: The farmers
strategies have lots of crops Students
this year.
2-Yam(n): (realia)
Eg: my mother Realia
makes koliko with
-Pounded yam Black board
stce): fufu is Copy books
pounded yam.
3-Feast (n): Eg:
Christmas is a
4-yam festival
(exp): (image)
Eg: Dipontri is
bassarians’ yam
5-To drink (v):
Eg: When I am
thirsty I drink
some water.
II- Practice stage:
-Repetition drill:
Makes sentences Listen carefully and
containing the new repeat the
words and sentences, if
expressions and asks possible choose the
students to repeat correct word
1-Sikiru was invited
for the yam festival.
2-During the feast,
we eat pounded
-Completion drill
Makes sentences
with proposals to
1-Maize, rice, beans,
is (crops, books,
2-We grow (yam,
chicken, and pen) in
the farm.
III-Production stage:
Asks students to Students best
make their own Make their own sentences
sentences sentences
Activity 2 I-Presentation stage
Grammar: -Presents a situation Follow carefully Grammar
The use of the containing the new The use of simple Teacher
simple past structure in a past tense
tense (15min) context: 1-I played drums. Students
When I was a child, 2-My uncle
my mother cooked played atoupani Black board
lots of meats and we with sticks.
drank coca cola 3-Moustafa was a Copy books
during the eater driver.
feast. NB: We add “ed”
-Asks questions to at the end of
1- When did my Answer the regular verbs and
mother cook meats questions irregulars’ ones
for us? must be learnt.
2-Give the verbs of
the sentence.
3-What are the
infinitive forms of the
4-In which tense are
II-Practice stage
-Repetition drill
Makes sentences and
containing the new Students listen
structure and ask carefully and repeat
students to repeat
1-Sikiru and Bola
went to the village
last Saturday.
2-You was in Form I
last year.
-Substitution drill
Makes sentences and
asked students to put Listen and put the
into simple past sentences into
tense simple past tense
1-my mother (cook)
pounded yam.
2-He (drink) much
beer last night.
III-Production stage
Asks students to
make their own Make their own
sentences with the sentences
new structure
Students best
Activity 3 Asks to describe the Describe the
Speaking traditional traditional
(10min) ceremonies of their ceremonies using Teacher
village using the such names of
names of different different dances
dances and and ceremonies. Students
ceremonies: And names of
agbadja, gagalo, different traditional
kamou, akpèssè, music instruments
bobobo …
And names of
different traditional
music instruments:
atoupani, cora,
drums gong ….
Evaluation Asks students to Make sentences
(5min) make sentences Teacher
with the new
vocabulary words Students
and the new
grammar structure Exercise
Remedial Makes comments Take into account
work on the current the comments of
mistakes the teacher

Homework Puts the homework Take note in their Homework:

on the board exercise books Put into simple
past tense the
verbs in
1-Obi (have)
new car last
2-She (sell)
yam at the
3-My mother
something for
Warm down Asks students to Sing
(3min) sing and
Card n°: Date:
Teacher: Mr ABA Class Size: B
School: Duration: 55min
Class: Form II Sequence: 2
Theme 5: Traditional Ceremonies
Lesson 13: Yam festival
Teaching aids: realia, notebooks, students, teacher, and blackboard
References: Programmme éducatif 5e, guide d’execution 5e, oxford dictionary
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expressions that are related to dance
and traditional ceremonies: food, libation,
custom, to dance, drum, to kill, animals,
traditional priest
Use Exclamative sentences with: How, What a/an,
What , Such a/an, and So
Build A simple text related to traditional ceremonies

Competence 2: Handle situations that related to the understanding of written text by means of
simple language.
Learning situation: In the classroom, Yovo was so willing to talk about the last year yam
festival (Odonstou) to the teacher. He can’t. Help him complete the unfinished sentences.
With: How, What a/an, What. Do it in pairs.
1-……delicious this food is!
2-…….an exciting dance!
3-…….lucky those men are!
Teaching strategies: Use of 3ps, individual, per row, in chorus.

Timing/Stage Teacher’s role Learners’ role Note on board Teaching
-Greeting -Greets the students -Answer the
(1min) greeting
-Check the -Give the
-Roll presence absentees’ names
call/Check Teacher
(3min) Students
-Date -Says and write the -Repeat and write Date
date the date

