Present Tense Regular
Present Tense Regular
Present Tense Regular
With regular verbs in Spanish, only the ending part of that verb (the -ar, -er or -ir part) changes
depending on who does the action. However, unlike English, there is a different ending for each
subject (pronoun).
To begin, we will show you how to conjugate the verb in the present tense:
(Notice how the part of the verb in red is the part that changes)
In these regular verbs, the verb endings -ar, -er and -ir are removed and the respective endings
are added.
The subject pronoun (yo, tú, nosotros etc.) is often omitted before the verb since we normally
know who the subject (the person doing the action) is because of the verb's ending.
For example: If you say "Hablamos español" (we speak Spanish). You don't need to put the
pronoun nosotros before the verb because we know that when we say hablamos, it refers
to nosotros (we). So often you will hear or just read "Hablamos español" without the
pronoun nosotros.
When do we use the Spanish Present Tense?
The Spanish present tense can be used to talk about habitual actions, routines, things
happening now or in the near future, universal truths, facts, hypotheticals, lapses of time, and
for ordering in restaurants and stores. Read on for more on each of these uses.
1. Habitual Actions
Habitual actions are activities that a person does every day (or very often) . Daily routines,
responsibilities, hobbies, and jobs can be talked about using the present tense.
Me levanto a las seis y media cada
I get up at six thirty every morning.
¿Qué haces?
What are you doing?
Limpio la cocina.
I'm cleaning the kitchen.
3. Things Happening in the Near Future
The Spanish present tense can also be used to talk about things that will happen in the near
Voy al parque. ¿Vienes?
I'm going to the park. Want to come?
El hombre es mortal.
Mankind is mortal.
5. Hypothetical Situations
When used with the conjunction si (if), the present tense can express hypothetical situations
and outcomes.
Si llega Marcos, salgo.
If Marcos comes, I'm out.
Write the correct forms of the following regular verbs in brackets in the present tense.
1. Tú (conversar)_________ poco.
Write the correct forms of the following regular verbs in brackets in the present tense.
11. _______________ (abrir, nosotros) las ventanas para crear una corriente de aire.