FRAM Unit 1 Part 2
FRAM Unit 1 Part 2
FRAM Unit 1 Part 2
• Advantage
• pooling of the resources that each individual partner may be able to
• Includes contributions such as financial resources, technical skill, and
management expertise.
• Disadvantage
• Partners are jointly and severally liable for debts of the partnership,
therefore each partner responsible for the actions of all other partners.
Close corporation
• Some financial managers also feel that financial planning is also part of
their role
Investor opportunities
• The capital markets consist of the primary market and the secondary
• primary markets → new shares and bonds issues are sold to investors.
• secondary markets → existing securities (or shares) are sold and
bought from one investor to another
The money market
• money market is the global financial market for short-term borrowing and
• provides short-term liquidity funding for the global financial system
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is applied to the financial statements of a
public company to supply standardized company financial information to the public. This information,
together with any other relevant information, is used by investors to place a value on the shares of the
company. Accounting information has many limitations, particularly regarding its historic or ex post
perspective. Moreover, accounting practices are designed to standardise reporting procedures rather
than to reflect economic reality.
Many of the analyses performed by financial managers require knowledge of statistics and, in some
instances, of operations research techniques. In the analyses of risk and return, for example,
knowledge of descriptive statistics is required.