-Warm up -Gives a tune -Sing

Activity 1 I- Presentation stage
Vocabulary -Presents the new
(15min) words and -Listen carefully and Vocabulary
expressions in a repeat individually, 1-food(n) (def): Teacher
context using the per row and in something that we
appropriate teaching chorus eat
strategies Eg: Akplé, rice, Students
pounded yam are
2- libation(n) Realia
(dem) :
Eg: Before the
feast, Kougbinkin Black board
makes the
libation. Copy books
3-traditional priest
(exp) (trans fr): le
Eg: The
traditional priest
makes libation
with sodabi.
4-drum (n)
Eg: My
grandfather has a
5- Animals (n pl)
II- Practice stage:
sentence): chicken,
-Repetition drill:
Makes sentences Listen carefully and
dog cat, lion,
containing the new repeat the monkey are all
words and sentences, if possible animals.
expressions and asks choose the correct -to kill (v-ed)
students to repeat word (dem):
Eg: Eg: The hunter
1-They played rums kills animals.
to make people 5-custom (n) (syn):
dance agbadja. practice, usage
2-During the feast, Eg: Our customs
my father kills a require giving
goat. baby’s name on
-Completion drill the eighth day.
Makes sentences -to dance (v-ed)
with proposals to (picture)
students Eg during the yam
Eg: festival in bassar,
1-We (eat, play) men danced on the
food. fire.
2-The traditional
priest makes
sacrifice with
III-Production stage:
Asks students to Make their own Students best
make their own sentences sentences
Activity 2 I-Presentation stage
Grammar: -Presents a situation Follow carefully Grammar
Exclamative containing the new Exclamative Teacher
sentences structure in a sentences with:
with: How, context: How, What a/an, Students
What a/an, My friend is too kind. What and So
What and So When my father met 1-What a beautiful Black board
(15min) him, he said: what a drum!
kind boy! 2-What bumpy Copy books
-Asks questions to Answer the roads!
1-How is my friend? questions 3-How strange she
2-What did my is!
father say when he NB: We use
meet him. -How+adj+s+V+!
3-What is the form -What
of the sentence: a/an+adj+sing noun!
what a kind boy! -What+adj+pl noun!
II-Practice stage
-Repetition drill
Makes sentences
and containing the
new structure and
ask students to Students listen
repeat carefully and repeat
1-How clever this
man was!
2-What an intelligent
-Completion drill
Makes sentences Listen and put the
and asked students sentences into
to put into simple simple past tense
past tense
1-(What a, What)
lazy students!
2-How, What a) nice
III-Production stage
Asks students to Make their own Students best
make their own sentences sentences
sentences with the
new structure

Activity 3 Asks to build a Build the paragraph TEXT

Writing paragraph using the I went to bassar for
(10min) jumbled sentences. the yam festival. It Teacher
1-It was very was so noisy. People
excited. 2-My were dancing. Some
uncle drank much are playing drums. Students
beer. 3-I went to My uncle drank
bassarfor the yam much beer. At the
festival. 4-People evening, my ante
were dancing. 5-It pounded yam for us.
was so noisy. 6-At It was very excited.
the evening, my
ante pounded yam
for us.
Evaluation Asks students to Make sentences
(5min) make sentences Teacher
with the new
vocabulary words Students
and the new
grammar structure Exercise
Remedial Makes comments Take into account
work on the current the comments of
mistakes the teacher

Homework Puts the homework Take note in their Homework:

on the board exercise books P 49 I n°1, 2

Warm down Asks students to Sing

(3min) sing and

Card n°: Date:
Teacher: Mr ABA Class Size: B G
School: Duration: 55min
Class: Form II Sequence: 3
Theme 5: Traditional Ceremonies
Lesson 13: Yam festival
Teaching aids: realia, notebooks, students, teacher, and blackboard
References: Programmme éducatif 5e, guide d’execution 5e, oxford dictionary
Capacities Contents
Recognize Words and expressions that are related to dance
and traditional ceremonies: sacrifice, meet, to
perform, event, to celebrate, to enjoy oneself
Use Reflexive pronouns
Apply Techniques of writing a simple text:

Competence 2: Handle situations that related to the understanding of written text by means of
simple language.
Learning situation: Your teacher asks Noufo to relate a story. But she can’t. Help her with
these scrambled words. Do it in in group.
1- lion/ One day,/ I /a /saw.
2- and/ a /He/ caches/ eats /it/ zebra.
3- so/it/ horrible! / Was
Teaching strategies: Use of 3ps, individual, per row, in chorus.

Timing/Stage Teacher’s role Learners’ role Note on board Teaching
-Greeting -Greets the students -Answer the
(1min) greeting
-Check the -Give the
-Roll presence absentees’ names
call/Check Teacher
(3min) Students
-Date -Says and write the -Repeat and write Date
date the date

-Warm up -Gives a tune -Sing

Activity 1 I- Presentation
Vocabulary stage
(15min) -Presents the new -Listen carefully Vocabulary
words and and repeat 1-to perform (v-ed)
expressions in a individually, per (antonym) misperform
context using the row and in chorus Eg: the young boy performs
appropriate the dance.
teaching 2-sacrifice (v-ed) (syn): to
strategies offer
Eg: The traditional priest
sacrificed the goat.
3-to meet (v-ed) (def): to
make contact with
Eg: I meet my friend at the
4-event (n) (trans fr): un
Eg: Sikiru went to an event
in the village.
5-to celebrate (v-ed)
Eg: They celebrate yam
festival every year.
6-to enjoy oneself (exp)
(explanatory sentence): I
Myself in cooking.

II- Practice stage: Listen carefully

-Repetition drill: and repeat the
Makes sentences sentences, if
containing the possible choose
new words and the correct word
expressions and
asks students to Students best sentences
meets sikiru at the
bus satation.
2-We celebrate
Christmas on the Make their own
25th December. sentences
Asks students to
make their own
Activity 2 I-Presentation
Grammar: stage Follow carefully Grammar Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive -Presents a 1-Koko makes the homework Teacher
pronouns situation himself.
(15min) containing the 2-The villagers repair the bridge Students
new structure in a themselves.
context: NB: We use reflexive pronouns Black
When we went to to emphasize on the person board
the Ifa priest, he who is making an action.
made the libation Answer the Copy
himself. questions I Pounded Myself books
-Asks questions to You The yam Yourself
1-Where did we He Himself
go? She Herself
2-What did he do? We Ourselves
3-He made the You Yourselves
libation himself. The Temselves
T/F y
II-Practice stage
-Repetition drill
Makes students Students listen
practice the chart carefully and
on the board repeat

Asks students to Make their own
make their own sentences Students best sentences

Activity 3 Asks students to Build the text TEXT

Writing build a text I have a beautiful dog. My
(10min) Basing on the dog’s name is Champion. Teacher
jumbled He is a white with black spot on
sentences. his back and around his eyes.
1- I play a lot with He has a short tail. Champion Students
him. follows me everywhere. He
2- He is a white helps my father at the bush. I
with black spot on play a lot with him. He likes
his back and jumping, running and dark to
around his eyes. the strangers.
3- He is so funny I like him very much. He is so
and an intelligent funny and an intelligent dog.
4- I like him very
5- I have a
beautiful dog. My
dog’s name is
6- He helps my
father at the bush.
7- He has a short
Evaluation Asks students to Make sentences
(5min) make sentences Teacher
with the new
vocabulary words Students
and the new
grammar structure Exercise
Remedial Makes comments Take into account
work on the current the comments of
mistakes the teacher

Homework Puts the homework Take note in their Homework:

on the board exercise books Use the
1-He drives the
2-Fati wears the
3- The farmers
catch the

Warm down Asks students to Sing

(3min) sing and

THEME 5: The traditional ceremonies
LESSON 14: The naming ceremony.
TEACHING AIDS: Students, teacher,
REFERENCES: Manuel de l’élève 5ème, Programme éducatif 5ème, Guide d’exécution 5ème, EFSA
book 5ème.
Recognize -Words and expressions related to the naming ceremony: name, naming
ceremony, baby, parents, relatives.
- Grammar structure to describe passe vents : the use of verb + ing form (start,
stop, begin…)
Construct Simple sentences in past tense using the new words and grammar structure

Competence 2: deal with situations related to the undersdanding of a written text using simple
Learning situation:
Last Saturday there was a naming ceremony in the house of one of your classmates. On Monday
morning the teacher asks her to describe the ceremony. But she lacks words and structures to describe
the ceremony. Help her find out the appropriate words and structures from the list below.
List: name; a book; namimg ceremony; baby; enough; food; parents; headmaster; relatives; prayer;
guest; presents; acestor; clap; speech; kolanut; market.
Teaching strategies: individual work, paire work, the use of 3ps.
Stages/ Teacher’s role Learners’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- -Greets ss -Answer the date Teacher,
Greeting students,
(1mn) greeting blackboa
corrected rd.
2-Roll -Checks the presence. -Answer the roll homework
call(2mn) cherck
- Says and writes the
3- Date date. -Gives a tune. -Repeat and copy
(1mn) the date

4- Warm -leads ss to correct -Sing

up (2mn) homework -Take part in the
5- homework
Correctio correction
n of
k (4mn)
Activity - Presents the new -listen and repeat Vocabulary Teacher,
1:vocabu words in contexts using individually and in students,
lary (the the appropriate strategy chorus. 1-Name (ex) blackboa
use of for each one. Eg: My name is John. rd, copy
3Ps): 15 2-Ceremony (cognate) books.
min - Constructs 2/3 Eg:
sentences with each - Repeat after the 3-Naming ceremony
word and asks students teacher. (explanation) it is a
to repeat. - Make their own ceremony we perform for
a baby on the eighth day
- Asks ss to make sentences. after his birth.
sentences using each of 4-baby (picture)
the new words Eg: my junior brother is
one years old, he is a
5-Parents (explanation)
My father and my mother
are my parents.
Activity - Presents the new -listen and repeat Grammar: the use of verb Teacher,
2: grammar point in the sentence after + ing form. students,
Grammar context and asks the teacher. blackboa
: The use students some questions: 1- the baby starts crying. rd, copy
of verb + 2- Grandfather stops books.
ing form * The baby starts crying.
praying and gives the
(stop/star Q1: what is the baby's name.
t/begin... conjugated verb in the - Answer the
+ vesb + sentence? questions. 3- People starts dancing.
Q2: what is the form of Rule: start/ stop/ begin/
the verb that follows finish/ like...+ ing form.
- repeat the
- Make some repetition repetition drill.
and substitution drills:
- make the
* Grandfater stops substitutions.
praying and give the
baby's name.
* people start dancing. - Construct some
- Asks students to
construct their own
sentences using the
newly grammar point

Actitity - Asks students to open - Take and open Good description of Students,
3: their EFSA reading their reading books. students. teacher,
Speaking books, page 26 form II
(picto EFSA
descripti - Asks students to tell book.
what they can see on the - Descibe orally
on): 10 what they can see on
min pictures.
the pictures.
Evaluatio - Asks students to make - Answer the Homework : Students,
n (5mn) a recall of the new question. teacher,
vocbulary words taught Write the correct form of slates,
and asks them to make the bracketed verbs: blackboa
- sentences with them. 1- The guests start (to rd, copy
Remedial give) presents to the books.
- Makes comment on -take notes of baby's parents.
work students recurent comments
- mistakes. 2- when he was making
Homewo the speech, everybody
rk: 3min -copy the homework stops (to talk).
in their homework
- writevthe homework books. 3- He likes (to make)
on the blackboard. long speeches.
- Warm -sing the song and
down -Strikes a song, recalls say goodbye to the
(2min) next session and takes teacher.

THEME 5: The traditional ceremonies
LESSON 14: The naming ceremony.
TEACHING AIDS: Students, teacher,
REFERENCES: Manuel de l’élève 5ème, Programme éducatif 5ème, Guide d’exécution 5ème, EFSA
book 5ème.
Recognize -Words and expressions related to the naming ceremony: Guests, presents,
speech, kolanut, clap, ancestors.
- Grammar structure to describe past events : the use of "enough"
Read A simple text related to the naming ceremony and understand it.
Competence 2: deal with situations related to the undersdanding of a written text using simple
Learning situation:
Last Saturday there was a naming ceremony in the house of one of your classmates. On Monday
morning the teacher asks her to describe the ceremony. But she lacks words and structures to describe
the ceremony. Help her find out the appropriate words and structures from the list below.
List: name; a book; namimg ceremony; baby; enough; food; parents; headmaster; relatives; prayer;
guest; presents; acestor; clap; speech; kolanut; market.
Teaching strategies: individual work, paire work, the use of 3ps.
Stages/ Teacher’s role Learners’ role Note on the board Teaching
-Greeting -Greets ss -Answer the date Teacher,
(1mn) students,
greeting blackboa
-Roll call corrected rd.
(2mn) -Checks the presence. -Answer the roll homework
-Date - Says and writes the
(1mn) date. -Gives a tune. -Repeat and copy
the date
up (2mn) -leads ss to correct -Sing
- homework -Take part in the
Correctio homework
n of correction
k (4min)
Activity - Presents the new -listen and repeat Vocabulary Teacher,
1: words in contexts using individually and in 1-Relatives (explanation) students,
vocabula the appropriate strategy chorus. members of one's family blackboa
ry (the for each one. rd, copy
use of 2-Speech (derivation) : books.
3Ps): - Constructs 2/3 noun from the verb "to
15min sentences with each - Repeat after the speek"
word and asks students teacher.
to repeat. Eg: The president made a
- Make their own speech to the population
- Asks ss to make sentences. in January.
sentences using each of
the new words 3- Ancestors (syn)
Eg: grandfather pray our
4- Clap (demonstration)
Eg: Students clap for
john because he give a
good answer.
Activity - Presents the new -listen and repeat Grammar: the use of Teacher,
2: grammar point in the sentence after "enough" students,
Grammar context and asks the teacher. blackboa
: The use students some questions: 1-There is enough food rd, copy
of for the guests. books.
"enough" * There is enough food
for the guests. 2-The food was good
: 10 min enough.
* The food was good
enough. Rule: -Enough + noun

Q1: what is the word - - Adjective + enough

Answer the
that follows "enough" in questions.
the first sentence? Is it a
noun or an adjective?
Q2: what is the word tha
precedes "enough" in
the seconde sentence? Is
it a noun or an
- repeat the
- Make some repetition repetition drill.
and substitution drills:
- make the
* The baby is clever substitutions.
* There are enough
people in the market.
- Asks students to - Construct some
construct their own sentences.
sentences using the
newly grammar point

Actitity - Puts some pre-reading Listen to the teacher Pre-reading questions Students,
3: Reding questions on the and meditete on the teacher,
compreh blackboard and read questions 1- Grandfather saw the form II
ension: them for students. Ifa priest. T/ F? EFSA
10 min 2- What will be the book.
- Asks students to open
their EFSA reading - Open their reading baby's name?
books, page 27 and read books, read the text
Post-reading questions
the first paragraph silently and answer
silently and then answer the questions. 3- Must the baby eat salt?
the pre-reading Yes/ No.
- Answer the 4- who is the father of
- Adds two post- reading questions. Rissi?
Evaluatio - Asks students to take - write the words on Homework : Students,
n (3mn) their slates and write: their slates teacher,
speech; ancestors; Rewrite the following slates,
guests. sentences using "enough" blackboa
- - Makes comment on -take notes of in its right place. rd, copy
Remedial students recurent comments books.
work 2 mistakes. 1- My father gave me
min -copy the money yesterday.
- write the homework on homework in their
- the blackboard. homework books. 2- My sister is not old to
Homewo go to school.
rk: 3 min -Strikes a song, recalls -sing the song and
next session and takes say goodbye to the
leave teacher.
- Warm
down (2

THEME 5: The traditional ceremonies
LESSON 14: The naming ceremony.
TEACHING AIDS: Students, teacher,
REFERENCES: Manuel de l’élève 5ème, Programme éducatif 5ème, Guide d’exécution 5ème, EFSA
book 5ème.
Recognize -Words and expressions related to the naming ceremony: guests, present, kolanut,
to perform a ceremony.

Write A simple text related to the naming ceremony.

Competence 2: deal with situations related to the undersdanding of a written text using simple
Learning situation:
Last Saturday there was a naming ceremony in the house of one of your classmates. On Monday
morning the teacher asks her to describe the ceremony. But she lacks words and structures to describe
the ceremony. Help her find out the appropriate words and structures from the list below.
List: name; a book; namimg ceremony; baby; enough; food; parents; headmaster; relatives; prayer;
guest; presents; acestor; clap; speech; kolanut; market.
Teaching strategies: individual work, paire work, the use of 3ps.LESSON ORGANISATION
Stages/ Teacher’s role Learners’ role Note on the board Teaching
1- -Greets ss -Answer the date Teacher,
Greeting students,
(1min) 2- greeting blackboa
Roll call corrected rd.
-Checks the presence. -Answer the roll homework
(2 min) cherck
3- Date - Says and writes the
(1min) date. -Gives a tune. -Repeat and copy
the date
4- Warm
up -Sing
-leads ss to correct
(2min) 5-
homework -Take part in the
n of
k (4min)
Activity - Presents the new -listen and repeat Vocabulary Teacher,
1: words in contexts using individually and in students,
vocabula the appropriate strategy chorus. 1- Guests (explanation): blackboa
ry (the for each one. someone we invite. rd, copy
use of Eg: During my birthday books.
3Ps): 15 - Constructs 2/3
min. sentences with each - Repeat after the anniversary, many guests
word and asks students teacher. came to our house.
to repeat. - Make their own 2- A present (cognate &
- Asks ss to make sentences. syn): a gift.
sentences using each of Eg: During my birthday
the new words anniversary, my friend
bought me a pair of shoes
for present.
3- kolanut (realia)
Eg: Muslims like eating
4- To perform a
Eg: The ifa priest
performs a ceremony to
his légba.
Activity -Puts two pre-listening -listen and think Listening Teacher,
2: questions on the about the possible comprehension. students,
listening blackboard and read intuitive answers. blackboa
compreh them for students. *Pre-listening questions rd, copy
ension. books.
- Asks students listen to 1- Who was the most
(10 min) - Listen to the important person at the
him very carefully.
teacher very ceremony ?
- Reads twice the last carfully.
paragraph of "the 2- He made a very short
naming ceremony", the speech. T/ F?
text of page 27 of form * Post-listening questions
two EFSA book.
3- why did everybody
- Asks students to clap?
- Answer the pre
answer the pre-listening
and post listening 4- Did the guests give
questions. questions. money to the best
- Add two post listening dancers? Yes/ No.
questions that students
answer as well.

Activity - Follow the teacher Writing: (guided writing)

- Puts the topic on the Students,
3: writing blackboard. carefully. teacher,
(guided Topic: Suppose that you exercise
- Reads the topic and - Do the work took part in the naming books.
gives a limit time to individually in their ceremony of your
students to work. exercise books. nephew last Sunday.
Describe the ceremony in
- Goes round to check
from time to time what a good paragraph of five
students are doing. line. These questions can
help you:
- Makes some students
read their essays for - Read aloud their Where did the ceremony
others to listen. works. take place? When did it
take place? Who were
- Puts the best work on invited? Who performed
the blackboard and the ceremony? What was
together with students, the name given to the
they correct the - With the teacher's baby? Did the guests
mistakes in the work. help, correct the
work and take note bring some presents to
in their copy books. the baby? Did you
dance/ drink/ eat? Do
you like this ceremony?
Why/ why not?
-The best essay from a
Evaluatio - Asks students to make - Answer the Homework : Students,
n (2min) a recall of the new question. teacher,
vocbulary words taught. Make a good sentence blackboa
with the following words: rd, copy
- Makes comment on
- students recurent Guests, present, to books.
Remedial mistakes. perform a ceremony.
work (1 -take notes of
- writes the homework
- on the blackboard.
Homewo -copy the homework
rk (3min) -Strikes a song, recalls in their homework
next session and takes books.
leave -sing the song and
- Warm say goodbye to the
down teacher.

TEACHING AIDS: Teacher, students, realia.

REFERENCES: Programme éducatif 5em, Guide d’exécution du programme

de 5em, Manuel de l’élève de 5em, Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionnary.
-Recognize -Words and expressions realated to the cinema : a movie,
an actor, a star, a ticket, a screen.
-Use -Grammar structure “the superlative of long adjective” in
a conversation.
-Read - A simple text related to cinema and answer
comprehension questions on the text.
Competence: handle a situation related to the comprehension of a written text
by using a simple language.
Learning situation: John is a student in CEG Katy. Last Sunday, he went to
cinema with his uncle. When they came back, his sister asked him what they
saw and observed. John is not able to tell it. Based on the list below, help john
by selecting words and expressions related to cinema.
List: a screen, a mango, a film, an actor, a goal, a ticket, a star, a student, a
Do the work in pairs.
Teaching strategies: The use of 3Ps, Individual, pairs.



-Greetings -Greets students. -Answer -Teacheer/

(1min) greetings. Students
-Roll check -Checks the -Answer to the
-Date (1min) absence. roll check.
-Says and writes -Repeat and -Date
the date. write.
-Warm up
(2min) -Strikes a song. -sing
situation(4min - Copies, explains, -Answer the
) and corrects. learning situation.

ACTIVITY 2 I/ Presentation VOCABULARY Teacher/

Vocabulary -Presents the new -listen 1-An actor(n) dem : sami, Students/
3Ps words and carefully Jet lee, papa wovoin… are Board
(15min) expressions in a actors(fem: actress).
context using the 2- A screen(n) trns : un
appropriate teaching écran
strategies. Eg : The screen of this
- Says : a ticket, an -Repeat television is too large.
actor, a movie, a star, 3- A movie(n) syn : a film
a movie. Eg : I like Ibo movie.
II/ Pratice 4- A ticket (n) trns : un
-Repetition drill ticket.
-Makes 2 or 3 -listen Eg : I pay the ticket for the
sentences containing cinema.
the new 5- A star(n) trns : l’acteur
words/expressions. principal
-Asks students to -repeat Eg : Jack is the star of
repeat. titanic.
-Substitution drill
-Gives a sample of -Makes
sentence containing sentences
the new word with a using the cue.
-Asks students to -make their
make their own own
sentences with the sentences.
new words.
Grammar -presents the new -Listen Superlative of long
3Ps structure in a adjectives.
(14min) context. E.g.
-asks students to -answer eg: Lion is the most
repeat sentences. dangerous animal in the
-Asks verification -answer forest.
questions. verifications -Miss Togo is the most
1-underline the questions. beautiful girl in Togo.
adjectives in these
2- Which type of
adjectives are they?
3-To what do we
compare: Lion? Miss
4-What comes before
the adjectives in both
II) PRATICE Exercise
i)Repetition drill -Kodjo is (handsome) boy
-Makes 2 sentences -Repeat in the class.
and asks students to -Range Rover is
repeat them. (expensive) car in the
ii)Substitution drill world.
-Asks students to -Make -Hotel 2 Février is
make sentences with sentences with (attractive) place in Togo.
a cue. a cue.
-Invites students to -make their
make their own own
students. sentences.

ACTIVITY:III -Puts the text on the Reading comprehension

READING board. Text
COMPREHENSION -Asks students to -Read silently This Sunday, Koffi, his
read silently. sister Joice and their
Silent reading+Post
parents went to the cinema.
They watch a wonderful
Nigerian film. The stars of
the movie are Aki and
popo. They are the most
famous actors in
-Puts questions based -answer in Africa.They eat pop-corn
on the texts. their exercise and drink juice also at the
book. cinema.They enjoyed very
much the film.
-Correct the work. -take note 1-The name of the actors
are Koffi and Joice:
2-When did they go to the
3-They eat …… at the
cinema. a) Juice. b) Aki. c)
4- Did they like the film?

EVALUATION -Asks question -Answer to the

(2min) orally questions.

-Makes comments -Listen
on current mistakes. carefully.
-Puts the homework -Copy Put the adjectives into
on the board. correct form.
-WARM DOWN 1-Afi is (intelligent) girl in
(2min) -Strikes a song. -Sing the class.
2-Adjatotoa is (powerful)
man in Togo.

TEACHING AIDS: Teacher, students, realia.

REFERENCES: Programme éducatif 5em, Guide d’exécution du programme

de 5em, Manuel de l’élève de 5em, Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionnary.
-Recognize -Words and expressions realated to the cinema : a cow-
boy, a fight, horrible, newsreel, cartoon.
-Use -Grammar structure “the simple future” in a
-write - A simple text related to the cinema .

Competence: handle a situation related to the comprehension of a written text

by using a simple language.
Teaching strategies: The use of 3Ps, Individual, pairs.


-Greetings -Greets students. -Answer -Teacheer/

(1min) greetings. Students
-Roll check -Checks the -Answer to the
(1min) absence. roll check.
-Date (1min) -Says and writes -Repeat and write. -Date
the date.
-Warm up -Strikes a song. -sing
-Correction of -Corrects the -Take note.
the homework homework.

ACTIVITY 1 I/ Presentation VOCABULARY Teacher/

Vocabulary -Presents the new -listen 1-A cartoon (n): cat: Students/
3Ps words and carefully Tintin, tom and jerry, Board
(15min) expressions in a sangoku… are cartoon.
context using the Eg: my brother like cartoon
appropriate teaching very much.
strategies. 2- a cow-boy (n): trns:
- Says : a ticket, an -Repeat Cowboy
actor, a movie, a star, Eg: I like cowboy film.
a movie. 3- a fight (n) syn: a combat
II/ Pratice Eg: There are fights in
-Repetition drill Agoe every sunday.
-Makes 2 or 3 -listen 4- Horrible (adj) syn:
sentences containing terrible, shocking.
the new Eg: war film are horrible.
words/expressions. 5- A newsreel (n) trns:
-Asks students to -repeat actualité.
repeat. Eg: TV5 is a newsreel
-Substitution drill television.
-Gives a sample of -Makes
sentence containing sentences
the new word with a using the cue.
-Asks students to -make their
make their own own
sentences with the sentences.
new words.
Grammar -presents the new -Listen Future.
3Ps structure in a E.g.
(15min) context. eg: Afi will cook rice
-asks students to -answer tomorrow.
repeat sentences. -My father will buy a car
-Asks verification -answer the next Monday.
questions. verifications
1-underline the verbs questions. NB: S+will/shall+V+O
in these sentences. -The tense indicators are:
2- Which auxiliary is next, the following,
used in both tomorrow…
3- In both sentences,
the action expressed
a) the present b) the
past c) the future.
4-What will be the
rule for the
construction of both
sentences? Exercise: Put into simple
II) PRATICE future.
i)Repetition drill -Repeat -Kodjo (play) football
-Makes 2 sentences tomorrow.
and asks students to -The teacher (punish) the
repeat them. lazy students.
ii)Substitution drill -Make -We (eat) akoumé this
-Asks students to sentences with sunday.
make sentences with a cue.
a cue.
III-PRODUCTION -make their
-Invites students to own
make their own sentences.
ACTIVITY:III -Reads the text for -Listen DICTATION
DICTATION the first time. carefully This Sunday, Koffi, his
(10mn) sister Joice and their parents
-Reads the text for -Listen went to the cinema. They
the second time. carefully watch a wonderful Nigerian
film. The stars of the movie
-Reads slowly sense -copy are Aki and popo. They are
group by sense group the most famous actors in
and asks students to Africa.They eat pop-corn
copy. and drink juice also at the
cinema.They enjoyed very
much the film.

-Correct the work. -take note


EVALUATION -Asks question -Answer to the

(2min) orally questions.

-Makes comments -Listen
on current mistakes. carefully.
-Puts the homework -Copy Put the adjectives into
on the board. correct form.

-WARM DOWN 1-Afi (play) tennis

(2min) -Strikes a song. -Sing tomorrow.
2-King mensah (sing) the
next Sunday.
TEACHING AIDS: Teacher, students, realia.

REFERENCES: Programme éducatif 5em, Guide d’exécution du programme

de 5em, Manuel de l’élève de 5em, Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionnary.

-Recognize -Words and expressions realated to the cinema : a
western, a thriller, a love film, to watch, a soap opera.
- Write -Meaningful sentences related to the cinema .
-Says - Words and expressions related to the Cinema and the
use of simple future.

Competence: handle a situation related to the comprehension of a written text

by using a simple language.
Teaching strategies: The use of 3Ps, Individual, pairs.


-Greetings -Greets students. -Answer -Teacheer/

(1min) greetings. Students
-Roll check -Checks the -Answer to the
(1min) absence. roll check.
-Date (1min) -Says and writes -Repeat and write. -Date
the date.
-Warm up -Strikes a song. -sing
-Correction of -Corrects the -Take note.
the homework homework.


ACTIVITY 1 I/ Presentation VOCABULARY Teacher/

Vocabulary -Presents the new -listen 1-A western (n): Def: a film Students/
3Ps words and carefully dealing with the cowboys vs Board
(15min) expressions in a Indians.
context using the Eg: Django is a western.
appropriate teaching 2- a thriller (n): trns: roman
strategies. policier.
- Says : a ticket, an -Repeat Eg : I will watch a thriller
actor, a movie, a this evening.
star, a movie. 3-a soap opera (n): trns: Un
II/ Pratice feuilleton.
-Repetition drill Eg : Diablo, rubi, femme de
-Makes 2 or 3 -listen sable are soaps opera.
sentences 4- A love film(n): trns: un
containing the new film d’amour
words/expressions. Eg: I like watching love
-Asks students to -repeat film.
repeat. 5-To watch(v): syn: to look
-Substitution drill at, to see.
-Gives a sample of -Makes Eg: I am tired of watching
sentence containing sentences T.V.
the new word with a using the cue.
-Asks students to -make their
make their own own
sentences with the sentences.
new words.
ACTIVITY 2 -Copies jumbled -Follow WRTING: Jumbled
WRITING: sentences on the sentences
JUMBLED board. Re-order these words in
SENTENCES -Explain the -Listen order to have meaningful
(15min) instructions. carefully. sentences.
-Asks students to do -Do the work. 1-Cowboyfilm/this/the
the work. most/exciting/one/was.
-Corrects the work. -take note 2-We/nice/shall/see/love
film/next time.
3-My parents/watch/ will/
tomorrow/ a soap opera.
4- The best/in Togo/actor/
5-Film/horrible/will be/this.

ACTIVITY:III -Reads the dialogue. -listen Dialogue:

SPEAKING carefully. Bola: Hello hajo, my
(10mn) -Asks two or three -perform darling.
students to perform. Hajo: Hello my love.
Bola: Where shall we go
-Asks students to do -read the this evening?
it in rows. dialogue Hajo: I would like to see a
love film.
-deletes nouns in the -perform Bola: Let’s go to cinema
dialogue and asks rex. It’s the best in lome.
students to perform Hajo: ok! Darling.
-clean the board and
asks students to -perform
perform it.


EVALUATION -Asks question -Answer to the

(2min) orally questions.

-Makes comments -Listen
on current mistakes. carefully.

-fills the record book
FILLING (2min)

-WARM DOWN -Strikes a song. -Sing


Card N° Date:
Teacher:Mr. ABA Duration:
Class: Form II Number of students:
Theme 7: At the Restaurant Sequence: 1
Lesson 18: At the reception

Recognize different dish and drinks at the reception: Receptionist, counter, bill, meal,
price, discount, cashier, starter, appetizers, main course, desserts, soft
drinks, cold/hot drink, to order a drink, to pay the bill, to book a room, to
check, balance.
Use -the grammar structures to express preferences:
-“would rather/had better” to express preferences or tastes
Identify - the names of different dish and drinks
- words and expressions that expressed quantity.
Distinguish -correct intonation of words and expression related to the reception
Understand -a simple oral message related to a payment in a restaurant
Competence: Deal with situations related to listening by means of simple language/
listening manipulation of language structure in a communication situation using simple

Learning situation: On Sunday, you and your father went at the restaurant “Bon Goût”. Your
father went at the reception; the receptionist gave him a list of the menu of the day. But he
can’t read.
1- Explain to your father what is written on the list
2- Tell him what he will do and what he shouldn’t do.
3- Complete this sentence of your father by using “would rather/had better:
Receptionist: Please, do you prefer cold drink or hot drink?
Father: I………………..drink cold drink.
List of the menu of the day
Starter (green salad) 1/2 dish………………………... 300FCFA
Main course (Roast chicken + Jollof rice)……………3500FCFA
Soft drink (malta, coca cola, sprit, cocktail,……… ) 350FCFA
Desserts (fruits)
NB: Pay the bill before eating
Smoking is not allowed.

Teaching strategies: individual/pair/rows/group works.

Stages/Timing Teacher’s role Learners’ Notes on the board Teaching
role materials
1- Greetings -greets students -answer Teacher,
(1min) -checks presence greetings students,
2- Roll call -each Ss presence
(2min) -says and writes answer the -Date list, Bb
the date roll call
3- date (1min) -gives a tune or -repeat the
asks Ss to give a date and take
Warm up: tune note in their
(2min) notebooks
Activity 1: I- - close their Vocabulary
Vocabulary PRESENTATIO books 1- Reception: n (def): a desk or a room of a
(the use of 3ps) N -listen restaurant or hotel where visitors are received.
(15min) T. presents the new carefully MS: There are many people at the reception.
items with the -repeat after 2- a receptionist: n (expl): a person (a
required the teacher secretary) who receive visitors or calls at a
techniques. restaurant/hotel.
MS: My sister is a receptionist at Rock Hotel.
II-PRACTICE 3- Starter n: (syn) = entreé/hors
T. listen to Practice with d’oeuvre/appetizer
students’ repetition the new MS: a small amount of food that is served
of the new items items (repeat before the main course of a meal is called
and note the as the starter.
mistakes teaching is 4- Main course (categorizing)
pronouncing) MS: Rice, pounded yams, jollof rice,
III- couscous…… are main course.
PRODUCTION 5- Derrerts (cognate): dessert
T. asks students to 6- Cold drink (exp) : (opp) ≠ hot drink
make their own Ss produce
sentences with the their own
new words sentences
under the
of the
Activity II I- Listen to Grammar: The use of would rather BB,
Grammar: The PRESENTATIO understand (preference) Lesson
use of “Would N 1- I like cold drink but today I would rather card,
rather(‘d Presents the drink hot drink. Students'
rather) (10min) grammar point on 2- My father like pounded yams but today he
the BB with would rather eat jollof rice.
concerning the use
of the new item.

-Listen to
II- PRACTICE understand
Asks students to in order to
choose the correct do the work.
form of the verb in
1- I’d rather …..to
dancing (went, go,
to go)
2- Koffi would
rather Malta
(drinks, drink, to

Asks students to
make their own
sentences with the
new item
Activity III copies the exercise Listen to I Soft But Drink Some
Speaking on the bb and asks instruction lik drinks today Eat beer
(10min) students to make carefully and e Appetizer I’d Starter
orally good do the work s rather Spaguetti
sentences choosing individually Pounded
words from the yams
EVALUATION Asks questions -answer
(2min) about the
vocabulary words
and the grammar
- What have we
learned today in
- what have we
learned today in
- What is our text

-Makes Take note
WORK (2min) comments on of the
recurrent comments

Writes the 1. Make two sentences with two vocabulary
HOMEWORK homework on the words of your choice.
(3min) board. 2. Make two sentences with: “would

Recalls the next

session, strikes a
WARM DOWN song and leaves
(3min) Sing.
Card N° X Date:
School: Y Duration:
Class: Form II Number of students:…B…G…
Theme 7: At the Restaurant
Teacher : Mr. ABA Sequence: 2
Lesson 18: At the reception

Recognize different dish and drinks at the reception: Receptionist, counter, bill, meal,
price, discount, cashier, starter, appetizers, main course, desserts, soft
drinks, cold/hot drink, to order a drink, to pay the bill, to book a room, to
check, balance.
Use -the grammar structures to express preferences:
-“would rather/had better” to express preferences or tastes
Identify - the names of different dish and drinks
- words and expressions that expressed quantity.
Distinguish -correct intonation of words and expression related to the reception
Understand -a simple oral message related to a payment in a restaurant
Competence: Deal with situations related to listening by means of simple language/
listening manipulation of language structure in a communication situation using simple

Teaching strategies: individual/pair/rows/group works.

Stages/Timing Teacher’s role Learners’ role Notes on the board Teaching
1- Greetings (1min) -greets students -answer greetings Teacher,
2- Roll call (2min) -checks presence -each Ss answer the roll students,
call presence
3- date (1min) -says and writes the -repeat the date and take -Date list, Bb
date note in their notebooks
Warm up: (2min) -gives a tune or asks Ss -sing
to give a tune
Revision/ homework
correction (2min)
Activity 1: I- PRESENTATION - close their books Vocabulary
Vocabulary (the use T. presents the new -listen carefully 1- Soft drink
of 3ps) (15min) items with the required -repeat after the teacher (categorizing)
techniques. MS: Malta, coca cola,
sprit, cocktail,
II-PRACTICE pompom, are soft
T. listen to students’ Practice with the new drink.
repetition of the new items (repeat as the 2- to order a drink
items and note the teaching is pronouncing) (exp)
mistakes MS: parents order soft
drink for their children
III- PRODUCTION during the Christmas
T. asks students to Ss produce their own day.
make their own sentences under the 3- a bill(n):
sentences with the new supervision of the explanation
words teacher. MS: a piece of paper
that shows how much
you have to pay for the
food and drinks in a
restaurant is a bill.
4- to pay a bill (exp)
MS: My father paid
the bill to the cashier
before leaving the
5- Cashier (n): (def): a
person who receive and
pay out money in a
restaurant, hotel.
MS: My sister is a
cashier at restaurant
“bon gout”. She takes
money from the
6- price(n)
MS: The price of soft
drink is 350fcfa.
Activity II I-PRESENTATION Listen to understand Grammar: The use of BB,
Grammar: The use Presents the grammar had better Lesson
of “Had better (‘d point on the BB with 1- The main course is card,
better) (10min) explanations finished, the waiter had Students'
concerning the use of better cook.
the new item. 2- Soft drinks are
finished, I’d better
order some beer.

Asks students to -Listen to understand in
correct the verbs in order to do the work.
1- This restaurant is
very expensive, I’d
(went) to a cheap one
2- the starter is not
sweet, I’d better (eaten)
the main course
3- Ami is sick,

asks students to make
their own sentences
with the new item

Activity III records a conversation

listening (10min) between a receptionist
and a customer in a
restaurant -listen to the audio
- plays the audio carefully
-asks questions - answer question

EVALUATION asks questions about -answer
(2min) the vocabulary words
and the grammar
- what have we
learned today I
- what have we
learned today in
- what is our text

(2min) -makes comments on take note of the
recurrent mistakes comments
writes the homework Homework
on the board. 1. Make two
sentences with two
vocabulary words of
your choice.
2. Make two
sentences with: " had
recalls the next better”.
session, strikes a song
and leaves

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